/* Composes the representation. */ static void compose(PARROT_INTERP, STable *st, PMC *repr_info) { /* Nothing to do yet (but later, size). */ P6numREPRData *repr_data = (P6numREPRData *) st->REPR_data; PMC *info = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, repr_info, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "float")); repr_data->bits = sizeof(FLOATVAL)*8; if(!PMC_IS_NULL(info)) { repr_data->bits = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, info, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "bits")); if (!repr_data->bits) repr_data->bits = sizeof(FLOATVAL)*8; if(repr_data->bits != 32 && repr_data->bits != 64) { die_bad_bits(interp); } } }
PARROT_API Parrot_Int Parrot_api_get_result(Parrot_PMC interp_pmc, ARGOUT(Parrot_Int *is_error), ARGOUT(Parrot_PMC *exception), ARGOUT(Parrot_Int *exit_code), ARGOUT(Parrot_String *errmsg)) { ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_api_get_result) EMBED_API_CALLIN(interp_pmc, interp) *exit_code = interp->exit_code; *exception = interp->final_exception; if (PMC_IS_NULL(*exception)) { *is_error = 0; *errmsg = STRINGNULL; } else { STRING * const severity_str = Parrot_str_new(interp, "severity", 0); const INTVAL severity = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, *exception, severity_str); *is_error = (severity != EXCEPT_exit); *errmsg = VTABLE_get_string(interp, *exception); } interp->final_exception = PMCNULL; interp->exit_code = 0; EMBED_API_CALLOUT(interp_pmc, interp) }
/* Takes a signature along with positional and named arguments and binds them * into the provided lexpad (actually, anything that has a Hash interface will * do). Returns BIND_RESULT_OK if binding works out, BIND_RESULT_FAIL if there * is a failure and BIND_RESULT_JUNCTION if the failure was because of a * Junction being passed (meaning we need to auto-thread). */ INTVAL Rakudo_binding_bind_llsig(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *lexpad, PMC *llsig, PMC *capture, INTVAL no_nom_type_check, STRING **error) { INTVAL i; INTVAL bind_fail; INTVAL cur_pos_arg = 0; INTVAL num_pos_args = VTABLE_elements(interp, capture); PMC *named_names = PMCNULL; llsig_element **elements; INTVAL num_elements; PMC *named_to_pos_cache; /* Lazily allocated array of bindings to positionals of nameds. */ PMC **pos_from_named = NULL; /* If we do have some named args, we want to make a clone of the hash * to work on. We'll delete stuff from it as we bind, and what we have * left over can become the slurpy hash or - if we aren't meant to be * taking one - tell us we have a problem. */ PMC *named_args_copy = PMCNULL; /* If we have a |$foo that's followed by slurpies, then we can suppress * any future arity checks. */ INTVAL suppress_arity_fail = 0; /* Check that we have a valid signature and pull the bits out of it. */ if (!lls_id) setup_binder_statics(interp); if (llsig->vtable->base_type != lls_id) Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION, "Internal Error: Rakudo_binding_bind_llsig passed invalid signature"); GETATTR_P6LowLevelSig_elements(interp, llsig, elements); GETATTR_P6LowLevelSig_num_elements(interp, llsig, num_elements); GETATTR_P6LowLevelSig_named_to_pos_cache(interp, llsig, named_to_pos_cache); /* Build nameds -> position hash for named positional arguments, * if it was not yet built. */ if (PMC_IS_NULL(named_to_pos_cache)) { named_to_pos_cache = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash); PARROT_GC_WRITE_BARRIER(interp, llsig); SETATTR_P6LowLevelSig_named_to_pos_cache(interp, llsig, named_to_pos_cache); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { /* If we find a named argument, we're done with the positionals. */ if (!PMC_IS_NULL(elements[i]->named_names)) break; /* Skip slurpies (may be a slurpy block, so can't just break). */ if (elements[i]->flags & SIG_ELEM_SLURPY) continue; /* Provided it has a name... */ if (!STRING_IS_NULL(elements[i]->variable_name)) { /* Strip any sigil, then stick in named to positional array. */ STRING *store = elements[i]->variable_name; STRING *sigil = Parrot_str_substr(interp, store, 0, 1); STRING *twigil = Parrot_str_substr(interp, store, 1, 1); if (Parrot_str_equal(interp, sigil, SCALAR_SIGIL_str) || Parrot_str_equal(interp, sigil, ARRAY_SIGIL_str) || Parrot_str_equal(interp, sigil, HASH_SIGIL_str)) store = Parrot_str_substr(interp, store, 1, Parrot_str_byte_length(interp, store)); if (Parrot_str_equal(interp, twigil, BANG_TWIGIL_str)) store = Parrot_str_substr(interp, store, 1, Parrot_str_byte_length(interp, store)); VTABLE_set_integer_keyed_str(interp, named_to_pos_cache, store, i); } } } /* If we've got a CallContext, just has an attribute with list of named * parameter names. Otherwise, it's a Capture and we need to do .hash and * grab out the keys. */ if (capture->vtable->base_type == enum_class_CallContext || VTABLE_isa(interp, capture, CALLCONTEXT_str)) { named_names = VTABLE_get_attr_str(interp, capture, Parrot_str_new(interp, "named", 0)); } else if (VTABLE_isa(interp, capture, CAPTURE_str)) { PMC *meth = VTABLE_find_method(interp, capture, Parrot_str_new(interp, "!PARROT_NAMEDS", 0)); PMC *hash = PMCNULL; PMC *iter; Parrot_ext_call(interp, meth, "Pi->P", capture, &hash); iter = VTABLE_get_iter(interp, hash); if (VTABLE_get_bool(interp, iter)) { named_names = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizableStringArray); while (VTABLE_get_bool(interp, iter)) VTABLE_push_string(interp, named_names, VTABLE_shift_string(interp, iter)); } } else { Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION, "Internal Error: Rakudo_binding_bind_llsig passed invalid Capture"); } /* First, consider named arguments, to see if there are any that we will * be wanting to bind positionally. */ if (!PMC_IS_NULL(named_names)) { PMC *iter = VTABLE_get_iter(interp, named_names); named_args_copy = pmc_new(interp, enum_class_Hash); while (VTABLE_get_bool(interp, iter)) { STRING *name = VTABLE_shift_string(interp, iter); if (VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, named_to_pos_cache, name)) { /* Found one. We'll stash it away for quick access to bind it * later. */ INTVAL pos = VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, named_to_pos_cache, name); if (!pos_from_named) pos_from_named = mem_allocate_n_zeroed_typed(num_elements, PMC *); pos_from_named[pos] = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, capture, name); } else { /* Otherwise, we'll enter it into the hash of things to bind * to nameds. */ VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_str(interp, named_args_copy, name, VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_str(interp, capture, name)); } }
/* Gets a representation by name. */ REPROps * REPR_get_by_name(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name) { return repr_registry[VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, repr_name_to_id_map, name)]; }
/* Get a representation's ID from its name. Note that the IDs may change so * it's best not to store references to them in e.g. the bytecode stream. */ INTVAL REPR_name_to_id(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name) { if (!VTABLE_exists_keyed_str(interp, repr_name_to_id_map, name)) Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_args(interp, NULL, EXCEPTION_INVALID_OPERATION, "Representation '%Ss' does not exist", name); return VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, repr_name_to_id_map, name); }
/* Get a representation's ID from its name. Note that the IDs may change so * it's best not to store references to them in e.g. the bytecode stream. */ INTVAL REPR_name_to_id(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name) { return VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, repr_name_to_id_map, name); }
*/ PARROT_DOES_NOT_RETURN PARROT_COLD void die_from_exception(PARROT_INTERP, ARGIN(PMC *exception)) { ASSERT_ARGS(die_from_exception) /* Avoid anything that can throw if we are already throwing from * a previous call to this function */ static int already_dying = 0; STRING * const message = already_dying ? STRINGNULL : VTABLE_get_string(interp, exception); const INTVAL severity = already_dying ? (INTVAL)EXCEPT_fatal : VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, exception, CONST_STRING(interp, "severity")); if (already_dying) Parrot_x_jump_out(interp, 1); else { /* In some cases we have a fatal exception before the IO system * is completely initialized. Do some attempt to output the * message to stderr, to help diagnosing. */ const int use_perr = !PMC_IS_NULL(Parrot_io_STDERR(interp)); already_dying = 1; interp->final_exception = exception; interp->exit_code = 1; /* flush interpreter output to get things printed in order */ if (!PMC_IS_NULL(Parrot_io_STDOUT(interp))) Parrot_io_flush_handle(interp, Parrot_io_STDOUT(interp));
void parrot_init_library_paths(PARROT_INTERP) { ASSERT_ARGS(parrot_init_library_paths) PMC *paths; STRING *entry; STRING *versionlib = NULL; STRING *builddir = NULL; PMC * const iglobals = interp->iglobals; PMC * const config_hash = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, iglobals, (INTVAL)IGLOBALS_CONFIG_HASH); /* create the lib_paths array */ PMC * const lib_paths = Parrot_pmc_new_init_int(interp, enum_class_FixedPMCArray, PARROT_LIB_PATH_SIZE); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, iglobals, IGLOBALS_LIB_PATHS, lib_paths); if (VTABLE_elements(interp, config_hash)) { STRING * const libkey = CONST_STRING(interp, "libdir"); STRING * const verkey = CONST_STRING(interp, "versiondir"); STRING * const builddirkey = CONST_STRING(interp, "build_dir"); STRING * const installed = CONST_STRING(interp, "installed"); versionlib = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, libkey); entry = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, verkey); versionlib = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, entry); if (!VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, installed)) builddir = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, builddirkey); } /* each is an array of strings */ /* define include paths */ paths = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizableStringArray); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_INCLUDE, paths); { /* EXPERIMENTAL: add include path from environment */ const char *envvar = Parrot_getenv(interp, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "PARROT_INCLUDE")); if (envvar != NULL && envvar[0]) { entry = Parrot_str_new(interp, envvar, 0); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } } if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/include/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } entry = CONST_STRING(interp, "./"); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/include/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } /* define library paths */ paths = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizableStringArray); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_LIBRARY, paths); { /* EXPERIMENTAL: add library path from environment */ const char *envvar = Parrot_getenv(interp, Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, "PARROT_LIBRARY")); if (envvar != NULL && envvar[0]) { entry = Parrot_str_new(interp, envvar, 0); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } } if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/library/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } entry = CONST_STRING(interp, "./"); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/library/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } /* define languages paths */ paths = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizableStringArray); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_LANG, paths); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/languages/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } entry = CONST_STRING(interp, "./"); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/languages/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } /* define dynext paths */ paths = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizableStringArray); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_DYNEXT, paths); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/dynext/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } entry = CONST_STRING(interp, "dynext/"); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/dynext/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } /* shared exts */ paths = Parrot_pmc_new(interp, enum_class_ResizableStringArray); VTABLE_set_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_DYN_EXTS, paths); /* no CONST_STRING here - the c2str.pl preprocessor needs "real strs" */ entry = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, PARROT_LOAD_EXT); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); /* OS/X has .dylib and .bundle */ if (!STREQ(PARROT_LOAD_EXT, PARROT_SHARE_EXT)) { entry = Parrot_str_new_constant(interp, PARROT_SHARE_EXT); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } #ifdef PARROT_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH_INIT_HOOK PARROT_PLATFORM_LIB_PATH_INIT_HOOK(interp, lib_paths); #endif }
PARROT_EXPORT void Parrot_lib_update_paths_from_config_hash(PARROT_INTERP) { ASSERT_ARGS(Parrot_lib_update_paths_from_config_hash) STRING * versionlib = NULL; STRING * entry = NULL; STRING * builddir = NULL; PMC * const lib_paths = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->iglobals, IGLOBALS_LIB_PATHS); PMC * const config_hash = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, interp->iglobals, IGLOBALS_CONFIG_HASH); PMC * paths; if (VTABLE_elements(interp, config_hash)) { STRING * const libkey = CONST_STRING(interp, "libdir"); STRING * const verkey = CONST_STRING(interp, "versiondir"); STRING * const builddirkey = CONST_STRING(interp, "build_dir"); STRING * const installed = CONST_STRING(interp, "installed"); versionlib = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, libkey); entry = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, verkey); versionlib = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, entry); if (!VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, installed)) builddir = VTABLE_get_string_keyed_str(interp, config_hash, builddirkey); } paths = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_INCLUDE); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/include/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/include/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } paths = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_LIBRARY); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/library/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/library/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } paths = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_LANG); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/languages/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/languages/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } paths = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, lib_paths, PARROT_LIB_PATH_DYNEXT); if (!STRING_IS_NULL(builddir)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, builddir, CONST_STRING(interp, "/runtime/parrot/dynext/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } if (!STRING_IS_NULL(versionlib)) { entry = Parrot_str_concat(interp, versionlib, CONST_STRING(interp, "/dynext/")); VTABLE_push_string(interp, paths, entry); } }
/* Gets a representation by name. */ PMC * REPR_get_by_name(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name) { return VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interp, repr_registry, VTABLE_get_integer_keyed_str(interp, repr_name_to_id_map, name)); }