Example #1
 * ex_source -- :source file
 *	Execute ex commands from a file.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_source __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_source(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	struct stat sb;
	int fd, len;
	char *bp;
	const char *name;
	size_t nlen;
	const CHAR_T *wp;
	CHAR_T *dp;
	size_t wlen;

	INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[0]->bp, cmdp->argv[0]->len + 1, name, nlen);
	if ((fd = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0 || fstat(fd, &sb))
		goto err;

	 * XXX
	 * I'd like to test to see if the file is too large to malloc.  Since
	 * we don't know what size or type off_t's or size_t's are, what the
	 * largest unsigned integral type is, or what random insanity the local
	 * C compiler will perpetrate, doing the comparison in a portable way
	 * is flatly impossible.  So, put an fairly unreasonable limit on it,
	 * I don't want to be dropping core here.
#define	MEGABYTE	1048576
	if (sb.st_size > MEGABYTE) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto err;

	MALLOC(sp, bp, char *, (size_t)sb.st_size + 1);
	if (bp == NULL) {
		return (1);
	bp[sb.st_size] = '\0';

	/* Read the file into memory. */
	len = read(fd, bp, (int)sb.st_size);
	if (len == -1 || len != sb.st_size) {
		if (len != sb.st_size)
			errno = EIO;
err:		msgq_str(sp, M_SYSERR, name, "%s");
		return (1);

	if (CHAR2INT(sp, bp, (size_t)sb.st_size + 1, wp, wlen))
		msgq(sp, M_ERR, "323|Invalid input. Truncated.");
	dp = v_wstrdup(sp, wp, wlen - 1);
	/* Put it on the ex queue. */
	INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[0]->bp, cmdp->argv[0]->len + 1, name, nlen);
	return (ex_run_str(sp, name, dp, wlen - 1, 1, 1));
Example #2
void transPrint(char *p, int j){
  int i = j;
  if (*p != '\0' && *p > '0' && *p <= '9'){
    char c = *p;
    fakePrint(CHAR2CHAR(c), i++);
    transPrint(p+1, i);
  } else if (*p == '\0'){
    fakePrint('\0', i);
    printf("%s\n", gPrintBuffer);
  } else {

  i = j;
  if (*(p+1) != '\0' && *(p+1) >= '0' && *(p+1) <= '9'){
    char c = *p;
    char cn = *(p+1);
    int doubleC = CHAR2INT(c) * 10 + CHAR2INT(cn);
    if (doubleC <= 26){
      fakePrint(INT2CHAR(doubleC), i++);
      transPrint(p+2, i);
Example #3
 * ex_tag_next --
 *	Switch context to the next TAG.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_tag_next __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_tag_next(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	TAG *tp;
	TAGQ *tqp;
	char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	exp = EXP(sp);
	if ((tqp = TAILQ_FIRST(exp->tq)) == NULL) {
		tag_msg(sp, TAG_EMPTY, NULL);
		return (1);
	if ((tp = TAILQ_NEXT(tqp->current, q)) == NULL) {
		msgq(sp, M_ERR, "282|Already at the last tag of this group");
		return (1);
	if (ex_tag_nswitch(sp, tp, FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE)))
		return (1);
	tqp->current = tp;

	if (F_ISSET(tqp, TAG_CSCOPE))
		(void)cscope_search(sp, tqp, tp);
		(void)ctag_search(sp, tp->search, tp->slen, tqp->tag);
	if (tqp->current->msg) {
	    INT2CHAR(sp, tqp->current->msg, tqp->current->mlen + 1,
		     np, nlen);
	    msgq(sp, M_INFO, "%s", np);
	return (0);
Example #4
 * ex_tag_prev --
 *	Switch context to the next TAG.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_tag_prev __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_tag_prev(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	TAG *tp;
	TAGQ *tqp;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	exp = EXP(sp);
	if ((tqp = exp->tq.cqh_first) == (void *)&exp->tq) {
		tag_msg(sp, TAG_EMPTY, NULL);
		return (0);
	if ((tp = tqp->current->q.cqe_prev) == (void *)&tqp->tagq) {
		msgq(sp, M_ERR, "255|Already at the first tag of this group");
		return (1);
	if (ex_tag_nswitch(sp, tp, FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE)))
		return (1);
	tqp->current = tp;

	if (F_ISSET(tqp, TAG_CSCOPE))
		(void)cscope_search(sp, tqp, tp);
		(void)ctag_search(sp, tp->search, tp->slen, tqp->tag);
	if (tqp->current->msg) {
	    INT2CHAR(sp, tqp->current->msg, tqp->current->mlen + 1,
		     np, nlen);
	    msgq(sp, M_INFO, "%s", np);
	return (0);
Example #5
 * ex_edit --	:e[dit][!] [+cmd] [file]
 *		:ex[!] [+cmd] [file]
 *		:vi[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]
 * Edit a file; if none specified, re-edit the current file.  The third
 * form of the command can only be executed while in vi mode.  See the
 * hack in ex.c:ex_cmd().
 * !!!
 * Historic vi didn't permit the '+' command form without specifying
 * a file name as well.  This seems unreasonable, so we support it
 * regardless.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_edit __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_edit(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	FREF *frp;
	int attach, setalt;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	switch (cmdp->argc) {
	case 0:
		 * If the name has been changed, we edit that file, not the
		 * original name.  If the user was editing a temporary file
		 * (or wasn't editing any file), create another one.  The
		 * reason for not reusing temporary files is that there is
		 * special exit processing of them, and reuse is tricky.
		frp = sp->frp;
		if (sp->ep == NULL || F_ISSET(frp, FR_TMPFILE)) {
			if ((frp = file_add(sp, NULL)) == NULL)
				return (1);
			attach = 0;
		} else
			attach = 1;
		setalt = 0;
	case 1:
		INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[0]->bp, cmdp->argv[0]->len + 1, 
			 np, nlen);
		if ((frp = file_add(sp, np)) == NULL)
			return (1);
		attach = 0;
		setalt = 1;
		set_alt_name(sp, np);

	if (F_ISSET(cmdp, E_NEWSCREEN) || cmdp->cmd == &cmds[C_VSPLIT])
		return (ex_N_edit(sp, cmdp, frp, attach));

	 * Check for modifications.
	 * !!!
	 * Contrary to POSIX 1003.2-1992, autowrite did not affect :edit.
	if (file_m2(sp, FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE)))
		return (1);

	/* Switch files. */
	if (file_init(sp, frp, NULL, (setalt ? FS_SETALT : 0) |
	    (FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE) ? FS_FORCE : 0)))
		return (1);

	return (0);
Example #6
 * vs_update --
 *	Update a command.
 * PUBLIC: void vs_update __P((SCR *, const char *, const CHAR_T *));
vs_update(SCR *sp, const char *m1, const CHAR_T *m2)
	GS *gp;
	size_t len, mlen, oldx, oldy;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	gp = sp->gp;

	 * This routine displays a message on the bottom line of the screen,
	 * without updating any of the command structures that would keep it
	 * there for any period of time, i.e. it is overwritten immediately.
	 * It's used by the ex read and ! commands when the user's command is
	 * expanded, and by the ex substitution confirmation prompt.
		if (m2 != NULL)
			INT2CHAR(sp, m2, STRLEN(m2) + 1, np, nlen);
		    "%s%s\n", m1 == NULL? "" : m1, m2 == NULL ? "" : np);

	 * Save the cursor position, the substitute-with-confirmation code
	 * will have already set it correctly.
	(void)gp->scr_cursor(sp, &oldy, &oldx);

	/* Clear the bottom line. */
	(void)gp->scr_move(sp, LASTLINE(sp), 0);

	 * XXX
	 * Don't let long file names screw up the screen.
	if (m1 != NULL) {
		mlen = len = strlen(m1);
		if (len > sp->cols - 2)
			mlen = len = sp->cols - 2;
		(void)gp->scr_addstr(sp, m1, mlen);
	} else
		len = 0;
	if (m2 != NULL) {
		mlen = STRLEN(m2);
		if (len + mlen > sp->cols - 2)
			mlen = (sp->cols - 2) - len;
		(void)gp->scr_waddstr(sp, m2, mlen);

	(void)gp->scr_move(sp, oldy, oldx);
	(void)gp->scr_refresh(sp, 0);
 * ex_emsg --
 *	Display a few common ex and vi error messages.
 * PUBLIC: void ex_wemsg __P((SCR *, const CHAR_T *, exm_t));
ex_wemsg(SCR* sp, const CHAR_T *p, exm_t which)
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	if (p) INT2CHAR(sp, p, STRLEN(p), np, nlen);
	else np = NULL;
	ex_emsg(sp, np, which);
Example #8
File: msg.c Project: lichray/nvi2
 * msgq_wstr --
 *	Display a message with an embedded string.
 * PUBLIC: void msgq_wstr(SCR *, mtype_t, const CHAR_T *, const char *);
msgq_wstr(SCR *sp, mtype_t mtype, const CHAR_T *str, const char *fmt)
	size_t nlen;
	CONST char *nstr;

	if (str == NULL) {
		msgq(sp, mtype, "%s", fmt);
	INT2CHAR(sp, str, STRLEN(str) + 1, nstr, nlen);
	msgq_str(sp, mtype, nstr, fmt);
 * ex_file -- :f[ile] [name]
 *	Change the file's name and display the status line.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_file __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_file(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	char *p;
	FREF *frp;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	NEEDFILE(sp, cmdp);

	switch (cmdp->argc) {
	case 0:
	case 1:
		frp = sp->frp;

		/* Make sure can allocate enough space. */
		INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[0]->bp, cmdp->argv[0]->len + 1, 
			    np, nlen);
		if ((p = v_strdup(sp, np, nlen - 1)) == NULL)
			return (1);

		/* If already have a file name, it becomes the alternate. */
		if (!F_ISSET(frp, FR_TMPFILE))
			set_alt_name(sp, frp->name);

		/* Free the previous name. */
		frp->name = p;

		 * The file has a real name, it's no longer a temporary,
		 * clear the temporary file flags.

		/* Have to force a write if the file exists, next time. */

		/* Notify the screen. */
		(void)sp->gp->scr_rename(sp, sp->frp->name, 1);
	msgq_status(sp, sp->lno, MSTAT_SHOWLAST);
	return (0);
 * ex_prchars --
 *	Local routine to dump characters to the screen.
static int
ex_prchars(SCR *sp, const CHAR_T *p, size_t *colp, size_t len, 
	    u_int flags, int repeatc)
	CHAR_T ch;
	const char *kp;
	size_t col, tlen, ts;

	if (O_ISSET(sp, O_LIST))
	ts = O_VAL(sp, O_TABSTOP);
	for (col = *colp; len--;)
		if ((ch = *p++) == L('\t') && !LF_ISSET(E_C_LIST))
			for (tlen = ts - col % ts;
			    col < sp->cols && tlen--; ++col) {
				    "%c", repeatc ? repeatc : ' ');
				if (INTERRUPTED(sp))
					goto intr;
		else {
			/* XXXX */
			if (INTISWIDE(ch)) {
			    CHAR_T str[2] = {0, 0};
			    str[0] = ch;
			    INT2CHAR(sp, str, 2, kp, tlen);
			} else {
			    kp = (char *)KEY_NAME(sp, ch);
			    tlen = KEY_LEN(sp, ch);
			if (!repeatc  && col + tlen < sp->cols) {
				(void)ex_puts(sp, kp);
				col += tlen;
			} else
				for (; tlen--; ++kp, ++col) {
					if (col == sp->cols) {
						col = 0;
						(void)ex_puts(sp, "\n");
					    "%c", repeatc ? repeatc : *kp);
					if (INTERRUPTED(sp))
						goto intr;
intr:	*colp = col;
	return (0);
Example #11
 * Creates 2D (stereo) source
EXPORT INT32 HWRAPI (Add2DSource) (sfx_data_t *sfx)
	FSOUND_SAMPLE *fmsample = NULL;
	INT32 chan = -1;

	if (!sfx)
		return chan;


	if (fmsample)
		if (!FSOUND_Sample_SetDefaults(fmsample,
		 (INT32)((float)(*((UINT16 *)sfx->data+1)) * recalc_pitch(sfx->pitch)),
		 sfx->volume == -1 ? 255 : sfx->volume,
		 sfx->sep == NORMAL_SEP ? FSOUND_STEREOPAN : sfx->sep,
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add2DSource, FSOUND_Sample_SetDefaults, sfxid# %i): %s\n", sfx->id,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

		if (!FSOUND_Sample_SetMode(fmsample,FSOUND_2D))
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add2DSource, FSOUND_Sample_SetMode, sfxid# %i): %s\n", sfx->id,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

		chan = FSOUND_PlaySoundEx(FSOUND_FREE,fmsample,NULL,true);

		if (chan == -1)
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add2DSource, FSOUND_PlaySoundEx, sfxid# %i): %s\n", sfx->id,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));
			return chan;
		else DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add2DSource, FSOUND_PlaySoundEx): sfxid# %i is playing on channel %i\n", sfx->id,chan);
		DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add2DSource,FSOUND_Sample_Load, sfxid# %i): %s\n", sfx->id,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));
		return chan;

	if (FSOUND_GetCurrentSample(chan))
		if (!FSOUND_SetCurrentPosition(chan, 0))
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add2DSource, FSOUND_SetCurrentPosition, channel %i, sfxid# %i): %s\n", chan,sfx->id,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

	return chan;
Example #12
 * v_editopt --
 *	Set an option value.
static int
v_editopt(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
	int rval;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;
	char *p2;

	INT2CHAR(sp, vp->ev.e_str2, STRLEN(vp->ev.e_str2)+1, np, nlen);
	p2 = strdup(np);
	rval = api_opts_set(sp, vp->ev.e_str1, p2, 
			    vp->ev.e_val1, vp->ev.e_val1);
	if (sp->gp->scr_reply != NULL)
		(void)sp->gp->scr_reply(sp, rval, NULL);
	return (rval);
Example #13
 * ex_cscope --
 *	Perform an ex cscope.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_cscope __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_cscope(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	CC const *ccp;
	int i;
	CHAR_T *cmd;
	CHAR_T *p;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	/* Initialize the default cscope directories. */
	exp = EXP(sp);
	if (!F_ISSET(exp, EXP_CSCINIT) && start_cscopes(sp, cmdp))
		return (1);

	/* Skip leading whitespace. */
	for (p = cmdp->argv[0]->bp, i = cmdp->argv[0]->len; i > 0; --i, ++p)
		if (!ISBLANK((UCHAR_T)*p))
	if (i == 0)
		goto usage;

	/* Skip the command to any arguments. */
	for (cmd = p; i > 0; --i, ++p)
		if (ISBLANK((UCHAR_T)*p))
	if (*p != '\0') {
		*p++ = '\0';
		for (; *p && ISBLANK((UCHAR_T)*p); ++p);

	INT2CHAR(sp, cmd, STRLEN(cmd) + 1, np, nlen);
	if ((ccp = lookup_ccmd(np)) == NULL) {
usage:		msgq(sp, M_ERR, "309|Use \"cscope help\" for help");
		return (1);

	/* Call the underlying function. */
	return (ccp->function(sp, cmdp, p));
Example #14
 * sscr_setprompt --
 * Set the prompt to the last line we got from the shell.
static int
sscr_setprompt(SCR *sp, CHAR_T *buf, size_t len)
	SCRIPT *sc;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	sc = sp->script;
	if (sc->sh_prompt)
	MALLOC(sp, sc->sh_prompt, char *, len + 1);
	if (sc->sh_prompt == NULL) {
		return (1);
	INT2CHAR(sp, buf, len, np, nlen);
	memmove(sc->sh_prompt, np, nlen);
	sc->sh_prompt_len = len;
	sc->sh_prompt[len] = '\0';
	return (0);
Example #15
 * ex_read --	:read [file]
 *		:read [!cmd]
 *	Read from a file or utility.
 * !!!
 * Historical vi wouldn't undo a filter read, for no apparent reason.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_read __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_read(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	enum { R_ARG, R_EXPANDARG, R_FILTER } which;
	struct stat sb;
	CHAR_T *arg;
	char *name;
	size_t nlen;
	FILE *fp;
	FREF *frp;
	GS *gp;
	MARK rm;
	db_recno_t nlines;
	size_t arglen;
	int argc, rval;
	char *p;
	char *np;

	gp = sp->gp;

	 * 0 args: read the current pathname.
	 * 1 args: check for "read !arg".
	switch (cmdp->argc) {
	case 0:
		which = R_ARG;
	case 1:
		arg = cmdp->argv[0]->bp;
		arglen = cmdp->argv[0]->len;
		if (*arg == '!') {
			which = R_FILTER;

			/* Secure means no shell access. */
			if (O_ISSET(sp, O_SECURE)) {
				ex_wemsg(sp, cmdp->cmd->name, EXM_SECURE_F);
				return (1);
		} else
			which = R_EXPANDARG;

	/* Load a temporary file if no file being edited. */
	if (sp->ep == NULL) {
		if ((frp = file_add(sp, NULL)) == NULL)
			return (1);
		if (file_init(sp, frp, NULL, 0))
			return (1);

	switch (which) {
	case R_FILTER:
		 * File name and bang expand the user's argument.  If
		 * we don't get an additional argument, it's illegal.
		argc = cmdp->argc;
		if (argv_exp1(sp, cmdp, arg, arglen, 1))
			return (1);
		if (argc == cmdp->argc) {
			ex_emsg(sp, cmdp->cmd->usage, EXM_USAGE);
			return (1);
		argc = cmdp->argc - 1;

		/* Set the last bang command. */
		exp = EXP(sp);
		if (exp->lastbcomm != NULL)
		if ((exp->lastbcomm =
		    v_wstrdup(sp, cmdp->argv[argc]->bp,
				cmdp->argv[argc]->len)) == NULL) {
			msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, NULL);
			return (1);

		 * Vi redisplayed the user's argument if it changed, ex
		 * always displayed a !, plus the user's argument if it
		 * changed.
		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI)) {
			if (F_ISSET(cmdp, E_MODIFY))
				(void)vs_update(sp, "!", cmdp->argv[argc]->bp);
		} else {
			if (F_ISSET(cmdp, E_MODIFY))
				    "!%s\n", cmdp->argv[argc]->bp);
				(void)ex_puts(sp, "!\n");

		 * Historically, filter reads as the first ex command didn't
		 * wait for the user. If SC_SCR_EXWROTE not already set, set
		 * the don't-wait flag.
			F_SET(sp, SC_EX_WAIT_NO);

		 * Switch into ex canonical mode.  The reason to restore the
		 * original terminal modes for read filters is so that users
		 * can do things like ":r! cat /dev/tty".
		 * !!!
		 * We do not output an extra <newline>, so that we don't touch
		 * the screen on a normal read.
		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI)) {
			if (gp->scr_screen(sp, SC_EX)) {
				ex_wemsg(sp, cmdp->cmd->name, EXM_NOCANON_F);
				return (1);
			 * !!!
			 * Historically, the read command doesn't switch to
			 * the alternate X11 xterm screen, if doing a filter
			 * read -- don't set SA_ALTERNATE.

		if (ex_filter(sp, cmdp, &cmdp->addr1,
		    NULL, &rm, cmdp->argv[argc]->bp, FILTER_READ))
			return (1);

		/* The filter version of read set the autoprint flag. */

		 * If in vi mode, move to the first nonblank.  Might have
		 * switched into ex mode, so saved the original SC_VI value.
		sp->lno = rm.lno;
		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI)) {
			sp->cno = 0;
			(void)nonblank(sp, sp->lno, &sp->cno);
		return (0);
	case R_ARG:
		name = sp->frp->name;
		if (argv_exp2(sp, cmdp, arg, arglen))
			return (1);
		 *  0 args: impossible.
		 *  1 args: impossible (I hope).
		 *  2 args: read it.
		 * >2 args: object, too many args.
		 * The 1 args case depends on the argv_sexp() function refusing
		 * to return success without at least one non-blank character.
		switch (cmdp->argc) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
			INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[1]->bp, cmdp->argv[1]->len + 1, 
				 name, nlen);
			 * !!!
			 * Historically, the read and write commands renamed
			 * "unnamed" files, or, if the file had a name, set
			 * the alternate file name.
			if (F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_TMPFILE) &&
			    !F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_EXNAMED)) {
				if ((p = strdup(name)) != NULL) {
					sp->frp->name = p;
				 * The file has a real name, it's no longer a
				 * temporary, clear the temporary file flags.
				F_CLR(sp->frp, FR_TMPEXIT | FR_TMPFILE);

				/* Notify the screen. */
				(void)sp->gp->scr_rename(sp, sp->frp->name, 1);
				name = sp->frp->name;
			} else {
				set_alt_name(sp, name);
				name = sp->alt_name;
			ex_wemsg(sp, cmdp->argv[0]->bp, EXM_FILECOUNT);
			return (1);

	 * !!!
	 * Historically, vi did not permit reads from non-regular files, nor
	 * did it distinguish between "read !" and "read!", so there was no
	 * way to "force" it.  We permit reading from named pipes too, since
	 * they didn't exist when the original implementation of vi was done
	 * and they seem a reasonable addition.
	if ((fp = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL || fstat(fileno(fp), &sb)) {
		msgq_str(sp, M_SYSERR, name, "%s");
		return (1);
	if (!S_ISFIFO(sb.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
		msgq(sp, M_ERR,
		    "145|Only regular files and named pipes may be read");
		return (1);

	/* Try and get a lock. */
	if (file_lock(sp, NULL, NULL, fileno(fp), 0) == LOCK_UNAVAIL)
		msgq(sp, M_ERR, "146|%s: read lock was unavailable", name);

	rval = ex_readfp(sp, name, fp, &cmdp->addr1, &nlines, 0);

	 * In vi, set the cursor to the first line read in, if anything read
	 * in, otherwise, the address.  (Historic vi set it to the line after
	 * the address regardless, but since that line may not exist we don't
	 * bother.)
	 * In ex, set the cursor to the last line read in, if anything read in,
	 * otherwise, the address.
	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI)) {
		sp->lno = cmdp->addr1.lno;
		if (nlines)
	} else
		sp->lno = cmdp->addr1.lno + nlines;
	return (rval);
Example #16
 * ex_next -- :next [+cmd] [files]
 *	Edit the next file, optionally setting the list of files.
 * !!!
 * The :next command behaved differently from the :rewind command in
 * historic vi.  See nvi/docs/autowrite for details, but the basic
 * idea was that it ignored the force flag if the autowrite flag was
 * set.  This implementation handles them all identically.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_next __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_next(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	ARGS **argv;
	FREF *frp;
	int noargs;
	char **ap;
	const CHAR_T *wp;
	size_t wlen;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	/* Check for file to move to. */
	if (cmdp->argc == 0 && (sp->cargv == NULL || sp->cargv[1] == NULL)) {
		msgq(sp, M_ERR, "111|No more files to edit");
		return (1);

	if (F_ISSET(cmdp, E_NEWSCREEN)) {
		/* By default, edit the next file in the old argument list. */
		if (cmdp->argc == 0) {
			CHAR2INT(sp, sp->cargv[1], strlen(sp->cargv[1]) + 1,
					   wp, wlen);
			if (argv_exp0(sp, cmdp, wp, wlen - 1))
				return (1);
			return (ex_edit(sp, cmdp));
		return (ex_N_next(sp, cmdp));

	/* Check modification. */
	if (file_m1(sp,
	    FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE), FS_ALL | FS_POSSIBLE))
		return (1);

	/* Any arguments are a replacement file list. */
	if (cmdp->argc) {
		/* Free the current list. */
		if (!F_ISSET(sp, SC_ARGNOFREE) && sp->argv != NULL) {
			for (ap = sp->argv; *ap != NULL; ++ap)
		sp->cargv = NULL;

		/* Create a new list. */
		    sp->argv, char **, cmdp->argc + 1, sizeof(char *));
		for (ap = sp->argv,
		    argv = cmdp->argv; argv[0]->len != 0; ++ap, ++argv) {
			INT2CHAR(sp, argv[0]->bp, argv[0]->len, np, nlen);
			if ((*ap = v_strdup(sp, np, nlen)) == NULL)
				return (1);
		*ap = NULL;

		/* Switch to the first file. */
		sp->cargv = sp->argv;
		if ((frp = file_add(sp, *sp->cargv)) == NULL)
			return (1);
		noargs = 0;

		/* Display a file count with the welcome message. */
	} else {
		if ((frp = file_add(sp, sp->cargv[1])) == NULL)
Example #17
 * cscope_add --
 *	The cscope add command.
static int
cscope_add(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp, const CHAR_T *dname)
	struct stat sb;
	CSC *csc;
	size_t len;
	int cur_argc;
	const char *dbname;
	char path[MAXPATHLEN];
	const char *np;
	char *npp;
	size_t nlen;

	exp = EXP(sp);

	 *  0 additional args: usage.
	 *  1 additional args: matched a file.
	 * >1 additional args: object, too many args.
	cur_argc = cmdp->argc;
	if (argv_exp2(sp, cmdp, dname, STRLEN(dname))) {
		return (1);
	if (cmdp->argc == cur_argc) {
		(void)csc_help(sp, "add");
		return (1);
	if (cmdp->argc == cur_argc + 1)
		dname = cmdp->argv[cur_argc]->bp;
	else {
		INT2CHAR(sp, dname, STRLEN(dname)+1, np, nlen);
		ex_emsg(sp, np, EXM_FILECOUNT);
		return (1);

	INT2CHAR(sp, dname, STRLEN(dname)+1, np, nlen);

	 * The user can specify a specific file (so they can have multiple
	 * Cscope databases in a single directory) or a directory.  If the
	 * file doesn't exist, we're done.  If it's a directory, append the
	 * standard database file name and try again.  Store the directory
	 * name regardless so that we can use it as a base for searches.
	if (stat(np, &sb)) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "%s", np);
		return (1);
	if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
		(void)snprintf(path, sizeof(path),
		    "%s/%s", np, CSCOPE_DBFILE);
		if (stat(path, &sb)) {
			msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "%s", path);
			return (1);
		dbname = CSCOPE_DBFILE;
	} else if ((npp = strrchr(np, '/')) != NULL) {
		*npp = '\0';
		dbname = npp + 1;
	} else {
		dbname = np;
		np = ".";

	/* Allocate a cscope connection structure and initialize its fields. */
	len = strlen(np);
	CALLOC_RET(sp, csc, CSC *, 1, sizeof(CSC) + len);
	csc->dname = csc->buf;
	csc->dlen = len;
	memcpy(csc->dname, np, len);
	csc->mtime = sb.st_mtime;

	/* Get the search paths for the cscope. */
	if (get_paths(sp, csc))
		goto err;

	/* Start the cscope process. */
	if (run_cscope(sp, csc, dbname))
		goto err;

	 * Add the cscope connection to the screen's list.  From now on, 
	 * on error, we have to call terminate, which expects the csc to
	 * be on the chain.
	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&exp->cscq, csc, q);

	/* Read the initial prompt from the cscope to make sure it's okay. */
	return read_prompt(sp, csc);

err:	free(csc);
	return (1);
Example #18
 * ex_mkexrc -- :mkexrc[!] [file]
 * Create (or overwrite) a .exrc file with the current info.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_mkexrc __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_mkexrc(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	struct stat sb;
	FILE *fp;
	int fd, sverrno;
	char *fname;
	size_t flen;

	switch (cmdp->argc) {
	case 0:
		fname = _PATH_EXRC;
	case 1:
		INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[0]->bp, cmdp->argv[0]->len + 1, 
			    fname, flen);
		set_alt_name(sp, fname);

	if (!FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE) && !stat(fname, &sb)) {
		msgq_str(sp, M_ERR, fname,
		    "137|%s exists, not written; use ! to override");
		return (1);

	/* Create with max permissions of rw-r--r--. */
	if ((fd = open(fname, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY,
	    S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) < 0) {
		msgq_str(sp, M_SYSERR, fname, "%s");
		return (1);

	if ((fp = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) {
		sverrno = errno;
		goto e2;

	if (seq_save(sp, fp, "abbreviate ", SEQ_ABBREV) || ferror(fp))
		goto e1;
	if (seq_save(sp, fp, "map ", SEQ_COMMAND) || ferror(fp))
		goto e1;
	if (seq_save(sp, fp, "map! ", SEQ_INPUT) || ferror(fp))
		goto e1;
	if (opts_save(sp, fp) || ferror(fp))
		goto e1;
	if (fclose(fp)) {
		sverrno = errno;
		goto e2;

	msgq_str(sp, M_INFO, fname, "138|New exrc file: %s");
	return (0);

e1:	sverrno = errno;
e2:	errno = sverrno;
	msgq_str(sp, M_SYSERR, fname, "%s");
	return (1);
Example #19
 * sscr_exec --
 *	Take a line and hand it off to the shell.
 * PUBLIC: int sscr_exec __P((SCR *, db_recno_t));
sscr_exec(SCR *sp, db_recno_t lno)
	SCRIPT *sc;
	db_recno_t last_lno;
	size_t blen, len, last_len;
	int isempty, matchprompt, rval;
	ssize_t nw;
	char *bp = NULL;
	const char *p;
	const CHAR_T *ip;
	size_t ilen;

	sc = sp->script;

	/* If there's a prompt on the last line, append the command. */
	if (db_last(sp, &last_lno))
		return (1);
	if (db_get(sp, last_lno, DBG_FATAL, __UNCONST(&ip), &ilen))
		return (1);
	INT2CHAR(sp, ip, ilen, p, last_len);
	if (last_len == sc->sh_prompt_len &&
	    memcmp(p, sc->sh_prompt, last_len) == 0) {
		matchprompt = 1;
		GET_SPACE_RETC(sp, bp, blen, last_len + 128);
		memmove(bp, p, last_len);
	} else
		matchprompt = 0;

	/* Get something to execute. */
	if (db_eget(sp, lno, __UNCONST(&ip), &ilen, &isempty)) {
		if (isempty)
			goto empty;
		goto err1;

	/* Empty lines aren't interesting. */
	if (ilen == 0)
		goto empty;
	INT2CHAR(sp, ip, ilen, p, len);

	/* Delete any prompt. */
	if (len >= sc->sh_prompt_len &&
	    memcmp(p, sc->sh_prompt, sc->sh_prompt_len) == 0) {
		len -= sc->sh_prompt_len;
		if (len == 0) {
empty:			msgq(sp, M_BERR, "151|No command to execute");
			goto err1;
		p += sc->sh_prompt_len;

	/* Push the line to the shell. */
	if ((size_t)(nw = write(sc->sh_master, p, len)) != len)
		goto err2;
	rval = 0;
	if (write(sc->sh_master, "\n", 1) != 1) {
err2:		if (nw == 0)
			errno = EIO;
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "shell");
		goto err1;

	if (matchprompt) {
		ADD_SPACE_GOTO(sp, char, bp, blen, last_len + len);
		memmove(bp + last_len, p, len);
		CHAR2INT(sp, bp, last_len + len, ip, ilen);
		if (db_set(sp, last_lno, ip, ilen))
err1:			rval = 1;
	if (matchprompt)
alloc_err:	FREE_SPACE(sp, bp, blen);
	return (rval);
Example #20
 * ex_filter --
 *	Run a range of lines through a filter utility and optionally
 *	replace the original text with the stdout/stderr output of
 *	the utility.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_filter __P((SCR *, 
 * PUBLIC:    EXCMD *, MARK *, MARK *, MARK *, CHAR_T *, enum filtertype));
ex_filter(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp, MARK *fm, MARK *tm, MARK *rp, CHAR_T *cmd, enum filtertype ftype)
	FILE *ifp, *ofp;
	pid_t parent_writer_pid, utility_pid;
	db_recno_t nread;
	int input[2], output[2], rval;
	char *name;
	char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	rval = 0;

	/* Set return cursor position, which is never less than line 1. */
	*rp = *fm;
	if (rp->lno == 0)
		rp->lno = 1;

	/* We're going to need a shell. */
	if (opts_empty(sp, O_SHELL, 0))
		return (1);

	 * There are three different processes running through this code.
	 * They are the utility, the parent-writer and the parent-reader.
	 * The parent-writer is the process that writes from the file to
	 * the utility, the parent reader is the process that reads from
	 * the utility.
	 * Input and output are named from the utility's point of view.
	 * The utility reads from input[0] and the parent(s) write to
	 * input[1].  The parent(s) read from output[0] and the utility
	 * writes to output[1].
	 * !!!
	 * Historically, in the FILTER_READ case, the utility reads from
	 * the terminal (e.g. :r! cat works).  Otherwise open up utility
	 * input pipe.
	ofp = NULL;
	input[0] = input[1] = output[0] = output[1] = -1;
	if (ftype != FILTER_READ && pipe(input) < 0) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "pipe");
		goto err;

	/* Open up utility output pipe. */
	if (pipe(output) < 0) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "pipe");
		goto err;
	if ((ofp = fdopen(output[0], "r")) == NULL) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "fdopen");
		goto err;

	/* Fork off the utility process. */
	switch (utility_pid = vfork()) {
	case -1:			/* Error. */
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "vfork");
err:		if (input[0] != -1)
		if (input[1] != -1)
		if (ofp != NULL)
		else if (output[0] != -1)
		if (output[1] != -1)
		return (1);
	case 0:				/* Utility. */
		 * Redirect stdin from the read end of the input pipe, and
		 * redirect stdout/stderr to the write end of the output pipe.
		 * !!!
		 * Historically, ex only directed stdout into the input pipe,
		 * letting stderr come out on the terminal as usual.  Vi did
		 * not, directing both stdout and stderr into the input pipe.
		 * We match that practice in both ex and vi for consistency.
		if (input[0] != -1)
			(void)dup2(input[0], STDIN_FILENO);
		(void)dup2(output[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
		(void)dup2(output[1], STDERR_FILENO);

		/* Close the utility's file descriptors. */
		if (input[0] != -1)
		if (input[1] != -1)

		if ((name = strrchr(O_STR(sp, O_SHELL), '/')) == NULL)
			name = O_STR(sp, O_SHELL);

		INT2SYS(sp, cmd, STRLEN(cmd)+1, np, nlen);
		execl(O_STR(sp, O_SHELL), name, "-c", np, (char *)NULL);
		msgq_str(sp, M_SYSERR, O_STR(sp, O_SHELL), "execl: %s");
		_exit (127);
	default:			/* Parent-reader, parent-writer. */
		/* Close the pipe ends neither parent will use. */
		if (input[0] != -1)

	 * Reading is the simple case -- we don't need a parent writer,
	 * so the parent reads the output from the read end of the output
	 * pipe until it finishes, then waits for the child.  Ex_readfp
	 * appends to the MARK, and closes ofp.
	 * For FILTER_RBANG, there is nothing to write to the utility.
	 * Make sure it doesn't wait forever by closing its standard
	 * input.
	 * !!!
	 * Set the return cursor to the last line read in for FILTER_READ.
	 * Historically, this behaves differently from ":r file" command,
	 * which leaves the cursor at the first line read in.  Check to
	 * make sure that it's not past EOF because we were reading into an
	 * empty file.
	if (ftype == FILTER_RBANG || ftype == FILTER_READ) {
		if (ftype == FILTER_RBANG)

		if (ex_readfp(sp, "filter", ofp, fm, &nread, 1))
			rval = 1;
		sp->rptlines[L_ADDED] += nread;
		if (ftype == FILTER_READ)
			if (fm->lno == 0)
				rp->lno = nread;
				rp->lno += nread;
		goto uwait;

	 * Here we need both a reader and a writer.  Temporary files are
	 * expensive and we'd like to avoid disk I/O.  Using pipes has the
	 * obvious starvation conditions.  It's done as follows:
	 *	fork
	 *	child
	 *		write lines out
	 *		exit
	 *	parent
	 *			read lines into the file
	 *			delete old lines
	 *			read and display lines
	 *		wait for child
	 * XXX
	 * We get away without locking the underlying database because we know
	 * that none of the records that we're reading will be modified until
	 * after we've read them.  This depends on the fact that the current
	 * B+tree implementation doesn't balance pages or similar things when
	 * it inserts new records.  When the DB code has locking, we should
	 * treat vi as if it were multiple applications sharing a database, and
	 * do the required locking.  If necessary a work-around would be to do
	 * explicit locking in the line.c:db_get() code, based on the flag set
	 * here.
	F_SET(sp->ep, F_MULTILOCK);
	switch (parent_writer_pid = fork()) {
	case -1:			/* Error. */
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "fork");
		rval = 1;
	case 0:				/* Parent-writer. */
		 * Write the selected lines to the write end of the input
		 * pipe.  This instance of ifp is closed by ex_writefp.
		if ((ifp = fdopen(input[1], "w")) == NULL)
			_exit (1);
		_exit(ex_writefp(sp, "filter", ifp, fm, tm, NULL, NULL, 1));

	default:			/* Parent-reader. */
		if (ftype == FILTER_WRITE) {
			 * Read the output from the read end of the output
			 * pipe and display it.  Filter_ldisplay closes ofp.
			if (filter_ldisplay(sp, ofp))
				rval = 1;
		} else {
			 * Read the output from the read end of the output
			 * pipe.  Ex_readfp appends to the MARK and closes
			 * ofp.
			if (ex_readfp(sp, "filter", ofp, tm, &nread, 1))
				rval = 1;
			sp->rptlines[L_ADDED] += nread;

		/* Wait for the parent-writer. */
		if (proc_wait(sp,
		    (long)parent_writer_pid, "parent-writer", 0, 1))
			rval = 1;

		/* Delete any lines written to the utility. */
		if (rval == 0 && ftype == FILTER_BANG &&
		    (cut(sp, NULL, fm, tm, CUT_LINEMODE) ||
		    del(sp, fm, tm, 1))) {
			rval = 1;

		 * If the filter had no output, we may have just deleted
		 * the cursor.  Don't do any real error correction, we'll
		 * try and recover later.
		 if (rp->lno > 1 && !db_exist(sp, rp->lno))
	F_CLR(sp->ep, F_MULTILOCK);

	 * !!!
	 * Ignore errors on vi file reads, to make reads prettier.  It's
	 * completely inconsistent, and historic practice.
uwait:	INT2CHAR(sp, cmd, STRLEN(cmd) + 1, np, nlen);
	return (proc_wait(sp, (long)utility_pid, np,
	    ftype == FILTER_READ && F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI) ? 1 : 0, 0) || rval);
Example #21
 * ex_usage -- :exusage [cmd]
 *	Display ex usage strings.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_usage __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
ex_usage(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	ARGS *ap;
	EXCMDLIST const *cp;
	int newscreen;
	const CHAR_T *name;

	switch (cmdp->argc) {
	case 1:
		ap = cmdp->argv[0];
		if (ISUPPER((UCHAR_T)ap->bp[0])) {
			newscreen = 1;
			ap->bp[0] = TOLOWER((UCHAR_T)ap->bp[0]);
		} else
			newscreen = 0;
		for (cp = cmds; cp->name != NULL &&
		    memcmp(ap->bp, cp->name, ap->len); ++cp);
		if (cp->name == NULL ||
		    (newscreen && !F_ISSET(cp, E_NEWSCREEN))) {
			const char *nstr;
			size_t nlen;

			if (newscreen)
				ap->bp[0] = TOUPPER((UCHAR_T)ap->bp[0]);

			INT2CHAR(sp, ap->bp, ap->len + 1, nstr, nlen);
			(void)ex_printf(sp, "The %.*s command is unknown\n",
			    (int)ap->len, nstr);
		} else {
			    "Command: %s\n  Usage: %s\n", cp->help, cp->usage);
			 * !!!
			 * The "visual" command has two modes, one from ex,
			 * one from the vi colon line.  Don't ask.
			if (cp != &cmds[C_VISUAL_EX] &&
			    cp != &cmds[C_VISUAL_VI])
			if (cp == &cmds[C_VISUAL_EX])
				cp = &cmds[C_VISUAL_VI];
				cp = &cmds[C_VISUAL_EX];
			    "Command: %s\n  Usage: %s\n", cp->help, cp->usage);
	case 0:
		for (cp = cmds; cp->name != NULL && !INTERRUPTED(sp); ++cp) {
			 * The ^D command has an unprintable name.
			 * XXX
			 * We display both capital and lower-case versions of
			 * the appropriate commands -- no need to add in extra
			 * room, they're all short names.
			if (cp == &cmds[C_SCROLL])
				name = L("^D");
			else if (F_ISSET(cp, E_NEWSCREEN)) {
				nb[0] = L('[');
				nb[1] = TOUPPER((UCHAR_T)cp->name[0]);
				nb[2] = cp->name[0];
				nb[3] = L(']');
				for (name = cp->name + 1,
				    p = nb + 4; (*p++ = *name++) != '\0';);
				name = nb;
			} else
				name = cp->name;
			    WVS": %s\n", MAXCMDNAMELEN, name, cp->help);
	return (0);
Example #22
 * ex_bang -- :[line [,line]] ! command
 * Pass the rest of the line after the ! character to the program named by
 * the O_SHELL option.
 * Historical vi did NOT do shell expansion on the arguments before passing
 * them, only file name expansion.  This means that the O_SHELL program got
 * "$t" as an argument if that is what the user entered.  Also, there's a
 * special expansion done for the bang command.  Any exclamation points in
 * the user's argument are replaced by the last, expanded ! command.
 * There's some fairly amazing slop in this routine to make the different
 * ways of getting here display the right things.  It took a long time to
 * get it right (wrong?), so be careful.
 * PUBLIC: int ex_bang(SCR *, EXCMD *);
ex_bang(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
	enum filtertype ftype;
	ARGS *ap;
	MARK rm;
	recno_t lno;
	int rval;
	const char *msg;
	char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	ap = cmdp->argv[0];
	if (ap->len == 0) {
		ex_emsg(sp, cmdp->cmd->usage, EXM_USAGE);
		return (1);

	/* Set the "last bang command" remembered value. */
	exp = EXP(sp);
	if ((exp->lastbcomm = v_wstrdup(sp, ap->bp, ap->len)) == NULL) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, NULL);
		return (1);

	 * If the command was modified by the expansion, it was historically
	 * redisplayed.
	if (F_ISSET(cmdp, E_MODIFY) && !F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT)) {
		 * Display the command if modified.  Historic ex/vi displayed
		 * the command if it was modified due to file name and/or bang
		 * expansion.  If piping lines in vi, it would be immediately
		 * overwritten by any error or line change reporting.
		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI))
			vs_update(sp, "!", ap->bp);
		else {
			(void)ex_printf(sp, "!"WS"\n", ap->bp);

	 * If no addresses were specified, run the command.  If there's an
	 * underlying file, it's been modified and autowrite is set, write
	 * the file back.  If the file has been modified, autowrite is not
	 * set and the warn option is set, tell the user about the file.
	if (cmdp->addrcnt == 0) {
		msg = NULL;
		if (sp->ep != NULL && F_ISSET(sp->ep, F_MODIFIED))
			if (O_ISSET(sp, O_AUTOWRITE)) {
				if (file_aw(sp, FS_ALL))
					return (0);
			} else if (O_ISSET(sp, O_WARN) &&
			    !F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT))
				msg = msg_cat(sp,
				    "303|File modified since last write.",

		/* If we're still in a vi screen, move out explicitly. */
		INT2CHAR(sp, ap->bp, ap->len+1, np, nlen);
		    cmdp, np, msg, !F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX | SC_SCR_EXWROTE));

	 * If addresses were specified, pipe lines from the file through the
	 * command.
	 * Historically, vi lines were replaced by both the stdout and stderr
	 * lines of the command, but ex lines by only the stdout lines.  This
	 * makes no sense to me, so nvi makes it consistent for both, and
	 * matches vi's historic behavior.
	else {
		NEEDFILE(sp, cmdp);

		/* Autoprint is set historically, even if the command fails. */

		 * !!!
		 * Historical vi permitted "!!" in an empty file.  When this
		 * happens, we arrive here with two addresses of 1,1 and a
		 * bad attitude.  The simple solution is to turn it into a
		 * FILTER_READ operation, with the exception that stdin isn't
		 * opened for the utility, and the cursor position isn't the
		 * same.  The only historic glitch (I think) is that we don't
		 * put an empty line into the default cut buffer, as historic
		 * vi did.  Imagine, if you can, my disappointment.
		ftype = FILTER_BANG;
		if (cmdp->addr1.lno == 1 && cmdp->addr2.lno == 1) {
			if (db_last(sp, &lno))
				return (1);
			if (lno == 0) {
				cmdp->addr1.lno = cmdp->addr2.lno = 0;
				ftype = FILTER_RBANG;
		rval = ex_filter(sp, cmdp,
		    &cmdp->addr1, &cmdp->addr2, &rm, ap->bp, ftype);

		 * If in vi mode, move to the first nonblank.
		 * !!!
		 * Historic vi wasn't consistent in this area -- if you used
		 * a forward motion it moved to the first nonblank, but if you
		 * did a backward motion it didn't.  And, if you followed a
		 * backward motion with a forward motion, it wouldn't move to
		 * the nonblank for either.  Going to the nonblank generally
		 * seems more useful and consistent, so we do it.
		sp->lno = rm.lno;
		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI)) {
			sp->cno = 0;
			(void)nonblank(sp, sp->lno, &sp->cno);
		} else
			sp->cno = rm.cno;

	/* Ex terminates with a bang, even if the command fails. */
	if (!F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI) && !F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT))
		(void)ex_puts(sp, "!\n");

	 * XXX
	 * The ! commands never return an error, so that autoprint always
	 * happens in the ex parser.
	return (0);
Example #23
 * opts_set --
 *	Change the values of one or more options.
 * PUBLIC: int opts_set __P((SCR *, ARGS *[], const char *));
opts_set(SCR *sp, ARGS **argv, const char *usage)
	enum optdisp disp;
	enum nresult nret;
	OPTLIST const *op;
	OPTION *spo;
	u_long isset, turnoff, value;
	int ch, equals, nf, nf2, offset, qmark, rval;
	CHAR_T *endp, *name, *p, *sep;
	char *p2, *t2;
	const char *np;
	size_t nlen;

	disp = NO_DISPLAY;
	for (rval = 0; argv[0]->len != 0; ++argv) {
		 * The historic vi dumped the options for each occurrence of
		 * "all" in the set list.  Puhleeze.
		if (!STRCMP(argv[0]->bp, L("all"))) {
			disp = ALL_DISPLAY;

		/* Find equals sign or question mark. */
		for (sep = NULL, equals = qmark = 0,
		    p = name = argv[0]->bp; (ch = *p) != '\0'; ++p)
			if (ch == '=' || ch == '?') {
				if (p == name) {
					if (usage != NULL)
						msgq(sp, M_ERR,
						    "032|Usage: %s", usage);
					return (1);
				sep = p;
				if (ch == '=')
					equals = 1;
					qmark = 1;

		turnoff = 0;
		op = NULL;
		if (sep != NULL)
			*sep++ = '\0';

		/* Search for the name, then name without any leading "no". */
		if ((op = opts_search(name)) == NULL &&
		    name[0] == L('n') && name[1] == L('o')) {
			turnoff = 1;
			name += 2;
			op = opts_search(name);
		if (op == NULL) {
			opts_nomatch(sp, name);
			rval = 1;

		/* Find current option values. */
		offset = op - optlist;
		spo = sp->opts + offset;

		 * !!!
		 * Historically, the question mark could be a separate
		 * argument.
		if (!equals && !qmark &&
		    argv[1]->len == 1 && argv[1]->bp[0] == '?') {
			qmark = 1;

		/* Set name, value. */
		switch (op->type) {
		case OPT_0BOOL:
		case OPT_1BOOL:
			/* Some options may not be reset. */
			if (F_ISSET(op, OPT_NOUNSET) && turnoff) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
			    "291|set: the %s option may not be turned off");
				rval = 1;

			/* Some options may not be set. */
			if (F_ISSET(op, OPT_NOSET) && !turnoff) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
			    "313|set: the %s option may never be turned on");
				rval = 1;

			if (equals) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
			    "034|set: [no]%s option doesn't take a value");
				rval = 1;
			if (qmark) {
				if (!disp)
					disp = SELECT_DISPLAY;

			 * Do nothing if the value is unchanged, the underlying
			 * functions can be expensive.
			isset = !turnoff;
			if (!F_ISSET(op, OPT_ALWAYS)) {
				if (isset) {
					if (O_ISSET(sp, offset))
				} else
					if (!O_ISSET(sp, offset))

			/* Report to subsystems. */
			if ((op->func != NULL &&
			    op->func(sp, spo, NULL, &isset)) ||
			    ex_optchange(sp, offset, NULL, &isset) ||
			    v_optchange(sp, offset, NULL, &isset) ||
			    sp->gp->scr_optchange(sp, offset, NULL, &isset)) {
				rval = 1;

			/* Set the value. */
			if (isset)
				O_SET(sp, offset);
				O_CLR(sp, offset);
		case OPT_NUM:
			if (turnoff) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
				    "035|set: %s option isn't a boolean");
				rval = 1;
			if (qmark || !equals) {
				if (!disp)
					disp = SELECT_DISPLAY;

			if (!ISDIGIT((UCHAR_T)sep[0]))
				goto badnum;
			if ((nret =
			    nget_uslong(sp, &value, sep, &endp, 10)) != NUM_OK) {
				INT2CHAR(sp, name, STRLEN(name) + 1, 
					     np, nlen);
				p2 = msg_print(sp, np, &nf);
				INT2CHAR(sp, sep, STRLEN(sep) + 1, 
					     np, nlen);
				t2 = msg_print(sp, np, &nf2);
				switch (nret) {
				case NUM_ERR:
					msgq(sp, M_SYSERR,
					    "036|set: %s option: %s", p2, t2);
				case NUM_OVER:
					msgq(sp, M_ERR,
			    "037|set: %s option: %s: value overflow", p2, t2);
				case NUM_OK:
				case NUM_UNDER:
				if (nf)
					FREE_SPACE(sp, p2, 0);
				if (nf2)
					FREE_SPACE(sp, t2, 0);
				rval = 1;
			if (*endp && !ISBLANK(*endp)) {
badnum:				INT2CHAR(sp, name, STRLEN(name) + 1, 
					     np, nlen);
				p2 = msg_print(sp, np, &nf);
				INT2CHAR(sp, sep, STRLEN(sep) + 1, 
					     np, nlen);
				t2 = msg_print(sp, np, &nf2);
				msgq(sp, M_ERR,
		    "038|set: %s option: %s is an illegal number", p2, t2);
				if (nf)
					FREE_SPACE(sp, p2, 0);
				if (nf2)
					FREE_SPACE(sp, t2, 0);
				rval = 1;

			/* Some options may never be set to zero. */
			if (F_ISSET(op, OPT_NOZERO) && value == 0) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
			    "314|set: the %s option may never be set to 0");
				rval = 1;

			 * Do nothing if the value is unchanged, the underlying
			 * functions can be expensive.
			if (!F_ISSET(op, OPT_ALWAYS) &&
			    O_VAL(sp, offset) == value)

			/* Report to subsystems. */
			INT2CHAR(sp, sep, STRLEN(sep) + 1, np, nlen);
			if ((op->func != NULL &&
			    op->func(sp, spo, np, &value)) ||
			    ex_optchange(sp, offset, np, &value) ||
			    v_optchange(sp, offset, np, &value) ||
			    sp->gp->scr_optchange(sp, offset, np, &value)) {
				rval = 1;

			/* Set the value. */
			if (o_set(sp, offset, 0, NULL, value))
				rval = 1;
		case OPT_STR:
			if (turnoff) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
				    "039|set: %s option isn't a boolean");
				rval = 1;
			if (qmark || !equals) {
				if (!disp)
					disp = SELECT_DISPLAY;

			/* Check for strings that must have even length */
			if (F_ISSET(op, OPT_PAIRS) && STRLEN(sep) & 1) {
				msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
				    "047|set: the %s option must be in two character groups");
				rval = 1;

			 * Do nothing if the value is unchanged, the underlying
			 * functions can be expensive.
			INT2CHAR(sp, sep, STRLEN(sep) + 1, np, nlen);
			if (!F_ISSET(op, OPT_ALWAYS) &&
			    O_STR(sp, offset) != NULL &&
			    !strcmp(O_STR(sp, offset), np))

			/* Report to subsystems. */
			if ((op->func != NULL &&
			    op->func(sp, spo, np, NULL)) ||
			    ex_optchange(sp, offset, np, NULL) ||
			    v_optchange(sp, offset, np, NULL) ||
			    sp->gp->scr_optchange(sp, offset, np, NULL)) {
				rval = 1;

			/* Set the value. */
			if (o_set(sp, offset, OS_STRDUP, np, 0))
				rval = 1;
	if (disp != NO_DISPLAY)
		opts_dump(sp, disp);
	return (rval);
Example #24
EXPORT INT32 HWRAPI (Add3DSource) (source3D_data_t *src, sfx_data_t *sfx)
	FSOUND_SAMPLE *fmsample = NULL;
	INT32 chan = -1;
	float pos[3];
	float vel[3];
	src->min_distance = MIN_DISTANCE;
	src->max_distance = MAX_DISTANCE;

	pos[0] = src->pos.x;
	pos[1] = src->pos.z;
	pos[2] = src->pos.y;
	vel[0] = src->pos.momx;
	vel[1] = src->pos.momz;
	vel[2] = src->pos.momy;
	if (sfx)
		fmsample = blankfmsample;

	if (fmsample)
		if (sfx && !FSOUND_Sample_SetDefaults(fmsample,
				(INT32)((*((UINT16 *)sfx->data+1))*recalc_pitch(sfx->pitch)),
				(sfx->volume == -1 ? 255 : sfx->volume),
				(sfx->sep == NORMAL_SEP ? FSOUND_STEREOPAN : sfx->sep),
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_Sample_SetDefaults, SFX's ID# %i): %s\n",  sfx?sfx->id:0,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));
#if 0
		if (!FSOUND_Sample_SetMinMaxDistance(fmsample, src->min_distance, src->max_distance))
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_Sample_SetMinMaxDistance, SFX's ID# %i): %s\n", sfx?sfx->id:0,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));
		chan = FSOUND_PlaySoundEx(FSOUND_FREE,fmsample,NULL,true);

		if (chan == -1)
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_PlaySoundEx, SFX's ID# %i): %s\n",sfx?sfx->id:0,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));
			return chan;
			if (!sfx)
				DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, Main): Added blank-sound added to channel %i\n",chan);
			else DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, Main): Added sfxid# %i added to channel %i\n",sfx->id,chan);
		if (sfx)
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_Sample_Load, sfxid# %i): %s\n",sfx->id,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_Sample_Alloc): %s\n", FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

		return chan;

	if (FSOUND_GetCurrentSample(chan))
		if (!FSOUND_SetCurrentPosition(chan, 0))
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_SetCurrentPosition, channel %i, sfxid# %i): %s\n", chan,sfx?sfx->id:0,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

		if (!FSOUND_3D_SetAttributes(chan,pos,vel))
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_3D_SetAttributes, channel %i, sfxid# %i): %s\n", chan,sfx?sfx->id:0,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

		if (!FSOUND_SetReserved(chan, (signed char)src->permanent))
			DBG_Printf("FMOD(Add3DSource, FSOUND_SetReserved, channel %i, sfxid# %i): %s\n", chan,sfx?sfx->id:0,FMOD_ErrorString(FSOUND_GetError()));

		if (src->head_relative) reladd(chan);

	return chan;
Example #25
 * exwr --
 *	The guts of the ex write commands.
static int
exwr(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp, enum which cmd)
	MARK rm;
	int flags;
	char *name;
	CHAR_T *p = NULL;
	size_t nlen;
	char *n;
	int rc;

	NEEDFILE(sp, cmdp);

	/* All write commands can have an associated '!'. */
	if (FL_ISSET(cmdp->iflags, E_C_FORCE))

	/* Skip any leading whitespace. */
	if (cmdp->argc != 0)
		for (p = cmdp->argv[0]->bp; *p != '\0' && cmdskip(*p); ++p);

	/* If "write !" it's a pipe to a utility. */
	if (cmdp->argc != 0 && cmd == WRITE && *p == '!') {
		/* Secure means no shell access. */
		if (O_ISSET(sp, O_SECURE)) {
			ex_wemsg(sp, cmdp->cmd->name, EXM_SECURE_F);
			return (1);

		/* Expand the argument. */
		for (++p; *p && cmdskip(*p); ++p);
		if (*p == '\0') {
			ex_emsg(sp, cmdp->cmd->usage, EXM_USAGE);
			return (1);
		if (argv_exp1(sp, cmdp, p, STRLEN(p), 1))
			return (1);

		/* Set the last bang command */
		exp = EXP(sp);
		exp->lastbcomm = v_wstrdup(sp, cmdp->argv[1]->bp,

		 * Historically, vi waited after a write filter even if there
		 * wasn't any output from the command.  People complained when
		 * nvi waited only if there was output, wanting the visual cue
		 * that the program hadn't written anything.

		 * !!!
		 * Ignore the return cursor position, the cursor doesn't
		 * move.
		if (ex_filter(sp, cmdp, &cmdp->addr1,
		    &cmdp->addr2, &rm, cmdp->argv[1]->bp, FILTER_WRITE))
			return (1);

		/* Ex terminates with a bang, even if the command fails. */
		if (!F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI) && !F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT))
			(void)ex_puts(sp, "!\n");

		return (0);

	/* Set the FS_ALL flag if we're writing the entire file. */
	if (cmdp->addr1.lno <= 1 && !db_exist(sp, cmdp->addr2.lno + 1))

	/* If "write >>" it's an append to a file. */
	if (cmdp->argc != 0 && cmd != XIT && p[0] == '>' && p[1] == '>') {

		/* Skip ">>" and whitespace. */
		for (p += 2; *p && cmdskip(*p); ++p);

	/* If no other arguments, just write the file back. */
	if (cmdp->argc == 0 || *p == '\0')
		return (file_write(sp,
		    &cmdp->addr1, &cmdp->addr2, NULL, flags));

	/* Build an argv so we get an argument count and file expansion. */
	if (argv_exp2(sp, cmdp, p, STRLEN(p)))
		return (1);

	 *  0 args: impossible.
	 *  1 args: impossible (I hope).
	 *  2 args: read it.
	 * >2 args: object, too many args.
	 * The 1 args case depends on the argv_sexp() function refusing
	 * to return success without at least one non-blank character.
	switch (cmdp->argc) {
	case 0:
	case 1:
	case 2:
		INT2CHAR(sp, cmdp->argv[1]->bp, cmdp->argv[1]->len+1,
			 n, nlen);
		name = v_strdup(sp, n, nlen - 1);

		 * !!!
		 * Historically, the read and write commands renamed
		 * "unnamed" files, or, if the file had a name, set
		 * the alternate file name.
		if (F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_TMPFILE) &&
		    !F_ISSET(sp->frp, FR_EXNAMED)) {
			if ((n = v_strdup(sp, name, nlen - 1)) != NULL) {
				sp->frp->name = n;
			 * The file has a real name, it's no longer a
			 * temporary, clear the temporary file flags.
			 * !!!
			 * If we're writing the whole file, FR_NAMECHANGE
			 * will be cleared by the write routine -- this is
			 * historic practice.

			/* Notify the screen. */
			(void)sp->gp->scr_rename(sp, sp->frp->name, 1);
		} else
			set_alt_name(sp, name);
		INT2CHAR(sp, p, STRLEN(p) + 1, n, nlen);
		ex_emsg(sp, n, EXM_FILECOUNT);
		return (1);

	rc = file_write(sp, &cmdp->addr1, &cmdp->addr2, name, flags);


	return rc;