 * Try to find parent for current stack position. Returns correct parent and
 * child's offset in stack->parent. The root page is never released, to
 * to prevent conflict with vacuum process.
static void
ginFindParents(GinBtree btree, GinBtreeStack *stack)
	Page		page;
	Buffer		buffer;
	BlockNumber blkno,
	OffsetNumber offset;
	GinBtreeStack *root;
	GinBtreeStack *ptr;

	 * Unwind the stack all the way up to the root, leaving only the root
	 * item.
	 * Be careful not to release the pin on the root page! The pin on root
	 * page is required to lock out concurrent vacuums on the tree.
	root = stack->parent;
	while (root->parent)
		root = root->parent;

	Assert(root->blkno == btree->rootBlkno);
	Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(root->buffer) == btree->rootBlkno);
	root->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	blkno = root->blkno;
	buffer = root->buffer;
	offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	ptr = (GinBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(GinBtreeStack));

	for (;;)
		LockBuffer(buffer, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
		if (GinPageIsLeaf(page))
			elog(ERROR, "Lost path");

		if (GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(page))
			Assert(blkno != btree->rootBlkno);
			ptr->blkno = blkno;
			ptr->buffer = buffer;
			 * parent may be wrong, but if so, the ginFinishSplit call will
			 * recurse to call ginFindParents again to fix it.
			ptr->parent = root;
			ptr->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

			ginFinishSplit(btree, ptr, false, NULL);

		leftmostBlkno = btree->getLeftMostChild(btree, page);

		while ((offset = btree->findChildPtr(btree, page, stack->blkno, InvalidOffsetNumber)) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			blkno = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;
			if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
			buffer = ginStepRight(buffer, btree->index, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
			page = BufferGetPage(buffer);

			/* finish any incomplete splits, as above */
			if (GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(page))
				Assert(blkno != btree->rootBlkno);
				ptr->blkno = blkno;
				ptr->buffer = buffer;
				ptr->parent = root;
				ptr->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

				ginFinishSplit(btree, ptr, false, NULL);

		if (blkno != InvalidBlockNumber)
			ptr->blkno = blkno;
			ptr->buffer = buffer;
			ptr->parent = root; /* it may be wrong, but in next call we will
								 * correct */
			ptr->off = offset;
			stack->parent = ptr;

		/* Descend down to next level */
		blkno = leftmostBlkno;
		buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, blkno);
Example #2
 * Recursive guts of FreeSpaceMapVacuum
 * Examine the FSM page indicated by addr, as well as its children, updating
 * upper-level nodes that cover the heap block range from start to end-1.
 * (It's okay if end is beyond the actual end of the map.)
 * Return the maximum freespace value on this page.
 * If addr is past the end of the FSM, set *eof_p to true and return 0.
 * This traverses the tree in depth-first order.  The tree is stored
 * physically in depth-first order, so this should be pretty I/O efficient.
static uint8
fsm_vacuum_page(Relation rel, FSMAddress addr,
				BlockNumber start, BlockNumber end,
				bool *eof_p)
	Buffer		buf;
	Page		page;
	uint8		max_avail;

	/* Read the page if it exists, or return EOF */
	buf = fsm_readbuf(rel, addr, false);
	if (!BufferIsValid(buf))
		*eof_p = true;
		return 0;
		*eof_p = false;

	page = BufferGetPage(buf);

	 * If we're above the bottom level, recurse into children, and fix the
	 * information stored about them at this level.
	if (addr.level > FSM_BOTTOM_LEVEL)
		FSMAddress	fsm_start,
		uint16		fsm_start_slot,
		int			slot,
		bool		eof = false;

		 * Compute the range of slots we need to update on this page, given
		 * the requested range of heap blocks to consider.  The first slot to
		 * update is the one covering the "start" block, and the last slot is
		 * the one covering "end - 1".  (Some of this work will be duplicated
		 * in each recursive call, but it's cheap enough to not worry about.)
		fsm_start = fsm_get_location(start, &fsm_start_slot);
		fsm_end = fsm_get_location(end - 1, &fsm_end_slot);

		while (fsm_start.level < addr.level)
			fsm_start = fsm_get_parent(fsm_start, &fsm_start_slot);
			fsm_end = fsm_get_parent(fsm_end, &fsm_end_slot);
		Assert(fsm_start.level == addr.level);

		if (fsm_start.logpageno == addr.logpageno)
			start_slot = fsm_start_slot;
		else if (fsm_start.logpageno > addr.logpageno)
			start_slot = SlotsPerFSMPage;	/* shouldn't get here... */
			start_slot = 0;

		if (fsm_end.logpageno == addr.logpageno)
			end_slot = fsm_end_slot;
		else if (fsm_end.logpageno > addr.logpageno)
			end_slot = SlotsPerFSMPage - 1;
			end_slot = -1;		/* shouldn't get here... */

		for (slot = start_slot; slot <= end_slot; slot++)
			int			child_avail;


			/* After we hit end-of-file, just clear the rest of the slots */
			if (!eof)
				child_avail = fsm_vacuum_page(rel, fsm_get_child(addr, slot),
											  start, end,
				child_avail = 0;

			/* Update information about the child */
			if (fsm_get_avail(page, slot) != child_avail)
				LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
				fsm_set_avail(page, slot, child_avail);
				MarkBufferDirtyHint(buf, false);
				LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	/* Now get the maximum value on the page, to return to caller */
	max_avail = fsm_get_max_avail(page);

	 * Reset the next slot pointer. This encourages the use of low-numbered
	 * pages, increasing the chances that a later vacuum can truncate the
	 * relation.  We don't bother with a lock here, nor with marking the page
	 * dirty if it wasn't already, since this is just a hint.
	((FSMPage) PageGetContents(page))->fp_next_slot = 0;


	return max_avail;
Example #3
 *	visibilitymap_truncate - truncate the visibility map
 * The caller must hold AccessExclusiveLock on the relation, to ensure that
 * other backends receive the smgr invalidation event that this function sends
 * before they access the VM again.
 * nheapblocks is the new size of the heap.
visibilitymap_truncate(Relation rel, BlockNumber nheapblocks)
	BlockNumber newnblocks;

	/* last remaining block, byte, and bit */
	BlockNumber truncBlock = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBLOCK(nheapblocks);
	uint32		truncByte = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBYTE(nheapblocks);
	uint8		truncBit = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBIT(nheapblocks);

	elog(DEBUG1, "vm_truncate %s %d", RelationGetRelationName(rel), nheapblocks);


	 * If no visibility map has been created yet for this relation, there's
	 * nothing to truncate.
	if (!smgrexists(rel->rd_smgr, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM))

	 * Unless the new size is exactly at a visibility map page boundary, the
	 * tail bits in the last remaining map page, representing truncated heap
	 * blocks, need to be cleared. This is not only tidy, but also necessary
	 * because we don't get a chance to clear the bits if the heap is extended
	 * again.
	if (truncByte != 0 || truncBit != 0)
		Buffer		mapBuffer;
		Page		page;
		char	   *map;

		newnblocks = truncBlock + 1;

		mapBuffer = vm_readbuf(rel, truncBlock, false);
		if (!BufferIsValid(mapBuffer))
			/* nothing to do, the file was already smaller */

		page = BufferGetPage(mapBuffer);
		map = PageGetContents(page);

		LockBuffer(mapBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

		/* Clear out the unwanted bytes. */
		MemSet(&map[truncByte + 1], 0, MAPSIZE - (truncByte + 1));

		 * Mask out the unwanted bits of the last remaining byte.
		 * ((1 << 0) - 1) = 00000000 ((1 << 1) - 1) = 00000001 ... ((1 << 6) -
		 * 1) = 00111111 ((1 << 7) - 1) = 01111111
		map[truncByte] &= (1 << truncBit) - 1;

		newnblocks = truncBlock;

	if (smgrnblocks(rel->rd_smgr, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM) <= newnblocks)
		/* nothing to do, the file was already smaller than requested size */

	/* Truncate the unused VM pages, and send smgr inval message */
	smgrtruncate(rel->rd_smgr, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM, newnblocks);

	 * We might as well update the local smgr_vm_nblocks setting. smgrtruncate
	 * sent an smgr cache inval message, which will cause other backends to
	 * invalidate their copy of smgr_vm_nblocks, and this one too at the next
	 * command boundary.  But this ensures it isn't outright wrong until then.
	if (rel->rd_smgr)
		rel->rd_smgr->smgr_vm_nblocks = newnblocks;
Example #4
 * Helper function to perform deletion of index entries from a bucket.
 * This function expects that the caller has acquired a cleanup lock on the
 * primary bucket page, and will return with a write lock again held on the
 * primary bucket page.  The lock won't necessarily be held continuously,
 * though, because we'll release it when visiting overflow pages.
 * It would be very bad if this function cleaned a page while some other
 * backend was in the midst of scanning it, because hashgettuple assumes
 * that the next valid TID will be greater than or equal to the current
 * valid TID.  There can't be any concurrent scans in progress when we first
 * enter this function because of the cleanup lock we hold on the primary
 * bucket page, but as soon as we release that lock, there might be.  We
 * handle that by conspiring to prevent those scans from passing our cleanup
 * scan.  To do that, we lock the next page in the bucket chain before
 * releasing the lock on the previous page.  (This type of lock chaining is
 * not ideal, so we might want to look for a better solution at some point.)
 * We need to retain a pin on the primary bucket to ensure that no concurrent
 * split can start.
hashbucketcleanup(Relation rel, Bucket cur_bucket, Buffer bucket_buf,
				  BlockNumber bucket_blkno, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy,
				  uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask,
				  double *tuples_removed, double *num_index_tuples,
				  bool split_cleanup,
				  IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
	BlockNumber blkno;
	Buffer		buf;
	Bucket new_bucket PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY = InvalidBucket;
	bool		bucket_dirty = false;

	blkno = bucket_blkno;
	buf = bucket_buf;

	if (split_cleanup)
		new_bucket = _hash_get_newbucket_from_oldbucket(rel, cur_bucket,
														lowmask, maxbucket);

	/* Scan each page in bucket */
	for (;;)
		HashPageOpaque opaque;
		OffsetNumber offno;
		OffsetNumber maxoffno;
		Buffer		next_buf;
		Page		page;
		OffsetNumber deletable[MaxOffsetNumber];
		int			ndeletable = 0;
		bool		retain_pin = false;
		bool		clear_dead_marking = false;


		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
		opaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

		/* Scan each tuple in page */
		maxoffno = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
		for (offno = FirstOffsetNumber;
			 offno <= maxoffno;
			 offno = OffsetNumberNext(offno))
			ItemPointer htup;
			IndexTuple	itup;
			Bucket		bucket;
			bool		kill_tuple = false;

			itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page,
											PageGetItemId(page, offno));
			htup = &(itup->t_tid);

			 * To remove the dead tuples, we strictly want to rely on results
			 * of callback function.  refer btvacuumpage for detailed reason.
			if (callback && callback(htup, callback_state))
				kill_tuple = true;
				if (tuples_removed)
					*tuples_removed += 1;
			else if (split_cleanup)
				/* delete the tuples that are moved by split. */
				bucket = _hash_hashkey2bucket(_hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup),
				/* mark the item for deletion */
				if (bucket != cur_bucket)
					 * We expect tuples to either belong to curent bucket or
					 * new_bucket.  This is ensured because we don't allow
					 * further splits from bucket that contains garbage. See
					 * comments in _hash_expandtable.
					Assert(bucket == new_bucket);
					kill_tuple = true;

			if (kill_tuple)
				/* mark the item for deletion */
				deletable[ndeletable++] = offno;
				/* we're keeping it, so count it */
				if (num_index_tuples)
					*num_index_tuples += 1;

		/* retain the pin on primary bucket page till end of bucket scan */
		if (blkno == bucket_blkno)
			retain_pin = true;
			retain_pin = false;

		blkno = opaque->hasho_nextblkno;

		 * Apply deletions, advance to next page and write page if needed.
		if (ndeletable > 0)
			/* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */

			PageIndexMultiDelete(page, deletable, ndeletable);
			bucket_dirty = true;

			 * Let us mark the page as clean if vacuum removes the DEAD tuples
			 * from an index page. We do this by clearing LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES
			 * flag.
			if (tuples_removed && *tuples_removed > 0 &&
				opaque->hasho_flag & LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES)
				opaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_PAGE_HAS_DEAD_TUPLES;
				clear_dead_marking = true;


			/* XLOG stuff */
			if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
				xl_hash_delete xlrec;
				XLogRecPtr	recptr;

				xlrec.clear_dead_marking = clear_dead_marking;
				xlrec.is_primary_bucket_page = (buf == bucket_buf) ? true : false;

				XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashDelete);

				 * bucket buffer needs to be registered to ensure that we can
				 * acquire a cleanup lock on it during replay.
				if (!xlrec.is_primary_bucket_page)
					XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, REGBUF_STANDARD | REGBUF_NO_IMAGE);

				XLogRegisterBuffer(1, buf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
				XLogRegisterBufData(1, (char *) deletable,
									ndeletable * sizeof(OffsetNumber));

				recptr = XLogInsert(RM_HASH_ID, XLOG_HASH_DELETE);
				PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf), recptr);


		/* bail out if there are no more pages to scan. */
		if (!BlockNumberIsValid(blkno))

		next_buf = _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(rel, blkno, HASH_WRITE,

		 * release the lock on previous page after acquiring the lock on next
		 * page
		if (retain_pin)
			LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
			_hash_relbuf(rel, buf);

		buf = next_buf;

	 * lock the bucket page to clear the garbage flag and squeeze the bucket.
	 * if the current buffer is same as bucket buffer, then we already have
	 * lock on bucket page.
	if (buf != bucket_buf)
		_hash_relbuf(rel, buf);
		LockBuffer(bucket_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

	 * Clear the garbage flag from bucket after deleting the tuples that are
	 * moved by split.  We purposefully clear the flag before squeeze bucket,
	 * so that after restart, vacuum shouldn't again try to delete the moved
	 * by split tuples.
	if (split_cleanup)
		HashPageOpaque bucket_opaque;
		Page		page;

		page = BufferGetPage(bucket_buf);
		bucket_opaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

		/* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */

		bucket_opaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP;

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_buf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);


	 * If we have deleted anything, try to compact free space.  For squeezing
	 * the bucket, we must have a cleanup lock, else it can impact the
	 * ordering of tuples for a scan that has started before it.
	if (bucket_dirty && IsBufferCleanupOK(bucket_buf))
		_hash_squeezebucket(rel, cur_bucket, bucket_blkno, bucket_buf,
		LockBuffer(bucket_buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
Example #5
 * Read a FSM page.
 * If the page doesn't exist, InvalidBuffer is returned, or if 'extend' is
 * true, the FSM file is extended.
static Buffer
fsm_readbuf(Relation rel, FSMAddress addr, bool extend)
	BlockNumber blkno = fsm_logical_to_physical(addr);
	Buffer		buf;


	 * If we haven't cached the size of the FSM yet, check it first.  Also
	 * recheck if the requested block seems to be past end, since our cached
	 * value might be stale.  (We send smgr inval messages on truncation, but
	 * not on extension.)
	if (rel->rd_smgr->smgr_fsm_nblocks == InvalidBlockNumber ||
		blkno >= rel->rd_smgr->smgr_fsm_nblocks)
		if (smgrexists(rel->rd_smgr, FSM_FORKNUM))
			rel->rd_smgr->smgr_fsm_nblocks = smgrnblocks(rel->rd_smgr,
			rel->rd_smgr->smgr_fsm_nblocks = 0;

	/* Handle requests beyond EOF */
	if (blkno >= rel->rd_smgr->smgr_fsm_nblocks)
		if (extend)
			fsm_extend(rel, blkno + 1);
			return InvalidBuffer;

	 * Use ZERO_ON_ERROR mode, and initialize the page if necessary. The FSM
	 * information is not accurate anyway, so it's better to clear corrupt
	 * pages than error out. Since the FSM changes are not WAL-logged, the
	 * so-called torn page problem on crash can lead to pages with corrupt
	 * headers, for example.
	 * The initialize-the-page part is trickier than it looks, because of the
	 * possibility of multiple backends doing this concurrently, and our
	 * desire to not uselessly take the buffer lock in the normal path where
	 * the page is OK.  We must take the lock to initialize the page, so
	 * recheck page newness after we have the lock, in case someone else
	 * already did it.  Also, because we initially check PageIsNew with no
	 * lock, it's possible to fall through and return the buffer while someone
	 * else is still initializing the page (i.e., we might see pd_upper as set
	 * but other page header fields are still zeroes).  This is harmless for
	 * callers that will take a buffer lock themselves, but some callers
	 * inspect the page without any lock at all.  The latter is OK only so
	 * long as it doesn't depend on the page header having correct contents.
	 * Current usage is safe because PageGetContents() does not require that.
	buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, FSM_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR, NULL);
	if (PageIsNew(BufferGetPage(buf)))
		if (PageIsNew(BufferGetPage(buf)))
			PageInit(BufferGetPage(buf), BLCKSZ, 0);
		LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
	return buf;
Example #6
 * Insert all matching tuples into a bitmap.
blgetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm)
	int64		ntids = 0;
	BlockNumber blkno = BLOOM_HEAD_BLKNO,
	int			i;
	BufferAccessStrategy bas;
	BloomScanOpaque so = (BloomScanOpaque) scan->opaque;

	if (so->sign == NULL)
		/* New search: have to calculate search signature */
		ScanKey		skey = scan->keyData;

		so->sign = palloc0(sizeof(BloomSignatureWord) * so->state.opts.bloomLength);

		for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfKeys; i++)
			 * Assume bloom-indexable operators to be strict, so nothing could
			 * be found for NULL key.
			if (skey->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL)
				so->sign = NULL;
				return 0;

			/* Add next value to the signature */
			signValue(&so->state, so->sign, skey->sk_argument,
					  skey->sk_attno - 1);


	 * We're going to read the whole index. This is why we use appropriate
	 * buffer access strategy.
	bas = GetAccessStrategy(BAS_BULKREAD);
	npages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(scan->indexRelation);

	for (blkno = BLOOM_HEAD_BLKNO; blkno < npages; blkno++)
		Buffer		buffer;
		Page		page;

		buffer = ReadBufferExtended(scan->indexRelation, MAIN_FORKNUM,
									blkno, RBM_NORMAL, bas);

		LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
		TestForOldSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot, scan->indexRelation, page);

		if (!PageIsNew(page) && !BloomPageIsDeleted(page))
			OffsetNumber offset,
						maxOffset = BloomPageGetMaxOffset(page);

			for (offset = 1; offset <= maxOffset; offset++)
				BloomTuple *itup = BloomPageGetTuple(&so->state, page, offset);
				bool		res = true;

				/* Check index signature with scan signature */
				for (i = 0; i < so->state.opts.bloomLength; i++)
					if ((itup->sign[i] & so->sign[i]) != so->sign[i])
						res = false;

				/* Add matching tuples to bitmap */
				if (res)
					tbm_add_tuples(tbm, &itup->heapPtr, 1, true);


	return ntids;
Example #7
 *	hashgettuple() -- Get the next tuple in the scan.
hashgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir)
	HashScanOpaque so = (HashScanOpaque) scan->opaque;
	Relation	rel = scan->indexRelation;
	Buffer		buf;
	Page		page;
	OffsetNumber offnum;
	ItemPointer current;
	bool		res;

	/* Hash indexes are always lossy since we store only the hash code */
	scan->xs_recheck = true;

	 * We hold pin but not lock on current buffer while outside the hash AM.
	 * Reacquire the read lock here.
	if (BufferIsValid(so->hashso_curbuf))
		LockBuffer(so->hashso_curbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

	 * If we've already initialized this scan, we can just advance it in the
	 * appropriate direction.  If we haven't done so yet, we call a routine to
	 * get the first item in the scan.
	current = &(so->hashso_curpos);
	if (ItemPointerIsValid(current))
		 * An insertion into the current index page could have happened while
		 * we didn't have read lock on it.  Re-find our position by looking
		 * for the TID we previously returned.  (Because we hold a pin on the
		 * primary bucket page, no deletions or splits could have occurred;
		 * therefore we can expect that the TID still exists in the current
		 * index page, at an offset >= where we were.)
		OffsetNumber maxoffnum;

		buf = so->hashso_curbuf;
		page = BufferGetPage(buf);

		 * We don't need test for old snapshot here as the current buffer is
		 * pinned, so vacuum can't clean the page.
		maxoffnum = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
		for (offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(current);
			 offnum <= maxoffnum;
			 offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
			IndexTuple	itup;

			itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offnum));
			if (ItemPointerEquals(&(so->hashso_heappos), &(itup->t_tid)))
		if (offnum > maxoffnum)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find scan position within index \"%s\"",
		ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(current, offnum);

		 * Check to see if we should kill the previously-fetched tuple.
		if (scan->kill_prior_tuple)
			 * Yes, so remember it for later. (We'll deal with all such
			 * tuples at once right after leaving the index page or at
			 * end of scan.) In case if caller reverses the indexscan
			 * direction it is quite possible that the same item might
			 * get entered multiple times. But, we don't detect that;
			 * instead, we just forget any excess entries.
			if (so->killedItems == NULL)
				so->killedItems = palloc(MaxIndexTuplesPerPage *

			if (so->numKilled < MaxIndexTuplesPerPage)
				so->killedItems[so->numKilled].heapTid = so->hashso_heappos;
				so->killedItems[so->numKilled].indexOffset =

		 * Now continue the scan.
		res = _hash_next(scan, dir);
		res = _hash_first(scan, dir);

	 * Skip killed tuples if asked to.
	if (scan->ignore_killed_tuples)
		while (res)
			offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(current);
			page = BufferGetPage(so->hashso_curbuf);
			if (!ItemIdIsDead(PageGetItemId(page, offnum)))
			res = _hash_next(scan, dir);

	/* Release read lock on current buffer, but keep it pinned */
	if (BufferIsValid(so->hashso_curbuf))
		LockBuffer(so->hashso_curbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	/* Return current heap TID on success */
	scan->xs_ctup.t_self = so->hashso_heappos;

	return res;
Example #8
 *	_hash_init() -- Initialize the metadata page of a hash index,
 *				the initial buckets, and the initial bitmap page.
 * The initial number of buckets is dependent on num_tuples, an estimate
 * of the number of tuples to be loaded into the index initially.  The
 * chosen number of buckets is returned.
 * We are fairly cavalier about locking here, since we know that no one else
 * could be accessing this index.  In particular the rule about not holding
 * multiple buffer locks is ignored.
_hash_init(Relation rel, double num_tuples, ForkNumber forkNum)
	Buffer		metabuf;
	Buffer		buf;
	Buffer		bitmapbuf;
	Page		pg;
	HashMetaPage metap;
	RegProcedure procid;
	int32		data_width;
	int32		item_width;
	int32		ffactor;
	uint32		num_buckets;
	uint32		i;
	bool		use_wal;

	/* safety check */
	if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(rel, forkNum) != 0)
		elog(ERROR, "cannot initialize non-empty hash index \"%s\"",

	 * WAL log creation of pages if the relation is persistent, or this is the
	 * init fork.  Init forks for unlogged relations always need to be WAL
	 * logged.
	use_wal = RelationNeedsWAL(rel) || forkNum == INIT_FORKNUM;

	 * Determine the target fill factor (in tuples per bucket) for this index.
	 * The idea is to make the fill factor correspond to pages about as full
	 * as the user-settable fillfactor parameter says.  We can compute it
	 * exactly since the index datatype (i.e. uint32 hash key) is fixed-width.
	data_width = sizeof(uint32);
	item_width = MAXALIGN(sizeof(IndexTupleData)) + MAXALIGN(data_width) +
		sizeof(ItemIdData);		/* include the line pointer */
	ffactor = RelationGetTargetPageUsage(rel, HASH_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR) / item_width;
	/* keep to a sane range */
	if (ffactor < 10)
		ffactor = 10;

	procid = index_getprocid(rel, 1, HASHSTANDARD_PROC);

	 * We initialize the metapage, the first N bucket pages, and the first
	 * bitmap page in sequence, using _hash_getnewbuf to cause smgrextend()
	 * calls to occur.  This ensures that the smgr level has the right idea of
	 * the physical index length.
	 * Critical section not required, because on error the creation of the
	 * whole relation will be rolled back.
	metabuf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, forkNum);
	_hash_init_metabuffer(metabuf, num_tuples, procid, ffactor, false);

	pg = BufferGetPage(metabuf);
	metap = HashPageGetMeta(pg);

	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (use_wal)
		xl_hash_init_meta_page xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		xlrec.num_tuples = num_tuples;
		xlrec.procid = metap->hashm_procid;
		xlrec.ffactor = metap->hashm_ffactor;

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashInitMetaPage);
		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, metabuf, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);


		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);

	num_buckets = metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1;

	 * Release buffer lock on the metapage while we initialize buckets.
	 * Otherwise, we'll be in interrupt holdoff and the CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS
	 * won't accomplish anything.  It's a bad idea to hold buffer locks for
	 * long intervals in any case, since that can block the bgwriter.
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	 * Initialize and WAL Log the first N buckets
	for (i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
		BlockNumber blkno;

		/* Allow interrupts, in case N is huge */

		blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, i);
		buf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, blkno, forkNum);
		_hash_initbuf(buf, metap->hashm_maxbucket, i, LH_BUCKET_PAGE, false);

		if (use_wal)
		_hash_relbuf(rel, buf);

	/* Now reacquire buffer lock on metapage */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

	 * Initialize bitmap page
	bitmapbuf = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, num_buckets + 1, forkNum);
	_hash_initbitmapbuffer(bitmapbuf, metap->hashm_bmsize, false);

	/* add the new bitmap page to the metapage's list of bitmaps */
	/* metapage already has a write lock */
	if (metap->hashm_nmaps >= HASH_MAX_BITMAPS)
				 errmsg("out of overflow pages in hash index \"%s\"",

	metap->hashm_mapp[metap->hashm_nmaps] = num_buckets + 1;


	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (use_wal)
		xl_hash_init_bitmap_page xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		xlrec.bmsize = metap->hashm_bmsize;

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashInitBitmapPage);
		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bitmapbuf, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);

		 * This is safe only because nobody else can be modifying the index at
		 * this stage; it's only visible to the transaction that is creating
		 * it.
		XLogRegisterBuffer(1, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);


		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(bitmapbuf), recptr);
		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);

	/* all done */
	_hash_relbuf(rel, bitmapbuf);
	_hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);

	return num_buckets;
Example #9
 * Attempt to expand the hash table by creating one new bucket.
 * This will silently do nothing if we don't get cleanup lock on old or
 * new bucket.
 * Complete the pending splits and remove the tuples from old bucket,
 * if there are any left over from the previous split.
 * The caller must hold a pin, but no lock, on the metapage buffer.
 * The buffer is returned in the same state.
_hash_expandtable(Relation rel, Buffer metabuf)
	HashMetaPage metap;
	Bucket		old_bucket;
	Bucket		new_bucket;
	uint32		spare_ndx;
	BlockNumber start_oblkno;
	BlockNumber start_nblkno;
	Buffer		buf_nblkno;
	Buffer		buf_oblkno;
	Page		opage;
	Page		npage;
	HashPageOpaque oopaque;
	HashPageOpaque nopaque;
	uint32		maxbucket;
	uint32		highmask;
	uint32		lowmask;
	bool		metap_update_masks = false;
	bool		metap_update_splitpoint = false;


	 * Write-lock the meta page.  It used to be necessary to acquire a
	 * heavyweight lock to begin a split, but that is no longer required.
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

	_hash_checkpage(rel, metabuf, LH_META_PAGE);
	metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));

	 * Check to see if split is still needed; someone else might have already
	 * done one while we waited for the lock.
	 * Make sure this stays in sync with _hash_doinsert()
	if (metap->hashm_ntuples <=
		(double) metap->hashm_ffactor * (metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1))
		goto fail;

	 * Can't split anymore if maxbucket has reached its maximum possible
	 * value.
	 * Ideally we'd allow bucket numbers up to UINT_MAX-1 (no higher because
	 * the calculation maxbucket+1 mustn't overflow).  Currently we restrict
	 * to half that because of overflow looping in _hash_log2() and
	 * insufficient space in hashm_spares[].  It's moot anyway because an
	 * index with 2^32 buckets would certainly overflow BlockNumber and hence
	 * _hash_alloc_buckets() would fail, but if we supported buckets smaller
	 * than a disk block then this would be an independent constraint.
	 * If you change this, see also the maximum initial number of buckets in
	 * _hash_init().
	if (metap->hashm_maxbucket >= (uint32) 0x7FFFFFFE)
		goto fail;

	 * Determine which bucket is to be split, and attempt to take cleanup lock
	 * on the old bucket.  If we can't get the lock, give up.
	 * The cleanup lock protects us not only against other backends, but
	 * against our own backend as well.
	 * The cleanup lock is mainly to protect the split from concurrent
	 * inserts. See src/backend/access/hash/README, Lock Definitions for
	 * further details.  Due to this locking restriction, if there is any
	 * pending scan, the split will give up which is not good, but harmless.
	new_bucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket + 1;

	old_bucket = (new_bucket & metap->hashm_lowmask);

	start_oblkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, old_bucket);

	buf_oblkno = _hash_getbuf_with_condlock_cleanup(rel, start_oblkno, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);
	if (!buf_oblkno)
		goto fail;

	opage = BufferGetPage(buf_oblkno);
	oopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(opage);

	 * We want to finish the split from a bucket as there is no apparent
	 * benefit by not doing so and it will make the code complicated to finish
	 * the split that involves multiple buckets considering the case where new
	 * split also fails.  We don't need to consider the new bucket for
	 * completing the split here as it is not possible that a re-split of new
	 * bucket starts when there is still a pending split from old bucket.
	if (H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(oopaque))
		 * Copy bucket mapping info now; refer the comment in code below where
		 * we copy this information before calling _hash_splitbucket to see
		 * why this is okay.
		maxbucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket;
		highmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
		lowmask = metap->hashm_lowmask;

		 * Release the lock on metapage and old_bucket, before completing the
		 * split.
		LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		LockBuffer(buf_oblkno, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		_hash_finish_split(rel, metabuf, buf_oblkno, old_bucket, maxbucket,
						   highmask, lowmask);

		/* release the pin on old buffer and retry for expand. */
		_hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);

		goto restart_expand;

	 * Clean the tuples remained from the previous split.  This operation
	 * requires cleanup lock and we already have one on the old bucket, so
	 * let's do it. We also don't want to allow further splits from the bucket
	 * till the garbage of previous split is cleaned.  This has two
	 * advantages; first, it helps in avoiding the bloat due to garbage and
	 * second is, during cleanup of bucket, we are always sure that the
	 * garbage tuples belong to most recently split bucket.  On the contrary,
	 * if we allow cleanup of bucket after meta page is updated to indicate
	 * the new split and before the actual split, the cleanup operation won't
	 * be able to decide whether the tuple has been moved to the newly created
	 * bucket and ended up deleting such tuples.
	if (H_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP(oopaque))
		 * Copy bucket mapping info now; refer to the comment in code below
		 * where we copy this information before calling _hash_splitbucket to
		 * see why this is okay.
		maxbucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket;
		highmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
		lowmask = metap->hashm_lowmask;

		/* Release the metapage lock. */
		LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		hashbucketcleanup(rel, old_bucket, buf_oblkno, start_oblkno, NULL,
						  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask, NULL, NULL, true,
						  NULL, NULL);

		_hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);

		goto restart_expand;

	 * There shouldn't be any active scan on new bucket.
	 * Note: it is safe to compute the new bucket's blkno here, even though we
	 * may still need to update the BUCKET_TO_BLKNO mapping.  This is because
	 * the current value of hashm_spares[hashm_ovflpoint] correctly shows
	 * where we are going to put a new splitpoint's worth of buckets.
	start_nblkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(metap, new_bucket);

	 * If the split point is increasing we need to allocate a new batch of
	 * bucket pages.
	spare_ndx = _hash_spareindex(new_bucket + 1);
	if (spare_ndx > metap->hashm_ovflpoint)
		uint32		buckets_to_add;

		Assert(spare_ndx == metap->hashm_ovflpoint + 1);

		 * We treat allocation of buckets as a separate WAL-logged action.
		 * Even if we fail after this operation, won't leak bucket pages;
		 * rather, the next split will consume this space. In any case, even
		 * without failure we don't use all the space in one split operation.
		buckets_to_add = _hash_get_totalbuckets(spare_ndx) - new_bucket;
		if (!_hash_alloc_buckets(rel, start_nblkno, buckets_to_add))
			/* can't split due to BlockNumber overflow */
			_hash_relbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
			goto fail;

	 * Physically allocate the new bucket's primary page.  We want to do this
	 * before changing the metapage's mapping info, in case we can't get the
	 * disk space.  Ideally, we don't need to check for cleanup lock on new
	 * bucket as no other backend could find this bucket unless meta page is
	 * updated.  However, it is good to be consistent with old bucket locking.
	buf_nblkno = _hash_getnewbuf(rel, start_nblkno, MAIN_FORKNUM);
	if (!IsBufferCleanupOK(buf_nblkno))
		_hash_relbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
		_hash_relbuf(rel, buf_nblkno);
		goto fail;

	 * Since we are scribbling on the pages in the shared buffers, establish a
	 * critical section.  Any failure in this next code leaves us with a big
	 * problem: the metapage is effectively corrupt but could get written back
	 * to disk.

	 * Okay to proceed with split.  Update the metapage bucket mapping info.
	metap->hashm_maxbucket = new_bucket;

	if (new_bucket > metap->hashm_highmask)
		/* Starting a new doubling */
		metap->hashm_lowmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
		metap->hashm_highmask = new_bucket | metap->hashm_lowmask;
		metap_update_masks = true;

	 * If the split point is increasing we need to adjust the hashm_spares[]
	 * array and hashm_ovflpoint so that future overflow pages will be created
	 * beyond this new batch of bucket pages.
	if (spare_ndx > metap->hashm_ovflpoint)
		metap->hashm_spares[spare_ndx] = metap->hashm_spares[metap->hashm_ovflpoint];
		metap->hashm_ovflpoint = spare_ndx;
		metap_update_splitpoint = true;


	 * Copy bucket mapping info now; this saves re-accessing the meta page
	 * inside _hash_splitbucket's inner loop.  Note that once we drop the
	 * split lock, other splits could begin, so these values might be out of
	 * date before _hash_splitbucket finishes.  That's okay, since all it
	 * needs is to tell which of these two buckets to map hashkeys into.
	maxbucket = metap->hashm_maxbucket;
	highmask = metap->hashm_highmask;
	lowmask = metap->hashm_lowmask;

	opage = BufferGetPage(buf_oblkno);
	oopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(opage);

	 * Mark the old bucket to indicate that split is in progress.  (At
	 * operation end, we will clear the split-in-progress flag.)  Also, for a
	 * primary bucket page, hasho_prevblkno stores the number of buckets that
	 * existed as of the last split, so we must update that value here.
	oopaque->hasho_flag |= LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT;
	oopaque->hasho_prevblkno = maxbucket;


	npage = BufferGetPage(buf_nblkno);

	 * initialize the new bucket's primary page and mark it to indicate that
	 * split is in progress.
	nopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(npage);
	nopaque->hasho_prevblkno = maxbucket;
	nopaque->hasho_nextblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
	nopaque->hasho_bucket = new_bucket;
	nopaque->hasho_page_id = HASHO_PAGE_ID;


	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		xl_hash_split_allocate_page xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		xlrec.new_bucket = maxbucket;
		xlrec.old_bucket_flag = oopaque->hasho_flag;
		xlrec.new_bucket_flag = nopaque->hasho_flag;
		xlrec.flags = 0;


		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buf_oblkno, REGBUF_STANDARD);
		XLogRegisterBuffer(1, buf_nblkno, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);
		XLogRegisterBuffer(2, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

		if (metap_update_masks)
			xlrec.flags |= XLH_SPLIT_META_UPDATE_MASKS;
			XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &metap->hashm_lowmask, sizeof(uint32));
			XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &metap->hashm_highmask, sizeof(uint32));

		if (metap_update_splitpoint)
			XLogRegisterBufData(2, (char *) &metap->hashm_ovflpoint,
								(char *) &metap->hashm_spares[metap->hashm_ovflpoint],

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashSplitAllocPage);


		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf_oblkno), recptr);
		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(buf_nblkno), recptr);
		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);


	/* drop lock, but keep pin */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	/* Relocate records to the new bucket */
	_hash_splitbucket(rel, metabuf,
					  old_bucket, new_bucket,
					  buf_oblkno, buf_nblkno, NULL,
					  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask);

	/* all done, now release the pins on primary buckets. */
	_hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_oblkno);
	_hash_dropbuf(rel, buf_nblkno);


	/* Here if decide not to split or fail to acquire old bucket lock */

	/* We didn't write the metapage, so just drop lock */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
Example #10
 * _hash_splitbucket -- split 'obucket' into 'obucket' and 'nbucket'
 * This routine is used to partition the tuples between old and new bucket and
 * is used to finish the incomplete split operations.  To finish the previously
 * interrupted split operation, the caller needs to fill htab.  If htab is set,
 * then we skip the movement of tuples that exists in htab, otherwise NULL
 * value of htab indicates movement of all the tuples that belong to the new
 * bucket.
 * We are splitting a bucket that consists of a base bucket page and zero
 * or more overflow (bucket chain) pages.  We must relocate tuples that
 * belong in the new bucket.
 * The caller must hold cleanup locks on both buckets to ensure that
 * no one else is trying to access them (see README).
 * The caller must hold a pin, but no lock, on the metapage buffer.
 * The buffer is returned in the same state.  (The metapage is only
 * touched if it becomes necessary to add or remove overflow pages.)
 * Split needs to retain pin on primary bucket pages of both old and new
 * buckets till end of operation.  This is to prevent vacuum from starting
 * while a split is in progress.
 * In addition, the caller must have created the new bucket's base page,
 * which is passed in buffer nbuf, pinned and write-locked.  The lock will be
 * released here and pin must be released by the caller.  (The API is set up
 * this way because we must do _hash_getnewbuf() before releasing the metapage
 * write lock.  So instead of passing the new bucket's start block number, we
 * pass an actual buffer.)
static void
_hash_splitbucket(Relation rel,
				  Buffer metabuf,
				  Bucket obucket,
				  Bucket nbucket,
				  Buffer obuf,
				  Buffer nbuf,
				  HTAB *htab,
				  uint32 maxbucket,
				  uint32 highmask,
				  uint32 lowmask)
	Buffer		bucket_obuf;
	Buffer		bucket_nbuf;
	Page		opage;
	Page		npage;
	HashPageOpaque oopaque;
	HashPageOpaque nopaque;
	OffsetNumber itup_offsets[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	IndexTuple	itups[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	Size		all_tups_size = 0;
	int			i;
	uint16		nitups = 0;

	bucket_obuf = obuf;
	opage = BufferGetPage(obuf);
	oopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(opage);

	bucket_nbuf = nbuf;
	npage = BufferGetPage(nbuf);
	nopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(npage);

	 * Partition the tuples in the old bucket between the old bucket and the
	 * new bucket, advancing along the old bucket's overflow bucket chain and
	 * adding overflow pages to the new bucket as needed.  Outer loop iterates
	 * once per page in old bucket.
	for (;;)
		BlockNumber oblkno;
		OffsetNumber ooffnum;
		OffsetNumber omaxoffnum;

		/* Scan each tuple in old page */
		omaxoffnum = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(opage);
		for (ooffnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
			 ooffnum <= omaxoffnum;
			 ooffnum = OffsetNumberNext(ooffnum))
			IndexTuple	itup;
			Size		itemsz;
			Bucket		bucket;
			bool		found = false;

			/* skip dead tuples */
			if (ItemIdIsDead(PageGetItemId(opage, ooffnum)))

			 * Before inserting a tuple, probe the hash table containing TIDs
			 * of tuples belonging to new bucket, if we find a match, then
			 * skip that tuple, else fetch the item's hash key (conveniently
			 * stored in the item) and determine which bucket it now belongs
			 * in.
			itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(opage,
											PageGetItemId(opage, ooffnum));

			if (htab)
				(void) hash_search(htab, &itup->t_tid, HASH_FIND, &found);

			if (found)

			bucket = _hash_hashkey2bucket(_hash_get_indextuple_hashkey(itup),
										  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask);

			if (bucket == nbucket)
				IndexTuple	new_itup;

				 * make a copy of index tuple as we have to scribble on it.
				new_itup = CopyIndexTuple(itup);

				 * mark the index tuple as moved by split, such tuples are
				 * skipped by scan if there is split in progress for a bucket.
				new_itup->t_info |= INDEX_MOVED_BY_SPLIT_MASK;

				 * insert the tuple into the new bucket.  if it doesn't fit on
				 * the current page in the new bucket, we must allocate a new
				 * overflow page and place the tuple on that page instead.
				itemsz = IndexTupleDSize(*new_itup);
				itemsz = MAXALIGN(itemsz);

				if (PageGetFreeSpaceForMultipleTuples(npage, nitups + 1) < (all_tups_size + itemsz))
					 * Change the shared buffer state in critical section,
					 * otherwise any error could make it unrecoverable.

					_hash_pgaddmultitup(rel, nbuf, itups, itup_offsets, nitups);
					/* log the split operation before releasing the lock */
					log_split_page(rel, nbuf);


					/* drop lock, but keep pin */
					LockBuffer(nbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

					/* be tidy */
					for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)
					nitups = 0;
					all_tups_size = 0;

					/* chain to a new overflow page */
					nbuf = _hash_addovflpage(rel, metabuf, nbuf, (nbuf == bucket_nbuf) ? true : false);
					npage = BufferGetPage(nbuf);
					nopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(npage);

				itups[nitups++] = new_itup;
				all_tups_size += itemsz;
				 * the tuple stays on this page, so nothing to do.
				Assert(bucket == obucket);

		oblkno = oopaque->hasho_nextblkno;

		/* retain the pin on the old primary bucket */
		if (obuf == bucket_obuf)
			LockBuffer(obuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
			_hash_relbuf(rel, obuf);

		/* Exit loop if no more overflow pages in old bucket */
		if (!BlockNumberIsValid(oblkno))
			 * Change the shared buffer state in critical section, otherwise
			 * any error could make it unrecoverable.

			_hash_pgaddmultitup(rel, nbuf, itups, itup_offsets, nitups);
			/* log the split operation before releasing the lock */
			log_split_page(rel, nbuf);


			if (nbuf == bucket_nbuf)
				LockBuffer(nbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
				_hash_relbuf(rel, nbuf);

			/* be tidy */
			for (i = 0; i < nitups; i++)

		/* Else, advance to next old page */
		obuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, oblkno, HASH_READ, LH_OVERFLOW_PAGE);
		opage = BufferGetPage(obuf);
		oopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(opage);

	 * We're at the end of the old bucket chain, so we're done partitioning
	 * the tuples.  Mark the old and new buckets to indicate split is
	 * finished.
	 * To avoid deadlocks due to locking order of buckets, first lock the old
	 * bucket and then the new bucket.
	LockBuffer(bucket_obuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
	opage = BufferGetPage(bucket_obuf);
	oopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(opage);

	LockBuffer(bucket_nbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
	npage = BufferGetPage(bucket_nbuf);
	nopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(npage);


	oopaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT;
	nopaque->hasho_flag &= ~LH_BUCKET_BEING_POPULATED;

	 * After the split is finished, mark the old bucket to indicate that it
	 * contains deletable tuples.  We will clear split-cleanup flag after
	 * deleting such tuples either at the end of split or at the next split
	 * from old bucket or at the time of vacuum.
	oopaque->hasho_flag |= LH_BUCKET_NEEDS_SPLIT_CLEANUP;

	 * now write the buffers, here we don't release the locks as caller is
	 * responsible to release locks.

	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;
		xl_hash_split_complete xlrec;

		xlrec.old_bucket_flag = oopaque->hasho_flag;
		xlrec.new_bucket_flag = nopaque->hasho_flag;


		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfHashSplitComplete);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, bucket_obuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
		XLogRegisterBuffer(1, bucket_nbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);


		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(bucket_obuf), recptr);
		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(bucket_nbuf), recptr);


	 * If possible, clean up the old bucket.  We might not be able to do this
	 * if someone else has a pin on it, but if not then we can go ahead.  This
	 * isn't absolutely necessary, but it reduces bloat; if we don't do it
	 * now, VACUUM will do it eventually, but maybe not until new overflow
	 * pages have been allocated.  Note that there's no need to clean up the
	 * new bucket.
	if (IsBufferCleanupOK(bucket_obuf))
		LockBuffer(bucket_nbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		hashbucketcleanup(rel, obucket, bucket_obuf,
						  BufferGetBlockNumber(bucket_obuf), NULL,
						  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask, NULL, NULL, true,
						  NULL, NULL);
		LockBuffer(bucket_nbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		LockBuffer(bucket_obuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
Example #11
 *	_hash_finish_split() -- Finish the previously interrupted split operation
 * To complete the split operation, we form the hash table of TIDs in new
 * bucket which is then used by split operation to skip tuples that are
 * already moved before the split operation was previously interrupted.
 * The caller must hold a pin, but no lock, on the metapage and old bucket's
 * primary page buffer.  The buffers are returned in the same state.  (The
 * metapage is only touched if it becomes necessary to add or remove overflow
 * pages.)
_hash_finish_split(Relation rel, Buffer metabuf, Buffer obuf, Bucket obucket,
				   uint32 maxbucket, uint32 highmask, uint32 lowmask)
	HASHCTL		hash_ctl;
	HTAB	   *tidhtab;
	Buffer		bucket_nbuf = InvalidBuffer;
	Buffer		nbuf;
	Page		npage;
	BlockNumber nblkno;
	BlockNumber bucket_nblkno;
	HashPageOpaque npageopaque;
	Bucket		nbucket;
	bool		found;

	/* Initialize hash tables used to track TIDs */
	memset(&hash_ctl, 0, sizeof(hash_ctl));
	hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(ItemPointerData);
	hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ItemPointerData);
	hash_ctl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;

	tidhtab =
		hash_create("bucket ctids",
					256,		/* arbitrary initial size */

	bucket_nblkno = nblkno = _hash_get_newblock_from_oldbucket(rel, obucket);

	 * Scan the new bucket and build hash table of TIDs
	for (;;)
		OffsetNumber noffnum;
		OffsetNumber nmaxoffnum;

		nbuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, nblkno, HASH_READ,

		/* remember the primary bucket buffer to acquire cleanup lock on it. */
		if (nblkno == bucket_nblkno)
			bucket_nbuf = nbuf;

		npage = BufferGetPage(nbuf);
		npageopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(npage);

		/* Scan each tuple in new page */
		nmaxoffnum = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(npage);
		for (noffnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
			 noffnum <= nmaxoffnum;
			 noffnum = OffsetNumberNext(noffnum))
			IndexTuple	itup;

			/* Fetch the item's TID and insert it in hash table. */
			itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(npage,
											PageGetItemId(npage, noffnum));

			(void) hash_search(tidhtab, &itup->t_tid, HASH_ENTER, &found);


		nblkno = npageopaque->hasho_nextblkno;

		 * release our write lock without modifying buffer and ensure to
		 * retain the pin on primary bucket.
		if (nbuf == bucket_nbuf)
			LockBuffer(nbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
			_hash_relbuf(rel, nbuf);

		/* Exit loop if no more overflow pages in new bucket */
		if (!BlockNumberIsValid(nblkno))

	 * Conditionally get the cleanup lock on old and new buckets to perform
	 * the split operation.  If we don't get the cleanup locks, silently give
	 * up and next insertion on old bucket will try again to complete the
	 * split.
	if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(obuf))
	if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(bucket_nbuf))
		LockBuffer(obuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	npage = BufferGetPage(bucket_nbuf);
	npageopaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(npage);
	nbucket = npageopaque->hasho_bucket;

	_hash_splitbucket(rel, metabuf, obucket,
					  nbucket, obuf, bucket_nbuf, tidhtab,
					  maxbucket, highmask, lowmask);

	_hash_dropbuf(rel, bucket_nbuf);
Example #12
 * Initialize a sequence's relation with the specified tuple as content
static void
fill_seq_with_data(Relation rel, HeapTuple tuple)
	Buffer		buf;
	Page		page;
	sequence_magic *sm;
	OffsetNumber offnum;

	/* Initialize first page of relation with special magic number */

	buf = ReadBuffer(rel, P_NEW);
	Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(buf) == 0);

	page = BufferGetPage(buf);

	PageInit(page, BufferGetPageSize(buf), sizeof(sequence_magic));
	sm = (sequence_magic *) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	sm->magic = SEQ_MAGIC;

	/* Now insert sequence tuple */


	 * Since VACUUM does not process sequences, we have to force the tuple to
	 * have xmin = FrozenTransactionId now.  Otherwise it would become
	 * invisible to SELECTs after 2G transactions.  It is okay to do this
	 * because if the current transaction aborts, no other xact will ever
	 * examine the sequence tuple anyway.
	HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(tuple->t_data, FrozenTransactionId);
	HeapTupleHeaderSetCmin(tuple->t_data, FirstCommandId);
	HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tuple->t_data, InvalidTransactionId);
	tuple->t_data->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
	ItemPointerSet(&tuple->t_data->t_ctid, 0, FirstOffsetNumber);

	/* check the comment above nextval_internal()'s equivalent call. */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))



	offnum = PageAddItem(page, (Item) tuple->t_data, tuple->t_len,
						 InvalidOffsetNumber, false, false);
	if (offnum != FirstOffsetNumber)
		elog(ERROR, "failed to add sequence tuple to page");

	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		xl_seq_rec	xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buf, REGBUF_WILL_INIT);

		xlrec.node = rel->rd_node;

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, sizeof(xl_seq_rec));
		XLogRegisterData((char *) tuple->t_data, tuple->t_len);

		recptr = XLogInsert(RM_SEQ_ID, XLOG_SEQ_LOG);

		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);


 * Descend the tree to the leaf page that contains or would contain the key
 * we're searching for. The key should already be filled in 'btree', in
 * tree-type specific manner. If btree->fullScan is true, descends to the
 * leftmost leaf page.
 * If 'searchmode' is false, on return stack->buffer is exclusively locked,
 * and the stack represents the full path to the root. Otherwise stack->buffer
 * is share-locked, and stack->parent is NULL.
GinBtreeStack *
ginFindLeafPage(GinBtree btree, bool searchMode)
	GinBtreeStack *stack;

	stack = (GinBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(GinBtreeStack));
	stack->blkno = btree->rootBlkno;
	stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, btree->rootBlkno);
	stack->parent = NULL;
	stack->predictNumber = 1;

	for (;;)
		Page		page;
		BlockNumber child;
		int			access;

		stack->off = InvalidOffsetNumber;

		page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

		access = ginTraverseLock(stack->buffer, searchMode);

		 * If we're going to modify the tree, finish any incomplete splits we
		 * encounter on the way.
		if (!searchMode && GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(page))
			ginFinishSplit(btree, stack, false, NULL);

		 * ok, page is correctly locked, we should check to move right ..,
		 * root never has a right link, so small optimization
		while (btree->fullScan == FALSE && stack->blkno != btree->rootBlkno &&
			   btree->isMoveRight(btree, page))
			BlockNumber rightlink = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;

			if (rightlink == InvalidBlockNumber)
				/* rightmost page */

			stack->buffer = ginStepRight(stack->buffer, btree->index, access);
			stack->blkno = rightlink;
			page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

			if (!searchMode && GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(page))
				ginFinishSplit(btree, stack, false, NULL);

		if (GinPageIsLeaf(page))	/* we found, return locked page */
			return stack;

		/* now we have correct buffer, try to find child */
		child = btree->findChildPage(btree, stack);

		LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
		Assert(child != InvalidBlockNumber);
		Assert(stack->blkno != child);

		if (searchMode)
			/* in search mode we may forget path to leaf */
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(stack->buffer, btree->index, stack->blkno);
			GinBtreeStack *ptr = (GinBtreeStack *) palloc(sizeof(GinBtreeStack));

			ptr->parent = stack;
			stack = ptr;
			stack->blkno = child;
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(btree->index, stack->blkno);
			stack->predictNumber = 1;
 * Finish a split by inserting the downlink for the new page to parent.
 * On entry, stack->buffer is exclusively locked.
 * If freestack is true, all the buffers are released and unlocked as we
 * crawl up the tree, and 'stack' is freed. Otherwise stack->buffer is kept
 * locked, and stack is unmodified, except for possibly moving right to find
 * the correct parent of page.
static void
ginFinishSplit(GinBtree btree, GinBtreeStack *stack, bool freestack,
			   GinStatsData *buildStats)
	Page		page;
	bool		done;
	bool		first = true;

	 * freestack == false when we encounter an incompletely split page during a
	 * scan, while freestack == true is used in the normal scenario that a
	 * split is finished right after the initial insert.
	if (!freestack)
		elog(DEBUG1, "finishing incomplete split of block %u in gin index \"%s\"",
			 stack->blkno, RelationGetRelationName(btree->index));

	/* this loop crawls up the stack until the insertion is complete */
		GinBtreeStack *parent = stack->parent;
		void	   *insertdata;
		BlockNumber updateblkno;

		/* search parent to lock */
		LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);

		 * If the parent page was incompletely split, finish that split first,
		 * then continue with the current one.
		 * Note: we have to finish *all* incomplete splits we encounter, even
		 * if we have to move right. Otherwise we might choose as the target
		 * a page that has no downlink in the parent, and splitting it further
		 * would fail.
		if (GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(BufferGetPage(parent->buffer)))
			ginFinishSplit(btree, parent, false, buildStats);

		/* move right if it's needed */
		page = BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);
		while ((parent->off = btree->findChildPtr(btree, page, stack->blkno, parent->off)) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			if (GinPageRightMost(page))
				 * rightmost page, but we don't find parent, we should use
				 * plain search...
				LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
				ginFindParents(btree, stack);
				parent = stack->parent;
				Assert(parent != NULL);

			parent->buffer = ginStepRight(parent->buffer, btree->index, GIN_EXCLUSIVE);
			parent->blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(parent->buffer);
			page = BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

			if (GinPageIsIncompleteSplit(BufferGetPage(parent->buffer)))
				ginFinishSplit(btree, parent, false, buildStats);

		/* insert the downlink */
		insertdata = btree->prepareDownlink(btree, stack->buffer);
		updateblkno = GinPageGetOpaque(BufferGetPage(stack->buffer))->rightlink;
		done = ginPlaceToPage(btree, parent,
							  insertdata, updateblkno,
							  stack->buffer, buildStats);

		 * If the caller requested to free the stack, unlock and release the
		 * child buffer now. Otherwise keep it pinned and locked, but if we
		 * have to recurse up the tree, we can unlock the upper pages, only
		 * keeping the page at the bottom of the stack locked.
		if (!first || freestack)
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
		if (freestack)
		stack = parent;

		first = false;
	} while (!done);

	/* unlock the parent */
	LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);

	if (freestack)
Example #15
/* ----------------
 *		index_getnext - get the next heap tuple from a scan
 * The result is the next heap tuple satisfying the scan keys and the
 * snapshot, or NULL if no more matching tuples exist.	On success,
 * the buffer containing the heap tuple is pinned (the pin will be dropped
 * at the next index_getnext or index_endscan).
 * Note: caller must check scan->xs_recheck, and perform rechecking of the
 * scan keys if required.  We do not do that here because we don't have
 * enough information to do it efficiently in the general case.
 * ----------------
index_getnext(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction)
	HeapTuple	heapTuple = &scan->xs_ctup;
	ItemPointer tid = &heapTuple->t_self;
	FmgrInfo   *procedure;
	bool		all_dead = false;



	for (;;)
		bool	got_heap_tuple;

		if (scan->xs_continue_hot)
			 * We are resuming scan of a HOT chain after having returned an
			 * earlier member.	Must still hold pin on current heap page.
			Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid) ==
			bool		found;
			Buffer		prev_buf;

			 * If we scanned a whole HOT chain and found only dead tuples,
			 * tell index AM to kill its entry for that TID. We do not do this
			 * when in recovery because it may violate MVCC to do so. see
			 * comments in RelationGetIndexScan().
			if (!scan->xactStartedInRecovery)
				scan->kill_prior_tuple = all_dead;

			 * The AM's gettuple proc finds the next index entry matching the
			 * scan keys, and puts the TID in xs_ctup.t_self (ie, *tid). It
			 * should also set scan->xs_recheck, though we pay no attention to
			 * that here.
			found = DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(procedure,

			/* Reset kill flag immediately for safety */
			scan->kill_prior_tuple = false;

			/* If we're out of index entries, break out of outer loop */
			if (!found)

			pgstat_count_index_tuples(scan->indexRelation, 1);

			/* Switch to correct buffer if we don't have it already */
			prev_buf = scan->xs_cbuf;
			scan->xs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf,

			 * Prune page, but only if we weren't already on this page
			if (prev_buf != scan->xs_cbuf)
				heap_page_prune_opt(scan->heapRelation, scan->xs_cbuf,

		/* Obtain share-lock on the buffer so we can examine visibility */
		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
		got_heap_tuple = heap_hot_search_buffer(tid, scan->heapRelation,
		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		if (got_heap_tuple)
			 * Only in a non-MVCC snapshot can more than one member of the
			 * HOT chain be visible.
			scan->xs_continue_hot = !IsMVCCSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot);
			return heapTuple;

		/* Loop around to ask index AM for another TID */
		scan->xs_continue_hot = false;

	/* Release any held pin on a heap page */
	if (BufferIsValid(scan->xs_cbuf))
		scan->xs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	return NULL;				/* failure exit */
Example #16
 * Workhouse routine for doing insertion into a GiST index. Note that
 * this routine assumes it is invoked in a short-lived memory context,
 * so it does not bother releasing palloc'd allocations.
gistdoinsert(Relation r, IndexTuple itup, Size freespace, GISTSTATE *giststate)
	ItemId		iid;
	IndexTuple	idxtuple;
	GISTInsertStack firststack;
	GISTInsertStack *stack;
	GISTInsertState state;
	bool		xlocked = false;

	memset(&state, 0, sizeof(GISTInsertState));
	state.freespace = freespace;
	state.r = r;

	/* Start from the root */
	firststack.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
	firststack.lsn = 0;
	firststack.parent = NULL;
	firststack.downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
	state.stack = stack = &firststack;

	 * Walk down along the path of smallest penalty, updating the parent
	 * pointers with the key we're inserting as we go. If we crash in the
	 * middle, the tree is consistent, although the possible parent updates
	 * were a waste.
	for (;;)
		if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(stack->lsn))
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(state.r, stack->blkno);

		 * Be optimistic and grab shared lock first. Swap it for an exclusive
		 * lock later if we need to update the page.
		if (!xlocked)
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_SHARE);
			gistcheckpage(state.r, stack->buffer);

		stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
		stack->lsn = PageGetLSN(stack->page);
		Assert(!RelationNeedsWAL(state.r) || !XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(stack->lsn));

		 * If this page was split but the downlink was never inserted to the
		 * parent because the inserting backend crashed before doing that, fix
		 * that now.
		if (GistFollowRight(stack->page))
			if (!xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
				xlocked = true;
				/* someone might've completed the split when we unlocked */
				if (!GistFollowRight(stack->page))
			gistfixsplit(&state, giststate);

			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (stack->blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO &&
			stack->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(stack->page))
			 * Concurrent split detected. There's no guarantee that the
			 * downlink for this page is consistent with the tuple we're
			 * inserting anymore, so go back to parent and rechoose the best
			 * child.
			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (!GistPageIsLeaf(stack->page))
			 * This is an internal page so continue to walk down the tree.
			 * Find the child node that has the minimum insertion penalty.
			BlockNumber childblkno;
			IndexTuple	newtup;
			GISTInsertStack *item;
			OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum;

			downlinkoffnum = gistchoose(state.r, stack->page, itup, giststate);
			iid = PageGetItemId(stack->page, downlinkoffnum);
			idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(stack->page, iid);
			childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));

			 * Check that it's not a leftover invalid tuple from pre-9.1
			if (GistTupleIsInvalid(idxtuple))
						(errmsg("index \"%s\" contains an inner tuple marked as invalid",
						 errdetail("This is caused by an incomplete page split at crash recovery before upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.1."),
						 errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));

			 * Check that the key representing the target child node is
			 * consistent with the key we're inserting. Update it if it's not.
			newtup = gistgetadjusted(state.r, idxtuple, itup, giststate);
			if (newtup)
				 * Swap shared lock for an exclusive one. Beware, the page may
				 * change while we unlock/lock the page...
				if (!xlocked)
					LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
					LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
					xlocked = true;
					stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

					if (PageGetLSN(stack->page) != stack->lsn)
						/* the page was changed while we unlocked it, retry */

				 * Update the tuple.
				 * We still hold the lock after gistinserttuple(), but it
				 * might have to split the page to make the updated tuple fit.
				 * In that case the updated tuple might migrate to the other
				 * half of the split, so we have to go back to the parent and
				 * descend back to the half that's a better fit for the new
				 * tuple.
				if (gistinserttuple(&state, stack, giststate, newtup,
					 * If this was a root split, the root page continues to be
					 * the parent and the updated tuple went to one of the
					 * child pages, so we just need to retry from the root
					 * page.
					if (stack->blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
						xlocked = false;
						state.stack = stack = stack->parent;
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
			xlocked = false;

			/* descend to the chosen child */
			item = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
			item->blkno = childblkno;
			item->parent = stack;
			item->downlinkoffnum = downlinkoffnum;
			state.stack = stack = item;
			 * Leaf page. Insert the new key. We've already updated all the
			 * parents on the way down, but we might have to split the page if
			 * it doesn't fit. gistinserthere() will take care of that.

			 * Swap shared lock for an exclusive one. Be careful, the page may
			 * change while we unlock/lock the page...
			if (!xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
				xlocked = true;
				stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
				stack->lsn = PageGetLSN(stack->page);

				if (stack->blkno == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
					 * the only page that can become inner instead of leaf is
					 * the root page, so for root we should recheck it
					if (!GistPageIsLeaf(stack->page))
						 * very rare situation: during unlock/lock index with
						 * number of pages = 1 was increased
						LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
						xlocked = false;

					 * we don't need to check root split, because checking
					 * leaf/inner is enough to recognize split for root
				else if (GistFollowRight(stack->page) ||
						 stack->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(stack->page))
					 * The page was split while we momentarily unlocked the
					 * page. Go back to parent.
					xlocked = false;
					state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

			/* now state.stack->(page, buffer and blkno) points to leaf page */

			gistinserttuple(&state, stack, giststate, itup,
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);

			/* Release any pins we might still hold before exiting */
			for (; stack; stack = stack->parent)
Example #17
 * Insert new tuple to the bloom index.
blinsert(Relation index, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
		 ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
		 IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
		 IndexInfo *indexInfo)
	BloomState	blstate;
	BloomTuple *itup;
	MemoryContext oldCtx;
	MemoryContext insertCtx;
	BloomMetaPageData *metaData;
	Buffer		buffer,
	Page		page,
	BlockNumber blkno = InvalidBlockNumber;
	OffsetNumber nStart;
	GenericXLogState *state;

	insertCtx = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
									  "Bloom insert temporary context",

	oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(insertCtx);

	initBloomState(&blstate, index);
	itup = BloomFormTuple(&blstate, ht_ctid, values, isnull);

	 * At first, try to insert new tuple to the first page in notFullPage
	 * array.  If successful, we don't need to modify the meta page.
	metaBuffer = ReadBuffer(index, BLOOM_METAPAGE_BLKNO);
	LockBuffer(metaBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
	metaData = BloomPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metaBuffer));

	if (metaData->nEnd > metaData->nStart)
		Page		page;

		blkno = metaData->notFullPage[metaData->nStart];
		Assert(blkno != InvalidBlockNumber);

		/* Don't hold metabuffer lock while doing insert */
		LockBuffer(metaBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);
		LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

		state = GenericXLogStart(index);
		page = GenericXLogRegisterBuffer(state, buffer, 0);

		 * We might have found a page that was recently deleted by VACUUM.  If
		 * so, we can reuse it, but we must reinitialize it.
		if (PageIsNew(page) || BloomPageIsDeleted(page))
			BloomInitPage(page, 0);

		if (BloomPageAddItem(&blstate, page, itup))
			/* Success!  Apply the change, clean up, and exit */
			return false;

		/* Didn't fit, must try other pages */
		/* No entries in notFullPage */
		LockBuffer(metaBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	 * Try other pages in notFullPage array.  We will have to change nStart in
	 * metapage.  Thus, grab exclusive lock on metapage.
	LockBuffer(metaBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

	/* nStart might have changed while we didn't have lock */
	nStart = metaData->nStart;

	/* Skip first page if we already tried it above */
	if (nStart < metaData->nEnd &&
		blkno == metaData->notFullPage[nStart])

	 * This loop iterates for each page we try from the notFullPage array, and
	 * will also initialize a GenericXLogState for the fallback case of having
	 * to allocate a new page.
	for (;;)
		state = GenericXLogStart(index);

		/* get modifiable copy of metapage */
		metaPage = GenericXLogRegisterBuffer(state, metaBuffer, 0);
		metaData = BloomPageGetMeta(metaPage);

		if (nStart >= metaData->nEnd)
			break;				/* no more entries in notFullPage array */

		blkno = metaData->notFullPage[nStart];
		Assert(blkno != InvalidBlockNumber);

		buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);
		LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		page = GenericXLogRegisterBuffer(state, buffer, 0);

		/* Basically same logic as above */
		if (PageIsNew(page) || BloomPageIsDeleted(page))
			BloomInitPage(page, 0);

		if (BloomPageAddItem(&blstate, page, itup))
			/* Success!  Apply the changes, clean up, and exit */
			metaData->nStart = nStart;
			return false;

		/* Didn't fit, must try other pages */

	 * Didn't find place to insert in notFullPage array.  Allocate new page.
	 * (XXX is it good to do this while holding ex-lock on the metapage??)
	buffer = BloomNewBuffer(index);

	page = GenericXLogRegisterBuffer(state, buffer, GENERIC_XLOG_FULL_IMAGE);
	BloomInitPage(page, 0);

	if (!BloomPageAddItem(&blstate, page, itup))
		/* We shouldn't be here since we're inserting to an empty page */
		elog(ERROR, "could not add new bloom tuple to empty page");

	/* Reset notFullPage array to contain just this new page */
	metaData->nStart = 0;
	metaData->nEnd = 1;
	metaData->notFullPage[0] = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);

	/* Apply the changes, clean up, and exit */



	return false;
Example #18
 * Traverse the tree to find path from root page to specified "child" block.
 * returns a new insertion stack, starting from the parent of "child", up
 * to the root. *downlinkoffnum is set to the offset of the downlink in the
 * direct parent of child.
 * To prevent deadlocks, this should lock only one page at a time.
static GISTInsertStack *
gistFindPath(Relation r, BlockNumber child, OffsetNumber *downlinkoffnum)
	Page		page;
	Buffer		buffer;
	OffsetNumber i,
	ItemId		iid;
	IndexTuple	idxtuple;
	List	   *fifo;
	GISTInsertStack *top,
	BlockNumber blkno;

	top = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
	top->blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
	top->downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	fifo = list_make1(top);
	while (fifo != NIL)
		/* Get next page to visit */
		top = linitial(fifo);
		fifo = list_delete_first(fifo);

		buffer = ReadBuffer(r, top->blkno);
		LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_SHARE);
		gistcheckpage(r, buffer);
		page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);

		if (GistPageIsLeaf(page))
			 * Because we scan the index top-down, all the rest of the pages
			 * in the queue must be leaf pages as well.

		top->lsn = PageGetLSN(page);

		 * If F_FOLLOW_RIGHT is set, the page to the right doesn't have a
		 * downlink. This should not normally happen..
		if (GistFollowRight(page))
			elog(ERROR, "concurrent GiST page split was incomplete");

		if (top->parent && top->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(page) &&
			GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink != InvalidBlockNumber /* sanity check */ )
			 * Page was split while we looked elsewhere. We didn't see the
			 * downlink to the right page when we scanned the parent, so add
			 * it to the queue now.
			 * Put the right page ahead of the queue, so that we visit it
			 * next. That's important, because if this is the lowest internal
			 * level, just above leaves, we might already have queued up some
			 * leaf pages, and we assume that there can't be any non-leaf
			 * pages behind leaf pages.
			ptr = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
			ptr->blkno = GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink;
			ptr->downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
			ptr->parent = top->parent;

			fifo = lcons(ptr, fifo);

		maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

		for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
			iid = PageGetItemId(page, i);
			idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
			blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));
			if (blkno == child)
				/* Found it! */
				*downlinkoffnum = i;
				return top;
				/* Append this child to the list of pages to visit later */
				ptr = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
				ptr->blkno = blkno;
				ptr->downlinkoffnum = i;
				ptr->parent = top;

				fifo = lappend(fifo, ptr);


	elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent of a page in index \"%s\", block %u",
		 RelationGetRelationName(r), child);
	return NULL;				/* keep compiler quiet */
Example #19
 *	visibilitymap_set - set a bit on a previously pinned page
 * recptr is the LSN of the XLOG record we're replaying, if we're in recovery,
 * or InvalidXLogRecPtr in normal running.	The page LSN is advanced to the
 * one provided; in normal running, we generate a new XLOG record and set the
 * page LSN to that value.	cutoff_xid is the largest xmin on the page being
 * marked all-visible; it is needed for Hot Standby, and can be
 * InvalidTransactionId if the page contains no tuples.
 * Caller is expected to set the heap page's PD_ALL_VISIBLE bit before calling
 * this function. Except in recovery, caller should also pass the heap
 * buffer. When checksums are enabled and we're not in recovery, we must add
 * the heap buffer to the WAL chain to protect it from being torn.
 * You must pass a buffer containing the correct map page to this function.
 * Call visibilitymap_pin first to pin the right one. This function doesn't do
 * any I/O.
visibilitymap_set(Relation rel, BlockNumber heapBlk, Buffer heapBuf,
				  XLogRecPtr recptr, Buffer vmBuf, TransactionId cutoff_xid)
	BlockNumber mapBlock = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBLOCK(heapBlk);
	uint32		mapByte = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBYTE(heapBlk);
	uint8		mapBit = HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBIT(heapBlk);
	Page		page;
	char	   *map;

	elog(DEBUG1, "vm_set %s %d", RelationGetRelationName(rel), heapBlk);

	Assert(InRecovery || XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(recptr));
	Assert(InRecovery || BufferIsValid(heapBuf));

	/* Check that we have the right heap page pinned, if present */
	if (BufferIsValid(heapBuf) && BufferGetBlockNumber(heapBuf) != heapBlk)
		elog(ERROR, "wrong heap buffer passed to visibilitymap_set");

	/* Check that we have the right VM page pinned */
	if (!BufferIsValid(vmBuf) || BufferGetBlockNumber(vmBuf) != mapBlock)
		elog(ERROR, "wrong VM buffer passed to visibilitymap_set");

	page = BufferGetPage(vmBuf);
	map = PageGetContents(page);

	if (!(map[mapByte] & (1 << mapBit)))

		map[mapByte] |= (1 << mapBit);

		if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
			if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(recptr))
				recptr = log_heap_visible(rel->rd_node, heapBuf, vmBuf,

				 * If data checksums are enabled (or wal_log_hints=on), we
				 * need to protect the heap page from being torn.
				if (XLogHintBitIsNeeded())
					Page		heapPage = BufferGetPage(heapBuf);

					/* caller is expected to set PD_ALL_VISIBLE first */
					PageSetLSN(heapPage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);


	LockBuffer(vmBuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
Example #20
 * Updates the stack so that child->parent is the correct parent of the
 * child. child->parent must be exclusively locked on entry, and will
 * remain so at exit, but it might not be the same page anymore.
static void
gistFindCorrectParent(Relation r, GISTInsertStack *child)
	GISTInsertStack *parent = child->parent;

	gistcheckpage(r, parent->buffer);
	parent->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

	/* here we don't need to distinguish between split and page update */
	if (child->downlinkoffnum == InvalidOffsetNumber ||
		parent->lsn != PageGetLSN(parent->page))
		/* parent is changed, look child in right links until found */
		OffsetNumber i,
		ItemId		iid;
		IndexTuple	idxtuple;
		GISTInsertStack *ptr;

		while (true)
			maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(parent->page);
			for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
				iid = PageGetItemId(parent->page, i);
				idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(parent->page, iid);
				if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid)) == child->blkno)
					/* yes!!, found */
					child->downlinkoffnum = i;

			parent->blkno = GistPageGetOpaque(parent->page)->rightlink;
			if (parent->blkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
				 * End of chain and still didn't find parent. It's a very-very
				 * rare situation when root splited.
			parent->buffer = ReadBuffer(r, parent->blkno);
			LockBuffer(parent->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
			gistcheckpage(r, parent->buffer);
			parent->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(parent->buffer);

		 * awful!!, we need search tree to find parent ... , but before we
		 * should release all old parent

		ptr = child->parent->parent;	/* child->parent already released
										 * above */
		while (ptr)
			ptr = ptr->parent;

		/* ok, find new path */
		ptr = parent = gistFindPath(r, child->blkno, &child->downlinkoffnum);

		/* read all buffers as expected by caller */
		/* note we don't lock them or gistcheckpage them here! */
		while (ptr)
			ptr->buffer = ReadBuffer(r, ptr->blkno);
			ptr->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(ptr->buffer);
			ptr = ptr->parent;

		/* install new chain of parents to stack */
		child->parent = parent;

		/* make recursive call to normal processing */
		LockBuffer(child->parent->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
		gistFindCorrectParent(r, child);

Example #21
 * Bulk deletion of all index entries pointing to a set of heap tuples.
 * The set of target tuples is specified via a callback routine that tells
 * whether any given heap tuple (identified by ItemPointer) is being deleted.
 * This function also deletes the tuples that are moved by split to other
 * bucket.
 * Result: a palloc'd struct containing statistical info for VACUUM displays.
IndexBulkDeleteResult *
hashbulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
			   IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state)
	Relation	rel = info->index;
	double		tuples_removed;
	double		num_index_tuples;
	double		orig_ntuples;
	Bucket		orig_maxbucket;
	Bucket		cur_maxbucket;
	Bucket		cur_bucket;
	Buffer		metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
	HashMetaPage metap;
	HashMetaPage cachedmetap;

	tuples_removed = 0;
	num_index_tuples = 0;

	 * We need a copy of the metapage so that we can use its hashm_spares[]
	 * values to compute bucket page addresses, but a cached copy should be
	 * good enough.  (If not, we'll detect that further down and refresh the
	 * cache as necessary.)
	cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, false);
	Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);

	orig_maxbucket = cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket;
	orig_ntuples = cachedmetap->hashm_ntuples;

	/* Scan the buckets that we know exist */
	cur_bucket = 0;
	cur_maxbucket = orig_maxbucket;

	while (cur_bucket <= cur_maxbucket)
		BlockNumber bucket_blkno;
		BlockNumber blkno;
		Buffer		bucket_buf;
		Buffer		buf;
		HashPageOpaque bucket_opaque;
		Page		page;
		bool		split_cleanup = false;

		/* Get address of bucket's start page */
		bucket_blkno = BUCKET_TO_BLKNO(cachedmetap, cur_bucket);

		blkno = bucket_blkno;

		 * We need to acquire a cleanup lock on the primary bucket page to out
		 * wait concurrent scans before deleting the dead tuples.
		buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL, info->strategy);
		_hash_checkpage(rel, buf, LH_BUCKET_PAGE);

		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
		bucket_opaque = (HashPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

		 * If the bucket contains tuples that are moved by split, then we need
		 * to delete such tuples.  We can't delete such tuples if the split
		 * operation on bucket is not finished as those are needed by scans.
		if (!H_BUCKET_BEING_SPLIT(bucket_opaque) &&
			split_cleanup = true;

			 * This bucket might have been split since we last held a lock on
			 * the metapage.  If so, hashm_maxbucket, hashm_highmask and
			 * hashm_lowmask might be old enough to cause us to fail to remove
			 * tuples left behind by the most recent split.  To prevent that,
			 * now that the primary page of the target bucket has been locked
			 * (and thus can't be further split), check whether we need to
			 * update our cached metapage data.
			 * NB: The check for InvalidBlockNumber is only needed for
			 * on-disk compatibility with indexes created before we started
			 * storing hashm_maxbucket in the primary page's hasho_prevblkno.
			if (bucket_opaque->hasho_prevblkno != InvalidBlockNumber &&
				bucket_opaque->hasho_prevblkno > cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket)
				cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
				Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);

		bucket_buf = buf;

		hashbucketcleanup(rel, cur_bucket, bucket_buf, blkno, info->strategy,
						  cachedmetap->hashm_lowmask, &tuples_removed,
						  &num_index_tuples, split_cleanup,
						  callback, callback_state);

		_hash_dropbuf(rel, bucket_buf);

		/* Advance to next bucket */

	if (BufferIsInvalid(metabuf))
		metabuf = _hash_getbuf(rel, HASH_METAPAGE, HASH_NOLOCK, LH_META_PAGE);

	/* Write-lock metapage and check for split since we started */
	LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
	metap = HashPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuf));

	if (cur_maxbucket != metap->hashm_maxbucket)
		/* There's been a split, so process the additional bucket(s) */
		LockBuffer(metabuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		cachedmetap = _hash_getcachedmetap(rel, &metabuf, true);
		Assert(cachedmetap != NULL);
		cur_maxbucket = cachedmetap->hashm_maxbucket;
		goto loop_top;

	/* Okay, we're really done.  Update tuple count in metapage. */

	if (orig_maxbucket == metap->hashm_maxbucket &&
		orig_ntuples == metap->hashm_ntuples)
		 * No one has split or inserted anything since start of scan, so
		 * believe our count as gospel.
		metap->hashm_ntuples = num_index_tuples;
		 * Otherwise, our count is untrustworthy since we may have
		 * double-scanned tuples in split buckets.  Proceed by dead-reckoning.
		 * (Note: we still return estimated_count = false, because using this
		 * count is better than not updating reltuples at all.)
		if (metap->hashm_ntuples > tuples_removed)
			metap->hashm_ntuples -= tuples_removed;
			metap->hashm_ntuples = 0;
		num_index_tuples = metap->hashm_ntuples;


	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(rel))
		xl_hash_update_meta_page xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		xlrec.ntuples = metap->hashm_ntuples;

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, sizeof(SizeOfHashUpdateMetaPage));

		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, metabuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(metabuf), recptr);


	_hash_relbuf(rel, metabuf);

	/* return statistics */
	if (stats == NULL)
		stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult));
	stats->estimated_count = false;
	stats->num_index_tuples = num_index_tuples;
	stats->tuples_removed += tuples_removed;
	/* hashvacuumcleanup will fill in num_pages */

	return stats;
 * Insert an index tuple into the index relation.  The revmap is updated to
 * mark the range containing the given page as pointing to the inserted entry.
 * A WAL record is written.
 * The buffer, if valid, is first checked for free space to insert the new
 * entry; if there isn't enough, a new buffer is obtained and pinned.  No
 * buffer lock must be held on entry, no buffer lock is held on exit.
 * Return value is the offset number where the tuple was inserted.
brin_doinsert(Relation idxrel, BlockNumber pagesPerRange,
			  BrinRevmap *revmap, Buffer *buffer, BlockNumber heapBlk,
			  BrinTuple *tup, Size itemsz)
	Page		page;
	BlockNumber blk;
	OffsetNumber off;
	Buffer		revmapbuf;
	ItemPointerData tid;
	bool		extended;

	Assert(itemsz == MAXALIGN(itemsz));

	/* If the item is oversized, don't even bother. */
	if (itemsz > BrinMaxItemSize)
			errmsg("index row size %lu exceeds maximum %lu for index \"%s\"",
				   (unsigned long) itemsz,
				   (unsigned long) BrinMaxItemSize,
		return InvalidOffsetNumber;		/* keep compiler quiet */

	/* Make sure the revmap is long enough to contain the entry we need */
	brinRevmapExtend(revmap, heapBlk);

	 * Acquire lock on buffer supplied by caller, if any.  If it doesn't have
	 * enough space, unpin it to obtain a new one below.
	if (BufferIsValid(*buffer))
		 * It's possible that another backend (or ourselves!) extended the
		 * revmap over the page we held a pin on, so we cannot assume that
		 * it's still a regular page.
		LockBuffer(*buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		if (br_page_get_freespace(BufferGetPage(*buffer)) < itemsz)
			*buffer = InvalidBuffer;

	 * If we still don't have a usable buffer, have brin_getinsertbuffer
	 * obtain one for us.
	if (!BufferIsValid(*buffer))
			*buffer = brin_getinsertbuffer(idxrel, InvalidBuffer, itemsz, &extended);
		while (!BufferIsValid(*buffer));
		extended = false;

	/* Now obtain lock on revmap buffer */
	revmapbuf = brinLockRevmapPageForUpdate(revmap, heapBlk);

	page = BufferGetPage(*buffer);
	blk = BufferGetBlockNumber(*buffer);

	/* Execute the actual insertion */
	if (extended)
		brin_page_init(BufferGetPage(*buffer), BRIN_PAGETYPE_REGULAR);
	off = PageAddItem(page, (Item) tup, itemsz, InvalidOffsetNumber,
					  false, false);
	if (off == InvalidOffsetNumber)
		elog(ERROR, "could not insert new index tuple to page");

	BRIN_elog((DEBUG2, "inserted tuple (%u,%u) for range starting at %u",
			   blk, off, heapBlk));

	ItemPointerSet(&tid, blk, off);
	brinSetHeapBlockItemptr(revmapbuf, pagesPerRange, heapBlk, tid);

	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
		xl_brin_insert xlrec;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;
		uint8		info;

		info = XLOG_BRIN_INSERT | (extended ? XLOG_BRIN_INIT_PAGE : 0);
		xlrec.heapBlk = heapBlk;
		xlrec.pagesPerRange = pagesPerRange;
		xlrec.offnum = off;

		XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinInsert);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(0, *buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD | (extended ? REGBUF_WILL_INIT : 0));
		XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) tup, itemsz);

		XLogRegisterBuffer(1, revmapbuf, 0);

		recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(revmapbuf), recptr);


	/* Tuple is firmly on buffer; we can release our locks */
	LockBuffer(*buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
	LockBuffer(revmapbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

	if (extended)

	return off;
Example #23
 * FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel - adjust for truncation of a relation.
 * The caller must hold AccessExclusiveLock on the relation, to ensure that
 * other backends receive the smgr invalidation event that this function sends
 * before they access the FSM again.
 * nblocks is the new size of the heap.
FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(Relation rel, BlockNumber nblocks)
	BlockNumber new_nfsmblocks;
	FSMAddress	first_removed_address;
	uint16		first_removed_slot;
	Buffer		buf;


	 * If no FSM has been created yet for this relation, there's nothing to
	 * truncate.
	if (!smgrexists(rel->rd_smgr, FSM_FORKNUM))

	/* Get the location in the FSM of the first removed heap block */
	first_removed_address = fsm_get_location(nblocks, &first_removed_slot);

	 * Zero out the tail of the last remaining FSM page. If the slot
	 * representing the first removed heap block is at a page boundary, as the
	 * first slot on the FSM page that first_removed_address points to, we can
	 * just truncate that page altogether.
	if (first_removed_slot > 0)
		buf = fsm_readbuf(rel, first_removed_address, false);
		if (!BufferIsValid(buf))
			return;				/* nothing to do; the FSM was already smaller */

		/* NO EREPORT(ERROR) from here till changes are logged */

		fsm_truncate_avail(BufferGetPage(buf), first_removed_slot);

		 * Truncation of a relation is WAL-logged at a higher-level, and we
		 * will be called at WAL replay. But if checksums are enabled, we need
		 * to still write a WAL record to protect against a torn page, if the
		 * page is flushed to disk before the truncation WAL record. We cannot
		 * use MarkBufferDirtyHint here, because that will not dirty the page
		 * during recovery.
		if (!InRecovery && RelationNeedsWAL(rel) && XLogHintBitIsNeeded())
			log_newpage_buffer(buf, false);



		new_nfsmblocks = fsm_logical_to_physical(first_removed_address) + 1;
		new_nfsmblocks = fsm_logical_to_physical(first_removed_address);
		if (smgrnblocks(rel->rd_smgr, FSM_FORKNUM) <= new_nfsmblocks)
			return;				/* nothing to do; the FSM was already smaller */

	/* Truncate the unused FSM pages, and send smgr inval message */
	smgrtruncate(rel->rd_smgr, FSM_FORKNUM, new_nfsmblocks);

	 * We might as well update the local smgr_fsm_nblocks setting.
	 * smgrtruncate sent an smgr cache inval message, which will cause other
	 * backends to invalidate their copy of smgr_fsm_nblocks, and this one too
	 * at the next command boundary.  But this ensures it isn't outright wrong
	 * until then.
	if (rel->rd_smgr)
		rel->rd_smgr->smgr_fsm_nblocks = new_nfsmblocks;

	 * Update upper-level FSM pages to account for the truncation.  This is
	 * important because the just-truncated pages were likely marked as
	 * all-free, and would be preferentially selected.
	FreeSpaceMapVacuumRange(rel, nblocks, InvalidBlockNumber);
 * Update tuple origtup (size origsz), located in offset oldoff of buffer
 * oldbuf, to newtup (size newsz) as summary tuple for the page range starting
 * at heapBlk.  oldbuf must not be locked on entry, and is not locked at exit.
 * If samepage is true, attempt to put the new tuple in the same page, but if
 * there's no room, use some other one.
 * If the update is successful, return true; the revmap is updated to point to
 * the new tuple.  If the update is not done for whatever reason, return false.
 * Caller may retry the update if this happens.
brin_doupdate(Relation idxrel, BlockNumber pagesPerRange,
			  BrinRevmap *revmap, BlockNumber heapBlk,
			  Buffer oldbuf, OffsetNumber oldoff,
			  const BrinTuple *origtup, Size origsz,
			  const BrinTuple *newtup, Size newsz,
			  bool samepage)
	Page		oldpage;
	ItemId		oldlp;
	BrinTuple  *oldtup;
	Size		oldsz;
	Buffer		newbuf;
	bool		extended;

	Assert(newsz == MAXALIGN(newsz));

	/* If the item is oversized, don't bother. */
	if (newsz > BrinMaxItemSize)
			errmsg("index row size %lu exceeds maximum %lu for index \"%s\"",
				   (unsigned long) newsz,
				   (unsigned long) BrinMaxItemSize,
		return false;			/* keep compiler quiet */

	/* make sure the revmap is long enough to contain the entry we need */
	brinRevmapExtend(revmap, heapBlk);

	if (!samepage)
		/* need a page on which to put the item */
		newbuf = brin_getinsertbuffer(idxrel, oldbuf, newsz, &extended);
		if (!BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			return false;

		 * Note: it's possible (though unlikely) that the returned newbuf is
		 * the same as oldbuf, if brin_getinsertbuffer determined that the old
		 * buffer does in fact have enough space.
		if (newbuf == oldbuf)
			newbuf = InvalidBuffer;
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		newbuf = InvalidBuffer;
		extended = false;
	oldpage = BufferGetPage(oldbuf);
	oldlp = PageGetItemId(oldpage, oldoff);

	 * Check that the old tuple wasn't updated concurrently: it might have
	 * moved someplace else entirely ...
	if (!ItemIdIsNormal(oldlp))
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		 * If this happens, and the new buffer was obtained by extending the
		 * relation, then we need to ensure we don't leave it uninitialized or
		 * forget about it.
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			if (extended)
				brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(idxrel, newbuf);
			if (extended)
		return false;

	oldsz = ItemIdGetLength(oldlp);
	oldtup = (BrinTuple *) PageGetItem(oldpage, oldlp);

	 * ... or it might have been updated in place to different contents.
	if (!brin_tuples_equal(oldtup, oldsz, origtup, origsz))
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			if (extended)
				brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(idxrel, newbuf);
			if (extended)
		return false;

	 * Great, the old tuple is intact.  We can proceed with the update.
	 * If there's enough room in the old page for the new tuple, replace it.
	 * Note that there might now be enough space on the page even though the
	 * caller told us there isn't, if a concurrent update moved another tuple
	 * elsewhere or replaced a tuple with a smaller one.
	if (((BrinPageFlags(oldpage) & BRIN_EVACUATE_PAGE) == 0) &&
		brin_can_do_samepage_update(oldbuf, origsz, newsz))
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			/* as above */
			if (extended)
				brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(idxrel, newbuf);

		PageIndexDeleteNoCompact(oldpage, &oldoff, 1);
		if (PageAddItem(oldpage, (Item) newtup, newsz, oldoff, true,
						false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to add BRIN tuple");

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
			xl_brin_samepage_update xlrec;
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			xlrec.offnum = oldoff;

			XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinSamepageUpdate);

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
			XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newtup, newsz);

			recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

			PageSetLSN(oldpage, recptr);


		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		if (extended)

		return true;
	else if (newbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		 * Not enough space, but caller said that there was. Tell them to
		 * start over.
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		return false;
		 * Not enough free space on the oldpage. Put the new tuple on the new
		 * page, and update the revmap.
		Page		newpage = BufferGetPage(newbuf);
		Buffer		revmapbuf;
		ItemPointerData newtid;
		OffsetNumber newoff;
		BlockNumber newblk = InvalidBlockNumber;
		Size		freespace = 0;

		revmapbuf = brinLockRevmapPageForUpdate(revmap, heapBlk);


		 * We need to initialize the page if it's newly obtained.  Note we
		 * will WAL-log the initialization as part of the update, so we don't
		 * need to do that here.
		if (extended)
			brin_page_init(BufferGetPage(newbuf), BRIN_PAGETYPE_REGULAR);

		PageIndexDeleteNoCompact(oldpage, &oldoff, 1);
		newoff = PageAddItem(newpage, (Item) newtup, newsz,
							 InvalidOffsetNumber, false, false);
		if (newoff == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to add BRIN tuple to new page");

		/* needed to update FSM below */
		if (extended)
			newblk = BufferGetBlockNumber(newbuf);
			freespace = br_page_get_freespace(newpage);

		ItemPointerSet(&newtid, BufferGetBlockNumber(newbuf), newoff);
		brinSetHeapBlockItemptr(revmapbuf, pagesPerRange, heapBlk, newtid);

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
			xl_brin_update xlrec;
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;
			uint8		info;

			info = XLOG_BRIN_UPDATE | (extended ? XLOG_BRIN_INIT_PAGE : 0);

			xlrec.insert.offnum = newoff;
			xlrec.insert.heapBlk = heapBlk;
			xlrec.insert.pagesPerRange = pagesPerRange;
			xlrec.oldOffnum = oldoff;


			/* new page */
			XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinUpdate);

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, newbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD | (extended ? REGBUF_WILL_INIT : 0));
			XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newtup, newsz);

			/* revmap page */
			XLogRegisterBuffer(1, revmapbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

			/* old page */
			XLogRegisterBuffer(2, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

			recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

			PageSetLSN(oldpage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(newpage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(revmapbuf), recptr);


		LockBuffer(revmapbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		if (extended)
			RecordPageWithFreeSpace(idxrel, newblk, freespace);

		return true;
Example #25
 * Search the tree for a heap page with at least min_cat of free space
static BlockNumber
fsm_search(Relation rel, uint8 min_cat)
	int			restarts = 0;
	FSMAddress	addr = FSM_ROOT_ADDRESS;

	for (;;)
		int			slot;
		Buffer		buf;
		uint8		max_avail = 0;

		/* Read the FSM page. */
		buf = fsm_readbuf(rel, addr, false);

		/* Search within the page */
		if (BufferIsValid(buf))
			LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
			slot = fsm_search_avail(buf, min_cat,
									(addr.level == FSM_BOTTOM_LEVEL),
			if (slot == -1)
				max_avail = fsm_get_max_avail(BufferGetPage(buf));
			slot = -1;

		if (slot != -1)
			 * Descend the tree, or return the found block if we're at the
			 * bottom.
			if (addr.level == FSM_BOTTOM_LEVEL)
				return fsm_get_heap_blk(addr, slot);

			addr = fsm_get_child(addr, slot);
		else if (addr.level == FSM_ROOT_LEVEL)
			 * At the root, failure means there's no page with enough free
			 * space in the FSM. Give up.
			return InvalidBlockNumber;
			uint16		parentslot;
			FSMAddress	parent;

			 * At lower level, failure can happen if the value in the upper-
			 * level node didn't reflect the value on the lower page. Update
			 * the upper node, to avoid falling into the same trap again, and
			 * start over.
			 * There's a race condition here, if another backend updates this
			 * page right after we release it, and gets the lock on the parent
			 * page before us. We'll then update the parent page with the now
			 * stale information we had. It's OK, because it should happen
			 * rarely, and will be fixed by the next vacuum.
			parent = fsm_get_parent(addr, &parentslot);
			fsm_set_and_search(rel, parent, parentslot, max_avail, 0);

			 * If the upper pages are badly out of date, we might need to loop
			 * quite a few times, updating them as we go. Any inconsistencies
			 * should eventually be corrected and the loop should end. Looping
			 * indefinitely is nevertheless scary, so provide an emergency
			 * valve.
			if (restarts++ > 10000)
				return InvalidBlockNumber;

			/* Start search all over from the root */
 * Return a pinned and exclusively locked buffer which can be used to insert an
 * index item of size itemsz (caller must ensure not to request sizes
 * impossible to fulfill).  If oldbuf is a valid buffer, it is also locked (in
 * an order determined to avoid deadlocks.)
 * If we find that the old page is no longer a regular index page (because
 * of a revmap extension), the old buffer is unlocked and we return
 * InvalidBuffer.
 * If there's no existing page with enough free space to accommodate the new
 * item, the relation is extended.  If this happens, *extended is set to true,
 * and it is the caller's responsibility to initialize the page (and WAL-log
 * that fact) prior to use.
 * Note that in some corner cases it is possible for this routine to extend the
 * relation and then not return the buffer.  It is this routine's
 * responsibility to WAL-log the page initialization and to record the page in
 * FSM if that happens.  Such a buffer may later be reused by this routine.
static Buffer
brin_getinsertbuffer(Relation irel, Buffer oldbuf, Size itemsz,
					 bool *extended)
	BlockNumber oldblk;
	BlockNumber newblk;
	Page		page;
	int			freespace;

	/* callers must have checked */
	Assert(itemsz <= BrinMaxItemSize);

	*extended = false;

	if (BufferIsValid(oldbuf))
		oldblk = BufferGetBlockNumber(oldbuf);
		oldblk = InvalidBlockNumber;

	 * Loop until we find a page with sufficient free space.  By the time we
	 * return to caller out of this loop, both buffers are valid and locked;
	 * if we have to restart here, neither buffer is locked and buf is not a
	 * pinned buffer.
	newblk = RelationGetTargetBlock(irel);
	if (newblk == InvalidBlockNumber)
		newblk = GetPageWithFreeSpace(irel, itemsz);
	for (;;)
		Buffer		buf;
		bool		extensionLockHeld = false;


		if (newblk == InvalidBlockNumber)
			 * There's not enough free space in any existing index page,
			 * according to the FSM: extend the relation to obtain a shiny new
			 * page.
			if (!RELATION_IS_LOCAL(irel))
				LockRelationForExtension(irel, ExclusiveLock);
				extensionLockHeld = true;
			buf = ReadBuffer(irel, P_NEW);
			newblk = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);
			*extended = true;

			BRIN_elog((DEBUG2, "brin_getinsertbuffer: extending to page %u",
		else if (newblk == oldblk)
			 * There's an odd corner-case here where the FSM is out-of-date,
			 * and gave us the old page.
			buf = oldbuf;
			buf = ReadBuffer(irel, newblk);

		 * We lock the old buffer first, if it's earlier than the new one; but
		 * before we do, we need to check that it hasn't been turned into a
		 * revmap page concurrently; if we detect that it happened, give up
		 * and tell caller to start over.
		if (BufferIsValid(oldbuf) && oldblk < newblk)
			LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
			if (!BRIN_IS_REGULAR_PAGE(BufferGetPage(oldbuf)))
				LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

				 * It is possible that the new page was obtained from
				 * extending the relation.  In that case, we must be sure to
				 * record it in the FSM before leaving, because otherwise the
				 * space would be lost forever.  However, we cannot let an
				 * uninitialized page get in the FSM, so we need to initialize
				 * it first.
				if (*extended)
					brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(irel, buf);
					/* shouldn't matter, but don't confuse caller */
					*extended = false;

				if (extensionLockHeld)
					UnlockRelationForExtension(irel, ExclusiveLock);

				return InvalidBuffer;


		if (extensionLockHeld)
			UnlockRelationForExtension(irel, ExclusiveLock);

		page = BufferGetPage(buf);

		 * We have a new buffer to insert into.  Check that the new page has
		 * enough free space, and return it if it does; otherwise start over.
		 * Note that we allow for the FSM to be out of date here, and in that
		 * case we update it and move on.
		 * (br_page_get_freespace also checks that the FSM didn't hand us a
		 * page that has since been repurposed for the revmap.)
		freespace = *extended ?
			BrinMaxItemSize : br_page_get_freespace(page);
		if (freespace >= itemsz)
			RelationSetTargetBlock(irel, BufferGetBlockNumber(buf));

			 * Since the target block specification can get lost on cache
			 * invalidations, make sure we update the more permanent FSM with
			 * data about it before going away.
			if (*extended)
				RecordPageWithFreeSpace(irel, BufferGetBlockNumber(buf),

			 * Lock the old buffer if not locked already.  Note that in this
			 * case we know for sure it's a regular page: it's later than the
			 * new page we just got, which is not a revmap page, and revmap
			 * pages are always consecutive.
			if (BufferIsValid(oldbuf) && oldblk > newblk)
				LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

			return buf;

		/* This page is no good. */

		 * If an entirely new page does not contain enough free space for the
		 * new item, then surely that item is oversized.  Complain loudly; but
		 * first make sure we initialize the page and record it as free, for
		 * next time.
		if (*extended)
			brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(irel, buf);

			errmsg("index row size %lu exceeds maximum %lu for index \"%s\"",
				   (unsigned long) itemsz,
				   (unsigned long) freespace,
			return InvalidBuffer;		/* keep compiler quiet */

		if (newblk != oldblk)
		if (BufferIsValid(oldbuf) && oldblk <= newblk)
			LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		newblk = RecordAndGetPageWithFreeSpace(irel, newblk, freespace, itemsz);
Example #27
 * Optionally prune and repair fragmentation in the specified page.
 * This is an opportunistic function.  It will perform housekeeping
 * only if the page heuristically looks like a candidate for pruning and we
 * can acquire buffer cleanup lock without blocking.
 * Note: this is called quite often.  It's important that it fall out quickly
 * if there's not any use in pruning.
 * Caller must have pin on the buffer, and must *not* have a lock on it.
 * OldestXmin is the cutoff XID used to distinguish whether tuples are DEAD
 * or RECENTLY_DEAD (see HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum).
heap_page_prune_opt(Relation relation, Buffer buffer)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	Size		minfree;
	TransactionId OldestXmin;

	 * We can't write WAL in recovery mode, so there's no point trying to
	 * clean the page. The master will likely issue a cleaning WAL record soon
	 * anyway, so this is no particular loss.
	if (RecoveryInProgress())

	 * Use the appropriate xmin horizon for this relation. If it's a proper
	 * catalog relation or a user defined, additional, catalog relation, we
	 * need to use the horizon that includes slots, otherwise the data-only
	 * horizon can be used. Note that the toast relation of user defined
	 * relations are *not* considered catalog relations.
	 * It is OK to apply the old snapshot limit before acquiring the cleanup
	 * lock because the worst that can happen is that we are not quite as
	 * aggressive about the cleanup (by however many transaction IDs are
	 * consumed between this point and acquiring the lock).  This allows us to
	 * save significant overhead in the case where the page is found not to be
	 * prunable.
	if (IsCatalogRelation(relation) ||
		OldestXmin = RecentGlobalXmin;
		OldestXmin =


	 * Let's see if we really need pruning.
	 * Forget it if page is not hinted to contain something prunable that's
	 * older than OldestXmin.
	if (!PageIsPrunable(page, OldestXmin))

	 * We prune when a previous UPDATE failed to find enough space on the page
	 * for a new tuple version, or when free space falls below the relation's
	 * fill-factor target (but not less than 10%).
	 * Checking free space here is questionable since we aren't holding any
	 * lock on the buffer; in the worst case we could get a bogus answer. It's
	 * unlikely to be *seriously* wrong, though, since reading either pd_lower
	 * or pd_upper is probably atomic.  Avoiding taking a lock seems more
	 * important than sometimes getting a wrong answer in what is after all
	 * just a heuristic estimate.
	minfree = RelationGetTargetPageFreeSpace(relation,
	minfree = Max(minfree, BLCKSZ / 10);

	if (PageIsFull(page) || PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page) < minfree)
		/* OK, try to get exclusive buffer lock */
		if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(buffer))

		 * Now that we have buffer lock, get accurate information about the
		 * page's free space, and recheck the heuristic about whether to
		 * prune. (We needn't recheck PageIsPrunable, since no one else could
		 * have pruned while we hold pin.)
		if (PageIsFull(page) || PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page) < minfree)
			TransactionId ignore = InvalidTransactionId;		/* return value not
																 * needed */

			/* OK to prune */
			(void) heap_page_prune(relation, buffer, OldestXmin, true, &ignore);

		/* And release buffer lock */
		LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
Example #28
 * btvacuumpage --- VACUUM one page
 * This processes a single page for btvacuumscan().  In some cases we
 * must go back and re-examine previously-scanned pages; this routine
 * recurses when necessary to handle that case.
 * blkno is the page to process.  orig_blkno is the highest block number
 * reached by the outer btvacuumscan loop (the same as blkno, unless we
 * are recursing to re-examine a previous page).
static void
btvacuumpage(BTVacState *vstate, BlockNumber blkno, BlockNumber orig_blkno)
	IndexVacuumInfo *info = vstate->info;
	IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats = vstate->stats;
	IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback = vstate->callback;
	void	   *callback_state = vstate->callback_state;
	Relation	rel = info->index;
	bool		delete_now;
	BlockNumber recurse_to;
	Buffer		buf;
	Page		page;
	BTPageOpaque opaque;

	delete_now = false;
	recurse_to = P_NONE;

	/* call vacuum_delay_point while not holding any buffer lock */

	 * We can't use _bt_getbuf() here because it always applies
	 * _bt_checkpage(), which will barf on an all-zero page. We want to
	 * recycle all-zero pages, not fail.  Also, we want to use a nondefault
	 * buffer access strategy.
	buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL,
	LockBuffer(buf, BT_READ);
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	if (!PageIsNew(page))
		_bt_checkpage(rel, buf);

	 * If we are recursing, the only case we want to do anything with is a
	 * live leaf page having the current vacuum cycle ID.  Any other state
	 * implies we already saw the page (eg, deleted it as being empty).
	if (blkno != orig_blkno)
		if (_bt_page_recyclable(page) ||
			P_IGNORE(opaque) ||
			!P_ISLEAF(opaque) ||
			opaque->btpo_cycleid != vstate->cycleid)
			_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);

	/* Page is valid, see what to do with it */
	if (_bt_page_recyclable(page))
		/* Okay to recycle this page */
		RecordFreeIndexPage(rel, blkno);
	else if (P_ISDELETED(opaque))
		/* Already deleted, but can't recycle yet */
	else if (P_ISHALFDEAD(opaque))
		/* Half-dead, try to delete */
		delete_now = true;
	else if (P_ISLEAF(opaque))
		OffsetNumber deletable[MaxOffsetNumber];
		int			ndeletable;
		OffsetNumber offnum,

		 * Trade in the initial read lock for a super-exclusive write lock on
		 * this page.  We must get such a lock on every leaf page over the
		 * course of the vacuum scan, whether or not it actually contains any
		 * deletable tuples --- see nbtree/README.
		LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		 * Remember highest leaf page number we've taken cleanup lock on; see
		 * notes in btvacuumscan
		if (blkno > vstate->lastBlockLocked)
			vstate->lastBlockLocked = blkno;

		 * Check whether we need to recurse back to earlier pages.  What we
		 * are concerned about is a page split that happened since we started
		 * the vacuum scan.  If the split moved some tuples to a lower page
		 * then we might have missed 'em.  If so, set up for tail recursion.
		 * (Must do this before possibly clearing btpo_cycleid below!)
		if (vstate->cycleid != 0 &&
			opaque->btpo_cycleid == vstate->cycleid &&
			!(opaque->btpo_flags & BTP_SPLIT_END) &&
			!P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) &&
			opaque->btpo_next < orig_blkno)
			recurse_to = opaque->btpo_next;

		 * Scan over all items to see which ones need deleted according to the
		 * callback function.
		ndeletable = 0;
		minoff = P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque);
		maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
		if (callback)
			for (offnum = minoff;
				 offnum <= maxoff;
				 offnum = OffsetNumberNext(offnum))
				IndexTuple	itup;
				ItemPointer htup;

				itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page,
												PageGetItemId(page, offnum));
				htup = &(itup->t_tid);

				 * During Hot Standby we currently assume that
				 * XLOG_BTREE_VACUUM records do not produce conflicts. That is
				 * only true as long as the callback function depends only
				 * upon whether the index tuple refers to heap tuples removed
				 * in the initial heap scan. When vacuum starts it derives a
				 * value of OldestXmin. Backends taking later snapshots could
				 * have a RecentGlobalXmin with a later xid than the vacuum's
				 * OldestXmin, so it is possible that row versions deleted
				 * after OldestXmin could be marked as killed by other
				 * backends. The callback function *could* look at the index
				 * tuple state in isolation and decide to delete the index
				 * tuple, though currently it does not. If it ever did, we
				 * would need to reconsider whether XLOG_BTREE_VACUUM records
				 * should cause conflicts. If they did cause conflicts they
				 * would be fairly harsh conflicts, since we haven't yet
				 * worked out a way to pass a useful value for
				 * latestRemovedXid on the XLOG_BTREE_VACUUM records. This
				 * applies to *any* type of index that marks index tuples as
				 * killed.
				if (callback(htup, callback_state))
					deletable[ndeletable++] = offnum;

		 * Apply any needed deletes.  We issue just one _bt_delitems_vacuum()
		 * call per page, so as to minimize WAL traffic.
		if (ndeletable > 0)
			 * Notice that the issued XLOG_BTREE_VACUUM WAL record includes an
			 * instruction to the replay code to get cleanup lock on all pages
			 * between the previous lastBlockVacuumed and this page.  This
			 * ensures that WAL replay locks all leaf pages at some point.
			 * Since we can visit leaf pages out-of-order when recursing,
			 * replay might end up locking such pages an extra time, but it
			 * doesn't seem worth the amount of bookkeeping it'd take to avoid
			 * that.
			_bt_delitems_vacuum(rel, buf, deletable, ndeletable,

			 * Remember highest leaf page number we've issued a
			 * XLOG_BTREE_VACUUM WAL record for.
			if (blkno > vstate->lastBlockVacuumed)
				vstate->lastBlockVacuumed = blkno;

			stats->tuples_removed += ndeletable;
			/* must recompute maxoff */
			maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
			 * If the page has been split during this vacuum cycle, it seems
			 * worth expending a write to clear btpo_cycleid even if we don't
			 * have any deletions to do.  (If we do, _bt_delitems_vacuum takes
			 * care of this.)  This ensures we won't process the page again.
			 * We treat this like a hint-bit update because there's no need to
			 * WAL-log it.
			if (vstate->cycleid != 0 &&
				opaque->btpo_cycleid == vstate->cycleid)
				opaque->btpo_cycleid = 0;
				MarkBufferDirtyHint(buf, true);

		 * If it's now empty, try to delete; else count the live tuples. We
		 * don't delete when recursing, though, to avoid putting entries into
		 * freePages out-of-order (doesn't seem worth any extra code to handle
		 * the case).
		if (minoff > maxoff)
			delete_now = (blkno == orig_blkno);
			stats->num_index_tuples += maxoff - minoff + 1;

	if (delete_now)
		MemoryContext oldcontext;
		int			ndel;

		/* Run pagedel in a temp context to avoid memory leakage */
		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(vstate->pagedelcontext);

		ndel = _bt_pagedel(rel, buf);

		/* count only this page, else may double-count parent */
		if (ndel)

		/* pagedel released buffer, so we shouldn't */
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);

	 * This is really tail recursion, but if the compiler is too stupid to
	 * optimize it as such, we'd eat an uncomfortably large amount of stack
	 * space per recursion level (due to the deletable[] array). A failure is
	 * improbable since the number of levels isn't likely to be large ... but
	 * just in case, let's hand-optimize into a loop.
	if (recurse_to != P_NONE)
		blkno = recurse_to;
		goto restart;
Example #29
/* ----------------
 *		index_getnext - get the next heap tuple from a scan
 * The result is the next heap tuple satisfying the scan keys and the
 * snapshot, or NULL if no more matching tuples exist.	On success,
 * the buffer containing the heap tuple is pinned (the pin will be dropped
 * at the next index_getnext or index_endscan).
 * Note: caller must check scan->xs_recheck, and perform rechecking of the
 * scan keys if required.  We do not do that here because we don't have
 * enough information to do it efficiently in the general case.
 * ----------------
index_getnext(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection direction)
	HeapTuple	heapTuple = &scan->xs_ctup;
	ItemPointer tid = &heapTuple->t_self;
	FmgrInfo   *procedure;



	 * We always reset xs_hot_dead; if we are here then either we are just
	 * starting the scan, or we previously returned a visible tuple, and in
	 * either case it's inappropriate to kill the prior index entry.
	scan->xs_hot_dead = false;

	for (;;)
		OffsetNumber offnum;
		bool		at_chain_start;
		Page		dp;

		if (scan->xs_next_hot != InvalidOffsetNumber)
			 * We are resuming scan of a HOT chain after having returned an
			 * earlier member.	Must still hold pin on current heap page.
			Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid) ==
			offnum = scan->xs_next_hot;
			at_chain_start = false;
			scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;
			bool		found;
			Buffer		prev_buf;

			 * If we scanned a whole HOT chain and found only dead tuples,
			 * tell index AM to kill its entry for that TID. We do not do this
			 * when in recovery because it may violate MVCC to do so. see
			 * comments in RelationGetIndexScan().
			if (!scan->xactStartedInRecovery)
				scan->kill_prior_tuple = scan->xs_hot_dead;

			 * The AM's gettuple proc finds the next index entry matching the
			 * scan keys, and puts the TID in xs_ctup.t_self (ie, *tid). It
			 * should also set scan->xs_recheck, though we pay no attention to
			 * that here.
			found = DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(procedure,

			/* Reset kill flag immediately for safety */
			scan->kill_prior_tuple = false;

			/* If we're out of index entries, break out of outer loop */
			if (!found)

			pgstat_count_index_tuples(scan->indexRelation, 1);

			/* Switch to correct buffer if we don't have it already */
			prev_buf = scan->xs_cbuf;
			scan->xs_cbuf = ReleaseAndReadBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf,

			 * Prune page, but only if we weren't already on this page
			if (prev_buf != scan->xs_cbuf)
				heap_page_prune_opt(scan->heapRelation, scan->xs_cbuf,

			/* Prepare to scan HOT chain starting at index-referenced offnum */
			offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid);
			at_chain_start = true;

			/* We don't know what the first tuple's xmin should be */
			scan->xs_prev_xmax = InvalidTransactionId;

			/* Initialize flag to detect if all entries are dead */
			scan->xs_hot_dead = true;

		/* Obtain share-lock on the buffer so we can examine visibility */
		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

		dp = (Page) BufferGetPage(scan->xs_cbuf);

		/* Scan through possible multiple members of HOT-chain */
		for (;;)
			ItemId		lp;
			ItemPointer ctid;
			bool		valid;

			/* check for bogus TID */
			if (offnum < FirstOffsetNumber ||
				offnum > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(dp))

			lp = PageGetItemId(dp, offnum);

			/* check for unused, dead, or redirected items */
			if (!ItemIdIsNormal(lp))
				/* We should only see a redirect at start of chain */
				if (ItemIdIsRedirected(lp) && at_chain_start)
					/* Follow the redirect */
					offnum = ItemIdGetRedirect(lp);
					at_chain_start = false;
				/* else must be end of chain */

			 * We must initialize all of *heapTuple (ie, scan->xs_ctup) since
			 * it is returned to the executor on success.
			heapTuple->t_data = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(dp, lp);
			heapTuple->t_len = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
			ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(tid, offnum);
			heapTuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(scan->heapRelation);
			ctid = &heapTuple->t_data->t_ctid;

			 * Shouldn't see a HEAP_ONLY tuple at chain start.  (This test
			 * should be unnecessary, since the chain root can't be removed
			 * while we have pin on the index entry, but let's make it
			 * anyway.)
			if (at_chain_start && HeapTupleIsHeapOnly(heapTuple))

			 * The xmin should match the previous xmax value, else chain is
			 * broken.	(Note: this test is not optional because it protects
			 * us against the case where the prior chain member's xmax aborted
			 * since we looked at it.)
			if (TransactionIdIsValid(scan->xs_prev_xmax) &&

			/* If it's visible per the snapshot, we must return it */
			valid = HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility(heapTuple, scan->xs_snapshot,

			CheckForSerializableConflictOut(valid, scan->heapRelation,
											heapTuple, scan->xs_cbuf);

			if (valid)
				 * If the snapshot is MVCC, we know that it could accept at
				 * most one member of the HOT chain, so we can skip examining
				 * any more members.  Otherwise, check for continuation of the
				 * HOT-chain, and set state for next time.
				if (IsMVCCSnapshot(scan->xs_snapshot)
					&& !IsolationIsSerializable())
					scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;
				else if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(heapTuple))
					Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(ctid) ==
					scan->xs_next_hot = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(ctid);
					scan->xs_prev_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(heapTuple->t_data);
					scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;

				PredicateLockTuple(scan->heapRelation, heapTuple);

				LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);


				return heapTuple;

			 * If we can't see it, maybe no one else can either.  Check to see
			 * if the tuple is dead to all transactions.  If we find that all
			 * the tuples in the HOT chain are dead, we'll signal the index AM
			 * to not return that TID on future indexscans.
			if (scan->xs_hot_dead &&
				HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(heapTuple->t_data, RecentGlobalXmin,
										 scan->xs_cbuf) != HEAPTUPLE_DEAD)
				scan->xs_hot_dead = false;

			 * Check to see if HOT chain continues past this tuple; if so
			 * fetch the next offnum (we don't bother storing it into
			 * xs_next_hot, but must store xs_prev_xmax), and loop around.
			if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(heapTuple))
				Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(ctid) ==
				offnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(ctid);
				at_chain_start = false;
				scan->xs_prev_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(heapTuple->t_data);
				break;			/* end of chain */
		}						/* loop over a single HOT chain */

		LockBuffer(scan->xs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		/* Loop around to ask index AM for another TID */
		scan->xs_next_hot = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	/* Release any held pin on a heap page */
	if (BufferIsValid(scan->xs_cbuf))
		scan->xs_cbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	return NULL;				/* failure exit */
Example #30
 * Optionally prune and repair fragmentation in the specified page.
 * This is an opportunistic function.  It will perform housekeeping
 * only if the page heuristically looks like a candidate for pruning and we
 * can acquire buffer cleanup lock without blocking.
 * Note: this is called quite often.  It's important that it fall out quickly
 * if there's not any use in pruning.
 * Caller must have pin on the buffer, and must *not* have a lock on it.
 * OldestXmin is the cutoff XID used to distinguish whether tuples are DEAD
 * or RECENTLY_DEAD (see HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum).
heap_page_prune_opt(Relation relation, Buffer buffer, TransactionId OldestXmin)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	Size		minfree;

	 * Let's see if we really need pruning.
	 * Forget it if page is not hinted to contain something prunable that's
	 * older than OldestXmin.
	if (!PageIsPrunable(page, OldestXmin))

	 * We can't write WAL in recovery mode, so there's no point trying to
	 * clean the page. The master will likely issue a cleaning WAL record soon
	 * anyway, so this is no particular loss.
	if (RecoveryInProgress())

	 * We prune when a previous UPDATE failed to find enough space on the page
	 * for a new tuple version, or when free space falls below the relation's
	 * fill-factor target (but not less than 10%).
	 * Checking free space here is questionable since we aren't holding any
	 * lock on the buffer; in the worst case we could get a bogus answer. It's
	 * unlikely to be *seriously* wrong, though, since reading either pd_lower
	 * or pd_upper is probably atomic.	Avoiding taking a lock seems more
	 * important than sometimes getting a wrong answer in what is after all
	 * just a heuristic estimate.
	minfree = RelationGetTargetPageFreeSpace(relation,
	minfree = Max(minfree, BLCKSZ / 10);

	if (PageIsFull(page) || PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page) < minfree)
		/* OK, try to get exclusive buffer lock */
		if (!ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(buffer))

		 * Now that we have buffer lock, get accurate information about the
		 * page's free space, and recheck the heuristic about whether to
		 * prune. (We needn't recheck PageIsPrunable, since no one else could
		 * have pruned while we hold pin.)
		if (PageIsFull(page) || PageGetHeapFreeSpace(page) < minfree)
			TransactionId ignore = InvalidTransactionId;		/* return value not
																 * needed */

			/* OK to prune */
			(void) heap_page_prune(relation, buffer, OldestXmin, true, &ignore);

		/* And release buffer lock */
		LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);