Example #1
static void dummyEncrypt( const PERSONALITY_INFO *personalityInfoPtr,
						  BYTE *data, const int length,
						  const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo,
						  const CRYPT_MODE_TYPE cryptMode )
	int i;

	assert( isReadPtr( personalityInfoPtr, sizeof( PERSONALITY_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( data, length ) );

	REQUIRES_V( cryptMode >= CRYPT_MODE_NONE && \
				cryptMode < CRYPT_MODE_LAST );

	if( isPkcAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		BYTE bignumData[ CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE + 8 ];
		int bignumDataLength;

		bignumToExternal( bignumData, &bignumDataLength, 
						  personalityInfoPtr->keyInfo.pkcKeyInfo[ 0 ].data,
						  personalityInfoPtr->keyInfo.pkcKeyInfo[ 0 ].dataSize );
		for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
			data[ i ] ^= bignumData[ i ];


	/* We have to be a bit careful with the conventional encryption because 
	   the self-tests encrypt data in variable-length quantities to check 
	   for things like chaining problems, which means that for stream 
	   ciphers we really can't do anything more than repeatedly XOR with a
	   fixed key byte */
	if( cryptMode == CRYPT_MODE_CFB || cryptMode == CRYPT_MODE_OFB )
		const int keyDataOffset = CRYPT_MODE_CFB ? 0 : 1;

		for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
			data[ i ] ^= personalityInfoPtr->keyInfo.convKeyInfo[ keyDataOffset ];
		/* It's a block mode, we can at least use ECB, although we still 
		   can't chain because we don't know where we are in the data 
		   stream */
		for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
			data[ i ] ^= personalityInfoPtr->keyInfo.convKeyInfo[ i % 16 ];
Example #2
static void sendErrorResponse( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr,
							   INOUT SCEP_PROTOCOL_INFO *protocolInfo,
							   IN_ERROR const int scepStatus )
	int status;

	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( protocolInfo, sizeof( SCEP_PROTOCOL_INFO ) ) );
	REQUIRES_V( cryptStatusError( scepStatus ) );

	/* Sign the error response using the CA key and SCEP attributes */
	status = createScepAttributes( sessionInfoPtr, protocolInfo,  
								   &iCmsAttributes, MESSAGETYPE_CERTREP, 
								   scepStatus );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		ERROR_INFO errorInfo;

		/* Since this message is being sent in response to an existing 
		   error, we don't care about the possible error information 
		   returned from the function that sends the error response,
		   so the errorInfo result is ignored */
		status = envelopeSign( NULL, 0, sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer, 
							   CRYPT_CONTENT_NONE, sessionInfoPtr->privateKey, 
							   iCmsAttributes, &errorInfo );
		krnlSendNotifier( iCmsAttributes, IMESSAGE_DECREFCOUNT );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		HTTP_DATA_INFO httpDataInfo;

		/* If we encounter an error processing the initial request then 
		   there won't be enough information available to create an error 
		   response.  Similarly if we run into problems generating the
		   response then there won't be anything available to send.  At this 
		   point the best that we can do is send an error at the HTTP 
		   level */
		initHttpDataInfo( &httpDataInfo, sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer,
						  sessionInfoPtr->receiveBufSize );
		httpDataInfo.reqStatus = scepStatus;
		swrite( &sessionInfoPtr->stream, &httpDataInfo, 
				sizeof( HTTP_DATA_INFO ) );
	DEBUG_DUMP_FILE( "scep_srespx", sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer, 
					 sessionInfoPtr->receiveBufEnd );

	/* Return the response to the client, discarding any error indication 
	   from the write.  Since we're already in an error state there's not 
	   much that we can do in terms of alerting the user if a further error 
	   occurs when writing the error response, so we ignore any potential 
	   write errors that occur at this point */
	sioctlSet( &sessionInfoPtr->stream, STREAM_IOCTL_LASTMESSAGE, TRUE );
	( void ) writePkiDatagram( sessionInfoPtr, SCEP_CONTENT_TYPE, 
Example #3
static void dummyGenRandom( void *buffer, const int length )
	HASHFUNCTION_ATOMIC hashFunctionAtomic;
	BYTE hashBuffer[ CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ], *bufPtr = buffer;
	static int counter = 0;
	int hashSize, i;

	assert( isWritePtr( buffer, length ) );

	REQUIRES_V( length >= 1 && length < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE );

	/* Fill the buffer with random-ish data.  This gets a bit tricky because
	   we need to fool the entropy tests so we can't just fill it with a 
	   fixed (or even semi-random) pattern but have to set up a somewhat
	   kludgy PRNG */
	getHashAtomicParameters( CRYPT_ALGO_SHA1, 0, &hashFunctionAtomic, 
							 &hashSize );
	memset( hashBuffer, counter, hashSize );
	for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
		if( i % hashSize == 0 )
			hashFunctionAtomic( hashBuffer, CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE, 
								hashBuffer, hashSize );
		bufPtr[ i ] = hashBuffer[ i % hashSize ];
Example #4
static void deletePersonality( const int keyHandle )
	PERSONALITY_INFO *personalityInfoPtr;

	REQUIRES_V( keyHandle >= 0 && keyHandle < NO_PERSONALITIES );

	if( keyHandle < 0 || keyHandle >= NO_PERSONALITIES )
	personalityInfoPtr = &personalityInfo[ keyHandle ];
	zeroise( personalityInfoPtr, sizeof( PERSONALITY_INFO ) );
Example #5
static void bignumToInternal( LONG *outData, int *outDataLength, 
							  const BYTE *inData, const int inDataLength )
	int inIndex, outIndex = 0, i;

	assert( isWritePtr( outData, CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( outDataLength, sizeof( int ) ) );
	assert( isReadPtr( inData, inDataLength ) );

	REQUIRES_V( inDataLength > 0 && inDataLength <= CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE );

	for( i = 0; i < CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE / sizeof( LONG ); i++ )
		outData[ i ] = 0L;
	for( inIndex = 0; inIndex < inDataLength; inIndex += sizeof( LONG ) )
		outData[ outIndex++ ] = mgetLong( inData );
	*outDataLength = outIndex;
Example #6
void endSemaphores( void )
	REQUIRES_V( ( krnlData->initLevel == INIT_LEVEL_KRNLDATA && \
				  krnlData->shutdownLevel == SHUTDOWN_LEVEL_NONE ) || \
				( krnlData->initLevel == INIT_LEVEL_KRNLDATA && \
				  krnlData->shutdownLevel == SHUTDOWN_LEVEL_MESSAGES ) || \
				( krnlData->initLevel == INIT_LEVEL_FULL && \
				  krnlData->shutdownLevel >= SHUTDOWN_LEVEL_MESSAGES ) );

	/* Signal that kernel mechanisms are no longer available */
	krnlData->shutdownLevel = SHUTDOWN_LEVEL_MUTEXES;

	/* Shut down the mutexes */
	MUTEX_DESTROY( mutex3);
	MUTEX_DESTROY( mutex2 );
	MUTEX_DESTROY( mutex1 );

	/* Destroy any data structures required to make the semaphore table
	   thread-safe */
	MUTEX_DESTROY( semaphore );
Example #7
static void bignumToExternal( BYTE *outData, int *outDataLength,
							  const LONG *inData, const int inDataLength )
	int inIndex = 0, outIndex;

	assert( isWritePtr( outData, CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( outDataLength, sizeof( int ) ) );
	assert( isReadPtr( inData, inDataLength * sizeof( LONG ) ) );

	REQUIRES_V( inDataLength > 0 && \
				inDataLength <= CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE / sizeof( LONG ) );

	memset( outData, 0, CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE );
	for( outIndex = 0; outIndex < inDataLength; outIndex++ )
		const LONG value = inData[ inIndex++ ];

		mputLong( outData, value );
	*outDataLength = outIndex * sizeof( LONG );