Example #1
static void
print_membership(tOptions * pOpts, tOptDesc * pOD)
    char const * svstr = pOD->optArg.argString;
    char const * pz;
    uintptr_t val = 1;
    printf(zOptNumFmt, pOpts->pzPROGNAME, pOD->pz_NAME,
    pOD->optCookie = VOIDP(~0UL);
    (*(pOD->pOptProc))(OPTPROC_RETURN_VALNAME, pOD);

    pz = pOD->optArg.argString;
    while (*pz != NUL) {
        printf("readonly %s_", pOD->pz_NAME);
        pz = SPN_PLUS_N_SPACE_CHARS(pz);

        for (;;) {
            int ch = *(pz++);
            if (IS_LOWER_CASE_CHAR(ch))   fputc(toupper(ch), stdout);
            else if (IS_UPPER_CASE_CHAR(ch))   fputc(ch, stdout);
            else if (IS_PLUS_N_SPACE_CHAR(ch)) goto name_done;
            else if (ch == NUL)        { pz--; goto name_done; }
            else fputc('_', stdout);
        } name_done:;
        printf(SHOW_VAL_FMT, (unsigned long)val);
        val <<= 1;

    pOD->optArg.argString = svstr;
Example #2
static void
print_membership(tOptions * pOpts, tOptDesc * pOD)
    char const * pz;
    uintptr_t val = 1;
    printf(zOptNumFmt, pOpts->pzPROGNAME, pOD->pz_NAME,
    pOD->optCookie = (void*)(uintptr_t)~0UL;
    (*(pOD->pOptProc))(OPTPROC_RETURN_VALNAME, pOD);

     *  We are building the typeset list.  The list returned starts with
     *  'none + ' for use by option saving stuff.  We must ignore that.
    pz = pOD->optArg.argString + 7;
    while (*pz != NUL) {
        printf("typeset -x -i %s_", pOD->pz_NAME);
        while (IS_PLUS_N_SPACE_CHAR(*pz))  pz++;

        for (;;) {
            int ch = *(pz++);
            if (IS_LOWER_CASE_CHAR(ch))   fputc(toupper(ch), stdout);
            else if (IS_UPPER_CASE_CHAR(ch))   fputc(ch, stdout);
            else if (IS_PLUS_N_SPACE_CHAR(ch)) goto name_done;
            else if (ch == NUL)        { pz--; goto name_done; }
            else fputc('_', stdout);
        } name_done:;
        printf("=%1$lu # 0x%1$lX\n", (unsigned long)val);
        val <<= 1;

    pOD->optArg.argString = NULL;
    pOD->fOptState &= ~OPTST_ALLOC_ARG;
Example #3
 * Add a system name to the environment.  The input name is up-cased and
 * made to conform to environment variable names.  If not already in the
 * environment, it is added with the string value "1".
 * @param env_name in/out: system name to export
static void
add_sys_env(char * env_name)
    int i = 2;

    for (;;) {
        if (IS_UPPER_CASE_CHAR(env_name[i]))
            env_name[i] = (char)tolower(env_name[i]);
        else if (! IS_ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR(env_name[i]))
            env_name[i] = '_';

        if (env_name[ ++i ] == NUL)

     *  If the user already has something in the environment, do not
     *  override it.
    if (getenv(env_name) == NULL) {
        char * pz;

            fprintf(trace_fp, TRACE_ADD_TO_ENV_FMT, env_name);

        pz = aprf(ADD_SYS_ENV_VAL_FMT, env_name);
Example #4
 *  canonicalizeName:  remove white space and roughly verify the syntax.
 *  This procedure will consume everything from the source string that
 *  forms a valid AutoGen compound definition name.
 *  We leave legally when:
 *  1.  the state is "CN_NAME_ENDED", AND
 *  2.  We stumble into a character that is not either '[' or name_sep_ch
 *      (always skipping white space).
 *  We start in CN_START.
canonicalizeName(char* pzD, char const* pzS, int srcLen)
    typedef enum {
        CN_START_NAME = 0,   /* must find a name */
        CN_NAME_ENDED,       /* must find '[' or name_sep_ch or we end */
        CN_INDEX,            /* must find name, number, '$' or ']' */
        CN_INDEX_CLOSE,      /* must find ']' */
        CN_INDEX_ENDED       /* must find name_sep_ch or we end */
    } teConState;

    teConState state = CN_START_NAME;

    char const* pzOri = pzS;
    char*       pzDst = pzD;
    size_t      stLen = srcLen;

     *  Before anything, skip a leading name_sep_ch as a special hack
     *  to force a current context lookup.
    if (pzOri != pzS) {
        srcLen -= pzS - pzOri;
        if (srcLen <= 0)
            pzS = zNil;

    if (*pzS == name_sep_ch) {
        *(pzD++) = name_sep_ch;
        if (--srcLen <= 0)
            pzS = zNil;


     *  The next segment may always start with an alpha character,
     *  but an index may also start with a number.  The full number
     *  validation will happen in find_by_index().
        char * p = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(pzS);
        if (p != pzS) {
            srcLen -= p - pzS;
            if (srcLen <= 0)
                pzS = zNil;
            pzS = p;

    switch (state) {
    case CN_START_NAME:
        if (! IS_VAR_FIRST_CHAR(*pzS))
            return bad_def_name(pzDst, pzOri, stLen);
        state = CN_NAME_ENDED;  /* we found the start of our first name */
        break;  /* fall through to name/number consumption code */

    case CN_NAME_ENDED:
        switch (*pzS++) {
        case '[':
            *(pzD++) = '[';
            state = CN_INDEX;

        case '.': case '/':
            if (pzS[-1] == name_sep_ch) {
                *(pzD++) = name_sep_ch;
                state = CN_START_NAME;

            /* legal exit -- we have a name already */
            *pzD = NUL;
            return srcLen;

        if (--srcLen <= 0)
            return bad_def_name(pzDst, pzOri, stLen);
        goto nextSegment;

    case CN_INDEX:
         *  An index.  Valid syntaxes are:
         *    '[' <#define-d name> ']'
         *    '[' <number> ']'
         *    '['  '$'  ']'
         *    '['       ']'
         *  We will check for and handle the last case right here.
         *  The next cycle must find the index closer (']').
        state = CN_INDEX_CLOSE;

         *  Numbers and #define-d names are handled at the end of the switch.
         *  '$' and ']' are handled immediately below.
        if (IS_ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR(*pzS))

         *  A solitary '$' is the highest index, whatever that happens to be
         *  We process that right here because down below we only accept
         *  name-type characters and this is not VMS.
        if (*pzS == '$') {
            if (--srcLen < 0)
                return bad_def_name(pzDst, pzOri, stLen);

            *(pzD++) = *(pzS++);
            goto nextSegment;
        /* FALLTHROUGH */

    case CN_INDEX_CLOSE:
         *  Nothing else is okay.
        if ((*(pzD++) = *(pzS++)) != ']')
            return bad_def_name(pzDst, pzOri, stLen);

        if (--srcLen <= 0) {
            *pzD = NUL;
            return srcLen;
        state = CN_INDEX_ENDED;
        goto nextSegment;

    case CN_INDEX_ENDED:
        if ((*pzS != name_sep_ch) || (--srcLen < 0)) {
            *pzD = NUL;
            return srcLen;
        *(pzD++) = *(pzS++);

        state = CN_START_NAME;
        goto nextSegment;

     *  The next state must be either looking for what comes after the
     *  end of a name, or for the close bracket after an index.
     *  Whatever, the next token must be a name or a number.
    assert((state == CN_NAME_ENDED) || (state == CN_INDEX_CLOSE));

     *  Copy the name/number.  We already know the first character is valid.
     *  However, we must *NOT* downcase #define names...
    while (IS_VALUE_NAME_CHAR(*pzS)) {
        char ch = *(pzS++);
        if ((state != CN_INDEX_CLOSE) && IS_UPPER_CASE_CHAR(ch))
            *(pzD++) = tolower(ch);

        else switch (ch) { /* force the separator chars to be '_' */
        case '-':
        case '^':
            *(pzD++) = '_';

            *(pzD++) = ch;

        if (--srcLen <= 0) {
            pzS = zNil;

    goto nextSegment;