//! Waits for the value of a counter to reach or exceed a target value.
//! \param pulCount is a pointer to the counter variable whose value is to be
//! polled until it reaches or exceeds the supplied target value.
//! \param ulTarget is the value that /b *pulCount must reach before the
//! the function will return /e true.
//! \param ulTimeoutMs is the maximum time that the function will wait for
//! the target to be reached before returning /e false.
//! This function polls the value of a variable supplied in /b pulCount,
//! waiting for it to reach or exceed /b ulTarget. If the target is reached
//! within /b ulTimeoutMs milliseconds, the function returns /e true. If the
//! timeout is reached before the target value is reached, /e false is
//! returned.
//! \return Returns /e true if the target value is reached or exceeded or
//! /e false if the function times out before this occurs.
UTUtilsWaitForCount(volatile unsigned long *pulCount,
                    unsigned long ulTarget,
                    unsigned long ulTimeoutMs)
    unsigned long ulTimeToEnd;
    static unsigned long ulSysTimeStart;
    // When should we stop polling?
    ulSysTimeStart = UTUtilsGetSysTime();

    ulTimeToEnd = ulSysTimeStart + ulTimeoutMs;

    // Keep checking for the target value being reached until we run out
    // of time.

    // This is not completely safe since it will not handle rollover well
    // but this will only be a problem if the function is called during a
    // ulTimeoutMs millisecond window 49.7 days after the application
    // starts. If it takes us a month and a half to run our testcase, we
    // have far bigger things to worry about than this.
    while(UTUtilsGetSysTime() < ulTimeToEnd)
        // Read the counter and see if it got to the target value yet
        if(*pulCount >= ulTarget)
            // Target reached so return true

Example #2
//! Waits for the value of a counter to reach or exceed a target value.
//! \param pulCount is a pointer to the counter variable whose value is to be
//! polled until it reaches or exceeds the supplied target value.
//! \param ulTarget is the value that /b *pulCount must reach before the
//! the function will return /e true.
//! \param ulTimeoutMs is the maximum time that the function will wait for
//! the target to be reached before returning /e false.
//! This function polls the value of a variable supplied in /b pulCount,
//! waiting for it to reach or exceed /b ulTarget. If the target is reached
//! within /b ulTimeoutMs milliseconds, the function returns /e true. If the
//! timeout is reached before the target value is reached, /e false is
//! returned.
//! \return Returns /e true if the target value is reached or exceeded or
//! /e false if the function times out before this occurs.
UTUtilsWaitForCount(volatile unsigned long *pulCount,
                    unsigned long ulTarget,
                    unsigned long ulTimeoutMs)
    unsigned long ulTimeToEnd;
    static unsigned long ulSysTimeStart;
    // When should we stop polling?
    ulSysTimeStart = UTUtilsGetSysTime();

    ulTimeToEnd = ulSysTimeStart + ulTimeoutMs;

    // Keep checking for the target value being reached until we run out
    // of time.

    // This is not completely safe since it will not handle rollover well
    // but this will only be a problem if the function is called during a
    // ulTimeoutMs millisecond window 49.7 days after the application
    // starts. If it takes us a month and a half to run our testcase, we
    // have far bigger things to worry about than this.

    while(UTUtilsGetSysTime() < ulTimeToEnd)
        // Read the counter and see if it got to the target value yet
        if(*pulCount >= ulTarget)
            // Target reached so return true

    // Grab the systick value on exit (this is purely for debug purposes).

    // If we drop out of the loop, we timed out and the target value was not
    // reached. Return false.
    /*printf("Timeout after %dmS. Count is %d, waiting for %d\n\r",
                      TICKS_TO_MILLISECONDS(ulTimeStart - ulTimeEnd),
    printf("Systime start %d, end %d, difference %dmS\n\r",
                      ulSysTimeStart, ulSysTimeEnd,
                      ulSysTimeEnd - ulSysTimeStart);*/
