Example #1
 * Analyze context state to see if we can provide a fast line drawing
 * function.  Otherwise, return NULL.
static swrast_line_func
osmesa_choose_line_function( struct gl_context *ctx )
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);
   const SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);

   if (ctx->RenderMode != GL_RENDER)      return NULL;
   if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag)              return NULL;
   if (ctx->Texture._EnabledUnits)        return NULL;
   if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel != GL_FLAT)  return NULL;
   if (ctx->Line.Width != 1.0F)           return NULL;
   if (ctx->Line.StippleFlag)             return NULL;
   if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag)              return NULL;
   if (osmesa->format != OSMESA_RGBA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_BGRA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_ARGB)     return NULL;

   if (swrast->_RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
       && ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
       && ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
       && ctx->Visual.depthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS) {
      return (swrast_line_func) flat_rgba_z_line;

   if (swrast->_RasterMask == 0) {
      return (swrast_line_func) flat_rgba_line;

   return (swrast_line_func) NULL;
Example #2
 * Return pointer to an optimized triangle function if possible.
static swrast_tri_func
osmesa_choose_triangle_function( struct gl_context *ctx )
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);
   const SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);

   if (ctx->RenderMode != GL_RENDER)    return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;
   if (ctx->Polygon.SmoothFlag)         return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;
   if (ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag)        return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;
   if (ctx->Texture._EnabledUnits)      return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;
   if (osmesa->format != OSMESA_RGBA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_BGRA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_ARGB)   return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;
   if (ctx->Polygon.CullFlag && 
       ctx->Polygon.CullFaceMode == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK)
                                        return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;

   if (swrast->_RasterMask == DEPTH_BIT &&
       ctx->Depth.Func == GL_LESS &&
       ctx->Depth.Mask == GL_TRUE &&
       ctx->Visual.depthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS) {
      if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel == GL_SMOOTH) {
         return (swrast_tri_func) smooth_rgba_z_triangle;
      else {
         return (swrast_tri_func) flat_rgba_z_triangle;
   return (swrast_tri_func) NULL;
Example #3
 * Just return the current buffer size.
 * There's no window to track the size of.
static void
get_buffer_size( GLframebuffer *buffer, GLuint *width, GLuint *height )
   /* don't use GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx) here - it's a problem on Windows */
   GLcontext *ctx = (GLcontext *) _glapi_get_context();
   (void) buffer;
   if (ctx) {
      OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);
      *width = osmesa->width;
      *height = osmesa->height;
 * Return pointer to an optimized triangle function if possible.
static swrast_tri_func
osmesa_choose_triangle_function( struct gl_context *ctx )
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);
   const SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);

   if (ctx->DrawBuffer &&
       ctx->DrawBuffer->Visual.redBits == 32) {
      /* the special-case triangle functions in this file don't work
       * for float color channels.
      return NULL;

   if (ctx->RenderMode != GL_RENDER ||
       ctx->Polygon.SmoothFlag ||
       ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag ||
       ctx->Texture._MaxEnabledTexImageUnit != -1) {
      return NULL;

   if (osmesa->format != OSMESA_RGBA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_BGRA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_ARGB) {
      return NULL;

   if (ctx->Polygon.CullFlag &&
       ctx->Polygon.CullFaceMode == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) {
      return NULL;

   if (swrast->_RasterMask == DEPTH_BIT &&
       ctx->Depth.Func == GL_LESS &&
       ctx->Depth.Mask == GL_TRUE &&
       ctx->Visual.depthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS) {
      if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel == GL_SMOOTH) {
         return smooth_rgba_z_triangle;
      else {
         return flat_rgba_z_triangle;

   return NULL;
 * Analyze context state to see if we can provide a fast line drawing
 * function.  Otherwise, return NULL.
static swrast_line_func
osmesa_choose_line_function( struct gl_context *ctx )
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);
   const SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);

   if (ctx->DrawBuffer &&
       ctx->DrawBuffer->Visual.redBits == 32) {
      /* the special-case line functions in this file don't work
       * for float color channels.
      return NULL;

   if (ctx->RenderMode != GL_RENDER ||
       ctx->Line.SmoothFlag ||
       ctx->Texture._MaxEnabledTexImageUnit == -1 ||
       ctx->Light.ShadeModel != GL_FLAT ||
       ctx->Line.Width != 1.0F ||
       ctx->Line.StippleFlag ||
       ctx->Line.SmoothFlag) {
      return NULL;

   if (osmesa->format != OSMESA_RGBA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_BGRA &&
       osmesa->format != OSMESA_ARGB) {
      return NULL;

   if (swrast->_RasterMask == DEPTH_BIT
       && ctx->Depth.Func == GL_LESS
       && ctx->Depth.Mask == GL_TRUE
       && ctx->Visual.depthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS) {
      return flat_rgba_z_line;

   if (swrast->_RasterMask == 0) {
      return flat_rgba_line;

   return (swrast_line_func) NULL;
Example #6
static void
osmesa_MapRenderbuffer(struct gl_context *ctx,
                       struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
                       GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint w, GLuint h,
                       GLbitfield mode,
                       GLubyte **mapOut, GLint *rowStrideOut)
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);

      /* this is an OSMesa renderbuffer which wraps user memory */
      struct swrast_renderbuffer *srb = swrast_renderbuffer(rb);
      const GLuint bpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(rb->Format);
      GLint rowStride; /* in bytes */

      if (osmesa->userRowLength)
         rowStride = osmesa->userRowLength * bpp;
         rowStride = rb->Width * bpp;

      if (!osmesa->yup) {
         /* Y=0 is top line of window */
         y = rb->Height - y - 1;
         *rowStrideOut = -rowStride;
      else {
         *rowStrideOut = rowStride;

      *mapOut = (GLubyte *) srb->Buffer + y * rowStride + x * bpp;
   else {
      _swrast_map_soft_renderbuffer(ctx, rb, x, y, w, h, mode,
                                    mapOut, rowStrideOut);
Example #7
 * Allocate renderbuffer storage.  We don't actually allocate any storage
 * since we're using a user-provided buffer.
 * Just set up all the gl_renderbuffer methods.
static GLboolean
osmesa_renderbuffer_storage(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
                            GLenum internalFormat, GLuint width, GLuint height)
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);

   /* Note: we can ignoring internalFormat for "window-system" renderbuffers */
   (void) internalFormat;

   /* Given the user-provided format and type, figure out which MESA_FORMAT_x
    * to use.
    * XXX There aren't Mesa formats for all the possible combinations here!
    * XXX Specifically, there's only RGBA-order 16-bit/channel and float
    * XXX formats.
    * XXX The 8-bit/channel formats should all be OK.
   if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGBA) {
      if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         if (_mesa_little_endian())
            rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA8888_REV;
            rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
      else if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_16;
      else {
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FLOAT32;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_BGRA) {
      if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         if (_mesa_little_endian())
            rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888;
            rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888_REV;
      else if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format BGRA/GLushort");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_16; /* not exactly right */
      else {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format BGRA/GLfloat");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FLOAT32; /* not exactly right */
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_ARGB) {
      if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         if (_mesa_little_endian())
            rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888_REV;
            rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888;
      else if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format ARGB/GLushort");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_16; /* not exactly right */
      else {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format ARGB/GLfloat");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FLOAT32; /* not exactly right */
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGB) {
      if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGB888;
      else if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format RGB/GLushort");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_16; /* not exactly right */
      else {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format RGB/GLfloat");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FLOAT32; /* not exactly right */
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_BGR) {
      if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_BGR888;
      else if (osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format BGR/GLushort");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_16; /* not exactly right */
      else {
         _mesa_warning(ctx, "Unsupported OSMesa format BGR/GLfloat");
         rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FLOAT32; /* not exactly right */
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGB_565) {
      ASSERT(osmesa->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
      rb->Format = MESA_FORMAT_RGB565;
   else {
      _mesa_problem(ctx, "bad pixel format in osmesa renderbuffer_storage");

   rb->Width = width;
   rb->Height = height;

   compute_row_addresses( osmesa );

   return GL_TRUE;
Example #8
 * Allocate renderbuffer storage.  We don't actually allocate any storage
 * since we're using a user-provided buffer.
 * Just set up all the gl_renderbuffer methods.
static GLboolean
osmesa_renderbuffer_storage(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
                            GLenum internalFormat, GLuint width, GLuint height)
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);

   /* Note: we can ignoring internalFormat for "window-system" renderbuffers */
   if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGBA) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_RGBA;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_RGBA;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_RGBA;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGBA;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGBA;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_RGBA;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGBA;
      rb->RedBits =
      rb->GreenBits =
      rb->BlueBits =
      rb->AlphaBits = 8 * sizeof(GLchan);
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_BGRA) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_BGRA;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_BGRA;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_BGRA;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGRA;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGRA;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_BGRA;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGRA;
      rb->RedBits =
      rb->GreenBits =
      rb->BlueBits =
      rb->AlphaBits = 8 * sizeof(GLchan);
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_ARGB) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_ARGB;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_ARGB;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_ARGB;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_ARGB;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_ARGB;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_ARGB;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_ARGB;
      rb->RedBits =
      rb->GreenBits =
      rb->BlueBits =
      rb->AlphaBits = 8 * sizeof(GLchan);
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGB) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_RGB;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_RGB;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_RGB;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGB;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGB;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_RGB;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGB;
      rb->RedBits =
      rb->GreenBits =
      rb->BlueBits = 8 * sizeof(GLchan);
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_BGR) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_BGR;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_BGR;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_BGR;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGR;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGR;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_BGR;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGR;
      rb->RedBits =
      rb->GreenBits =
      rb->BlueBits = 8 * sizeof(GLchan);
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGB_565) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_RGB_565;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_RGB_565;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_RGB_565;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGB_565;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGB_565;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_RGB_565;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGB_565;
      rb->RedBits = 5;
      rb->GreenBits = 6;
      rb->BlueBits = 5;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_COLOR_INDEX) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_CI;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_CI;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_CI;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_CI;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_CI;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_CI;
      rb->IndexBits = 8;
   else {
      _mesa_problem(ctx, "bad pixel format in osmesa renderbuffer_storage");

   return GL_TRUE;
Example #9
 * Allocate renderbuffer storage.  We don't actually allocate any storage
 * since we're using a user-provided buffer.
 * Just set up all the gl_renderbuffer methods.
static GLboolean
osmesa_renderbuffer_storage(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
                            GLenum internalFormat, GLuint width, GLuint height)
   const OSMesaContext osmesa = OSMESA_CONTEXT(ctx);
   GLint bpc; /* bits per channel */

   if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
      bpc = 8;
   else if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
      bpc = 16;
      bpc = 32;

   rb->RedBits =
   rb->GreenBits =
   rb->BlueBits =
   rb->AlphaBits = bpc;

   /* Note: we can ignoring internalFormat for "window-system" renderbuffers */
   (void) internalFormat;

   if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGBA) {
      if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_RGBA8;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_RGBA8;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_RGBA8;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGBA8;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGBA8;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_RGBA8;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGBA8;
      else if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_RGBA16;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_RGBA16;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_RGBA16;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGBA16;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGBA16;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_RGBA16;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGBA16;
      else {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_RGBA32;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_RGBA32;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_RGBA32;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGBA32;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGBA32;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_RGBA32;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGBA32;
      rb->RedBits = rb->GreenBits = rb->BlueBits = rb->AlphaBits = bpc;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_BGRA) {
      if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_BGRA8;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_BGRA8;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_BGRA8;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGRA8;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGRA8;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_BGRA8;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGRA8;
      else if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_BGRA16;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_BGRA16;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_BGRA16;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGRA16;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGRA16;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_BGRA16;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGRA16;
      else {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_BGRA32;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_BGRA32;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_BGRA32;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGRA32;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGRA32;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_BGRA32;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGRA32;
      rb->RedBits = rb->GreenBits = rb->BlueBits = rb->AlphaBits = bpc;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_ARGB) {
      if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_ARGB8;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_ARGB8;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_ARGB8;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_ARGB8;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_ARGB8;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_ARGB8;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_ARGB8;
      else if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_ARGB16;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_ARGB16;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_ARGB16;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_ARGB16;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_ARGB16;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_ARGB16;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_ARGB16;
      else {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_ARGB32;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_ARGB32;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_ARGB32;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_ARGB32;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_ARGB32;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_ARGB32;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_ARGB32;
      rb->RedBits = rb->GreenBits = rb->BlueBits = rb->AlphaBits = bpc;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGB) {
      if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_RGB8;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_RGB8;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_RGB8;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGB8;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGB8;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_RGB8;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGB8;
      else if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_RGB16;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_RGB16;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_RGB16;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGB16;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGB16;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_RGB16;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGB16;
      else {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_RGB32;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_RGB32;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_RGB32;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGB32;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGB32;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_RGB32;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGB32;
      rb->RedBits = rb->GreenBits = rb->BlueBits = bpc;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_BGR) {
      if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_BGR8;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_BGR8;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_BGR8;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGR8;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGR8;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_BGR8;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGR8;
      else if (rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_BGR16;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_BGR16;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_BGR16;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGR16;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGR16;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_BGR16;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGR16;
      else {
         rb->GetRow = get_row_BGR32;
         rb->GetValues = get_values_BGR32;
         rb->PutRow = put_row_BGR32;
         rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_BGR32;
         rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_BGR32;
         rb->PutValues = put_values_BGR32;
         rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_BGR32;
      rb->RedBits = rb->GreenBits = rb->BlueBits = bpc;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_RGB_565) {
      ASSERT(rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
      rb->GetRow = get_row_RGB_565;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_RGB_565;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_RGB_565;
      rb->PutRowRGB = put_row_rgb_RGB_565;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_RGB_565;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_RGB_565;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_RGB_565;
      rb->RedBits = 5;
      rb->GreenBits = 6;
      rb->BlueBits = 5;
   else if (osmesa->format == OSMESA_COLOR_INDEX) {
      rb->GetRow = get_row_CI;
      rb->GetValues = get_values_CI;
      rb->PutRow = put_row_CI;
      rb->PutMonoRow = put_mono_row_CI;
      rb->PutValues = put_values_CI;
      rb->PutMonoValues = put_mono_values_CI;
      rb->IndexBits = 8;
   else {
      _mesa_problem(ctx, "bad pixel format in osmesa renderbuffer_storage");

   rb->Width = width;
   rb->Height = height;

   compute_row_addresses( osmesa );

   return GL_TRUE;