Example #1
account_t *account_add( bee_t *bee, struct prpl *prpl, char *user, char *pass )
    account_t *a;
    set_t *s;
    char tag[strlen(prpl->name)+10];

    if( bee->accounts )
        for( a = bee->accounts; a->next; a = a->next );
        a = a->next = g_new0( account_t, 1 );
        bee->accounts = a = g_new0 ( account_t, 1 );

    a->prpl = prpl;
    a->user = g_strdup( user );
    a->pass = g_strdup( pass );
    a->auto_connect = 1;
    a->bee = bee;

    s = set_add( &a->set, "auto_connect", "true", set_eval_account, a );
    s->flags |= SET_NOSAVE;

    s = set_add( &a->set, "auto_reconnect", "true", set_eval_bool, a );

    s = set_add( &a->set, "nick_format", NULL, NULL, a );
    s->flags |= SET_NULL_OK;

    s = set_add( &a->set, "nick_source", "handle", set_eval_nick_source, a );
    s->flags |= SET_NOSAVE; /* Just for bw compatibility! */

    s = set_add( &a->set, "password", NULL, set_eval_account, a );

    s = set_add( &a->set, "tag", NULL, set_eval_account, a );
    s->flags |= SET_NOSAVE;

    s = set_add( &a->set, "username", NULL, set_eval_account, a );
    set_setstr( &a->set, "username", user );

    /* Hardcode some more clever tag guesses. */
    strcpy( tag, prpl->name );
    if( strcmp( prpl->name, "oscar" ) == 0 )
        if( isdigit( a->user[0] ) )
            strcpy( tag, "icq" );
            strcpy( tag, "aim" );
    else if( strcmp( prpl->name, "jabber" ) == 0 )
        if( strstr( a->user, "@gmail.com" ) ||
                strstr( a->user, "@googlemail.com" ) )
            strcpy( tag, "gtalk" );
        else if( strstr( a->user, "@chat.facebook.com" ) )
            strcpy( tag, "fb" );

    if( account_by_tag( bee, tag ) )
        char *numpos = tag + strlen( tag );
        int i;

        for( i = 2; i < 10000; i ++ )
            sprintf( numpos, "%d", i );
            if( !account_by_tag( bee, tag ) )
    set_setstr( &a->set, "tag", tag );

    a->nicks = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free );

    /* This function adds some more settings (and might want to do more
       things that have to be done now, although I can't think of anything. */
    if( prpl->init )
        prpl->init( a );

    s = set_add( &a->set, "away", NULL, set_eval_account, a );
    s->flags |= SET_NULL_OK;

    if( a->flags & ACC_FLAG_STATUS_MESSAGE )
        s = set_add( &a->set, "status", NULL, set_eval_account, a );
        s->flags |= SET_NULL_OK;

    return a;
Example #2
char *set_eval_account( set_t *set, char *value )
    account_t *acc = set->data;

    /* Double-check: We refuse to edit on-line accounts. */
    if( set->flags & ACC_SET_OFFLINE_ONLY && acc->ic )
        return SET_INVALID;

    if( strcmp( set->key, "server" ) == 0 )
        g_free( acc->server );
        if( value && *value )
            acc->server = g_strdup( value );
            return value;
            acc->server = g_strdup( set->def );
            return g_strdup( set->def );
    else if( strcmp( set->key, "username" ) == 0 )
        g_free( acc->user );
        acc->user = g_strdup( value );
        return value;
    else if( strcmp( set->key, "password" ) == 0 )
        /* set -del should be allowed now, but I don't want to have any
           NULL pointers to have to deal with. */
        if( !value )
            value = "";

        g_free( acc->pass );
        acc->pass = g_strdup( value );
        return NULL;	/* password shouldn't be visible in plaintext! */
    else if( strcmp( set->key, "tag" ) == 0 )
        account_t *oa;

        /* Enforce uniqueness. */
        if( ( oa = account_by_tag( acc->bee, value ) ) && oa != acc )
            return SET_INVALID;

        g_free( acc->tag );
        acc->tag = g_strdup( value );
        return value;
    else if( strcmp( set->key, "auto_connect" ) == 0 )
        if( !is_bool( value ) )
            return SET_INVALID;

        acc->auto_connect = bool2int( value );
        return value;
    else if( strcmp( set->key, "away" ) == 0 ||
             strcmp( set->key, "status" ) == 0 )
        if( acc->ic && acc->ic->flags & OPT_LOGGED_IN )
            /* If we're currently on-line, set the var now already
               (bit of a hack) and send an update. */
            g_free( set->value );
            set->value = g_strdup( value );

            imc_away_send_update( acc->ic );

        return value;

    return SET_INVALID;
Example #3
account_t *account_get( bee_t *bee, const char *id )
    account_t *a, *ret = NULL;
    char *handle, *s;
    int nr;

    /* Tags get priority above anything else. */
    if( ( a = account_by_tag( bee, id ) ) )
        return a;

    /* This checks if the id string ends with (...) */
    if( ( handle = strchr( id, '(' ) ) && ( s = strchr( handle, ')' ) ) && s[1] == 0 )
        struct prpl *proto;

        *s = *handle = 0;
        handle ++;

        if( ( proto = find_protocol( id ) ) )
            for( a = bee->accounts; a; a = a->next )
                if( a->prpl == proto &&
                        a->prpl->handle_cmp( handle, a->user ) == 0 )
                    ret = a;

        /* Restore the string. */
        handle --;
        *handle = '(';
        *s = ')';

        if( ret )
            return ret;

    if( sscanf( id, "%d", &nr ) == 1 && nr < 1000 )
        for( a = bee->accounts; a; a = a->next )
            if( ( nr-- ) == 0 )
                return( a );

        return( NULL );

    for( a = bee->accounts; a; a = a->next )
        if( g_strcasecmp( id, a->prpl->name ) == 0 )
            if( !ret )
                ret = a;
                return( NULL ); /* We don't want to match more than one... */
        else if( strstr( a->user, id ) )
            if( !ret )
                ret = a;
                return( NULL );

    return( ret );
Example #4
char *set_eval_account(set_t *set, char *value)
	account_t *acc = set->data;

	/* Double-check: We refuse to edit on-line accounts. */
	if (set->flags & ACC_SET_OFFLINE_ONLY && acc->ic) {
		return SET_INVALID;

	if (strcmp(set->key, "server") == 0) {
		if (value && *value) {
			acc->server = g_strdup(value);
			return value;
		} else {
			acc->server = g_strdup(set->def);
			return g_strdup(set->def);
	} else if (strcmp(set->key, "username") == 0) {
		acc->user = g_strdup(value);
		return value;
	} else if (strcmp(set->key, "password") == 0) {
		/* set -del allows /oper to be used to change the password or,
		   iff oauth is enabled, reset the oauth credential magic.
		if (!value) {
			if (set_getbool(&(acc->set), "oauth")) {
				value = "";
			} else {
				((irc_t *) acc->bee->ui_data)->status |= OPER_HACK_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD;
				irc_rootmsg((irc_t *) acc->bee->ui_data, "You may now use /OPER to set the password");

		acc->pass = g_strdup(value);
		return NULL;    /* password shouldn't be visible in plaintext! */
	} else if (strcmp(set->key, "tag") == 0) {
		account_t *oa;

		/* Enforce uniqueness. */
		if ((oa = account_by_tag(acc->bee, value)) && oa != acc) {
			return SET_INVALID;

		acc->tag = g_strdup(value);
		return value;
	} else if (strcmp(set->key, "auto_connect") == 0) {
		if (!is_bool(value)) {
			return SET_INVALID;

		acc->auto_connect = bool2int(value);
		return value;
	} else if (strcmp(set->key, "away") == 0 ||
	           strcmp(set->key, "status") == 0) {
		if (acc->ic && acc->ic->flags & OPT_LOGGED_IN) {
			/* If we're currently on-line, set the var now already
			   (bit of a hack) and send an update. */
			set->value = g_strdup(value);


		return value;

	return SET_INVALID;