InterferenceHelper::CalculateChunkSuccessRate (double snir, Time duration, WifiMode mode) const
  if (duration == NanoSeconds (0))
      return 1.0;
  uint32_t rate = mode.GetPhyRate ();
  uint64_t nbits = (uint64_t)(rate * duration.GetSeconds ());
  double csr = m_errorRateModel->GetChunkSuccessRate (mode, snir, (uint32_t)nbits);
  return csr;
Producer::Config::Config( const string& file, uint32_t id )
    // set default values
    prefix = Name("unnamed");
    sigverif_delay = NanoSeconds( 30345 );
    bloom_delay    = NanoSeconds( 2535 );
    // database and vm structs
    unqlite* db;
    unqlite_vm* vm;
    // initialize database
    int rc = unqlite_open( &db, ":mem:", UNQLITE_OPEN_READONLY );
    if( rc != UNQLITE_OK )
        // something went wrong
        const char* err;
        int errlen;
        unqlite_config( db, UNQLITE_CONFIG_JX9_ERR_LOG,
                        &err, &errlen );
        cout << "Error: creating unqlite database: "
             << err << endl;

    // initialize unqlite vm
    rc = unqlite_compile_file( db, file.c_str(), &vm );
    if( rc != UNQLITE_OK )
        // something went wrong
        const char* err;
        int errlen;
        unqlite_config( db, UNQLITE_CONFIG_JX9_ERR_LOG,
                        &err, &errlen );
        cout << "Error: compiling config script: "
             << err << endl;

    unqlite_value* id_val = unqlite_vm_new_scalar( vm );
    unqlite_value_int64( id_val, id );
    rc = unqlite_vm_config( vm, UNQLITE_VM_CONFIG_CREATE_VAR,
                            "ID", id_val );
    if( rc != UNQLITE_OK )
        // something went wrong
        const char* err;
        int errlen;
        unqlite_config( db, UNQLITE_CONFIG_JX9_ERR_LOG,
                        &err, &errlen );
        cout << "Error: exporting ID to config: "
             << err << endl;
    unqlite_vm_release_value( vm, id_val );

    // execute config script
    rc = unqlite_vm_exec( vm );
    if( rc != UNQLITE_OK )
        // something went wrong
        const char* err;
        int errlen;
        unqlite_config( db, UNQLITE_CONFIG_JX9_ERR_LOG,
                        &err, &errlen );
        cout << "Error: executing config script: "
             << err << endl;
    // retrieve config values
    const char* str;
    int len;
    unqlite_value* val;
    val = unqlite_vm_extract_variable( vm, "prefix" );
    if( val )
        str = unqlite_value_to_string( val, &len );
        prefix = string(str, len );

    val = unqlite_vm_extract_variable( vm, "sigverif_delay" );
    if( unqlite_value_is_float( val ) )
        sigverif_delay = Seconds( unqlite_value_to_double( val ) );
    if( unqlite_value_is_int( val ) )
        sigverif_delay = Seconds( unqlite_value_to_int64( val ) );

    val = unqlite_vm_extract_variable( vm, "bloom_delay" );
    if( unqlite_value_is_float( val ) )
       bloom_delay = Seconds( unqlite_value_to_double( val ) );
    if( unqlite_value_is_int( val ) )
        bloom_delay = Seconds( unqlite_value_to_int64( val ) );
    val = unqlite_vm_extract_variable( vm, "contents" );
    if( val && unqlite_value_is_json_array( val ) )
        size_t count = unqlite_array_count( val );
        for( size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
            stringstream ss;
            string key;
            ss << i;
            ss >> key;
            unqlite_value* elem = unqlite_array_fetch
                                  ( val, key.c_str(), key.size() );
            if( elem && unqlite_value_is_json_object( elem ) )
                unqlite_value* name_val = unqlite_array_fetch
                                      ( elem, "name", -1 );
                unqlite_value* size_val = unqlite_array_fetch
                                      ( elem, "size", -1 );
                unqlite_value* access_val =
                    unqlite_array_fetch( elem, "access_level", -1 );
                if( name_val && size_val && access_val
                  && unqlite_value_is_string( name_val )
                  && unqlite_value_is_int( size_val )
                  && unqlite_value_is_int( access_val ) )
                    str = unqlite_value_to_string( name_val, &len );
                    size_t size = unqlite_value_to_int( size_val );
                    uint8_t access_level = unqlite_value_to_int
                                           ( access_val );
                    contents.emplace( string( str, len ),
                                      { size, access_level } );
Synchronizer::NanosecondToTimeStep (uint64_t ns)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ns);
  return NanoSeconds (ns).GetTimeStep ();
Example #4
 * Note: if the link bandwidth changes in the course of the
 * simulation, the bandwidth-dependent RED parameters do not change.
 * This should be fixed, but it would require some extra parameters,
 * and didn't seem worth the trouble...
RedQueue::InitializeParams (void)

  NS_ASSERT (m_minTh <= m_maxTh);
  m_stats.forcedDrop = 0;
  m_stats.unforcedDrop = 0;
  m_stats.qLimDrop = 0;

  m_cautious = 0;
  m_ptc = m_linkBandwidth.GetBitRate () / (8.0 * m_meanPktSize);

  m_qAvg = 0.0;
  m_count = 0;
  m_countBytes = 0;
  m_old = 0;
  m_idle = 1;

  double th_diff = (m_maxTh - m_minTh);
  if (th_diff == 0)
      th_diff = 1.0; 
  m_vA = 1.0 / th_diff;
  m_curMaxP = 1.0 / m_lInterm;
  m_vB = -m_minTh / th_diff;

  if (m_isGentle)
      m_vC = (1.0 - m_curMaxP) / m_maxTh;
      m_vD = 2.0 * m_curMaxP - 1.0;
  m_idleTime = NanoSeconds (0);

 * If m_qW=0, set it to a reasonable value of 1-exp(-1/C)
 * This corresponds to choosing m_qW to be of that value for
 * which the packet time constant -1/ln(1-m)qW) per default RTT 
 * of 100ms is an order of magnitude more than the link capacity, C.
 * If m_qW=-1, then the queue weight is set to be a function of
 * the bandwidth and the link propagation delay.  In particular, 
 * the default RTT is assumed to be three times the link delay and 
 * transmission delay, if this gives a default RTT greater than 100 ms. 
 * If m_qW=-2, set it to a reasonable value of 1-exp(-10/C).
  if (m_qW == 0.0)
      m_qW = 1.0 - std::exp (-1.0 / m_ptc);
  else if (m_qW == -1.0)
      double rtt = 3.0 * (m_linkDelay.GetSeconds () + 1.0 / m_ptc);

      if (rtt < 0.1)
          rtt = 0.1;
      m_qW = 1.0 - std::exp (-1.0 / (10 * rtt * m_ptc));
  else if (m_qW == -2.0)
      m_qW = 1.0 - std::exp (-10.0 / m_ptc);

  /// \todo implement adaptive RED

  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("\tm_delay " << m_linkDelay.GetSeconds () << "; m_isWait " 
                             << m_isWait << "; m_qW " << m_qW << "; m_ptc " << m_ptc
                             << "; m_minTh " << m_minTh << "; m_maxTh " << m_maxTh
                             << "; m_isGentle " << m_isGentle << "; th_diff " << th_diff
                             << "; lInterm " << m_lInterm << "; va " << m_vA <<  "; cur_max_p "
                             << m_curMaxP << "; v_b " << m_vB <<  "; m_vC "
                             << m_vC << "; m_vD " <<  m_vD);