Example #1
/*! \brief TWI slave write interrupt handler.
 *  Handles TWI slave write transactions and responses.
 *  \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
void TWI_SlaveWriteHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
	/* If NACK, slave write transaction finished. */
	if ((twi->bytesSent > 0) && (twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS &
	                             TWI_SLAVE_RXACK_bm)) {

		TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_OK);
	/* If ACK, master expects more data. */
	else {
		if (twi->bytesSent < TWIS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE) {
			uint8_t data = twi->sendData[twi->bytesSent];
			twi->interface->SLAVE.DATA = data;

			/* Send data, wait for data interrupt. */
			twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB = TWI_SLAVE_CMD_RESPONSE_gc;
		/* If buffer overflow. */
		else {
			twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB = TWI_SLAVE_CMD_COMPTRANS_gc;
			TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
Example #2
 \brief TWI slave read interrupt handler.
 Handles TWI slave read transactions and responses.
 \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
static void TWI_SlaveReadHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
	/* Enable stop interrupt. */
	uint8_t currentCtrlA = twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA;
	twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA = currentCtrlA | TWI_SLAVE_PIEN_bm;

	/* If free space in buffer. */
	if (twi->bytesReceived < TWIS_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
		/* Fetch data */
		uint8_t data = twi->interface->SLAVE.DATA;
		twi->receivedData[twi->bytesReceived] = data;


		/* If application signalling need to abort (error occured),
		 * complete transaction and wait for next START. Otherwise
		 * send ACK and wait for data interrupt.
		if (twi->abort) {
			twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB = TWI_SLAVE_CMD_COMPTRANS_gc;
			TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_ABORTED);
			twi->abort = false;
		} else {
			twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB = TWI_SLAVE_CMD_RESPONSE_gc;
	/* If buffer overflow, send NACK and wait for next START. Set
	 * result buffer overflow.
	else {
		twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB = TWI_SLAVE_ACKACT_bm |
		TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
Example #3
/*! \brief TWI stop condition interrupt handler.
 *  \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
static void TWI_SlaveStopHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
   /* Disable stop interrupt. */
   uint8_t currentCtrlA = twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA;
   twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA = currentCtrlA & ~TWI_SLAVE_PIEN_bm;
   uint8_t currentStatus = twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS;
   twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS = currentStatus | TWI_SLAVE_APIF_bm;

   TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_OK);
Example #4
/*! \brief TWI slave write interrupt handler.
 *  Handles TWI slave write transactions and responses.
 *  \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
static void TWI_SlaveWriteHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
   /* If NACK, slave write transaction finished. */
   if ((twi->bytesSent > 0) && (twic_status_reg & TWI_SLAVE_RXACK_bm)) {
      //init first byte to write
      twic_data_reg = twi->sendData[0];
      TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_OK);
   /* If ACK, master expects more data. */
   else {
      if (twi->bytesSent < TWIS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE) {
         uint8_t data = twi->sendData[twi->bytesSent];
         twic_data_reg = data;			
      else {
         /* If buffer overflow. */
         TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
Example #5
/*! \brief TWI stop condition interrupt handler.
 *  \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
void TWI_SlaveStopHandler(TWI_Slave_t * twi)
    /* Disable stop interrupt. */
    uint8_t currentCtrlA = twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA;
    twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA = currentCtrlA & ~TWI_SLAVE_PIEN_bm;

    /* Clear APIF, according to flowchart don't ACK or NACK */
    uint8_t currentStatus = twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS;
    twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS = currentStatus | TWI_SLAVE_APIF_bm;

    TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_OK);

Example #6
/*! \brief Common TWI slave interrupt service routine.
 *  Handles all TWI transactions and responses to address match, data reception,
 *  data transmission, bus error and data collision.
 *  \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
void TWI_SlaveInterruptHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
	//static uint8_t sent_NACK = 0;	//!< Holds whether NACK has been transmitted
	uint8_t currentStatus = twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS;

	twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB &= ~TWI_SLAVE_ACKACT_bm;	//!< Clear ACKACT

	/* If bus error. */
	if (currentStatus & TWI_SLAVE_BUSERR_bm) {
		twi->bytesReceived = 0;
		twi->bytesSent = 0;
		twi->result = TWIS_RESULT_BUS_ERROR;
		twi->status = TWIS_STATUS_READY;

	/* If transmit collision. */
	else if (currentStatus & TWI_SLAVE_COLL_bm) {
		twi->bytesReceived = 0;
		twi->bytesSent = 0;
		twi->status = TWIS_STATUS_READY;

	/* If address match. */
	else if ((currentStatus & TWI_SLAVE_APIF_bm) &&
	        (currentStatus & TWI_SLAVE_AP_bm)) {


	/* If stop (only enabled through slave read transaction). */
	else if (currentStatus & TWI_SLAVE_APIF_bm) {

	/* If data interrupt. */
	else if (currentStatus & TWI_SLAVE_DIF_bm) {

	/* If unexpected state. */
	else {
		TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_FAIL);
Example #7
 \brief TWI stop condition interrupt handler.

 \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
static void TWI_SlaveStopHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
	/* Disable stop interrupt. */
	uint8_t currentCtrlA = twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA;
	twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA = currentCtrlA & ~TWI_SLAVE_PIEN_bm;

	/* Clear APIF, according to flowchart don't ACK or NACK */
	uint8_t currentStatus = twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS;
	twi->interface->SLAVE.STATUS = currentStatus | TWI_SLAVE_APIF_bm;
    // Process the received data.

	TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_OK);

    // Flush the buffers used.
Example #8
/*! \brief TWI address match interrupt handler.
 *  Prepares TWI module for transaction when an address match occures.
 *  \param twi The TWI_Slave_t struct instance.
void TWI_SlaveAddressMatchHandler(TWI_Slave_t *twi)
	/* If application signalling need to abort (error occured). */
	if (twi->abort) {
		TWI_SlaveTransactionFinished(twi, TWIS_RESULT_ABORTED);
		twi->abort = false;
	} else {
		twi->status = TWIS_STATUS_BUSY;
		twi->result = TWIS_RESULT_UNKNOWN;

		/* Disable stop interrupt. */
		uint8_t currentCtrlA = twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA;
		twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLA = currentCtrlA & ~TWI_SLAVE_PIEN_bm;

		twi->bytesReceived = 0;
		twi->bytesSent = 0;

		/* Send ACK, wait for data interrupt. */
		twi->interface->SLAVE.CTRLB = TWI_SLAVE_CMD_RESPONSE_gc;