inline js_proxy_t *js_get_or_create_proxy(JSContext *cx, T *native_obj) { js_proxy_t *proxy; HASH_FIND_PTR(_native_js_global_ht, &native_obj, proxy); if (!proxy) { js_type_class_t *typeProxy = js_get_type_from_native<T>(native_obj); // Return NULL if can't find its type rather than making an assert. // assert(typeProxy); if (!typeProxy) { CCLOGWARN("Could not find the type of native object."); return NULL; } JSObject* js_obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeProxy->jsclass, typeProxy->proto, typeProxy->parentProto); JS_NEW_PROXY(proxy, native_obj, js_obj); #ifdef DEBUG JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, typeid(*native_obj).name()); #else JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj); #endif return proxy; } else { return proxy; } return NULL; }
JSBool js_cocos2dx_extension_HttpRequest_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp){ if(argc == 0){ HttpRequest* cobj = new HttpRequest(); cocos2d::CCObject *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::CCObject *>(cobj); if (_ccobj) { _ccobj->autorelease(); } TypeTest<cocos2d::extension::CCHttpRequest> t; js_type_class_t *typeClass; uint32_t typeId = t.s_id(); HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeClass); assert(typeClass); JSObject *obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto); JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj)); // link the native object with the javascript object js_proxy_t *p; JS_NEW_PROXY(p, cobj, obj); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "HttpRequest"); return JS_TRUE; } JS_ReportError(cx, "wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, 0); return JS_FALSE; }
static JSBool js_fygui_FYPropCell_ctor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) { JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp); FYPropCell *nobj = new FYPropCell(); js_proxy_t* p; JS_NEW_PROXY(p, nobj, obj); nobj->autorelease(); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "FYPropCell"); JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID); return JS_TRUE; }
static void getJSTouchObject(JSContext *cx, CCTouch *x, jsval &jsret) { js_type_class_t *classType; TypeTest<cocos2d::CCTouch> t; uint32_t typeId = t.s_id(); HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, classType); assert(classType); JSObject *_tmp = JS_NewObject(cx, classType->jsclass, classType->proto, classType->parentProto); js_proxy_t *proxy, *nproxy; JS_NEW_PROXY(proxy, x, _tmp); void *ptr = x; JS_GET_PROXY(nproxy, ptr); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &nproxy->obj, "CCTouch"); jsret = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(_tmp); }
inline js_proxy_t *js_get_or_create_proxy(JSContext *cx, T *native_obj) { js_proxy_t *proxy; HASH_FIND_PTR(_native_js_global_ht, &native_obj, proxy); if (!proxy) { js_type_class_t *typeProxy = js_get_type_from_native<T>(native_obj); assert(typeProxy); JSObject* js_obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeProxy->jsclass, typeProxy->proto, typeProxy->parentProto); JS_NEW_PROXY(proxy, native_obj, js_obj); #ifdef DEBUG JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, typeid(*native_obj).name()); #else JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj); #endif return proxy; } else { return proxy; } return NULL; }
static JSBool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) { TypeTest<T> t; T* cobj = new T(); cocos2d::CCObject *_ccobj = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::CCObject *>(cobj); if (_ccobj) { _ccobj->autorelease(); } js_type_class_t *p; uint32_t typeId = t.s_id(); HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, p); assert(p); JSObject *_tmp = JS_NewObject(cx, p->jsclass, p->proto, p->parentProto); js_proxy_t *pp; JS_NEW_PROXY(pp, cobj, _tmp); JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &pp->obj); JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(_tmp)); return JS_TRUE; }
JSObject* bind_menu_item(JSContext *cx, T* nativeObj, jsval callback, jsval thisObj) { js_proxy_t *p; JS_GET_PROXY(p, nativeObj); if (p) { addCallBackAndThis(p->obj, callback, thisObj); return p->obj; } else { js_type_class_t *classType = js_get_type_from_native<T>(nativeObj); assert(classType); JSObject *tmp = JS_NewObject(cx, classType->jsclass, classType->proto, classType->parentProto); // bind nativeObj <-> JSObject js_proxy_t *proxy; JS_NEW_PROXY(proxy, nativeObj, tmp); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, "MenuItem"); addCallBackAndThis(tmp, callback, thisObj); return tmp; } }
JSBool js_cocos2dx_CCNode_copy(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) { if (argc == 0) { JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp); js_proxy_t *proxy; JS_GET_NATIVE_PROXY(proxy, obj); cocos2d::CCNode *node = (cocos2d::CCNode *)(proxy ? proxy->ptr : NULL); TEST_NATIVE_OBJECT(cx, node) JSClass *jsclass = JS_GetClass(obj); JSObject *proto = JS_GetPrototype(obj); JSObject *parent = JS_GetParent(obj); JSObject *jsret = JS_NewObject(cx, jsclass, proto, parent); cocos2d::CCObject *ret = node->copy(); if (ret && jsret) { JS_NEW_PROXY(proxy, ret, jsret); JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(jsret)); return JS_TRUE; } } return JS_FALSE; }
JSBool js_cocos2dx_swap_native_object(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) { if (argc == 2) { // get the native object from the second object to the first object jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp); JSObject *one = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[0]); JSObject *two = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(argv[1]); js_proxy_t *nproxy; JS_GET_NATIVE_PROXY(nproxy, two); void *ptrTwo = (nproxy ? nproxy->ptr : NULL); if (nproxy) { js_proxy_t *jsproxy; JS_GET_PROXY(jsproxy, ptrTwo); if (jsproxy) { JS_REMOVE_PROXY(jsproxy, nproxy); JS_NEW_PROXY(nproxy, ptrTwo, one); } } } return JS_TRUE; }
JSBool js_cocos2dx_CCSet_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) { JSObject *obj; cocos2d::CCSet* cobj; if (argc == 0) { cobj = new cocos2d::CCSet(); cobj->autorelease(); TypeTest<cocos2d::CCSet> t; js_type_class_t *typeClass; uint32_t typeId = t.s_id(); HASH_FIND_INT(_js_global_type_ht, &typeId, typeClass); assert(typeClass); obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, typeClass->proto, typeClass->parentProto); js_proxy_t *proxy; JS_NEW_PROXY(proxy, cobj, obj); JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &proxy->obj, typeid(cobj).name()); } if (cobj) { JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj)); return JS_TRUE; } return JS_FALSE; }