Example #1
** Function         avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP config indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avdt_l2c_config_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tAVDT_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;

    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = avdt_ad_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL) {
        /* store the mtu in tbl */
        if (p_cfg->mtu_present) {
            p_tbl->peer_mtu = p_cfg->mtu;
        } else {
            p_tbl->peer_mtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;
        AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("peer_mtu: %d, lcid: x%x\n", p_tbl->peer_mtu, lcid);

        /* send L2CAP configure response */
        memset(p_cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_OK;
        L2CA_ConfigRsp(lcid, p_cfg);

        /* if first config ind */
        if ((p_tbl->cfg_flags & AVDT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE) == 0) {
            /* update cfg_flags */
            p_tbl->cfg_flags |= AVDT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE;

            /* if configuration complete */
            if (p_tbl->cfg_flags & AVDT_L2C_CFG_CFM_DONE) {
Example #2
** Function         avct_l2c_config_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP config indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void avct_l2c_config_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tAVCT_LCB       *p_lcb;

    /* look up lcb for this channel */
    if ((p_lcb = avct_lcb_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL) {
        AVCT_TRACE_DEBUG("avct_l2c_config_ind_cback: 0x%x, ch_state: %d", lcid, p_lcb->ch_state);
        /* store the mtu in tbl */
        if (p_cfg->mtu_present) {
            p_lcb->peer_mtu = p_cfg->mtu;
        } else {
            p_lcb->peer_mtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;

        /* send L2CAP configure response */
        memset(p_cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_OK;
        L2CA_ConfigRsp(lcid, p_cfg);

        /* if first config ind */
        if ((p_lcb->ch_flags & AVCT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE) == 0) {
            /* update flags */
            p_lcb->ch_flags |= AVCT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE;

            /* if configuration complete */
            if (p_lcb->ch_flags & AVCT_L2C_CFG_CFM_DONE) {
                p_lcb->ch_state = AVCT_CH_OPEN;
                avct_lcb_event(p_lcb, AVCT_LCB_LL_OPEN_EVT, NULL);
        AVCT_TRACE_DEBUG("ch_state cfi: %d ", p_lcb->ch_state);
Example #3
** Function         rfc_mx_conf_ind
** Description      This function handles L2CA_ConfigInd message from the
**                  L2CAP.  Send the L2CA_ConfigRsp message.
static void rfc_mx_conf_ind (tRFC_MCB *p_mcb, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    /* Save peer L2CAP MTU if present */
    /* RFCOMM adds 3-4 bytes in the beginning and 1 bytes FCS */
    if (p_cfg->mtu_present)
        p_mcb->peer_l2cap_mtu = p_cfg->mtu - RFCOMM_MIN_OFFSET - 1;
        p_mcb->peer_l2cap_mtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU - RFCOMM_MIN_OFFSET - 1;

    p_cfg->mtu_present      = FALSE;
    p_cfg->flush_to_present = FALSE;
    p_cfg->qos_present      = FALSE;

    p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_OK;

    L2CA_ConfigRsp (p_mcb->lcid, p_cfg);

    p_mcb->peer_cfg_rcvd = TRUE;
    if ((p_mcb->state == RFC_MX_STATE_CONFIGURE) && p_mcb->local_cfg_sent)
        if (p_mcb->is_initiator)
            p_mcb->state = RFC_MX_STATE_SABME_WAIT_UA;
            rfc_send_sabme (p_mcb, RFCOMM_MX_DLCI);
            rfc_timer_start (p_mcb, RFC_T1_TIMEOUT);
            p_mcb->state = RFC_MX_STATE_WAIT_SABME;
            rfc_timer_start (p_mcb, RFC_T2_TIMEOUT);
** Function         hidh_l2cif_config_ind
** Description      This function processes the L2CAP configuration indication
**                  event.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_config_ind (UINT16 l2cap_cid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;
    tHID_HOST_DEV_CTB *p_dev;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_dev = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle];
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING1 ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT1 ("HID-Host Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    /* Remember the remote MTU size */
    if ((!p_cfg->mtu_present) || (p_cfg->mtu > HID_HOST_MTU))
        p_hcon->rem_mtu_size = HID_HOST_MTU;
        p_hcon->rem_mtu_size = p_cfg->mtu;

    /* For now, always accept configuration from the other side */
    p_cfg->flush_to_present = FALSE;
    p_cfg->mtu_present      = FALSE;
    p_cfg->result           = L2CAP_CFG_OK;

    L2CA_ConfigRsp (l2cap_cid, p_cfg);

    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_CTRL_CFG_DONE;
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_INTR_CFG_DONE;

    /* If all configuration is complete, change state and tell management we are up */
     && (p_hcon->conn_state == HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG))
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED;

        hh_cb.devices[dhandle].state = HID_DEV_CONNECTED;
        hh_cb.callback( dhandle,  hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN, 0, NULL ) ;
** Function         gatt_l2cif_config_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP config indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void gatt_l2cif_config_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tGATT_TCB       *p_tcb;
    tGATTS_SRV_CHG  *p_srv_chg_clt=NULL;
    /* look up clcb for this channel */
    if ((p_tcb = gatt_find_tcb_by_cid(lcid)) != NULL)
        /* GATT uses the smaller of our MTU and peer's MTU  */
        if ( p_cfg->mtu_present &&
             (p_cfg->mtu >= GATT_MIN_BR_MTU_SIZE && p_cfg->mtu < L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU))
            p_tcb->payload_size = p_cfg->mtu;
            p_tcb->payload_size = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;

        /* send L2CAP configure response */
        memset(p_cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_OK;
        L2CA_ConfigRsp(lcid, p_cfg);

        /* if first config ind */
        if ((p_tcb->ch_flags & GATT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE) == 0)
            /* update flags */
            p_tcb->ch_flags |= GATT_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE;

            /* if configuration complete */
            if (p_tcb->ch_flags & GATT_L2C_CFG_CFM_DONE)
                gatt_set_ch_state(p_tcb, GATT_CH_OPEN);
                if ((p_srv_chg_clt = gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list(p_tcb->peer_bda)) != NULL)
                    if (btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev(p_tcb->peer_bda) &&

                /* send callback */
** Function         mca_l2c_config_ind_cback
** Description      This is the L2CAP config indication callback function.
** Returns          void
void mca_l2c_config_ind_cback(UINT16 lcid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tMCA_TC_TBL    *p_tbl;
    UINT16          result = L2CAP_CFG_OK;

    /* look up info for this channel */
    if ((p_tbl = mca_tc_tbl_by_lcid(lcid)) != NULL)
        /* store the mtu in tbl */
        if (p_cfg->mtu_present)
            p_tbl->peer_mtu = p_cfg->mtu;
            if (p_tbl->peer_mtu < MCA_MIN_MTU)
                result = L2CAP_CFG_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS;
            p_tbl->peer_mtu = L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;
        MCA_TRACE_DEBUG3("peer_mtu: %d, lcid: x%x mtu_present:%d",p_tbl->peer_mtu, lcid, p_cfg->mtu_present);

        /* send L2CAP configure response */
        memset(p_cfg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_CFG_INFO));
        p_cfg->result = result;
        L2CA_ConfigRsp(lcid, p_cfg);

        /* if first config ind */
        if ((p_tbl->cfg_flags & MCA_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE) == 0)
            /* update cfg_flags */
            p_tbl->cfg_flags |= MCA_L2C_CFG_IND_DONE;

            /* if configuration complete */
            if (p_tbl->cfg_flags & MCA_L2C_CFG_CFM_DONE)
** Function         sdp_config_ind
** Description      This function processes the L2CAP configuration indication
**                  event.
** Returns          void
static void sdp_config_ind (UINT16 l2cap_cid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    tCONN_CB    *p_ccb;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if ((p_ccb = sdpu_find_ccb_by_cid (l2cap_cid)) == NULL)
        SDP_TRACE_WARNING1 ("SDP - Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    /* Remember the remote MTU size */
    if (!p_cfg->mtu_present)
        /* use min(L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU,SDP_MTU_SIZE) for GKI buffer size reasons */
        p_ccb->rem_mtu_size = (L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU > SDP_MTU_SIZE)?SDP_MTU_SIZE:L2CAP_DEFAULT_MTU;
        if (p_cfg->mtu > SDP_MTU_SIZE)
            p_ccb->rem_mtu_size = SDP_MTU_SIZE;
            p_ccb->rem_mtu_size = p_cfg->mtu;

    /* For now, always accept configuration from the other side */
    p_cfg->flush_to_present = FALSE;
    p_cfg->mtu_present      = FALSE;
    p_cfg->result           = L2CAP_CFG_OK;

    /* Check peer config request against our rfcomm configuration */
    if (p_cfg->fcr_present)
        /* Reject the window size if it is bigger than we want it to be */
        if (p_cfg->fcr.mode != L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE)
            if (sdp_cb.l2cap_my_cfg.fcr.mode != L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE
                    && p_cfg->fcr.tx_win_sz > sdp_cb.l2cap_my_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz)
                p_cfg->fcr.tx_win_sz = sdp_cb.l2cap_my_cfg.fcr.tx_win_sz;
                p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS;
                SDP_TRACE_DEBUG0("sdp_config_ind(CONFIG) -> Please try again with SMALLER TX WINDOW");

            /* Reject if locally we want basic and they don't */
            if (sdp_cb.l2cap_my_cfg.fcr.mode == L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE)
                /* Ask for a new setup */
                p_cfg->fcr.mode = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
                p_cfg->result = L2CAP_CFG_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS;
                SDP_TRACE_DEBUG0("sdp_config_ind(CONFIG) -> Please try again with BASIC mode");
            /* Remain in configure state and give the peer our desired configuration */
            if (p_cfg->result != L2CAP_CFG_OK)
                SDP_TRACE_WARNING1 ("SDP - Rcvd cfg ind, Unacceptable Parameters sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);
                L2CA_ConfigRsp (l2cap_cid, p_cfg);
        else    /* We agree with peer's request */
            p_cfg->fcr_present = FALSE;

    L2CA_ConfigRsp (l2cap_cid, p_cfg);

    SDP_TRACE_EVENT1 ("SDP - Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    p_ccb->con_flags |= SDP_FLAGS_HIS_CFG_DONE;

    if (p_ccb->con_flags & SDP_FLAGS_MY_CFG_DONE)
        p_ccb->con_state = SDP_STATE_CONNECTED;

        if (p_ccb->con_flags & SDP_FLAGS_IS_ORIG)
            sdp_disc_connected (p_ccb);
            /* Start inactivity timer */
            btu_start_timer (&p_ccb->timer_entry, BTU_TTYPE_SDP, SDP_INACT_TIMEOUT);

Example #8
** Function         hidh_l2cif_config_ind
** Description      This function processes the L2CAP configuration indication
**                  event.
** Returns          void
static void hidh_l2cif_config_ind (UINT16 l2cap_cid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    UINT8 dhandle;
    tHID_CONN    *p_hcon = NULL;
    UINT32  reason;

    /* Find CCB based on CID */
    if( (dhandle = find_conn_by_cid(l2cap_cid)) < HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        p_hcon = &hh_cb.devices[dhandle].conn;

    if (p_hcon == NULL)
        HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    HIDH_TRACE_EVENT ("HID-Host Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x", l2cap_cid);

    /* Remember the remote MTU size */
    if ((!p_cfg->mtu_present) || (p_cfg->mtu > HID_HOST_MTU))
        p_hcon->rem_mtu_size = HID_HOST_MTU;
        p_hcon->rem_mtu_size = p_cfg->mtu;

    /* For now, always accept configuration from the other side */
    p_cfg->flush_to_present = FALSE;
    p_cfg->mtu_present      = FALSE;
    p_cfg->result           = L2CAP_CFG_OK;

    L2CA_ConfigRsp (l2cap_cid, p_cfg);

    if (l2cap_cid == p_hcon->ctrl_cid)
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_CTRL_CFG_DONE;
        if ((p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_IS_ORIG) &&
           (p_hcon->conn_flags & HID_CONN_FLAGS_MY_CTRL_CFG_DONE))
            /* Connect interrupt channel */
            p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_L2CAP_CONN_FAIL;	/* Reset initial reason for CLOSE_EVT: Connection Attempt was made but failed */
            if ((p_hcon->intr_cid = L2CA_ConnectReq (HID_PSM_INTERRUPT, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr)) == 0)
                HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host INTR Originate failed");
                reason = HID_L2CAP_REQ_FAIL ;
                p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;
                hidh_conn_disconnect (dhandle);
                HIDH_TRACE_WARNING ("HID-Host: l2cap config failed, reason = %d", reason);
                hh_cb.callback( dhandle, hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE, reason, NULL ) ;
                /* Transition to the next appropriate state, waiting for connection confirm on interrupt channel. */
                p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_INTR;
        p_hcon->conn_flags |= HID_CONN_FLAGS_HIS_INTR_CFG_DONE;

    /* If all configuration is complete, change state and tell management we are up */
     && (p_hcon->conn_state == HID_CONN_STATE_CONFIG))
        p_hcon->conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_CONNECTED;
        /* Reset disconnect reason to success, as connection successful */
        p_hcon->disc_reason = HID_SUCCESS;

        hh_cb.devices[dhandle].state = HID_DEV_CONNECTED;
        hh_cb.callback( dhandle,  hh_cb.devices[dhandle].addr, HID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN, 0, NULL ) ;
static BOOLEAN L2cap_ConfigRsp(UINT16 cid, tL2CAP_CFG_INFO *p_cfg)
    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG("L2cap_ConfigRsp:: Invoked");
    return L2CA_ConfigRsp (cid, p_cfg);