Example #1
static void big_meappend(void *buf, ptl_size_t left_to_send, MPIDI_VC_t *vc, ptl_match_bits_t match_bits, MPID_Request *sreq)
    int i, ret, was_incomplete;
    MPID_nem_ptl_vc_area *vc_ptl;
    ptl_me_t me;

    vc_ptl = VC_PTL(vc);

    me.start = buf;
    me.ct_handle = PTL_CT_NONE;
    me.uid = PTL_UID_ANY;
                   PTL_ME_EVENT_UNLINK_DISABLE );
    me.match_id = vc_ptl->id;
    me.match_bits = match_bits;
    me.ignore_bits = 0;
    me.min_free = 0;

    /* allocate enough handles to cover all get operations */
    REQ_PTL(sreq)->get_me_p = MPIU_Malloc(sizeof(ptl_handle_me_t) *
                                          ((left_to_send / MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni_limits.max_msg_size) + 1));

    /* queue up as many entries as necessary to describe the entire message */
    for (i = 0; left_to_send > 0; i++) {
        /* send up to the maximum allowed by the portals interface */
        if (left_to_send > MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni_limits.max_msg_size)
            me.length = MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni_limits.max_msg_size;
            me.length = left_to_send;

        ret = PtlMEAppend(MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni, MPIDI_nem_ptl_get_pt, &me, PTL_PRIORITY_LIST, sreq,
        DBG_MSG_MEAPPEND("CTL", vc->pg_rank, me, sreq);
        MPIU_Assert(ret == 0);
        /* increment the cc for each get operation */
        MPIDI_CH3U_Request_increment_cc(sreq, &was_incomplete);

        /* account for what has been sent */
        me.start = (char *)me.start + me.length;
        left_to_send -= me.length;
Example #2
static int send_msg(ptl_hdr_data_t ssend_flag, struct MPIDI_VC *vc, const void *buf, MPI_Aint count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest,
                    int tag, MPID_Comm *comm, int context_offset, struct MPID_Request **request)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPID_nem_ptl_vc_area *const vc_ptl = VC_PTL(vc);
    int ret;
    MPIDI_msg_sz_t data_sz;
    int dt_contig;
    MPI_Aint dt_true_lb;
    MPID_Datatype *dt_ptr;
    MPID_Request *sreq = NULL;
    ptl_me_t me;
    int initial_iov_count, remaining_iov_count;
    ptl_md_t md;
    MPI_Aint last;


    MPID_nem_ptl_request_create_sreq(sreq, mpi_errno, comm);
    sreq->dev.match.parts.rank = dest;
    sreq->dev.match.parts.tag = tag;
    sreq->dev.match.parts.context_id = comm->context_id + context_offset;
    sreq->ch.vc = vc;

    if (!vc_ptl->id_initialized) {
        mpi_errno = MPID_nem_ptl_init_id(vc);
        if (mpi_errno) MPIR_ERR_POP(mpi_errno);

    MPIDI_Datatype_get_info(count, datatype, dt_contig, data_sz, dt_ptr, dt_true_lb);
    MPIU_DBG_MSG_FMT(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, (MPIU_DBG_FDEST, "count="MPI_AINT_FMT_DEC_SPEC" datatype=%#x contig=%d data_sz=%lu", count, datatype, dt_contig, data_sz));

    if (data_sz <= PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD) {
        /* Small message.  Send all data eagerly */
        if (dt_contig) {
            void *start = (char *)buf + dt_true_lb;
            MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "Small contig message");
            REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = handler_send;
            MPIU_DBG_MSG_P(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "&REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = %p", &(REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler));
            if (start == NULL)
                ret = MPID_nem_ptl_rptl_put(MPIDI_nem_ptl_global_md, (ptl_size_t)&dummy, data_sz, PTL_NO_ACK_REQ, vc_ptl->id, vc_ptl->pt,
                                            NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), 0, sreq,
                                            NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
                ret = MPID_nem_ptl_rptl_put(MPIDI_nem_ptl_global_md, (ptl_size_t)start, data_sz, PTL_NO_ACK_REQ, vc_ptl->id, vc_ptl->pt,
                                            NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), 0, sreq,
                                            NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
            MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlput", "**ptlput %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));
            DBG_MSG_PUT("global", data_sz, vc->pg_rank, NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
            MPIU_DBG_MSG_D(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "id.nid = %#x", vc_ptl->id.phys.nid);
            MPIU_DBG_MSG_D(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "id.pid = %#x", vc_ptl->id.phys.pid);
            MPIU_DBG_MSG_P(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "sreq = %p", sreq);
            MPIU_DBG_MSG_D(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "vc_ptl->pt = %d", vc_ptl->pt);
            MPIU_DBG_MSG_P(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = %p", REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler);
            goto fn_exit;

        /* noncontig data */
        MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "Small noncontig message");
        sreq->dev.segment_ptr = MPID_Segment_alloc();
        MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(sreq->dev.segment_ptr == NULL, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", "**nomem %s", "MPID_Segment_alloc");
        MPID_Segment_init(buf, count, datatype, sreq->dev.segment_ptr, 0);
        sreq->dev.segment_first = 0;
        sreq->dev.segment_size = data_sz;

        last = sreq->dev.segment_size;
        sreq->dev.iov_count = MPL_IOV_LIMIT;
        MPID_Segment_pack_vector(sreq->dev.segment_ptr, sreq->dev.segment_first, &last, sreq->dev.iov, &sreq->dev.iov_count);

        if (last == sreq->dev.segment_size) {
            /* IOV is able to describe entire message */
            MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "    entire message fits in IOV");
            md.start = sreq->dev.iov;
            md.length = sreq->dev.iov_count;
            md.options = PTL_IOVEC;
            md.eq_handle = MPIDI_nem_ptl_origin_eq;
            md.ct_handle = PTL_CT_NONE;
            ret = PtlMDBind(MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni, &md, &REQ_PTL(sreq)->md);
            MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlmdbind", "**ptlmdbind %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));

            REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = handler_send;
            ret = MPID_nem_ptl_rptl_put(REQ_PTL(sreq)->md, 0, data_sz, PTL_NO_ACK_REQ, vc_ptl->id, vc_ptl->pt,
                                        NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), 0, sreq,
                                        NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
            MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlput", "**ptlput %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));
            DBG_MSG_PUT("sreq", data_sz, vc->pg_rank, NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
            goto fn_exit;

        /* IOV is not long enough to describe entire message */
        MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "    IOV too long: using bounce buffer");
        MPIU_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(REQ_PTL(sreq)->chunk_buffer[0], void *, data_sz, mpi_errno, "chunk_buffer");
        MPID_Segment_init(buf, count, datatype, sreq->dev.segment_ptr, 0);
        sreq->dev.segment_first = 0;
        last = data_sz;
        MPID_Segment_pack(sreq->dev.segment_ptr, sreq->dev.segment_first, &last, REQ_PTL(sreq)->chunk_buffer[0]);
        MPIU_Assert(last == sreq->dev.segment_size);
        REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = handler_send;
        ret = MPID_nem_ptl_rptl_put(MPIDI_nem_ptl_global_md, (ptl_size_t)REQ_PTL(sreq)->chunk_buffer[0], data_sz, PTL_NO_ACK_REQ,
                                    vc_ptl->id, vc_ptl->pt, NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), 0, sreq,
                                    NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
        MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlput", "**ptlput %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));
        DBG_MSG_PUT("global", data_sz, vc->pg_rank, NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag, data_sz));
        goto fn_exit;

    /* Large message.  Send first chunk of data and let receiver get the rest */
    if (dt_contig) {
        /* create ME for buffer so receiver can issue a GET for the data */
        MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "Large contig message");
        big_meappend((char *)buf + dt_true_lb + PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD, data_sz - PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD, vc,
                     NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), sreq);

        REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = handler_send;
        ret = MPID_nem_ptl_rptl_put(MPIDI_nem_ptl_global_md, (ptl_size_t)((char *)buf + dt_true_lb), PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD, PTL_NO_ACK_REQ, vc_ptl->id, vc_ptl->pt,
                                    NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), 0, sreq,
                                    NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag | NPTL_LARGE, data_sz));
        MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlput", "**ptlput %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));
        DBG_MSG_PUT("global", PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD, vc->pg_rank, NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag | NPTL_LARGE, data_sz));
        goto fn_exit;

    /* Large noncontig data */
    MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "Large noncontig message");
    sreq->dev.segment_ptr = MPID_Segment_alloc();
    MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(sreq->dev.segment_ptr == NULL, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**nomem", "**nomem %s", "MPID_Segment_alloc");
    MPID_Segment_init(buf, count, datatype, sreq->dev.segment_ptr, 0);
    sreq->dev.segment_first = 0;
    sreq->dev.segment_size = data_sz;

    sreq->dev.iov_count = MPL_IOV_LIMIT;
    MPID_Segment_pack_vector(sreq->dev.segment_ptr, sreq->dev.segment_first, &last, sreq->dev.iov, &sreq->dev.iov_count);

    initial_iov_count = sreq->dev.iov_count;
    sreq->dev.segment_first = last;

    if (last == PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD) {
        /* first chunk of message fits into IOV */
        MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "    first chunk fits in IOV");
        if (initial_iov_count < MPL_IOV_LIMIT) {
            /* There may be space for the rest of the message in this IOV */
            sreq->dev.iov_count = MPL_IOV_LIMIT - sreq->dev.iov_count;
            last = sreq->dev.segment_size;

            MPID_Segment_pack_vector(sreq->dev.segment_ptr, sreq->dev.segment_first, &last,
                                     &sreq->dev.iov[initial_iov_count], &sreq->dev.iov_count);
            remaining_iov_count = sreq->dev.iov_count;

            if (last == sreq->dev.segment_size && last <= MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni_limits.max_msg_size + PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD) {
                /* Entire message fit in one IOV */
                int was_incomplete;

                MPIU_DBG_MSG(CH3_CHANNEL, VERBOSE, "    rest of message fits in one IOV");
                /* Create ME for remaining data */
                me.start = &sreq->dev.iov[initial_iov_count];
                me.length = remaining_iov_count;
                me.ct_handle = PTL_CT_NONE;
                me.uid = PTL_UID_ANY;
                               PTL_ME_EVENT_UNLINK_DISABLE | PTL_IOVEC );
                me.match_id = vc_ptl->id;
                me.match_bits = NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank);
                me.ignore_bits = 0;
                me.min_free = 0;

                MPIU_CHKPMEM_MALLOC(REQ_PTL(sreq)->get_me_p, ptl_handle_me_t *, sizeof(ptl_handle_me_t), mpi_errno, "get_me_p");

                ret = PtlMEAppend(MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni, MPIDI_nem_ptl_get_pt, &me, PTL_PRIORITY_LIST, sreq,
                MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlmeappend", "**ptlmeappend %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));
                DBG_MSG_MEAPPEND("CTL", vc->pg_rank, me, sreq);
                /* increment the cc for the get operation */
                MPIDI_CH3U_Request_increment_cc(sreq, &was_incomplete);

                /* Create MD for first chunk */
                md.start = sreq->dev.iov;
                md.length = initial_iov_count;
                md.options = PTL_IOVEC;
                md.eq_handle = MPIDI_nem_ptl_origin_eq;
                md.ct_handle = PTL_CT_NONE;
                ret = PtlMDBind(MPIDI_nem_ptl_ni, &md, &REQ_PTL(sreq)->md);
                MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlmdbind", "**ptlmdbind %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));

                REQ_PTL(sreq)->event_handler = handler_send;
                ret = MPID_nem_ptl_rptl_put(REQ_PTL(sreq)->md, 0, PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD, PTL_NO_ACK_REQ, vc_ptl->id, vc_ptl->pt,
                                            NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), 0, sreq,
                                            NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag | NPTL_LARGE, data_sz));
                MPIR_ERR_CHKANDJUMP1(ret, mpi_errno, MPI_ERR_OTHER, "**ptlput", "**ptlput %s", MPID_nem_ptl_strerror(ret));
                DBG_MSG_PUT("req", PTL_LARGE_THRESHOLD, vc->pg_rank, NPTL_MATCH(tag, comm->context_id + context_offset, comm->rank), NPTL_HEADER(ssend_flag | NPTL_LARGE, data_sz));
                goto fn_exit;
Example #3
int MPID_Cancel_send(MPIR_Request * sreq)
    MPIDI_VC_t * vc;
    int proto;
    int flag;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;

    MPIR_Assert(sreq->kind == MPIR_REQUEST_KIND__SEND);

    MPIDI_Request_cancel_pending(sreq, &flag);
    if (flag)
	goto fn_exit;

     * FIXME: user requests returned by MPI_Ibsend() have a NULL comm pointer
     * and no pointer to the underlying communication
     * request.  For now, we simply fail to cancel the request.  In the future,
     * we should add a new request kind to indicate that
     * the request is a BSEND.  Then we can properly cancel the request, much 
     * in the way we do persistent requests.
    if (sreq->comm == NULL)
	goto fn_exit;

    MPIDI_Comm_get_vc_set_active(sreq->comm, sreq->dev.match.parts.rank, &vc);

    proto = MPIDI_Request_get_msg_type(sreq);

    if (proto == MPIDI_REQUEST_SELF_MSG)
	MPIR_Request * rreq;
		     "attempting to cancel message sent to self");
	rreq = MPIDI_CH3U_Recvq_FDU(sreq->handle, &sreq->dev.match);
	if (rreq)
	    MPIR_Assert(rreq->dev.partner_request == sreq);
             "send-to-self cancellation successful, sreq=0x%08x, rreq=0x%08x",
						sreq->handle, rreq->handle));

            /* Pull the message out of the unexpected queue since it's
             * being cancelled.  The below request release drops one
             * reference.  We explicitly drop a second reference,
             * because the receive request will never be visible to
             * the user. */

	    MPIR_STATUS_SET_CANCEL_BIT(sreq->status, TRUE);
            mpi_errno = MPID_Request_complete(sreq);
            if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) {
               "send-to-self cancellation failed, sreq=0x%08x, rreq=0x%08x",
						sreq->handle, rreq->handle));
	goto fn_exit;

    /* If the message went over a netmod and it provides a cancel_send
       function, call it here. */
    if (vc->comm_ops && vc->comm_ops->cancel_send)
        mpi_errno = vc->comm_ops->cancel_send(vc, sreq);
        goto fn_exit;

    /* Check to see if the send is still in the send queue.  If so, remove it, 
       mark the request and cancelled and complete, and
       release the device's reference to the request object.  
	int cancelled;
	    MPIR_Request * rts_sreq;
	    /* The cancellation of the RTS request needs to be atomic through 
	       the destruction of the RTS request to avoid
               conflict with release of the RTS request if the CTS is received
	       (see handling of a rendezvous CTS packet in
	       MPID_Request_fetch_and_clear_rts_sreq() is used to gurantee 
	       that atomicity. */
	    MPIDI_Request_fetch_and_clear_rts_sreq(sreq, &rts_sreq);
	    if (rts_sreq != NULL) 
		cancelled = FALSE;
		/* since we attempted to cancel a RTS request, then we are 
		   responsible for releasing that request */

		if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS)
		    mpi_errno = MPIR_Err_create_code(mpi_errno, MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, __func__, __LINE__, MPI_ERR_OTHER,
						     "**ch3|cancelrndv", 0);
		    goto fn_exit;
		if (cancelled)
		    MPIR_STATUS_SET_CANCEL_BIT(sreq->status, TRUE);
		    /* no other thread should be waiting on sreq, so it is 
		       safe to reset ref_count and cc */
                    MPIR_cc_set(&sreq->cc, 0);
                    /* FIXME should be a decr and assert, not a set */
		    MPIR_Object_set_ref(sreq, 1);
		    goto fn_exit;
	    cancelled = FALSE;
	    if (cancelled)
		/* no other thread should be waiting on sreq, so it is safe to 
		   reset ref_count and cc */
                MPIR_cc_set(&sreq->cc, 0);
                /* FIXME should be a decr and assert, not a set */
		MPIR_Object_set_ref(sreq, 1);
		goto fn_exit;

    /* Part or all of the message has already been sent, so we need to send a 
       cancellation request to the receiver in an attempt
       to catch the message before it is matched. */
	int was_incomplete;
	MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_t upkt;
	MPIDI_CH3_Pkt_cancel_send_req_t * const csr_pkt = &upkt.cancel_send_req;
	MPIR_Request * csr_sreq;
              "sending cancel request to %d for 0x%08x", 
	      sreq->dev.match.parts.rank, sreq->handle));
	/* The completion counter and reference count are incremented to keep 
	   the request around long enough to receive a
	   response regardless of what the user does (free the request before 
	   waiting, etc.). */
	MPIDI_CH3U_Request_increment_cc(sreq, &was_incomplete);
	if (!was_incomplete)
	    /* The reference count is incremented only if the request was 
	       complete before the increment. */
	    MPIR_Request_add_ref( sreq );

	csr_pkt->match.parts.rank = sreq->comm->rank;
	csr_pkt->match.parts.tag = sreq->dev.match.parts.tag;
	csr_pkt->match.parts.context_id = sreq->dev.match.parts.context_id;
	csr_pkt->sender_req_id = sreq->handle;
	MPID_THREAD_CS_ENTER(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex);
	mpi_errno = MPIDI_CH3_iStartMsg(vc, csr_pkt, sizeof(*csr_pkt), &csr_sreq);
	MPID_THREAD_CS_EXIT(POBJ, vc->pobj_mutex);
	if (mpi_errno != MPI_SUCCESS) {
	if (csr_sreq != NULL)
    /* FIXME: if send cancellation packets are allowed to arrive out-of-order 
       with respect to send packets, then we need to
       timestamp send and cancel packets to insure that a cancellation request 
       does not bypass the send packet to be cancelled
       and erroneously cancel a previously sent message with the same request 
       handle. */
    /* FIXME: A timestamp is more than is necessary; a message sequence number
       should be adequate. */
    return mpi_errno;