Example #1
BOOL CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* /*pExtra*/, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* /*pHandlerInfo*/)
	TRACE("CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg {%s}\n", GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName);
	if (_ProcessMessage(_Check, NULL, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(nID, nCode), 0))
		TRACE("  ProcessMessage{%s}\n", GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName);
		_ProcessMessage(_Command, NULL, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(nID, nCode), 0);
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Example #2
BOOL CWnd::SubclassWindow(HWND hWnd)
	if (!Attach(hWnd))
		return FALSE;

	// allow any other subclassing to occur

	// now hook into the AFX WndProc
	WNDPROC* lplpfn = GetSuperWndProcAddr();
	WNDPROC oldWndProc = (WNDPROC)::SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC,
	ASSERT(oldWndProc != (WNDPROC)AfxGetAfxWndProc);

	if (*lplpfn == NULL)
		*lplpfn = oldWndProc;   // the first control of that type created
#ifdef _DEBUG
	else if (*lplpfn != oldWndProc)
		TRACE0("Error: Trying to use SubclassWindow with incorrect CWnd\n");
		TRACE0("\tderived class.\n");
		TRACE3("\thWnd = $%04X (nIDC=$%04X) is not a %hs.\n", (UINT)hWnd,
			_AfxGetDlgCtrlID(hWnd), GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName);
		// undo the subclassing if continuing after assert
		::SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (DWORD)oldWndProc);

	return TRUE;
HRESULT CBaseMatchWnd::GetGenericView(IGenericView** ppView)
	if ( m_pMatches == NULL ) return S_FALSE;
	CRuntimeClass* pClass = GetRuntimeClass();
	*ppView = CMatchListView::Attach( CString( pClass->m_lpszClassName ), m_pMatches );
	return S_OK;
Example #4
BOOL PathProcessorStrokeVector::IsDifferent(PathProcessorStroke *pOther)
	ERROR3IF(pOther == NULL, "Illegal NULL param");

	if (GetRuntimeClass() != pOther->GetRuntimeClass())

	// We're different if we use different stroke definitions
	return(StrokeID != ((PathProcessorStrokeVector *)pOther)->StrokeID);
Example #5
bool CObject::IsKindOf (const CRuntimeClass * pClass)  const
    CRuntimeClass * pClassThis = GetRuntimeClass ();
    while (pClassThis) {
        if (pClassThis == pClass)   
            return true;

        pClassThis = pClassThis->m_pBaseClass;

    return  false;
Example #6
BOOL CObject::IsKindOf(const CRuntimeClass* pClass)const
	CRuntimeClass* pClassThis = GetRuntimeClass();
	while(NULL != pClassThis)
		if (pClassThis == pClass)
			return TRUE;
		pClassThis = pClassThis->m_pBaseClass;
	return FALSE;
Example #7

>	BitmapExportOptions *MakeBitmapExportOptions::MakeCopy()

	Author:		Neville_Humphrys (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**> from Stefan code
	Created:	2/7/97
	Purpose:	Makes a copy object of this object
	See Also:	BitmapExportOptions::CopyFrom(); BitmapExportOptions::MakeCopy();

BitmapExportOptions *MakeBitmapExportOptions::MakeCopy()
	// Get the runtime class info on this object
	CCRuntimeClass *pCCRuntimeClass = GetRuntimeClass();

	// Create another object of the same type
	MakeBitmapExportOptions *temp = (MakeBitmapExportOptions *) pCCRuntimeClass->CreateObject();

	if (temp != NULL)
		temp->CopyFrom(this); // copy the contents accross
	return temp;
Example #8
BOOL NodeAttribute::IsDifferent(Node *pOther)
	// First, check with the base class - this checks the classes are the same type
	if (NodeRenderable::IsDifferent(pOther))

	ERROR3IF(GetRuntimeClass() != pOther->GetRuntimeClass(),
			"Node::IsDifferent base class method seems to have been broken");

	// Check if different using the operator== which is defined from NodeAttribute onwards
	if (*this == *((NodeAttribute *)pOther) )

Example #9
BOOL CDialog::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra,
	if (CWnd::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo))
		return TRUE;

	if ((nCode != CN_COMMAND && nCode != CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI) ||
			!IS_COMMAND_ID(nID) || nID >= 0xf000)
		// control notification or non-command button or system command
		return FALSE;       // not routed any further

	// if we have an owner window, give it second crack
	CWnd* pOwner = GetParent();
	if (pOwner != NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
		if (afxTraceFlags & traceCmdRouting)
			TRACE1("Routing command id 0x%04X to owner window.\n", nID);
		ASSERT(pOwner != this);
		if (pOwner->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo))
			return TRUE;

	// last crack goes to the current CWinThread object
	CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();
	if (pThread != NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
		if (afxTraceFlags & traceCmdRouting)
			TRACE1("Routing command id 0x%04X to app.\n", nID);
		if (pThread->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo))
			return TRUE;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	if (afxTraceFlags & traceCmdRouting)
		TRACE2("IGNORING command id 0x%04X sent to %hs dialog.\n", nID,
	return FALSE;
Example #10
BOOL PathProcessorStrokeAirbrush::IsDifferent(PathProcessorStroke *pOther)
	ERROR3IF(pOther == NULL, "Illegal NULL param");

	if (GetRuntimeClass() != pOther->GetRuntimeClass())

	PathProcessorStrokeAirbrush *pOtherAir = (PathProcessorStrokeAirbrush *)pOther;

	ValueFunction *pMyFunc	  = GetIntensityFunction();
	ValueFunction *pOtherFunc = pOtherAir->GetIntensityFunction();
	if (pMyFunc == NULL || pOtherFunc == NULL)

	// We're the same if we share the same intensity function
Example #11
BOOL CChildWnd::SaveState(LPCTSTR pszName)
	if ( m_bTabMode && m_pGroupParent == NULL )
		CString strName = ( pszName != NULL ) ? CString( pszName ) : CString( GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName );
		strName += _T(".Splitter");
		theApp.WriteProfileInt( _T("Windows"), strName, (int)( m_nGroupSize * 1000 ) );
		return TRUE;

	if ( ! m_bPanelMode )
		Settings.SaveWindow( pszName, this );
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Example #12
// This hack is necessary because the menu ID is a member of the class.
// MFC message maps need the IDs to be global.
BOOL CDocTemplateEx::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo)
	// determine the message number and code (packed into nCode)
	UINT nMsg = 0;
	int nCod = nCode;

		nMsg = HIWORD(nCod);
		nCod = LOWORD(nCod);

	// for backward compatibility HIWORD(nCode)==0 is WM_COMMAND
	if (nMsg == 0)
		nMsg = WM_COMMAND;

	if ((nCod==CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI) && (nID>=m_nMenuId) && (nID<=m_nMenuId+MRU_RANGE))	
		BOOL bResult = TRUE; // default is ok
		ASSERT(pExtra != NULL);
		CCmdUI* pCmdUI = (CCmdUI*)pExtra;
		ASSERT(!pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting);    // idle - not set
		bResult = !pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting;
		pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting = FALSE;     // go back to idle
		return bResult;

	if ((nMsg==WM_COMMAND) && (nCod==CN_COMMAND) && (nID>=m_nMenuId) && (nID<=m_nMenuId+MRU_RANGE))	

#ifdef _DEBUG
			if (afxTraceFlags & traceCmdRouting)
				TRACE2("SENDING command id 0x%04X to %hs target.\n", nID,
#endif //_DEBUG

		return OnOpenRecentFile(nID);

	return CMultiDocTemplate::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
CRichSettingsPage::CRichSettingsPage(LPCTSTR pszName) : CSettingsPage(CRichSettingsPage::IDD)
	if ( pszName == NULL )
		m_sName = GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName;
		m_sName = pszName;
	m_pDocument = NULL;
	if ( CXMLElement* pXML = Skin.GetDocument( m_sName ) )
		m_sCaption = pXML->GetAttributeValue( _T("title"), m_sName );
		m_pDocument = new CRichDocument();
		m_pDocument->CreateFonts( theApp.m_sDefaultFont, theApp.m_nDefaultFontSize );
		m_pDocument->m_crBackground = CCoolInterface::GetDialogBkColor();
		m_pDocument->LoadXML( pXML );
Example #14
BOOL CChildWnd::LoadState(LPCTSTR pszName, BOOL bDefaultMaximise)
	CRect rcParent, rcChild;
	GetParent()->GetClientRect( &rcParent );

	if ( ! m_bPanelMode && Settings.LoadWindow( pszName, this ) )
		if ( rcParent.Width() > 64 && rcParent.Height() > 32 )
			GetWindowRect( &rcChild );
			GetParent()->ScreenToClient( &rcChild );

			if ( rcChild.right > rcParent.right || rcChild.bottom > rcParent.bottom )
				rcChild.right	= min( rcChild.right, rcParent.right );
				rcChild.bottom	= min( rcChild.bottom, rcParent.bottom );
				MoveWindow( &rcChild );


		return TRUE;

	if ( m_bPanelMode || bDefaultMaximise )		// Was m_bGroupMode
		if ( m_bTabMode )
			CString strClassName( GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName );
			CString strName( pszName ? pszName : (LPCTSTR)strClassName );
			m_nGroupSize = (float)theApp.GetProfileInt( _T("Windows"), strName + _T(".Splitter"), 500 ) / 1000;

		if ( rcParent.Width() > 64 && rcParent.Height() > 32 )
			MoveWindow( &rcParent );


	return FALSE;
Example #15
void CSettingsPage::OnSkinChange()
	if ( ! IsWindow( GetSafeHwnd() ) )
		return;		// No created page yet

	if ( m_sName.IsEmpty() )
		m_sName = GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName;

	SetWindowText( m_sCaption );

	Skin.Apply( m_sName, this, 0, &m_wndToolTip );

	if ( Images.m_bmDialog.m_hObject )
		CDC* pDC = GetDC();
		CRect rc;
		GetClientRect( &rc );
		CoolInterface.DrawWatermark( pDC, &rc, &Images.m_bmDialog );

	// Fix Checkbox/Groupbox color skinning if needed (remove modern Windows theming)

	CoolInterface.FixThemeControls( this );		// Checkbox/Groupbox text colors (Remove theme if needed)

// Moved to CCoolInterface::FixTheme:
//	const BOOL bThemed =
//		GetRValue( Colors.m_crDialogText ) < 100 &&
//		GetGValue( Colors.m_crDialogText ) < 100 &&
//		GetBValue( Colors.m_crDialogText ) < 100;
//	for ( CWnd* pWnd = GetWindow( GW_CHILD ); pWnd; pWnd = pWnd->GetNextWindow() )
//	{
//		TCHAR szName[8];
//		GetClassName( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), szName, 8 );			// Alt detection method for exceptions
//		if ( _tcsnicmp( szName, _P( L"Button" ) ) == 0 &&
//			 ( pWnd->GetStyle() & BS_CHECKBOX ) || ( ( pWnd->GetStyle() & BS_GROUPBOX ) && pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_STATIC ) )
//			CCoolInterface::EnableTheme( pWnd, bThemed );
//	}
Example #16
void CChatWnd::OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point)
    Skin.TrackPopupMenu( CString( GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName ), point );
Example #17
void CChatWnd::OnSkinChange()

    Skin.CreateToolBar( CString( GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName ), &m_wndToolBar );