Example #1
void HDF5Output::flush() const {
	hsize_t n = buffer.size();

	if (n == 0)

	hid_t file_space = H5Dget_space(dset);
	hsize_t count = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(file_space);

	// resize dataset
	hsize_t new_size[RANK] = {count + n};
	H5Dset_extent(dset, new_size);

	// get updated filespace
	file_space = H5Dget_space(dset);

	hsize_t offset[RANK] = {count};
	hsize_t cnt[RANK] = {n};

	H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, cnt, NULL);
	hid_t mspace_id = H5Screate_simple(RANK, cnt, NULL);

	H5Dwrite(dset, sid, mspace_id, file_space, H5P_DEFAULT, buffer.data());


// JRC: This fat interface may not scale?  What about
// scalar attributes?
herr_t VsH5Attribute::getDoubleVectorValue(std::vector<double>* dvals) {
  herr_t err = 0;
  size_t npoints;
  hid_t atype = H5Aget_type(getId());
  H5T_class_t type = H5Tget_class(atype);
  hid_t aspace = H5Aget_space(getId());
  size_t rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(aspace);

  if (type != H5T_FLOAT) {
    VsLog::warningLog() <<"VsH5Attribute::getDoubleVectorValue() - Requested attribute " <<getShortName()
         <<" is not a floating point vector." <<std::endl;
    return -1;
  if (rank == 0) {
    double v;
    err = H5Aread(getId(), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &v);
    (*dvals)[0] = v;
    return err;
  // rank>0
  npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(aspace);
  double* v = new double[npoints];
  err = H5Aread(getId(), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, v);
  for (size_t i = 0; i<npoints; ++i) {
    (*dvals)[i] = v[i];
  delete [] v;
  return err;
void read_hdf(const std::string &filename, double* &data, int &m_rows, int &m_cols){

    hid_t file_id, dataset_id, space_id, property_id; 
    herr_t status;

    //Create a new file using the default properties.
    file_id = H5Fopen (filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "x", H5P_DEFAULT);
    space_id = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
    int length = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(space_id);
    hsize_t  dims[2];
    hsize_t  mdims[2];
    status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space_id,dims,mdims);
    m_rows = dims[0];
    m_cols = dims[1];
    data = new double[length];
    status = H5Dread(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
                H5P_DEFAULT, data);

    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
    status = H5Fclose(file_id);

Example #4
   Append a vector to a specified dataset and return the error status
   of the write operation. */
herr_t HDF5DataWriter::appendToDataset(hid_t dataset_id, const vector< double >& data)
    herr_t status;
    if (dataset_id < 0){
        return -1;
    hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
    if (filespace < 0){
        return -1;
    if (data.size() == 0){
        return 0;
    hsize_t size = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(filespace) + data.size();
    status = H5Dset_extent(dataset_id, &size);
    if (status < 0){
        return status;
    filespace = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
    hsize_t size_increment = data.size();
    hid_t memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &size_increment, NULL);
    hsize_t start = size - data.size();
    H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, &start, NULL, &size_increment, NULL);
    status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, memspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, &data[0]);
    return status;
Example #5
Matrix read_hdf(const std::string &filename){

    hid_t file_id, dataset_id, space_id, property_id; 
    herr_t status;

    //Create a new file using the default properties.
    file_id = H5Fopen (filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "x", H5P_DEFAULT);
    space_id = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
    int length = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(space_id);
    hsize_t  dims[2];
    hsize_t  mdims[2];
    status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space_id,dims,mdims);
    Matrix tmp(dims[0],dims[1]);

    status = H5Dread(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
                H5P_DEFAULT, tmp.ptr());

    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
    status = H5Fclose(file_id);

    // std::cout << tmp.ptr() << std::endl;
    return tmp;

Example #6
nh5sget_simple_extent_npoints_c ( hid_t_f *space_id , hsize_t_f *npoints )
  int ret_value = 0;
  hid_t c_space_id;
  hsize_t c_npoints;

  c_space_id = *space_id;
  c_npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(c_space_id);
  if ( c_npoints == 0  ) ret_value = -1;
  *npoints = (hsize_t_f)c_npoints;
  return ret_value;
Example #7
ReadStringsT( hid_t iParent,
              const std::string &iAttrName,
              size_t iNumStrings,
              StringT *oStrings )
    ABCA_ASSERT( iParent >= 0, "Invalid parent in ReadStringsT" );

    // Open the attribute.
    hid_t attrId = H5Aopen( iParent, iAttrName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
    ABCA_ASSERT( attrId >= 0,
                 "Couldn't open attribute named: " << iAttrName );
    AttrCloser attrCloser( attrId );

    // Checking code.
        hid_t attrFtype = H5Aget_type( attrId );
        DtypeCloser dtypeCloser( attrFtype );

        hid_t nativeDtype = GetNativeDtype<CharT>();
        ABCA_ASSERT( H5Tget_class( attrFtype ) ==
                     H5Tget_class( nativeDtype ) &&

                     H5Tget_sign( attrFtype ) ==
                     H5Tget_sign( nativeDtype ),

                     "Invalid datatype for stringT" );

    hid_t attrSpace = H5Aget_space( attrId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( attrSpace >= 0,
                 "Couldn't get dataspace for attribute: " << iAttrName );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( attrSpace );

    hssize_t numPoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( attrSpace );
    ABCA_ASSERT( numPoints > 0,
                 "Degenerate string dimensions in ReadStringsT" );

    // Create temporary char storage buffer.
    std::vector<CharT> charStorage( ( size_t )( 1 + numPoints ),
                                    ( CharT )0 );

    // Read into it.
    herr_t status = H5Aread( attrId, GetNativeDtype<CharT>(),
                             ( void * )&charStorage.front() );
    ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0, "Couldn't read from attribute: " << iAttrName );

    // Extract 'em.
    ExtractStrings( oStrings, ( const CharT * )&charStorage.front(),
                    1 + numPoints, iNumStrings );
Example #8
ReadTimeSamples( hid_t iParent,
                 std::vector <  AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr > & oTimeSamples )
    // add the intrinsic default sampling
    AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr ts( new AbcA::TimeSampling() );
    oTimeSamples.push_back( ts );

    uint32_t i = 1;
    AbcA::TimeSamplingType tst;
    std::string tstname = "1";

    // keep trying to read till we can't find anymore
    while ( ReadTimeSamplingType( iParent, tstname, tst ) )
        // try to open the time samples attribute
        std::string timeName = tstname + ".time";
        hid_t aid = H5Aopen( iParent, timeName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
        ABCA_ASSERT( aid >= 0,
                     "Couldn't open time samples named: " << timeName );
        AttrCloser attrCloser( aid );

        // figure out how big it is
        hid_t sid = H5Aget_space( aid );
        ABCA_ASSERT( sid >= 0,
                     "Couldn't get dataspace for time samples: " << timeName );
        DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( sid );

        hssize_t numPoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( sid );
        ABCA_ASSERT( numPoints > 0, "No time samples data: " << timeName );
        std::vector < chrono_t > times(numPoints);

        // do the read
        herr_t status = H5Aread( aid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &(times.front()) );
        ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0, "Can't read time samples: " << timeName );

        // create the TimeSampling and add it to our vector
        ts.reset( new AbcA::TimeSampling(tst, times) );
        oTimeSamples.push_back( ts );

        // increment to try and read the next one
        std::stringstream strm;
        strm << i;
        tstname = strm.str();
int main(int argc, char ** argv)

    if(argc < 2){
        std::cout << "please specify a file" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    std::string filename = argv[1];
    herr_t status;

    //Create a new file using the default properties.
    hid_t file_id = H5Fopen (filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
    hid_t dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "DATASET", H5P_DEFAULT);
    hid_t space_id = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
    int length = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(space_id);

    hsize_t  dims[2];
    hsize_t  mdims[2];
    status = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space_id,dims,mdims);
    int m_rows = dims[0];
    int m_cols = dims[1];
    double * data = new double[m_rows*m_cols];
    status = H5Dread(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data);

    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
    status = H5Fclose(file_id);

    // Print to screen
    for(int r=0; r<m_rows; ++r){
        for(int c=0; c<m_cols; ++c){
            std::cout << std::setfill (' ') << std::setw (8);
            std::cout << data[c + r*m_cols];
        std::cout << std::endl;

    delete [] data;

    return 0;
Example #10
	// Extract information from HDF5 file
	void get_data(std::string data_path, std::string dataset_name, std::vector<double> &data_out){

		//  Declare variables 
		const char *fname = data_path.c_str();
		hid_t  file_id , dataset_id , dataspace_id , file_dataspace_id;
		hsize_t* dims;
		hssize_t  num_elem;
		int rank;
		int ndims;

		// Open  existing  HDF5  file 
		file_id = H5Fopen(fname , H5F_ACC_RDONLY , H5P_DEFAULT);

		// Open  existing  dataset
		dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id , dataset_name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);

		//  Determine  dataset  parameters
		file_dataspace_id = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);
		rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(file_dataspace_id);
		dims = (hsize_t*)  malloc(rank *sizeof(hsize_t));
		ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_dataspace_id, dims, NULL);
		//std::cout << "rank: " << std::to_string(rank) << std::endl;

		// Allocate  matrix
		num_elem = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(file_dataspace_id);
		std::vector<double> data_out_tmp(num_elem);
		// = (double*)malloc(num_elem *sizeof(double));
		//std::cout << "num_elem: " << std::to_string(num_elem) << std::endl;

		// Create  dataspace
		dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(rank , dims , NULL);

		// Read  matrix  data  from  file 
		H5Dread(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace_id, file_dataspace_id , H5P_DEFAULT , &data_out_tmp[0]);
		data_out = data_out_tmp;
		//  Release  resources  and  close  file 
// JRC: This fat interface may not scale?  What about
// scalar attributes?
herr_t VsH5Attribute::getIntVectorValue(std::vector<int>* ivals) {
  herr_t err;
  size_t npoints;
  hid_t atype = H5Aget_type(getId());
  H5T_class_t type = H5Tget_class(atype);
  hid_t aspace = H5Aget_space(getId());
  size_t rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(aspace);

  if (type != H5T_INTEGER) {
    VsLog::warningLog() <<"VsH5Attribute::getIntVectorValue() - Requested attribute " <<getShortName()
        <<" is not an integer vector." <<std::endl;
     return -1;
  if (rank == 0) {
    int v;
    // err = H5Aread(id, atype, &v);
    err = H5Aread(getId(), H5T_NATIVE_INT, &v);
    (*ivals)[0] = v;
    return err;
  // rank>0
  npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(aspace);
  int* v = new int[npoints];
  err = H5Aread(getId(), H5T_NATIVE_INT, v);
  for (size_t i = 0; i<npoints; ++i) {
    (*ivals)[i] = v[i];
  delete [] v;
  return err;
void read(const std::string &filename, std::vector<int> &data)
	hid_t file_id, dataset_id, space_id; 
	herr_t status;
	file_id = H5Fopen(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
	dataset_id = H5Dopen(file_id, "DATASET", H5P_DEFAULT);
	space_id = H5Dget_space(dataset_id);

	int length = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(space_id);
	int  * image = new int[length];
	status = H5Dread(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, image);

	// Copy back to vector
	for(int i=0; i<length; ++i){
		data[i] = image[i];
	delete [] image;
	status = H5Sclose(space_id);
	status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
	status = H5Fclose(file_id);
herr_t H5IMget_palette_info( hid_t loc_id,
                            const char *image_name,
                            int pal_number,
                            hsize_t *pal_dims )
    hid_t      did;
    int        has_pal;
    hid_t      atid=-1;
    hid_t      aid;
    hid_t      asid=-1;
    hssize_t   n_refs;
    hsize_t    dim_ref;
    hobj_ref_t *refbuf;     /* buffer to read references */
    hid_t      pal_id;
    hid_t      pal_space_id;
    hsize_t    pal_maxdims[2];

    /* check the arguments */
    if (image_name == NULL) 
      return -1;

    /* Open the dataset. */
    if((did = H5Dopen2(loc_id, image_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Try to find the attribute "PALETTE" on the >>image<< dataset */
    has_pal = H5IM_find_palette(did);

    if(has_pal ==  1)
        if((aid = H5Aopen(did, "PALETTE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((atid = H5Aget_type(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if(H5Tget_class(atid) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Get the reference(s) */
        if((asid = H5Aget_space(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        n_refs = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(asid);

        dim_ref = (hsize_t)n_refs;

        refbuf = (hobj_ref_t*)HDmalloc( sizeof(hobj_ref_t) * (size_t)dim_ref );

        if ( H5Aread( aid, atid, refbuf ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Get the actual palette */
        if ( (pal_id = H5Rdereference( did, H5R_OBJECT, &refbuf[pal_number] )) < 0)
            goto out;

        if ( (pal_space_id = H5Dget_space( pal_id )) < 0)
            goto out;

        if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( pal_space_id ) < 0)
            goto out;

        if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( pal_space_id, pal_dims, pal_maxdims ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* close */
        if (H5Dclose(pal_id)<0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Sclose( pal_space_id ) < 0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Sclose( asid ) < 0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Tclose( atid ) < 0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Aclose( aid ) < 0)
            goto out;
        HDfree( refbuf );


    /* Close the image dataset. */
    if ( H5Dclose( did ) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

    H5Dclose( did );
    H5Sclose( asid );
    H5Tclose( atid );
    H5Aclose( aid );
    return -1;

Example #14
 * Function: H5IM_get_palette
 * Purpose: private function that reads a palette to memory type TID
 * Return: Success: 0, Failure: -1
 * Programmer: Pedro Vicente Nunes, [email protected]
 * Date: May 10, 2005
 * Comments:
 *  This function allows reading of an 8bit palette from disk disk
 *   to memory type TID
 *  The memory datatype can be H5T_NATIVE_INT or H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR currently.
 *   the H5T_NATIVE_INT is supposed to be called from
 *   the FORTRAN interface where the image buffer is defined as type "integer"
 * Comments:
 *  based on HDF5 Image and Palette Specification
 *  http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/H5Image/ImageSpec.html
 * Modifications:
herr_t H5IM_get_palette(hid_t loc_id,
                         const char *image_name,
                         int pal_number,
                         hid_t tid,
                         void *pal_data)
 hid_t      image_id;
 int        has_pal;
 hid_t      attr_type;
 hid_t      attr_id;
 hid_t      attr_space_id;
 hid_t      attr_class;
 hssize_t   n_refs;
 hsize_t    dim_ref;
 hobj_ref_t *refbuf;     /* buffer to read references */
 hid_t      pal_id;

 /* Open the dataset. */
 if((image_id = H5Dopen2(loc_id, image_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
  return -1;

 /* Try to find the attribute "PALETTE" on the >>image<< dataset */
 has_pal = H5IM_find_palette(image_id);

 if(has_pal ==  1)

  if((attr_id = H5Aopen(image_id, "PALETTE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
   goto out;

  if((attr_type = H5Aget_type(attr_id)) < 0)
   goto out;

  if((attr_class = H5Tget_class(attr_type)) < 0)
   goto out;

  /* Check if it is really a reference */
  if(attr_class == H5T_REFERENCE)

   /* Get the reference(s) */
   if((attr_space_id = H5Aget_space(attr_id)) < 0)
    goto out;

   n_refs = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(attr_space_id);

   dim_ref = n_refs;

   refbuf = malloc(sizeof(hobj_ref_t) * (int)dim_ref);

   if(H5Aread(attr_id, attr_type, refbuf) < 0)
    goto out;

   /* Get the palette id */
   if((pal_id = H5Rdereference(image_id, H5R_OBJECT, &refbuf[pal_number])) < 0)
    goto out;

   /* Read the palette dataset using the memory type TID */
   if(H5Dread(pal_id, tid, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, pal_data) < 0)
    goto out;

   if(H5Sclose(attr_space_id) < 0)
    goto out;

   /* close the dereferenced dataset */
   if(H5Dclose(pal_id) < 0)
    goto out;


  } /* H5T_REFERENCE */

  if(H5Tclose(attr_type) < 0)
   goto out;

  /* Close the attribute. */
  if(H5Aclose(attr_id) < 0)
   goto out;


 /* Close the image dataset. */
 if(H5Dclose(image_id) < 0)
  return -1;

 return 0;

 return -1;

Example #15
File: H5IM.c Project: Andy-Sun/VTK
herr_t H5IMget_palette( hid_t loc_id,
                       const char *image_name,
                       int pal_number,
                       unsigned char *pal_data )
    hid_t      did;
    int        has_pal;
    hid_t      atid=-1;
    hid_t      aid;
    hid_t      asid=-1;
    hssize_t   n_refs;
    hsize_t    dim_ref;
    hobj_ref_t *refbuf;     /* buffer to read references */
    hid_t      pal_id;

    /* Open the dataset. */
    if((did = H5Dopen2(loc_id, image_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Try to find the attribute "PALETTE" on the >>image<< dataset */
    has_pal = H5IM_find_palette(did);

    if(has_pal ==  1 )
        if((aid = H5Aopen(did, "PALETTE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((atid = H5Aget_type(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if(H5Tget_class(atid) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Get the reference(s) */
        if((asid = H5Aget_space(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        n_refs = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(asid);

        dim_ref = n_refs;

        refbuf = (hobj_ref_t*)malloc( sizeof(hobj_ref_t) * (int)dim_ref );

        if ( H5Aread( aid, atid, refbuf ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Get the palette id */
        if ( (pal_id = H5Rdereference( did, H5R_OBJECT, &refbuf[pal_number] )) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Read the palette dataset */
        if ( H5Dread( pal_id, H5Dget_type(pal_id), H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, pal_data ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* close */
        if (H5Dclose(pal_id)<0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Sclose( asid ) < 0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Tclose( atid ) < 0)
            goto out;
        if ( H5Aclose( aid ) < 0)
            goto out;
        free( refbuf );

    /* Close the image dataset. */
    if ( H5Dclose( did ) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

    H5Dclose( did );
    H5Sclose( asid );
    H5Tclose( atid );
    H5Aclose( aid );
    return -1;

Example #16
Read noise correlations from a file into a noise object.
Only read noise related to channels which are in the noise object's map,
so be sure to call SetChannelIndex before reading correlations into it.
void ReadNoiseCorrelations(std::string filename, NoiseCorrelations& noise)
  hid_t fileID = H5Fopen(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);

  // Verify this is version 1.
    unsigned char version;
    hid_t attID = H5Aopen(fileID, "version", H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5Aread(attID, H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR, reinterpret_cast<void*>(version));
    assert(version == 1);

  // I have one index for the in-memory noise matrices; build another for the file.
  MapIndexHandler<unsigned char> FileChannelMap = HDF5Helper::ReadMapFromAttribute(fileID, "channel_list");
  for(size_t i = 0; i < noise.GetNoiseBlockIndex().MaxIndex(); i++) {
    // Verify that the file has correlation information for every channel we're requesting.
  NoiseCorrelations::NoiseBlockIndexT FileBlockIndex(RangeIndexHandler<unsigned char>(0, 2),

  // Retrieve the actual noise information.
  std::vector<double> PackedArray;
  for(size_t f = 0; f < 1024; f++) {
    NoiseMatrix& mat = noise.GetMatrixForIndex(f);
    const NoiseCorrelations::NoiseBlockIndexT& NoiseBlockIndex = noise.GetNoiseBlockIndex();
    assert(NoiseBlockIndex.MaxIndex() % 2 == 0 and NoiseBlockIndex.MaxIndex() > 0);

    // Create the name for this dataset.
    std::ostringstream strstream;
    strstream << "/noise_corr_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << f;
    std::string dataset_name = strstream.str();

    // Get data from file.
    hid_t datasetID = H5Dopen2(fileID, dataset_name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
    hid_t dataspaceID = H5Dget_space(datasetID);
    size_t PackedSize = ExpectedPackedSize(f, FileBlockIndex.MaxIndex());
    assert(PackedSize == H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(dataspaceID));

    // Fill noise matrix from packed array.
    for(size_t i = 0; i < NoiseBlockIndex.MaxIndex(); i++) {
      size_t rowInFile = FileBlockIndex.IndexForKey(NoiseBlockIndex.KeyForIndex(i));
      for(size_t j = i; j < NoiseBlockIndex.MaxIndex(); j++) {
        size_t colInFile = FileBlockIndex.IndexForKey(NoiseBlockIndex.KeyForIndex(j));

        std::pair<size_t, bool> packed_loc = PackedArrayIndexFor(f, rowInFile, colInFile, FileBlockIndex);
        if(packed_loc.first == size_t(-1)) mat.GetCorrByIndex(i, j) = 0;

        else {
          assert(packed_loc.first < PackedArray.size());
          if(packed_loc.second) mat.GetCorrByIndex(i, j) = -PackedArray[packed_loc.first];
          else mat.GetCorrByIndex(i, j) = PackedArray[packed_loc.first];

    // Release HDF5 file resources.

  assert(H5Fget_obj_count(fileID, H5F_OBJ_ALL) == 1); // The file should be the only object left.
ArImpl::ArImpl( const std::string &iFileName,
                AbcA::ReadArraySampleCachePtr iCache,
                const bool iCacheHierarchy )
  : m_fileName( iFileName )
  , m_file( -1 )
  , m_readArraySampleCache( iCache )
    htri_t exi = H5Fis_hdf5( m_fileName.c_str() );
    ABCA_ASSERT( exi == 1, "Nonexistent or not an Alembic file: "
        << m_fileName );

    m_file = H5Fopen( m_fileName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT );
    ABCA_ASSERT( m_file >= 0,
                 "Could not open file: " << m_fileName );

    // get the version using HDF5 native calls
    int version = -INT_MAX;
    if (H5Aexists(m_file, "abc_version"))
        size_t numRead = 0;
        ReadSmallArray(m_file, "abc_version",  H5T_STD_I32LE, H5T_NATIVE_INT32,
            1, numRead, &version);
    ABCA_ASSERT(version >= -8 && version <= ALEMBIC_HDF5_FILE_VERSION,
        "Unsupported file version detected: " << version);

    // if it isn't there, it's pre 1.0
    int fileVersion = 9999;
    if (H5Aexists( m_file, "abc_release_version" ))
        size_t numRead = 0;
        ReadSmallArray( m_file, "abc_release_version", H5T_STD_I32LE,
            H5T_NATIVE_INT32, 1, numRead, &fileVersion );
    m_archiveVersion = fileVersion;

    HDF5HierarchyReader reader( m_file, m_H5H, iCacheHierarchy );
    H5Node node = m_H5H.createNode( m_file );
    H5Node abcRoot = OpenGroup( node, "ABC" );

    AbcA::MetaData metaData;
    ReadMetaData( abcRoot, ".prop.meta", metaData );
    m_header.reset( new AbcA::ObjectHeader( "ABC", "/", metaData ) );

    m_data.reset( new OrData( m_header, node, m_archiveVersion ) );
    CloseObject( abcRoot );
    ReadTimeSamples( m_file, m_timeSamples );

    if ( H5Aexists( m_file, "abc_max_samples" ) )
        hid_t aid = H5Aopen( m_file, "abc_max_samples", H5P_DEFAULT );

        if ( aid < 0 )

        AttrCloser attrCloser( aid );

        // figure out how big it is
        hid_t sid = H5Aget_space( aid );

        if ( sid < 0 )

        DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( sid );

        hssize_t numPoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( sid );

        if ( numPoints < 1 )

        m_maxSamples.resize( numPoints );

        // do the read
        H5Aread( aid, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, &( m_maxSamples.front() ) );

Example #18
ReadArray( AbcA::ReadArraySampleCachePtr iCache,
           hid_t iParent,
           const std::string &iName,
           const AbcA::DataType &iDataType,
           hid_t iFileType,
           hid_t iNativeType )
    // Dispatch string stuff.
    if ( iDataType.getPod() == kStringPOD )
        return ReadStringArray( iCache, iParent, iName, iDataType );
    else if ( iDataType.getPod() == kWstringPOD )
        return ReadWstringArray( iCache, iParent, iName, iDataType );
    assert( iDataType.getPod() != kStringPOD &&
            iDataType.getPod() != kWstringPOD );

    // Open the data set.
    hid_t dsetId = H5Dopen( iParent, iName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dsetId >= 0, "Cannot open dataset: " << iName );
    DsetCloser dsetCloser( dsetId );

    // Read the data space.
    hid_t dspaceId = H5Dget_space( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dspaceId >= 0, "Could not get dataspace for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DspaceCloser dspaceCloser( dspaceId );

    AbcA::ArraySample::Key key;
    bool foundDigest = false;

    // if we are caching, get the key and see if it is being used
    if ( iCache )
        key.origPOD = iDataType.getPod();
        key.readPOD = key.origPOD;

        key.numBytes = Util::PODNumBytes( key.readPOD ) *
            H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( dspaceId );

        foundDigest = ReadKey( dsetId, "key", key );

        AbcA::ReadArraySampleID found = iCache->find( key );

        if ( found )
            AbcA::ArraySamplePtr ret = found.getSample();
            assert( ret );
            if ( ret->getDataType().getPod() != iDataType.getPod() )
                ABCA_THROW( "ERROR: Read data type for dset: " << iName
                            << ": " << ret->getDataType()
                            << " does not match expected data type: "
                            << iDataType );

            // Got it!
            return ret;

    // Okay, we haven't found it in a cache.

    // Read the data type.
    hid_t dtypeId = H5Dget_type( dsetId );
    ABCA_ASSERT( dtypeId >= 0, "Could not get datatype for dataSet: "
                 << iName );
    DtypeCloser dtypeCloser( dtypeId );

    ABCA_ASSERT( EquivalentDatatypes( iFileType, dtypeId ),
                 "File DataType clash for array dataset: "
                 << iName );

    AbcA::ArraySamplePtr ret;

    H5S_class_t dspaceClass = H5Sget_simple_extent_type( dspaceId );
    if ( dspaceClass == H5S_SIMPLE )
        // Get the dimensions
        int rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( dspaceId );
        ABCA_ASSERT( rank == 1,
                     "H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims() must be 1." );

        hsize_t hdim = 0;

        rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dspaceId, &hdim, NULL );

        Dimensions dims;
        std::string dimName = iName + ".dims";
        if ( H5Aexists( iParent, dimName.c_str() ) )
            ReadDimensions( iParent, dimName, dims );
            dims[0] = hdim / iDataType.getExtent();

        ABCA_ASSERT( dims.numPoints() > 0,
                     "Degenerate dims in Dataset read" );

        // Create a buffer into which we shall read.
        ret = AbcA::AllocateArraySample( iDataType, dims );
        assert( ret->getData() );

        // And... read into it.
        herr_t status = H5Dread( dsetId, iNativeType,
                                 H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
                                 const_cast<void*>( ret->getData() ) );

        ABCA_ASSERT( status >= 0, "H5Dread() failed." );
    else if ( dspaceClass == H5S_NULL )
        Dimensions dims;
        std::string dimName = iName + ".dims";
        if ( H5Aexists( iParent, dimName.c_str() ) )
            ReadDimensions( iParent, dimName, dims );
            ABCA_ASSERT( dims.rank() > 0,
                         "Degenerate rank in Dataset read" );
            // Num points should be zero here.
            ABCA_ASSERT( dims.numPoints() == 0,
                         "Expecting zero points in dimensions" );
            dims[0] = 0;

        ret = AbcA::AllocateArraySample( iDataType, dims );
        ABCA_THROW( "Unexpected scalar dataspace encountered." );

    // Store if there is a cache.
    if ( foundDigest && iCache )
        AbcA::ReadArraySampleID stored = iCache->store( key, ret );
        if ( stored )
            return stored.getSample();

    // Otherwise, just leave! ArraySamplePtr returned by AllocateArraySample
    // already has fancy-dan deleter built in.
    return ret;
Example #19
		    //HaloTrees Append Datasets Group//
void HaloTreesGroupDataAppend(hid_t file_out_hdf5, MergerTree **halo, int tree_levels, int nb_nodes)
  int i, j, count;
  int rank, nb_elements;
  int *nodeIndex, *nodeHost, *nodeDescendent;

  hid_t dataset, dataspace, cparams, filespace;

  hsize_t   newdims[1], finaldims[1], newdims2[2], finaldims2[2], offset[1], offset2[2];

  newdims[0] = nb_nodes;
  newdims2[0] = nb_nodes;  newdims2[1] = 3;

  double *time, *expansionFactor, *redshift;
  double *nodeMass;
  double nodePosition[nb_nodes][3], nodeVelocity[nb_nodes][3]; //for some reason dynamic memory allocation don't work with hdf5 2D datasets

  nodeIndex = (int *)malloc(nb_nodes*sizeof(int));
  nodeDescendent = (int *)malloc(nb_nodes*sizeof(int));
  nodeMass = (double *)malloc(nb_nodes*sizeof(double));
  expansionFactor = (double *)malloc(nb_nodes*sizeof(double));
  redshift = (double *)malloc(nb_nodes*sizeof(double));
  time = (double *)malloc(nb_nodes*sizeof(double));

  for(i = 0, count = 0; i < tree_levels; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < halo[i][0].snapshot.nb_halos; j++)
	nodeIndex[count] = halo[i][j].idAlias;
	nodeMass[count] = halo[i][j].mvir;
	nodeDescendent[count] = halo[i][j].son_idAlias;

	expansionFactor[count] = halo[i][j].sfactor;
	time[count] = halo[i][j].age;
	redshift[count] = 1.0/halo[i][j].sfactor - 1.0;

	nodePosition[count][0] = halo[i][j].position[0];
	nodePosition[count][1] = halo[i][j].position[1];
	nodePosition[count][2] = halo[i][j].position[2];


  /* hostIndex  Dataset */
  dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/hostIndex", H5P_DEFAULT);

  filespace = H5Dget_space (dataset);
  rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims (filespace);
  nb_elements = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( filespace );

  finaldims[0] = nb_elements+10;// + nb_nodes-1000;
  finaldims2[0] = nb_elements + nb_nodes;  finaldims2[1] = 3;

  offset[0] = nb_elements;
  offset2[0] = nb_elements;   offset2[1] = 0;


  H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims);

  filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset );
  H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL); 
  dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL); 

  //H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, nodeIndex);


  /* nodeIndex  Dataset */
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/nodeIndex", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, nodeIndex); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* descendentIndex Dataset*/
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/descendentIndex", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, nodeDescendent); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* nodeMass Dataset*/
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/nodeMass", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, nodeMass); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* /\* exapansionFactor Dataset*\/ */
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/exapansionFactor", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, expansionFactor); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* /\* redshift Dataset *\/ */
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/redshift", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, redshift); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* /\* time Dataset *\/ */
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/time", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, newdims, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (1, newdims, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, time); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* /\* position Dataset *\/ */
  /* dataset = H5Dopen (file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/position", H5P_DEFAULT); */

  /* H5Dextend(dataset, finaldims2); */

  /* filespace = H5Dget_space( dataset ); */
  /* H5Sselect_hyperslab (filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset2, NULL, newdims2, NULL);  */
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple (2, newdims2, NULL);  */

  /* H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, nodePosition); */

  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(filespace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

  /* velocity Dataset */                   //not used by Galacticus yet!
  /* dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims2, maxdims2); */
  /* cparams = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE); */
  /* H5Pset_chunk ( cparams, 2, chunk_dims2); */
  /* dataset = H5Dcreate(file_out_hdf5, "/haloTrees/velocity", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, cparams, H5P_DEFAULT); */
  /* H5Dwrite( dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, nodeVelocity); */
  /* H5Pclose(cparams); */
  /* H5Sclose(dataspace); */
  /* H5Dclose(dataset); */

void Hdf5DataReader::CommonConstructor()
    if (!mDirectory.IsDir() || !mDirectory.Exists())
        EXCEPTION("Directory does not exist: " + mDirectory.GetAbsolutePath());

    std::string file_name = mDirectory.GetAbsolutePath() + mBaseName + ".h5";
    FileFinder h5_file(file_name, RelativeTo::Absolute);

    if (!h5_file.Exists())
        EXCEPTION("Hdf5DataReader could not open " + file_name + " , as it does not exist.");

    // Open the file and the main dataset
    mFileId = H5Fopen(file_name.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);

    if (mFileId <= 0)
        EXCEPTION("Hdf5DataReader could not open " << file_name <<
                  " , H5Fopen error code = " << mFileId);

    mVariablesDatasetId = H5Dopen(mFileId, mDatasetName.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);

    if (mVariablesDatasetId <= 0)
        EXCEPTION("Hdf5DataReader opened " << file_name << " but could not find the dataset '" <<
                  mDatasetName.c_str() << "', H5Dopen error code = " << mVariablesDatasetId);

    hid_t variables_dataspace = H5Dget_space(mVariablesDatasetId);
    mVariablesDatasetRank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(variables_dataspace);

    // Get the dataset/dataspace dimensions
    hsize_t dataset_max_sizes[AbstractHdf5Access::DATASET_DIMS];
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(variables_dataspace, mDatasetDims, dataset_max_sizes);

    for (unsigned i=1; i<AbstractHdf5Access::DATASET_DIMS; i++)  // Zero is excluded since it may be unlimited
        assert(mDatasetDims[i] == dataset_max_sizes[i]);

    // Check if an unlimited dimension has been defined
    if (dataset_max_sizes[0] == H5S_UNLIMITED)
        // In terms of an Unlimited dimension dataset:
        // * Files pre - r16738 (inc. Release 3.1 and earlier) use simply "Time" for "Data"'s unlimited variable.
        // * Files generated by r16738 - r18257 used "<DatasetName>_Time" for "<DatasetName>"'s unlimited variable,
        //   - These are not to be used and there is no backwards compatibility for them, since they weren't in a release.
        // * Files post r18257 (inc. Release 3.2 onwards) use "<DatasetName>_Unlimited" for "<DatasetName>"'s
        //   unlimited variable,
        //   - a new attribute "Name" has been added to the Unlimited Dataset to allow it to assign
        //     any name to the unlimited variable. Which can then be easily read by this class.
        //   - if this dataset is missing we look for simply "Time" to remain backwards compatible with Releases <= 3.1

        hid_t timestep_dataspace = H5Dget_space(mUnlimitedDatasetId);

        // Get the dataset/dataspace dimensions
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(timestep_dataspace, &mNumberTimesteps, NULL);

    // Get the attribute where the name of the variables are stored
    hid_t attribute_id = H5Aopen_name(mVariablesDatasetId, "Variable Details");

    // Get attribute datatype, dataspace, rank, and dimensions
    hid_t attribute_type  = H5Aget_type(attribute_id);
    hid_t attribute_space = H5Aget_space(attribute_id);

    hsize_t attr_dataspace_dim;
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(attribute_space, &attr_dataspace_dim, NULL);

    unsigned num_columns = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(attribute_space);
    char* string_array = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_STRING_SIZE*(int)num_columns);
    H5Aread(attribute_id, attribute_type, string_array);

    // Loop over column names and store them.
    for (unsigned index=0; index < num_columns; index++)
        // Read the string from the raw vector
        std::string column_name_unit(&string_array[MAX_STRING_SIZE*index]);

        // Find beginning of unit definition.
        size_t name_length = column_name_unit.find('(');
        size_t unit_length = column_name_unit.find(')') - name_length - 1;

        std::string column_name = column_name_unit.substr(0, name_length);
        std::string column_unit = column_name_unit.substr(name_length+1, unit_length);

        mVariableToColumnIndex[column_name] = index;
        mVariableToUnit[column_name] = column_unit;

    // Release all the identifiers

    // Free allocated memory

    // Find out if it's incomplete data
    H5E_BEGIN_TRY //Supress HDF5 error if the IsDataComplete name isn't there
        attribute_id = H5Aopen_name(mVariablesDatasetId, "IsDataComplete");
    if (attribute_id < 0)
        // This is in the old format (before we added the IsDataComplete attribute).
        // Just quit (leaving a nasty hdf5 error).

    attribute_type  = H5Aget_type(attribute_id);
    attribute_space = H5Aget_space(attribute_id);
    unsigned is_data_complete;
    H5Aread(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, &is_data_complete);

    // Release all the identifiers
    mIsDataComplete = (is_data_complete == 1) ? true : false;

    if (is_data_complete)

    // Incomplete data
    // Read the vector thing
    attribute_id = H5Aopen_name(mVariablesDatasetId, "NodeMap");
    attribute_type  = H5Aget_type(attribute_id);
    attribute_space = H5Aget_space(attribute_id);

    // Get the dataset/dataspace dimensions
    unsigned num_node_indices = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(attribute_space);

    // Read data from hyperslab in the file into the hyperslab in memory
    H5Aread(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, &mIncompleteNodeIndices[0]);

Example #21
 * Operator function.
static herr_t
attr_info(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, const H5A_info_t *ainfo, void *opdata)
    hid_t attr, atype, aspace;  /* Attribute, datatype and dataspace identifiers */
    int   rank;
    hsize_t sdim[64];
    herr_t ret;
    int i;
    size_t npoints;             /* Number of elements in the array attribute. */
    float *float_array;         /* Pointer to the array attribute. */

    /* avoid warnings */
    opdata = opdata;

     * Open the attribute using its name.
    attr = H5Aopen(loc_id, name, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Display attribute name.
    printf("\nName : %s\n", name);

     * Get attribute datatype, dataspace, rank, and dimensions.
    atype  = H5Aget_type(attr);
    aspace = H5Aget_space(attr);
    rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(aspace);
    ret = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(aspace, sdim, NULL);

     *  Display rank and dimension sizes for the array attribute.

    if(rank > 0) {
        printf("Rank : %d \n", rank);
        printf("Dimension sizes : ");
        for (i=0; i< rank; i++)
            printf("%d ", (int)sdim[i]);

     * Read array attribute and display its type and values.

    if (H5T_FLOAT == H5Tget_class(atype)) {
        printf("Type : FLOAT \n");
        npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(aspace);
        float_array = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(int)npoints);
        ret = H5Aread(attr, atype, float_array);
        printf("Values : ");
        for( i = 0; i < (int)npoints; i++)
            printf("%f ", float_array[i]);

     * Release all identifiers.

    return 0;
Example #22
// JRC: This fat interface may not scale?  What about
// scalar attributes?
herr_t getAttributeHelper(const hid_t id, std::string* sval, std::vector<int>* ivals,
    std::vector<float>* fvals) {

  herr_t err = 0;
  size_t npoints;
  hid_t atype = H5Aget_type(id);
  H5T_class_t type = H5Tget_class(atype);
  hid_t aspace = H5Aget_space(id);
  size_t rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(aspace);

   hsize_t sdim[rank];
   ret = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(aspace, sdim, NULL);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < rank; ++i)
   (*dims)[i] = sdim[i];

  if (type == H5T_INTEGER) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      int v;
      // err = H5Aread(id, atype, &v);
      err = H5Aread(id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &v);
      (*ivals)[0] = v;
      return err;
    // rank>0
    npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(aspace);
    int* v = new int[npoints];
    err = H5Aread(id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, v);
    for (size_t i = 0; i<npoints; ++i) {
      (*ivals)[i] = v[i];
    delete v;
    return err;

  if (type == H5T_FLOAT) {
    if (rank == 0) {
      float v;
      err = H5Aread(id, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &v);
      (*fvals)[0] = v;
      return err;
    // rank>0
    npoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(aspace);
    float* v = new float[npoints];
    err = H5Aread(id, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, v);
    for (size_t i = 0; i<npoints; ++i) {
      (*fvals)[i] = v[i];
    delete v;
    return err;

  if (type == H5T_STRING) {
    if (rank != 0) {
      return -1;
    size_t len = H5Aget_storage_size(id);
    char* v = new char[len];
    err = H5Aread(id, atype, v);
    // JRC: is this right?
    // err = H5Aread(id, H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, v);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      (*sval)[i] = v[i];
    delete [] v;
    return err;
  return err;

herr_t H5IMget_npalettes( hid_t loc_id,
                         const char *image_name,
                         hssize_t *npals )
    hid_t       did;
    hid_t       atid;
    hid_t       aid;
    hid_t       asid;
    H5T_class_t aclass;
    int         has_pal;

    /* check the arguments */
    if(image_name == NULL) 
      return -1;

    /*assume initially we have no palettes attached*/
    *npals = 0;

    /* Open the dataset. */
    if((did = H5Dopen2(loc_id, image_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Try to find the attribute "PALETTE" on the >>image<< dataset */
    has_pal = H5IM_find_palette(did);

    if(has_pal ==  1 )

        if((aid = H5Aopen(did, "PALETTE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((atid = H5Aget_type(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((aclass = H5Tget_class(atid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Check if it is really a reference */

        if(aclass == H5T_REFERENCE)
            if((asid = H5Aget_space(aid)) < 0)
                goto out;

            *npals = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( asid );

            if ( H5Sclose( asid ) < 0)
                goto out;

        } /* H5T_REFERENCE */

        if ( H5Tclose( atid ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Close the attribute. */
        if ( H5Aclose( aid ) < 0)
            goto out;


    /* Close the image dataset. */
    if ( H5Dclose( did ) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

    H5Dclose( did );
    return -1;

herr_t H5IMlink_palette( hid_t loc_id,
                        const char *image_name,
                        const char *pal_name )

    hid_t       did;
    hid_t       atid=-1;
    hid_t       aid=-1;
    hid_t       asid=-1;
    hobj_ref_t  ref;         /* write a new reference */
    hobj_ref_t  *refbuf;     /* buffer to read references */
    hssize_t    n_refs;
    hsize_t     dim_ref;
    int         ok_pal;

    /* check the arguments */
    if (image_name == NULL) 
      return -1;
    if (pal_name == NULL) 
      return -1;

    /* The image dataset may or may not have the attribute "PALETTE"
    * First we try to open to see if it is already there; if not, it is created.
    * If it exists, the array of references is extended to hold the reference
    * to the new palette

    /* First we get the image id */
    if((did = H5Dopen2(loc_id, image_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Try to find the attribute "PALETTE" on the >>image<< dataset */
    ok_pal = H5LT_find_attribute( did, "PALETTE" );

    * It does not exist. We create the attribute and one reference
    if(ok_pal == 0 )
        if((asid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Create the attribute type for the reference */
        if((atid = H5Tcopy(H5T_STD_REF_OBJ)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Create the attribute "PALETTE" to be attached to the image*/
        if((aid = H5Acreate2(did, "PALETTE", atid, asid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Create a reference. The reference is created on the local id.  */
        if(H5Rcreate(&ref, loc_id, pal_name, H5R_OBJECT, (hid_t)-1) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Write the attribute with the reference */
        if(H5Awrite(aid, atid, &ref) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* close */
        if(H5Sclose(asid) < 0)
            goto out;
        if(H5Tclose(atid) < 0)
            goto out;
        if(H5Aclose(aid) < 0)
            goto out;


    * The attribute already exists, open it
    else if(ok_pal ==  1)
        if((aid = H5Aopen(did, "PALETTE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((atid = H5Aget_type(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if(H5Tget_class(atid) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Get and save the old reference(s) */
        if((asid = H5Aget_space(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        n_refs = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(asid);

        dim_ref = (hsize_t)n_refs + 1;

        refbuf = (hobj_ref_t*)HDmalloc( sizeof(hobj_ref_t) * (size_t)dim_ref );

        if ( H5Aread( aid, atid, refbuf ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* The attribute must be deleted, in order to the new one can reflect the changes*/
        if(H5Adelete(did, "PALETTE") < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Create a new reference for this palette. */
        if ( H5Rcreate( &ref, loc_id, pal_name, H5R_OBJECT, (hid_t)-1 ) < 0)
            goto out;

        refbuf[n_refs] = ref;

        /* Create the data space for the new references */
        if(H5Sclose(asid) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((asid = H5Screate_simple(1, &dim_ref, NULL)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Create the attribute again with the changes of space */
        if(H5Aclose(aid) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((aid = H5Acreate2(did, "PALETTE", atid, asid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Write the attribute with the new references */
        if(H5Awrite(aid, atid, refbuf) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* close */
        if(H5Sclose(asid) < 0)
            goto out;
        if(H5Tclose(atid) < 0)
            goto out;
        if(H5Aclose(aid) < 0)
            goto out;

        HDfree( refbuf );

    } /* ok_pal ==  1 */

    /* Close the image dataset. */
    if ( H5Dclose( did ) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

    H5Dclose( did );
    H5Sclose( asid );
    H5Tclose( atid );
    H5Aclose( aid );
    return -1;
herr_t H5IMget_image_info( hid_t loc_id,
                          const char *dset_name,
                          hsize_t *width,
                          hsize_t *height,
                          hsize_t *planes,
                          char *interlace,
                          hssize_t *npals )
    hid_t       did;
    hid_t       sid;
    hsize_t     dims[IMAGE24_RANK];
    hid_t       aid;
    hid_t       asid;
    hid_t       atid;
    H5T_class_t aclass;
    int         has_pal;
    int         has_attr;

    /* check the arguments */
    if (dset_name == NULL) 
      return -1;
    if (interlace == NULL) 
      return -1;

    /*assume initially we have no palettes attached*/
    *npals = 0;

    /* Open the dataset. */
    if((did = H5Dopen2(loc_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Try to find the attribute "INTERLACE_MODE" on the >>image<< dataset */
    has_attr = H5LT_find_attribute(did, "INTERLACE_MODE");

    /* It exists, get it */
    if(has_attr == 1)

        if((aid = H5Aopen(did, "INTERLACE_MODE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((atid = H5Aget_type(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if(H5Aread(aid, atid, interlace) < 0)
            goto out;

        if(H5Tclose(atid) < 0)
            goto out;

        if(H5Aclose(aid) < 0)
            goto out;

    /* Get the dataspace handle */
    if ( (sid = H5Dget_space( did )) < 0)
        goto out;

    /* Get dimensions */
    if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( sid, dims, NULL) < 0)
        goto out;

    /* Initialize the image dimensions */

    if ( has_attr == 1 )
        /* This is a 24 bit image */

      if ( HDstrncmp( interlace, "INTERLACE_PIXEL", 15 ) == 0 )
            /* Number of color planes is defined as the third dimension */
            *height = dims[0];
            *width  = dims[1];
            *planes = dims[2];
	  if ( HDstrncmp( interlace, "INTERLACE_PLANE", 15 ) == 0 )
                /* Number of color planes is defined as the first dimension */
                *planes = dims[0];
                *height = dims[1];
                *width  = dims[2];
	  else return -1;
        /* This is a 8 bit image */
        *height = dims[0];
        *width  = dims[1];
        *planes = 1;

    /* Close */
    if ( H5Sclose( sid ) < 0)
        goto out;

    /* Get number of palettes */

    /* Try to find the attribute "PALETTE" on the >>image<< dataset */
    has_pal = H5IM_find_palette(did);

    if(has_pal ==  1)

        if((aid = H5Aopen(did, "PALETTE", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((atid = H5Aget_type(aid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        if((aclass = H5Tget_class(atid)) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Check if it is really a reference */

        if(aclass == H5T_REFERENCE)

            /* Get the reference(s) */

            if ( (asid = H5Aget_space( aid )) < 0)
                goto out;

            *npals = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints( asid );

            if ( H5Sclose( asid ) < 0)
                goto out;

        } /* H5T_REFERENCE */

        if ( H5Tclose( atid ) < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Close the attribute. */
        if ( H5Aclose( aid ) < 0)
            goto out;


    /* End access to the dataset and release resources used by it. */
    if ( H5Dclose( did ) < 0)
        goto out;

    return 0;

    H5Dclose( did );
    H5Aclose( aid );
    H5Sclose( asid );
    H5Tclose( atid );
    return -1;

    hid_t		fid1;		/* HDF5 File IDs		*/
    hid_t		dset1,	/* Dataset ID			*/
                dset2;      /* Dereferenced dataset ID */
    hid_t		sid1,       /* Dataspace ID	#1		*/
                sid2;       /* Dataspace ID	#2		*/
    hsize_t *   coords;             /* Coordinate buffer */
    hsize_t		low[SPACE2_RANK];   /* Selection bounds */
    hsize_t		high[SPACE2_RANK];     /* Selection bounds */
    hdset_reg_ref_t      *rbuf;      /* buffer to to read disk */
    int    *drbuf;      /* Buffer for reading numeric data from disk */
    int        i, j;          /* counting variables */
    herr_t		ret;		/* Generic return value		*/

    /* Output message about test being performed */

    /* Allocate write & read buffers */

    /* Open the file */
    fid1 = H5Fopen(FILE2, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);

    /* Open the dataset */

    /* Read selection from disk */

    /* Try to open objects */
    dset2 = H5Rdereference(dset1,H5R_DATASET_REGION,&rbuf[0]);

    /* Check information in referenced dataset */
    sid1 = H5Dget_space(dset2);

    printf(" Number of elements in the dataset is : %d\n",ret);

    /* Read from disk */

    for(i=0; i<SPACE2_DIM1; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<SPACE2_DIM2; j++) printf (" %d ", drbuf[i*SPACE2_DIM2+j]);
        printf("\n"); }

    /* Get the hyperslab selection */

    /* Verify correct hyperslab selected */
    ret = H5Sget_select_npoints(sid2);
    printf(" Number of elements in the hyperslab is : %d \n", ret);
    ret = H5Sget_select_hyper_nblocks(sid2);
    coords=malloc(ret*SPACE2_RANK*sizeof(hsize_t)*2); /* allocate space for the hyperslab blocks */
    ret = H5Sget_select_hyper_blocklist(sid2,0,ret,coords);
    printf(" Hyperslab coordinates are : \n");
    printf (" ( %lu , %lu ) ( %lu , %lu ) \n", \
(unsigned long)coords[0],(unsigned long)coords[1],(unsigned long)coords[2],(unsigned long)coords[3]); 
    ret = H5Sget_select_bounds(sid2,low,high);

    /* Close region space */
    ret = H5Sclose(sid2);

    /* Get the element selection */

    /* Verify correct elements selected */
    ret = H5Sget_select_elem_npoints(sid2);
    printf(" Number of selected elements is : %d\n", ret);

    /* Allocate space for the element points */
    coords= malloc(ret*SPACE2_RANK*sizeof(hsize_t)); 
    ret = H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist(sid2,0,ret,coords);
    printf(" Coordinates of selected elements are : \n");
    for (i=0; i<2*NPOINTS; i=i+2) 
         printf(" ( %lu , %lu ) \n", (unsigned long)coords[i],(unsigned long)coords[i+1]); 
    ret = H5Sget_select_bounds(sid2,low,high);

    /* Close region space */
    ret = H5Sclose(sid2);

    /* Close first space */
    ret = H5Sclose(sid1);

    /* Close dereferenced Dataset */
    ret = H5Dclose(dset2);

    /* Close Dataset */
    ret = H5Dclose(dset1);

    /* Close file */
    ret = H5Fclose(fid1);

    /* Free memory buffers */
    return 0;
Example #27
/* ****************************************************************************************************************************** */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  hid_t   fileID, dataSetID;
  herr_t  hErrVal;
  int     i;
  hsize_t dims[1024], maxDims[1024];
  H5T_class_t class;
  char classStr[32];
  hid_t dataTypeID;
  size_t dataSize;
  H5T_order_t order;
  int rank; /* Note this is an int, not an hssize_t */
  int intVal;
  hid_t dataSpaceID;
  hid_t rootGroupID;
  hsize_t numInRootGrp, firstDataSetIdx, foundFirstDataSet;
  char attrName[1024], firstDataSetName[1024];
  ssize_t objectNameSize, attrNameSize;
  H5G_stat_t objectStatInfo;
  int numAttrs;
  int curAttrIdx;
  hid_t attrID;
  hsize_t numDataPoints;
  unsigned majnum, minnum, relnum;

  /* Load the library -- not required most platforms. */
  hErrVal = H5open();

  /* Get the library version */
  hErrVal = H5get_libversion(&majnum, &minnum, &relnum);
  printf("Lib Version: v%lu.%lur%lu\n", (unsigned long)majnum, (unsigned long)minnum, (unsigned long)relnum);

  /*  Open an existing file. */

  /*  Get the ID for the "root" group -- every HDF5 has one */
  rootGroupID = H5Gopen(fileID, "/", H5P_DEFAULT);

  /* Get the number of objects in the root group. */
  hErrVal = H5Gget_num_objs(rootGroupID, &numInRootGrp);

  printf("The root group contains %lu object%c\n", (unsigned long)numInRootGrp, (numInRootGrp==1?' ':'s'));

  if(numInRootGrp < 1) {
    printf("As the file contains NO objects, I have nothing left to do...\n");
  } /* end if */

  /*  Find the first dataset in the root group. */
  for(foundFirstDataSet=0,firstDataSetIdx=0; (!foundFirstDataSet)&&(firstDataSetIdx<numInRootGrp); firstDataSetIdx++) {
    /* Get object name from the index. */
    objectNameSize = H5Gget_objname_by_idx(rootGroupID, firstDataSetIdx, firstDataSetName, 1024);
    if(objectNameSize == 0) { /* Need to check for zero return too */
      printf("ERROR: Object with index %lu doesn't exist in root group!\n", (unsigned long)firstDataSetIdx);
    } /* end if */
    /*  Now use the object name to get info about the object... */
    hErrVal = H5Gget_objinfo(rootGroupID, firstDataSetName, 0, &objectStatInfo);
    /* If the object is a dataset, then print out some info. */
    if(objectStatInfo.type == H5G_DATASET) {
      printf("Object %luth (%s) is a dataset!\n", (unsigned long)firstDataSetIdx, firstDataSetName);
      printf("The name of the %luth object of the root group is: %s\n", (unsigned long)firstDataSetIdx, firstDataSetName);
      foundFirstDataSet = 1;
      printf("Info for the %s dataset:\n", firstDataSetName);
      printf("  Modify time: %lu\n", (unsigned long)objectStatInfo.mtime);
      printf("  Type: %lu\n", (unsigned long)objectStatInfo.type);
      printf("  Link count: %lu\n", (unsigned long)objectStatInfo.nlink);
    } /* end if */
  } /* end for */
  /* Note: At this point index of the dataset will be: firstDataSetIdx-- */
  if(!foundFirstDataSet) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not find a dataset in the root group\n");
  } /* end if */

  /* Open the dataset we found -- we know it exists. */
  dataSetID = H5Dopen(rootGroupID, firstDataSetName, H5P_DEFAULT);

  /* ****************************************************************************************************************************** */
  /* Get some info regarding the TYPE of the dataset. */
  dataTypeID  = H5Dget_type(dataSetID);
  /*  Get the class of the data */
  class = H5Tget_class(dataTypeID);
  mjrHDF5_Tclass2str(class, classStr);
  printf("  Object class: %s\n", classStr);
  /*  Get the size of the type */
  dataSize = H5Tget_size(dataTypeID);
  if(dataSize == 0) {
    printf("ERROR: Failure in H5Tget_size().\n");
  } /* end if */
  printf("  Size of data type: %lu\n", (unsigned long)dataSize);
  /*  Get the byte order */
  order = H5Tget_order(dataTypeID);
  printf("  Byte Order: ");
  switch(order) {
    case H5T_ORDER_ERROR  : printf("ERROR\n");            break;
    case H5T_ORDER_LE     : printf("Little Endian\n");    break;
    case H5T_ORDER_BE     : printf("Big Endian\n");       break;
    case H5T_ORDER_VAX    : printf("VAX mixed endian\n"); break;
    case H5T_ORDER_MIXED  : printf("Mixed endian\n"); break;
    case H5T_ORDER_NONE   : printf("particular order\n"); break;
  } /* end switch */
  /*  We are done with the datatype. */
  hErrVal = H5Tclose(dataTypeID);

  /* ****************************************************************************************************************************** */
  /* Figure out the size of the dataset. */
  dataSpaceID = H5Dget_space(dataSetID);
  /*  Get the number of dims. */
  rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataSpaceID);
  if(rank > 1024) {
    /*  This can't really happen (limit is 32) */
    printf("ERROR: rank too large.\n");
  } /* end if */
  /* Get the size of each dim. */
  intVal = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataSpaceID, dims, maxDims);
  printf("  Dataspace Rank %lu\n", (unsigned long)rank);
  printf("  Dim Lengths: ");
  for(i=0; i<rank; i++)
    if(dims[i] == H5S_UNLIMITED) {
      printf("%s ", "UNLIMITED");
    } else {
      printf("%ld ", (long)(dims[i]));
    } /* end if/else */
  printf("  Max Dim Lengths: ");
  for(i=0; i<rank; i++)
    if(maxDims[i] == H5S_UNLIMITED) {
      printf("%s ", "UNLIMITED");
    } else {
      printf("%ld ", (long)(maxDims[i]));
    } /* end if/else */
  numDataPoints = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(dataSpaceID);
  if(numDataPoints == 0) {
    printf("ERROR: Call to H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints failed.\n");
  } /* end if */
  printf("Number of data points: %lu\n", (unsigned long)numDataPoints);

  /* We are done with the dataSpaceID */
  hErrVal = H5Sclose(dataSpaceID);

  /* Get the number of attributes for the dataSet. */
  numAttrs = H5Aget_num_attrs(dataSetID);

  printf("  Number of attrs: %lu\n", (unsigned long)numAttrs);

  /* If we have any attributes, we get info for them */
  if(numAttrs > 0) {
    printf("  Attribute info:\n");

    for(curAttrIdx=0; curAttrIdx<numAttrs; curAttrIdx++) {
      attrID = H5Aopen_idx(dataSetID, curAttrIdx);

      attrNameSize = H5Aget_name(attrID, 1024, attrName);

      printf("    Number %3lu:  ", (unsigned long)curAttrIdx);

	  dataTypeID  = H5Aget_type(attrID);
	  /* Get the class for the type. */
	  class = H5Tget_class(dataTypeID);
	  mjrHDF5_Tclass2str(class, classStr);
	  printf(" Class: %-16s", classStr);
	  /*  Get the size of the type */
	  dataSize = H5Tget_size(dataTypeID);
	  if(dataSize == 0) {
		printf("ERROR: Failure in H5Tget_size().\n");
	  } /* end if */
	  printf(" Size: %3lu ", (unsigned long)dataSize);
	  hErrVal = H5Tclose(dataTypeID);

      printf(" Name: %s \n", attrName);

      hErrVal = H5Aclose(attrID);
    } /* end for */
  } /* end if */