VALUE shape_object::compute_extents(VALUE self) { shape_object *object = unwrap(self); CHECK_VALID_HANDLE(object->value()); SHPComputeExtents(object->value()); return object->wrapped(); }
bool _pnts_save_shp(const d_points * pnts, const char * filename) { if (!pnts) { writelog(LOG_WARNING, "NULL pointer to points."); return false; }; DBFHandle hDBF; SHPHandle hSHP; hSHP = SHPOpen( filename, "rb+" ); hDBF = DBFOpen( filename, "rb+" ); if (hSHP == NULL || hDBF == NULL) { if (hSHP) SHPClose( hSHP ); if (hDBF) DBFClose( hDBF ); hSHP = SHPCreate( filename, SHPT_POINT ); if( hSHP == NULL ) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create:%s", filename ); return false; } hDBF = DBFCreate( filename ); } int shpType; SHPGetInfo(hSHP, NULL, &shpType, NULL, NULL); if (shpType != SHPT_POINT) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "%s : Wrong shape type!", filename); SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return false; } int name_field = DBFGetFieldIndex( hDBF, "NAME" ); int val_field = DBFGetFieldIndex( hDBF, "VALUE" ); if (name_field == -1) { if( DBFAddField( hDBF, "NAME", FTString, 50, 0 ) == -1 ) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "DBFAddField(%s,FTString) failed.", "NAME"); SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return false; } name_field = DBFGetFieldIndex( hDBF, "NAME" ); } if (val_field == -1) { if( DBFAddField( hDBF, "VALUE", FTDouble, 50, 0 ) == -1 ) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "DBFAddField(%s,FTString) failed.", "VALUE"); SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return false; } val_field = DBFGetFieldIndex( hDBF, "VALUE" ); } char buf[1024]; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < pnts->size(); i++) { double x = (*(pnts->X))(i); double y = (*(pnts->Y))(i); SHPObject * psObject = SHPCreateObject(SHPT_POINT, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, &x, &y, NULL, NULL); SHPComputeExtents(psObject); int pos = SHPWriteObject(hSHP, -1, psObject); SHPDestroyObject(psObject); if (pnts->names) DBFWriteStringAttribute(hDBF, pos, name_field, (*(pnts->names))(i) ); else { sprintf(buf,"%d",(int)i); DBFWriteStringAttribute(hDBF, pos, name_field, buf ); } REAL val = (*(pnts->Z))(i); DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hDBF, pos, val_field, val); } SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return true; };
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check command line usage. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( argc < 2 ) error(); strcpy(infile, argv[1]); if (argc > 2) { strcpy(outfile,argv[2]); if (strncasecmp2(outfile, "LIST",0) == 0) { ilist = TRUE; } if (strncasecmp2(outfile, "ALL",0) == 0) { iall = TRUE; } } if (ilist || iall || argc == 2 ) { setext(infile, "shp"); printf("DESCRIBE: %s\n",infile); strcpy(outfile,""); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Look for other functions on the command line. (SELECT, UNIT) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if ((strncasecmp2(argv[i], "SEL",3) == 0) || (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "UNSEL",5) == 0)) { if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "UNSEL",5) == 0) iunselect=TRUE; i++; if (i >= argc) error(); strcpy(selectitem,argv[i]); i++; if (i >= argc) error(); selcount=0; strcpy(temp,argv[i]); cpt=temp; tj = atoi(cpt); ti = 0; while (tj>0) { selectvalues[selcount] = tj; while( *cpt >= '0' && *cpt <= '9') cpt++; while( *cpt > '\0' && (*cpt < '0' || *cpt > '9') ) cpt++; tj=atoi(cpt); selcount++; } iselect=TRUE; } /*** End SEL & UNSEL ***/ else if ((strncasecmp2(argv[i], "CLIP",4) == 0) || (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "ERASE",5) == 0)) { if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "ERASE",5) == 0) ierase=TRUE; i++; if (i >= argc) error(); strcpy(clipfile,argv[i]); sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&cxmin); i++; if (i >= argc) error(); if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "BOUND",5) == 0) { setext(clipfile, "shp"); hSHP = SHPOpen( clipfile, "rb" ); if( hSHP == NULL ) { printf( "ERROR: Unable to open the clip shape file:%s\n", clipfile ); exit( 1 ); } SHPGetInfo( hSHPappend, NULL, NULL, adfBoundsMin, adfBoundsMax ); cxmin = adfBoundsMin[0]; cymin = adfBoundsMin[1]; cxmax = adfBoundsMax[0]; cymax = adfBoundsMax[1]; printf("Theme Clip Boundary: (%lf,%lf) - (%lf,%lf)\n", cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax); ibound=TRUE; } else { /*** xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax ***/ sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&cymin); i++; if (i >= argc) error(); sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&cxmax); i++; if (i >= argc) error(); sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&cymax); printf("Clip Box: (%lf,%lf) - (%lf,%lf)\n",cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax); } i++; if (i >= argc) error(); if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "CUT",3) == 0) icut=TRUE; else if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "TOUCH",5) == 0) itouch=TRUE; else if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "INSIDE",6) == 0) iinside=TRUE; else error(); iclip=TRUE; } /*** End CLIP & ERASE ***/ else if (strncasecmp2(argv[i], "FACTOR",0) == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) error(); infactor=findunit(argv[i]); if (infactor == 0) error(); iunit=TRUE; i++; if (i >= argc) error(); outfactor=findunit(argv[i]); if (outfactor == 0) { sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&factor); if (factor == 0) error(); } if (factor == 0) { if (infactor ==0) { puts("ERROR: Input unit must be defined before output unit"); exit(1); } factor=infactor/outfactor; } printf("Output file coordinate values will be factored by %lg\n",factor); ifactor=(factor != 1); /* True if a valid factor */ } /*** End FACTOR ***/ else if (strncasecmp2(argv[i],"SHIFT",5) == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) error(); sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&xshift); i++; if (i >= argc) error(); sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&yshift); iunit=TRUE; printf("X Shift: %lg Y Shift: %lg\n",xshift,yshift); } /*** End SHIFT ***/ else { printf("ERROR: Unknown function %s\n",argv[i]); error(); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If there is no data in this file let the user know. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ openfiles(); /* Open the infile and the outfile for shape and dbf. */ if( DBFGetFieldCount(hDBF) == 0 ) { puts( "There are no fields in this table!" ); exit( 1 ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Print out the file bounds. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ iRecord = DBFGetRecordCount( hDBF ); SHPGetInfo( hSHP, NULL, NULL, adfBoundsMin, adfBoundsMax ); printf( "Input Bounds: (%lg,%lg) - (%lg,%lg) Entities: %d DBF: %d\n", adfBoundsMin[0], adfBoundsMin[1], adfBoundsMax[0], adfBoundsMax[1], nEntities, iRecord ); if (strcmp(outfile,"") == 0) /* Describe the shapefile; No other functions */ { ti = DBFGetFieldCount( hDBF ); showitems(); exit(0); } if (iclip) check_theme_bnd(); jRecord = DBFGetRecordCount( hDBFappend ); SHPGetInfo( hSHPappend, NULL, NULL, adfBoundsMin, adfBoundsMax ); if (nEntitiesAppend == 0) puts("New Output File\n"); else printf( "Append Bounds: (%lg,%lg)-(%lg,%lg) Entities: %d DBF: %d\n", adfBoundsMin[0], adfBoundsMin[1], adfBoundsMax[0], adfBoundsMax[1], nEntitiesAppend, jRecord ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find matching fields in the append file or add new items. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ mergefields(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find selection field if needed. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (iselect) findselect(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read all the records */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jRecord = DBFGetRecordCount( hDBFappend ); for( iRecord = 0; iRecord < nEntities; iRecord++) /** DBFGetRecordCount(hDBF) **/ { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SELECT for values if needed. (Can the record be skipped.) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (iselect) if (selectrec() == 0) goto SKIP_RECORD; /** SKIP RECORD **/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read a Shape record */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ psCShape = SHPReadObject( hSHP, iRecord ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Clip coordinates of shapes if needed. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (iclip) if (clip_boundary() == 0) goto SKIP_RECORD; /** SKIP RECORD **/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read a DBF record and copy each field. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( i = 0; i < DBFGetFieldCount(hDBF); i++ ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Store the record according to the type and formatting */ /* information implicit in the DBF field description. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (pt[i] > -1) /* if the current field exists in output file */ { switch( DBFGetFieldInfo( hDBF, i, NULL, &iWidth, &iDecimals ) ) { case FTString: case FTLogical: DBFWriteStringAttribute(hDBFappend, jRecord, pt[i], (DBFReadStringAttribute( hDBF, iRecord, i )) ); break; case FTInteger: DBFWriteIntegerAttribute(hDBFappend, jRecord, pt[i], (DBFReadIntegerAttribute( hDBF, iRecord, i )) ); break; case FTDouble: DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hDBFappend, jRecord, pt[i], (DBFReadDoubleAttribute( hDBF, iRecord, i )) ); break; case FTInvalid: break; } } } jRecord++; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Change FACTOR and SHIFT coordinates of shapes if needed. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (iunit) { for( j = 0; j < psCShape->nVertices; j++ ) { psCShape->padfX[j] = psCShape->padfX[j] * factor + xshift; psCShape->padfY[j] = psCShape->padfY[j] * factor + yshift; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Write the Shape record after recomputing current extents. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SHPComputeExtents( psCShape ); SHPWriteObject( hSHPappend, -1, psCShape ); SKIP_RECORD: SHPDestroyObject( psCShape ); psCShape = NULL; j=0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Print out the # of Entities and the file bounds. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ jRecord = DBFGetRecordCount( hDBFappend ); SHPGetInfo( hSHPappend, &nEntitiesAppend, &nShapeTypeAppend, adfBoundsMin, adfBoundsMax ); printf( "Output Bounds: (%lg,%lg) - (%lg,%lg) Entities: %d DBF: %d\n\n", adfBoundsMin[0], adfBoundsMin[1], adfBoundsMax[0], adfBoundsMax[1], nEntitiesAppend, jRecord ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close the both shapefiles. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SHPClose( hSHP ); SHPClose( hSHPappend ); DBFClose( hDBF ); DBFClose( hDBFappend ); if (nEntitiesAppend == 0) { puts("Remove the output files."); setext(outfile, "dbf"); remove(outfile); setext(outfile, "shp"); remove(outfile); setext(outfile, "shx"); remove(outfile); } return( 0 ); }
bool _curv_save_shp(const d_curv * contour, const char * filename) { if (!contour->getName()) writelog(LOG_MESSAGE,"saving curv to ERSI shape file %s", filename); else writelog(LOG_MESSAGE,"saving curv \"%s\" to ERSI shape file %s", contour->getName(), filename); if (!contour) { writelog(LOG_WARNING, "NULL pointer to curv."); return false; }; DBFHandle hDBF; SHPHandle hSHP; hSHP = SHPOpen( filename, "rb+" ); hDBF = DBFOpen( filename, "rb+" ); if (hSHP == NULL || hDBF == NULL) { if (hSHP) SHPClose( hSHP ); if (hDBF) DBFClose( hDBF ); hSHP = SHPCreate( filename, SHPT_ARC ); if( hSHP == NULL ) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create:%s", filename ); return false; } hDBF = DBFCreate( filename ); } int shpType; SHPGetInfo(hSHP, NULL, &shpType, NULL, NULL); if (shpType != SHPT_ARC) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "%s : Wrong shape type! Should be SHPT_ARC.", filename); SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return false; } int name_field = DBFGetFieldIndex( hDBF, "NAME" ); if (name_field == -1) { if( DBFAddField( hDBF, "NAME", FTString, 50, 0 ) == -1 ) { writelog(LOG_ERROR, "DBFAddField(%s,FTString) failed.", "NAME"); SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return false; } name_field = DBFGetFieldIndex( hDBF, "NAME" ); }; std::vector<REAL> data_x(contour->size()); std::vector<REAL> data_y(contour->size()); std::copy(contour->X->begin(), contour->X->end(), data_x.begin()); std::copy(contour->Y->begin(), contour->Y->end(), data_y.begin()); SHPObject * psObject = SHPCreateObject(SHPT_ARC, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, contour->size(), &*(data_x.begin()), &*(data_y.begin()), NULL, NULL); SHPComputeExtents(psObject); int pos = SHPWriteObject(hSHP, -1, psObject); SHPDestroyObject(psObject); if (contour->getName()) DBFWriteStringAttribute(hDBF, pos, name_field, contour->getName() ); SHPClose( hSHP ); DBFClose( hDBF ); return true; };