HttpBaWwwAuthenticate::HttpBaWwwAuthenticate(const char* name_, unsigned name_len, const char* value_, unsigned value_len) { U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(5, HttpBaWwwAuthenticate, "%.*S,%u,%.*S,%u", name_len, name_, name_len, value_len, value_, value_len) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(memcmp(name_, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("WWW-Authenticate")) == 0) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(memcmp(value_, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(" Basic realm")) == 0) name.assign(name_, name_len); UVector<UString> vec; buffer.assign(value_, value_len); (void) U_VEC_SPLIT(vec, buffer, "="); realm = vec[2]; }
UString USOAPParser::processMessage(const UString& msg, URPCObject& object, bool& bContainsFault) { U_TRACE(0, "USOAPParser::processMessage(%V,%p,%p,%b)", msg.rep, &object, &bContainsFault) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(msg) UString retval; clearData(); if (U_STRING_FIND(msg, 0, "") != U_NOT_FOUND) { zero(); bContainsFault = true; (void) retval.assign(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" "<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">" "<env:Header>" "<env:Upgrade>" "<env:SupportedEnvelope qname=\"ns1:Envelope\" xmlns:ns1=\"\"/>" "</env:Upgrade>" "</env:Header>" "<env:Body>" "<env:Fault>" "<faultcode>env:VersionMismatch</faultcode>" "<faultstring>Version Mismatch</faultstring>" "</env:Fault>" "</env:Body>" "</env:Envelope>")); } else if (parse(msg)) { U_ASSERT_EQUALS(envelope.methodName.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Fault")), false) retval = object.processMessage(envelope, bContainsFault); } else { int line = ::XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(m_parser), coln = ::XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(m_parser); object.setFailed(); URPCMethod::pFault->getFaultReason() = UXMLParser::getErrorMessage(); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("UXMLParser: %V (%d,%d) ", URPCMethod::pFault->getFaultReason().rep, line, coln) URPCMethod::pFault->setDetail("The fault occurred near position (line: %d col: %d) within the message", line, coln); bContainsFault = true; retval = URPCMethod::encoder->encodeFault(URPCMethod::pFault); } U_RETURN_STRING(retval); }
HttpOtpPostLogin::HttpOtpPostLogin(const char* buf, unsigned len, const UString& user_field, const UString& pin_field, const UString& token_field, const UString& passwd_field, const UString& cf_field, HttpHeader& header) { U_TRACE(5, "HttpOtpPostLogin::HttpOtpPostLogin(%.*S,%u,%.*S,%.*S,%.*S,%.*S,%p)", len, buf, len, U_STRING_TO_TRACE(user_field), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(pin_field), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(token_field), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(passwd_field), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(cf_field), &header) HttpField* f = header.find(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("Content-Type")); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_POINTER(f) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(f->value.find("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") != unsigned(-1)) buffer.assign(buf, len); (void) U_VEC_SPLIT(vec, buffer, "=&"); // "user=stefano+casazza&pin=12345&token=autorizzativo" unsigned i = 0; while (i < vec.size()) { if (vec[i] == user_field) { U_STR_RESERVE(user, 64); Url::decode(vec[i+1], user); } else if (vec[i] == pin_field) { U_STR_RESERVE(pin, 64); Url::decode(vec[i+1], pin); } else if (vec[i] == token_field) { U_STR_RESERVE(token, 64); Url::decode(vec[i+1], token); } else if (vec[i] == passwd_field) { U_STR_RESERVE(passwd, 64); Url::decode(vec[i+1], passwd); } else if (vec[i] == cf_field) { U_STR_RESERVE(cf, 64); Url::decode(vec[i+1], cf); } i += 2; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { U_ULIB_INIT(argv); U_TRACE(5,"main(%d)",argc) UTwilioClient tc(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("SID"), U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("TOKEN")); bool ok = tc.getCompletedCalls(); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ok) ok = tc.makeCall(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("http://xxxx")); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ok) ok = tc.sendSMS(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xxx-xxx-xxxx"), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("\"Hello, how are you?\"")); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ok) }
HttpLocation::HttpLocation(const char* name_, unsigned name_len, const char* value_, unsigned value_len) { U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(5, HttpLocation, "%.*S,%u,%.*S,%u", name_len, name_, name_len, value_len, value_, value_len) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(memcmp(name_, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Location")) == 0) name.assign(name_, name_len); trim(value_, value_len); url.assign(value_, value_len); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("url = %.*S", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(url)) }
void UXMLElement::splitNamespaceAndName(const UString& _str, UString& _namespaceName, UString& _accessorName) { U_TRACE(0+256, "UXMLElement::splitNamespaceAndName(%.*S,%p,%p)", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(_str), &_namespaceName, &_accessorName) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(_str) uint32_t nColonPos = _str.find(':'); if (nColonPos != U_NOT_FOUND) { _namespaceName = _str.substr(0U, nColonPos); _accessorName = _str.substr(nColonPos + 1, _str.length() - nColonPos - 1); } else { _namespaceName.clear(); _accessorName = _str; } }
U_NO_EXPORT void UProcess::setStdInOutErr(bool fd_stdin, bool fd_stdout, bool fd_stderr) { U_TRACE(1, "UProcess::setStdInOutErr(%b,%b,%b)", fd_stdin, fd_stdout, fd_stderr) #ifdef __MINGW32__ HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); #endif // check if we write to STDIN if (fd_stdin) { # ifdef __MINGW32__ if (hFile[1]) // Created parent-output pipe... { hChildIn = hFile[0]; // Duplicating as inheritable child-input pipe // ------------------------------------------- // (void) U_SYSCALL(DuplicateHandle, "%p,%p,%p,%p,%lu,%b,%lu", hProcess, hFile[0], hProcess, &hChildIn, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); // (void) U_SYSCALL( CloseHandle, "%p", hFile[0]); } else { hChildIn = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(filedes[0]); } # else U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_MAJOR(filedes[0],STDERR_FILENO) (void) U_SYSCALL(dup2, "%d,%d", filedes[0], STDIN_FILENO); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_EQUALS(::fcntl(STDIN_FILENO,F_GETFD,FD_CLOEXEC), 0) # endif } // check if we read from STDOUT if (fd_stdout) { # ifdef __MINGW32__ if (hFile[2]) // Created parent-input pipe... { hChildOut = hFile[3]; // Duplicating as inheritable child-output pipe // ------------------------------------------- // (void) U_SYSCALL(DuplicateHandle, "%p,%p,%p,%p,%lu,%b,%lu", hProcess, hFile[3], hProcess, &hChildOut, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); // (void) U_SYSCALL( CloseHandle, "%p", hFile[3]); } else { hChildOut = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(filedes[3]); } # else U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_MAJOR(filedes[3],STDOUT_FILENO) (void) U_SYSCALL(dup2, "%d,%d", filedes[3], STDOUT_FILENO); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_EQUALS(::fcntl(STDOUT_FILENO,F_GETFD,FD_CLOEXEC), 0) # endif } // check if we read from STDERR if (fd_stderr) { # ifdef __MINGW32__ if (hFile[4]) // Created parent-input pipe... { hChildErr = hFile[5]; // Duplicating as inheritable child-output pipe // ------------------------------------------- // (void) U_SYSCALL(DuplicateHandle, "%p,%p,%p,%p,%lu,%b,%lu", hProcess, hFile[5], hProcess, &hChildErr, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); // (void) U_SYSCALL( CloseHandle, "%p", hFile[5]); } else { hChildErr = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(filedes[5]); } # else U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(filedes[5] >= STDOUT_FILENO) (void) U_SYSCALL(dup2, "%d,%d", filedes[5], STDERR_FILENO); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_EQUALS(::fcntl(STDERR_FILENO,F_GETFD,FD_CLOEXEC), 0) # endif } #ifdef __MINGW32__ CloseHandle(hProcess); #else if (fd_stdin) { U_INTERNAL_DUMP("filedes[0,1] = { %d, %d }", filedes[0], filedes[1]) (void) U_SYSCALL(close, "%d", filedes[0]); if (filedes[1] > STDERR_FILENO) (void) U_SYSCALL(close, "%d", filedes[1]); } if (fd_stdout) { U_INTERNAL_DUMP("filedes[2,3] = { %d, %d }", filedes[2], filedes[3]) (void) U_SYSCALL(close, "%d", filedes[3]); if (filedes[2] > STDERR_FILENO) (void) U_SYSCALL(close, "%d", filedes[2]); } if (fd_stderr) { U_INTERNAL_DUMP("filedes[4,5] = { %d, %d }", filedes[4], filedes[5]) (void) U_SYSCALL(close, "%d", filedes[5]); if (filedes[4] > STDERR_FILENO) (void) U_SYSCALL(close, "%d", filedes[4]); } #endif }
void USOAPParser::startElement(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** attrs) { U_TRACE(0, "USOAPParser::startElement(%S,%p)", name, attrs) U_DUMP_ATTRS(attrs) UXMLAttribute* attribute; UString str((void*)name), namespaceName, accessorName, value; UXMLElement::splitNamespaceAndName(str, namespaceName, accessorName); if (flag_state == 0) { U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(u_rmatch(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(str), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(":Envelope"))) flag_state = 1; } U_DUMP("flag_state = %d ptree = %p ptree->parent() = %p ptree->numChild() = %u ptree->depth() = %u", flag_state, ptree, ptree->parent(), ptree->numChild(), ptree->depth()) current = U_NEW(UXMLElement(str, accessorName, namespaceName)); ptree = ptree->push(current); if (flag_state <= 2) { if (flag_state == 1 && u_rmatch(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(str), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(":Header"))) { header = ptree; flag_state = 2; } else if (u_rmatch(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(str), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(":Body"))) { body = ptree; flag_state = 3; } } U_INTERNAL_DUMP("flag_state = %d", flag_state) while (*attrs) { str.replace(*attrs++); value.replace(*attrs++); UXMLElement::splitNamespaceAndName(str, namespaceName, accessorName); attribute = U_NEW(UXMLAttribute(str, accessorName, namespaceName, value)); current->addAttribute(attribute); // check if anybody has mustUnderstand set to true if (flag_state == 2 && accessorName.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("mustUnderstand"))) { envelope.mustUnderstand = value.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("true")); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("envelope.mustUnderstand = %b", envelope.mustUnderstand) } // set the name of namespace qualified element information (gSOAP) if (flag_state == 1 && namespaceName.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xmlns")) && accessorName == *UString::str_ns) { envelope.nsName = value; U_INTERNAL_DUMP("envelope.nsName = %V", envelope.nsName.rep) }
ULog::ULog(const UString& path, uint32_t _size, const char* dir_log_gz) : UFile(path) { U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(0, ULog, "%.*S,%u,%S", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(path), _size, dir_log_gz) log_gzip_sz = 0; U_Log_start_stop_msg(this) = false; if (UFile::getPath().equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("syslog"))) { lock = 0; ptr_log_data = 0; # ifdef USE_LIBZ buf_path_compress = 0; # endif U_Log_syslog(this) = true; # ifndef __MINGW32__ U_SYSCALL_VOID(openlog, "%S,%d,%d", u_progname, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0); # endif return; } if (UFile::creat(O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0664) == false) { U_ERROR("cannot creat log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this)); return; } ptr_log_data = U_MALLOC_TYPE(log_data); ptr_log_data->file_ptr = 0; if (_size) { uint32_t file_size = UFile::size(); bool bsize = (file_size != _size); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("bsize = %b", bsize) if ((bsize && UFile::ftruncate(_size) == false) || UFile::memmap(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE) == false) { U_ERROR("cannot init log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this)); return; } if (bsize) ptr_log_data->file_ptr = file_size; // append mode else { // NB: we can have a previous crash without resizing the file or we are an other process (apache like log)... char* ptr = (char*) u_find(UFile::map, file_size, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_MARK_END)); U_INTERNAL_DUMP("ptr = %p", ptr) if (ptr) { ptr_log_data->file_ptr = ptr - UFile::map; // NB: we can be an other process that manage this file (apache like log)... (void) memcpy(ptr, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_MARK_END)); UFile::msync(ptr + U_CONSTANT_SIZE(U_MARK_END), UFile::map, MS_SYNC); } U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_MINOR(ptr_log_data->file_ptr, UFile::st_size) } log_file_sz = UFile::st_size; } U_INTERNAL_DUMP("ptr_log_data->file_ptr = %u UFile::st_size = %u log_gzip_sz = %u", ptr_log_data->file_ptr, UFile::st_size, log_gzip_sz) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ptr_log_data->file_ptr <= UFile::st_size) lock = U_NEW(ULock); U_Log_syslog(this) = false; ptr_log_data->gzip_len = 0; ptr_log_data->file_page = ptr_log_data->file_ptr; #ifdef USE_LIBZ char suffix[32]; uint32_t len_suffix = u__snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), ".%4D.gz"); buf_path_compress = U_NEW(UString(MAX_FILENAME_LEN)); char* ptr = buf_path_compress->data(); if (dir_log_gz == 0) { (void) UFile::setPathFromFile(*this, ptr, suffix, len_suffix); buf_path_compress->size_adjust(); index_path_compress = (buf_path_compress->size() - len_suffix + 1); } else { UString name = UFile::getName(); uint32_t len = u__strlen(dir_log_gz, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__), sz = name.size(); U_MEMCPY(ptr, dir_log_gz, len); ptr += len; *ptr++ = '/'; buf_path_compress->size_adjust(len + 1 + sz + len_suffix); U_MEMCPY(ptr,, sz); ptr += sz; U_MEMCPY(ptr, suffix, len_suffix); index_path_compress = buf_path_compress->distance(ptr) + 1; buf_path_compress->UString::setNullTerminated(); } U_INTERNAL_DUMP("buf_path_compress(%u) = %.*S index_path_compress = %u", buf_path_compress->size(), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(*buf_path_compress), index_path_compress) #endif }
ULog::ULog(const UString& path, uint32_t _size, const char* dir_log_gz) : UFile(path, 0) { U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(0, ULog, "%V,%u,%S", path.rep, _size, dir_log_gz) lock = 0; ptr_log_data = 0; log_file_sz = log_gzip_sz = 0; U_Log_start_stop_msg(this) = false; #ifdef USE_LIBZ buf_path_compress = 0; index_path_compress = 0; #endif if (UFile::getPath().equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("syslog"))) { U_Log_syslog(this) = true; # ifndef _MSWINDOWS_ openlog(u_progname, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0); # endif return; } if (UFile::creat(O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0664) == false) { # ifndef U_COVERITY_FALSE_POSITIVE U_ERROR("cannot creat log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this)); # endif return; } /** * typedef struct log_data { * uint32_t file_ptr; * uint32_t file_page; * uint32_t gzip_len; * sem_t lock_shared; * char spinlock_shared[1]; * // --------------> maybe unnamed array of char for gzip compression... * } log_data; */ ptr_log_data = U_MALLOC_TYPE(log_data); ptr_log_data->file_ptr = 0; if (_size) { uint32_t file_size = UFile::size(); bool bsize = (file_size != _size); if ((bsize && UFile::ftruncate(_size) == false) || UFile::memmap(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE) == false) { U_ERROR("cannot init log file %.*S", U_FILE_TO_TRACE(*this)); return; } if (bsize) ptr_log_data->file_ptr = file_size; // append mode else { // NB: we can have a previous crash without resizing the file or we are an other process (apache like log)... char* ptr = (char*) u_find(UFile::map, file_size, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_MARK_END)); if (ptr) { ptr_log_data->file_ptr = ptr - UFile::map; // NB: we can be an other process that manage this file (apache like log)... u_put_unalignedp64(ptr, U_MULTICHAR_CONSTANT64('\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n')); u_put_unalignedp64(ptr+8, U_MULTICHAR_CONSTANT64('\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n')); u_put_unalignedp64(ptr+16, U_MULTICHAR_CONSTANT64('\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n','\n')); UFile::msync(ptr + U_CONSTANT_SIZE(U_MARK_END), UFile::map, MS_SYNC); } U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_MINOR(ptr_log_data->file_ptr, UFile::st_size) } log_file_sz = UFile::st_size; } U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(ptr_log_data->file_ptr <= UFile::st_size) lock = U_NEW(ULock); U_Log_syslog(this) = false; ptr_log_data->gzip_len = 0; ptr_log_data->file_page = ptr_log_data->file_ptr; #ifdef USE_LIBZ char suffix[32]; uint32_t len_suffix = u__snprintf(suffix, sizeof(suffix), ".%4D.gz"); buf_path_compress = U_NEW(UString(MAX_FILENAME_LEN)); char* ptr = buf_path_compress->data(); if (dir_log_gz == 0) { # ifndef U_COVERITY_FALSE_POSITIVE // Uninitialized pointer read (UNINIT) (void) UFile::setPathFromFile(*this, ptr, suffix, len_suffix); # endif buf_path_compress->size_adjust(); index_path_compress = (buf_path_compress->size() - len_suffix + 1); } else { UString name = UFile::getName(); uint32_t len = u__strlen(dir_log_gz, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__), sz = name.size(); (void) memcpy(ptr, dir_log_gz, len); ptr += len; *ptr++ = '/'; buf_path_compress->size_adjust(len + 1 + sz + len_suffix); (void) memcpy(ptr,, sz); ptr += sz; (void) memcpy(ptr, suffix, len_suffix); index_path_compress = buf_path_compress->distance(ptr) + 1; } #endif }
OtpAuthToken::OtpAuthToken(CryptEngine* eng_, const UString& buf) { U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(5, OtpAuthToken, "%p,%.*S", eng_, U_STRING_TO_TRACE(buf)) eng = eng_; U_STR_RESERVE(buffer, 1000); long pos; unsigned char ptr[1000]; #ifdef U_PROXY_UNIT Base64engine eng1; pos = eng1.decode((unsigned char*), (long)buf.size(), ptr); pos = eng->decrypt(ptr, pos, (unsigned char*); #else pos = u_base64_decode(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(buf), ptr); # ifdef USE_LIBSSL pos = u_des3_decode(ptr, pos, (unsigned char*); # endif #endif U_STR_SIZE_ADJUST_FORCE(buffer, pos); migrate = false; valid = (memcmp(, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("TID=")) == 0); timestamp = 0; if (valid) { unsigned n = U_VEC_SPLIT(vec, buffer, "=; \r\n"), i = 10; if (n < i) { valid = false; return; } U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(vec[0] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("TID")) tid = vec[1]; U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(vec[2] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("UID")) uid = vec[3]; U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(vec[4] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("SID")) sid = vec[5]; U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(vec[6] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("TS")) ts = vec[7]; U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(vec[8] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("CF")) cf = vec[9]; while (i < n) { if (vec[i] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("MIGRATE")) { migrate = true; ++i; } else { hp.push_back(vec[i]); ++i; if (i >= n) { valid = false; return; } hp.push_back(vec[i]); ++i; } } # ifdef U_STD_STRING char* _ptr = (char*) ts.c_str(); # else char* _ptr =; # endif static struct tm tm; (void) strptime(_ptr, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &tm); timestamp = mktime(&tm); } }
HttpCookie::HttpCookie(const char* name_, unsigned name_len, const char* value_, unsigned value_len) { U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(5, HttpCookie, "%.*S,%u,%.*S,%u", name_len, name_, name_len, value_len, value_, value_len) U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(memcmp(name_, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("Cookie")) == 0) name.assign(name_, name_len); buffer.assign(value_, value_len); #ifdef SERGIO // NOTA BENE: La virgola come separatore non viene supportata per consentire l'utilizzo di COOKIE_SPECIAL_VALUE UVector<UString> tvec,tvec1; (void) cookie_split(tvec, buffer, "="); const char* s; const char* p; const char* pc; const char* delim; unsigned i, num, size; for (i = 0; i < tvec.size(); i++) { s = tvec[i].data(); /* modifica stefano */ size = tvec[i].size(); pc = (const char*) memrchr(s, ',', size); p = (const char*) memrchr(s, ';', size); if (pc > p) { p = pc; delim = ","; } else { delim = ";"; } if (p != NULL) { /* modifica stefano */ num = cookie_split(tvec1, tvec[i], delim); U_INTERNAL_ASSERT(num > 1) vec.push_back(tvec1[0]); vec.push_back(tvec1[1]); tvec1.clear(); } else { vec.push_back(tvec[i]); } } tvec.clear(); #else (void) U_VEC_SPLIT(vec, buffer, "=;, \r\n"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { U_DUMP("vec[%d] = %.*S", i, U_STRING_TO_TRACE(vec[i])) } #endif }