Example #1
/* see if we know this guy... */
char *get_welcome_msg(char *username)
  char line[256];
	struct passwd *pw;
  char *welcome_msg = NULL;
  char *user        = NULL;
  char *path;
  FILE *fp;	
  if (!username) return NULL;

  /* see if this guy has a .qingy_welcome in the home */
  pw   = getpwnam(username);
  path = StrApp((char **)NULL, pw->pw_dir, "/.qingy_welcome", (char*)NULL);
  if (!access(path, F_OK))
    fp = fopen(path, "r");
		if (fp)
			fgets(line, 255, fp);
			welcome_msg = strdup(strtok(line, "\n"));
			if (welcome_msg) return welcome_msg;
  path = StrApp((char**)NULL, datadir, "welcomes", (char*)NULL);
  fp   = fopen(path, "r");
  if (fp)
		while (fgets(line, 255, fp))
			user = strtok(line, " \t");
			if (!strcmp(user, username))
	      welcome_msg = strdup(strtok(NULL, "\n"));
  if (!welcome_msg) return strdup(welcome_message);

  return welcome_msg;
Example #2
int set_last_user(char *user)
	char   *fileOUT;
	char   *line    = NULL;
	size_t  len     = 0;
  FILE   *fpIN;
	FILE   *fpOUT;

	if (last_user_policy == LU_NONE) return 1;

	if (!user) return 0;

	fileOUT = StrApp((char**)NULL, last_user, "-new", (char*)NULL);

	fpIN  = fopen(last_user, "r");
	fpOUT = fopen(fileOUT,   "w");

	if (!fpOUT)
		if (fpIN) fclose(fpIN);

		return 0;

	fprintf(fpOUT, "%s %d\n", user, current_tty);

	if (fpIN)
		while (getline(&line, &len, fpIN) != -1)
			char name[strlen(line) + 1];
			int tty;

			if (sscanf(line, "%s%d", name, &tty) == 2)
				if (current_tty != tty)
					fprintf(fpOUT, "%s", line);


	rename(fileOUT, last_user);
  return 1;
Example #3
void yyerror(char *error)
	WRITELOG(ERROR, "Error in configuration file %s:\n", file_error);
	WRITELOG(ERROR, "%s.\n", error);
  theme_dir = StrApp((char**)NULL, themes_dir, "/default/", (char*)NULL);

	settings_parse_error = 1;
Example #4
/* generic function to load a cursor shape */
void SetCursor(dfb_cursor_t **cursor, IDirectFB *dfb, cursor_t *cursor_data, float x_ratio, float y_ratio)
	IDirectFBSurface *temp_surf;
	dfb_cursor_t     *temp_curs;
	char             *my_path;

	if (!cursor)      return;
	if (!cursor_data) return;

	if (!cursor_data->enable)
		if (*cursor)
			*cursor = NULL;

	my_path = StrApp((char**)NULL, theme_dir, "/", cursor_data->path, (char*)NULL);

	temp_surf = load_image (my_path, dfb, x_ratio, y_ratio);

	if (temp_surf)
		temp_curs = (dfb_cursor_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(dfb_cursor_t));
		temp_curs->surface = temp_surf;
		temp_curs->x_off   = cursor_data->x_off;
		temp_curs->y_off   = cursor_data->y_off;
		temp_curs->locked  = 0;
		*cursor = temp_curs;
Example #5
main( int argc, char **argv )
	int oldpid, oldumask, fd, noDaemonMode;
	char *pt, *errorLogFile, **opts;

	/* make sure at least world write access is disabled */
	if (((oldumask = umask( 022 )) & 002) == 002)
		(void)umask( oldumask );

	/* give /dev/null as stdin */
	if ((fd = open( "/dev/null", O_RDONLY )) > 0) {
		dup2( fd, 0 );
		close( fd );
	if (fcntl( 1, F_GETFD ) < 0)
		dup2( 0, 1 );
	if (fcntl( 2, F_GETFD ) < 0)
		dup2( 0, 2 );

	if (argv[0][0] == '/') {
		if (!StrDup( &progpath, argv[0] ))
			Panic( "Out of memory" );
	} else
#ifdef __linux__
		/* note that this will resolve symlinks ... */
		int len;
		char fullpath[PATH_MAX];
		if ((len = readlink( "/proc/self/exe", fullpath, sizeof(fullpath) )) < 0)
			Panic( "Invoke with full path specification or mount /proc" );
		if (!StrNDup( &progpath, fullpath, len ))
			Panic( "Out of memory" );
# if 0
		Panic( "Must be invoked with full path specification" );
# else
		char directory[PATH_MAX+1];
		if (!getcwd( directory, sizeof(directory) ))
			Panic( "Can't find myself (getcwd failed)" );
		if (strchr( argv[0], '/' ))
			StrApp( &progpath, directory, "/", argv[0], (char *)0 );
		else {
			int len;
			char *path, *pathe, *name, *thenam, nambuf[PATH_MAX+1];

			if (!(path = getenv( "PATH" )))
				Panic( "Can't find myself (no PATH)" );
			len = strlen( argv[0] );
			name = nambuf + PATH_MAX - len;
			memcpy( name, argv[0], len + 1 );
			*--name = '/';
			do {
				if (!(pathe = strchr( path, ':' )))
					pathe = path + strlen( path );
				len = pathe - path;
				if (!len || (len == 1 && *path == '.')) {
					len = strlen( directory );
					path = directory;
				thenam = name - len;
				if (thenam >= nambuf) {
					memcpy( thenam, path, len );
					if (!access( thenam, X_OK ))
						goto found;
				path = pathe;
			} while (*path++ != '\0');
			Panic( "Can't find myself (not in PATH)" );
			if (!StrDup( &progpath, thenam ))
				Panic( "Out of memory" );
# endif
	prog = strrchr( progpath, '/' ) + 1;

#if !defined(HAVE_SETPROCTITLE) && !defined(NOXDMTITLE)
	Title = argv[0];
	TitleLen = (argv[argc - 1] + strlen( argv[argc - 1] )) - Title;

	 * Parse command line options
	noDaemonMode = getppid();
	errorLogFile = 0;
	if (!(opts = Malloc( 2 * sizeof(char *) )))
		return 1;
	opts[0] = (char *)"";
	opts[1] = 0;
	while (*++argv) {
		if (**argv != '-')
		pt = *argv + 1;
		if (*pt == '-')
		if (!strcmp( pt, "help" ) || !strcmp( pt, "h" )) {
			printf( "Usage: %s [options] [tty]\n"
"  -daemon\t  - Daemonize even when started by init\n"
"  -nodaemon\t  - Don't daemonize even when started from command line\n"
"  -config <file>  - Use alternative master configuration file\n"
"  -xrm <res>\t  - Override frontend-specific resource\n"
"  -error <file>\t  - Use alternative log file\n"
"  -debug <num>\t  - Debug option bitfield:\n"
"\t\t\t0x1 - core log\n"
"\t\t\t0x2 - config reader log\n"
"\t\t\t0x4 - greeter log\n"
"\t\t\t0x8 - IPC log\n"
"\t\t\t0x10 - session sub-daemon post-fork delay\n"
"\t\t\t0x20 - config reader post-start delay\n"
"\t\t\t0x40 - greeter post-start delay\n"
"\t\t\t0x80 - don't use syslog\n"
"\t\t\t0x100 - core Xauth log\n"
"\t\t\t0x400 - valgrind config reader and greeter\n"
"\t\t\t0x800 - strace config reader and greeter\n"
			        , prog );
			exit( 0 );
		} else if (!strcmp( pt, "daemon" ))
			noDaemonMode = 0;
		else if (!strcmp( pt, "nodaemon" ))
			noDaemonMode = 1;
		else if (argv[1] && !strcmp( pt, "config" ))
			StrDup( opts, *++argv );
		else if (argv[1] && !strcmp( pt, "xrm" ))
			opts = addStrArr( opts, *++argv, -1 );
		else if (argv[1] && !strcmp( pt, "debug" ))
			sscanf( *++argv, "%i", &debugLevel );
		else if (argv[1] && (!strcmp( pt, "error" ) || !strcmp( pt, "logfile" )))
			errorLogFile = *++argv;
		else {
			fprintf( stderr, "\"%s\" is an unknown option or is missing a parameter\n", *argv );
			exit( 1 );

	 * Only allow root to run in non-debug mode to avoid problems
	if (!debugLevel && getuid()) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Only root wants to run %s\n", prog );
		exit( 1 );

	InitErrorLog( errorLogFile );

	if (noDaemonMode != 1)

	 * Step 1 - load configuration parameters
	if (!InitResources( opts ) || ScanConfigs( FALSE ) < 0)
		LogPanic( "Config reader failed. Aborting ...\n" );

	/* SUPPRESS 560 */
	if ((oldpid = StorePid())) {
		if (oldpid == -1)
			LogError( "Can't create/lock pid file %s\n", pidFile );
			LogError( "Can't lock pid file %s, another xdm is running (pid %d)\n",
			          pidFile, oldpid );
		exit( 1 );


	 * We used to clean up old authorization files here. As authDir is
	 * supposed to be /var/run/xauth or /tmp, we needn't to care for it.

#ifdef XDMCP
	Debug( "not compiled for XDMCP\n" );
	if (pipe( signalFds ))
		LogPanic( "Unable to create signal notification pipe.\n" );
	RegisterInput( signalFds[0] );
	RegisterCloseOnFork( signalFds[0] );
	RegisterCloseOnFork( signalFds[1] );
	(void)Signal( SIGTERM, SigHandler );
	(void)Signal( SIGINT, SigHandler );
	(void)Signal( SIGHUP, SigHandler );
	(void)Signal( SIGCHLD, SigHandler );
	(void)Signal( SIGUSR1, SigHandler );

	 * Step 2 - run a sub-daemon for each entry
#ifdef XDMCP
	openCtrl( 0 );
	closeCtrl( 0 );
	if (sdRec.how) {
		if (Fork() <= 0) {
			char *cmd = sdRec.how == SHUT_HALT ? cmdHalt : cmdReboot;
			execute( parseArgs( (char **)0, cmd ), (char **)0 );
			LogError( "Failed to execute shutdown command %\"s\n", cmd );
			exit( 1 );
		} else {
			sigset_t mask;
			sigemptyset( &mask );
			sigaddset( &mask, SIGCHLD );
			sigaddset( &mask, SIGHUP );
			sigsuspend( &mask );
	Debug( "nothing left to do, exiting\n" );
	return 0;
Example #6
void AppendDescPart(StrApp & strDesc, BSTR bstr, bool & fFirst)
	AppendDescPart(strDesc, StrApp(bstr).Chars(), fFirst);
Example #7
void AppendDescPart(StrApp & strDesc, int stidPart, bool & fFirst)
	AppendDescPart(strDesc, StrApp(stidPart).Chars(), fFirst);
Example #8
void AppendDescPart(StrApp & strDesc, StrUni stuPart, bool & fFirst)
	AppendDescPart(strDesc, StrApp(stuPart).Chars(), fFirst);
Example #9
int load_settings(void)
	static int first_time = 1;
	struct stat status;
	cursor_t *cur;
	window_t *win;
/* 	int i; */

	if (!first_time)

	first_time = 0;

  datadir  = strdup(SETTINGS_DIR "/");
  settings = StrApp((char**)NULL, datadir, "settings", (char*)NULL);
  yyin = fopen(settings, "r");
  if (!yyin)
		fprintf(stderr, "qingy: load_settings: settings file (%s) not found:\n", settings);
		fprintf(stderr, "Reverting to text mode\n");
		return 0;

  file_error = settings;

	if (settings_parse_error)
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR parsing settings file: reverting to text mode!\n");
		return 0;

  file_error = NULL;

	if ( (log_facilities_tty & LOG_TO_FILE) || (log_facilities_tty & LOG_TO_SYSLOG) || (log_facilities_tty & LOG_TO_CONSOLE) )
		log_facilities = log_facilities_tty;

	if (!log_facilities)
		log_facilities = LOG_TO_CONSOLE;

	/* complain if tmp_files_dir does not exist (or is not a directory) */
	if (!stat(tmp_files_dir, &status))
		if (!S_ISDIR(status.st_mode))
			WRITELOG(ERROR, "The temp files directory you chose (%s), is not a directory!\n", tmp_files_dir);
			return 0;
		WRITELOG(ERROR, "Cannot access temp files directory (%s): %s\n", tmp_files_dir, strerror(errno));
		return 0;

	last_user = StrApp((char**)NULL, tmp_files_dir, "/qingy-lastuser", (char*)NULL);  
  if (!text_sessions_directory ||
			!x_sessions_directory    ||
			!xinit                   ||
			!screensavers_dir        ||
		writelog(ERROR, "You left some variables undefined in settings file!\n");
		return 0;

	/* disable graphic mode login if DirectFB is not enabled */
	text_mode_login = 1;

  if (!got_theme && !text_mode_login)
		writelog(ERROR, "Cannot proceed to graphic mode without a theme!\n");
		return 0;

  if (!check_windows_sanity())
		writelog(ERROR, "Error in windows configuration: make sure you set up at least login, password and session windows!\n");
		return 0;

	/* let's assign cursors to their appropriate windows... */
	for (cur = cursorsList; cur; cur=cur->next)
		static cursor_t *prevcur = NULL;

		if (prevcur)
			prevcur->next = NULL;

		if (cur->window_id == -1)
			/* this is the global cursor for current theme */
			cursor = cur;
			/* we assign it to its intended window */
			for (win = windowsList; win; win=win->next)
				if (win->id == cur->window_id)
					win->cursor = cur;

		prevcur = cur;

	writelog(DEBUG, "The following logging facilities will be used: ");
	WRITELOG(DEBUG, "%s", (log_facilities & LOG_TO_FILE) ? "FILE " : "");
	WRITELOG(DEBUG, "%s", (log_facilities & LOG_TO_SYSLOG) ? "SYSLOG " : "");
	WRITELOG(DEBUG, "%s", (log_facilities & LOG_TO_CONSOLE) ? "CONSOLE " : "");
	writelog(DEBUG, "\n");

	WRITELOG(DEBUG, "Session locking is%s enabled.\n", (lock_sessions) ? "" : " NOT");

/* 	if (cursor) */
/* 	{ */
/* 		writelog(DEBUG, "Theme cursor:\n"); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  enable:    %d\n", cursor->enable); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  path:      %s\n", cursor->path); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  x_off:     %d\n", cursor->x_off); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  y_off:     %d\n", cursor->y_off); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  window_id: %d\n", cursor->window_id); */
/* 		writelog(DEBUG, "\n"); */
/* 	} */

/* 	window_t* temp2=windowsList; */
/* 	for (i=0; temp2; temp2=temp2->next) */
/* 	{ */
/* 		cursor_t* temp=temp2->cursor; */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "Window #%d:\n", i); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  type:    %d\n", temp2->type); */
/* 		WRITELOG(DEBUG, "  id:      %d\n", temp2->id); */
/* 		if (temp) */
/* 		{ */
/* 			writelog(DEBUG, "  Cursor:\n"); */
/* 			WRITELOG(DEBUG, "    enable:    %d\n", temp->enable); */
/* 			WRITELOG(DEBUG, "    path:      %s\n", temp->path); */
/* 			WRITELOG(DEBUG, "    x_off:     %d\n", temp->x_off); */
/* 			WRITELOG(DEBUG, "    y_off:     %d\n", temp->y_off); */
/* 		} */
/* 		writelog(DEBUG, "\n"); */
/* 		i++; */
/* 	} */

  return 1;
Example #10
void initialize_variables(void)
  screensaver_name        = NULL;
	autologin_file_basename = strdup("qingy-autologin-");
  text_sessions_directory = NULL;
  x_sessions_directory    = NULL;
	autologin_username      = NULL;
	autologin_session       = NULL;
	screensavers_dir        = NULL;
	log_facilities          = LOG_NONE;
	log_facilities_tty      = LOG_NONE;
	dfb_interface           = StrApp((char**)NULL, SBINDIR, "qingy-DirectFB", (char*)NULL);
	reset_console_utility   = StrApp((char**)NULL, SBINDIR, "qingy-reset-console", (char*)NULL);
	tmp_files_dir           = strdup("/var/lib/misc");
	max_loglevel            = ERROR;
	x_serv_tty_mgmt         = QINGY_TTY;
  background              = NULL;
	themes_dir              = NULL;
  theme_dir               = NULL;
  last_user               = NULL;
	sleep_cmd               = NULL;
  settings                = NULL;	
	x_server                = NULL;
  x_args                  = NULL;
  datadir                 = NULL;	
  xinit                   = NULL;
  font                    = NULL;
  screensaver_options     = NULL;
  windowsList             = NULL;
	fb_device               = NULL;
	resolution              = NULL;
	pre_gui_script          = NULL;
	post_gui_script         = NULL;
	cursor                  = NULL;
	excluded_runlevels      = NULL;
	settings_parse_error    = 0;
	x_server_offset         = 1;
	do_autologin            = 0;
	auto_relogin            = 0;
  no_shutdown_screen      = 0;
  disable_last_user       = 0;
  hide_last_user          = 0;
  hide_password           = 0;
	text_mode_login         = 0;
	clear_background        = 0;
	do_runlevel_check       = 0;
  shutdown_policy         = EVERYONE;
	last_user_policy        = LU_GLOBAL;
	last_session_policy     = LS_USER;
	timeout_action          = ST_NONE;
	idle_timeout            = 0;
	got_theme               = 0;
	lock_sessions           = 0;
	theme_xres              = 800;
	theme_yres              = 600;
	screensaver_timeout     = 5;
	use_screensaver         = 1;
	screensaver_timeout     = 0;
	use_screensaver         = 0;
	use_screen_power_management     = 0;
	screen_power_management_timeout = 0;
	countdown_timeout               = 5;
	info_message_timeout            = 2;
	welcome_message_timeout         = 1;

	shutdown_timeout_message = strdup("system shutdown in <INS_TIMEOUT_HERE> seconds");
	restart_timeout_message = strdup("system restart in <INS_TIMEOUT_HERE> seconds");
	sleep_timeout_message = strdup("system will fall asleep in <INS_TIMEOUT_HERE> seconds");

	sleep_forbidden_message = strdup("Putting this machine in sleep mode is not allowed!");
	shutdown_forbidden_message = strdup("Shutting down this machine is not allowed!");

	sleep_password_message = strdup("You must enter root password to put this machine to sleep!");
	shutdown_password_message = strdup("You must enter root password to shut down this machine!");

	shutdown_message = strdup("shutting down system...");
	restart_message = strdup("rebooting system...");

	login_message = strdup("Logging in");
	login_failed_message = strdup("Login failed!");

	abort_message = strdup("Press ESC key to abort");
	caps_message = strdup("CAPS LOCK is pressed");

	sleep_cmd_message = strdup("You must define sleep command in settings file!");
	crypto_error_message = strdup("Crypto error - regenerate your keys!");

	welcome_message = strdup("Starting selected session...");
Example #11
char *get_random_theme()
  DIR *dir;
  char *my_themes_dir = StrApp((char**)NULL, themes_dir, "/", (char*)NULL);
  char *result;
  struct dirent *entry;
  int n_themes = 0;
  char *themes[128];
  int i;

  dir= opendir(my_themes_dir);
  if (!dir)
    /* perror("Qingy error"); */
		/* This is not a qingy error ;-P */
		WRITELOG(ERROR, "Cannot open themes directory (%s)!\n", my_themes_dir);
    return strdup("default");

  while ((entry= readdir(dir)))
		char *temp;
			To the genius who wrote this snippet:
			  perror("Qingy error");
			It will never be executed!
			(See above while() condition ;-P)
    if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, "." )) continue;
    if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, "..")) continue;    
    temp = StrApp((char**)NULL, my_themes_dir, entry->d_name, (char*)NULL);
    if (is_a_directory(temp))
			themes[n_themes] = strdup(entry->d_name);
	/* If the opendir() some lines above didn't fail,
	 * there is no reason to think closedir() will:
	 * if(closedir(dir)== -1)
	 *   perror("Qingy error");
  if (!n_themes) return strdup("default");
  /* let's create a random number between 0 and n_themes-1 */
  srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
  i = rand() % n_themes;
  result = strdup(themes[i]);
  for (i=0; i<n_themes; i++) free(themes[i]);

  return result;