 * Find a good ALU instruction or pair of ALU instruction and emit it.
 * Prefer emitting full ALU instructions, so that when we reach a point
 * where no full ALU instruction can be emitted, we have more candidates
 * for RGB/Alpha pairing.
static void emit_alu(struct pair_state *s)
	struct radeon_pair_instruction pair;

	if (s->ReadyFullALU || !(s->ReadyRGB && s->ReadyAlpha)) {
		int ip;
		if (s->ReadyFullALU) {
			ip = s->ReadyFullALU - s->Instructions;
			s->ReadyFullALU = s->ReadyFullALU->NextReady;
		} else if (s->ReadyRGB) {
			ip = s->ReadyRGB - s->Instructions;
			s->ReadyRGB = s->ReadyRGB->NextReady;
		} else {
			ip = s->ReadyAlpha - s->Instructions;
			s->ReadyAlpha = s->ReadyAlpha->NextReady;

		_mesa_bzero(&pair, sizeof(pair));
		fill_instruction_into_pair(s, &pair, ip);
		fill_dest_into_pair(s, &pair, ip);
		commit_instruction(s, ip);
	} else {
		struct pair_state_instruction **prgb;
		struct pair_state_instruction **palpha;

		/* Some pairings might fail because they require too
		 * many source slots; try all possible pairings if necessary */
		for(prgb = &s->ReadyRGB; *prgb; prgb = &(*prgb)->NextReady) {
			for(palpha = &s->ReadyAlpha; *palpha; palpha = &(*palpha)->NextReady) {
				int rgbip = *prgb - s->Instructions;
				int alphaip = *palpha - s->Instructions;
				_mesa_bzero(&pair, sizeof(pair));
				fill_instruction_into_pair(s, &pair, rgbip);
				if (!fill_instruction_into_pair(s, &pair, alphaip))
				*prgb = (*prgb)->NextReady;
				*palpha = (*palpha)->NextReady;
				fill_dest_into_pair(s, &pair, rgbip);
				fill_dest_into_pair(s, &pair, alphaip);
				commit_instruction(s, rgbip);
				commit_instruction(s, alphaip);
				goto success;

		/* No success in pairing; just take the first RGB instruction */
		int ip = s->ReadyRGB - s->Instructions;
		s->ReadyRGB = s->ReadyRGB->NextReady;
		_mesa_bzero(&pair, sizeof(pair));
		fill_instruction_into_pair(s, &pair, ip);
		fill_dest_into_pair(s, &pair, ip);
		commit_instruction(s, ip);
	success: ;

	if (s->Debug)

	s->Error = s->Error || !s->Handler->EmitPaired(s->UserData, &pair);
GLboolean r500FragmentProgramEmit(struct r500_fragment_program_compiler *compiler)
	struct r500_fragment_program_code *code = compiler->code;

	_mesa_bzero(code, sizeof(*code));
	code->max_temp_idx = 1;
	code->inst_offset = 0;
	code->inst_end = -1;

	if (!radeonPairProgram(compiler->r300->radeon.glCtx, compiler->program, &pair_handler, compiler))
		return GL_FALSE;

	if ((code->inst[code->inst_end].inst0 & R500_INST_TYPE_MASK) != R500_INST_TYPE_OUT) {
		/* This may happen when dead-code elimination is disabled or
		 * when most of the fragment program logic is leading to a KIL */
		if (code->inst_end >= 511) {
			error("Introducing fake OUT: Too many instructions");
			return GL_FALSE;

		int ip = ++code->inst_end;
		code->inst[ip].inst0 = R500_INST_TYPE_OUT | R500_INST_TEX_SEM_WAIT;

	return GL_TRUE;
Example #3
 * Initialize a gl_framebuffer object.  Typically used to initialize
 * window system-created framebuffers, not user-created framebuffers.
 * \sa _mesa_create_framebuffer
_mesa_initialize_framebuffer(struct gl_framebuffer *fb, const GLvisual *visual)

   _mesa_bzero(fb, sizeof(struct gl_framebuffer));


   fb->RefCount = 1;

   /* save the visual */
   fb->Visual = *visual;

   /* Init glRead/DrawBuffer state */
   if (visual->doubleBufferMode) {
      fb->ColorDrawBuffer[0] = GL_BACK;
      fb->_ColorDrawBufferMask[0] = BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT;
      fb->ColorReadBuffer = GL_BACK;
      fb->_ColorReadBufferIndex = BUFFER_BACK_LEFT;
   else {
      fb->ColorDrawBuffer[0] = GL_FRONT;
      fb->_ColorDrawBufferMask[0] = BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT;
      fb->ColorReadBuffer = GL_FRONT;
      fb->_ColorReadBufferIndex = BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT;

   fb->Delete = _mesa_destroy_framebuffer;

Example #4
 * Initialize a buffer object to default values.
_mesa_initialize_buffer_object( struct gl_buffer_object *obj,
				GLuint name, GLenum target )
   (void) target;

   _mesa_bzero(obj, sizeof(struct gl_buffer_object));
   obj->RefCount = 1;
   obj->Name = name;
   obj->Usage = GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB;
   obj->AccessFlags = DEFAULT_ACCESS;
void radeonNqssaDce(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_program *p, struct radeon_nqssadce_descr* descr)
	struct nqssadce_state s;

	_mesa_bzero(&s, sizeof(s));
	s.Ctx = ctx;
	s.Program = p;
	s.Descr = descr;
	s.IP = p->NumInstructions;

	while(s.IP > 0) {
Example #6
 * Initialize a new texture object to default values.
 * \param obj  the texture object
 * \param name  the texture name
 * \param target  the texture target
_mesa_initialize_texture_object( struct gl_texture_object *obj,
                                 GLuint name, GLenum target )
   ASSERT(target == 0 ||
          target == GL_TEXTURE_1D ||
          target == GL_TEXTURE_2D ||
          target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ||
          target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB ||
          target == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV);

   _mesa_bzero(obj, sizeof(*obj));
   /* init the non-zero fields */
   obj->RefCount = 1;
   obj->Name = name;
   obj->Target = target;
   obj->Priority = 1.0F;
   if (target == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV) {
      obj->WrapS = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
      obj->WrapT = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
      obj->WrapR = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
      obj->MinFilter = GL_LINEAR;
   else {
      obj->WrapS = GL_REPEAT;
      obj->WrapT = GL_REPEAT;
      obj->WrapR = GL_REPEAT;
      obj->MinFilter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR;
   obj->MagFilter = GL_LINEAR;
   obj->MinLod = -1000.0;
   obj->MaxLod = 1000.0;
   obj->LodBias = 0.0;
   obj->BaseLevel = 0;
   obj->MaxLevel = 1000;
   obj->MaxAnisotropy = 1.0;
   obj->CompareFlag = GL_FALSE;                      /* SGIX_shadow */
   obj->CompareOperator = GL_TEXTURE_LEQUAL_R_SGIX;  /* SGIX_shadow */
   obj->CompareMode = GL_NONE;         /* ARB_shadow */
   obj->CompareFunc = GL_LEQUAL;       /* ARB_shadow */
   obj->DepthMode = GL_LUMINANCE;      /* ARB_depth_texture */
   obj->ShadowAmbient = 0.0F;          /* ARB/SGIX_shadow_ambient */
 * Collect all external state that is relevant for compiling the given
 * fragment program.
static void build_state(
	r300ContextPtr r300,
	struct r300_fragment_program *fp,
	struct r300_fragment_program_external_state *state)
	int unit;

	_mesa_bzero(state, sizeof(*state));

	for(unit = 0; unit < 16; ++unit) {
		if (fp->mesa_program.Base.ShadowSamplers & (1 << unit)) {
			struct gl_texture_object* tex = r300->radeon.glCtx->Texture.Unit[unit]._Current;

			state->unit[unit].depth_texture_mode = build_dtm(tex->DepthMode);
			state->unit[unit].texture_compare_func = build_func(tex->CompareFunc);
GLboolean radeonPairProgram(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_program *program,
	const struct radeon_pair_handler* handler, void *userdata)
	struct pair_state s;

	_mesa_bzero(&s, sizeof(s));
	s.Ctx = ctx;
	s.Program = program;
	s.Handler = handler;
	s.UserData = userdata;
	s.Verbose = GL_FALSE && s.Debug;

	s.Instructions = (struct pair_state_instruction*)_mesa_calloc(
		sizeof(struct pair_state_instruction)*s.Program->NumInstructions);
	s.ValuePool = (struct reg_value*)_mesa_calloc(sizeof(struct reg_value)*s.Program->NumInstructions*4);
	s.ReaderPool = (struct reg_value_reader*)_mesa_calloc(
		sizeof(struct reg_value_reader)*s.Program->NumInstructions*12);

	if (s.Debug)
		_mesa_printf("Emit paired program\n");


	while(!s.Error &&
	      (s.ReadyTEX || s.ReadyRGB || s.ReadyAlpha || s.ReadyFullALU)) {
		if (s.ReadyTEX)

		while(s.ReadyFullALU || s.ReadyRGB || s.ReadyAlpha)

	if (s.Debug)
		_mesa_printf(" END\n");


	return !s.Error;
Example #9
 * Initialize the virtual fragment program machine state prior to running
 * fragment program on a fragment.  This involves initializing the input
 * registers, condition codes, etc.
 * \param machine  the virtual machine state to init
 * \param program  the fragment program we're about to run
 * \param span  the span of pixels we'll operate on
 * \param col  which element (column) of the span we'll operate on
static void
init_machine(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_program_machine *machine,
             const struct gl_fragment_program *program,
             const SWspan *span, GLuint col)
   if (program->Base.Target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV) {
      /* Clear temporary registers (undefined for ARB_f_p) */
                  MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat));

   /* Setup pointer to input attributes */
   machine->Attribs = span->array->attribs;

   machine->DerivX = (GLfloat (*)[4]) span->attrStepX;
   machine->DerivY = (GLfloat (*)[4]) span->attrStepY;
   machine->NumDeriv = FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX;

   machine->Samplers = program->Base.SamplerUnits;

   /* if running a GLSL program (not ARB_fragment_program) */
   if (ctx->Shader.CurrentProgram) {
      /* Store front/back facing value in register FOGC.Y */
      machine->Attribs[FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC][col][1] = 1.0 - span->facing;
      /* Note FOGC.ZW is gl_PointCoord if drawing a sprite */

   machine->CurElement = col;

   /* init condition codes */
   machine->CondCodes[0] = COND_EQ;
   machine->CondCodes[1] = COND_EQ;
   machine->CondCodes[2] = COND_EQ;
   machine->CondCodes[3] = COND_EQ;

   /* init call stack */
   machine->StackDepth = 0;

   machine->FetchTexelLod = fetch_texel_lod;
   machine->FetchTexelDeriv = fetch_texel_deriv;
Example #10
 * Initialize a new vertex/fragment program object.
static struct gl_program *
_mesa_init_program_struct( GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_program *prog,
                           GLenum target, GLuint id)
   (void) ctx;
   if (prog) {
      GLuint i;
      _mesa_bzero(prog, sizeof(*prog));
      prog->Id = id;
      prog->Target = target;
      prog->Resident = GL_TRUE;
      prog->RefCount = 1;
      prog->Format = GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB;

      /* default mapping from samplers to texture units */
      for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLERS; i++)
         prog->SamplerUnits[i] = i;

   return prog;
 * Plug in default functions for all pointers in the dd_function_table
 * structure.
 * Device drivers should call this function and then plug in any
 * functions which it wants to override.
 * Some functions (pointers) MUST be implemented by all drivers (REQUIRED).
 * \param table the dd_function_table to initialize
_mesa_init_driver_functions(struct dd_function_table *driver)
   _mesa_bzero(driver, sizeof(*driver));

   driver->GetString = NULL;  /* REQUIRED! */
   driver->UpdateState = NULL;  /* REQUIRED! */
   driver->GetBufferSize = NULL;  /* REQUIRED! */
   driver->ResizeBuffers = _mesa_resize_framebuffer;
   driver->Error = NULL;

   driver->Finish = NULL;
   driver->Flush = NULL;

   /* framebuffer/image functions */
   driver->Clear = _swrast_Clear;
   driver->Accum = _swrast_Accum;
   driver->DrawPixels = _swrast_DrawPixels;
   driver->ReadPixels = _swrast_ReadPixels;
   driver->CopyPixels = _swrast_CopyPixels;
   driver->Bitmap = _swrast_Bitmap;

   /* Texture functions */
   driver->ChooseTextureFormat = _mesa_choose_tex_format;
   driver->TexImage1D = _mesa_store_teximage1d;
   driver->TexImage2D = _mesa_store_teximage2d;
   driver->TexImage3D = _mesa_store_teximage3d;
   driver->TexSubImage1D = _mesa_store_texsubimage1d;
   driver->TexSubImage2D = _mesa_store_texsubimage2d;
   driver->TexSubImage3D = _mesa_store_texsubimage3d;
   driver->GetTexImage = _mesa_get_teximage;
   driver->CopyTexImage1D = _swrast_copy_teximage1d;
   driver->CopyTexImage2D = _swrast_copy_teximage2d;
   driver->CopyTexSubImage1D = _swrast_copy_texsubimage1d;
   driver->CopyTexSubImage2D = _swrast_copy_texsubimage2d;
   driver->CopyTexSubImage3D = _swrast_copy_texsubimage3d;
   driver->TestProxyTexImage = _mesa_test_proxy_teximage;
   driver->CompressedTexImage1D = _mesa_store_compressed_teximage1d;
   driver->CompressedTexImage2D = _mesa_store_compressed_teximage2d;
   driver->CompressedTexImage3D = _mesa_store_compressed_teximage3d;
   driver->CompressedTexSubImage1D = _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage1d;
   driver->CompressedTexSubImage2D = _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage2d;
   driver->CompressedTexSubImage3D = _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage3d;
   driver->GetCompressedTexImage = _mesa_get_compressed_teximage;
   driver->CompressedTextureSize = _mesa_compressed_texture_size;
   driver->BindTexture = NULL;
   driver->NewTextureObject = _mesa_new_texture_object;
   driver->DeleteTexture = _mesa_delete_texture_object;
   driver->NewTextureImage = _mesa_new_texture_image;
   driver->FreeTexImageData = _mesa_free_texture_image_data; 
   driver->MapTexture = NULL;
   driver->UnmapTexture = NULL;
   driver->TextureMemCpy = _mesa_memcpy; 
   driver->IsTextureResident = NULL;
   driver->PrioritizeTexture = NULL;
   driver->ActiveTexture = NULL;
   driver->UpdateTexturePalette = NULL;

   /* imaging */
   driver->CopyColorTable = _swrast_CopyColorTable;
   driver->CopyColorSubTable = _swrast_CopyColorSubTable;
   driver->CopyConvolutionFilter1D = _swrast_CopyConvolutionFilter1D;
   driver->CopyConvolutionFilter2D = _swrast_CopyConvolutionFilter2D;

   /* Vertex/fragment programs */
   driver->BindProgram = NULL;
   driver->NewProgram = _mesa_new_program;
   driver->DeleteProgram = _mesa_delete_program;
#if FEATURE_MESA_program_debug
   driver->GetProgramRegister = _mesa_get_program_register;
#endif /* FEATURE_MESA_program_debug */

   /* simple state commands */
   driver->AlphaFunc = NULL;
   driver->BlendColor = NULL;
   driver->BlendEquationSeparate = NULL;
   driver->BlendFuncSeparate = NULL;
   driver->ClearColor = NULL;
   driver->ClearDepth = NULL;
   driver->ClearIndex = NULL;
   driver->ClearStencil = NULL;
   driver->ClipPlane = NULL;
   driver->ColorMask = NULL;
   driver->ColorMaterial = NULL;
   driver->CullFace = NULL;
   driver->DrawBuffer = NULL;
   driver->DrawBuffers = NULL;
   driver->FrontFace = NULL;
   driver->DepthFunc = NULL;
   driver->DepthMask = NULL;
   driver->DepthRange = NULL;
   driver->Enable = NULL;
   driver->Fogfv = NULL;
   driver->Hint = NULL;
   driver->IndexMask = NULL;
   driver->Lightfv = NULL;
   driver->LightModelfv = NULL;
   driver->LineStipple = NULL;
   driver->LineWidth = NULL;
   driver->LogicOpcode = NULL;
   driver->PointParameterfv = NULL;
   driver->PointSize = NULL;
   driver->PolygonMode = NULL;
   driver->PolygonOffset = NULL;
   driver->PolygonStipple = NULL;
   driver->ReadBuffer = NULL;
   driver->RenderMode = NULL;
   driver->Scissor = NULL;
   driver->ShadeModel = NULL;
   driver->StencilFuncSeparate = NULL;
   driver->StencilOpSeparate = NULL;
   driver->StencilMaskSeparate = NULL;
   driver->TexGen = NULL;
   driver->TexEnv = NULL;
   driver->TexParameter = NULL;
   driver->TextureMatrix = NULL;
   driver->Viewport = NULL;

   /* vertex arrays */
   driver->VertexPointer = NULL;
   driver->NormalPointer = NULL;
   driver->ColorPointer = NULL;
   driver->FogCoordPointer = NULL;
   driver->IndexPointer = NULL;
   driver->SecondaryColorPointer = NULL;
   driver->TexCoordPointer = NULL;
   driver->EdgeFlagPointer = NULL;
   driver->VertexAttribPointer = NULL;
   driver->LockArraysEXT = NULL;
   driver->UnlockArraysEXT = NULL;

   /* state queries */
   driver->GetBooleanv = NULL;
   driver->GetDoublev = NULL;
   driver->GetFloatv = NULL;
   driver->GetIntegerv = NULL;
   driver->GetPointerv = NULL;
#if FEATURE_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
   driver->NewBufferObject = _mesa_new_buffer_object;
   driver->DeleteBuffer = _mesa_delete_buffer_object;
   driver->BindBuffer = NULL;
   driver->BufferData = _mesa_buffer_data;
   driver->BufferSubData = _mesa_buffer_subdata;
   driver->GetBufferSubData = _mesa_buffer_get_subdata;
   driver->MapBuffer = _mesa_buffer_map;
   driver->UnmapBuffer = _mesa_buffer_unmap;

#if FEATURE_EXT_framebuffer_object
   driver->NewFramebuffer = _mesa_new_framebuffer;
   driver->NewRenderbuffer = _mesa_new_soft_renderbuffer;
   driver->RenderTexture = _mesa_render_texture;
   driver->FinishRenderTexture = _mesa_finish_render_texture;
   driver->FramebufferRenderbuffer = _mesa_framebuffer_renderbuffer;

#if FEATURE_EXT_framebuffer_blit
   driver->BlitFramebuffer = _swrast_BlitFramebuffer;

   /* query objects */
   driver->NewQueryObject = _mesa_new_query_object;
   driver->BeginQuery = NULL;
   driver->EndQuery = NULL;

   /* APPLE_vertex_array_object */
   driver->NewArrayObject = _mesa_new_array_object;
   driver->DeleteArrayObject = _mesa_delete_array_object;
   driver->BindArrayObject = NULL;

   /* T&L stuff */
   driver->NeedValidate = GL_FALSE;
   driver->ValidateTnlModule = NULL;
   driver->CurrentExecPrimitive = 0;
   driver->CurrentSavePrimitive = 0;
   driver->NeedFlush = 0;
   driver->SaveNeedFlush = 0;

   driver->ProgramStringNotify = _tnl_program_string;
   driver->FlushVertices = NULL;
   driver->SaveFlushVertices = NULL;
   driver->NotifySaveBegin = NULL;
   driver->LightingSpaceChange = NULL;

   /* display list */
   driver->NewList = NULL;
   driver->EndList = NULL;
   driver->BeginCallList = NULL;
   driver->EndCallList = NULL;

   /* XXX temporary here */
static void reset_srcreg(struct prog_src_register* reg)
	_mesa_bzero(reg, sizeof(*reg));
	reg->Swizzle = SWIZZLE_NOOP;
Example #13
 * Parse/compile the 'str' returning the compiled 'program'.
 * ctx->Program.ErrorPos will be -1 if successful.  Otherwise, ErrorPos
 * indicates the position of the error in 'str'.
_mesa_parse_nv_fragment_program(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum dstTarget,
                                const GLubyte *str, GLsizei len,
                                struct gl_fragment_program *program)
   struct parse_state parseState;
   struct prog_instruction instBuffer[MAX_NV_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS];
   struct prog_instruction *newInst;
   GLenum target;
   GLubyte *programString;

   /* Make a null-terminated copy of the program string */
   programString = (GLubyte *) MALLOC(len + 1);
   if (!programString) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glLoadProgramNV");
   MEMCPY(programString, str, len);
   programString[len] = 0;

   /* Get ready to parse */
   _mesa_bzero(&parseState, sizeof(struct parse_state));
   parseState.ctx = ctx;
   parseState.start = programString;
   parseState.program = program;
   parseState.numInst = 0;
   parseState.curLine = programString;
   parseState.parameters = _mesa_new_parameter_list();

   /* Reset error state */
   _mesa_set_program_error(ctx, -1, NULL);

   /* check the program header */
   if (_mesa_strncmp((const char *) programString, "!!FP1.0", 7) == 0) {
      target = GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV;
      parseState.pos = programString + 7;
   else if (_mesa_strncmp((const char *) programString, "!!FCP1.0", 8) == 0) {
      /* fragment / register combiner program - not supported */
      _mesa_set_program_error(ctx, 0, "Invalid fragment program header");
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glLoadProgramNV(bad header)");
   else {
      /* invalid header */
      _mesa_set_program_error(ctx, 0, "Invalid fragment program header");
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glLoadProgramNV(bad header)");

   /* make sure target and header match */
   if (target != dstTarget) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                  "glLoadProgramNV(target mismatch 0x%x != 0x%x)",
                  target, dstTarget);

   if (Parse_InstructionSequence(&parseState, instBuffer)) {
      GLuint u;
      /* successful parse! */

      if (parseState.outputsWritten == 0) {
         /* must write at least one output! */
         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                     "Invalid fragment program - no outputs written.");

      /* copy the compiled instructions */
      assert(parseState.numInst <= MAX_NV_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS);
      newInst = _mesa_alloc_instructions(parseState.numInst);
      if (!newInst) {
         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glLoadProgramNV");
         return;  /* out of memory */
      _mesa_copy_instructions(newInst, instBuffer, parseState.numInst);

      /* install the program */
      program->Base.Target = target;
      if (program->Base.String) {
      program->Base.String = programString;
      program->Base.Format = GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB;
      if (program->Base.Instructions) {
      program->Base.Instructions = newInst;
      program->Base.NumInstructions = parseState.numInst;
      program->Base.InputsRead = parseState.inputsRead;
      program->Base.OutputsWritten = parseState.outputsWritten;
      for (u = 0; u < ctx->Const.MaxTextureImageUnits; u++)
         program->Base.TexturesUsed[u] = parseState.texturesUsed[u];

      /* save program parameters */
      program->Base.Parameters = parseState.parameters;

      /* allocate registers for declared program parameters */
#if 00

#ifdef DEBUG_foo
      _mesa_printf("--- glLoadProgramNV(%d) result ---\n", program->Base.Id);
      _mesa_fprint_program_opt(stdout, &program->Base, PROG_PRINT_NV, 0);
   else {
      /* Error! */
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glLoadProgramNV");
      /* NOTE: _mesa_set_program_error would have been called already */
Example #14
 * The glGet queries of the framebuffer red/green/blue size, stencil size,
 * etc. are satisfied by the fields of ctx->DrawBuffer->Visual.  These can
 * change depending on the renderbuffer bindings.  This function updates
 * the given framebuffer's Visual from the current renderbuffer bindings.
 * This may apply to user-created framebuffers or window system framebuffers.
 * Also note: ctx->DrawBuffer->Visual.depthBits might not equal
 * ctx->DrawBuffer->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer.DepthBits.
 * The former one is used to convert floating point depth values into
 * integer Z values.
_mesa_update_framebuffer_visual(struct gl_framebuffer *fb)
   GLuint i;

   _mesa_bzero(&fb->Visual, sizeof(fb->Visual));
   fb->Visual.rgbMode = GL_TRUE; /* assume this */

#if 0 /* this _might_ be needed */
   if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
      /* leave visual fields zero'd */

   /* find first RGB or CI renderbuffer */
   for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
      if (fb->Attachment[i].Renderbuffer) {
         const struct gl_renderbuffer *rb = fb->Attachment[i].Renderbuffer;
         if (rb->_BaseFormat == GL_RGBA || rb->_BaseFormat == GL_RGB) {
            fb->Visual.redBits = rb->RedBits;
            fb->Visual.greenBits = rb->GreenBits;
            fb->Visual.blueBits = rb->BlueBits;
            fb->Visual.alphaBits = rb->AlphaBits;
            fb->Visual.rgbBits = fb->Visual.redBits
               + fb->Visual.greenBits + fb->Visual.blueBits;
            fb->Visual.floatMode = GL_FALSE;
         else if (rb->_BaseFormat == GL_COLOR_INDEX) {
            fb->Visual.indexBits = rb->IndexBits;
            fb->Visual.rgbMode = GL_FALSE;

   if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer) {
      fb->Visual.haveDepthBuffer = GL_TRUE;
         = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer->DepthBits;

   if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Renderbuffer) {
      fb->Visual.haveStencilBuffer = GL_TRUE;
         = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_STENCIL].Renderbuffer->StencilBits;

   if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_ACCUM].Renderbuffer) {
      fb->Visual.haveAccumBuffer = GL_TRUE;
         = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_ACCUM].Renderbuffer->RedBits;
         = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_ACCUM].Renderbuffer->GreenBits;
         = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_ACCUM].Renderbuffer->BlueBits;
         = fb->Attachment[BUFFER_ACCUM].Renderbuffer->AlphaBits;
