Example #1
/* Returns # of chars written.
   This can be better in char.c, but to do so, we'd better to clean up
   public interface for ScmWriteContext.
   TODO: It would be nice to have a mode to print character in unicode
   character name.
static size_t write_char(ScmChar ch, ScmPort *port, ScmWriteContext *ctx)
        Scm_PutcUnsafe(ch, port);
        return 1;
    } else {
        const char *cname = NULL;
        char buf[SPBUFSIZ];

        Scm_PutzUnsafe("#\\", -1, port);
        if (ch <= 0x20)       cname = char_names[ch];
        else if (ch == 0x7f)  cname = "del";
        else {
            switch (Scm_CharGeneralCategory(ch)) {
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Mn:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Mc:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Me:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Zs:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Zl:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Zp:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cc:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cf:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cs:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Co:
            case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cn:
                /* NB: Legacy Gauche uses native character code for #\xNNNN
                   notation, while R7RS uses Unicode codepoint.  We eventually
                   need a write mode (legacy or r7rs) and switch the output
                   accordingly---the safe bet is to use #\uNNNN for legacy
                   mode and #\xNNNN for R7RS mode.  */
                snprintf(buf, SPBUFSIZ, "x%04x", (unsigned int)ch);
                cname = buf;

        if (cname) {
            Scm_PutzUnsafe(cname, -1, port);
            return strlen(cname)+2; /* +2 for '#\' */
        } else {
            Scm_PutcUnsafe(ch, port);
            return 3;               /* +2 for '#\' */
Example #2
static void charset_print_ch(ScmPort *out, ScmChar ch, int firstp)
    if (ch != 0 && ch < 0x80
        && (strchr("[]-\\", ch) != NULL || (ch == '^' && firstp))) {
        Scm_Printf(out, "\\%C", ch);
    } else {
        switch (Scm_CharGeneralCategory(ch)) {
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Mn:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Mc:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Me:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cc:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cf:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cs:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Co:
        case SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Cn:
            if (ch < 0x10000) Scm_Printf(out, "\\u%04lx", ch);
            else              Scm_Printf(out, "\\U%08lx", ch);
            Scm_Putc(ch, out);
Example #3
int Scm_CharNumericP(ScmChar ch)
    return (Scm_CharGeneralCategory(ch) == SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Nd);
Example #4
int Scm_CharTitlecaseP(ScmChar ch)
    return (Scm_CharGeneralCategory(ch) == SCM_CHAR_CATEGORY_Lt);