Example #1
bool FAssetEditorManager::CloseAllAssetEditors()
	bool bAllEditorsClosed = true;
	for (TMultiMap<IAssetEditorInstance*, UObject*>::TIterator It(OpenedEditors); It; ++It)
		IAssetEditorInstance* Editor = It.Key();
		if (Editor != NULL)
			if ( !Editor->CloseWindow() )
				bAllEditorsClosed = false;

	return bAllEditorsClosed;
void FShaderPipelineType::Initialize()

	TSet<FName> UsedNames;

	for (TLinkedList<FShaderPipelineType*>::TIterator It(FShaderPipelineType::GetTypeList()); It; It.Next())
		const auto* PipelineType = *It;

		// Validate stages
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SF_NumFrequencies; ++Index)
			check(!PipelineType->AllStages[Index] || PipelineType->AllStages[Index]->GetFrequency() == (EShaderFrequency)Index);

		auto& Stages = PipelineType->GetStages();

		// #todo-rco: Do we allow mix/match of global/mesh/material stages?
		// Check all shaders are the same type, start from the top-most stage
		const FGlobalShaderType* GlobalType = Stages[0]->GetGlobalShaderType();
		const FMeshMaterialShaderType* MeshType = Stages[0]->GetMeshMaterialShaderType();
		const FMaterialShaderType* MateriallType = Stages[0]->GetMaterialShaderType();
		for (int32 Index = 1; Index < Stages.Num(); ++Index)
			if (GlobalType)
				checkf(Stages[Index]->GetGlobalShaderType(), TEXT("Invalid combination of Shader types on Pipeline %s"), PipelineType->Name);
			else if (MeshType)
				checkf(Stages[Index]->GetMeshMaterialShaderType(), TEXT("Invalid combination of Shader types on Pipeline %s"), PipelineType->Name);
			else if (MateriallType)
				checkf(Stages[Index]->GetMaterialShaderType(), TEXT("Invalid combination of Shader types on Pipeline %s"), PipelineType->Name);

		FName PipelineName = PipelineType->GetFName();
		checkf(!UsedNames.Contains(PipelineName), TEXT("Two Pipelines with the same name %s found!"), PipelineType->Name);

	bInitialized = true;
void FShaderType::GetOutdatedTypes(TArray<FShaderType*>& OutdatedShaderTypes, TArray<const FVertexFactoryType*>& OutdatedFactoryTypes)
	for(TLinkedList<FShaderType*>::TIterator It(GetTypeList()); It; It.Next())
		FShaderType* Type = *It;
		Type->GetOutdatedCurrentType(OutdatedShaderTypes, OutdatedFactoryTypes);

	for (int32 TypeIndex = 0; TypeIndex < OutdatedShaderTypes.Num(); TypeIndex++)
		UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning, TEXT("		Recompiling %s"), OutdatedShaderTypes[TypeIndex]->GetName());
	for (int32 TypeIndex = 0; TypeIndex < OutdatedFactoryTypes.Num(); TypeIndex++)
		UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning, TEXT("		Recompiling %s"), OutdatedFactoryTypes[TypeIndex]->GetName());
TArray<const FShaderPipelineType*> FShaderPipelineType::GetShaderPipelineTypesByFilename(const TCHAR* Filename)
	TArray<const FShaderPipelineType*> PipelineTypes;
	for (TLinkedList<FShaderPipelineType*>::TIterator It(FShaderPipelineType::GetTypeList()); It; It.Next())
		auto* PipelineType = *It;
		for (auto* ShaderType : PipelineType->Stages)
			if (FPlatformString::Strcmp(Filename, ShaderType->GetShaderFilename()) == 0)
	return PipelineTypes;
AActor* AGameModeBase::ChoosePlayerStart_Implementation(AController* Player)
	// Choose a player start
	APlayerStart* FoundPlayerStart = nullptr;
	UClass* PawnClass = GetDefaultPawnClassForController(Player);
	APawn* PawnToFit = PawnClass ? PawnClass->GetDefaultObject<APawn>() : nullptr;
	TArray<APlayerStart*> UnOccupiedStartPoints;
	TArray<APlayerStart*> OccupiedStartPoints;
	for (TActorIterator<APlayerStart> It(GetWorld()); It; ++It)
		APlayerStart* PlayerStart = *It;

		if (PlayerStart->IsA<APlayerStartPIE>())
			// Always prefer the first "Play from Here" PlayerStart, if we find one while in PIE mode
			FoundPlayerStart = PlayerStart;
			FVector ActorLocation = PlayerStart->GetActorLocation();
			const FRotator ActorRotation = PlayerStart->GetActorRotation();
			if (!GetWorld()->EncroachingBlockingGeometry(PawnToFit, ActorLocation, ActorRotation))
			else if (GetWorld()->FindTeleportSpot(PawnToFit, ActorLocation, ActorRotation))
	if (FoundPlayerStart == nullptr)
		if (UnOccupiedStartPoints.Num() > 0)
			FoundPlayerStart = UnOccupiedStartPoints[FMath::RandRange(0, UnOccupiedStartPoints.Num() - 1)];
		else if (OccupiedStartPoints.Num() > 0)
			FoundPlayerStart = OccupiedStartPoints[FMath::RandRange(0, OccupiedStartPoints.Num() - 1)];
	return FoundPlayerStart;
Example #6
// Descripcion:
// - Guarda los items almacenados en disco.
// Parametros:
// - hFile. Handle al fichero donde almacenar.
// - udOffset. Offset donde depositar la info.
// Devuelve:
// Notas:
// - No se usara un metodo que recorra previamente el vector de slots para
//   hallar el numero de items equipados por motivos de optimizacion.
CEquipmentSlots::Save(const FileDefs::FileHandle& hFile, 
					  dword& udOffset)
  // SOLO si parametros correctos
  // Se guarda el numero de slots de equipamiento con datos de forma temporal
  iCFileSystem* const pFileSys = SYSEngine::GetFileSystem();
  word uwNumItems = 0;
  const dword udNumItemsOffset = udOffset;
  udOffset += pFileSys->Write(hFile, udOffset, (sbyte *)(&uwNumItems), sizeof(word));

  // Se itera por la lista de items guardandolos  
  iCWorld* const pWorld = SYSEngine::GetWorld();
  byte ubSlotIt = 0;
  EquipSlotsVectorIt It(m_EquipSlotsInfo.EquipSlots.begin());
  for (; It != m_EquipSlotsInfo.EquipSlots.end(); ++It, ++ubSlotIt) {
	// ¿Slot con informacion?
	if (*It) {
	  // Se guardan datos
	  // Identificador slot
	  const RulesDefs::eIDEquipmentSlot Slot = RulesDefs::eIDEquipmentSlot(ubSlotIt);
	  udOffset += pFileSys->Write(hFile, 
							      (sbyte *)(&Slot), 

	  // Datos del item equipado
	  CItem* const pItem = pWorld->GetItem(*It);
	  pItem->Save(hFile, udOffset);

	  // Se incrementa contador

  // Se guarda el valor final del numero de slots de equipamiento con datos
  if (uwNumItems > 0) {
	pFileSys->Write(hFile, udNumItemsOffset, (sbyte *)(&uwNumItems), sizeof(word));
Example #7
void UActorComponent::DetermineUCSModifiedProperties()

	if (CreationMethod == EComponentCreationMethod::SimpleConstructionScript)
		class FComponentPropertySkipper : public FArchive
				: FArchive()
				ArIsSaving = true;

			virtual bool ShouldSkipProperty(const UProperty* InProperty) const override
				return (    InProperty->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Transient | CPF_ContainsInstancedReference | CPF_InstancedReference)
						|| !InProperty->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit | CPF_Interp));
		} PropertySkipper;

		UClass* ComponentClass = GetClass();
		UObject* ComponentArchetype = GetArchetype();

		for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(ComponentClass); It; ++It)
			UProperty* Property = *It;
			if( Property->ShouldSerializeValue(PropertySkipper) )
				for( int32 Idx=0; Idx<Property->ArrayDim; Idx++ )
					uint8* DataPtr      = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr           <uint8>((uint8*)this, Idx);
					uint8* DefaultValue = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtrForDefaults<uint8>(ComponentClass, (uint8*)ComponentArchetype, Idx);
					if (!Property->Identical( DataPtr, DefaultValue))
						FMemberReference::FillSimpleMemberReference<UProperty>(Property, UCSModifiedProperties.Last());
Example #8
void UnMarkAllObjects(EObjectMark Marks)
		const TMap<const UObjectBase *, FObjectMark>& Map = MarkAnnotation.GetAnnotationMap();
		for (TMap<const UObjectBase *, FObjectMark>::TConstIterator It(Map); It; ++It)
			if(It.Value().Marks & Marks)
				MarkAnnotation.AddAnnotation((UObject*)It.Key(),FObjectMark(EObjectMark(It.Value().Marks & ~Marks)));
void FSessionManager::FindExpiredSessions( const FDateTime& Now )
	bool Dirty = false;

	for (TMap<FGuid, TSharedPtr<FSessionInfo> >::TIterator It(Sessions); It; ++It)
		if (Now > It.Value()->GetLastUpdateTime() + FTimespan::FromSeconds(10.0))
			Dirty = true;

	if (Dirty)
// Descripcion:
// - Metodo encargado de recorrer todos los items asociados a selectores para
//   enviarles la notificacion acerca de si el item esta o no visible.
// Parametros:
// - bVisible.
// Devuelve:
// Notas:
// - Este metodo sera utilizado como metodo de apoyo en las operaciones
//   de scroll.
CGUIWBaseItemSelector::SetItemsInSelectorsVisibles(const bool bVisible)
  // SOLO si instancia inicializada

  // Procede a notificar la visibilidad de los items
  VisualizableItemListIt It(m_InterfazInfo.VisualizableItems.begin());
  for (; It != m_InterfazInfo.VisualizableItems.end(); ++It) {
	// ¿Tiene item asociado?
	if ((*It)->hItem) {
	  // Si, se manda la notificacion que proceda
	  CItem* const pItem = SYSEngine::GetWorld()->GetItem((*It)->hItem);
/** Gets the closest enemy to a world location that can be pursued */
AMagicBattleSoccerCharacter* AMagicBattleSoccerGameState::GetClosestOpponentToLocation(AMagicBattleSoccerCharacter* Player, FVector Location)
	const TArray<AMagicBattleSoccerCharacter*>& Opponents = GetOpponents(Cast<AMagicBattleSoccerPlayerState>(Player->PlayerState));
	AMagicBattleSoccerGameMode* GameMode = Cast<AMagicBattleSoccerGameMode>(GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode());
	AMagicBattleSoccerCharacter* ClosestOpponent = nullptr;

	float ClosestOpponentDistance = 0.0f;
	for (TArray<AMagicBattleSoccerCharacter*>::TConstIterator It(Opponents.CreateConstIterator()); It; ++It)
		float d = FVector::DistSquared((*It)->GetActorLocation(), Location);
		if (nullptr == ClosestOpponent || d < ClosestOpponentDistance && GameMode->CanBePursued(*It))
			ClosestOpponent = *It;
			ClosestOpponentDistance = d;
	return ClosestOpponent;
Example #12
bool FDataTableExporterJSON::WriteRow(const void* InRowData)
	if (!DataTable->RowStruct)
		return false;

	for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(DataTable->RowStruct); It; ++It)
		UProperty* BaseProp = *It;

		const void* Data = BaseProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(InRowData, 0);
		WriteStructEntry(InRowData, BaseProp, Data);

	return true;
Example #13
void FMessageRouter::HandleRemoveInterceptor( IMessageInterceptorRef Interceptor, FName MessageType )
	if (MessageType == NAME_All)
		for (TMap<FName, TArray<IMessageInterceptorPtr> >::TIterator It(ActiveInterceptors); It; ++It)
			TArray<IMessageInterceptorPtr>& Interceptors = It.Value();
		TArray<IMessageInterceptorPtr>& Interceptors = ActiveInterceptors.FindOrAdd(MessageType);

	Tracer->TraceRemovedInterceptor(Interceptor, MessageType);
Example #14
// Descripcion:
// - Elimina la alineacion de todas aquellas entidades que se hallen alineadas
//   en el map recibido.
// - Al eliminar alineacion, tambien se establecera orden nula.
// Parametros:
// - Map. Map de alineacion
// Devuelve:
// Notas:
CCombatSystem::RemoveAlingment(AlingmentMap& Map)
  // Procede a eliminar contenido de alineacion
  AlingmentMapIt It(Map.begin());
  while (It != Map.end()) {
	// Se desvincula modulo como observer de la criatura
	CCriature* const pCriature = m_pWorld->GetCriature(It->first);
	if (pCriature) {
	  pCriature->m_ActOrder = CCriature::AO_NONE;

	// Se borra nodo en memoria y map
	delete It->second;
	It = Map.erase(It);
void FJavascriptUMGViewportClient::Tick(float InDeltaTime)
	if (!GIntraFrameDebuggingGameThread)
		// Begin Play
		if (!GameScene->GetWorld()->bBegunPlay)
			for (FActorIterator It(GameScene->GetWorld()); It; ++It)
			GameScene->GetWorld()->bBegunPlay = true;

		// Tick
		GameScene->GetWorld()->Tick(LEVELTICK_All, InDeltaTime);
void FUserDefinedStructureCompilerUtils::DefaultUserDefinedStructs(UObject* Object, FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog)
	if (Object && FStructureEditorUtils::UserDefinedStructEnabled())
		for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(Object->GetClass()); It; ++It)
			if (const UProperty* Property = (*It))
				uint8* Mem = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(Object);
				if (!FStructureEditorUtils::Fill_MakeStructureDefaultValue(Property, Mem))
					MessageLog.Warning(*FString::Printf(*LOCTEXT("MakeStructureDefaultValue_Error", "MakeStructureDefaultValue parsing error. Object: %s, Property: %s").ToString(),
						*Object->GetName(), *Property->GetName()));
void FDynamicResourceMap::RemoveExpiredTextureResources()
	// We attempt to purge every 10Mb of accumulated textures.
	static const uint64 PurgeAfterAddingNewBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10Mb

	if ( TextureMemorySincePurge >= PurgeAfterAddingNewBytes )
		for ( TextureResourceMap::TIterator It(TextureMap); It; ++It )
			if ( It.Key().IsStale() )

		TextureMemorySincePurge = 0;
void FStreamableManager::OnPostGarbageCollect()
	// now lets make sure it actually worked
	for (TStreamableMap::TIterator It(StreamableItems); It; ++It)
		FStreamable* Existing = It.Value();
		if (Existing->bAsyncUnloadRequestOutstanding && Existing->RelatedRequests.Num() == 0)
			if (Existing->WeakTarget.Get())
				// This is reasonable if someone else has made a hard reference to it
				UE_LOG(LogStreamableManager, Verbose, TEXT("Failed to unload %s."), *It.Key().ToString());
			delete Existing;
Example #19
void UUnrealEdEngine::OnPostGarbageCollect()
	// Refresh Editor browsers after GC in case objects where removed.  Note that if the user is currently
	// playing in a PIE level, we don't want to interrupt performance by refreshing the Generic Browser window.
	if( GIsEditor && !GIsPlayInEditorWorld )

	// Clean up any GCed packages in the PackageToNotifyState
	for( TMap<TWeakObjectPtr<UPackage>,uint8>::TIterator It(PackageToNotifyState); It; ++It )
		if( It.Key().IsValid() == false )
Example #20
bool FKeyHandleMap::operator==(const FKeyHandleMap& Other) const
	if (KeyHandlesToIndices.Num() != Other.KeyHandlesToIndices.Num())
		return false;

	for (TMap<FKeyHandle, int32>::TConstIterator It(KeyHandlesToIndices); It; ++It)
		int32 const* OtherVal = Other.KeyHandlesToIndices.Find(It.Key());
		if (!OtherVal || *OtherVal != It.Value() )
			return false;

	return true;
Example #21
void FVoiceEngineImpl::TickTalkers(float DeltaTime)
	// Remove users that are done talking.
	const double CurTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	for (FRemoteTalkerData::TIterator It(RemoteTalkerBuffers); It; ++It)
		FRemoteTalkerDataImpl& RemoteData = It.Value();
		double TimeSince = CurTime - RemoteData.LastSeen;
		if (TimeSince >= 1.0)
			// Dump the whole talker
			if (RemoteData.AudioComponent)
void test_ctor_throws()
    using It = forward_iterator<ThrowsCounted*>;
    const int N = 5;
    alignas(ThrowsCounted) char pool[sizeof(ThrowsCounted)*N] = {};
    ThrowsCounted* p = (ThrowsCounted*)pool;
    try {
        ThrowsCounted::throw_after = 4;
        std::uninitialized_value_construct_n(It(p), N);
    } catch (...) {}
    assert(ThrowsCounted::count == 3);
    assert(ThrowsCounted::constructed == 4); // forth construction throws
    std::destroy(p, p+3);
    assert(ThrowsCounted::count == 0);
AActor* AGameModeBase::FindPlayerStart_Implementation(AController* Player, const FString& IncomingName)
	UWorld* World = GetWorld();

	// If incoming start is specified, then just use it
	if (!IncomingName.IsEmpty())
		const FName IncomingPlayerStartTag = FName(*IncomingName);
		for (TActorIterator<APlayerStart> It(World); It; ++It)
			APlayerStart* Start = *It;
			if (Start && Start->PlayerStartTag == IncomingPlayerStartTag)
				return Start;

	// Always pick StartSpot at start of match
	if (ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot(Player))
		if (AActor* PlayerStartSpot = Player->StartSpot.Get())
			return PlayerStartSpot;
			UE_LOG(LogGameMode, Error, TEXT("Error - ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot returned true but the Player StartSpot was null."));

	AActor* BestStart = ChoosePlayerStart(Player);
	if (BestStart == nullptr)
		// No player start found
		UE_LOG(LogGameMode, Log, TEXT("Warning - PATHS NOT DEFINED or NO PLAYERSTART with positive rating"));

		// This is a bit odd, but there was a complex chunk of code that in the end always resulted in this, so we may as well just 
		// short cut it down to this.  Basically we are saying spawn at 0,0,0 if we didn't find a proper player start
		BestStart = World->GetWorldSettings();

	return BestStart;
void FMovieSceneSequenceInstance::UpdatePassSingle( EMovieSceneUpdateData& UpdateData, class IMovieScenePlayer& Player )
		// Refresh time range so that spawnables can be created if they fall within the playback range, or destroyed if not
		UMovieScene* MovieScene = MovieSceneSequence->GetMovieScene();
		TimeRange = MovieScene->GetPlaybackRange();

		TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject>> NoObjects;

		// update each master track
		for( FMovieSceneInstanceMap::TIterator It( MasterTrackInstances ); It; ++It )
			if (It.Value()->HasUpdatePasses() & UpdateData.UpdatePass && It.Value() != CameraCutTrackInstance)
				It.Value()->Update( UpdateData, NoObjects, Player, *this);

		// update tracks bound to objects
		TMap<FGuid, FMovieSceneObjectBindingInstance>::TIterator ObjectIt = ObjectBindingInstances.CreateIterator();
		for(; ObjectIt; ++ObjectIt )
			FMovieSceneObjectBindingInstance& ObjectBindingInstance = ObjectIt.Value();
			for( FMovieSceneInstanceMap::TIterator It = ObjectBindingInstance.TrackInstances.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
				if (It.Value()->HasUpdatePasses() & UpdateData.UpdatePass && It.Value() != CameraCutTrackInstance)
					It.Value()->Update( UpdateData, ObjectBindingInstance.RuntimeObjects, Player, *this );

		// update camera cut track last to make sure spawnable cameras are there, and to override sub-shots
		if (CameraCutTrackInstance.IsValid())
			if (CameraCutTrackInstance->HasUpdatePasses() & UpdateData.UpdatePass)
				CameraCutTrackInstance->Update(UpdateData, NoObjects, Player, *this );
Example #25
// processCreateResources
void CsCore::processCreateResources()
	BcScopedLock< BcMutex > Lock( ContainerLock_ );
	TResourceHandleListIterator It( CreateResources_.begin() );
	while( It != CreateResources_.end() )
		CsResourceRef<> ResourceHandle = (*It);
		// Create resource.
		// Remove from list.
		It = CreateResources_.erase( It );
		// Put into loading list.
		LoadingResources_.push_back( ResourceHandle );
 * For the given text info, calculate the vertical offset that needs to be applied to the component
 * in order to vertically align it to the requested alignment.
float CalculateVerticalAlignmentOffset(
	const TCHAR* Text,
	class UFont* Font,
	float XScale, 
	float YScale, 
	float HorizSpacingAdjust,
	EVerticalTextAligment VerticalAlignment)

		return 0;

	float FirstLineHeight = -1; // Only kept around for legacy positioning support
	float StartY = 0;

	FTextIterator It(Text);

	while (It.NextLine())
		FVector2D LineSize = ComputeTextSize(It, Font, XScale, YScale, HorizSpacingAdjust);

		if (FirstLineHeight < 0)
			FirstLineHeight = LineSize.Y;

		int32 Ch;

		// Iterate to end of line
		while (It.NextCharacterInLine(Ch))

		// Move Y position down to next line. If the current line is empty, move by max char height in font
		StartY += LineSize.Y > 0 ? LineSize.Y : Font->GetMaxCharHeight();

	// Calculate a vertical translation to create the correct vertical alignment
	return -ComputeVerticalAlignmentOffset(StartY, VerticalAlignment, FirstLineHeight);
Example #27
// Descripcion:
// - Actual sobre todos los items que esten en el contenedor
// Parametros:
// - bPause. Flag de pausa
// Devuelve:
// Notas:
CEquipmentSlots::SetPause(const bool bPause)
  // SOLO si instancia inicializada

  // Recorre lista de items
  iCWorld* const pWorld = SYSEngine::GetWorld();
  EquipSlotsVectorIt It(m_EquipSlotsInfo.EquipSlots.begin());
  for (; It != m_EquipSlotsInfo.EquipSlots.end(); ++It) {
	// ¿Hay item equipado?
	if (*It) {
	  // Si, se actua
	  CItem* const pItem = pWorld->GetItem(*It);
void FLauncherProfileManager::LoadDeviceGroups( )
	if (GConfig != nullptr)
		FConfigSection* LoadedDeviceGroups = GConfig->GetSectionPrivate(TEXT("Launcher.DeviceGroups"), false, true, GEngineIni);

		if (LoadedDeviceGroups != nullptr)
			// parse the configuration file entries into device groups
			for (FConfigSection::TIterator It(*LoadedDeviceGroups); It; ++It)
				if (It.Key() == TEXT("DeviceGroup"))
Example #29
class ULiveEditorBlueprint *FLiveEditorManager::FindActiveBlueprint( const FString &Name )
	FString CheckName = Name.Left( Name.Find( TEXT("."), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd ) );
	for ( TArray< FActiveBlueprintRecord >::TIterator It(ActiveBlueprints); It; It++ )
		ULiveEditorBlueprint *BP = (*It).Blueprint.Get();
		if ( !BP )

		FString CheckPathName = BP->GetArchetype()->GetPathName();
		CheckPathName = CheckPathName.Left( CheckPathName.Find( TEXT("."), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase, ESearchDir::FromEnd ) );

		UE_LOG( LiveEditorManagerLog, Log, TEXT("%s | %s"), *CheckPathName, *CheckName );
		if ( CheckPathName == CheckName )
			return BP;

	return NULL;
bool UK2Node_MakeStruct::CanBeMade(const UScriptStruct* Struct, bool bIncludeEditOnly, bool bMustHaveValidProperties )
	if (Struct && !Struct->HasMetaData(TEXT("HasNativeMake")))
		if (!bMustHaveValidProperties && UEdGraphSchema_K2::IsAllowableBlueprintVariableType(Struct))
			return true;

		for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(Struct); It; ++It)
			if (CanBeExposed(*It, bIncludeEditOnly))
				return true;
	return false;