int main(void) { clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); SYSTEM_init(); TIMER_init(); USB_init(); /* initialize with 65 keys */ LAYOUT_init(65); LAYOUT_set((struct layout*)LAYOUT_BEGIN); LAYOUT_set_callback(&HID_set_scancode_state); MATRIX_init(5, rows, 14, cols, (const uint8_t*)matrix, &on_key_press); HID_init(); HID_commit_state(); LED_init(); SYSTEM_subscribe(USB_SOF, ANY, MAIN_handle_sof); int sleep_tmr = TIMER_add(32, true); SYSTEM_subscribe(TIMER, sleep_tmr, MAIN_sleep_timer_handler); SYSTEM_add_task(main_task, 0); SYSTEM_add_task(RAWHID_PROTOCOL_task, 0); SYSTEM_main_loop(); }
void USB_Task() { // FLASH_Run_Test(); USB_init(); while (1) { msc_disk_task(); cdc_vcom_task(); } }
int main(void) { clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_IO; ++i) { IO_config(i, INPUT); IO_set(i, true); } PORTB |= _BV(PB0); DDRB |= _BV(PB2) | _BV(PB1) | _BV(PB0); // MOSI, SCK, MEMCS DDRC |= _BV(PC7) | _BV(PC6); // LATCH, BUFEN DDRB &= ~_BV(PB3); // MISO PORTB &= ~_BV(PB3); USB_init(); while (USB_get_configuration() == 0) ; HID_commit_state(); int size; DATAFLASH_read_page(1, sizeof(size), &size); if (size != -1) { uint8_t *layout = malloc(size); DATAFLASH_read_page(2, (uint16_t)size, layout); RAWHID_send(layout); LAYOUT_set(layout); } DATAFLASH_read_page(0, sizeof(matrix), matrix); TCCR0A = 0x00; TCCR0B = 0x03; /* clk_io / 64 */ TIMSK0 = _BV(TOIE0); while(1) { RAWHID_PROTOCOL_task(); } while (1) ; }
/** * @brief Main program. * @param None * @retval None */ int main(void) { LEDS_init(); TIME_init(); US_init(); MOTORS_init(); USB_init(); //int x = 500; do { //TIME_delay(1000); for (int i=0; i < 10000000; i++) {} LEDS_live(!LEDS_live_state()); /*if (US_distance > 30) { MOTORS_forward(1000); } else { MOTORS_right(100); }*/ /*PROTOCOL_data data = {0,0,0,0,0};//PROTOCOL_emptyData; = 1; data.cmd = 2; data.type = 0; data.bData = 3; USB_write(data);*/ /*LEDS_live(LEDS_On); TIME_delay(US_distance*10); LEDS_live(LEDS_Off); TIME_delay(US_distance*10);*/ /*if (x > 1000) x = 600; TIME_delay(1000); MOTORS_forward(x); x+= 10;*/ USB_power(1); //TIME_delay(100); for (int i=0; i < 10000000; i++) {} USB_power(0); } while (1); }
void usb_printf_init(void) { SetVCore(3); init_clock(); //Init USB USB_init(); //Enable various USB event handling routines USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent + kUSB_VbusOffEvent + kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent + kUSB_dataReceivedEvent + kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent + kUSB_UsbResumeEvent + kUSB_UsbResetEvent); // See if we're already attached physically to USB, and if so, // connect to it. Normally applications don't invoke the event // handlers, but this is an exception. if(USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) { usb_printf_state = USB_ENABLED; USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ConfigUSB(VOID) { USB_init(); // Init USB // Enable various USB event handling routines USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent+kUSB_VbusOffEvent+kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent +kUSB_dataReceivedEvent+kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent+kUSB_UsbResumeEvent+kUSB_UsbResetEvent); // See if we're already attached physically to USB, and if so, connect to it // Normally applications don't invoke the event handlers, but this is an exception. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) { if (USB_enable() == kUSB_succeed) { USB_reset(); USB_connect(); } } }
int main(){ uint32_t Old_timer = 0; // RCC clocking: 8MHz oscillator -> 72MHz system rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); GPIO_init(); usb_disconnect(); // turn off USB while initializing all steppers_init(); // USB usbd_dev = USB_init(); // SysTick is a system timer with 1ms period SysTick_init(); // wait a little and then turn on USB pullup // for (i = 0; i < 0x800000; i++) // __asm__("nop"); usb_connect(); // turn on USB while(1){ usbd_poll(usbd_dev); if(usbdatalen){ // there's something in USB buffer usbdatalen = parce_incoming_buf(usbdatabuf, usbdatalen); } //check_and_parce_UART(USART1); // also check data in UART buffers if(Timer - Old_timer > 999){ // one-second cycle Old_timer += 1000; }else if(Timer < Old_timer){ // Timer overflow Old_timer = 0; } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { pspDebugScreenInit(); pspDebugScreenEnableBackColor(0); SetupCallbacks(); char* scriptFilename = "script.lua"; lua_State *L; L = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs(L); Aalib_init(L); Color_init(L); g2D_init(L); intraFont_init(L); Ctrl_init(L); Power_init(L); Time_init(L); Timer_init(L); Savedata_init(L); sceIo_init(L); Utility_init(L); USB_init(L); Xtream_init(L); SceCtrlData keys, oldkeys; int status = 0, i; while (1) { status = luaL_loadfile(L, scriptFilename); if (status == 0) status = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (status != 0) //If an error has occured { sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(&oldkeys, 1); pspDebugScreenInit(); pspDebugScreenEnableBackColor(1); while (1) { sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(&keys, 1); pspDebugScreenSetXY(0,0); printf("Lua Error:\n%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1)); printf("Press Start to reset.\n"); if ((keys.Buttons &PSP_CTRL_START) && !(oldkeys.Buttons &PSP_CTRL_START)) break; oldkeys = keys; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) sceDisplayWaitVblankStart(); } pspDebugScreenInit(); pspDebugScreenEnableBackColor(0); lua_pop(L, 1); } } lua_close(L); intraFontShutdown(); g2dTerm(); cleanUSBDrivers(); sceKernelExitGame(); return 0; }
/* * ======== main ======== */ VOID main (VOID) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; //Stop watchdog timer Init_Ports(); //Init ports (do first ports because clocks do change ports) SetVCore(3); Init_Clock(); //Init clocks USB_init(); //Init USB Init_TimerA1(); //Enable various USB event handling routines USB_setEnabledEvents( kUSB_VbusOnEvent + kUSB_VbusOffEvent + kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent + kUSB_dataReceivedEvent + kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent + kUSB_UsbResumeEvent + kUSB_UsbResetEvent); //See if we're already attached physically to USB, and if so, connect to it //Normally applications don't invoke the event handlers, but this is an exception. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent){ USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); } __enable_interrupt(); //Enable interrupts globally while (1) { BYTE i; //Check the USB state and directly main loop accordingly switch (USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); //Enter LPM3 w/ interrupts enabled _NOP(); //For Debugger break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); //Enter LPM0 (can't do LPM3 when active) _NOP(); //For Debugger //Exit LPM on USB receive and perform a receive //operation if (bCDCDataReceived_event){ //Some data is in the buffer; begin receiving a //command char pieceOfString[MAX_STR_LENGTH] = ""; //Holds the new addition to the string char outString[MAX_STR_LENGTH] = ""; //Holds the outgoing string //Add bytes in USB buffer to theCommand cdcReceiveDataInBuffer((BYTE*)pieceOfString, MAX_STR_LENGTH, CDC0_INTFNUM); //Get the next piece of the string strcat(wholeString,pieceOfString); cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)pieceOfString, strlen(pieceOfString),CDC0_INTFNUM,0); //Echoes back the characters received (needed //for Hyperterm) if (retInString(wholeString)){ //Has the user pressed return yet? if (!(strcmp(wholeString, "LED ON"))){ //Compare to string #1, and respond TA1CTL &= ~MC_1; //Turn off Timer P1OUT |= BIT0; //Turn on LED P1.0 strcpy(outString,"\r\nLED is ON\r\n\r\n"); //Prepare the outgoing string cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString, strlen(outString),CDC0_INTFNUM,0); //Send the response over USB } else if (!(strcmp(wholeString, "LED OFF"))){ //Compare to string #2, and respond TA1CTL &= ~MC_1; //Turn off Timer P1OUT &= ~BIT0; //Turn off LED P1.0 strcpy(outString,"\r\nLED is OFF\r\n\r\n"); //Prepare the outgoing string cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString, strlen(outString),CDC0_INTFNUM,0); //Send the response over USB } else if (!(strcmp(wholeString, "LED TOGGLE - SLOW"))){ //Compare to string #3, and respond TA1CTL &= ~MC_1; //Turn off Timer TA1CCR0 = SlowToggle_Period; //Set Timer Period for slow LED toggle TA1CTL |= MC_1; //Start Timer strcpy(outString, "\r\nLED is toggling slowly\r\n\r\n"); //Prepare the outgoing string cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString, strlen(outString),CDC0_INTFNUM,0); //Send the response over USB } else if (!(strcmp(wholeString, "LED TOGGLE - FAST"))){ //Compare to string #4, and respond TA1CTL &= ~MC_1; //Turn off Timer TA1CCR0 = FastToggle_Period; //Set Timer Period for fast LED toggle TA1CTL |= MC_1; strcpy(outString,"\r\nLED is toggling fast\r\n\r\n"); //Prepare the outgoing string cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString, strlen(outString),CDC0_INTFNUM,0); //Send the response over USB } else { //Handle other strcpy(outString,"\r\nNo such command!\r\n\r\n"); //Prepare the outgoing string cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString, strlen(outString),CDC0_INTFNUM,0); //Send the response over USB } for (i = 0; i < MAX_STR_LENGTH; i++){ //Clear the string in preparation for the next //one wholeString[i] = 0x00; } } bCDCDataReceived_event = FALSE; } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: P1OUT &= ~BIT0; //When suspended, turn off LED __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); //Enter LPM3 w/ interrupts _NOP(); break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED: P1OUT &= ~BIT0; __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); _NOP(); break; case ST_ERROR: _NOP(); break; default:; } } //while(1) } //main()
void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop the watchdog __enable_interrupt(); // Enable general interrupts Board_init(); // Configure's the F5529 EXP board's I/Os // Initialize power/clocks for use with USB SetVCore(3); // The USB module requires that VCore be set to highest setting, independent of MCLK freq ClockUSB(); disk_initialize(0); // SD-cards must go through a setup sequence after powerup. This FatFs call does this. USB_init(); // Initializes the USB API, and prepares the USB module to detect USB insertion/removal events USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_allUsbEvents); // Enable all USB events // The data interchange buffer (used when handling SCSI READ/WRITE) is declared by the application, and // registered with the API using this function. This allows it to be assigned dynamically, giving // the application more control over memory management. USBMSC_registerBufInfo(&RW_dataBuf[0], NULL, sizeof(RW_dataBuf)); // The API maintains an instance of the USBMSC_RWbuf_Info structure. If double-buffering were used, it would // maintain one for both the X and Y side. (This version of the API only supports single-buffering, // so only one structure is maintained.) This is a shared resource between the API and application; the // application must request the pointers. RWbuf_info = USBMSC_fetchInfoStruct(); // USBMSC_updateMediaInfo() must be called prior to USB connection. We check if the card is present, and if so, pull its size // and bytes per block. // LUN0 mediaInfo.mediaPresent = 0x01; // The medium is present, because internal flash is non-removable. mediaInfo.mediaChanged = 0x00; // It can't change, because it's in internal memory, which is always present. mediaInfo.writeProtected = 0x00; // It's not write-protected mediaInfo.lastBlockLba = 774; // 774 blocks in the volume. (This number is also found twice in the volume itself; see mscFseData.c. They should match.) mediaInfo.bytesPerBlock = BYTES_PER_BLOCK; // 512 bytes per block. (This number is also found in the volume itself; see mscFseData.c. They should match.) USBMSC_updateMediaInfo(0, &mediaInfo); // LUN1 if(detectCard()) mediaInfo.mediaPresent = kUSBMSC_MEDIA_PRESENT; else mediaInfo.mediaPresent = kUSBMSC_MEDIA_NOT_PRESENT; mediaInfo.mediaChanged = 0x00; mediaInfo.writeProtected = 0x00; disk_ioctl(0,GET_SECTOR_COUNT,&mediaInfo.lastBlockLba); // Returns the number of blocks (sectors) in the media. mediaInfo.bytesPerBlock = BYTES_PER_BLOCK; // Block size will always be 512 USBMSC_updateMediaInfo(1, &mediaInfo); // At compile-time for this demo, there will be one file on the volume. The root directory and data cluster // for this file need to be initialized. //flashWrite_LBA(Root_Dir, (BYTE*)Root_Dir_init); //flashWrite_LBA(Data559, (BYTE*)Data559_init); // Configure Timer_A0 to prompt detection of the SD card every second TA0CCTL0 = CCIE; // Enable interrupt TA0CCR0 = 32768; // Clock will be 32kHz, so we set the int to occur when it counts to 32768 TA0CTL = TASSEL_1 + MC_1 + TACLR; // ACLK = 32kHz, up mode, clear TAR... go! // If USB is already connected when the program starts up, then there won't be a USB_handleVbusOnEvent(). // So we need to check for it, and manually connect if the host is already present. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) { if (USB_enable() == kUSB_succeed) { USB_reset(); USB_connect(); } } while(1) { BYTE ReceiveError=0, SendError=0; WORD count; switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 until VBUS-on event // Check if the reason we woke was a button press; and if so, log a new piece of data. if(fS1ButtonEvent) { // Build string char str[14] = "Data entry #0\n"; str[12] = logCnt++; // Number the entries 0 through....? memcpy(RW_dataBuf, Data559, BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // Copy data block 559 from flash to RAM buffer memcpy(&RW_dataBuf[DataCnt], str, sizeof(str)); // Write the new entry to the RAM buffer flashWrite_LBA((PBYTE)Data559, RW_dataBuf); // Copy it back to flash DataCnt += sizeof(str); // Increment the index past the new entry if((DataCnt + sizeof(str)>= BYTES_PER_BLOCK)) // Roll index back to 0, if no more room in the block DataCnt = 0; fS1ButtonEvent = 0; } break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: // Call USBMSC_poll() to initiate handling of any received SCSI commands. Disable interrupts // during this function, to avoid conflicts arising from SCSI commands being received from the host // AFTER decision to enter LPM is made, but BEFORE it's actually entered (in other words, avoid // sleeping accidentally). __disable_interrupt(); if((USBMSC_poll() == kUSBMSC_okToSleep) && (!bDetectCard)) { __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enable interrupts atomically with LPM0 entry } __enable_interrupt(); // If the API needs the application to process a buffer, it will keep the CPU awake by returning kUSBMSC_processBuffer // from USBMSC_poll(). The application should then check the 'operation' field of all defined USBMSC_RWbuf_Info // structure instances. If any of them is non-null, then an operation needs to be processed. A value of // kUSBMSC_READ indicates the API is waiting for the application to fetch data from the storage volume, in response // to a SCSI READ command from the USB host. After the application does this, it must indicate whether the // operation succeeded, and then close the buffer operation by calling USBMSC_bufferProcessed(). while(RWbuf_info->operation == kUSBMSC_READ) { switch(RWbuf_info->lun) { case 0: RWbuf_info->returnCode = Read_LBA(RWbuf_info->lba, RWbuf_info->bufferAddr, RWbuf_info->lbCount); // Fetch a block from the medium, using file system emulation USBMSC_bufferProcessed(); // Close the buffer operation break; case 1: read_LUN1(); break; } } // Everything in this section is analogous to READs. Reference the comments above. while(RWbuf_info->operation == kUSBMSC_WRITE) { switch(RWbuf_info->lun) { case 0: RWbuf_info->returnCode = Write_LBA(RWbuf_info->lba, RWbuf_info->bufferAddr, RWbuf_info->lbCount); // Write the block to the medium, using file system emulation USBMSC_bufferProcessed(); // Close the buffer operation break; case 1: write_LUN1(); break; } } // Every second, the Timer_A ISR sets this flag. The checking can't be done from within the timer ISR, because the // checking enables interrupts, and this is not a recommended practice due to the risk of nested interrupts. if(bDetectCard) { checkInsertionRemoval(); bDetectCard = 0x00; // Clear the flag, until the next timer ISR } if(bHID_DataReceived_event) //Message is received from HID application { bHID_DataReceived_event = FALSE; // Clear flag early -- just in case execution breaks below because of an error count = hidReceiveDataInBuffer((BYTE*)dataBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE,HID0_INTFNUM); strncat(wholeString," \r\nRx->",7); strncat(wholeString,(char*)dataBuffer,count); strncat(wholeString," \r\n ",4); if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)wholeString,strlen(wholeString),CDC0_INTFNUM,1)) // Send message to other CDC App { SendError = 0x01; break; } memset(wholeString,0,MAX_STR_LENGTH); // Clear wholeString } if(bCDC_DataReceived_event) //Message is received from CDC application { bCDC_DataReceived_event = FALSE; // Clear flag early -- just in case execution breaks below because of an error cdcReceiveDataInBuffer((BYTE*)wholeString,MAX_STR_LENGTH,CDC0_INTFNUM); ASCII(wholeString); if(hidSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)wholeString,strlen(wholeString),HID0_INTFNUM,1)) // Send message to HID App { SendError = 0x01; // Something went wrong -- exit break; } memset(wholeString,0,MAX_STR_LENGTH); // Clear wholeString } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3, until a resume or VBUS-off event break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_ERROR: break; default:; } if(ReceiveError || SendError) { //TO DO: User can place code here to handle error } } }
/** * Macro d'initialisation de l'USB */ void iUSB::initUSB() { USB_init(); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Main Routine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID main(VOID) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_StartUp(); USB_init(); USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent+kUSB_VbusOffEvent+kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent +kUSB_dataReceivedEvent+kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent+kUSB_UsbResumeEvent+kUSB_UsbResetEvent); // Check if we're already physically attached to USB, and if so, connect to it // This is the same function that gets called automatically when VBUS gets attached. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); //PWRVBUSonHandler(); while(1) { switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: if(!bCommandBeingProcessed) // If no command is being processed, then make sure there's a rcv operation { // open to receive the start of the "packet" if(!(USBCDC_intfStatus(0,&x,&y) & kUSBCDC_waitingForReceive)) // Only open it if we haven't already done so if(USBCDC_receiveData(buffer,1,0) == kUSBCDC_busNotAvailable) // Start a receive operation for a single byte -- the "size" byte of the "packet" { USBCDC_abortReceive(&x,0); // Abort receive break; // If bus is no longer available, escape out of the loop } } __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Wait in LPM0 until a receive operation has completed //__bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); if(bDataReceiveCompleted_event) { bDataReceiveCompleted_event = FALSE; if(!bCommandBeingProcessed) // This means that the incoming byte is the start of the "packet" -- the "size" byte { if ((buffer[0]>=0x31) && (buffer[0]<= 0x39)) { size = buffer[0]-0x30; // It's in ASCII, so convert it to a number if(USBCDC_receiveData(buffer,size,0) == kUSBCDC_busNotAvailable) // And then open a rcv operation for that size { USBCDC_abortReceive(&x,0); // Abort receive break; // If bus is no longer available, escape out of the loop } bCommandBeingProcessed = TRUE; // Now we're waiting for the "data" part of the "packet" } else { strcpy(outString,"\r\nEnter a valid number between 1 and 9\r\n\r\n"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send the response over USB { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,0); // Operation may still be open; cancel it break; // If the send fails, escape the main loop } bCommandBeingProcessed = FALSE; // Now we're back to waiting for the "size" byte } } else // This means that the incoming data is the "data" part of the "packet" { strcpy(outString,"\r\nI received your packet with size of "); // Prepare the outgoing string buffer[bufferLen-1]= 0; c[0] = (char)(size+'0'); c[1] = 0; outString[64] = 0; // Convert the size back to ASCII strcat(outString,c); strcat(outString," bytes.\r\n\r\n"); if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send the response over USB { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,0); // Operation may still be open; cancel it break; // If the send fails, escape the main loop } bCommandBeingProcessed = FALSE; // Now we're back to waiting for the "size" byte } } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); _NOP(); break; case ST_ERROR: _NOP(); break; default:; } } // while(1) } //main()
/* * usb_test() * USB Bulk transfer test. Device is detected as an eZDSP5535 when * connected to PC while test is running. Bulk transfers can be * made using USB_55xx program. * */ CSL_Status usb_test(void) { CSL_IRQ_Config config; CSL_Status result; Uint16 eventMask; result = CSL_USB_TEST_FAILED; usbConfig.opMode = CSL_USB_OPMODE_POLLED; usbConfig.devNum = CSL_USB0; usbConfig.maxCurrent = CSL_USB_MAX_CURRENT; usbConfig.appSuspendCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_suspendCallBack; usbConfig.appWakeupCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_selfWakeupCallBack; usbConfig.startTransferCallback = CSL_startTransferCallback; usbConfig.completeTransferCallback = CSL_completeTransferCallback; hEpObjArray[0] = &usbCtrlOutEpObj; hEpObjArray[1] = &usbCtrlInEpObj; hEpObjArray[2] = &usbBulkOutEpObj; hEpObjArray[3] = &usbBulkInEpObj; /* Set the interrupt vector start address */ IRQ_setVecs((Uint32)(&VECSTART)); /* Plug the USB Isr into vector table */ config.funcAddr = &usb_isr; IRQ_plug(USB_EVENT, config.funcAddr); /* Enable USB Interrupts */ IRQ_enable(USB_EVENT); /* Enable CPU Interrupts */ IRQ_globalEnable(); /* Initialize the USB module */ status = USB_init(&usbConfig); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Reset the USB device */ status = USB_resetDev(CSL_USB0); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Reset failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialize the Control Endpoint OUT 0 */ eventMask = (CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_SETUP | CSL_USB_EVENT_SUSPEND | CSL_USB_EVENT_RESUME | CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT); status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[0], CSL_USB_OUT_EP0,CSL_USB_CTRL, CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialize the Control Endpoint IN 0 */ status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[1], CSL_USB_IN_EP0, CSL_USB_CTRL, CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE, CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialize the Bulk Endpoint IN 1 */ eventMask = (CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT); status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[2], CSL_USB_IN_EP1, CSL_USB_BULK, CSL_USB_EP1_PACKET_SIZE_FS, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialize the Bulk Endpoint OUT 2 */ status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[3], CSL_USB_OUT_EP1, CSL_USB_BULK, CSL_USB_EP1_PACKET_SIZE_FS, CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Set the parameters */ status = USB_setParams(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray, FALSE); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Set params failed\n"); return(result); } /* Connect the USB device */ status = USB_connectDev(CSL_USB0); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Connect failed\n"); return(result); } deviceDescPtr = (Uint16 *)deviceDesc; cfgDescPtr = (Uint16 *)cfgDesc; strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc; dataReadBuffPtr = (Uint16 *)dataReadBuff; dataWriteBuffPtr = (Uint16 *)dataWriteBuff; while(stopRunning != TRUE); result = CSL_USB_TEST_PASSED; return(result); }
/** * \brief Audio Class intialization function * * \param None * * \return None */ void CSL_acTest(void) { I2sInitPrms i2sInitPrms; CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig; PSP_Result result; Int16 status; HWI_Attrs attrs; LOG_printf(&trace, "USB ISO FULL SPEED MODE\n"); /* Initialize audio module */ result = AIC3254_init(); if(result != 0) { LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR: Unable to configure audio codec"); } else { #if !defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB) || !defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_REC) DMA_HwInit(); DMA_DrvInit(); #endif /* Initialize I2S and associated DMA channels for Playback and Record */ i2sInitPrms.enablePlayback = TRUE; i2sInitPrms.enableStereoPb = TRUE; #ifdef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB i2sInitPrms.sampleBySamplePb = TRUE; #else /* Configuration untested since ASRC only works with I2S in sample-by-sample mode */ i2sInitPrms.sampleBySamplePb = FALSE; i2sInitPrms.enableDmaPingPongPb = FALSE; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sTxLeftBuf = ping_i2sTxLeftBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sTxLeftBuf = pong_i2sTxLeftBuf; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sTxRightBuf = ping_i2sTxRightBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sTxRightBuf = pong_i2sTxRightBuf; i2sInitPrms.zeroBuf = ZeroBuf; #endif i2sInitPrms.i2sPb = PSP_I2S_TX_INST_ID; i2sInitPrms.enableRecord = TRUE; i2sInitPrms.enableStereoRec = FALSE; #ifdef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_REC i2sInitPrms.sampleBySampleRec = TRUE; #else i2sInitPrms.sampleBySampleRec = FALSE; i2sInitPrms.enableDmaPingPongRec = TRUE; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sRxLeftBuf = (Int16 *)ping_pong_i2sRxLeftBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sRxLeftBuf = NULL; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sRxRightBuf = (Int16 *)ping_pong_i2sRxRightBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sRxRightBuf = NULL; #endif i2sInitPrms.i2sRec = PSP_I2S_RX_INST_ID; status = i2sInit(&i2sInitPrms); if (status != I2SSAMPLE_SOK) { LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR: Unable to initialize I2S"); } #ifdef C5535_EZDSP_DEMO // initialize the OLED display oled_init(); #endif /* Initialising the Pointer to the Audio Class Handle to the Buffer Allocated */ AC_AppHandle.pAcObj = &ACAppBuffer[0]; usbConfig.devNum = CSL_USB0; usbConfig.opMode = CSL_USB_OPMODE_POLLED; #ifdef APP_USB_SELF_POWERED usbConfig.selfPowered = TRUE; #else usbConfig.selfPowered = FALSE; #endif usbConfig.maxCurrent = APP_USB_MAX_CURRENT; usbConfig.appSuspendCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_suspendCallBack; usbConfig.appWakeupCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_selfWakeupCallBack; usbConfig.startTransferCallback = StartTransfer; usbConfig.completeTransferCallback = CompleteTransfer; USB_init(&usbConfig); USB_setFullSpeedMode(0x40); /* parameter is EP0 data size in bytes */ USB_resetDev(CSL_USB0); /* Calling init routine */ /* Giving all the table hanldes and the buffers to the Audio Class module */ AC_AppHandle.strDescrApp = (char **)&string_descriptor[0]; AC_AppHandle.lbaBufferPbApp = &lbaBufferPbApp[0]; AC_AppHandle.lbaBufferRecApp = &lbaBufferRecApp[0]; AC_AppHandle.lbaBufferHidReportApp = &lbaBufferHidReportApp[0]; AC_AppHandle.acReqTableApp = USB_ReqTable; AC_AppHandle.pId = pId; AC_AppHandle.vId = vId; #ifndef ENABLE_PLAYBACK_TWO_SAMPLE_RATES #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_48kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 48KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = EP_PB_MAXP; // max packet size for 48K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x60; // max packet size for 48K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_48kHz #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_44_1kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 44.1KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0xB0; // max packet size for 44.1 stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x58; // max packet size for 44.1 mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_44_1kHz #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_32kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 32KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x80; // max packet size for 32K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x40; // max packet size for 32K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_32kHz #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_16kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 16KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_STEREO; // max packet size for 16K stereo rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_STEREO; // max packet size for 16K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_MONO; // max packet size for 16K mono rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_MONO; // max packet size for 16K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_16kHz #else /* ENABLE_PLAYBACK_TWO_SAMPLE_RATES */ LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 48KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = EP_PB_MAXP; // max packet size for 48K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x60; // max packet size for 48K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 16KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_STEREO; // max packet size for 16K stereo LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_MONO; // max packet size for 16K mono LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif /* ENABLE_PLAYBACK_TWO_SAMPLE_RATES */ AC_AppHandle.txPktSize = EP_REC_MAXP; // max packet size for 16K mono AC_AppHandle.hidTxPktSize = EP_HID_MAXP; // max packet size for HID output report /* All Function Handlers need to be Initialised */ AC_AppHandle.playAudioApp = appPlayAudio; AC_AppHandle.recordAudioApp = appRecordAudio; AC_AppHandle.initPlayAudioApp = appInitPlayAudio; AC_AppHandle.initRecordAudioApp = appInitRecordAudio; AC_AppHandle.stopPlayAudioApp = appStopPlayAudio; AC_AppHandle.stopRecordAudioApp = appStopRecordAudio; AC_AppHandle.mediaGetPresentStateApp = AppGetMediaStatus; AC_AppHandle.mediaInitApp = AppMediaInit; AC_AppHandle.mediaEjectApp = AppMediaEject; AC_AppHandle.mediaLockUnitApp = AppLockMedia; AC_AppHandle.getMediaSizeApp = AppGetMediaSize; AC_AppHandle.getHidReportApp = appGetHidReport; AC_AppHandle.ctrlHandler = appCtrlFxn; AC_AppHandle.isoHandler = appIsoFxn; AC_AppHandle.hidHandler = appHidFxn; AC_AppHandle.numLun = 2; /* Initialize End point descriptors */ AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)deviceDescriptorB, CSL_AC_DEVICE_DESCR, sizeof(deviceDescriptorB)); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)deviceQualifierDescr, CSL_AC_DEVICE_QUAL_DESCR, 10); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)configDescriptor, CSL_AC_CONFIG_DESCR, sizeof(configDescriptor)); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)stringLanId, CSL_AC_STRING_LANGID_DESC, 6); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)acHidReportDescriptor, CSL_AC_HID_REPORT_DESC, sizeof(acHidReportDescriptor)); /* Initialize HID */ AC_AppHandle.acHidIfNum = IF_NUM_HID; // HID interface number AC_AppHandle.acHidReportId = HID_REPORT_ID; // HID report ID AC_AppHandle.acHidReportLen = HID_REPORT_SIZE_BYTES; // HID report length (bytes) genHidReport(UI_PUSH_BUTTON_NONE, gHidReport); // init. HID report for Get Report /* Call Init API */ AC_Open(&AC_AppHandle); /* Enable CPU USB interrupts */ CSL_FINST(CSL_CPU_REGS->IER1, CPU_IER1_USB, ENABLE); /* Initialize active sample rate */ initSampleRate(RATE_48_KHZ, &active_sample_rate, &i2sTxBuffSz); /* Initialize ASRC */ Init_Sample_Rate_Converter(active_sample_rate); /* Reset codec output buffer */ reset_codec_output_buffer(); #ifdef ENABLE_RECORD #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_RX_48kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "RECORD: 48KHZ "); #else LOG_printf(&trace, "RECORD: 16KHZ "); #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_RX_48kHz // start the rx DMAs DMA_StartTransfer(hDmaRxLeft); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_RECORD LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO NOT SUPPORTED - RECORD WILL BE MONO\n"); DMA_StartTransfer(hDmaRxRight); #else LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); #endif #endif // ENABLE_RECORD #ifdef STORE_PARAMETERS_TO_SDRAM initSdram(FALSE, 0x0000); #endif // STORE_PARAMETERS_TO_SDRAM #ifdef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB /* SampleBySample, init interrupt */ /* Use with compiler "interrupt" keyword */ //IRQ_plug(I2S_TX_EVENT, i2s_txIsr); /* Use with dispatcher, no "interrupt" keyword */ attrs.ier0mask = 0xFFFF; attrs.ier1mask = 0xFFFF; HWI_dispatchPlug(I2S_TX_EVENT, (Fxn)i2s_txIsr, &attrs); IRQ_enable(I2S_TX_EVENT); /* SampleBySample, enable IRQ for I2S Tx */ #endif #if defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_REC) && !defined(COMBINE_I2S_TX_RX_ISR) /* SampleBySample, init interrupt */ /* Use with compiler "interrupt" keyword */ IRQ_plug(I2S_RX_EVENT, i2s_rxIsr); /* Use with dispatcher, no "interrupt" keyword */ //attrs.ier0mask = 0xFFFF; //attrs.ier1mask = 0xFFFF; //HWI_dispatchPlug(I2S_RX_EVENT, (Fxn)i2s_rxIsr, &attrs); IRQ_enable(I2S_RX_EVENT); /* SampleBySample, enable IRQ for I2S Rx */ #endif #if defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB) || defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMLE_REC) DDC_I2S_transEnable((DDC_I2SHandle)i2sHandleTx, TRUE); /* SampleBySample, enable I2S transmit and receive */ #endif #ifndef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB i2sTxStart(); // - moved from appPlayAudio() #endif #ifdef C5535_EZDSP_DEMO // clock gating usused peripherals ClockGating(); #endif } }
void MassStorage(void) { buttonsPressed = 0; SFRIE1 &= ~OFIE; disk_initialize(0); // Initialize Disk Drive #0 SFRIE1 |= OFIE; DEBUG("Init clock\r\n"); ClockUSB(); DEBUG("Init USB\r\n"); USB_init(); // Initialize the USB module P1OUT |= BIT1; // Enable all USB events USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_allUsbEvents); // Clal Initialization Function DEBUG("Init MSC\r\n"); msc_Init(); P1OUT |= BIT2; // If USB is already connected when the program starts up, then there won't be a // USB_handleVbusOnEvent(). // So we need to check for it, and manually connect if the host is already present. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) { if (USB_enable() == kUSB_succeed) { USB_reset(); USB_connect(); P1OUT |= BIT3; } } while (1) { switch (USB_connectionState()) { DEBUG("Connection state: %u\r\n", USB_connectionState()); case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: //__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 until VBUS-on event _NOP(); break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: msc_Loop(); break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: //__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3, until a resume or VBUS-off // event break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_ERROR: break; default:; } } DEBUG("Done with MassStorage\r\n"); buttonsPressed = 0; Board_ledOff(LED_ALL); USB_disable(); SFRIE1 &= ~OFIE; Init_FLL_Settle(25000, 762); // Return to normal clock settings SFRIE1 |= OFIE; }
/** * \brief Tests USB interrupt mode operation * * \param none * * \return Test result */ Int16 BoardUSB_init(void) { Uint16 eventMask; Int16 looper; CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig; usbConfig.opMode = CSL_USB_OPMODE_POLLED; usbConfig.devNum = CSL_USB0; usbConfig.maxCurrent = CSL_USB_MAX_CURRENT; usbConfig.appSuspendCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)NULL; usbConfig.appWakeupCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)NULL; usbConfig.startTransferCallback = CSL_startTransferCallback; usbConfig.completeTransferCallback = NULL; hEpObjArray[0] = &usbCtrlOutEpObj; hEpObjArray[1] = &usbCtrlInEpObj; hEpObjArray[2] = &usbBulkOutEpObj; hEpObjArray[3] = &usbBulkInEpObj; CSL_CPU_REGS->IER1 |= 0x0010; // enable USB interrupt /* Initialize the USB module */ status = USB_init(&usbConfig); // never fail /* Reset the USB device */ status = USB_resetDev(CSL_USB0); // never fail when CSL_USB0 /* Initialize the Control Endpoint OUT 0 */ eventMask = CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_SETUP | CSL_USB_EVENT_SUSPEND | CSL_USB_EVENT_RESUME | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT; status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[0], CSL_USB_OUT_EP0, CSL_USB_CTRL, CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) // USB End point init failed return status; /* Initialize the Control Endpoint IN 0 */ status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[1], CSL_USB_IN_EP0, CSL_USB_CTRL, CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE, CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) // USB End point init failed return status; /* Initialize the Bulk Endpoint IN 1 */ eventMask = CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT; status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[2], CSL_USB_IN_EP1, CSL_USB_BULK, CSL_USB_EP1_PACKET_SIZE_HS, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) // USB End point init failed return status; /* Initialize the Bulk Endpoint OUT 2 */ eventMask = CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT; status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[3], CSL_USB_OUT_EP2, CSL_USB_BULK, CSL_USB_EP2_PACKET_SIZE_HS, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) // USB End point init failed return status; /* Set the parameters */ USB_setParams(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray, TRUE); /* for(looper = 0; looper < CSL_USB_ENDPOINT_COUNT; looper++) { gUsbEpHandle[looper] = hEpObjArray[looper]; if(hEpObjArray[looper] == NULL) break; } */ /* Connect the USB device */ CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->FADDR_POWER, USB_FADDR_POWER_SOFTCONN, TRUE); return CSL_SOK; }
VOID main(VOID) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_StartUp(); //initialize device USB_init(); USB_setEnabledEvents(USBEVIE); // See if we're already attached physically to USB, and if so, connect to it // Normally applications don't invoke the event handlers, but this is an exception. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); while(1) { switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt _NOP(); break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0 until an event occurs. // This flag would have been set by the handleDataReceived event; this event is only enabled when waiting // for 'press any key' if(bCDCDataReceived_event) { bCDCDataReceived_event = FALSE; // Change the event flags, in preparation for receiving 1K data USBEVIE &= ~kUSB_dataReceivedEvent; // No more data-received. We only used this for 'press any key' USBEVIE |= kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent; // But enable receive-completed; we want to be prompted when 1K data has been received USB_setEnabledEvents(USBEVIE); USBCDC_rejectData(0); // We don't care what char the key-press was // Prompt user for 1K data strcpy(outString,"I'm ready to receive 1K of data.\r\n"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(cdcSendDataWaitTilDone((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send it over USB { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,0); // It failed for some reason; abort and leave the main loop break; } // Set up rcv operation for 1K data if(USBCDC_receiveData(dataBuff,1024,0) == kUSBCDC_busNotAvailable) //first USBCDC_receiveData { USBCDC_abortReceive(&x,0); // It failed because of surprise removal or suspended by host; break; // abort and leave the main loop } } // This flag would have been set by the handleReceiveCompleted event; this event is only enabled // while receiving 1K data, and signals that all 1K has been received if(bDataReceiveCompleted_event) { bDataReceiveCompleted_event = FALSE; strcpy(outString,"Thanks for the data.\r\n"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) //Send the response over USB { USBCDC_abortSend(&x,0); // It failed for some reason; abort and leave the main loop break; } // Change the event flags, in preparation for 'press any key' USBEVIE &= ~kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent; // No more receive-completed. USBEVIE |= kUSB_dataReceivedEvent; // This will tell us that data -- any data -- has arrived (i.e., a key-press) USB_setEnabledEvents(USBEVIE); } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/ interrupts _NOP(); break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); _NOP(); break; case ST_ERROR: _NOP(); break; default:; } } // while(1) } //main()
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Main Routine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID main(VOID) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_StartUp(); USB_init(); USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent + kUSB_VbusOffEvent + kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent + kUSB_UsbResumeEvent + kUSB_dataReceivedEvent); // Check if we're already physically attached to USB, and if so, connect to it // This is the same function that gets called automatically when VBUS gets attached. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); // Pre-fill the buffers with visible ASCII characters (0x21 to 0x7E) for(x=0;x<BUF_SIZE;x++) { dataBuf[x] = y++; if(y>0x7E) y = 0x21; } while(1) { switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: if(!bHIDDataReceived_event) // Do this until a key is pressed { strcpy(outString,"Press any key.\r"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(hidSendDataWaitTilDone((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send it; no timeout { USBHID_abortSend(&x,0); // Operation may still be open; cancel it break; } } else { bHIDDataReceived_event = FALSE; USBHID_rejectData(0); for(rounds=0;rounds<300;rounds++) { if(hidSendDataWaitTilDone(dataBuf,BUF_SIZE,0,0)) // Send all of RAM { USBHID_abortSend(&x,0); // Operation probably still open; cancel it break; } } strcpy(outString,"\r\n\r\n\r\nThe test is completed.\r\n"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(hidSendDataWaitTilDone((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send it; no timeout { USBHID_abortSend(&x,0); // Operation may still be open; cancel it break; } } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); break; case ST_ERROR: _NOP(); break; default:; } } // while(1) } //main()
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Main Routine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID main(VOID) { BYTE y; WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_StartUp(); USB_init(); USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_VbusOnEvent+kUSB_VbusOffEvent+kUSB_receiveCompletedEvent +kUSB_dataReceivedEvent+kUSB_UsbSuspendEvent+kUSB_UsbResumeEvent+kUSB_UsbResetEvent); // Check if we're already physically attached to USB, and if so, connect to it // This is the same function that gets called automatically when VBUS gets attached. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) USB_handleVbusOnEvent(); // Pre-fill the buffers with visible ASCII characters (0x21 to 0x7E) y=0x21; for(w=0;w<MEGA_DATA_LENGTH;w++) { bufferX[w] = y; bufferY[w] = y++; if(y>0x7E) y = 0x21; } while(1) { switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: if(!bCDCDataReceived_event) // Do this until a key is pressed { strcpy(pakOutString,"Press any key.\r"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)pakOutString,strlen(pakOutString),0,0)) // Send it { USBCDC_abortSend(&w,0); // Operation probably still open; cancel it break; // The break isn't really necessary since it'll go to the end of the loop anyway, but it's shown for completeness } } else { if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)bufferX,MEGA_DATA_LENGTH,0,0)) { bCDCDataReceived_event = FALSE; USBCDC_abortSend(&w,0); // Operation probably still open; cancel it break; } // Between these functions, don't modify bufferX. However, bufferY can be modified. if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)bufferY,MEGA_DATA_LENGTH,0,0)) { bCDCDataReceived_event = FALSE; USBCDC_abortSend(&w,0); // Operation probably still open; cancel it break; } // Until the next call to sendData_inBackground(), don't modify bufferY. However, bufferX can be modified. if(rounds++>=500) { strcpy(outString,"\r\n\r\nThe test is completed.\r\n\r\n"); // Prepare the outgoing string if(cdcSendDataInBackground((BYTE*)outString,strlen(outString),0,0)) // Send it { USBCDC_abortSend(&w,0); // Operation may still be open; cancel it break; } bCDCDataReceived_event= FALSE; rounds = 0; USBCDC_rejectData(0); // Reject data from previous keypress, in preparation for another one } // It's been in the USB buffer all this time... } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 w/interrupt break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_NOENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); _NOP(); break; case ST_ERROR: _NOP(); break; default:; } } // while(1) } //main()
int main(){ //int i; uint32_t Shtr_blink_timer = 0, Old_timer = 0, lastTRDread = 0, lastTmon = 0, OW_timer = 0; int oldusbdatalen = 0; //SPI_read_status SPI_stat; // RCC clocking: 8MHz oscillator -> 72MHz system rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); // turn off SWJ/JTAG AFIO_MAPR = AFIO_MAPR_SWJ_CFG_JTAG_OFF_SW_OFF; // GPIO GPIO_init(); usb_disconnect(); // turn off USB while initializing all // init USART3 (master) & USART1 (slave) UART_init(USART3); UART_init(USART1); // USB usbd_dev = USB_init(); // SysTick is a system timer with 1mc period SysTick_init(); // instead of SPI1 we use those pins to control shutter and system state // SPI2 used for working with external ADC switch_SPI(SPI2); // init SPI2 SPI_init(); // wait a little and then turn on USB pullup // for (i = 0; i < 0x800000; i++) // __asm__("nop"); // init ADC ADC_init(); ADC_calibrate_and_start(); steppers_init(); usb_connect(); // turn on USB shutter_init(); read_stored_data(); // copy stored data into RAM init_ow_dmatimer(); //OW_send_read_seq(); LED_STATUS_OK(); // All initialized - light up LED while(1){ init_on_poweron_proc(); usbd_poll(usbd_dev); if(oldusbdatalen != usbdatalen){ // there's something in USB buffer usbdatalen = parce_incoming_buf(usbdatabuf, usbdatalen, usb_send); oldusbdatalen = usbdatalen; } check_and_parce_UART(USART3); // check data in master UART buffers check_and_parce_UART(USART1); // also check data in slave UART buffers if(ad7794_on){ if(Timer != lastTRDread){ // run this not more than once in 1ms lastTRDread = Timer; read_next_TRD(); } } OW_process(); // process 1-wire commands // scan 1-wire each 1 second if(OW_scan && (Timer - OW_timer > 999 || Timer < OW_timer)){ OW_timer = Timer; scan_onewire(); } process_stepper_motors(); // check flags of motors' timers process_shutter(); // shutter state machine if(Timer - Shtr_blink_timer > 500 || Timer < Shtr_blink_timer){ Shtr_blink_timer = Timer; // shutter LED will be blinking until init occurs if(Shutter_State == SHUTTER_NOTREADY) gpio_toggle(LED_SHUTTER_PORT, LED_SHUTTER_PIN); } if(Timer - Old_timer > 999){ // one-second cycle Old_timer += 1000; // init shutter if error occurs if(Shutter_State == SHUTTER_NOTREADY){ shutter_init(); } }else if(Timer < Old_timer){ // Timer overflow Old_timer = 0; tOVRFL++; // this is an overflow counter - for workinkg in long-long time interval } if((Timer - lastTmon > 9999) || (Timer < lastTmon)){ // run constant monitoring of ADC values each 10 seconds lastTmon += 10000; if(ADC_monitoring){ print_time(lastsendfun); print_int_ad_vals(lastsendfun); print_ad_vals(lastsendfun); } } } }
CSL_Status CSL_usbPollTest(void) { CSL_Status status; CSL_Status result; pUsbContext pContext; pUsbEpHandle hEPx; CSL_UsbBoolean txRxStatus; Uint16 bytesRem; Uint16 eventMask; Uint16 saveIndex; Uint16 endpt; pUsbEpHandle tempEpH; pContext = &gUsbContext; result = CSL_USB_TEST_FAILED; usbConfig.opMode = CSL_USB_OPMODE_POLLED; usbConfig.devNum = CSL_USB0; usbConfig.maxCurrent = CSL_USB_MAX_CURRENT; usbConfig.appSuspendCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_suspendCallBack; usbConfig.appWakeupCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_selfWakeupCallBack; usbConfig.startTransferCallback = CSL_startTransferCallback; usbConfig.completeTransferCallback = CSL_completeTransferCallback; hEpObjArray[0] = &usbCtrlOutEpObj; hEpObjArray[1] = &usbCtrlInEpObj; hEpObjArray[2] = &usbBulkOutEpObj; hEpObjArray[3] = &usbBulkInEpObj; #ifdef CSL_USB_SELFWAKEUP_TEST /* Configure SAR to generate event for self wakeup */ /* NOTE: Self Wakeup is interfaced to the STOP key of the EVM keypad */ status = CSL_configSarForSelfWakeup(); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("SAR Configuration failed\n"); return(result); } #endif // CSL_USB_SELFWAKEUP_TEST /* Initialize the USB module */ status = USB_init(&usbConfig); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Reset the USB device */ status = USB_resetDev(CSL_USB0); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Reset failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialized the Control Endpoint OUT 0 */ eventMask = (CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_SETUP | CSL_USB_EVENT_SUSPEND | CSL_USB_EVENT_RESUME | CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT); status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[0], CSL_USB_OUT_EP0,CSL_USB_CTRL, CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialized the Control Endpoint IN 0 */ status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[1], CSL_USB_IN_EP0, CSL_USB_CTRL, CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE, CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialize the Bulk Endpoint IN 1 */ eventMask = (CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET | CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT); status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[2], CSL_USB_IN_EP1, CSL_USB_BULK, CSL_USB_EP1_PACKET_SIZE_FS, eventMask, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Initialize the Bulk Endpoint OUT 2 */ status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray[3], CSL_USB_OUT_EP2, CSL_USB_BULK, CSL_USB_EP2_PACKET_SIZE_FS, CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT, NULL); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB End point init failed\n"); return(result); } /* Set the parameters */ status = USB_setParams(CSL_USB0, hEpObjArray, FALSE); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Set params failed\n"); return(result); } /* Connect the USB device */ status = USB_connectDev(CSL_USB0); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Connect failed\n"); return(result); } deviceDescPtr = (Uint16 *)deviceDesc; cfgDescPtr = (Uint16 *)cfgDesc; strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc; selfWakeupServiced = TRUE; while(stopRunning != TRUE) { /* Read the masked interrupt status register */ pContext->dwIntSourceL = usbRegisters->INTMASKEDR1; pContext->dwIntSourceH = usbRegisters->INTMASKEDR2; /* Clear the interrupts */ if(pContext->dwIntSourceL != FALSE) { usbRegisters->INTCLRR1 = pContext->dwIntSourceL; } if(pContext->dwIntSourceH != FALSE) { usbRegisters->INTCLRR2 = pContext->dwIntSourceH; } /* Reset interrupt */ if(pContext->dwIntSourceH & CSL_USB_GBL_INT_RESET) { usbRegisters->INDEX_TESTMODE = usbRegisters->INDEX_TESTMODE & 0x00ff; if(usbBulkOutEpObj.epNum == CSL_USB_IN_EP1) { CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->INDEX_TESTMODE, USB_INDEX_TESTMODE_EPSEL, CSL_USB_EP1); CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_RXPKTRDY, TRUE); } else { CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->INDEX_TESTMODE, USB_INDEX_TESTMODE_EPSEL, CSL_USB_EP2); CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_RXPKTRDY, TRUE); } } /* Resume interrupt */ if(pContext->dwIntSourceH & CSL_USB_GBL_INT_RESUME) { USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, CSL_USB_TRUE); status = USB_issueRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, TRUE); /* Give 10 msecs delay before resetting resume bit */ USB_delay(CSL_USB_WAKEUP_DELAY); status = USB_issueRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, FALSE); if(status != CSL_SOK) { printf("USB Resume failed\n"); /////INSTRUMENTATION FOR BATCH TESTING -- Part 2 -- ///// Reseting PaSs_StAtE to 0 if error detected here. PaSs_StAtE = 0x0000; // Was intialized to 1 at declaration. ///// } } /* Check End point0 interrupts */ if(pContext->dwIntSourceL & CSL_USB_TX_RX_INT_EP0) { saveIndex = usbRegisters->INDEX_TESTMODE; CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->INDEX_TESTMODE, USB_INDEX_TESTMODE_EPSEL, CSL_USB_EP0); USB_getSetupPacket(CSL_USB0, &usbSetup, TRUE); if((usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX & CSL_USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_RXPKTRDY_MASK) == CSL_USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_RXPKTRDY_MASK) { /* Service the RXPKTRDY after reading the FIFO */ CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_SERV_RXPKTRDY, TRUE); /* GET DESCRIPTOR Req */ switch(usbSetup.bRequest) { /* zero data */ case CSL_USB_SET_FEATURE: switch(usbSetup.wValue) { case CSL_USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_STALL: /* updated set and clear endpoint stall * to work with logical endpoint num */ endpt = (usbSetup.wIndex) & 0xFF; hEPx = USB_epNumToHandle(CSL_USB0, endpt); if(!(USB_getEndptStall(hEPx, &status))) { USB_stallEndpt(hEPx); } break; case CSL_USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP: if(!(USB_getRemoteWakeupStat(CSL_USB0))) { USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, CSL_USB_TRUE); } break; default: break; } CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_SERV_RXPKTRDY, TRUE); CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_DATAEND, TRUE); break; case CSL_USB_CLEAR_FEATURE: switch(usbSetup.wValue) { case CSL_USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_STALL: endpt = (usbSetup.wIndex) & 0xFF; hEPx = USB_epNumToHandle(CSL_USB0, endpt); if(USB_getEndptStall(hEPx, &status)) { USB_clearEndptStall(hEPx); } break; case CSL_USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKEUP: if(USB_getRemoteWakeupStat(CSL_USB0)) { USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, CSL_USB_FALSE); } break; default: break; } break; case CSL_USB_SET_CONFIGURATION : case CSL_USB_SET_INTERFACE: endpt = (usbSetup.wIndex) & 0xFF; hEPx = USB_epNumToHandle(CSL_USB0, endpt); USB_postTransaction(hEPx, 0, NULL, CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE); /* DataEnd + ServicedRxPktRdy */ CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_SERV_RXPKTRDY, TRUE); CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_DATAEND, TRUE); break; case CSL_USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR : switch(usbSetup.wValue >> 8) { case CSL_USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE: deviceDescPtr = (Uint16 *)deviceDesc; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], deviceDesc[0]&0xFF, deviceDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); break; case CSL_USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE: if(usbSetup.wLength == 0x0009) { cfgDescPtr = cfgDesc; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], 9, cfgDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); } else { cfgDescPtr = cfgDesc; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], cfgDesc[1], cfgDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); } break; case CSL_USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE: if((usbSetup.wValue & 0xFF) == 0x00) { strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc[0]; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], strDesc[0][0]&0xFF, strDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); } if((usbSetup.wValue & 0xFF) == 0x01) { strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc[1]; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], strDesc[1][0]&0xFF, strDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); } if((usbSetup.wValue & 0xFF) == 0x02) { strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc[2]; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], strDesc[2][0]&0xFF, strDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); } if((usbSetup.wValue & 0xFF) == 0x03) { strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc[3]; status = USB_postTransaction(hEpObjArray[1], strDesc[3][0]&0xFF, strDescPtr, CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER); } break; default: break; } deviceDescPtr = (Uint16 *)deviceDesc; cfgDescPtr = (Uint16 *)cfgDesc; strDescPtr = (Uint16 *)strDesc[0]; CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_TXPKTRDY, TRUE); CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_DATAEND, TRUE); break; case CSL_USB_SET_ADDRESS : devAddr = usbSetup.wValue; CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_SERV_RXPKTRDY, TRUE); CSL_FINS(usbRegisters->PERI_CSR0_INDX, USB_PERI_CSR0_INDX_DATAEND, TRUE); break; default: break; } } else { if(usbSetup.bRequest == 0x05)
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Main Routine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID main(VOID) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer Init_StartUp(); // Initialize clocks, power, I/Os __enable_interrupt(); USB_init(); // Initialize the USB module // Enable all USB events USB_setEnabledEvents(kUSB_allUsbEvents); // The data interchange buffer (used when handling SCSI READ/WRITE) is declared by the application, and // registered with the API using this function. This allows it to be assigned dynamically, giving // the application more control over memory management. USBMSC_registerBufInfo(&RW_dataBuf[0], NULL, sizeof(RW_dataBuf)); // The API maintains an instance of the USBMSC_RWbuf_Info structure. If double-buffering were used, it would // maintain one for both the X and Y side. (This version of the API only supports single-buffering, // so only one structure is maintained.) This is a shared resource between the API and application; the // application must request the pointers. This function returns the pointer for a given LUN and buffer side. RWbuf = USBMSC_fetchInfoStruct(); // 0 for X-buffer // The application must tell the API about the media. Since the media isn't removable, this is only called // once, at the beginning of execution. If the media were removeable, the application must call this any time // the status of the media changes. struct USBMSC_mediaInfoStr mediainfo; // This struct type contains information about the state of the medium. // Since it's only used locally, it's declared within main so that it's // taken from the heap rather than as a static global. mediainfo.mediaPresent = 0x01; // The medium is present, because internal flash is non-removable. mediainfo.mediaChanged = 0x00; // It can't change, because it's in internal memory, which is always present. mediainfo.writeProtected = 0x00; // It's not write-protected mediainfo.lastBlockLba = 774; // 774 blocks in the volume. (This number is also found twice in the volume itself; see mscFseData.c. They should match.) mediainfo.bytesPerBlock = BYTES_PER_BLOCK; // 512 bytes per block. (This number is also found in the volume itself; see mscFseData.c. They should match.) USBMSC_updateMediaInfo(0, &mediainfo); // If USB is already connected when the program starts up, then there won't be a USB_handleVbusOnEvent(). // So we need to check for it, and manually connect if the host is already present. if (USB_connectionInfo() & kUSB_vbusPresent) { if (USB_enable() == kUSB_succeed) { USB_reset(); USB_connect(); } } while(1) { switch(USB_connectionState()) { case ST_USB_DISCONNECTED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3 until VBUS-on event // Check if the reason we woke was a button press; and if so, log a new piece of data. if(fS1ButtonEvent) { // Build string char str[14] = "Data entry #0\n"; str[12] = logCnt++; // Number the entries 0 through....? memcpy(RW_dataBuf, Data559, BYTES_PER_BLOCK); // Copy data block 559 from flash to RAM buffer memcpy(&RW_dataBuf[DataCnt], str, sizeof(str)); // Write the new entry to the RAM buffer flashWrite_LBA((PBYTE)Data559, RW_dataBuf); // Copy it back to flash DataCnt += sizeof(str); // Increment the index past the new entry if((DataCnt + sizeof(str)>= BYTES_PER_BLOCK)) // Roll index back to 0, if no more room in the block DataCnt = 0; fS1ButtonEvent = 0; } break; case ST_USB_CONNECTED_NO_ENUM: break; case ST_ENUM_ACTIVE: // Call USBMSC_poll() to initiate handling of any received SCSI commands. Disable interrupts // during this function, to avoid conflicts arising from SCSI commands being received from the host // AFTER decision to enter LPM is made, but BEFORE it's actually entered (avoid sleeping accidentally). __disable_interrupt(); if(USBMSC_poll() == kUSBMSC_okToSleep) { __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enable interrupts atomically with LPM0 entry } __enable_interrupt(); // If the API needs the application to process a buffer, it will keep the CPU awake by returning kUSBMSC_processBuffer // from USBMSC_poll(). The application should respond by checking the 'operation' field of all defined USBMSC_RWbuf_Info // structure instances. If any of them is non-null, then an operation needs to be processed. A value of // kUSBMSC_READ indicates the API is waiting for the application to fetch data from the storage volume, in response // to a SCSI READ command from the USB host. After doing so, we must indicate whether the operation succeeded, and // close the buffer operation by calling USBMSC_bufferProcessed(). while(RWbuf->operation == kUSBMSC_READ) { RWbuf->returnCode = Read_LBA(RWbuf->lba, RWbuf->bufferAddr, RWbuf->lbCount); // Fetch a block from the medium, using file system emulation USBMSC_bufferProcessed(); // Close the buffer operation } // Same as above, except for WRITE. If operation == kUSBMSC_WRITE, then the API is waiting for us to // process the buffer by writing the contents to the storage volume. while(RWbuf->operation == kUSBMSC_WRITE) { RWbuf->returnCode = Write_LBA(RWbuf->lba, RWbuf->bufferAddr, RWbuf->lbCount); // Write the block to the medium, using file system emulation USBMSC_bufferProcessed(); // Close the buffer operation } break; case ST_ENUM_SUSPENDED: __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM3, until a resume or VBUS-off event break; case ST_ENUM_IN_PROGRESS: break; case ST_ERROR: break; default:; } } // while(1) } //main()