Example #1
static int register_libraries(int fd, const char* build, const char* project, const char* filename, int* isMachO) {
	ssize_t res;
	uint32_t magic;
	res = read(fd, &magic, sizeof(uint32_t));
	if (res < sizeof(uint32_t)) { goto error_out; }

	if (magic == FAT_MAGIC || magic == FAT_CIGAM) {
		struct fat_header fh;
		int swap = 0;

		res = read(fd, &fh.nfat_arch, sizeof(struct fat_header) - sizeof(uint32_t));
		if (res < sizeof(uint32_t)) { goto error_out; }

		if (magic == FAT_CIGAM) {
			swap = 1;
			swap_fat_header(&fh, NXHostByteOrder());
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < fh.nfat_arch; ++i) {
			struct fat_arch fa;
			res = read(fd, &fa, sizeof(fa));
			if (res < sizeof(fa)) { goto error_out; }
			if (swap) swap_fat_arch(&fa, 1, NXHostByteOrder());
			off_t save = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
			lseek(fd, (off_t)fa.offset, SEEK_SET);

			register_mach_header(build, project, filename, &fa, fd, isMachO);
			lseek(fd, save, SEEK_SET);
	} else {
		lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
		register_mach_header(build, project, filename, NULL, fd, isMachO);
	return 0;
Example #2
 * \fn moa_error_t moa_read_fat_section(struct s_mach_file* ptr_mach_file)
 * \brief Read the fat section of a mach_file (fat_header + fat_arch).
 * \param ptr_mach_file Pointer to mach archive.
 * \return MOA_SUCCESS if all succeed, else error number.
moa_read_fat_section(struct s_mach_file* ptr_mach_file)
	if (NULL == ptr_mach_file)

	/// Reset file offset
	lseek(ptr_mach_file->fd, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET);

	/// Read the fat header
	const size_t mach_header_size = sizeof(ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_header);
	if (read(ptr_mach_file->fd, &ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_header, mach_header_size) != (ssize_t)mach_header_size)

	/// Check if the file is actually a mach archive
	if (!moa_is_mach_archive(ptr_mach_file))

	/// Get host machine byte order
	/// If intel CPU, we need to change the byte order to lil endian
	enum NXByteOrder host_byte_order = NXHostByteOrder();
	if (NX_LittleEndian == host_byte_order)
		swap_fat_header(&ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_header, NX_LittleEndian);
	else if (NX_UnknownByteOrder == NXHostByteOrder())

	/// Read the N fat archs
	if (ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_archs != NULL)

	const size_t fat_arch_size = ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_header.nfat_arch * sizeof(*ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_archs);
	if (NULL == (ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_archs = (struct fat_arch*)malloc(fat_arch_size)))

	if (read(ptr_mach_file->fd, ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_archs, fat_arch_size) != (ssize_t)fat_arch_size)

	if (NX_LittleEndian == host_byte_order)
		swap_fat_arch(ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_archs, ptr_mach_file->fat_section.fat_header.nfat_arch, NX_LittleEndian);
	return MOA_SUCCESS;
boolean_t macho_swap_64(
    u_char    * file)
    boolean_t result = FALSE;
    struct mach_header_64 *hdr = (struct mach_header_64 *) file;
    struct load_command *lc = (struct load_command *) &hdr[1];
    struct segment_command_64 *seg = NULL;
    u_long offset = 0;
    u_int cmd = 0;
    u_int cmdsize = 0;
    u_int i = 0;

    if (!hdr || hdr->magic != MH_CIGAM_64) goto finish;

    swap_mach_header_64(hdr, NXHostByteOrder());

    offset = sizeof(*hdr);
    for (i = 0; i < hdr->ncmds; ++i) {
        lc = (struct load_command *) (file + offset);

        cmd = OSSwapInt32(lc->cmd);
        cmdsize = OSSwapInt32(lc->cmdsize);
        offset += cmdsize;

        if (cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64) {
            seg = (struct segment_command_64 *) lc;
            swap_segment_command_64(seg, NXHostByteOrder());
        } else {
            swap_load_command(lc, NXHostByteOrder());

    result = TRUE;
    return result;
    x86_thread_state_t *cpu,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    x86_state_hdr_t hdr;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
    hdr = cpu->tsh;
    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex)
        swap_x86_state_hdr(&hdr, host_byte_sex);

    swap_x86_state_hdr(&cpu->tsh, target_byte_sex);

    if(hdr.flavor == x86_THREAD_STATE32)
        swap_i386_thread_state(&cpu->uts.ts32, target_byte_sex);
    else if(hdr.flavor == x86_THREAD_STATE64)
        swap_x86_thread_state64(&cpu->uts.ts64, target_byte_sex);
    x86_float_state_t *fpu,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    x86_state_hdr_t hdr;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
    hdr = fpu->fsh;
    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex)
        swap_x86_state_hdr(&hdr, host_byte_sex);

    swap_x86_state_hdr(&fpu->fsh, target_byte_sex);

    if(hdr.flavor == x86_FLOAT_STATE32)
        swap_i386_float_state(&fpu->ufs.fs32, target_byte_sex);
    else if(hdr.flavor == x86_FLOAT_STATE64)
        swap_x86_float_state64(&fpu->ufs.fs64, target_byte_sex);
    x86_exception_state_t *exc,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    x86_state_hdr_t hdr;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
    hdr = exc->esh;
    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex)
        swap_x86_state_hdr(&hdr, host_byte_sex);

    swap_x86_state_hdr(&exc->esh, target_byte_sex);

    if(hdr.flavor == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32)
        swap_i386_exception_state(&exc->ues.es32, target_byte_sex);
    else if(hdr.flavor == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64)
        swap_x86_exception_state64(&exc->ues.es64, target_byte_sex);
    x86_debug_state_t *debug,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    x86_state_hdr_t hdr;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
    hdr = debug->dsh;
    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex)
        swap_x86_state_hdr(&hdr, host_byte_sex);

    swap_x86_state_hdr(&debug->dsh, target_byte_sex);

    if(hdr.flavor == x86_DEBUG_STATE32)
        swap_x86_debug_state32(&debug->uds.ds32, target_byte_sex);
    else if(hdr.flavor == x86_DEBUG_STATE64)
        swap_x86_debug_state64(&debug->uds.ds64, target_byte_sex);
boolean_t macho_unswap_32(
    u_char    * file)
    boolean_t result = FALSE;
    enum NXByteOrder order = 0;
    struct mach_header *hdr = (struct mach_header *) file;
    struct load_command *lc = (struct load_command *) &hdr[1];
    struct segment_command *seg = NULL;
    u_long offset = 0;
    u_int i = 0;

    if (NXHostByteOrder() == NX_LittleEndian) {
        order = NX_BigEndian;
    } else {
        order = NX_LittleEndian;

    if (!hdr || hdr->magic != MH_MAGIC) goto finish;

    offset = sizeof(*hdr);
    for (i = 0; i < hdr->ncmds; ++i) {
        lc = (struct load_command *) (file + offset);
        offset += lc->cmdsize;

        if (lc->cmd == LC_SEGMENT) {
            seg = (struct segment_command *) lc;
            swap_segment_command(seg, order);
        } else {
            swap_load_command(lc, order);

    swap_mach_header(hdr, order);

    result = TRUE;
    return result;
Example #9
struct dylib_reference *refs,
uint32_t nrefs,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    struct swapped_dylib_reference {
	union {
	    struct {
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } sref;

    uint32_t i;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

	for(i = 0; i < nrefs; i++){
	    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex){
		memcpy(&sref, refs + i, sizeof(struct swapped_dylib_reference));
		sref.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sref.u.word);
		refs[i].flags = sref.u.fields.flags;
		refs[i].isym = sref.u.fields.isym;
		sref.u.fields.isym = refs[i].isym;
		sref.u.fields.flags = refs[i].flags;
		sref.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sref.u.word);
		memcpy(refs + i, &sref, sizeof(struct swapped_dylib_reference));

Example #10
x86_float_state_t *fpu,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    x86_state_hdr_t hdr;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
	hdr = fpu->fsh;
	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex)
	    swap_x86_state_hdr(&hdr, host_byte_sex);

	swap_x86_state_hdr(&fpu->fsh, target_byte_sex);

/* current i386 thread states */
#if i386_THREAD_STATE == 1
	if(hdr.flavor == x86_FLOAT_STATE32)
	    swap_i386_float_state(&fpu->ufs.fs32, target_byte_sex);
	if(hdr.flavor == x86_FLOAT_STATE64)
	    swap_x86_float_state64(&fpu->ufs.fs64, target_byte_sex);
Example #11
x86_exception_state_t *exc,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    x86_state_hdr_t hdr;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
	hdr = exc->esh;
	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex)
	    swap_x86_state_hdr(&hdr, host_byte_sex);

	swap_x86_state_hdr(&exc->esh, target_byte_sex);

/* current i386 thread states */
#if i386_THREAD_STATE == 1
	if(hdr.flavor == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32)
	    swap_i386_exception_state(&exc->ues.es32, target_byte_sex);
	if(hdr.flavor == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64)
	    swap_x86_exception_state64(&exc->ues.es64, target_byte_sex);
    i386_thread_fpstate_t *fpu,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    struct swapped_fp_control {
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short
                /*inf*/ :1,
                rc	    :2,
                pc	    :2,
                precis  :1,
                undfl   :1,
                ovrfl   :1,
                zdiv    :1,
                denorm  :1,
                invalid :1;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } sfpc;

    struct swapped_fp_status {
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short
                busy    :1,
                        c3	    :1,
                        tos	    :3,
                        c2	    :1,
                        c1	    :1,
                        c0	    :1,
                        errsumm :1,
                        stkflt  :1,
                        precis  :1,
                        undfl   :1,
                        ovrfl   :1,
                        zdiv    :1,
                        denorm  :1,
                        invalid :1;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } sfps;

    struct swapped_fp_tag {
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short
                tag7 :2,
                     tag6 :2,
                     tag5 :2,
                     tag4 :2,
                     tag3 :2,
                     tag2 :2,
                     tag1 :2,
                     tag0 :2;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } sfpt;

    struct swapped_fp_data_reg {
        unsigned short mant;
        unsigned short mant1 :16,
                 mant2 :16,
                 mant3 :16;
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short sign :1,
                         exp  :15;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } sfpd;

    struct swapped_sel {
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short
                index :13,
                      ti    :1,
                      rpl   :2;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } ss;

    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;
    unsigned long i;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

    fpu->environ.ip = NXSwapLong(fpu->environ.ip);
    fpu->environ.opcode = NXSwapShort(fpu->environ.opcode);
    fpu->environ.dp = NXSwapLong(fpu->environ.dp);

    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex) {
        memcpy(&sfpc, &(fpu->environ.control),
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_control));
        sfpc.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpc.u.half);
        fpu->environ.control.rc = sfpc.u.fields.rc;
        fpu->environ.control.pc = sfpc.u.fields.pc;
        fpu->environ.control.precis = sfpc.u.fields.precis;
        fpu->environ.control.undfl = sfpc.u.fields.undfl;
        fpu->environ.control.ovrfl = sfpc.u.fields.ovrfl;
        fpu->environ.control.zdiv = sfpc.u.fields.zdiv;
        fpu->environ.control.denorm = sfpc.u.fields.denorm;
        fpu->environ.control.invalid = sfpc.u.fields.invalid;

        memcpy(&sfps, &(fpu->environ.status),
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_status));
        sfps.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfps.u.half);
        fpu->environ.status.busy = sfps.u.fields.busy;
        fpu->environ.status.c3 = sfps.u.fields.c3;
        fpu->environ.status.tos = sfps.u.fields.tos;
        fpu->environ.status.c2 = sfps.u.fields.c2;
        fpu->environ.status.c1 = sfps.u.fields.c1;
        fpu->environ.status.c0 = sfps.u.fields.c0;
        fpu->environ.status.errsumm = sfps.u.fields.errsumm;
        fpu->environ.status.stkflt = sfps.u.fields.stkflt;
        fpu->environ.status.precis = sfps.u.fields.precis;
        fpu->environ.status.undfl = sfps.u.fields.undfl;
        fpu->environ.status.ovrfl = sfps.u.fields.ovrfl;
        fpu->environ.status.zdiv = sfps.u.fields.zdiv;
        fpu->environ.status.denorm = sfps.u.fields.denorm;
        fpu->environ.status.invalid = sfps.u.fields.invalid;

        memcpy(&sfpt, &(fpu->environ.tag),
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_tag));
        sfpt.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpt.u.half);
        fpu->environ.tag.tag7 = sfpt.u.fields.tag7;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag6 = sfpt.u.fields.tag6;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag5 = sfpt.u.fields.tag5;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag4 = sfpt.u.fields.tag4;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag3 = sfpt.u.fields.tag3;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag2 = sfpt.u.fields.tag2;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag1 = sfpt.u.fields.tag1;
        fpu->environ.tag.tag0 = sfpt.u.fields.tag0;

        memcpy(&ss, &(fpu->environ.cs),
               sizeof(struct swapped_sel));
        ss.u.half = NXSwapShort(ss.u.half);
        fpu->environ.cs.index = ss.u.fields.index;
        fpu->environ.cs.ti = ss.u.fields.ti;
        fpu->environ.cs.rpl = ss.u.fields.rpl;

        memcpy(&ss, &(fpu->environ.ds),
               sizeof(struct swapped_sel));
        ss.u.half = NXSwapShort(ss.u.half);
        fpu->environ.ds.index = ss.u.fields.index;
        fpu->environ.ds.ti = ss.u.fields.ti;
        fpu->environ.ds.rpl = ss.u.fields.rpl;

        for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            memcpy(&sfpd, &(fpu->stack.ST[i]),
                   sizeof(struct swapped_fp_data_reg));
            fpu->stack.ST[i].mant = NXSwapShort(sfpd.mant);
            fpu->stack.ST[i].mant1 = NXSwapShort(sfpd.mant1);
            fpu->stack.ST[i].mant2 = NXSwapShort(sfpd.mant2);
            fpu->stack.ST[i].mant3 = NXSwapShort(sfpd.mant3);
            sfpd.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpd.u.half);
            fpu->stack.ST[i].exp = sfpd.u.fields.exp;
            fpu->stack.ST[i].sign = sfpd.u.fields.sign;
    else {
        sfpc.u.fields.rc = fpu->environ.control.rc;
        sfpc.u.fields.pc = fpu->environ.control.pc;
        sfpc.u.fields.precis = fpu->environ.control.precis;
        sfpc.u.fields.undfl = fpu->environ.control.undfl;
        sfpc.u.fields.ovrfl = fpu->environ.control.ovrfl;
        sfpc.u.fields.zdiv = fpu->environ.control.zdiv;
        sfpc.u.fields.denorm = fpu->environ.control.denorm;
        sfpc.u.fields.invalid = fpu->environ.control.invalid;
        sfpc.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpc.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->environ.control), &sfpc,
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_control));

        sfps.u.fields.busy = fpu->environ.status.busy;
        sfps.u.fields.c3 = fpu->environ.status.c3;
        sfps.u.fields.tos = fpu->environ.status.tos;
        sfps.u.fields.c2 = fpu->environ.status.c2;
        sfps.u.fields.c1 = fpu->environ.status.c1;
        sfps.u.fields.c0 = fpu->environ.status.c0;
        sfps.u.fields.errsumm = fpu->environ.status.errsumm;
        sfps.u.fields.stkflt = fpu->environ.status.stkflt;
        sfps.u.fields.precis = fpu->environ.status.precis;
        sfps.u.fields.undfl = fpu->environ.status.undfl;
        sfps.u.fields.ovrfl = fpu->environ.status.ovrfl;
        sfps.u.fields.zdiv = fpu->environ.status.zdiv;
        sfps.u.fields.denorm = fpu->environ.status.denorm;
        sfps.u.fields.invalid = fpu->environ.status.invalid;
        sfps.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfps.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->environ.status), &sfps,
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_status));

        sfpt.u.fields.tag7 = fpu->environ.tag.tag7;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag6 = fpu->environ.tag.tag6;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag5 = fpu->environ.tag.tag5;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag4 = fpu->environ.tag.tag4;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag3 = fpu->environ.tag.tag3;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag2 = fpu->environ.tag.tag2;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag1 = fpu->environ.tag.tag1;
        sfpt.u.fields.tag0 = fpu->environ.tag.tag0;
        sfpt.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpt.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->environ.tag), &sfpt,
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_tag));

        ss.u.fields.index = fpu->environ.cs.index;
        ss.u.fields.ti = fpu->environ.cs.ti;
        ss.u.fields.rpl = fpu->environ.cs.rpl;
        ss.u.half = NXSwapShort(ss.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->environ.cs), &ss,
               sizeof(struct swapped_sel));

        ss.u.fields.index = fpu->environ.ds.index;
        ss.u.fields.ti = fpu->environ.ds.ti;
        ss.u.fields.rpl = fpu->environ.ds.rpl;
        ss.u.half = NXSwapShort(ss.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->environ.cs), &ss,
               sizeof(struct swapped_sel));

        for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            sfpd.mant = NXSwapShort(fpu->stack.ST[i].mant);
            sfpd.mant1 = NXSwapShort(fpu->stack.ST[i].mant1);
            sfpd.mant2 = NXSwapShort(fpu->stack.ST[i].mant2);
            sfpd.mant3 = NXSwapShort(fpu->stack.ST[i].mant3);
            sfpd.u.fields.exp = fpu->stack.ST[i].exp;
            sfpd.u.fields.sign = fpu->stack.ST[i].sign;
            sfpd.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpd.u.half);
            memcpy(&(fpu->stack.ST[i]), &sfpd,
                   sizeof(struct swapped_fp_data_reg));
    struct i386_float_state *fpu,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    /* this routine does nothing as their are currently no non-byte fields */
#else /* !defined(i386_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT) */
    struct swapped_fp_control {
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short
                /*inf*/ :1,
                rc	    :2,
                pc	    :2,
                precis  :1,
                undfl   :1,
                ovrfl   :1,
                zdiv    :1,
                denorm  :1,
                invalid :1;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } sfpc;

    struct swapped_fp_status {
        union {
            struct {
                unsigned short
                busy    :1,
                        c3	    :1,
                        tos	    :3,
                        c2	    :1,
                        c1	    :1,
                        c0	    :1,
                        errsumm :1,
                        stkflt  :1,
                        precis  :1,
                        undfl   :1,
                        ovrfl   :1,
                        zdiv    :1,
                        denorm  :1,
                        invalid :1;
            } fields;
            unsigned short half;
        } u;
    } sfps;

    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

    fpu->fpu_reserved[0] = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_reserved[0]);
    fpu->fpu_reserved[1] = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_reserved[1]);

    if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex) {
        memcpy(&sfpc, &(fpu->fpu_fcw),
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_control));
        sfpc.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpc.u.half);
        fpu->fpu_fcw.rc = sfpc.u.fields.rc;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.pc = sfpc.u.fields.pc;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.precis = sfpc.u.fields.precis;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.undfl = sfpc.u.fields.undfl;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.ovrfl = sfpc.u.fields.ovrfl;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.zdiv = sfpc.u.fields.zdiv;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.denorm = sfpc.u.fields.denorm;
        fpu->fpu_fcw.invalid = sfpc.u.fields.invalid;

        memcpy(&sfps, &(fpu->fpu_fsw),
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_status));
        sfps.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfps.u.half);
        fpu->fpu_fsw.busy = sfps.u.fields.busy;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.c3 = sfps.u.fields.c3;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.tos = sfps.u.fields.tos;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.c2 = sfps.u.fields.c2;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.c1 = sfps.u.fields.c1;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.c0 = sfps.u.fields.c0;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.errsumm = sfps.u.fields.errsumm;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.stkflt = sfps.u.fields.stkflt;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.precis = sfps.u.fields.precis;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.undfl = sfps.u.fields.undfl;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.ovrfl = sfps.u.fields.ovrfl;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.zdiv = sfps.u.fields.zdiv;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.denorm = sfps.u.fields.denorm;
        fpu->fpu_fsw.invalid = sfps.u.fields.invalid;
    else {
        sfpc.u.fields.rc = fpu->fpu_fcw.rc;
        sfpc.u.fields.pc = fpu->fpu_fcw.pc;
        sfpc.u.fields.precis = fpu->fpu_fcw.precis;
        sfpc.u.fields.undfl = fpu->fpu_fcw.undfl;
        sfpc.u.fields.ovrfl = fpu->fpu_fcw.ovrfl;
        sfpc.u.fields.zdiv = fpu->fpu_fcw.zdiv;
        sfpc.u.fields.denorm = fpu->fpu_fcw.denorm;
        sfpc.u.fields.invalid = fpu->fpu_fcw.invalid;
        sfpc.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfpc.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->fpu_fcw), &sfpc,
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_control));

        sfps.u.fields.busy = fpu->fpu_fsw.busy;
        sfps.u.fields.c3 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c3;
        sfps.u.fields.tos = fpu->fpu_fsw.tos;
        sfps.u.fields.c2 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c2;
        sfps.u.fields.c1 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c1;
        sfps.u.fields.c0 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c0;
        sfps.u.fields.errsumm = fpu->fpu_fsw.errsumm;
        sfps.u.fields.stkflt = fpu->fpu_fsw.stkflt;
        sfps.u.fields.precis = fpu->fpu_fsw.precis;
        sfps.u.fields.undfl = fpu->fpu_fsw.undfl;
        sfps.u.fields.ovrfl = fpu->fpu_fsw.ovrfl;
        sfps.u.fields.zdiv = fpu->fpu_fsw.zdiv;
        sfps.u.fields.denorm = fpu->fpu_fsw.denorm;
        sfps.u.fields.invalid = fpu->fpu_fsw.invalid;
        sfps.u.half = NXSwapShort(sfps.u.half);
        memcpy(&(fpu->fpu_fsw), &sfps,
               sizeof(struct swapped_fp_status));
    fpu->fpu_fop = NXSwapShort(fpu->fpu_fop);
    fpu->fpu_ip = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_ip);
    fpu->fpu_cs = NXSwapShort(fpu->fpu_cs);
    fpu->fpu_rsrv2 = NXSwapShort(fpu->fpu_rsrv2);
    fpu->fpu_dp = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_dp);
    fpu->fpu_ds = NXSwapShort(fpu->fpu_ds);
    fpu->fpu_rsrv3 = NXSwapShort(fpu->fpu_rsrv3);
    fpu->fpu_mxcsr = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_mxcsr);
    fpu->fpu_mxcsrmask = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_mxcsrmask);
    fpu->fpu_reserved1 = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu_reserved1);

#endif /* !defined(i386_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT) */
Example #14
x86_float_state64_t *fpu,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    struct swapped_fp_control {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned short
		    /*inf*/ :1,
		    rc	    :2,
		    pc	    :2,
		    precis  :1,
		    undfl   :1,
		    ovrfl   :1,
		    zdiv    :1,
		    denorm  :1,
		    invalid :1;
	    } fields;
	    unsigned short half;
	} u;
    } sfpc;

    struct swapped_fp_status {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned short
		    busy    :1,
		    c3	    :1,
		    tos	    :3,
		    c2	    :1,
		    c1	    :1,
		    c0	    :1,
		    errsumm :1,
		    stkflt  :1,
		    precis  :1,
		    undfl   :1,
		    ovrfl   :1,
		    zdiv    :1,
		    denorm  :1,
		    invalid :1;
	    } fields;
	    unsigned short half;
	} u;
    } sfps;

    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

	fpu->fpu_reserved[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_reserved[0]);
	fpu->fpu_reserved[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_reserved[1]);

	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex){
	    memcpy(&sfpc, &(fpu->fpu_fcw),
		   sizeof(struct swapped_fp_control));
	    sfpc.u.half = OSSwapInt16(sfpc.u.half);
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.rc = sfpc.u.fields.rc;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.pc = sfpc.u.fields.pc;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.precis = sfpc.u.fields.precis;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.undfl = sfpc.u.fields.undfl;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.ovrfl = sfpc.u.fields.ovrfl;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.zdiv = sfpc.u.fields.zdiv;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.denorm = sfpc.u.fields.denorm;
	    fpu->fpu_fcw.invalid = sfpc.u.fields.invalid;

	    memcpy(&sfps, &(fpu->fpu_fsw),
		   sizeof(struct swapped_fp_status));
	    sfps.u.half = OSSwapInt16(sfps.u.half);
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.busy = sfps.u.fields.busy;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.c3 = sfps.u.fields.c3;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.tos = sfps.u.fields.tos;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.c2 = sfps.u.fields.c2;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.c1 = sfps.u.fields.c1;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.c0 = sfps.u.fields.c0;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.errsumm = sfps.u.fields.errsumm;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.stkflt = sfps.u.fields.stkflt;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.precis = sfps.u.fields.precis;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.undfl = sfps.u.fields.undfl;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.ovrfl = sfps.u.fields.ovrfl;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.zdiv = sfps.u.fields.zdiv;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.denorm = sfps.u.fields.denorm;
	    fpu->fpu_fsw.invalid = sfps.u.fields.invalid;
	    sfpc.u.fields.rc = fpu->fpu_fcw.rc;
	    sfpc.u.fields.pc = fpu->fpu_fcw.pc;
	    sfpc.u.fields.precis = fpu->fpu_fcw.precis;
	    sfpc.u.fields.undfl = fpu->fpu_fcw.undfl;
	    sfpc.u.fields.ovrfl = fpu->fpu_fcw.ovrfl;
	    sfpc.u.fields.zdiv = fpu->fpu_fcw.zdiv;
	    sfpc.u.fields.denorm = fpu->fpu_fcw.denorm;
	    sfpc.u.fields.invalid = fpu->fpu_fcw.invalid;
	    sfpc.u.half = OSSwapInt16(sfpc.u.half);
	    memcpy(&(fpu->fpu_fcw), &sfpc,
		   sizeof(struct swapped_fp_control));

	    sfps.u.fields.busy = fpu->fpu_fsw.busy;
	    sfps.u.fields.c3 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c3;
	    sfps.u.fields.tos = fpu->fpu_fsw.tos;
	    sfps.u.fields.c2 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c2;
	    sfps.u.fields.c1 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c1;
	    sfps.u.fields.c0 = fpu->fpu_fsw.c0;
	    sfps.u.fields.errsumm = fpu->fpu_fsw.errsumm;
	    sfps.u.fields.stkflt = fpu->fpu_fsw.stkflt;
	    sfps.u.fields.precis = fpu->fpu_fsw.precis;
	    sfps.u.fields.undfl = fpu->fpu_fsw.undfl;
	    sfps.u.fields.ovrfl = fpu->fpu_fsw.ovrfl;
	    sfps.u.fields.zdiv = fpu->fpu_fsw.zdiv;
	    sfps.u.fields.denorm = fpu->fpu_fsw.denorm;
	    sfps.u.fields.invalid = fpu->fpu_fsw.invalid;
	    sfps.u.half = OSSwapInt16(sfps.u.half);
	    memcpy(&(fpu->fpu_fsw), &sfps,
		   sizeof(struct swapped_fp_status));
	fpu->fpu_fop = OSSwapInt16(fpu->fpu_fop);
	fpu->fpu_ip = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_ip);
	fpu->fpu_cs = OSSwapInt16(fpu->fpu_cs);
	fpu->fpu_rsrv2 = OSSwapInt16(fpu->fpu_rsrv2);
	fpu->fpu_dp = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_dp);
	fpu->fpu_ds = OSSwapInt16(fpu->fpu_ds);
	fpu->fpu_rsrv3 = OSSwapInt16(fpu->fpu_rsrv3);
	fpu->fpu_mxcsr = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_mxcsr);
	fpu->fpu_mxcsrmask = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_mxcsrmask);
	fpu->fpu_reserved1 = OSSwapInt32(fpu->fpu_reserved1);
Example #15
m88110_thread_state_impl_t *spu,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    uint32_t i;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    struct swapped_m88110_bp_ctrl {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned	v:BIT_WIDTH(0);
		m88110_match_t	addr_match:BITS_WIDTH(12,1);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(26,13);
		unsigned	rwm:BIT_WIDTH(27);
		unsigned	rw:BIT_WIDTH(28);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(31,29);
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } sbpc;

    struct swap_m88110_psr {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(1,0);
		unsigned	mxm_dis:BIT_WIDTH(2);
		unsigned	sfu1dis:BIT_WIDTH(3);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(22,4);
		unsigned	trace:BIT_WIDTH(23);
		unsigned	:BIT_WIDTH(24);
		unsigned	sm:BIT_WIDTH(25);
		unsigned	sgn_imd:BIT_WIDTH(26);
		unsigned	:BIT_WIDTH(27);
		unsigned	c:BIT_WIDTH(28);
		unsigned	se:BIT_WIDTH(29);
		unsigned	le:BIT_WIDTH(30);
		unsigned	supr:BIT_WIDTH(31);
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } spsr;

    struct swapped_m88110_fp_trap_status {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned	efinx:BIT_WIDTH(0);
		unsigned	efovf:BIT_WIDTH(1);
		unsigned	efunf:BIT_WIDTH(2);
		unsigned	efdvz:BIT_WIDTH(3);
		unsigned	efinv:BIT_WIDTH(4);
		unsigned	priv:BIT_WIDTH(5);
		unsigned	unimp:BIT_WIDTH(6);
		unsigned	int:BIT_WIDTH(7);
		unsigned	sfu1_disabled:BIT_WIDTH(8);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(13,9);
		m88110_iresult_size_t	iresult_size:BITS_WIDTH(15,14);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(31,16);
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } sfps;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex){
	    for(i = 0; i < M88110_N_DATA_BP; i++){
		spu->data_bp[i].addr = OSSwapInt32(spu->data_bp[i].addr);
		memcpy(&sbpc, &(spu->data_bp[i].ctrl),
		       sizeof(struct swapped_m88110_bp_ctrl));
		sbpc.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sbpc.u.word);
		spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.v = sbpc.u.fields.v;
		spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.addr_match = sbpc.u.fields.addr_match;
		spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.rwm = sbpc.u.fields.rwm;
		spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.rw = sbpc.u.fields.rw;

	    memcpy(&spsr, &(spu->psr), sizeof(struct swap_m88110_psr));
	    spsr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(spsr.u.word);
	    spu->psr.mxm_dis = spsr.u.fields.mxm_dis;
	    spu->psr.sfu1dis = spsr.u.fields.sfu1dis;
	    spu->psr.trace = spsr.u.fields.trace;
	    spu->psr.sm = spsr.u.fields.sm;
	    spu->psr.sgn_imd = spsr.u.fields.sgn_imd;
	    spu->psr.c = spsr.u.fields.c;
	    spu->psr.se = spsr.u.fields.se;
	    spu->psr.le = spsr.u.fields.le;
	    spu->psr.supr = spsr.u.fields.supr;

	    memcpy(&sfps, &(spu->fp_trap_status),
		   sizeof(struct swapped_m88110_fp_trap_status));
	    sfps.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sfps.u.word);
	    spu->fp_trap_status.efinx = sfps.u.fields.efinx;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.efovf = sfps.u.fields.efovf;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.efunf = sfps.u.fields.efunf;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.efdvz = sfps.u.fields.efdvz;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.efinv = sfps.u.fields.efinv;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.priv = sfps.u.fields.priv;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.unimp = sfps.u.fields.unimp;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.sfu1_disabled = sfps.u.fields.sfu1_disabled;
	    spu->fp_trap_status.iresult_size = sfps.u.fields.iresult_size;
	    for(i = 0; i < M88110_N_DATA_BP; i++){
		spu->data_bp[i].addr = OSSwapInt32(spu->data_bp[i].addr);
		sbpc.u.fields.v = spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.v;
		sbpc.u.fields.addr_match = spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.addr_match;
		sbpc.u.fields.rwm = spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.rwm;
		sbpc.u.fields.rw = spu->data_bp[i].ctrl.rw;
		sbpc.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sbpc.u.word);
		memcpy(&(spu->data_bp[i].ctrl), &sbpc,
		       sizeof(struct swapped_m88110_bp_ctrl));

	    spsr.u.fields.mxm_dis = spu->psr.mxm_dis;
	    spsr.u.fields.sfu1dis = spu->psr.sfu1dis;
	    spsr.u.fields.trace = spu->psr.trace;
	    spsr.u.fields.sm = spu->psr.sm;
	    spsr.u.fields.sgn_imd = spu->psr.sgn_imd;
	    spsr.u.fields.c = spu->psr.c;
	    spsr.u.fields.se = spu->psr.se;
	    spsr.u.fields.le = spu->psr.le;
	    spsr.u.fields.supr = spu->psr.supr;
	    spsr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(spsr.u.word);
	    memcpy(&(spu->psr), &spsr, sizeof(struct swap_m88110_psr));

	    sfps.u.fields.efinx = spu->fp_trap_status.efinx;
	    sfps.u.fields.efovf = spu->fp_trap_status.efovf;
	    sfps.u.fields.efunf = spu->fp_trap_status.efunf;
	    sfps.u.fields.efdvz = spu->fp_trap_status.efdvz;
	    sfps.u.fields.efinv = spu->fp_trap_status.efinv;
	    sfps.u.fields.priv = spu->fp_trap_status.priv;
	    sfps.u.fields.unimp = spu->fp_trap_status.unimp;
	    sfps.u.fields.sfu1_disabled = spu->fp_trap_status.sfu1_disabled;
	    sfps.u.fields.iresult_size = spu->fp_trap_status.iresult_size;
	    sfps.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sfps.u.word);
	    memcpy(&(spu->fp_trap_status), &sfps,
		   sizeof(struct swapped_m88110_fp_trap_status));
	spu->intermediate_result.x[0] =
	spu->intermediate_result.x[1] =
	spu->intermediate_result.x[2] =
	spu->intermediate_result.x[3] =
Example #16
NXStream *NXGetStreamOnSection(const char *fileName, const char *segmentName, const char *sectionName)
    int             fd;
    struct stat     info;
    NXStream 	   *s = NULL;
    struct fat_header *fh;
    struct mach_header *mh;
    const struct section *sect;
    vm_offset_t mh_page, sect_page;
    unsigned long archOffset;
    unsigned int cnt = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
    struct host_basic_info hbi;

    if (host_info(mach_host_self(), HOST_BASIC_INFO, (host_info_t)(&hbi), &cnt) != KERN_SUCCESS)
      return NULL;

    fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY, 0444);
    if (fd < 0 || fstat(fd, &info) < 0)
    	return NULL;

    if (((info.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) || (info.st_size < sizeof(*fh))) {
	return NULL;

    if (map_fd(fd, 0, (vm_offset_t *)&fh, TRUE, (vm_size_t)info.st_size) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
	return NULL;

#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    if (fh->magic == FAT_MAGIC) {
#endif __BIG_ENDIAN__
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    if (fh->magic == NXSwapLong(FAT_MAGIC)) {
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	int i;
	struct fat_arch *fa = (struct fat_arch*)(fh + 1);
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
	swap_fat_header(fh, host_byte_sex);
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	if ((fh->nfat_arch <= 0) || (info.st_size < sizeof(*fh)+sizeof(*fa)*fh->nfat_arch)) {
		vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
		return NULL;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	swap_fat_arch(fa, fh->nfat_arch, host_byte_sex);
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	for (i = 0; i < fh->nfat_arch; i++, fa++) {
		if (fa->cputype == hbi.cpu_type) {
//****		** check for best cpu_subtype here ** (fa->cpusubtype == hbi.cpu_subtype)
			break;	// for now, accept all subtypes
	if (i >= fh->nfat_arch) {
		vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
 		return NULL;
	archOffset = fa->offset;
	mh = (struct mach_header*)((char*)fh + archOffset);
    } else {
	archOffset = 0L;
    	mh = (struct mach_header*)fh;
    if ((info.st_size < archOffset + sizeof(*mh)) ||
	(mh->magic != MH_MAGIC) || (mh->cputype != hbi.cpu_type) ||
	(info.st_size < archOffset + sizeof(*mh) + mh->sizeofcmds) ||
	!check_wellformed_header(mh, info.st_size - archOffset, NO)) { // bug#21223
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
 	return NULL;

     * Get the section data.
    sect = getsectbynamefromheader(mh, segmentName, sectionName);
    if (sect == NULL || sect->size == 0 ||
	(info.st_size < archOffset + sect->offset + sect->size)) {
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
	return NULL;

     * Create the stream.
    s = NXOpenMemory((char *)mh + sect->offset, sect->size,
    s->flags &= ~NX_USER_OWNS_BUF;

     * Through away the parts of the file not needed.  Assert that all
     * pages that the file lives on are used only by the file.
    sect_page = round_page((vm_offset_t)mh + sect->offset + sect->size);
    mh_page = round_page((vm_offset_t)fh + info.st_size);
    if (mh_page - sect_page)
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), sect_page, mh_page - sect_page);

    mh_page = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)fh);
    sect_page = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)mh + sect->offset);
    if (sect_page - mh_page)
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mh_page, sect_page - mh_page);

    if (close(fd) < 0) {
	NXCloseMemory(s, NX_FREEBUFFER);
	s = NULL;

    return s;

NXStream *NXGetStreamOnSectionForBestArchitecture(
	const char *fileName,
	const char *segmentName,
	const char *sectionName)
    int             fd;
    struct stat     info;
    NXStream 	   *s = NULL;
    struct fat_header *fh;
    struct mach_header *mh;
    const struct section *sect;
    vm_offset_t mh_page, sect_page;
    unsigned long archOffset;
    unsigned int cnt = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
    struct host_basic_info hbi;
    int fSwap = NO;

    if (host_info(mach_host_self(), HOST_BASIC_INFO, (host_info_t)(&hbi), &cnt) != KERN_SUCCESS)
      return NULL;

    fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY, 0444);
    if (fd < 0 || fstat(fd, &info) < 0)
    	return NULL;

    if (((info.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) || (info.st_size < sizeof(*fh))) {
	return NULL;

    if (map_fd(fd, 0, (vm_offset_t *)&fh, TRUE, (vm_size_t)info.st_size) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
	return NULL;

#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
    if (fh->magic == FAT_MAGIC) {
#endif __BIG_ENDIAN__
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    if (fh->magic == NXSwapLong(FAT_MAGIC)) {
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	int i;
	struct fat_arch *fa = (struct fat_arch*)(fh + 1);
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
	swap_fat_header(fh, host_byte_sex);
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	if ((fh->nfat_arch <= 0) || (info.st_size < sizeof(*fh)+sizeof(*fa)*fh->nfat_arch)) {
	    vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
	    return NULL;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	swap_fat_arch(fa, fh->nfat_arch, host_byte_sex);
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	for (i = 0; i < fh->nfat_arch; i++, fa++) {
	    if (fa->cputype == hbi.cpu_type) {
//****		** check for best cpu_subtype here ** (fa->cpusubtype == hbi.cpu_subtype)
		break;	// for now, accept all subtypes
	if (i >= fh->nfat_arch) {
	     * If do not have the correct cpu_type, just use the last type
	     * in file.
	     * NOTE: we could have a list passed in, and choose the best
	     *       based upon that list.
	archOffset = fa->offset;
	mh = (struct mach_header*)((char*)fh + archOffset);
    } else {
	archOffset = 0L;
    	mh = (struct mach_header*)fh;
    if (info.st_size < archOffset + sizeof(*mh)) {
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
 	return NULL;
     * Do we need to swap the header?  Header is always in byte-order of machine it
     * was compiled for.
    if (mh->magic == NXSwapLong(MH_MAGIC)) {
	fSwap = YES;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	swap_mach_header(mh, NX_LittleEndian);
	swap_mach_header(mh, NX_BigEndian);
#endif __LITTLE_ENDIAN__

    if ((mh->magic != MH_MAGIC) ||
	(info.st_size < archOffset + sizeof(*mh) + mh->sizeofcmds) ||
	!check_wellformed_header(mh, info.st_size - archOffset, fSwap)) { // bug#21223
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
 	return NULL;

     * Get the section data.
    sect = getsectbynamefromheaderwithswap(mh, segmentName, sectionName, fSwap);
    if (sect == NULL || sect->size == 0 ||
	(info.st_size < archOffset + sect->offset + sect->size)) {
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_offset_t)fh, info.st_size);
	return NULL;

     * Create the stream.
    s = NXOpenMemory((char *)mh + sect->offset, sect->size, NX_READONLY);
    s->flags &= ~NX_USER_OWNS_BUF;

     * Through away the parts of the file not needed.  Assert that all
     * pages that the file lives on are used only by the file.
    sect_page = round_page((vm_offset_t)mh + sect->offset + sect->size);
    mh_page = round_page((vm_offset_t)fh + info.st_size);
    if (mh_page - sect_page)
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), sect_page, mh_page - sect_page);

    mh_page = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)fh);
    sect_page = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)mh + sect->offset);
    if (sect_page - mh_page)
	vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mh_page, sect_page - mh_page);

    if (close(fd) < 0) {
	NXCloseMemory(s, NX_FREEBUFFER);
	s = NULL;

    return s;
Example #17
m88k_thread_state_xrf_t *fpu,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    struct swapped_m88k_fpsr {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned	afinx:BIT_WIDTH(0);
		unsigned	afovf:BIT_WIDTH(1);
		unsigned	afunf:BIT_WIDTH(2);
		unsigned	afdvz:BIT_WIDTH(3);
		unsigned	afinv:BIT_WIDTH(4);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(15,5);
		unsigned	xmod:BIT_WIDTH(16);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(31,17);
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } ssr;
    struct swapped_m88k_fpcr {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned	efinx:BIT_WIDTH(0);
		unsigned	efovf:BIT_WIDTH(1);
		unsigned	efunf:BIT_WIDTH(2);
		unsigned	efdvz:BIT_WIDTH(3);
		unsigned	efinv:BIT_WIDTH(4);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(13,5);
		m88k_fpcr_rm_t	rm:BITS_WIDTH(15,14);
		unsigned	:BITS_WIDTH(31,16);
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } scr;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

	fpu->x1.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x1.x[0]);
	fpu->x1.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x1.x[1]);
	fpu->x1.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x1.x[2]);
	fpu->x1.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x1.x[3]);
	fpu->x2.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x2.x[0]);
	fpu->x2.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x2.x[1]);
	fpu->x2.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x2.x[2]);
	fpu->x2.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x2.x[3]);
	fpu->x3.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x3.x[0]);
	fpu->x3.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x3.x[1]);
	fpu->x3.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x3.x[2]);
	fpu->x3.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x3.x[3]);
	fpu->x4.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x4.x[0]);
	fpu->x4.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x4.x[1]);
	fpu->x4.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x4.x[2]);
	fpu->x4.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x4.x[3]);
	fpu->x5.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x5.x[0]);
	fpu->x5.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x5.x[1]);
	fpu->x5.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x5.x[2]);
	fpu->x5.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x5.x[3]);
	fpu->x6.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x6.x[0]);
	fpu->x6.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x6.x[1]);
	fpu->x6.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x6.x[2]);
	fpu->x6.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x6.x[3]);
	fpu->x7.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x7.x[0]);
	fpu->x7.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x7.x[1]);
	fpu->x7.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x7.x[2]);
	fpu->x7.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x7.x[3]);
	fpu->x8.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x8.x[0]);
	fpu->x8.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x8.x[1]);
	fpu->x8.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x8.x[2]);
	fpu->x8.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x8.x[3]);
	fpu->x9.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x9.x[0]);
	fpu->x9.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x9.x[1]);
	fpu->x9.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x9.x[2]);
	fpu->x9.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x9.x[3]);
	fpu->x10.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x10.x[0]);
	fpu->x10.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x10.x[1]);
	fpu->x10.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x10.x[2]);
	fpu->x10.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x10.x[3]);
	fpu->x11.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x11.x[0]);
	fpu->x11.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x11.x[1]);
	fpu->x11.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x11.x[2]);
	fpu->x11.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x11.x[3]);
	fpu->x12.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x12.x[0]);
	fpu->x12.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x12.x[1]);
	fpu->x12.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x12.x[2]);
	fpu->x12.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x12.x[3]);
	fpu->x13.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x13.x[0]);
	fpu->x13.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x13.x[1]);
	fpu->x13.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x13.x[2]);
	fpu->x13.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x13.x[3]);
	fpu->x14.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x14.x[0]);
	fpu->x14.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x14.x[1]);
	fpu->x14.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x14.x[2]);
	fpu->x14.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x14.x[3]);
	fpu->x15.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x15.x[0]);
	fpu->x15.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x15.x[1]);
	fpu->x15.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x15.x[2]);
	fpu->x15.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x15.x[3]);
	fpu->x16.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x16.x[0]);
	fpu->x16.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x16.x[1]);
	fpu->x16.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x16.x[2]);
	fpu->x16.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x16.x[3]);
	fpu->x17.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x17.x[0]);
	fpu->x17.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x17.x[1]);
	fpu->x17.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x17.x[2]);
	fpu->x17.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x17.x[3]);
	fpu->x18.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x18.x[0]);
	fpu->x18.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x18.x[1]);
	fpu->x18.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x18.x[2]);
	fpu->x18.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x18.x[3]);
	fpu->x19.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x19.x[0]);
	fpu->x19.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x19.x[1]);
	fpu->x19.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x19.x[2]);
	fpu->x19.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x19.x[3]);
	fpu->x20.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x20.x[0]);
	fpu->x20.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x20.x[1]);
	fpu->x20.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x20.x[2]);
	fpu->x20.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x20.x[3]);
	fpu->x21.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x21.x[0]);
	fpu->x21.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x21.x[1]);
	fpu->x21.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x21.x[2]);
	fpu->x21.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x21.x[3]);
	fpu->x22.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x22.x[0]);
	fpu->x22.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x22.x[1]);
	fpu->x22.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x22.x[2]);
	fpu->x22.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x22.x[3]);
	fpu->x23.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x23.x[0]);
	fpu->x23.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x23.x[1]);
	fpu->x23.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x23.x[2]);
	fpu->x23.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x23.x[3]);
	fpu->x24.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x24.x[0]);
	fpu->x24.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x24.x[1]);
	fpu->x24.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x24.x[2]);
	fpu->x24.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x24.x[3]);
	fpu->x25.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x25.x[0]);
	fpu->x25.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x25.x[1]);
	fpu->x25.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x25.x[2]);
	fpu->x25.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x25.x[3]);
	fpu->x26.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x26.x[0]);
	fpu->x26.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x26.x[1]);
	fpu->x26.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x26.x[2]);
	fpu->x26.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x26.x[3]);
	fpu->x27.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x27.x[0]);
	fpu->x27.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x27.x[1]);
	fpu->x27.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x27.x[2]);
	fpu->x27.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x27.x[3]);
	fpu->x28.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x28.x[0]);
	fpu->x28.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x28.x[1]);
	fpu->x28.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x28.x[2]);
	fpu->x28.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x28.x[3]);
	fpu->x29.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x29.x[0]);
	fpu->x29.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x29.x[1]);
	fpu->x29.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x29.x[2]);
	fpu->x29.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x29.x[3]);
	fpu->x30.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x30.x[0]);
	fpu->x30.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x30.x[1]);
	fpu->x30.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x30.x[2]);
	fpu->x30.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x30.x[3]);
	fpu->x31.x[0] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x31.x[0]);
	fpu->x31.x[1] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x31.x[1]);
	fpu->x31.x[2] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x31.x[2]);
	fpu->x31.x[3] = OSSwapInt32(fpu->x31.x[3]);

	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex){
	    memcpy(&ssr, &(fpu->fpsr), sizeof(struct swapped_m88k_fpsr));
	    ssr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(ssr.u.word);
	    fpu->fpsr.afinx = ssr.u.fields.afinx;
	    fpu->fpsr.afovf = ssr.u.fields.afovf;
	    fpu->fpsr.afunf = ssr.u.fields.afunf;
	    fpu->fpsr.afdvz = ssr.u.fields.afdvz;
	    fpu->fpsr.afinv = ssr.u.fields.afinv;
	    fpu->fpsr.xmod = ssr.u.fields.xmod;

	    memcpy(&scr, &(fpu->fpcr), sizeof(struct swapped_m88k_fpcr));
	    scr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(scr.u.word);
	    fpu->fpcr.efinx = scr.u.fields.efinx;
	    fpu->fpcr.efovf = scr.u.fields.efovf;
	    fpu->fpcr.efunf = scr.u.fields.efunf;
	    fpu->fpcr.efdvz = scr.u.fields.efdvz;
	    fpu->fpcr.efinv = scr.u.fields.efinv;
	    fpu->fpcr.rm = scr.u.fields.rm;
	    ssr.u.fields.afinx = fpu->fpsr.afinx;
	    ssr.u.fields.afovf = fpu->fpsr.afovf;
	    ssr.u.fields.afunf = fpu->fpsr.afunf;
	    ssr.u.fields.afdvz = fpu->fpsr.afdvz;
	    ssr.u.fields.afinv = fpu->fpsr.afinv;
	    ssr.u.fields.xmod = fpu->fpsr.xmod;
	    ssr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(ssr.u.word);
	    memcpy(&(fpu->fpsr), &ssr, sizeof(struct swapped_m88k_fpsr));

	    scr.u.fields.efinx = fpu->fpcr.efinx;
	    scr.u.fields.efovf = fpu->fpcr.efovf;
	    scr.u.fields.efunf = fpu->fpcr.efunf;
	    scr.u.fields.efdvz = fpu->fpcr.efdvz;
	    scr.u.fields.efinv = fpu->fpcr.efinv;
	    scr.u.fields.rm = fpu->fpcr.rm;
	    scr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(scr.u.word);
	    memcpy(&(fpu->fpcr), &scr, sizeof(struct swapped_m88k_fpcr));
    i386_thread_exceptstate_t *exc,
    enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    struct swapped_err_code {
        union {
            struct err_code_normal {
                unsigned int		:16,
                               index	:13,
                               tbl	:2,
                               ext	:1;
            } normal;
            struct err_code_pgfault {
                unsigned int		:29,
                               user	:1,
                               wrtflt	:1,
                               prot	:1;
            } pgfault;
            unsigned long word;
        } u;
    } sec;
    unsigned long word;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

    host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

    exc->trapno = NXSwapLong(exc->trapno);
    if(exc->trapno == 14) {
        if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex) {
            memcpy(&sec, &(exc->err), sizeof(struct swapped_err_code));
            sec.u.word = NXSwapLong(sec.u.word);
            exc->err.pgfault.user   = sec.u.pgfault.user;
            exc->err.pgfault.wrtflt = sec.u.pgfault.wrtflt;
            exc->err.pgfault.prot   = sec.u.pgfault.prot;
        else {
            sec.u.pgfault.prot   = exc->err.pgfault.prot;
            sec.u.pgfault.wrtflt = exc->err.pgfault.wrtflt;
            sec.u.pgfault.user   = exc->err.pgfault.user;
            sec.u.word = NXSwapLong(sec.u.word);
            memcpy(&(exc->err), &sec, sizeof(struct swapped_err_code));
    else {
        if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex) {
            memcpy(&sec, &(exc->err), sizeof(struct swapped_err_code));
            sec.u.word = NXSwapLong(sec.u.word);
            word = sec.u.normal.index;
            exc->err.normal.index = NXSwapLong(word);
            exc->err.normal.tbl   = sec.u.normal.tbl;
            exc->err.normal.ext   = sec.u.normal.ext;
        else {
            sec.u.normal.ext   = exc->err.normal.ext;
            sec.u.normal.tbl   = exc->err.normal.tbl;
            word = exc->err.normal.index;
            sec.u.normal.index = NXSwapLong(word);
            sec.u.word = NXSwapLong(sec.u.word);
            memcpy(&(exc->err), &sec, sizeof(struct swapped_err_code));
Example #19
struct sparc_thread_state_fpu *fpu,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    struct swapped_fsr {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned int
	    } fields;
	    unsigned int word;
	} u;
    } sfsr;
    unsigned long i;
    struct f_status *fpu_status;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

	/* floating point registers */
	for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)		/* 16 doubles */
	    fpu->fpu.fpu_fr.Fpu_dregs[i] =

	fpu->fpu.Fpu_q[0].FQu.whole = NXSwapDouble(fpu->fpu.Fpu_q[0].FQu.whole);
	fpu->fpu.Fpu_q[1].FQu.whole = NXSwapDouble(fpu->fpu.Fpu_q[1].FQu.whole);
	fpu->fpu.Fpu_flags = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu.Fpu_flags);
	fpu->fpu.Fpu_extra = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu.Fpu_extra);
	fpu->fpu.Fpu_qcnt = NXSwapLong(fpu->fpu.Fpu_qcnt);

	fpu_status = (struct f_status *) &(fpu->fpu.Fpu_fsr);
	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex){
	    memcpy(&sfsr, &(fpu->fpu.Fpu_fsr), sizeof(unsigned int));
	    sfsr.u.word = NXSwapLong(sfsr.u.word);
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.rd = sfsr.u.fields.rd;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.rp = sfsr.u.fields.rp;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.tem = sfsr.u.fields.tem;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.res = sfsr.u.fields.res;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.ftt = sfsr.u.fields.ftt;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.qne = sfsr.u.fields.qne;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.pr = sfsr.u.fields.pr;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.fcc = sfsr.u.fields.fcc;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.aexc = sfsr.u.fields.aexc;
	    fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.cexc = sfsr.u.fields.cexc;
	    sfsr.u.fields.rd = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.rd;
	    sfsr.u.fields.rp = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.rp;
	    sfsr.u.fields.tem = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.tem;
	    sfsr.u.fields.res = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.res;
	    sfsr.u.fields.ftt = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.ftt;
	    sfsr.u.fields.qne = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.qne;
	    sfsr.u.fields.pr = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.pr;
	    sfsr.u.fields.fcc = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.fcc;
	    sfsr.u.fields.aexc = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.aexc;
	    sfsr.u.fields.cexc = fpu_status->FPUREG.Fpu_fsr_bits.cexc;
	    sfsr.u.word = NXSwapLong(sfsr.u.word);
	    memcpy(&(fpu->fpu.Fpu_fsr), &sfsr, sizeof(struct swapped_fsr));
Example #20
struct sparc_thread_state_regs *cpu,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    struct swapped_psr {
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned int 
	    } fields;
	    unsigned int word;
	} u;
    } spsr;
    struct p_status *pr_status;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();

	cpu->regs.r_pc = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_pc);
	cpu->regs.r_npc = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_npc);
	cpu->regs.r_y = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_y);
	cpu->regs.r_g1 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g1);
	cpu->regs.r_g2 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g2);
	cpu->regs.r_g3 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g3);
	cpu->regs.r_g4 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g4);
	cpu->regs.r_g5 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g5);
	cpu->regs.r_g6 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g6);
	cpu->regs.r_g7 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_g7);
	cpu->regs.r_o0 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o0);
	cpu->regs.r_o1 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o1);
	cpu->regs.r_o2 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o2);
	cpu->regs.r_o3 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o3);
	cpu->regs.r_o4 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o4);
	cpu->regs.r_o5 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o5);
	cpu->regs.r_o6 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o6);
	cpu->regs.r_o7 = NXSwapLong(cpu->regs.r_o7);

    	pr_status = (struct p_status *) &(cpu->regs.r_psr);
	if(target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex){
	    memcpy(&spsr, &(cpu->regs.r_psr), sizeof(struct swapped_psr));
	    spsr.u.word = NXSwapLong(spsr.u.word);
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.cwp = spsr.u.fields.cwp;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.ps = spsr.u.fields.ps;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.s = spsr.u.fields.s;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.pil = spsr.u.fields.pil;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.ef = spsr.u.fields.ef;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.ec = spsr.u.fields.ec;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.reserved = spsr.u.fields.reserved;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.icc = spsr.u.fields.icc;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.et = spsr.u.fields.ver;
	    pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.impl = spsr.u.fields.impl;
	    spsr.u.fields.cwp = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.cwp;
	    spsr.u.fields.ps = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.ps;
	    spsr.u.fields.s = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.s;
	    spsr.u.fields.pil = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.pil;
	    spsr.u.fields.ef = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.ef;
	    spsr.u.fields.ec = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.ec;
	    spsr.u.fields.reserved = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.reserved;
	    spsr.u.fields.icc = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.icc;
	    spsr.u.fields.ver = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.et;
	    spsr.u.fields.impl = pr_status->PSRREG.psr_bits.impl;
	    spsr.u.word = NXSwapLong(spsr.u.word);
	    memcpy(&(cpu->regs.r_psr), &spsr, sizeof(struct swapped_psr));
Example #21
struct relocation_info *relocs,
uint32_t nrelocs,
enum NXByteOrder target_byte_sex)
    uint32_t i;
    enum NXByteOrder host_byte_sex;
    uint32_t to_host_byte_sex, scattered;

    struct swapped_relocation_info {
	uint32_t r_address;
	union {
	    struct {
		unsigned int
	    } fields;
	    uint32_t word;
	} u;
    } sr;

    struct swapped_scattered_relocation_info {
	uint32_t word;
	uint32_t r_value;
    } *ssr;

	host_byte_sex = NXHostByteOrder();
	to_host_byte_sex = target_byte_sex == host_byte_sex;

	for(i = 0; i < nrelocs; i++){
		scattered = (OSSwapInt32(relocs[i].r_address) & R_SCATTERED) != 0;
		scattered = ((relocs[i].r_address) & R_SCATTERED) != 0;
	    if(scattered == FALSE){
		    memcpy(&sr, relocs + i, sizeof(struct relocation_info));
		    sr.r_address = OSSwapInt32(sr.r_address);
		    sr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sr.u.word);
		    relocs[i].r_address = sr.r_address;
		    relocs[i].r_symbolnum = sr.u.fields.r_symbolnum;
		    relocs[i].r_pcrel = sr.u.fields.r_pcrel;
		    relocs[i].r_length = sr.u.fields.r_length;
		    relocs[i].r_extern = sr.u.fields.r_extern;
		    relocs[i].r_type = sr.u.fields.r_type;
		    sr.r_address = relocs[i].r_address;
		    sr.u.fields.r_symbolnum = relocs[i].r_symbolnum;
		    sr.u.fields.r_length = relocs[i].r_length;
		    sr.u.fields.r_pcrel = relocs[i].r_pcrel;
		    sr.u.fields.r_extern = relocs[i].r_extern;
		    sr.u.fields.r_type = relocs[i].r_type;
		    sr.r_address = OSSwapInt32(sr.r_address);
		    sr.u.word = OSSwapInt32(sr.u.word);
		    memcpy(relocs + i, &sr, sizeof(struct relocation_info));
		ssr = (struct swapped_scattered_relocation_info *)(relocs + i);
		ssr->word = OSSwapInt32(ssr->word);
		ssr->r_value = OSSwapInt32(ssr->r_value);
Example #22
static int register_mach_header(const char* build, const char* project, const char* path, struct fat_arch* fa, int fd, int* isMachO) {
	ssize_t res;
	uint32_t magic;
	int swap = 0;
	struct mach_header* mh = NULL;
	struct mach_header_64* mh64 = NULL;

	if (isMachO) *isMachO = 0;

	res = read(fd, &magic, sizeof(uint32_t));
	if (res < sizeof(uint32_t)) { return 0; }
	// 32-bit, read the rest of the header
	if (magic == MH_MAGIC || magic == MH_CIGAM) {
		if (isMachO) *isMachO = 1;
		mh = malloc(sizeof(struct mach_header));
		if (mh == NULL) return -1;
		memset(mh, 0, sizeof(struct mach_header));
		mh->magic = magic;
		res = read(fd, &mh->cputype, sizeof(struct mach_header) - sizeof(uint32_t));
		if (res < sizeof(struct mach_header) - sizeof(uint32_t)) { return 0; }
		if (magic == MH_CIGAM) {
			swap = 1;
			swap_mach_header(mh, NXHostByteOrder());
	// 64-bit, read the rest of the header
	} else if (magic == MH_MAGIC_64 || magic == MH_CIGAM_64) {
		if (isMachO) *isMachO = 1;
		mh64 = malloc(sizeof(struct mach_header_64));
		if (mh64 == NULL) return -1;
		memset(mh64, 0, sizeof(struct mach_header_64));
		mh64->magic = magic;
		res = read(fd, &mh64->cputype, sizeof(struct mach_header_64) - sizeof(uint32_t));
		if (res < sizeof(struct mach_header_64) - sizeof(uint32_t)) { return 0; }
		if (magic == MH_CIGAM_64) {
			swap = 1;
			swap_mach_header_64(mh64, NXHostByteOrder());
	// Not a Mach-O
	} else {
		return 0;

	switch (mh64 ? mh64->filetype : mh->filetype) {
		case MH_EXECUTE:
		case MH_DYLIB:
		case MH_BUNDLE:
		case MH_OBJECT:
			return 0;

	res = SQL("INSERT INTO mach_o_objects (magic, type, cputype, cpusubtype, flags, build, project, path) VALUES (%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %Q, %Q, %Q)",
		mh64 ? mh64->magic : mh->magic,
		mh64 ? mh64->filetype : mh->filetype,
		mh64 ? mh64->cputype : mh->cputype,
		mh64 ? mh64->cpusubtype : mh->cpusubtype,
		mh64 ? mh64->flags : mh->flags,
		build, project, path);
	uint64_t serial = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid((sqlite3*)_DBPluginGetDataStorePtr());

	// Information needed to parse the symbol table
	int count_nsect = 0;
	unsigned char text_nsect = NO_SECT;
	unsigned char data_nsect = NO_SECT;
	unsigned char bss_nsect = NO_SECT;

	uint32_t nsyms = 0;
	uint8_t *symbols = NULL;
	uint32_t strsize = 0;
	uint8_t *strings = NULL;

	int i;
	uint32_t ncmds = mh64 ? mh64->ncmds : mh->ncmds;
	for (i = 0; i < ncmds; ++i) {
		// Read a generic load command into memory.
		// At first, we only know it has a type and size.
		struct load_command lctmp;

		ssize_t res = read(fd, &lctmp, sizeof(struct load_command));
		if (res < sizeof(struct load_command)) { return 0; }

		uint32_t cmd = swap ? OSSwapInt32(lctmp.cmd) : lctmp.cmd;
		uint32_t cmdsize = swap ? OSSwapInt32(lctmp.cmdsize) : lctmp.cmdsize;
		if (cmdsize == 0) continue;
		struct load_command* lc = malloc(cmdsize);
		if (lc == NULL) { return 0; }
		memset(lc, 0, cmdsize);
		memcpy(lc, &lctmp, sizeof(lctmp));
		// Read the remainder of the load command.
		res = read(fd, (uint8_t*)lc + sizeof(struct load_command), cmdsize - sizeof(struct load_command));
		if (res < (cmdsize - sizeof(struct load_command))) { free(lc); return 0; }

		// Add dylibs as unresolved "lib" dependencies.
		if (cmd == LC_LOAD_DYLIB || cmd == LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB) {
			struct dylib_command *dylib = (struct dylib_command*)lc;
			if (swap) swap_dylib_command(dylib, NXHostByteOrder());

			// sections immediately follow the dylib_command structure, and are
			// reflected in the cmdsize.

			int strsize = dylib->cmdsize - sizeof(struct dylib_command);
			char* str = malloc(strsize+1);
			strncpy(str, (char*)((uint8_t*)dylib + dylib->dylib.name.offset), strsize);
			str[strsize] = 0; // NUL-terminate

			res = SQL("INSERT INTO unresolved_dependencies (build,project,type,dependency) VALUES (%Q,%Q,%Q,%Q)",
			build, project, "lib", str);
		// Add the dynamic linker (usually dyld) as an unresolved "lib" dependency.
		} else if (cmd == LC_LOAD_DYLINKER) {
			struct dylinker_command *dylinker = (struct dylinker_command*)lc;
			if (swap) swap_dylinker_command(dylinker, NXHostByteOrder());

			// sections immediately follow the dylib_command structure, and are
			// reflected in the cmdsize.

			int strsize = dylinker->cmdsize - sizeof(struct dylinker_command);
			char* str = malloc(strsize+1);
			strncpy(str, (char*)((uint8_t*)dylinker + dylinker->name.offset), strsize);
			str[strsize] = 0; // NUL-terminate

			res = SQL("INSERT INTO unresolved_dependencies (build,project,type,dependency) VALUES (%Q,%Q,%Q,%Q)",
			build, project, "lib", str);
		// Read the symbol table into memory, we'll process it after we're
		// done with the load commands.
		} else if (cmd == LC_SYMTAB && symbols == NULL) {
			struct symtab_command *symtab = (struct symtab_command*)lc;
			if (swap) swap_symtab_command(symtab, NXHostByteOrder());

			nsyms = symtab->nsyms;
			uint32_t symsize = nsyms * (mh64 ? sizeof(struct nlist_64) : sizeof(struct nlist));
			symbols = malloc(symsize);
			strsize = symtab->strsize;
			// XXX: check strsize != 0
			strings = malloc(strsize);

			off_t save = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);

			off_t origin = fa ? fa->offset : 0;

			lseek(fd, (off_t)symtab->symoff + origin, SEEK_SET);
			res = read(fd, symbols, symsize);
			if (res < symsize) { /* XXX: leaks */ return 0; }
			lseek(fd, (off_t)symtab->stroff + origin, SEEK_SET);
			res = read(fd, strings, strsize);
			if (res < strsize) { /* XXX: leaks */ return 0; }
			lseek(fd, save, SEEK_SET);
		// We're looking for the section number of the text, data, and bss segments
		// in order to parse symbols.
		} else if (cmd == LC_SEGMENT) {
			struct segment_command* seg = (struct segment_command*)lc;
			if (swap) swap_segment_command(seg, NXHostByteOrder());
			// sections immediately follow the segment_command structure, and are
			// reflected in the cmdsize.
			int k;
			for (k = 0; k < seg->nsects; ++k) {
				struct section* sect = (struct section*)((uint8_t*)seg + sizeof(struct segment_command) + k * sizeof(struct section));
				if (swap) swap_section(sect, 1, NXHostByteOrder());
				if (strcmp(sect->sectname, SECT_TEXT) == 0 && strcmp(sect->segname, SEG_TEXT) == 0) {
					text_nsect = ++count_nsect;
				} else if (strcmp(sect->sectname, SECT_DATA) == 0 && strcmp(sect->segname, SEG_DATA) == 0) {
					data_nsect = ++count_nsect;
				} else if (strcmp(sect->sectname, SECT_BSS) == 0 && strcmp(sect->segname, SEG_DATA) == 0) {
					bss_nsect = ++count_nsect;
				} else {

		// LC_SEGMENT_64
		// Same as LC_SEGMENT, but for 64-bit binaries.
		} else if (lc->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64) {
			struct segment_command_64* seg = (struct segment_command_64*)lc;
			if (swap) swap_segment_command_64(seg, NXHostByteOrder());
			// sections immediately follow the segment_command structure, and are
			// reflected in the cmdsize.
			int k;
			for (k = 0; k < seg->nsects; ++k) {
				struct section_64* sect = (struct section_64*)((uint8_t*)seg + sizeof(struct segment_command_64) + k * sizeof(struct section_64));
				if (swap) swap_section_64(sect, 1, NXHostByteOrder());
				if (strcmp(sect->sectname, SECT_TEXT) == 0 && strcmp(sect->segname, SEG_TEXT) == 0) {
					text_nsect = ++count_nsect;
				} else if (strcmp(sect->sectname, SECT_DATA) == 0 && strcmp(sect->segname, SEG_DATA) == 0) {
					data_nsect = ++count_nsect;
				} else if (strcmp(sect->sectname, SECT_BSS) == 0 && strcmp(sect->segname, SEG_DATA) == 0) {
					bss_nsect = ++count_nsect;
				} else {

	// Finished processing the load commands, now insert symbols into the database.
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < nsyms; ++j) {
		struct nlist_64 symbol;
		if (mh64) {
			memcpy(&symbol, (symbols + j * sizeof(struct nlist_64)), sizeof(struct nlist_64));
			if (swap) swap_nlist_64(&symbol, 1, NXHostByteOrder());
		} else {
			symbol.n_value = 0;
			memcpy(&symbol, (symbols + j * sizeof(struct nlist)), sizeof(struct nlist));
			if (swap) swap_nlist_64(&symbol, 1, NXHostByteOrder());
			// we copied a 32-bit nlist into a 64-bit one, adjust the value accordingly
			// all other fields are identical sizes
			symbol.n_value >>= 32;
		char type = '?';
		switch (symbol.n_type & N_TYPE) {
			case N_UNDF:
			case N_PBUD:
				type = 'u';
				if (symbol.n_value != 0) {
					type = 'c';
			case N_ABS:
				type = 'a';
			case N_SECT:
				if (symbol.n_sect == text_nsect) {
					type = 't';
				} else if (symbol.n_sect == data_nsect) {
					type = 'd';
				} else if (symbol.n_sect == bss_nsect) {
					type = 'b';
				} else {
					type = 's';
			case N_INDR:
				type = 'i';

		// uppercase indicates an externally visible symbol
		if ((symbol.n_type & N_EXT) && type != '?') {
			type = toupper(type);

		if (type != '?' && type != 'u' && type != 'c') {
			const uint8_t* name = (const uint8_t*)"";
			if (symbol.n_un.n_strx != 0) {
				name = (uint8_t*)(strings + symbol.n_un.n_strx);
			res = SQL("INSERT INTO mach_o_symbols VALUES (%lld, \'%c\', %lld, %Q)",

	return 0;