Example #1
static bool
ClearSurface(VolatileBuffer* aVBuf, const IntSize& aSize, SurfaceFormat aFormat)
  VolatileBufferPtr<unsigned char> vbufptr(aVBuf);
  if (vbufptr.WasBufferPurged()) {
    NS_WARNING("VolatileBuffer was purged");
    return false;

  int32_t stride = VolatileSurfaceStride(aSize, aFormat);
  if (aFormat == SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8) {
    // Skia doesn't support RGBX surfaces, so ensure the alpha value is set
    // to opaque white. While it would be nice to only do this for Skia,
    // imgFrame can run off main thread and past shutdown where
    // we might not have gfxPlatform, so just memset everytime instead.
    memset(vbufptr, 0xFF, stride * aSize.height);
  } else if (aVBuf->OnHeap()) {
    // We only need to memset it if the buffer was allocated on the heap.
    // Otherwise, it's allocated via mmap and refers to a zeroed page and will
    // be COW once it's written to.
    memset(vbufptr, 0, stride * aSize.height);

  return true;
Example #2
nsresult imgFrame::Init(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight,
                        SurfaceFormat aFormat, uint8_t aPaletteDepth /* = 0 */)
  // assert for properties that should be verified by decoders, warn for properties related to bad content
  if (!AllowedImageSize(aWidth, aHeight)) {
    NS_WARNING("Should have legal image size");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  mOffset.MoveTo(aX, aY);
  mSize.SizeTo(aWidth, aHeight);

  mFormat = aFormat;
  mPaletteDepth = aPaletteDepth;

  if (aPaletteDepth != 0) {
    // We're creating for a paletted image.
    if (aPaletteDepth > 8) {
      NS_WARNING("Should have legal palette depth");
      NS_ERROR("This Depth is not supported");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // Use the fallible allocator here
    mPalettedImageData = (uint8_t*)moz_malloc(PaletteDataLength() + GetImageDataLength());
    if (!mPalettedImageData)
      NS_WARNING("moz_malloc for paletted image data should succeed");
  } else {
    // Inform the discard tracker that we are going to allocate some memory.
    if (!DiscardTracker::TryAllocation(4 * mSize.width * mSize.height)) {
      NS_WARNING("Exceed the hard limit of decode image size");
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    if (!mImageSurface) {
      mVBuf = AllocateBufferForImage(mSize, mFormat);
      if (!mVBuf) {
        return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
      if (mVBuf->OnHeap()) {
        int32_t stride = VolatileSurfaceStride(mSize, mFormat);
        VolatileBufferPtr<uint8_t> ptr(mVBuf);
        memset(ptr, 0, stride * mSize.height);
      mImageSurface = CreateLockedSurface(mVBuf, mSize, mFormat);

    if (!mImageSurface) {
      NS_WARNING("Failed to create VolatileDataSourceSurface");
      // Image surface allocation is failed, need to return
      // the booked buffer size.
      DiscardTracker::InformDeallocation(4 * mSize.width * mSize.height);
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    mInformedDiscardTracker = true;

  return NS_OK;
Example #3
imgFrame::InitWithDrawable(gfxDrawable* aDrawable,
                           const nsIntSize& aSize,
                           const SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                           GraphicsFilter aFilter,
                           uint32_t aImageFlags)
  // Assert for properties that should be verified by decoders,
  // warn for properties related to bad content.
  if (!AllowedImageSize(aSize.width, aSize.height)) {
    NS_WARNING("Should have legal image size");
    mAborted = true;
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  mImageSize = aSize;
  mOffset.MoveTo(0, 0);
  mSize.SizeTo(aSize.width, aSize.height);

  mFormat = aFormat;
  mPaletteDepth = 0;

  RefPtr<DrawTarget> target;

  bool canUseDataSurface =

  if (canUseDataSurface) {
    // It's safe to use data surfaces for content on this platform, so we can
    // get away with using volatile buffers.
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mImageSurface, "Called imgFrame::InitWithDrawable() twice?");

    mVBuf = AllocateBufferForImage(mSize, mFormat);
    if (!mVBuf) {
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    int32_t stride = VolatileSurfaceStride(mSize, mFormat);
    VolatileBufferPtr<uint8_t> ptr(mVBuf);
    if (!ptr) {
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    if (mVBuf->OnHeap()) {
      memset(ptr, 0, stride * mSize.height);
    mImageSurface = CreateLockedSurface(mVBuf, mSize, mFormat);

    target = gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->
      CreateDrawTargetForData(ptr, mSize, stride, mFormat);
  } else {
    // We can't use data surfaces for content, so we'll create an offscreen
    // surface instead.  This means if someone later calls RawAccessRef(), we
    // may have to do an expensive readback, but we warned callers about that in
    // the documentation for this method.
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mOptSurface, "Called imgFrame::InitWithDrawable() twice?");

    target = gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->
      CreateOffscreenContentDrawTarget(mSize, mFormat);

  if (!target) {
    mAborted = true;

  // Draw using the drawable the caller provided.
  nsIntRect imageRect(0, 0, mSize.width, mSize.height);
  nsRefPtr<gfxContext> ctx = new gfxContext(target);
  gfxUtils::DrawPixelSnapped(ctx, aDrawable, mSize,
                             mFormat, aFilter, aImageFlags);

  if (canUseDataSurface && !mImageSurface) {
    NS_WARNING("Failed to create VolatileDataSourceSurface");
    mAborted = true;

  if (!canUseDataSurface) {
    // We used an offscreen surface, which is an "optimized" surface from
    // imgFrame's perspective.
    mOptSurface = target->Snapshot();

  // If we reach this point, we should regard ourselves as complete.
  mDecoded = GetRect();

  return NS_OK;
Example #4
imgFrame::InitForDecoder(const nsIntSize& aImageSize,
                         const nsIntRect& aRect,
                         SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                         uint8_t aPaletteDepth /* = 0 */,
                         bool aNonPremult /* = false */)
  // Assert for properties that should be verified by decoders,
  // warn for properties related to bad content.
  if (!AllowedImageAndFrameDimensions(aImageSize, aRect)) {
    NS_WARNING("Should have legal image size");
    mAborted = true;
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  mImageSize = aImageSize;
  mOffset.MoveTo(aRect.x, aRect.y);
  mSize.SizeTo(aRect.width, aRect.height);

  mFormat = aFormat;
  mPaletteDepth = aPaletteDepth;
  mNonPremult = aNonPremult;

  if (aPaletteDepth != 0) {
    // We're creating for a paletted image.
    if (aPaletteDepth > 8) {
      NS_WARNING("Should have legal palette depth");
      NS_ERROR("This Depth is not supported");
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // Use the fallible allocator here. Paletted images always use 1 byte per
    // pixel, so calculating the amount of memory we need is straightforward.
    mPalettedImageData =
      static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(PaletteDataLength() +
                                   (mSize.width * mSize.height)));
    if (!mPalettedImageData) {
      NS_WARNING("malloc for paletted image data should succeed");
  } else {
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mImageSurface, "Called imgFrame::InitForDecoder() twice?");

    mVBuf = AllocateBufferForImage(mSize, mFormat);
    if (!mVBuf) {
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    if (mVBuf->OnHeap()) {
      int32_t stride = VolatileSurfaceStride(mSize, mFormat);
      VolatileBufferPtr<uint8_t> ptr(mVBuf);
      memset(ptr, 0, stride * mSize.height);
    mImageSurface = CreateLockedSurface(mVBuf, mSize, mFormat);

    if (!mImageSurface) {
      NS_WARNING("Failed to create VolatileDataSourceSurface");
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

  return NS_OK;
Example #5
imgFrame::InitWithDrawable(gfxDrawable* aDrawable,
                           const nsIntSize& aSize,
                           const SurfaceFormat aFormat,
                           SamplingFilter aSamplingFilter,
                           uint32_t aImageFlags)
  // Assert for properties that should be verified by decoders,
  // warn for properties related to bad content.
  if (!AllowedImageSize(aSize.width, aSize.height)) {
    NS_WARNING("Should have legal image size");
    mAborted = true;
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  mImageSize = aSize;
  mFrameRect = IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), aSize);

  mFormat = aFormat;
  mPaletteDepth = 0;

  RefPtr<DrawTarget> target;

  bool canUseDataSurface =

  if (canUseDataSurface) {
    // It's safe to use data surfaces for content on this platform, so we can
    // get away with using volatile buffers.
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mImageSurface, "Called imgFrame::InitWithDrawable() twice?");

    mVBuf = AllocateBufferForImage(mFrameRect.Size(), mFormat);
    if (!mVBuf) {
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    int32_t stride = VolatileSurfaceStride(mFrameRect.Size(), mFormat);
    VolatileBufferPtr<uint8_t> ptr(mVBuf);
    if (!ptr) {
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    mImageSurface = CreateLockedSurface(mVBuf, mFrameRect.Size(), mFormat);

    if (!mImageSurface) {
      NS_WARNING("Failed to create ImageSurface");
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if (!ClearSurface(mVBuf, mFrameRect.Size(), mFormat)) {
      NS_WARNING("Could not clear allocated buffer");
      mAborted = true;
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    target = gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->
      CreateDrawTargetForData(ptr, mFrameRect.Size(), stride, mFormat);
  } else {
    // We can't use data surfaces for content, so we'll create an offscreen
    // surface instead.  This means if someone later calls RawAccessRef(), we
    // may have to do an expensive readback, but we warned callers about that in
    // the documentation for this method.
    MOZ_ASSERT(!mOptSurface, "Called imgFrame::InitWithDrawable() twice?");

    target = gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->
      CreateOffscreenContentDrawTarget(mFrameRect.Size(), mFormat);

  if (!target || !target->IsValid()) {
    mAborted = true;

  // Draw using the drawable the caller provided.
  RefPtr<gfxContext> ctx = gfxContext::CreateOrNull(target);
  MOZ_ASSERT(ctx);  // Already checked the draw target above.
  gfxUtils::DrawPixelSnapped(ctx, aDrawable, mFrameRect.Size(),
                             mFormat, aSamplingFilter, aImageFlags);

  if (canUseDataSurface && !mImageSurface) {
    NS_WARNING("Failed to create VolatileDataSourceSurface");
    mAborted = true;

  if (!canUseDataSurface) {
    // We used an offscreen surface, which is an "optimized" surface from
    // imgFrame's perspective.
    mOptSurface = target->Snapshot();

  // If we reach this point, we should regard ourselves as complete.
  mDecoded = GetRect();
  mFinished = true;

#ifdef DEBUG
  MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor);

  return NS_OK;