Example #1

typedef struct {
	const char	*name;
	int		offset;
	int		bits;		// 0 = float
} netField_t;

// using the stringizing operator to save typing...
#define	NETF(x) #x,offsetof(entityState_t, x)

#if 0	// Removed by BTO (VV)
const netField_t	entityStateFields[] = 
{ NETF(eType), 8 },
{ NETF(eFlags), 32 },

{ NETF(pos.trType), 8 },
{ NETF(pos.trTime), 32 },
{ NETF(pos.trDuration), 32 },
{ NETF(pos.trBase[0]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trBase[1]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trBase[2]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trDelta[0]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trDelta[1]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trDelta[2]), 0 },

{ NETF(apos.trType), 8 },
{ NETF(apos.trTime), 32 },
{ NETF(apos.trDuration), 32 },
Example #2

	// end of list marker

int		bg_numItems = ARRAY_LEN( bg_itemlist ) - 1;

// entityState_t fields
#define	NETF(x) (size_t)&((entityState_t*)0)->x, 1
#define	NETA(x) (size_t)&((entityState_t*)0)->x, ARRAY_LEN( ((entityState_t*)0)->x )

vmNetField_t	bg_entityStateFields[] = 
{ NETF(pos.trTime), 32 },
{ NETF(pos.trBase[0]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trBase[1]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trDelta[0]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trDelta[1]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trBase[2]), 0 },
{ NETF(apos.trBase[1]), 0 },
{ NETF(pos.trDelta[2]), 0 },
{ NETF(apos.trBase[0]), 0 },
{ NETF(event), 10 },
{ NETF(angles2[1]), 0 },
{ NETF(eType), 8 },
{ NETF(torsoAnim), 8 },
{ NETF(eventParm), 8 },
{ NETF(legsAnim), 8 },
{ NETF(groundEntityNum), GENTITYNUM_BITS },