Example #1
 * Compute MD5( "<user>:<realm>:<pass>" )
 *  if use8859_1 is non-zero, then user/realm is 8859-1 charset
 *  if supplied lengths are 0, strlen() is used
 *  places result in hash_pass (of size DIGEST_SIZE) and returns it.
static unsigned char *
digest_hash_pass(const char *user, int ulen, const char *realm, int rlen,
		const char *pass, int passlen, int use8859_1,
		unsigned char *hash_pass)
	MD5_CTX ctx;

	if (ulen == 0) ulen = strlen(user);
	if (use8859_1) {
		MD5Update(&ctx, (CONST_UCHAR *) user, ulen);
	} else {
		MD5_UTF8_8859_1(&ctx, (CONST_UCHAR *) user, ulen);
	MD5Update(&ctx, colon, 1);
	if (rlen == 0) rlen = strlen(realm);
	if (use8859_1) {
		MD5Update(&ctx, (CONST_UCHAR *) realm, rlen);
	} else {
		MD5_UTF8_8859_1(&ctx, (CONST_UCHAR *) realm, rlen);
	MD5Update(&ctx, colon, 1);
	if (passlen == 0) passlen = strlen(pass);
	MD5Update(&ctx, (CONST_UCHAR *) pass, passlen);
	MD5Final(hash_pass, &ctx);

	return (hash_pass);
Example #2
void DigestCalcSecret(
	unsigned char *pszUserName,
	unsigned char *pszRealm,
	unsigned char *Password,
	size_t PasswordLen,
    bool In_8859_1;
    MD5_CTX Md5Ctx;
    /* Chris Newman clarified that the following text in DIGEST-MD5 spec
       is bogus: "if name and password are both in ISO 8859-1 charset"
       We shoud use code example instead */
    /* We have to convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 if possible */
    In_8859_1 = UTF8_In_8859_1(pszUserName, (int)strlen((char *) pszUserName));
    MD5_UTF8_8859_1(&Md5Ctx, In_8859_1,
		    pszUserName, (int)strlen((char *) pszUserName));
    MD5_Update(&Md5Ctx, COLON, 1);
    if (pszRealm != NULL && pszRealm[0] != '\0') {
		/* a NULL realm is equivalent to the empty string */
		MD5_Update(&Md5Ctx, pszRealm, strlen((char *) pszRealm));
    MD5_Update(&Md5Ctx, COLON, 1);
    /* We have to convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 if possible */
    In_8859_1 = UTF8_In_8859_1(Password, PasswordLen);
    MD5_UTF8_8859_1(&Md5Ctx, In_8859_1,
		    Password, PasswordLen);
   	MD5_Final(HA1, &Md5Ctx);