Example #1
* This function provides the QSPI FLASH interface for the Simplified header
* functionality.
* @param	SourceAddress is address in FLASH data space
* @param	DestinationAddress is address in DDR data space
* @param	LengthBytes is the length of the data in Bytes
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if the write completes correctly
*		- XST_FAILURE if the write fails to completes correctly
* @note	none.
u32 QspiAccess( u32 SourceAddress, u32 DestinationAddress, u32 LengthBytes)
	u8	*BufferPtr;
	u32 Length = 0;
	u32 BankSel = 0;
	u32 LqspiCrReg;
	u32 Status;
	u8 BankSwitchFlag = 1;

	 * Linear access check
	if (LinearBootDeviceFlag == 1) {
		 * Check for non-word tail, add bytes to cover the end
		if ((LengthBytes%4) != 0){
			LengthBytes += (4 - (LengthBytes & 0x00000003));

		      (const void*)(SourceAddress + FlashReadBaseAddress),
	} else {
		 * Non Linear access
		BufferPtr = (u8*)DestinationAddress;

		 * Dual parallel connection actual flash is half
			SourceAddress = SourceAddress/2;

		while(LengthBytes > 0) {
			 * Local of DATA_SIZE size used for read/write buffer
			if(LengthBytes > DATA_SIZE) {
				Length = DATA_SIZE;
			} else {
				Length = LengthBytes;

			 * Dual stack connection
				 * Get the current LQSPI configuration value
				LqspiCrReg = XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr);

				 * Select lower or upper Flash based on sector address
				if (SourceAddress >= (QspiFlashSize/2)) {
					 * Set selection to U_PAGE

					 * Subtract first flash size when accessing second flash
					SourceAddress = SourceAddress - (QspiFlashSize/2);

					fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO, "stacked - upper CS \n\r");

					 * Assert the FLASH chip select.

			 * Select bank
			if ((SourceAddress >= FLASH_SIZE_16MB) && (BankSwitchFlag == 1)) {
				BankSel = SourceAddress/FLASH_SIZE_16MB;

				fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO, "Bank Selection %d\n\r", BankSel);

				Status = SendBankSelect(BankSel);
				if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
					fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO, "Bank Selection Failed\n\r");
					return XST_FAILURE;

				BankSwitchFlag = 0;

			 * If data to be read spans beyond the current bank, then
			 * calculate length in current bank else no change in length
				 * In dual parallel mode, check should be for half
				 * the length.
				if((SourceAddress & BANKMASK) != ((SourceAddress + (Length/2)) & BANKMASK))
					Length = (SourceAddress & BANKMASK) + FLASH_SIZE_16MB - SourceAddress;
					 * Above length calculated is for single flash
					 * Length should be doubled since dual parallel
					Length = Length * 2;
					BankSwitchFlag = 1;
			} else {
				if((SourceAddress & BANKMASK) != ((SourceAddress + Length) & BANKMASK))
					Length = (SourceAddress & BANKMASK) + FLASH_SIZE_16MB - SourceAddress;
					BankSwitchFlag = 1;

			 * Copying the image to local buffer
			FlashRead(SourceAddress, Length);

			 * Moving the data from local buffer to DDR destination address
			memcpy(BufferPtr, &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE], Length);

			 * Updated the variables
			LengthBytes -= Length;

			 * For Dual parallel connection address increment should be half
				SourceAddress += Length/2;
			} else {
				SourceAddress += Length;

			BufferPtr = (u8*)((u32)BufferPtr + Length);

		 * Reset Bank selection to zero
		Status = SendBankSelect(0);
		if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO, "Bank Selection Reset Failed\n\r");
			return XST_FAILURE;


			 * Reset selection to L_PAGE

			fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO, "stacked - lower CS \n\r");

			 * Assert the FLASH chip select.

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* This function erases the sectors in the  serial Flash connected to the
* QSPI interface.
* @param	QspiPtr is a pointer to the QSPI driver component to use.
* @param	Address contains the address of the first sector which needs to
*		be erased.
* @param	ByteCount contains the total size to be erased.
* @param	Pointer to the write buffer (which is to be transmitted)
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void FlashErase(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 *WriteBfrPtr)
	u8 WriteEnableCmd = { WRITE_ENABLE_CMD };
	u8 ReadStatusCmd[] = { READ_STATUS_CMD, 0 };  /* Must send 2 bytes */
	u8 FlashStatus[2];
	int Sector;
	u32 RealAddr;
	u32 LqspiCr;
	u32 NumSect;
	u32 BankSel;
	u8 BankInitFlag = 1;
	u8 ReadFlagSRCmd[] = { READ_FLAG_STATUS_CMD, 0 };
	u8 FlagStatus[2];

	 * If erase size is same as the total size of the flash, use bulk erase
	 * command or die erase command multiple times as required
	if (ByteCount == ((Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex]).NumSect *
			(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex]).SectSize) ) {

		if(QspiPtr->Config.ConnectionMode == XQSPIPS_CONNECTION_MODE_STACKED){

			 * Get the current LQSPI configuration register value
			LqspiCr = XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg(QspiPtr);
			 * Set selection to L_PAGE

			 * Assert the Flash chip select.

		if(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].NumDie == 1) {
			 * Call Bulk erase
			BulkErase(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr);

		if(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].NumDie > 1) {
			 * Call Die erase
			DieErase(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr);
		 * If stacked mode, bulk erase second flash
		if(QspiPtr->Config.ConnectionMode == XQSPIPS_CONNECTION_MODE_STACKED){

			 * Get the current LQSPI configuration register value
			LqspiCr = XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg(QspiPtr);
			 * Set selection to U_PAGE

			 * Assert the Flash chip select.

			if(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].NumDie == 1) {
				 * Call Bulk erase
				BulkErase(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr);

			if(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].NumDie > 1) {
				 * Call Die erase
				DieErase(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr);


	 * If the erase size is less than the total size of the flash, use
	 * sector erase command

	 * Calculate no. of sectors to erase based on byte count
	NumSect = ByteCount/(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].SectSize) + 1;

	 * If ByteCount to k sectors,
	 * but the address range spans from N to N+k+1 sectors, then
	 * increment no. of sectors to be erased

	if( ((Address + ByteCount) & Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].SectMask) ==
			((Address + (NumSect * Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].SectSize)) &
					Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].SectMask) ) {

	for (Sector = 0; Sector < NumSect; Sector++) {

		 * Translate address based on type of connection
		 * If stacked assert the slave select based on address
		RealAddr = GetRealAddr(QspiPtr, Address);

		 * Initial bank selection
		if((BankInitFlag) &&
				(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].FlashDeviceSize > SIXTEENMB)) {
			 * Reset initial bank select flag
			BankInitFlag = 0;
			 * Calculate initial bank
			BankSel = RealAddr/SIXTEENMB;
			 * Select bank
			SendBankSelect(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr, BankSel);
		 * Check bank and send bank select if new bank
		if((BankSel != RealAddr/SIXTEENMB) &&
				(Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].FlashDeviceSize > SIXTEENMB)) {
			 * Calculate initial bank
			BankSel = RealAddr/SIXTEENMB;
			 * Select bank
			SendBankSelect(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr, BankSel);

		 * Send the write enable command to the SEEPOM so that it can be
		 * written to, this needs to be sent as a separate transfer
		 * before the write
		XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,

		 * Setup the write command with the specified address and data
		 * for the Flash
		 * This ensures 3B address is sent to flash even with address
		 * greater than 128Mb.
		WriteBfrPtr[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)(RealAddr >> 16);
		WriteBfrPtr[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)(RealAddr >> 8);
		WriteBfrPtr[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(RealAddr & 0xFF);

		 * Send the sector erase command and address; no receive buffer
		 * is specified since there is nothing to receive
		XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBfrPtr, NULL,

		if((Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].NumDie > 1) &&
				(FlashMake == MICRON_ID_BYTE0)) {
			XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadFlagSRCmd, FlagStatus,
		 * Wait for the sector erase command to the Flash to be completed
		while (1) {
			 * Poll the status register of the device to determine
			 * when it completes, by sending a read status command
			 * and receiving the status byte
			XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd,

			 * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop
			 * waiting, if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is
			 * read from the device and this loop never exits, the
			 * device slave select is possibly incorrect such that
			 * the device status is not being read
			if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {

		if((Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].NumDie > 1) &&
				(FlashMake == MICRON_ID_BYTE0)) {
			XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadFlagSRCmd, FlagStatus,

		Address += Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].SectSize;

Example #3
* This function initializes the controller for the QSPI interface.
* @param	None
* @return	None
* @note		None
u32 InitQspi(void)
	XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;
	int Status;

	QspiInstancePtr = &QspiInstance;

	 * Set up the base address for access

	 * Initialize the QSPI driver so that it's ready to use
	QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(QSPI_DEVICE_ID);
	if (NULL == QspiConfig) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(QspiInstancePtr, QspiConfig,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Set Manual Chip select options and drive HOLD_B pin high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Set the prescaler for QSPI clock
	XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

	 * Assert the FLASH chip select.

	 * Read Flash ID and extract Manufacture and Size information
	Status = FlashReadID();
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;


		fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO,"QSPI is in single flash connection\r\n");
		 * For Flash size <128Mbit controller configured in linear mode
		if (QspiFlashSize <= FLASH_SIZE_16MB) {
			LinearBootDeviceFlag = 1;

			 * Enable linear mode
			XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr,  XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION |

			 * Single linear read
			XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, SINGLE_QSPI_CONFIG_QUAD_READ);

			 * Enable the controller
		} else {
			 * Single flash IO read
			XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, SINGLE_QSPI_IO_CONFIG_QUAD_READ);

			 * Enable the controller


		fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO,"QSPI is in Dual Parallel connection\r\n");
		 * For Single Flash size <128Mbit controller configured in linear mode
		if (QspiFlashSize <= FLASH_SIZE_16MB) {
			 * Setting linear access flag
			LinearBootDeviceFlag = 1;

			 * Enable linear mode
			XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr,  XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION |

			 * Dual linear read
			XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_QSPI_CONFIG_QUAD_READ);

			 * Enable the controller
		} else {
			 * Dual flash IO read
			XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_QSPI_IO_CONFIG_QUAD_READ);

			 * Enable the controller


		 * Total flash size is two time of single flash size
		QspiFlashSize = 2 * QspiFlashSize;

	 * It is expected to same flash size for both chip selection

		fsbl_printf(DEBUG_INFO,"QSPI is in Dual Stack connection\r\n");

		QspiFlashSize = 2 * QspiFlashSize;

		 * Enable two flash memories on separate buses
		XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_STACK_CONFIG_READ);

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* This functions translates the address based on the type of interconnection.
* In case of stacked, this function asserts the corresponding slave select.
* @param	QspiPtr is a pointer to the QSPI driver component to use.
* @param	Address which is to be accessed (for erase, write or read)
* @return	RealAddr is the translated address - for single it is unchanged;
* 			for stacked, the lower flash size is subtracted;
* 			for parallel the address is divided by 2.
* @note		None.
u32 GetRealAddr(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address)
	u32 LqspiCr;
	u32 RealAddr;

	switch(QspiPtr->Config.ConnectionMode) {
		RealAddr = Address;
		 * Get the current LQSPI Config reg value
		LqspiCr = XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg(QspiPtr);

		/* Select lower or upper Flash based on sector address */
		if(Address & Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].FlashDeviceSize) {
			 * Set selection to U_PAGE

			 * Subtract first flash size when accessing second flash
			RealAddr = Address &


			 * Set selection to L_PAGE

			RealAddr = Address;


		 * Assert the Flash chip select.
		 * The effective address in each flash is the actual
		 * address / 2
		RealAddr = Address / 2;
		/* RealAddr wont be assigned in this case; */



* The purpose of this function is to illustrate how to use the XQspiPs
* device driver in single, parallel and stacked modes using
* flash devices greater than 128Mb.
* This function reads and writes data in I/O mode.
* @param	None.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int QspiG128FlashExample(XQspiPs *QspiInstancePtr, u16 QspiDeviceId)
	int Status;
	u8 UniqueValue;
	int Count;
	int Page;
	XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;

	 * Initialize the QSPI driver so that it's ready to use
	QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(QspiDeviceId);
	if (NULL == QspiConfig) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(QspiInstancePtr, QspiConfig,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform a self-test to check hardware build
	Status = XQspiPs_SelfTest(QspiInstancePtr);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Set the pre-scaler for QSPI clock
	XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

	 * Set Manual Start and Manual Chip select options and drive the
	 * HOLD_B high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |
	if(QspiConfig->ConnectionMode == XQSPIPS_CONNECTION_MODE_STACKED) {
		 * Enable two flash memories, Shared bus (NOT separate bus),
		 * L_PAGE selected by default
		XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_STACK_CONFIG_WRITE);

	if(QspiConfig->ConnectionMode == XQSPIPS_CONNECTION_MODE_PARALLEL) {
		 * Enable two flash memories on separate buses
		XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_QSPI_CONFIG_WRITE);

	 * Assert the Flash chip select.

	 * Read flash ID and obtain all flash related information
	 * It is important to call the read id function before
	 * performing proceeding to any operation, including
	 * preparing the WriteBuffer
	FlashReadID(QspiInstancePtr, WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer);

	 * Initialize MaxData according to page size.
	MaxData = PAGE_COUNT * (Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize);

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the Flash
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0;
			Count < Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize;
			Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Erase the flash.
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MaxData, WriteBuffer);

	 * Write the data in the write buffer to the serial Flash a page at a
	 * time, starting from TEST_ADDRESS
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
			(Page * Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize) + TEST_ADDRESS,
			Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize, WRITE_CMD, WriteBuffer);

	 * I/O Read - for any flash size
	FlashRead(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MaxData, QUAD_READ_CMD,
				WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer);

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MaxData;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (ReadBuffer[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the Flash
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0;
			Count < Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize;
			Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Set Auto Start and Manual Chip select options and drive the
	 * HOLD_B high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Erase the flash.
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MaxData, WriteBuffer);

	 * Write the data in the write buffer to the serial Flash a page at a
	 * time, starting from TEST_ADDRESS
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
			(Page * Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize) + TEST_ADDRESS,
			Flash_Config_Table[FCTIndex].PageSize, WRITE_CMD, WriteBuffer);

	 * I/O Read - for any flash size
	FlashRead(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MaxData, QUAD_READ_CMD,
				WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer);

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MaxData;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (ReadBuffer[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* The purpose of this function is to illustrate how to use the XQspiPs
* device driver in Linear mode. This function writes data to the serial
* FLASH in QSPI mode and reads data in Linear QSPI mode.
* @param	None.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int LinearQspiFlashExample(XQspiPs *QspiInstancePtr, u16 QspiDeviceId)
	int Status;
	u8 UniqueValue;
	int Count;
	int Page;
	XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;

	 * Initialize the QSPI driver so that it's ready to use
	QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(QspiDeviceId);
	if (NULL == QspiConfig) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(QspiInstancePtr, QspiConfig,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform a self-test to check hardware build
	Status = XQspiPs_SelfTest(QspiInstancePtr);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the FLASH
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < PAGE_SIZE;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Set the prescaler for QSPI clock
	XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

	 * Set Manual Start and Manual Chip select options and drive the
	 * HOLD_B high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Assert the FLASH chip select.


	 * Erase the flash.
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA);

	 * Write the data in the write buffer to the serial FLASH a page at a
	 * time, starting from TEST_ADDRESS
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
		FlashWrite(QspiInstancePtr, (Page * PAGE_SIZE) + TEST_ADDRESS,

	 * Read from the flash in LQSPI mode.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION |

	Status = XQspiPs_LqspiRead(QspiInstancePtr, ReadBuffer, TEST_ADDRESS,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (ReadBuffer[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the FLASH
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < PAGE_SIZE;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Set Auto Start and Manual Chip select options and drive the
	 * HOLD_B high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Erase the flash.
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA);

	 * Write the data in the write buffer to the serial FLASH a page at a
	 * time, starting from TEST_ADDRESS
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
		FlashWrite(QspiInstancePtr, (Page * PAGE_SIZE) + TEST_ADDRESS,

	 * Read from the flash in LQSPI mode.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION |

	Status = XQspiPs_LqspiRead(QspiInstancePtr, ReadBuffer, TEST_ADDRESS,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (ReadBuffer[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;
Example #7
* This function sets the options for the QSPI device driver. The options control
* how the device behaves relative to the QSPI bus. The device must be idle
* rather than busy transferring data before setting these device options.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance.
* @param	Options contains the specified options to be set. This is a bit
*		mask where a 1 means to turn the option on, and a 0 means to
*		turn the option off. One or more bit values may be contained in
*		the mask. See the bit definitions named XQSPIPS_*_OPTIONS in
*		the file xqspips.h.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if options are successfully set.
*		- XST_DEVICE_BUSY if the device is currently transferring data.
*		The transfer must complete or be aborted before setting options.
* @note
* This function is not thread-safe.
int XQspiPs_SetOptions(XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u32 Options)
	u32 ConfigReg;
	unsigned int Index;
	u32 QspiOptions;

	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

	 * Do not allow to modify the Control Register while a transfer is in
	 * progress. Not thread-safe.
	if (InstancePtr->IsBusy) {

	QspiOptions = Options & XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION;

	ConfigReg = XQspiPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,

	 * Loop through the options table, turning the option on or off
	 * depending on whether the bit is set in the incoming options flag.
	for (Index = 0; Index < XQSPIPS_NUM_OPTIONS; Index++) {
		if (Options & OptionsTable[Index].Option) {
			/* Turn it on */
			ConfigReg |= OptionsTable[Index].Mask;
		} else {
			/* Turn it off */
			ConfigReg &= ~(OptionsTable[Index].Mask);

	 * Now write the control register. Leave it to the upper layers
	 * to restart the device.
	XQspiPs_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET,

	 * Check for the LQSPI configuration options.
	ConfigReg = XQspiPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,

	} else {

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* The purpose of this function is to illustrate how to use the XQspiPs
* device driver in Linear mode. This function writes data to the serial
* FLASH in QSPI mode and reads data in Linear QSPI mode.
* @param	None.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int LinearQspiFlashExample(XQspiPs *QspiInstancePtr, u16 QspiDeviceId)
	int Status;
	u8 UniqueValue;
	int Count;
	int Page;
	XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;

	 * Initialize the QSPI driver so that it's ready to use
	QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(QspiDeviceId);
	if (NULL == QspiConfig) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(QspiInstancePtr, QspiConfig,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform a self-test to check hardware build
	Status = XQspiPs_SelfTest(QspiInstancePtr);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Enable two flash memories on seperate buses
	XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_QSPI_CONFIG_WRITE);

	 * Set the QSPI device as a master and enable manual CS, manual start
	 * and flash interface mode options and drive HOLD_B pin high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr,  XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the FLASH
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < PAGE_SIZE;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Assert the FLASH chip select.

	 * Erase the flash sectors
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA);

	 * Write data to the two flash memories on seperate buses, starting from
	 * TEST_ADDRESS. This is same as writing to a single flash memory. The
	 * LQSPI controller takes care of splitting the data words and writing
	 * them to the two flash memories. The user needs to take care of the
	 * address translation
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
		FlashWrite(QspiInstancePtr, ((Page * PAGE_SIZE) +

	 * Read from the two flash memories on seperate buses in LQSPI mode.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr,  XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION |
	XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_QSPI_CONFIG_QUAD_READ);

	Status = XQspiPs_LqspiRead(QspiInstancePtr, ReadBuffer, TEST_ADDRESS,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (ReadBuffer[Count] != WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET +
						     (Count % PAGE_SIZE)]) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Set the QSPI device as a master and enable manual CS, manual start
	 * and flash interface mode options and drive HOLD_B pin high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr,  XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the FLASH
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < PAGE_SIZE;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Erase the flash sectors
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA);

	 * Write data to the two flash memories on seperate buses, starting from
	 * TEST_ADDRESS. This is same as writing to a single flash memory. The
	 * LQSPI controller takes care of splitting the data words and writing
	 * them to the two flash memories. The user needs to take care of the
	 * address translation
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
		FlashWrite(QspiInstancePtr, ((Page * PAGE_SIZE) +

	 * Read from the two flash memories on seperate buses in LQSPI mode.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr,  XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION |
	XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(QspiInstancePtr, DUAL_QSPI_CONFIG_QUAD_READ);

	Status = XQspiPs_LqspiRead(QspiInstancePtr, ReadBuffer, TEST_ADDRESS,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (ReadBuffer[Count] != WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET +
						     (Count % PAGE_SIZE)]) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;
* The purpose of this function is to illustrate how to use the XQspiPs
* device driver in interrupt mode. This function writes and reads data
* from a serial FLASH.
* @param	None.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note
* This function calls other functions which contain loops that may be infinite
* if interrupts are not working such that it may not return. If the device
* slave select is not correct and the device is not responding on bus it will
* read a status of 0xFF for the status register as the bus is pulled up.
int QspiFlashIntrExample(XScuGic *IntcInstancePtr, XQspiPs *QspiInstancePtr,
			 u16 QspiDeviceId, u16 QspiIntrId)
	int Status;
	u8 *BufferPtr;
	u8 UniqueValue;
	int Count;
	int Page;
	XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;

	 * Initialize the QSPI driver so that it's ready to use
	QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(QspiDeviceId);
	if (NULL == QspiConfig) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(QspiInstancePtr, QspiConfig,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Perform a self-test to check hardware build
	Status = XQspiPs_SelfTest(QspiInstancePtr);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Connect the Qspi device to the interrupt subsystem such that
	 * interrupts can occur. This function is application specific
	Status = QspiSetupIntrSystem(IntcInstancePtr, QspiInstancePtr,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup the handler for the QSPI that will be called from the
	 * interrupt context when an QSPI status occurs, specify a pointer to
	 * the QSPI driver instance as the callback reference so the handler is
	 * able to access the instance data
	XQspiPs_SetStatusHandler(QspiInstancePtr, QspiInstancePtr,
				 (XQspiPs_StatusHandler) QspiHandler);

	 * Set Manual Start and Manual Chip select options and drive the
	 * HOLD_B high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Set the operating clock frequency using the clock divider
	XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

	 * Assert the FLASH chip select

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the FLASH
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < PAGE_SIZE;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);

	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));


	 * Erase the flash.
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA);

	 * Write the data in the write buffer to the serial FLASH a page at a
	 * time, starting from TEST_ADDRESS
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
		FlashWrite(QspiInstancePtr, (Page * PAGE_SIZE) + TEST_ADDRESS,

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Normal Read
	 * command.
	FlashRead(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA, READ_CMD);

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET];

	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Fast Read
	 * command
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE];
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Dual Read
	 * command
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE];

	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Quad Read
	 * command
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE];

	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Set Auto Start and Manual Chip select options and drive the
	 * HOLD_B high.
	XQspiPs_SetOptions(QspiInstancePtr, XQSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION |

	 * Initialize the write buffer for a pattern to write to the FLASH
	 * and the read buffer to zero so it can be verified after the read, the
	 * test value that is added to the unique value allows the value to be
	 * changed in a debug environment to guarantee
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < PAGE_SIZE;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		WriteBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + Count] = (u8)(UniqueValue + Test);

	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Erase the flash.
	FlashErase(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA);

	 * Write the data in the write buffer to the serial FLASH a page at a
	 * time, starting from TEST_ADDRESS
	for (Page = 0; Page < PAGE_COUNT; Page++) {
		FlashWrite(QspiInstancePtr, (Page * PAGE_SIZE) + TEST_ADDRESS,

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Normal Read
	 * command.
	FlashRead(QspiInstancePtr, TEST_ADDRESS, MAX_DATA, READ_CMD);

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET];

	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Fast Read
	 * command
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE];
	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Dual Read
	 * command
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE];

	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Read the contents of the FLASH from TEST_ADDRESS, using Quad Read
	 * command
	memset(ReadBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(ReadBuffer));

	 * Setup a pointer to the start of the data that was read into the read
	 * buffer and verify the data read is the data that was written
	BufferPtr = &ReadBuffer[DATA_OFFSET + DUMMY_SIZE];

	for (UniqueValue = UNIQUE_VALUE, Count = 0; Count < MAX_DATA;
	     Count++, UniqueValue++) {
		if (BufferPtr[Count] != (u8)(UniqueValue + Test)) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	QspiDisableIntrSystem(IntcInstancePtr, QspiIntrId);
	return XST_SUCCESS;
* This function erases the sectors in the  serial FLASH connected to the
* QSPI interface.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIsf component to use.
* @param	Address contains the address of the first sector which needs to
*			be erased.
* @param	ByteCount contains the total size to be erased.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
int FlashErase(XIsf *InstancePtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount)
	int Status;
	int Sector;
	u32 LqspiCr;
	u32 NumSect;
	u32 SectorSize;
	u32 NumSectors;
	u32 Sector_Mask;
	 * Get the value of Sector Size and Number of Sectors for the flash
		SectorSize = Isf.SectorSize;
		NumSectors = Isf.NumSectors;

	/* Get the sector mask value */
		Sector_Mask = SectorMask(SectorSize);

	 * If erase size is same as the total size of the flash, use bulk erase
	 * command
	if (ByteCount == (NumSectors * SectorSize)) {

		if(ConfigPtr->ConnectionMode ==

			 * Get the current LQSPI configuration register value
			LqspiCr =
			 * Set selection to L_PAGE

			 * Assert the Flash chip select.

			 * Call Bulk erase
			Status = XIsf_Erase(InstancePtr,
						XISF_BULK_ERASE, Address);
			if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
				return XST_FAILURE;

			 * If stacked mode, bulk erase second flash
			if(ConfigPtr->ConnectionMode ==

			 * Get the current LQSPI configuration register value
			LqspiCr =
			 * Set selection to U_PAGE

			 * Assert the Flash chip select.

			 * Call Bulk erase
			Status = XIsf_Erase(InstancePtr,
						XISF_BULK_ERASE, Address);
			if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
				return XST_FAILURE;

		return Status;

	 * Calculate no. of sectors to erase based on byte count
	NumSect = ByteCount/SectorSize + 1;

	 * If ByteCount to k sectors,
	 * but the address range spans from N to N+k+1 sectors, then
	 * increment no. of sectors to be erased

	if( ((Address + ByteCount) & Sector_Mask) ==
			((Address + (NumSect * SectorSize)) &
					Sector_Mask) ) {

	 * If the erase size is less than the total size of the flash, use
	 * sector erase command
	for (Sector = 0; Sector < NumSect; Sector++) {

		 * Perform the Sector Erase operation.
		Status = XIsf_Erase(InstancePtr, XISF_SECTOR_ERASE, Address);
		if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

		Address += SectorSize;
	return XST_SUCCESS;