 * @fn      zclElectricalMeasurement_HdlIncoming
 * @brief   Callback from ZCL to process incoming Commands specific
 *          to this cluster library or Profile commands for attributes
 *          that aren't in the attribute list
 * @param   pInMsg - pointer to the incoming message
 * @return  ZStatus_t
static ZStatus_t zclElectricalMeasurement_HdlIncoming( zclIncoming_t *pInMsg )
  ZStatus_t stat = ZSuccess;

#if defined ( INTER_PAN )
  if ( StubAPS_InterPan( pInMsg->msg->srcAddr.panId, pInMsg->msg->srcAddr.endPoint ) )
    return ( stat ); // Cluster not supported thru Inter-PAN
  if ( zcl_ClusterCmd( pInMsg->hdr.fc.type ) )
    // Is this a manufacturer specific command?
    if ( pInMsg->hdr.fc.manuSpecific == 0 )
      stat = zclElectricalMeasurement_HdlInSpecificCommands( pInMsg );
      // We don't support any manufacturer specific command.
      stat = ZFailure;
    // Handle all the normal (Read, Write...) commands -- should never get here
    stat = ZFailure;
  return ( stat );
Example #2
 * @fn      MT_AfInterPanCtl
 * @brief   Process the AF Inter Pan control command.
 * @param   pBuf - pointer to the received buffer
 * @return  none
static void MT_AfInterPanCtl(uint8 *pBuf)
  uint8 cmd, rtrn;
  uint16 panId;
  endPointDesc_t *pEP;

  cmd = pBuf[MT_RPC_POS_CMD1];

  switch (*pBuf++)  // Inter-pan request parameter.
  case InterPanClr:
    rtrn = StubAPS_SetIntraPanChannel();           // Switch channel back to the NIB channel.

  case InterPanSet:
    rtrn = StubAPS_SetInterPanChannel(*pBuf);      // Set channel for inter-pan communication.

  case InterPanReg:
    if ((pEP = afFindEndPointDesc(*pBuf)))
      rtrn = SUCCESS;
      rtrn = FAILURE;

  case InterPanChk:
    panId = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[0], pBuf[1]);
    rtrn = (StubAPS_InterPan(panId, pBuf[2])) ? ZSuccess : ZFailure;

    rtrn = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;

  MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_SRSP | (uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_AF), cmd, 1, &rtrn);
Example #3
afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,
                           uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,
                           uint8 options, uint8 radius )
  pDescCB pfnDescCB;
  ZStatus_t stat;
  APSDE_DataReq_t req;
  afDataReqMTU_t mtu;

  // Verify source end point
  if ( srcEP == NULL )
    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;

#if !defined( REFLECTOR )
  if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrNotPresent )
    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;

  // Validate broadcasting
  if ( ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr16Bit     ) ||
       ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )    )
    // Check for valid broadcast values
    if( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr )  )
      // Force mode to broadcast
      dstAddr->addrMode = afAddrBroadcast;
      // Address is not a valid broadcast type
      if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )
        return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
  else if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddr64Bit &&
            dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrGroup &&
            dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrNotPresent )
    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
  // Set destination address
  req.dstAddr.addrMode = dstAddr->addrMode;
  if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr64Bit )
    osal_cpyExtAddr( req.dstAddr.addr.extAddr, dstAddr->addr.extAddr );
    req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = dstAddr->addr.shortAddr;
  req.profileID = ZDO_PROFILE_ID;

  if ( (pfnDescCB = afGetDescCB( srcEP )) )
    uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pfnDescCB(
                                 AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, srcEP->endPoint ));
    if ( pID )
      req.profileID = *pID;
      osal_mem_free( pID );
  else if ( srcEP->simpleDesc )
    req.profileID = srcEP->simpleDesc->AppProfId;

  req.txOptions = 0;

  if ( ( options & AF_ACK_REQUEST              ) &&
       ( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrBroadcast ) &&
       ( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrGroup     )    )
    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_ACK;

  if ( options & AF_SKIP_ROUTING )
    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_SKIP_ROUTING;

  if ( options & AF_EN_SECURITY )
    mtu.aps.secure = TRUE;
    mtu.aps.secure = FALSE;

  mtu.kvp = FALSE;

  req.transID       = *transID;
  req.srcEP         = srcEP->endPoint;
  req.dstEP         = dstAddr->endPoint;
  req.clusterID     = cID;
  req.asduLen       = len;
  req.asdu          = buf;
  req.discoverRoute = AF_DataRequestDiscoverRoute;//(uint8)((options & AF_DISCV_ROUTE) ? 1 : 0);
  req.radiusCounter = radius;
#if defined ( INTER_PAN )
  req.dstPanId      = dstAddr->panId;

  if ( StubAPS_InterPan( dstAddr->panId, dstAddr->endPoint ) )
    if ( len > INTERP_DataReqMTU() )
      stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
      stat = INTERP_DataReq( &req );
#endif // INTER_PAN
    if (len > afDataReqMTU( &mtu ) )
      if (apsfSendFragmented)
        stat = (*apsfSendFragmented)( &req );
        stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
      stat = APSDE_DataReq( &req );

   * If this is an EndPoint-to-EndPoint message on the same device, it will not
   * get added to the NWK databufs. So it will not go OTA and it will not get
   * a MACCB_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD callback. Thus it is necessary to generate the
   * AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD here. Note that APSDE_DataConfirm() only generates one
   * message with the first in line TransSeqNumber, even on a multi message.
   * Also note that a reflected msg will not have its confirmation generated
   * here.
  if ( (req.dstAddr.addrMode == Addr16Bit) &&
       (req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr == NLME_GetShortAddr()) )
    afDataConfirm( srcEP->endPoint, *transID, stat );

  if ( stat == afStatus_SUCCESS )

  return (afStatus_t)stat;
Example #4
 * @fn          MT_AfIncomingMsg
 * @brief       Process the callback subscription for AF Incoming data.
 * @param       pkt - Incoming AF data.
 * @return      none
void MT_AfIncomingMsg(afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pMsg)
  #define MT_AF_INC_MSG_LEN  17
  #define MT_AF_INC_MSG_EXT  10

  uint16 dataLen = pMsg->cmd.DataLength;  // Length of the data section in the response packet.
  uint16 respLen = MT_AF_INC_MSG_LEN + dataLen;
  uint8 cmd = MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG;
  uint8 *pRsp, *pTmp;
  mtAfInMsgList_t *pItem = NULL;

#if defined INTER_PAN
  if (StubAPS_InterPan(pMsg->srcAddr.panId, pMsg->srcAddr.endPoint))
  if ((pMsg->srcAddr.addrMode == afAddr64Bit) ||
      (respLen > (uint16)(MT_RPC_DATA_MAX - MT_AF_INC_MSG_EXT)))

  if (cmd == MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG_EXT)
    respLen += MT_AF_INC_MSG_EXT;

  if (respLen > (uint16)MT_RPC_DATA_MAX)
    if ((pItem = (mtAfInMsgList_t *)osal_mem_alloc(sizeof(mtAfInMsgList_t) + dataLen)) == NULL)
      return;  // If cannot hold a huge message, cannot give indication at all.

    pItem->data = (uint8 *)(pItem+1);
    respLen -= dataLen;  // Zero data bytes are sent with an over-sized incoming indication.

  // Attempt to allocate memory for the response packet.
  if ((pRsp = osal_mem_alloc(respLen)) == NULL)
    if (pItem != NULL)
  pTmp = pRsp;

  /* Group ID */
  *pTmp++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->groupId);
  *pTmp++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->groupId);

  /* Cluster ID */
  *pTmp++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->clusterId);
  *pTmp++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->clusterId);

  if (cmd == MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG_EXT)
    *pTmp++ = pMsg->srcAddr.addrMode;

    if (pMsg->srcAddr.addrMode == afAddr64Bit)
      (void)osal_memcpy(pTmp, pMsg->srcAddr.addr.extAddr, Z_EXTADDR_LEN);
      pTmp[0] = LO_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);
      pTmp[1] = HI_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);
    pTmp += Z_EXTADDR_LEN;

    *pTmp++ = pMsg->srcAddr.endPoint;
#if defined INTER_PAN
    *pTmp++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.panId);
    *pTmp++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.panId);
    *pTmp++ = 0;
    *pTmp++ = 0;
    /* Source Address */
    *pTmp++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);
    *pTmp++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);

    /* Source EP */
    *pTmp++ = pMsg->srcAddr.endPoint;

  /* Destination EP */
  *pTmp++ = pMsg->endPoint;

  /* WasBroadCast */
  *pTmp++ = pMsg->wasBroadcast;

  /* LinkQuality */
  *pTmp++ = pMsg->LinkQuality;

  /* SecurityUse */
  *pTmp++ = pMsg->SecurityUse;

  /* Timestamp */
  *pTmp++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 0);
  *pTmp++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 1);
  *pTmp++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 2);
  *pTmp++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 3);

  /* Data Length */
  if (cmd == MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG_EXT)
    /* Z-Tool apparently takes the last Byte before the data buffer as the dynamic length and
     * ignores the bigger UInt16 length of an EXT incoming message. But no data bytes will be sent
     * with a huge message, so it's necessary to work-around and fake-out Z-Tool with a zero here.
    *pTmp++ = 0;  // TODO - workaround Z-Tool shortcoming; should be: = pMsg->cmd.TransSeqNumber;
    *pTmp++ = LO_UINT16(dataLen);
    *pTmp++ = HI_UINT16(dataLen);
    *pTmp++ = pMsg->cmd.TransSeqNumber;
    *pTmp++ = dataLen;

  /* Data */
  if (pItem != NULL)
    // Enqueue the new huge incoming item.
    pItem->next = pMtAfInMsgList;
    pMtAfInMsgList = pItem;

    // Setup to time-out the huge incoming item if host does not MT_AF_DATA_RETRIEVE it.
    pItem->tick = MT_AF_EXEC_CNT;
    if (ZSuccess != osal_start_timerEx(MT_TaskID, MT_AF_EXEC_EVT, MT_AF_EXEC_DLY))
      (void)osal_set_event(MT_TaskID, MT_AF_EXEC_EVT);

    pItem->timestamp = pMsg->timestamp;
    (void)osal_memcpy(pItem->data, pMsg->cmd.Data, dataLen);
    (void)osal_memcpy(pTmp, pMsg->cmd.Data, dataLen);

  /* Build and send back the response */
  MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_AREQ|(uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_AF), cmd, respLen, pRsp);

Example #5
 * @fn          INTERP_DataReq
 * @brief       This function requests the transfer of data from the next
 *              higher layer to a single peer entity.
 * @param       req - APSDE_DataReq_t
 * @return      ZStatus_t
ZStatus_t INTERP_DataReq( APSDE_DataReq_t *req )
  uint8 apsFrmCtrl;
  uint16 groupID = 0;
  uint8 *buf;
  uint8 hdrLen;
  ZMacDataReq_t dataReq;
  ZStatus_t status;

  if ( channelChangeInProgress || !StubAPS_InterPan( req->dstPanId, req->dstEP ) )
    return ( ZFailure );

  osal_memset( &dataReq, 0, sizeof( ZMacDataReq_t ) );

  // Build Stub APS header
  status = StubAPS_BuildFrameControl( &apsFrmCtrl, &(dataReq.DstAddr), &groupID, req );
  if ( status != ZSuccess )
    return ( status );

  // set default Stub APS header length

  // add group ID length
  if ( ( apsFrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK ) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP )

  // add cluster ID length

  // add profile ID length

  // add default Stub NWK header length
  hdrLen += STUB_NWK_HDR_LEN;

  // calculate MSDU length
  dataReq.msduLength = hdrLen + req->asduLen;

  // allocate buffer
  buf = osal_mem_alloc( dataReq.msduLength );
  if ( buf != NULL )
    dataReq.msdu = buf;

    // Add Stub APS header and data
    StubAPS_BuildMsg( &buf[STUB_APS_HDR_FRAME_CTRL], apsFrmCtrl, groupID, req );

    // Add Stub NWK header
    StubNWK_BuildMsg( buf );

    // Set ZMac data request
    dataReq.DstPANId = req->dstPanId;
    dataReq.SrcAddrMode = Addr64Bit;
    dataReq.Handle = req->transID;

    if ( ( apsFrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK ) == APS_FC_DM_UNICAST )
      dataReq.TxOptions = NWK_TXOPTIONS_ACK;
      dataReq.TxOptions = 0;

    // send the frame
    status = ZMacDataReq( &dataReq );

    // free the frame
    osal_mem_free( buf );
    // flag a memory error
    status = ZMemError;

  return ( status );

} /* INTERP_DataReq */
Example #6
 * @fn          MT_AfIncomingMsg
 * @brief       Process the callback subscription for AF Incoming data.
 * @param       pkt - Incoming AF data.
 * @return      none
void MT_AfIncomingMsg(afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pMsg)
  uint8 dataLen = pMsg->cmd.DataLength;  /* Length of the data section in the response packet */
  uint8 respLen = 17 + dataLen;          /* Length of the whole response packet */
  uint8 cmd = MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG;
  uint8 *pRsp, *tempPtr;

#if defined INTER_PAN
  if (StubAPS_InterPan(pMsg->srcAddr.panId, pMsg->srcAddr.endPoint))
  if (pMsg->srcAddr.addrMode == afAddr64Bit)

  if (cmd == MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG_EXT)
    respLen += 9;

  // Attempt to allocate memory for the response packet.
  if ((pRsp = osal_mem_alloc(respLen)) == NULL)
  tempPtr = pRsp;

  /* Fill in the data */

  /* Group ID */
  *tempPtr++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->groupId);
  *tempPtr++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->groupId);

  /* Cluster ID */
  *tempPtr++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->clusterId);
  *tempPtr++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->clusterId);

  if (cmd == MT_AF_INCOMING_MSG_EXT)
    *tempPtr++ = pMsg->srcAddr.addrMode;

    if (pMsg->srcAddr.addrMode == afAddr64Bit)
      (void)osal_memcpy(tempPtr, pMsg->srcAddr.addr.extAddr, Z_EXTADDR_LEN);
      tempPtr[0] = LO_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);
      tempPtr[1] = HI_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);
    tempPtr += Z_EXTADDR_LEN;

    *tempPtr++ = pMsg->srcAddr.endPoint;
#if defined INTER_PAN
    *tempPtr++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.panId);
    *tempPtr++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.panId);
    *tempPtr++ = 0;
    *tempPtr++ = 0;
    /* Source Address */
    *tempPtr++ = LO_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);
    *tempPtr++ = HI_UINT16(pMsg->srcAddr.addr.shortAddr);

    /* Source EP */
    *tempPtr++ = pMsg->srcAddr.endPoint;

  /* Destination EP */
  *tempPtr++ = pMsg->endPoint;

  /* WasBroadCast */
  *tempPtr++ = pMsg->wasBroadcast;

  /* LinkQuality */
  *tempPtr++ = pMsg->LinkQuality;

  /* SecurityUse */
  *tempPtr++ = pMsg->SecurityUse;

  /* Timestamp */
  *tempPtr++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 0);
  *tempPtr++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 1);
  *tempPtr++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 2);
  *tempPtr++ = BREAK_UINT32(pMsg->timestamp, 3);

  /* Transmit Sequence Number */
  *tempPtr++ = pMsg->cmd.TransSeqNumber;

  /* Data Length */
  *tempPtr++ = dataLen;

  /* Data */
  if (dataLen)
    osal_memcpy(tempPtr, pMsg->cmd.Data, dataLen);

  /* Build and send back the response */
  MT_BuildAndSendZToolResponse(((uint8)MT_RPC_CMD_AREQ|(uint8)MT_RPC_SYS_AF), cmd, respLen, pRsp);

  /* Free memory */
Example #7
afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,
                           uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,
                           uint8 options, uint8 radius )
  pDescCB pfnDescCB;
  ZStatus_t stat;
  APSDE_DataReq_t req;
  afDataReqMTU_t mtu;
  epList_t *pList;

  // Verify source end point
  if ( srcEP == NULL )
    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;

#if !defined( REFLECTOR )
  if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrNotPresent )
    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;

  // Check if route is available before sending data
  if ( options & AF_LIMIT_CONCENTRATOR  )
    if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddr16Bit )
      return ( afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER );

    // First, make sure the destination is not its self, then check for an existing route.
    if ( (dstAddr->addr.shortAddr != NLME_GetShortAddr())
        && (RTG_CheckRtStatus( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr, RT_ACTIVE, (MTO_ROUTE | NO_ROUTE_CACHE) ) != RTG_SUCCESS) )
      // A valid route to a concentrator wasn't found
      return ( afStatus_NO_ROUTE );

  // Validate broadcasting
  if ( ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr16Bit     ) ||
       ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )    )
    // Check for valid broadcast values
    if( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr )  )
      // Force mode to broadcast
      dstAddr->addrMode = afAddrBroadcast;
      // Address is not a valid broadcast type
      if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast )
        return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
  else if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddr64Bit &&
            dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrGroup &&
            dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrNotPresent )
    return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;

  // Set destination address
  req.dstAddr.addrMode = dstAddr->addrMode;
  if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr64Bit )
    osal_cpyExtAddr( req.dstAddr.addr.extAddr, dstAddr->addr.extAddr );
    req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = dstAddr->addr.shortAddr;

  // This option is to use Wildcard ProfileID in outgoing packets
  if ( options & AF_WILDCARD_PROFILEID )
    req.profileID = ZDO_WILDCARD_PROFILE_ID;
    req.profileID = ZDO_PROFILE_ID;

    if ( (pfnDescCB = afGetDescCB( srcEP )) )
      uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pfnDescCB(
                                   AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, srcEP->endPoint ));
      if ( pID )
        req.profileID = *pID;
        osal_mem_free( pID );
    else if ( srcEP->simpleDesc )
      req.profileID = srcEP->simpleDesc->AppProfId;

  req.txOptions = 0;

  if ( ( options & AF_ACK_REQUEST              ) &&
       ( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrBroadcast ) &&
       ( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrGroup     )    )
    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_ACK;

  if ( options & AF_SKIP_ROUTING )
    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_SKIP_ROUTING;

  if ( options & AF_EN_SECURITY )
    mtu.aps.secure = TRUE;
    mtu.aps.secure = FALSE;

  if ( options & AF_PREPROCESS )
    req.txOptions |=  APS_TX_OPTIONS_PREPROCESS;

  mtu.kvp = FALSE;

    req.discoverRoute = DISC_ROUTE_INITIATE;
    req.discoverRoute = AF_DataRequestDiscoverRoute;

  req.transID       = *transID;
  req.srcEP         = srcEP->endPoint;
  req.dstEP         = dstAddr->endPoint;
  req.clusterID     = cID;
  req.asduLen       = len;
  req.asdu          = buf;
  req.radiusCounter = radius;
#if defined ( INTER_PAN )
  req.dstPanId      = dstAddr->panId;
#endif // INTER_PAN

  // Look if there is a Callback function registered for this endpoint
  // The callback is used to control the AF Transaction ID used when sending messages
  pList = afFindEndPointDescList( srcEP->endPoint );

  if ( ( pList != NULL ) && ( pList->pfnApplCB != NULL ) )
    pList->pfnApplCB( &req );

#if defined ( INTER_PAN )
  if ( StubAPS_InterPan( dstAddr->panId, dstAddr->endPoint ) )
    if ( len > INTERP_DataReqMTU() )
      stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
      stat = INTERP_DataReq( &req );
#endif // INTER_PAN
    if (len > afDataReqMTU( &mtu ) )
      if (apsfSendFragmented)
        stat = (*apsfSendFragmented)( &req );
        stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;
      stat = APSDE_DataReq( &req );

   * If this is an EndPoint-to-EndPoint message on the same device, it will not
   * get added to the NWK databufs. So it will not go OTA and it will not get
   * a MACCB_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD callback. Thus it is necessary to generate the
   * AF_DATA_CONFIRM_CMD here. Note that APSDE_DataConfirm() only generates one
   * message with the first in line TransSeqNumber, even on a multi message.
   * Also note that a reflected msg will not have its confirmation generated
   * here.
  if ( (req.dstAddr.addrMode == Addr16Bit) &&
       (req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr == NLME_GetShortAddr()) )
    afDataConfirm( srcEP->endPoint, *transID, stat );

  if ( stat == afStatus_SUCCESS )

  return (afStatus_t)stat;