Example #1
FTPRemoteHelp(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const FTPLineListPtr llp)
    int result;
    ResponsePtr rp;

    if ((cip == NULL) || (llp == NULL))
        return (kErrBadParameter);
    if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
        return (kErrBadMagic);

    rp = InitResponse();
    if (rp == NULL)
        result = kErrMallocFailed;
        cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
        FTPLogError(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
        if ((pattern == NULL) || (*pattern == '\0'))
            result = RCmd(cip, rp, "HELP");
            result = RCmd(cip, rp, "HELP %s", pattern);
        if (result < 0)
            DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
            return (result);
        else if (result == 2)
            if (CopyLineList(llp, &rp->msg) < 0)
                result = kErrMallocFailed;
                cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
                FTPLogError(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
                result = kNoErr;
            cip->errNo = kErrHELPFailed;
            result = kErrHELPFailed;
        DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
    return (result);
}	/* FTPRemoteHelp */
Example #2
File: open.c Project: GYGit/reactos
FTPCloseHost(const FTPCIPtr cip)
	ResponsePtr rp;
	int result;

	if (cip == NULL)
		return (kErrBadParameter);
	if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
		return (kErrBadMagic);

	/* Data connection shouldn't be open normally. */
	if (cip->dataSocket != kClosedFileDescriptor)

	result = kNoErr;
	if (cip->connected != 0) {
		rp = InitResponse();
		if (rp == NULL) {
			cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
			result = cip->errNo;
		} else {
			rp->eofOkay = 1;	/* We are expecting EOF after this cmd. */
			cip->eofOkay = 1;
			(void) RCmd(cip, rp, "QUIT");
			DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);


	/* Dispose dynamic data structures, so you won't leak
	 * if you OpenHost with this again.
	return (result);
}	/* FTPCloseHost */
Example #3
File: open.c Project: GYGit/reactos
FTPQueryFeatures(const FTPCIPtr cip)
	ResponsePtr rp;
	int result;
	LinePtr lp;
	char *cp, *p;

	if (cip == NULL)
		return (kErrBadParameter);
	if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
		return (kErrBadMagic);

	if (cip->serverType == kServerTypeNetWareFTP) {
		/* NetWare 5.00 server freaks out when
		 * you give it a command it doesn't
		 * recognize, so cheat here and return.
		cip->hasPASV = kCommandAvailable;
		cip->hasSIZE = kCommandNotAvailable;
		cip->hasMDTM = kCommandNotAvailable;
		cip->hasREST = kCommandNotAvailable;
		cip->NLSTfileParamWorks = kCommandAvailable;
		cip->hasUTIME = kCommandNotAvailable;
		cip->hasCLNT = kCommandNotAvailable;
		cip->hasMLST = kCommandNotAvailable;
		cip->hasMLSD = kCommandNotAvailable;
		return (kNoErr);

	rp = InitResponse();
	if (rp == NULL) {
		cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
		result = cip->errNo;
	} else {
		rp->printMode = (kResponseNoPrint|kResponseNoSave);
		result = RCmd(cip, rp, "FEAT");
		if (result < kNoErr) {
			DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
			return (result);
		} else if (result != 2) {
			/* We cheat here and pre-populate some
			 * fields when the server is wu-ftpd.
			 * This server is very common and we
			 * know it has always had these.
			 if (cip->serverType == kServerTypeWuFTPd) {
				cip->hasPASV = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->hasSIZE = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->hasMDTM = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->hasREST = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->NLSTfileParamWorks = kCommandAvailable;
			} else if (cip->serverType == kServerTypeNcFTPd) {
				cip->hasPASV = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->hasSIZE = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->hasMDTM = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->hasREST = kCommandAvailable;
				cip->NLSTfileParamWorks = kCommandAvailable;

			/* Newer commands are only shown in FEAT,
			 * so we don't have to do the "try it,
			 * then save that it didn't work" thing.
			cip->hasMLST = kCommandNotAvailable;
			cip->hasMLSD = kCommandNotAvailable;
		} else {
			cip->hasFEAT = kCommandAvailable;

			for (lp = rp->msg.first; lp != NULL; lp = lp->next) {
				/* If first character was not a space it is
				 * either:
				 * (a) The header line in the response;
				 * (b) The trailer line in the response;
				 * (c) A protocol violation.
				cp = lp->line;
				if (*cp++ != ' ')
				if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "PASV", 4) == 0) {
					cip->hasPASV = kCommandAvailable;
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "SIZE", 4) == 0) {
					cip->hasSIZE = kCommandAvailable;
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "MDTM", 4) == 0) {
					cip->hasMDTM = kCommandAvailable;
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "REST", 4) == 0) {
					cip->hasREST = kCommandAvailable;
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "UTIME", 5) == 0) {
					cip->hasUTIME = kCommandAvailable;
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "MLST", 4) == 0) {
					cip->hasMLST = kCommandAvailable;
					cip->hasMLSD = kCommandAvailable;
					FTPExamineMlstFeatures(cip, cp + 5);
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "CLNT", 4) == 0) {
					cip->hasCLNT = kCommandAvailable;
				} else if (ISTRNCMP(cp, "Compliance Level: ", 18) == 0) {
					/* Probably only NcFTPd will ever implement this.
					 * But we use it internally to differentiate
					 * between different NcFTPd implementations of
					 * IETF extensions.
					cip->ietfCompatLevel = atoi(cp + 18);

		ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
		result = RCmd(cip, rp, "HELP SITE");
		if (result == 2) {
			for (lp = rp->msg.first; lp != NULL; lp = lp->next) {
				cp = lp->line;
				if (strstr(cp, "RETRBUFSIZE") != NULL)
					cip->hasRETRBUFSIZE = kCommandAvailable;
				if (strstr(cp, "RBUFSZ") != NULL)
					cip->hasRBUFSZ = kCommandAvailable;
				/* See if RBUFSIZ matches (but not STORBUFSIZE) */
				if (
					((p = strstr(cp, "RBUFSIZ")) != NULL) &&
					 	(p == cp) ||
						((p > cp) && (!isupper(p[-1])))
					cip->hasRBUFSIZ = kCommandAvailable;
				if (strstr(cp, "STORBUFSIZE") != NULL)
					cip->hasSTORBUFSIZE = kCommandAvailable;
				if (strstr(cp, "SBUFSIZ") != NULL)
					cip->hasSBUFSIZ = kCommandAvailable;
				if (strstr(cp, "SBUFSZ") != NULL)
					cip->hasSBUFSZ = kCommandAvailable;
				if (strstr(cp, "BUFSIZE") != NULL)
					cip->hasBUFSIZE = kCommandAvailable;
		DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);

	return (kNoErr);
}	/* FTPQueryFeatures */
Example #4
File: open.c Project: GYGit/reactos
FTPLoginHost(const FTPCIPtr cip)
	ResponsePtr rp;
	int result = kErrLoginFailed;
	int anonLogin;
	int sentpass = 0;
	int fwloggedin;
	int firstTime;
	char cwd[512];

	if (cip == NULL)
		return (kErrBadParameter);
	if ((cip->firewallType < kFirewallNotInUse) || (cip->firewallType > kFirewallLastType))
		return (kErrBadParameter);

	if (strcmp(cip->magic, kLibraryMagic))
		return (kErrBadMagic);

	anonLogin = 0;
	if (cip->user[0] == '\0')
		(void) STRNCPY(cip->user, "anonymous");
	if ((strcmp(cip->user, "anonymous") == 0) || (strcmp(cip->user, "ftp") == 0)) {
		anonLogin = 1;
		/* Try to get the email address if you didn't specify
		 * a password when the user is anonymous.
		if (cip->pass[0] == '\0') {
			(void) STRNCPY(cip->pass, cip->lip->defaultAnonPassword);

	rp = InitResponse();
	if (rp == NULL) {
		result = kErrMallocFailed;
		cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
		goto done2;

	for (firstTime = 1, fwloggedin = 0; ; ) {
		/* Here's a mini finite-automaton for the login process.
		 * Originally, the FTP protocol was designed to be entirely
		 * implementable from a FA.  It could be done, but I don't think
		 * it's something an interactive process could be the most
		 * effective with.

		if (firstTime != 0) {
			rp->code = 220;
			firstTime = 0;
		} else if (result < 0) {
			goto done;

		switch (rp->code) {
			case 220:	/* Welcome, ready for new user. */
				if ((cip->firewallType == kFirewallNotInUse) || (fwloggedin != 0)) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s", cip->user);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtSite) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s@%s", cip->user, cip->host);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s@%s@%s", cip->user, cip->firewallUser, cip->host);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s@%s %s", cip->user, cip->host, cip->firewallUser);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass) {
					/* only reached when !fwloggedin */
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s@%s", cip->firewallUser, cip->host);
				} else if (cip->firewallType > kFirewallNotInUse) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s", cip->firewallUser);
				} else {
					goto unknown;

			case 230:	/* 230 User logged in, proceed. */
			case 231:	/* User name accepted. */
			case 202:	/* Command not implemented, superfluous at this site. */
				if ((cip->firewallType == kFirewallNotInUse) || (fwloggedin != 0))
					goto okay;

				/* Now logged in to the firewall. */

				if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallLoginThenUserAtSite) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s@%s", cip->user, cip->host);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass) {
					goto okay;
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallOpenSite) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "OPEN %s", cip->host);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallSiteSite) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "SITE %s", cip->host);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass) {
					/* only reached when !fwloggedin */
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "USER %s", cip->user);
				} else /* kFirewallUserAtSite */ {
					goto okay;

			case 421:	/* 421 Service not available, closing control connection. */
				result = kErrHostDisconnectedDuringLogin;
				goto done;

			case 331:	/* 331 User name okay, need password. */
				if ((cip->firewallType == kFirewallNotInUse) || (fwloggedin != 0)) {
					if ((cip->pass[0] == '\0') && (cip->passphraseProc != NoGetPassphraseProc))
						(*cip->passphraseProc)(cip, &rp->msg, cip->pass, sizeof(cip->pass));
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASS %s", cip->pass);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtSite) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASS %s", cip->pass);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASS %s@%s", cip->pass, cip->firewallPass);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASS %s", cip->pass);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass) {
					/* only reached when !fwloggedin */
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASS %s", cip->firewallPass);
				} else if (cip->firewallType > kFirewallNotInUse) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASS %s", cip->firewallPass);
				} else {
					goto unknown;

			case 332:	/* 332 Need account for login. */
			case 532: 	/* 532 Need account for storing files. */
				if ((cip->firewallType == kFirewallNotInUse) || (fwloggedin != 0)) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "ACCT %s", cip->acct);
				} else if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp) {
					ReInitResponse(cip, rp);
					result = RCmd(cip, rp, "ACCT %s", cip->firewallPass);
				} else {
					/* ACCT not supported on firewall. */
					goto unknown;

			case 530:	/* Not logged in. */
				result = (sentpass != 0) ? kErrBadRemoteUserOrPassword : kErrBadRemoteUser;
				goto done;

			case 501:	/* Syntax error in parameters or arguments. */
			case 503:	/* Bad sequence of commands. */
			case 550:	/* Can't set guest privileges. */
				goto done;

				if (rp->msg.first == NULL) {
					Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Lost connection during login.\n");
				} else {
					Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Unexpected response: %s\n",
				goto done;

	/* Do the application's connect message callback, if present. */
	if (cip->onLoginMsgProc != 0)
		(*cip->onLoginMsgProc)(cip, rp);
	DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
	result = 0;
	cip->loggedIn = 1;

	/* Make a note of what our root directory is.
	 * This is often different from "/" when not
	 * logged in anonymously.
	if (cip->startingWorkingDirectory != NULL) {
		cip->startingWorkingDirectory = NULL;
	if ((cip->doNotGetStartingWorkingDirectory == 0) &&
		(FTPGetCWD(cip, cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == kNoErr))
		cip->startingWorkingDirectory = StrDup(cwd);

	/* When a new site is opened, ASCII mode is assumed (by protocol). */
	cip->curTransferType = 'A';
	PrintF(cip, "Logged in to %s as %s.\n", cip->host, cip->user);

	/* Don't leave cleartext password in memory. */
	if ((anonLogin == 0) && (cip->leavePass == 0))
		(void) memset(cip->pass, '*', strlen(cip->pass));

	if (result < 0)
		cip->errNo = result;
	return result;

	DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);

	/* Don't leave cleartext password in memory. */
	if ((anonLogin == 0) && (cip->leavePass == 0))
		(void) memset(cip->pass, '*', strlen(cip->pass));
	if (result < 0)
		cip->errNo = result;
	return result;
}	/* FTPLoginHost */