//============================================================================== int Ifpack_Chebyshev::Compute() { if (!IsInitialized()) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Initialize()); Time_->ResetStartTime(); // reset values IsComputed_ = false; Condest_ = -1.0; if (PolyDegree_ <= 0) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-2); // at least one application #ifdef HAVE_IFPACK_EPETRAEXT // Check to see if we can run in block mode if (IsRowMatrix_ && InvDiagonal_ == Teuchos::null && UseBlockMode_){ const Epetra_CrsMatrix *CrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_CrsMatrix*>(&*Matrix_); // If we don't have CrsMatrix, we can't use the block preconditioner if (!CrsMatrix) { UseBlockMode_ = false; } else { int ierr; InvBlockDiagonal_ = Teuchos::rcp(new EpetraExt_PointToBlockDiagPermute(*CrsMatrix)); if (InvBlockDiagonal_ == Teuchos::null) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-6); ierr = InvBlockDiagonal_->SetParameters(BlockList_); if (ierr) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-7); ierr = InvBlockDiagonal_->Compute(); if (ierr) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-8); } // Automatically Compute Eigenvalues double lambda_max = 0; PowerMethod(EigMaxIters_, lambda_max); LambdaMax_ = lambda_max; // Test for Exact Preconditioned case if (ABS(LambdaMax_-1) < 1e-6) LambdaMax_ = LambdaMin_ = 1.0; else LambdaMin_ = LambdaMax_/EigRatio_; } #endif if (IsRowMatrix_ && InvDiagonal_ == Teuchos::null && !UseBlockMode_) { InvDiagonal_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Vector(Matrix().Map())); if (InvDiagonal_ == Teuchos::null) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-5); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Matrix().ExtractDiagonalCopy(*InvDiagonal_)); // Inverse diagonal elements // Replace zeros with 1.0 for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i) { double diag = (*InvDiagonal_)[i]; if (IFPACK_ABS(diag) < MinDiagonalValue_) (*InvDiagonal_)[i] = MinDiagonalValue_; else (*InvDiagonal_)[i] = 1.0 / diag; } // Automatically compute maximum eigenvalue estimate of D^{-1}A if user hasn't provided one double lambda_max=0; if (LambdaMax_ == -1) { PowerMethod(Matrix(), *InvDiagonal_, EigMaxIters_, lambda_max); LambdaMax_=lambda_max; // Test for Exact Preconditioned case if (ABS(LambdaMax_-1) < 1e-6) LambdaMax_=LambdaMin_=1.0; else LambdaMin_=LambdaMax_/EigRatio_; } // otherwise the inverse of the diagonal has been given by the user } #ifdef IFPACK_FLOPCOUNTERS ComputeFlops_ += NumMyRows_; #endif ++NumCompute_; ComputeTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime(); IsComputed_ = true; return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef HAVE_MPI MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); Epetra_MpiComm Comm (MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else Epetra_SerialComm Comm; #endif Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList; int nx = 30; GaleriList.set("nx", nx); // GaleriList.set("ny", nx * Comm.NumProc()); GaleriList.set("ny", nx); GaleriList.set("mx", 1); GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc()); GaleriList.set("alpha", .0); GaleriList.set("diff", 1.0); GaleriList.set("conv", 100.0); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("UniFlow2D", &*Map, GaleriList) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_MultiVector> LHS = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*Map, 1) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_MultiVector> RHS = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*Map, 1) ); LHS->PutScalar(0.0); RHS->Random(); Ifpack Factory; int Niters = 100; // ============================= // // Construct IHSS preconditioner // // ============================= // Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create("IHSS", &*A,0) ); Teuchos::ParameterList List; List.set("ihss: hermetian type","ILU"); List.set("ihss: skew hermetian type","ILU"); List.set("ihss: ratio eigenvalue",100.0); // Could set sublist values here to better control the ILU, but this isn't needed for this example. IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec->SetParameters(List)); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec->Compute()); // ============================= // // Create solver Object // // ============================= // AztecOO solver; solver.SetUserMatrix(&*A); solver.SetLHS(&*LHS); solver.SetRHS(&*RHS); solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver,AZ_gmres); solver.SetPrecOperator(&*Prec); solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1); solver.Iterate(Niters, 1e-8); // ============================= // // Construct SORa preconditioner // // ============================= // Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec2 = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create("SORa", &*A,0) ); Teuchos::ParameterList List2; List2.set("sora: sweeps",1); // Could set sublist values here to better control the ILU, but this isn't needed for this example. IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec2->SetParameters(List2)); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec2->Compute()); // ============================= // // Create solver Object // // ============================= // AztecOO solver2; LHS->PutScalar(0.0); solver2.SetUserMatrix(&*A); solver2.SetLHS(&*LHS); solver2.SetRHS(&*RHS); solver2.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver,AZ_gmres); solver2.SetPrecOperator(&*Prec2); solver2.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1); solver2.Iterate(Niters, 1e-8); #ifdef HAVE_MPI MPI_Finalize() ; #endif return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // initialize MPI and Epetra communicator #ifdef HAVE_MPI MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD ); #else Epetra_SerialComm Comm; #endif Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList; // The problem is defined on a 2D grid, global size is nx * nx. int nx = 30; GaleriList.set("nx", nx); GaleriList.set("ny", nx * Comm.NumProc()); GaleriList.set("mx", 1); GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc()); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", &*Map, GaleriList) ); // =============================================================== // // B E G I N N I N G O F I F P A C K C O N S T R U C T I O N // // =============================================================== // Teuchos::ParameterList List; // builds an Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz. This is templated with // the local solvers, in this case Ifpack_ICT. Note that any // other Ifpack_Preconditioner-derived class can be used // instead of Ifpack_ICT. // In this example the overlap is zero. Use // Prec(A,OverlapLevel) for the general case. Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz<Ifpack_ICT> Prec(&*A); // `1.0' means that the factorization should approximatively // keep the same number of nonzeros per row of the original matrix. List.set("fact: ict level-of-fill", 1.0); // no modifications on the diagonal List.set("fact: absolute threshold", 0.0); List.set("fact: relative threshold", 1.0); List.set("fact: relaxation value", 0.0); // matrix `laplace_2d_bc' is not symmetric because of the way // boundary conditions are imposed. We can filter the singletons, // (that is, Dirichlet nodes) and end up with a symmetric // matrix (as ICT requires). List.set("schwarz: filter singletons", true); // sets the parameters IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec.SetParameters(List)); // initialize the preconditioner. At this point the matrix must // have been FillComplete()'d, but actual values are ignored. IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec.Initialize()); // Builds the preconditioners, by looking for the values of // the matrix. IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec.Compute()); // =================================================== // // E N D O F I F P A C K C O N S T R U C T I O N // // =================================================== // // At this point, we need some additional objects // to define and solve the linear system. // defines LHS and RHS Epetra_Vector LHS(A->OperatorDomainMap()); Epetra_Vector RHS(A->OperatorDomainMap()); LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random(); // need an Epetra_LinearProblem to define AztecOO solver Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A,&LHS,&RHS); // now we can allocate the AztecOO solver AztecOO Solver(Problem); // specify solver Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver,AZ_cg_condnum); Solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output,32); // HERE WE SET THE IFPACK PRECONDITIONER Solver.SetPrecOperator(&Prec); // .. and here we solve // NOTE: with one process, the solver must converge in // one iteration. Solver.Iterate(1550,1e-5); // Prints out some information about the preconditioner std::cout << Prec; #ifdef HAVE_MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef HAVE_MPI MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); Epetra_MpiComm Comm (MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else Epetra_SerialComm Comm; #endif int MyPID = Comm.MyPID(); bool verbose = false; if (MyPID==0) verbose = true; Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList; int nx = 30; GaleriList.set("nx", nx); GaleriList.set("ny", nx * Comm.NumProc()); GaleriList.set("mx", 1); GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc()); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_CrsMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", &*Map, GaleriList) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_MultiVector> LHS = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*Map, 1) ); Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_MultiVector> RHS = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*Map, 1) ); LHS->PutScalar(0.0); RHS->Random(); // ============================ // // Construct ILU preconditioner // // ---------------------------- // // I wanna test funky values to be sure that they have the same // influence on the algorithms, both old and new int LevelFill = 2; double DropTol = 0.3333; double Athresh = 0.0123; double Rthresh = 0.9876; double Relax = 0.1; int Overlap = 2; Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_IlukGraph> Graph; Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_CrsRiluk> RILU; Graph = Teuchos::rcp( new Ifpack_IlukGraph(A->Graph(), LevelFill, Overlap) ); int ierr; ierr = Graph->ConstructFilledGraph(); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(ierr); RILU = Teuchos::rcp( new Ifpack_CrsRiluk(*Graph) ); RILU->SetAbsoluteThreshold(Athresh); RILU->SetRelativeThreshold(Rthresh); RILU->SetRelaxValue(Relax); int initerr = RILU->InitValues(*A); if (initerr!=0) cout << Comm << "*ERR* InitValues = " << initerr; RILU->Factor(); // Define label for printing out during the solve phase string label = "Ifpack_CrsRiluk Preconditioner: LevelFill = " + toString(LevelFill) + " Overlap = " + toString(Overlap) + " Athresh = " + toString(Athresh) + " Rthresh = " + toString(Rthresh); // Here we create an AztecOO object LHS->PutScalar(0.0); int Niters = 1200; AztecOO solver; solver.SetUserMatrix(&*A); solver.SetLHS(&*LHS); solver.SetRHS(&*RHS); solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver,AZ_gmres); solver.SetPrecOperator(&*RILU); solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 16); solver.Iterate(Niters, 5.0e-5); int OldIters = solver.NumIters(); // now rebuild the same preconditioner using RILU, we expect the same // number of iterations Ifpack Factory; Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create("ILU", &*A, Overlap) ); Teuchos::ParameterList List; List.get("fact: level-of-fill", LevelFill); List.get("fact: drop tolerance", DropTol); List.get("fact: absolute threshold", Athresh); List.get("fact: relative threshold", Rthresh); List.get("fact: relax value", Relax); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec->SetParameters(List)); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec->Compute()); // Here we create an AztecOO object LHS->PutScalar(0.0); solver.SetUserMatrix(&*A); solver.SetLHS(&*LHS); solver.SetRHS(&*RHS); solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver,AZ_gmres); solver.SetPrecOperator(&*Prec); solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 16); solver.Iterate(Niters, 5.0e-5); int NewIters = solver.NumIters(); if (OldIters != NewIters) IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-1); #ifdef HAVE_IFPACK_SUPERLU // Now test w/ SuperLU's ILU, if we've got it Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec2 = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create("SILU", &*A,0) ); Teuchos::ParameterList SList; SList.set("fact: drop tolerance",1e-4); SList.set("fact: zero pivot threshold",.1); SList.set("fact: maximum fill factor",10.0); // NOTE: There is a bug in SuperLU 4.0 which will crash the code if the maximum fill factor is set too low. // This bug was reported to Sherry Li on 4/8/10. SList.set("fact: silu drop rule",9); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec2->SetParameters(SList)); IFPACK_CHK_ERR(Prec2->Compute()); LHS->PutScalar(0.0); solver.SetPrecOperator(&*Prec2); solver.Iterate(Niters, 5.0e-5); Prec2->Print(cout); #endif #ifdef HAVE_MPI MPI_Finalize() ; #endif return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }