Example #1
Int CTextHandler::GetTextInternal(PVoid pvOutBuffer, Int32 BufferSize, PCChar lpSrcText, Int32 SrcLength, Bool bRemove)
    PByte   pbOutBuffer;
    Int32   TextLength, Length;
    UInt32  Hash[4], SrcTextHash[8];
    PUInt32 pEncryptedText;
    STextHeader *pHeader;
    aes_encrypt_ctx ctx;

    sha256((PByte)lpSrcText, SrcLength, (PByte)SrcTextHash);
    Hash[0] = SrcTextHash[0] ^ SrcTextHash[4];
    Hash[1] = SrcTextHash[1] ^ SrcTextHash[5];
    Hash[2] = SrcTextHash[2] ^ SrcTextHash[6];
    Hash[3] = SrcTextHash[3] ^ SrcTextHash[7];

    pHeader = FindTextPos(Hash);
    if (pHeader == NULL || bRemove)
        return (Int)pHeader;

    TextLength = pHeader->Length ^ pHeader->Hash[0] ^ pHeader->Hash[2];
    aes_encrypt_key128(&SrcTextHash[4], &ctx);

    pbOutBuffer = (PByte)pvOutBuffer;
    pEncryptedText = (PUInt32)(pHeader + 1);

    Length = TextLength;
    while (Length >= 16 && BufferSize >= 16)
        Length -= 16;
        BufferSize -= 16;

        aes_encrypt(SrcTextHash, SrcTextHash, &ctx);
        *((PUInt32)pbOutBuffer + 0) = pEncryptedText[0] ^ SrcTextHash[0];
        *((PUInt32)pbOutBuffer + 1) = pEncryptedText[1] ^ SrcTextHash[1];
        *((PUInt32)pbOutBuffer + 2) = pEncryptedText[2] ^ SrcTextHash[2];
        *((PUInt32)pbOutBuffer + 3) = pEncryptedText[3] ^ SrcTextHash[3];

        SrcTextHash[0] = pEncryptedText[0];
        SrcTextHash[1] = pEncryptedText[1];
        SrcTextHash[2] = pEncryptedText[2];
        SrcTextHash[3] = pEncryptedText[3];

        pbOutBuffer    += 16;
        pEncryptedText += 4;

    if (Length != 0 && BufferSize >= Length)
        UInt32 DecryptBuffer[4];

        aes_encrypt(SrcTextHash, SrcTextHash, &ctx);
        DecryptBuffer[0] = pEncryptedText[0] ^ SrcTextHash[0];
        DecryptBuffer[1] = pEncryptedText[1] ^ SrcTextHash[1];
        DecryptBuffer[2] = pEncryptedText[2] ^ SrcTextHash[2];
        DecryptBuffer[3] = pEncryptedText[3] ^ SrcTextHash[3];

        memcpy(pbOutBuffer, DecryptBuffer, min(Length, BufferSize));

        pbOutBuffer += Length;
        BufferSize -= Length;
    if (BufferSize > 0)
        *pbOutBuffer++ = 0;
    return pbOutBuffer - (PByte)pvOutBuffer;
Example #2
int main(int argc,char **argv)
	if(argc != 2)
		perror("\n Error:\nCorrect Usage: Enter Password to be used");

	EVP_CIPHER_CTX en,de;					/* The EVP structure which keeps track of all crypt operations see evp.h for details */
	int in, out, fd, dec;					/* fd for input and output files and random dev*/
	unsigned int pwd_len = strlen((const char *)argv[1]);			/* Length of the pwd supplied by the user */
	unsigned char *pwd =(unsigned char*) argv[1];			/* Pointer to the pwd supplied by the user */
	unsigned char salt[8];
	if((in = open("plain.txt",O_RDONLY)) == -1) 		 /* Opening a plain text file for encryption */
		perror("\n Error,Opening file for reading::");

	if((fd = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
		perror("\n Error,Opening /dev/random::");
		if(read(fd,salt,8) == -1)
			perror("\n Error,reading from /dev/random::");
	if(aes_init(pwd,pwd_len,(unsigned char*) salt,&en,&de))		/* Generating Key and IV and initializing the EVP struct */
		perror("\n Error, Cant initialize key and IV:");
		return -1;

	if((out = open("encrypt.txt",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0400|0200)) == -1)
		perror("\n Error,Opening the file to be written::");
	if((dec = open("dec22.txt",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0400|0200)) == -1)
		perror("\n ERROR,Opening the file to write decrypted bytes::");
		perror("\n ERROR,ENCRYPTING:");
		if((lseek(out,0,SEEK_SET)) != 0)
			perror("\n ERROR,lseek:");
			perror("\n ERROR,DECRYPTING DATA:");

	return 0;
int crypto_cipher_encrypt(struct crypto_cipher *ctx, const u8 *plain,
			  u8 *crypt, size_t len)
	size_t i, j, blocks;

	switch (ctx->alg) {
		if (plain != crypt)
			os_memcpy(crypt, plain, len);
		rc4_skip(ctx->u.rc4.key, ctx->u.rc4.keylen,
			 ctx->u.rc4.used_bytes, crypt, len);
		ctx->u.rc4.used_bytes += len;
		if (len % AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
			return -1;
		blocks = len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
		for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
				ctx->u.aes.cbc[j] ^= plain[j];
			aes_encrypt(ctx->u.aes.ctx_enc, ctx->u.aes.cbc,
			os_memcpy(crypt, ctx->u.aes.cbc, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
			plain += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
			crypt += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
		if (len % 8)
			return -1;
		blocks = len / 8;
		for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
				ctx->u.des3.cbc[j] ^= plain[j];
			des3_encrypt(ctx->u.des3.cbc, &ctx->u.des3.key,
			os_memcpy(crypt, ctx->u.des3.cbc, 8);
			plain += 8;
			crypt += 8;
		if (len % 8)
			return -1;
		blocks = len / 8;
		for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
				ctx->u.des3.cbc[j] ^= plain[j];
			des_block_encrypt(ctx->u.des.cbc, ctx->u.des.ek,
			os_memcpy(crypt, ctx->u.des.cbc, 8);
			plain += 8;
			crypt += 8;
		return -1;

	return 0;
Example #4
 *  encrypt_stream
 *  This function is called to encrypt the open data steam "infp".
int encrypt_stream(FILE *infp, FILE *outfp, wchar_t* passwd, int passlen)
    aes_context                 aes_ctx;
    sha256_context              sha_ctx;
    aescrypt_hdr                aeshdr;
    sha256_t                    digest;
    unsigned char               IV[16];
    unsigned char               iv_key[48];
    int                         i, j, n;
    unsigned char               buffer[32];
    unsigned char               ipad[64], opad[64];
    unsigned char               tag_buffer[256];
    HCRYPTPROV                  hProv;
    DWORD                       result_code;

    // Prepare for random number generation
    if (!CryptAcquireContext(   &hProv,
        result_code = GetLastError();
        if (GetLastError() == NTE_BAD_KEYSET)
            if (!CryptAcquireContext(   &hProv,
                result_code = GetLastError();
                result_code = ERROR_SUCCESS;

        if (result_code != ERROR_SUCCESS)
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not acquire handle to crypto context");
            return -1;

    // Create the 16-bit IV and 32-bit encryption key
    // used for encrypting the plaintext file.  We do
    // not trust the system's randomization functions, so
    // we improve on that by also hashing the random digits
    // and using only a portion of the hash.  This IV and key
    // generation could be replaced with any good random
    // source of data.
    memset(iv_key, 0, 48);
    for (i=0; i<48; i+=16)
        memset(buffer, 0, 32);
        for(j=0; j<256; j++)
            if (!CryptGenRandom(hProv,
                                (BYTE *) buffer))
                fprintf(stderr, "Windows is unable to generate random digits");
                return -1;
            sha256_update(&sha_ctx, buffer, 32);
        sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, digest);
        memcpy(iv_key+i, digest, 16);

    // Write an AES signature at the head of the file, along
    // with the AES file format version number.
    buffer[0] = 'A';
    buffer[1] = 'E';
    buffer[2] = 'S';
    buffer[3] = (unsigned char) 0x02;   // Version 2
    buffer[4] = '\0';                   // Reserved for version 0
    if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 5, outfp) != 5)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write out header data\n");
        CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
        return  -1;

    // Write out the CREATED-BY tag
    j = 11 +                        // "CREATED-BY\0"
        (int)strlen(PROG_NAME) +    // Program name
        1 +                         // Space
        (int)strlen(PROG_VERSION);  // Program version ID

    // Our extension buffer is only 256 octets long, so
    // let's not write an extension if it is too big
    if (j < 256)
        buffer[0] = '\0';
        buffer[1] = (unsigned char) (j & 0xff);
        if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 2, outfp) != 2)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write tag to AES file (1)\n");
            CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
            return  -1;

        strncpy((char *)tag_buffer, "CREATED_BY", 255);
        tag_buffer[255] = '\0';
        if (fwrite(tag_buffer, 1, 11, outfp) != 11)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write tag to AES file (2)\n");
            CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
            return  -1;

        sprintf((char *)tag_buffer, "%s %s", PROG_NAME, PROG_VERSION);
        j = (int) strlen((char *)tag_buffer);
        if (fwrite(tag_buffer, 1, j, outfp) != j)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write tag to AES file (3)\n");
            CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
            return  -1;

    // Write out the "container" extension
    buffer[0] = '\0';
    buffer[1] = (unsigned char) 128;
    if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 2, outfp) != 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write tag to AES file (4)\n");
        CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
        return  -1;
    memset(tag_buffer, 0, 128);
    if (fwrite(tag_buffer, 1, 128, outfp) != 128)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write tag to AES file (5)\n");
        CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
        return  -1;

    // Write out 0x0000 to indicate that no more extensions exist
    buffer[0] = '\0';
    buffer[1] = '\0';
    if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 2, outfp) != 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write tag to AES file (6)\n");
        CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
        return  -1;

    // Create a random IV
    sha256_starts(  &sha_ctx);

    for (i=0; i<256; i++)
        if (!CryptGenRandom(hProv,
                            (BYTE *) buffer))
            fprintf(stderr, "Windows is unable to generate random digits");
            CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
            return  -1;
        sha256_update(  &sha_ctx,

    sha256_finish(  &sha_ctx, digest);

    memcpy(IV, digest, 16);

    // We're finished collecting random data
    CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);

    // Write the initialization vector to the file
    if (fwrite(IV, 1, 16, outfp) != 16)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write out initialization vector\n");
        return  -1;
    // Hash the IV and password 8192 times
    memset(digest, 0, 32);
    memcpy(digest, IV, 16);
    for(i=0; i<8192; i++)
        sha256_starts(  &sha_ctx);
        sha256_update(  &sha_ctx, digest, 32);
        sha256_update(  &sha_ctx,
                        (unsigned char*)passwd,
                        (unsigned long)(passlen * sizeof(wchar_t)));
        sha256_finish(  &sha_ctx,

    // Set the AES encryption key
    aes_set_key(&aes_ctx, digest, 256);

    // Set the ipad and opad arrays with values as
    // per RFC 2104 (HMAC).  HMAC is defined as
    //   H(K XOR opad, H(K XOR ipad, text))
    memset(ipad, 0x36, 64);
    memset(opad, 0x5C, 64);

    for(i=0; i<32; i++)
        ipad[i] ^= digest[i];
        opad[i] ^= digest[i];

    sha256_update(&sha_ctx, ipad, 64);

    // Encrypt the IV and key used to encrypt the plaintext file,
    // writing that encrypted text to the output file.
    for(i=0; i<48; i+=16)
        // Place the next 16 octets of IV and key buffer into
        // the input buffer.
        memcpy(buffer, iv_key+i, 16);

        // XOR plain text block with previous encrypted
        // output (i.e., use CBC)
        for(j=0; j<16; j++)
            buffer[j] ^= IV[j];

        // Encrypt the contents of the buffer
        aes_encrypt(&aes_ctx, buffer, buffer);
        // Concatenate the "text" as we compute the HMAC
        sha256_update(&sha_ctx, buffer, 16);

        // Write the encrypted block
        if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 16, outfp) != 16)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write iv_key data\n");
            return  -1;
        // Update the IV (CBC mode)
        memcpy(IV, buffer, 16);

    // Write the HMAC
    sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, digest);
    sha256_update(&sha_ctx, opad, 64);
    sha256_update(&sha_ctx, digest, 32);
    sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, digest);
    // Write the encrypted block
    if (fwrite(digest, 1, 32, outfp) != 32)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write iv_key HMAC\n");
        return  -1;

    // Re-load the IV and encryption key with the IV and
    // key to now encrypt the datafile.  Also, reset the HMAC
    // computation.
    memcpy(IV, iv_key, 16);

    // Set the AES encryption key
    aes_set_key(&aes_ctx, iv_key+16, 256);

    // Set the ipad and opad arrays with values as
    // per RFC 2104 (HMAC).  HMAC is defined as
    //   H(K XOR opad, H(K XOR ipad, text))
    memset(ipad, 0x36, 64);
    memset(opad, 0x5C, 64);

    for(i=0; i<32; i++)
        ipad[i] ^= iv_key[i+16];
        opad[i] ^= iv_key[i+16];

    // Wipe the IV and encryption mey from memory
    memset(iv_key, 0, 48);

    sha256_update(&sha_ctx, ipad, 64);

    // Initialize the last_block_size value to 0
    aeshdr.last_block_size = 0;

    while ((n = (int)fread(buffer, 1, 16, infp)) > 0)
        // XOR plain text block with previous encrypted
        // output (i.e., use CBC)
        for(i=0; i<16; i++)
            buffer[i] ^= IV[i];

        // Encrypt the contents of the buffer
        aes_encrypt(&aes_ctx, buffer, buffer);
        // Concatenate the "text" as we compute the HMAC
        sha256_update(&sha_ctx, buffer, 16);

        // Write the encrypted block
        if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 16, outfp) != 16)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write to output file\n");
            return  -1;
        // Update the IV (CBC mode)
        memcpy(IV, buffer, 16);

        // Assume this number of octets is the file modulo
        aeshdr.last_block_size = n;

    // Check to see if we had a read error
    if (n < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Couldn't read input file\n");
        return  -1;

    // Write the file size modulo
    buffer[0] = (char) (aeshdr.last_block_size & 0x0F);
    if (fwrite(buffer, 1, 1, outfp) != 1)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write the file size modulo\n");
        return  -1;

    // Write the HMAC
    sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, digest);
    sha256_update(&sha_ctx, opad, 64);
    sha256_update(&sha_ctx, digest, 32);
    sha256_finish(&sha_ctx, digest);
    if (fwrite(digest, 1, 32, outfp) != 32)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write the file HMAC\n");
        return  -1;

    return 0;
Example #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	/* { fix start } */
	ltc_mp = ltm_desc;
	/* { fix end } */
    int sockfd = 0;

    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;

    if(argc != 2)
        printf("\n Usage: %s <ip of server> \n",argv[0]);
        return 1;

    if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
        printf("\n Error : Could not create socket \n");
        return 1;

    memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr));

    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(5002);

    if(inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], &serv_addr.sin_addr)<=0)
        printf("\n inet_pton error occured\n");
        return 1;

    if( connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
       printf("\n Error : Connect Failed \n");
       return 1;

    ecc_key encryptKey;
    loadKey(&encryptKey, "bpublic.key");
    ecc_key decryptKey;
    loadKey(&decryptKey, "aprivate.key");

	/* { userString start } */
	printf("Enter message to send\n");
	unsigned char message[256];
	/* { userString end } */

	/* { sendNonceA start } */
	int nonceA = randomNumber();
	printf("nonceA = %i\n",nonceA);
	printf("Encrypting nonceA with bpub\n");
	unsigned char nonceA_enc[2048];
	unsigned long outLength = 2048;
	ecc_encrypt((unsigned char*)&nonceA, sizeof(int), nonceA_enc, &outLength,&encryptKey);
	printf("Sending nonceA\n");
	write(sockfd, nonceA_enc, outLength);
	/* { sendNonceA end } */

	/* { resiveSessionKey start } */
	unsigned char recvBuff[1024];
	unsigned long msgLength;
	msgLength = recv(sockfd, recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff),0);
	struct SessionKey sKey;
	unsigned long inLength = sizeof(struct SessionKey);
	ecc_decrypt(recvBuff,msgLength,(unsigned char*)&sKey,&inLength,&decryptKey);
	printf("Received sKey, nonceA = %i, key = %i\n", sKey.nonceA, sKey.key);
	/* { resiveSessionKey end } */

	/* { resendKey start } */
	sKey.nonceA ++;
	printf("Sending nonceA = %i encrypted with AES\n", sKey.nonceA);
	outLength = 2048;
	aes_encrypt((unsigned char*)&sKey.nonceA,sizeof(int),nonceA_enc, &outLength);
	write(sockfd, nonceA_enc, outLength);
	/* { resendKey end } */

	/* { sendMessage start } */
	printf("Sending message encrypted with AES\n");
	printf("%s", message);
	outLength = 2048;
	unsigned char message_enc[2048];
	aes_encrypt(message, strlen((char*)message), message_enc, &outLength);
	write(sockfd, message_enc, outLength);
	/* { sendMessage end } */
	return -1;

void WiiSave::writeBanner()
    m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)md5_blanker, 16);
    m_writer->writeInt32(0x5749424E); // WIBN


    if (m_writer->position() != 0x0080)
        m_writer->seek(0x0080, Stream::Beginning);


    if (m_writer->position() != 0x00C0)
        m_writer->seek(0x00C0, Stream::Beginning);

    WiiImage* bannerImage = m_banner->bannerImage();
    m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)bannerImage->data(), bannerImage->width()*bannerImage->height()*2);

    // For empty icons
    Uint8* tmpIcon = new Uint8[48*48*2];
    memset(tmpIcon, 0, 48*48*2);
    for (Uint32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
        if (i < m_banner->icons().size())
            m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)tmpIcon, 48*48*2);
    delete[] tmpIcon; // delete tmp buffer;

    Uint8* hash = new Uint8[0x10];
    MD5(hash, (Uint8*)m_writer->data(), 0xF0C0);
    m_writer->seek(0x0E, Stream::Beginning);
    m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)hash, 0x10);

    Uint8 data[0xF0C0];
    memcpy(data, m_writer->data(), 0xF0C0);
    Uint8  tmpIV[26];
    memcpy(tmpIV, sd_iv, 16);
    aes_encrypt(tmpIV, data, data, 0xF0C0);

    m_writer->seek(0, Stream::Beginning);
    m_writer->writeBytes((Int8*)data, 0xF0C0);
    m_writer->seek(0xF0C0, Stream::Beginning);
Example #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	void* handle;
	char* error;
	unsigned int salt[] = {12345, 54321};
	unsigned char *key_data;
	FILE *fp;
	int key_data_len, i;
	char *input[] = {"Welcome Back Master! Unlocking.",NULL};
	char *plaintext;
	unsigned char *ciphertext;
	int olen, len;
	long (*ReaderOpen)(void);
	long (*ReaderClose)(void);
	long (*LinearWrite)(PBYTE, short, short, short*, unsigned char, unsigned char); 

	if (argc != 2) 
		printf("Please enter a 32-byte key string as parameter\n");
		return -1;
	if (strlen(argv[1]) != 32)
		printf("Please enter a 32-byte key string as parameter\n");
		return -1;
	key_data = (unsigned char *)argv[1];
	key_data_len = strlen(argv[1]);
	if (aes_init(key_data, key_data_len, (unsigned char *)&salt, &en, &de)) 
		printf("Couldn't initialize AES cipher\n");
		return -1;

	olen = len = strlen(input[0])+1;
   	ciphertext = aes_encrypt(&en, (unsigned char *)input[0], &len);

    	fp = fopen("/etc/MyAuth", "w");
	if (!fp)
		printf("Failed to open MyAuth file. Are you running as root?\n");
		return -1;

	fwrite(ciphertext, 1, 48, fp);
	printf("MyAuth file has been created successfully\n");

	handle = dlopen ("/usr/local/lib/libuFCoder1x64.so", RTLD_LAZY);
	error = dlerror ();
	if (error) 
		printf("libuFCoder1x64 library not found.\n");
		return -1;

	ReaderOpen = dlsym (handle, "ReaderOpen");
	error = dlerror ();
	if (error)
		printf ("Unable to find ReaderOpen function. Wrong library?\n", error);
		return -1;

	i = ReaderOpen();
	if (i != 0)
		printf("\nUnable to open reader, error: %d\n", i);
		return -1;

	LinearWrite = dlsym (handle, "LinearWrite");
	error = dlerror ();
	if (error)
		printf ("Unable to find LinearWrite function. Wrong library?\n", error);
		return -1;
	short bytesret;
	BYTE DataBuf[753];
	for (i=0;i<32;i++)
		DataBuf[i] = argv[1][i];
	i = LinearWrite(DataBuf, 0, 32, &bytesret, 0x60, 0);
	if (i== 0)
		printf("\nKey written to RFID card successfully!\n");
		printf("\nNow compile and install NFCMyAuth module\n");
		printf("\nThen add \"auth required NFCMyAuth.so\" into PAM file\n");
		printf("\nFailed to write to card! Error: %d\n", i);
	ReaderClose = dlsym (handle, "ReaderClose");

	return 0;
Example #8
static void aes_encrypt_wrapper(cipher_ctx_t ctx, cipher_length_t length,
                                uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src)
    aes_encrypt(ctx, length, dst, src);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int fileSize, i, j, subkeySize = 1024, totalBytes = 0;
	int padMisses = 0;
	int got, numcrypts;
	char magic[2], dmagic[2];
	uchar *aesKey, verifyBlock[22], backbuffer[16], subkey[1024];
	uchar *plaintext = "<<'08infamouspat";
	uchar *SHAworkspace;
	uchar salt[16], salted[16], dsalted[16];
	uchar encbuf[4080], decbuf[4080];

	aes_encrypt_ctx ctx[1];
	char *openFile, *destFile;

	FILE *fd, *dfd;

	printIntro("Pump It Up Pro");

	if (argc < 3) {
		printf("usage: %s <input file> <output file>\n", argv[0]);
	openFile = argv[1];
	destFile = argv[2];

	if ((fd = fopen(openFile, "rb")) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: fopen(%s) failed D=\n", argv[0], argv[1]);

	for (i = 0; i < subkeySize; i++)
		subkey[i] = rand() * 255;

	SHAworkspace = (uchar*)malloc(sizeof(uchar) * (subkeySize+47));
	memcpy(SHAworkspace, subkey, subkeySize);
        memcpy(SHAworkspace+subkeySize, PProSubkeySalt, 47);

	aesKey = (uchar*)malloc(24 * sizeof(uchar));
	memset(aesKey, '\0', 24);
        gcry_md_hash_buffer(GCRY_MD_SHA1, aesKey, SHAworkspace, subkeySize+47);

	aes_encrypt_key(aesKey, 24, ctx);

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		salt[i] = rand() * 255;

	saltHash(salted, salt, 0x123456);

	aes_encrypt(salted, dsalted, ctx);

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		verifyBlock[i] = plaintext[i] ^ dsalted[i];

#ifdef KD_DEBUG
        printbuffer("salt", salt);
        printbuffer("salted", salted);
        printbuffer("dsalted", dsalted);
        printbuffer("plaintext", plaintext);
	printbuffer("verifyBlock", verifyBlock);
	if ((dfd = fopen(destFile, "wb")) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: fopen(%s) failed D=\n", argv[0], destFile);

	fwrite("8O", 1, 2, dfd);
	fwrite(&subkeySize, 1, 4, dfd);
	fwrite(subkey, 1, subkeySize, dfd);
	fwrite(salt, 1, 16, dfd);
	fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
	fileSize = ftell(fd);
	fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
	printf("file size: %u\n", fileSize);
	fwrite(&fileSize, 1, 4, dfd);
	fwrite(verifyBlock, 1, 16, dfd);

	printf("encrypting into %s...\n", destFile);

	do {
		if ((got = fread(decbuf, 1, 4080, fd)) == -1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "wtf..?\n");
		numcrypts = got / 16;
		if (got % 16 > 0) {
		if (got > 0) {
			for (i = 0; i < numcrypts; i++) {
				//saltHash(salted, salt, numcrypts);
				//memcpy(salted, salt, 16);
				//salted[0] += numcrypts;

				aes_encrypt(salt, dsalted, ctx);
				// this should cover about a 320GB file, so we should be good...
				if (salt[0] == 255 && salt[1] == 255 && salt[2] == 255 && salt[3] == 255 && salt[4] == 255) salt[5]++;
				if (salt[0] == 255 && salt[1] == 255 && salt[2] == 255 && salt[3] == 255) salt[4]++;
				if (salt[0] == 255 && salt[1] == 255 && salt[2] == 255) salt[3]++;
				if (salt[0] == 255 && salt[1] == 255) salt[2]++;
				if (salt[0] == 255) salt[1]++;
				for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
					encbuf[(i*16)+j] = dsalted[j] ^ decbuf[(i*16)+j];
				//decbuf[i] = dsalted[i%16] ^ encbuf[i];

			totalBytes += got;
			if (totalBytes > fileSize) {
				got -= totalBytes - fileSize;
				totalBytes -= totalBytes - fileSize;
			fwrite(encbuf, 1, numcrypts * 16, dfd);
	} while (got > 0);

	return 0;
Example #10
u8 * ccmp_encrypt(const u8 *tk, u8 *frame, size_t len, size_t hdrlen, u8 *qos,
		  u8 *pn, int keyid, size_t *encrypted_len)
	u8 aad[2 + 30], nonce[13];
	size_t aad_len;
	void *aes;
	u8 *crypt, *pos, *ppos, *mpos;
	size_t plen, last;
	struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
	int i;

	if (len < hdrlen || hdrlen < 24)
		return NULL;
	plen = len - hdrlen;
	last = plen % AES_BLOCK_SIZE;

	crypt = os_malloc(hdrlen + 8 + plen + 8 + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (crypt == NULL)
		return NULL;

	os_memcpy(crypt, frame, hdrlen);
	hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) crypt;
	hdr->frame_control |= host_to_le16(WLAN_FC_ISWEP);
	pos = crypt + hdrlen;
	*pos++ = pn[5]; /* PN0 */
	*pos++ = pn[4]; /* PN1 */
	*pos++ = 0x00; /* Rsvd */
	*pos++ = 0x20 | (keyid << 6);
	*pos++ = pn[3]; /* PN2 */
	*pos++ = pn[2]; /* PN3 */
	*pos++ = pn[1]; /* PN4 */
	*pos++ = pn[0]; /* PN5 */

	aes = aes_encrypt_init(tk, 16);
	if (aes == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	os_memset(aad, 0, sizeof(aad));
	ccmp_aad_nonce(hdr, crypt + hdrlen, &aad[2], &aad_len, nonce);
	WPA_PUT_BE16(aad, aad_len);
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP AAD", &aad[2], aad_len);
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP nonce", nonce, 13);

	/* Authentication */
	/* B_0: Flags | Nonce N | l(m) */
	b[0] = 0x40 /* Adata */ | (3 /* M' */ << 3) | 1 /* L' */;
	os_memcpy(&b[1], nonce, 13);
	WPA_PUT_BE16(&b[14], plen);

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP B_0", b, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	aes_encrypt(aes, b, x); /* X_1 = E(K, B_0) */

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP B_1", aad, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	xor_aes_block(aad, x);
	aes_encrypt(aes, aad, x); /* X_2 = E(K, X_1 XOR B_1) */

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP B_2", &aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
	xor_aes_block(&aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], x);
	aes_encrypt(aes, &aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], x); /* X_3 = E(K, X_2 XOR B_2)

	ppos = frame + hdrlen;
	for (i = 0; i < plen / AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
		/* X_i+1 = E(K, X_i XOR B_i) */
		xor_aes_block(x, ppos);
		ppos += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
		aes_encrypt(aes, x, x);
	if (last) {
		/* XOR zero-padded last block */
		for (i = 0; i < last; i++)
			x[i] ^= *ppos++;
		aes_encrypt(aes, x, x);

	/* Encryption */

	/* CCM: M=8 L=2, Adata=1, M' = (M-2)/2 = 3, L' = L-1 = 1 */

	/* A_i = Flags | Nonce N | Counter i */
	a[0] = 0x01; /* Flags = L' */
	os_memcpy(&a[1], nonce, 13);

	ppos = crypt + hdrlen + 8;

	/* crypt = msg XOR (S_1 | S_2 | ... | S_n) */
	mpos = frame + hdrlen;
	for (i = 1; i <= plen / AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
		WPA_PUT_BE16(&a[14], i);
		/* S_i = E(K, A_i) */
		aes_encrypt(aes, a, ppos);
		xor_aes_block(ppos, mpos);
		ppos += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
		mpos += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
	if (last) {
		WPA_PUT_BE16(&a[14], i);
		aes_encrypt(aes, a, ppos);
		/* XOR zero-padded last block */
		for (i = 0; i < last; i++)
			*ppos++ ^= *mpos++;

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP T", x, 8);
	/* U = T XOR S_0; S_0 = E(K, A_0) */
	WPA_PUT_BE16(&a[14], 0);
	aes_encrypt(aes, a, b);
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		ppos[i] = x[i] ^ b[i];
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP U", ppos, 8);

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP encrypted", crypt + hdrlen + 8, plen);


	*encrypted_len = hdrlen + 8 + plen + 8;

	return crypt;
Example #11
u8 * ccmp_decrypt(const u8 *tk, const struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr,
		  const u8 *data, size_t data_len, size_t *decrypted_len)
	u8 aad[2 + 30], nonce[13];
	size_t aad_len;
	void *aes;
	const u8 *m, *mpos, *mic;
	size_t mlen, last;
	int i;
	u8 *plain, *ppos;
	u8 t[8];

	if (data_len < 8 + 8)
		return NULL;

	plain = os_malloc(data_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (plain == NULL)
		return NULL;

	aes = aes_encrypt_init(tk, 16);
	if (aes == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	m = data + 8;
	mlen = data_len - 8 - 8;
	last = mlen % AES_BLOCK_SIZE;

	os_memset(aad, 0, sizeof(aad));
	ccmp_aad_nonce(hdr, data, &aad[2], &aad_len, nonce);
	WPA_PUT_BE16(aad, aad_len);
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP AAD", &aad[2], aad_len);
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP nonce", nonce, 13);

	/* CCM: M=8 L=2, Adata=1, M' = (M-2)/2 = 3, L' = L-1 = 1 */

	/* A_i = Flags | Nonce N | Counter i */
	a[0] = 0x01; /* Flags = L' */
	os_memcpy(&a[1], nonce, 13);

	/* Decryption */

	mic = data + data_len - 8;
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP U", mic, 8);
	/* U = T XOR S_0; S_0 = E(K, A_0) */
	WPA_PUT_BE16(&a[14], 0);
	aes_encrypt(aes, a, x);
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		t[i] = mic[i] ^ x[i];
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP T", t, 8);

	/* plaintext = msg XOR (S_1 | S_2 | ... | S_n) */
	ppos = plain;
	mpos = m;
	for (i = 1; i <= mlen / AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
		WPA_PUT_BE16(&a[14], i);
		/* S_i = E(K, A_i) */
		aes_encrypt(aes, a, ppos);
		xor_aes_block(ppos, mpos);
		ppos += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
		mpos += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
	if (last) {
		WPA_PUT_BE16(&a[14], i);
		aes_encrypt(aes, a, ppos);
		/* XOR zero-padded last block */
		for (i = 0; i < last; i++)
			*ppos++ ^= *mpos++;
	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP decrypted", plain, mlen);

	/* Authentication */
	/* B_0: Flags | Nonce N | l(m) */
	b[0] = 0x40 /* Adata */ | (3 /* M' */ << 3) | 1 /* L' */;
	os_memcpy(&b[1], nonce, 13);
	WPA_PUT_BE16(&b[14], mlen);

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP B_0", b, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	aes_encrypt(aes, b, x); /* X_1 = E(K, B_0) */

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP B_1", aad, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
	xor_aes_block(aad, x);
	aes_encrypt(aes, aad, x); /* X_2 = E(K, X_1 XOR B_1) */

	wpa_hexdump(MSG_EXCESSIVE, "CCMP B_2", &aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
	xor_aes_block(&aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], x);
	aes_encrypt(aes, &aad[AES_BLOCK_SIZE], x); /* X_3 = E(K, X_2 XOR B_2)

	ppos = plain;
	for (i = 0; i < mlen / AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
		/* X_i+1 = E(K, X_i XOR B_i) */
		xor_aes_block(x, ppos);
		ppos += AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
		aes_encrypt(aes, x, x);
	if (last) {
		/* XOR zero-padded last block */
		for (i = 0; i < last; i++)
			x[i] ^= *ppos++;
		aes_encrypt(aes, x, x);


	if (os_memcmp(x, t, 8) != 0) {
		u16 seq_ctrl = le_to_host16(hdr->seq_ctrl);
		wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Invalid CCMP MIC in frame: A1=" MACSTR
			   " A2=" MACSTR " A3=" MACSTR " seq=%u frag=%u",
			   MAC2STR(hdr->addr1), MAC2STR(hdr->addr2),
		wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "CCMP decrypted", plain, mlen);
		return NULL;

	*decrypted_len = mlen;
	return plain;
// See aes128_key_wrap_unwrap.h for documentation on this function.
void do_aes128_key_wrap(const uint8_t plaintext[], uint8_t wrapped_ciphertext[], uint32_t expanded_kek[])
    uint32_t i, j;  // loop counters
    uint8_t in[16]; // 128-bit temporary plaintext input vector

    // step 1: initialize the byte-sized data variables
    // set A = IV
    // for i = 1 to n
    //     R[i] = P[i]

    a[0] = iv[0];
    a[1] = iv[1];
    a[2] = iv[2];
    a[3] = iv[3];
    a[4] = iv[4];
    a[5] = iv[5];
    a[6] = iv[6];
    a[7] = iv[7];

    for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
        r[8 * i + 0] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 0];
        r[8 * i + 1] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 1];
        r[8 * i + 2] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 2];
        r[8 * i + 3] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 3];
        r[8 * i + 4] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 4];
        r[8 * i + 5] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 5];
        r[8 * i + 6] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 6];
        r[8 * i + 7] = plaintext[8 * (i - 1) + 7];

    // step 2: calculate intermediate values
    // for j = 0 to 5
    //     for i = 1 to n
    //         B = AES(K, A | R[i])
    //         A = MSB(64, B) ^ (n*j)+i
    //         R[i] = LSB(64, B)

    for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
        for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
            in[0] = a[0];
            in[1] = a[1];
            in[2] = a[2];
            in[3] = a[3];
            in[4] = a[4];
            in[5] = a[5];
            in[6] = a[6];
            in[7] = a[7];

            in[8] = r[8 * i + 0];
            in[9] = r[8 * i + 1];
            in[10] = r[8 * i + 2];
            in[11] = r[8 * i + 3];
            in[12] = r[8 * i + 4];
            in[13] = r[8 * i + 5];
            in[14] = r[8 * i + 6];
            in[15] = r[8 * i + 7];

            Cipher(in, expanded_kek, 10, in); // perform aes128 encryption
            aes_encrypt((uint32_t *)in, expanded_kek, (uint32_t *)in);

            a[0] = in[0];
            a[1] = in[1];
            a[2] = in[2];
            a[3] = in[3];
            a[4] = in[4];
            a[5] = in[5];
            a[6] = in[6];
            a[7] = in[7] ^ ((N * j) + i);

            r[8 * i + 0] = in[8];
            r[8 * i + 1] = in[9];
            r[8 * i + 2] = in[10];
            r[8 * i + 3] = in[11];
            r[8 * i + 4] = in[12];
            r[8 * i + 5] = in[13];
            r[8 * i + 6] = in[14];
            r[8 * i + 7] = in[15];
        } // end for (i)
    }     // end for (j)

    // step 3: output the results
    // set C[0] = A
    // for i = 1 to n
    //     C[i] = R[i]

    wrapped_ciphertext[0] = a[0];
    wrapped_ciphertext[1] = a[1];
    wrapped_ciphertext[2] = a[2];
    wrapped_ciphertext[3] = a[3];
    wrapped_ciphertext[4] = a[4];
    wrapped_ciphertext[5] = a[5];
    wrapped_ciphertext[6] = a[6];
    wrapped_ciphertext[7] = a[7];

    for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 0] = r[8 * i + 0];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 1] = r[8 * i + 1];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 2] = r[8 * i + 2];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 3] = r[8 * i + 3];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 4] = r[8 * i + 4];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 5] = r[8 * i + 5];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 6] = r[8 * i + 6];
        wrapped_ciphertext[8 * i + 7] = r[8 * i + 7];
Example #13
/* we don't use additional input */
int drbg_aes_generate(struct drbg_aes_ctx *ctx, unsigned length, uint8_t * dst,
			unsigned add_size, const uint8_t *add)
	uint8_t tmp[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
	uint8_t seed[DRBG_AES_SEED_SIZE];
	unsigned left;

	if (ctx->seeded == 0)
		return 0;

	if (add_size > 0) {
		if (add_size > DRBG_AES_SEED_SIZE)
			return 0;
		memcpy(seed, add, add_size);
		if (add_size != DRBG_AES_SEED_SIZE)
			memset(&seed[add_size], 0, DRBG_AES_SEED_SIZE - add_size);

		drbg_aes_update(ctx, seed);
	} else {
		memset(seed, 0, DRBG_AES_SEED_SIZE);

	/* Throw the first block generated. FIPS 140-2 requirement (see 
	 * the continuous random number generator test in 4.9.2)
	if (ctx->prev_block_present == 0) {
		INCREMENT(sizeof(ctx->v), ctx->v);
		aes_encrypt(&ctx->key, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, ctx->prev_block, ctx->v);

		ctx->prev_block_present = 1;

	/* Perform the actual encryption */
	for (left = length; left >= AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
	     left -= AES_BLOCK_SIZE, dst += AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {

		INCREMENT(sizeof(ctx->v), ctx->v);
		aes_encrypt(&ctx->key, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, dst, ctx->v);

		/* if detected loop */
		if (memcmp(dst, ctx->prev_block, AES_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
			return 0;

		memcpy(ctx->prev_block, dst, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

	if (left > 0) {		/* partial fill */

		INCREMENT(sizeof(ctx->v), ctx->v);
		aes_encrypt(&ctx->key, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, tmp, ctx->v);

		/* if detected loop */
		if (memcmp(tmp, ctx->prev_block, AES_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0) {
			return 0;

		memcpy(ctx->prev_block, tmp, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
		memcpy(dst, tmp, left);

	if (ctx->reseed_counter > DRBG_AES_RESEED_TIME)
		return 0;

	drbg_aes_update(ctx, seed);

	return 1;
void aes_key_wrap(UWORD8 *text, UWORD8 *key, UWORD32 n)
    UWORD32       t        = 0;
    UWORD32       i        = 0;
    UWORD32       j        = 0;
    UWORD32       k        = 0;
    UWORD32       c        = 0;
    UWORD32       idx      = 0;
    UWORD16       curr_idx = 0;
    UWORD8        *A       = 0; //[8];
    UWORD8        *B       = 0; //[16];
    UWORD8        *R[8]    = {0}; //[8][100];
    UWORD8        *Rbuff   = NULL;
    aes_context_t ctx      = {{0},};

    /* Save the current scratch memory index */
    curr_idx = get_scratch_mem_idx();

    /* Allocate scratch memory for the temporary variables */
    A = (UWORD8 *)scratch_mem_alloc(8);
    if(A == NULL)
        /* Restore the saved scratch memory index */


    B = (UWORD8 *)scratch_mem_alloc(16);
    if(B == NULL)
        /* Restore the saved scratch memory index */


    Rbuff = (UWORD8 *)scratch_mem_alloc(8*100);
    if(Rbuff == NULL)
            /* Restore the saved scratch memory index */


    for(i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
        R[i] = Rbuff + i*100;

    /* AES initialization - Key scheduling  */
    ctx.nrounds = NUM_ROUNDS;
    aes_setup(&ctx, 16, key);

    /* 1) Initialize variables */
    /* Set A = IV              */
    /* For i = 1 to n          */
    /* R[i] = P[i]             */
    for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
        A[k] = g_iv[k];

    for(i = 0, idx = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
            R[k][i] = text[idx++];

    /* 2) Compute intermediate values                */
    /* For j = 5 to 0                                */
    /*     For i = 1 to n                            */
    /*         B = AES(K, A | R[i])                  */
    /*         A = MSB(64, B) ^ t where t = (n*j)+i  */
    /*         R[i] = LSB(64, B)                     */
    for(j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
            UWORD8 temp128[16];

            /* A | R[i] */
            for(k = 0; k < 8; k ++)
                temp128[k] = A[k];
            for(k = 8, c = 0; k < 16 && c < 8; k++, c++)
                temp128[k] = R[c][i];

            /* B = AES(K, A | R[i] */
            aes_encrypt(&ctx, temp128, B);

            /* MSB(64, B) */
            for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                A[k] = B[k];

            /* t does not need to be greater than 32 bits for allowed data   */
            /* lengths. Verify this.                                         */
            t = (n * j) + (i + 1);

            /* A = MSB(64, B) ^ t where t = (n*j)+i  */
            for(k = 0; k < 4; k ++)
                UWORD8 ptr = (UWORD8)(t >> (k << 3));
                A[7 - k] = A[7 - k] ^ ptr;

            /* R[i] = LSB(64, B) */
            for(k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                R[k][i] = B[k + 8];

    /* 3) Output Results */
    /* C[0] = A          */
    /* For i = 1 to n    */
    /*      C[i] = R[i]  */
    for(k = 0; k < 8; k ++)
        text[k] = A[k];

    idx = 8;

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(k = 0; k < 8; k ++)
            text[idx++] = R[k][i];

    /* Restore the saved scratch memory index */
Example #15
void* images_inject_img3(const void* img3Data, const void* newData, size_t newDataLen) {
	uint8_t IVKey[16 + (256 / 8)];
	uint8_t* IV = IVKey;
	uint8_t* Key = &IVKey[16];

	uint32_t dataOffset = 0;
	uint32_t dataLength = 0;
	uint32_t kbagOffset = 0;
	uint32_t kbagLength = 0;
	uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)(img3Data + sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader));

	size_t contentsLength = ((AppleImg3RootHeader*) img3Data)->base.dataSize;

	while((offset - (uint32_t)(img3Data + sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader))) < contentsLength) {
		AppleImg3Header* header = (AppleImg3Header*) offset;
		if(header->magic == IMG3_DATA_MAGIC) {
			dataOffset = offset + sizeof(AppleImg3Header);
			dataLength = header->size;
		if(header->magic == IMG3_KBAG_MAGIC) {
			kbagOffset = offset + sizeof(AppleImg3Header);
			kbagLength = header->dataSize;
		offset += header->size;

	AppleImg3KBAGHeader* kbag = (AppleImg3KBAGHeader*) kbagOffset;

	if(kbag != 0 && kbag->key_modifier == 1) {
		memcpy(IVKey, (void*)(kbagOffset + sizeof(AppleImg3KBAGHeader)), 16 + (kbag->key_bits / 8));
		aes_decrypt(IVKey, 16 + (kbag->key_bits / 8), AESGID, NULL, NULL);

	void* newImg3 = malloc(sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader));

	memcpy(newImg3, img3Data, sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader));
	AppleImg3RootHeader* rootHeader = (AppleImg3RootHeader*) newImg3;

	rootHeader->base.dataSize = rootHeader->base.dataSize - dataLength + (((newDataLen + 3)/4)*4) + sizeof(AppleImg3Header);
	rootHeader->base.size = (((rootHeader->base.dataSize + sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader)) + 0x3F)/0x40)*0x40;
	newImg3 = realloc(newImg3, rootHeader->base.size);
	rootHeader = (AppleImg3RootHeader*) newImg3;
	void* cursor = newImg3 + sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader);
	memset(cursor, 0, rootHeader->base.size - sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader));

	offset = (uint32_t)(img3Data + sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader));
	while((offset - (uint32_t)(img3Data + sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader))) < contentsLength) {
		AppleImg3Header* header = (AppleImg3Header*) offset;
		if(header->magic == IMG3_DATA_MAGIC) {
			memcpy(cursor, (void*) offset, sizeof(AppleImg3Header));
			AppleImg3Header* newHeader = (AppleImg3Header*) cursor;
			newHeader->dataSize = newDataLen;
			newHeader->size = sizeof(AppleImg3Header) + (((newHeader->dataSize + 3)/4)*4);

			memcpy(cursor + sizeof(AppleImg3Header), newData, newDataLen);
      if(kbag != 0) {
  			aes_encrypt(cursor + sizeof(AppleImg3Header), (newDataLen / 16) * 16, AESCustom, Key, IV);
			cursor += newHeader->size;
		} else {
			if(header->magic == IMG3_SHSH_MAGIC) {
				rootHeader->extra.shshOffset = (uint32_t)cursor - (uint32_t)newImg3 - sizeof(AppleImg3RootHeader);
			memcpy(cursor, (void*) offset, header->size);
			cursor += header->size;
		offset += header->size;

	return newImg3;
Example #16
void CConfig::SaveConfig()
	char pszFullPath[MAX_STRING];
	char pszFilename[MAX_STRING]=CONFIGNAME;
	char szTemp[MAX_STRING];
	GetFullPathToFile(pszFullPath, pszFilename);

	//LOAD_CONFIG_INT_NAME_VAR("HeartInterval", m_iHeartInterval, 30);
#define WRITE_CONFIG_INT_NAME_VAR(n, v)  {sprintf(szTemp,"%d",v);WritePrivateProfileString("config", n, szTemp, pszFullPath);}
	WRITE_CONFIG_INT_NAME_VAR("Timeout", m_iTimeout);
	WRITE_CONFIG_INT_NAME_VAR("HeartInterval", m_iHeartInterval);	
#define WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR(n, v)  WritePrivateProfileString("config", n, v?"1":"0", pszFullPath);

	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("WebLogout", m_bWebLogout);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("Autorun", m_bAutorun);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("Autologon", m_bAutologon);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("ShowBubble", m_bShowBubble);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("EnableWebAccount", m_bEnableWebAccount);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("TimingReauth", m_bTimingReauth);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("AutoUpdate", m_bAutoUpdate);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("AutoFilter", m_bAutoFilter);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("HttpHeart", m_bHttpHeart);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("FaillReauth", m_Reauth);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("ChansePWD", m_Changepwd);
	WRITE_CONFIG_BOOL_NAME_VAR("SlienceUp", m_SlienceUp);

	HKEY hRun;
	LONG kResult = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
									NULL ,KEY_ALL_ACCESS ,&hRun);
	if (m_bAutorun == TRUE)		//设置开机自动启动
		char szTemp[MAX_STRING],pjPath[MAX_STRING];

		DWORD regsz=REG_SZ;
		DWORD iPathLen;

		iPathLen = (strlen(szTemp) +1) *sizeof(char);
		kResult = ::RegQueryValueEx(hRun, _T("zte"), NULL, &regsz, (BYTE *)szTemp, &iPathLen);
		if (kResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS || strcmp(szTemp,pjPath)!=0)
			iPathLen = (strlen(pjPath) +1) *sizeof(char);
			kResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hRun, _T("zte"), NULL, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)pjPath, iPathLen);
		RegDeleteValue(hRun, _T("zte"));

#define WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR(n, v)  WritePrivateProfileString("config", n, v, pszFullPath);
	if (edubas.GetLength() != 0)
		m_csEduBas = edubas;

	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("HeartUrl", m_csHeartUrl);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("HeartCookies", m_csHeartCookies);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("ReauthTime", m_csReauthTime);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("netcard", m_csNetCard);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("WebAuthUrl", m_csWebAuthUrl);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("WebLogoutUrl", m_csWebLogoutUrl);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("LastUser", m_csLastUser);
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("WebUsername", aes_encrypt((LPCTSTR)m_csWebUsername));
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("WebPassword", aes_encrypt((LPCTSTR)m_csWebPassword));
	WRITE_CONFIG_STRING_NAME_VAR("BannerUrl", banner_url);
#define WRITE_USER(u, p)  WritePrivateProfileString("users", u, aes_encrypt((LPCTSTR)p), pszFullPath);
	CString user,pass;	
	POSITION p = Config.m_UserInfo.GetStartPosition();
	while(p != NULL) {
		Config.m_UserInfo.GetNextAssoc(p, user, pass);		
		if(user.GetLength() > 0) WRITE_USER(user, pass);			
int main( )
	size_t len = 536870912;
	int align = 4096;
	scif_epd_t endpoint;
	struct scif_portID portid;
	int ret;
	uint8_t *in_key     = malloc(16 * sizeof(uint8_t));
	struct crypto_tfm *tfm
        	= malloc(
                	 sizeof(struct crypto_tfm) +
                 	 sizeof(struct crypto_aes_ctx)
	struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx
        	= crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);

	ctx->key_length = AES_KEYSIZE_256;
	crypto_aes_set_key(tfm, in_key, AES_KEYSIZE_256);
        endpoint = scif_open( );
	if( endpoint == SCIF_OPEN_FAILED ) 
		printf("scif open failed\n");
		return 1;

	ret = scif_bind(endpoint, 23955);
		printf("scif_bind failed");
		return 1;

	portid.node = 0;
	portid.port = 23968;

	ret = scif_connect(endpoint, &portid);
	for( int attempt = 0; ret == -1 && attempt < 10; ++attempt ) 
        	ret = scif_connect(endpoint, &portid);
	if (ret==-1)
		printf("scif_connect failed\n");
		return 1;

	void *ptr;
	ret = posix_memalign((void**)&ptr, align, len);	
	if (ret)
		printf("Allocating memory failed\n");
		return 1;

	memset(ptr, 0, len);

	if( SCIF_REGISTER_FAILED == scif_register(endpoint, ptr, len, (long)ptr, SCIF_PROT_READ | SCIF_PROT_WRITE, SCIF_MAP_FIXED ) )
                printf("scif_register of ptr failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	void *tempbuffer;
	ret = posix_memalign((void**)&tempbuffer, align, len);
	if (ret)
		printf("Allocating tempbuffer failed\n");
		return 1;

       	if( SCIF_REGISTER_FAILED == scif_register(endpoint, tempbuffer, len, (long)tempbuffer, SCIF_PROT_READ | SCIF_PROT_WRITE, SCIF_MAP_FIXED ) )
               	printf("scif_register of temp failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	void *outbuffer;
	ret = posix_memalign((void**)&outbuffer, align, len);
	if (ret)
		printf("Allocating outbuffer failed %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	if( SCIF_REGISTER_FAILED == scif_register(endpoint, outbuffer, len, (long)outbuffer, SCIF_PROT_READ | SCIF_PROT_WRITE, SCIF_MAP_FIXED ) )
                printf("scif_register of outbuffer failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	void *remote_ptr;
	void *return_ptr;

	ret = scif_recv(endpoint, &remote_ptr, sizeof(void*), SCIF_RECV_BLOCK);
	if (ret==-1)
		printf("scif_recv failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

        ret = scif_recv(endpoint, &return_ptr, sizeof(void*), SCIF_RECV_BLOCK);
        if (ret==-1)
                printf("scif_recv failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;
	struct timespec start_enc, stop_enc;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_enc);
	if (scif_readfrom(endpoint, (long)ptr, len, (long)remote_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
		printf("scif_readfrom failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	#pragma omp parallel for 
	for (int k = 0; k<len; k+=16)
		{ aes_encrypt(tfm, (uint8_t*)&tempbuffer[k], (uint8_t*)&ptr[k]); }

	if (scif_writeto(endpoint, (long)tempbuffer, len, (long)return_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
		printf("scif_writeto failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_enc);
	double time_enc = (stop_enc.tv_sec - start_enc.tv_sec) + ( stop_enc.tv_nsec - start_enc.tv_nsec) / NANOSECONDS;
	double result0 = len/time_enc/1048576;
       	printf("%1f,", result0);

        struct timespec start_for, stop_for;
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_for);
        if (scif_readfrom(endpoint, (long)ptr, len, (long)remote_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
	        printf("scif_readfrom failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	#pragma omp parallel for
        for (int k=0; k<len; k+=16)
    		{ aes_decrypt(tfm, (uint8_t*)&outbuffer[k], (uint8_t*)&tempbuffer[k]); }

        if (scif_writeto(endpoint, (long)outbuffer, len, (long)return_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
        	printf("scif_writeto failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_for);
        double time_for = (stop_for.tv_sec - start_for.tv_sec) + ( stop_for.tv_nsec - start_for.tv_nsec) / NANOSECONDS;
        double result = 536870912/time_for/1048576;
        printf("%1f \n", result);

	ret = scif_send(endpoint, &ptr, sizeof(long), SCIF_SEND_BLOCK);
	if (ret==-1)
		printf("scif_send failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

        ret = scif_unregister(endpoint, (off_t)ptr, len );
        if(ret==-1 && errno!=ENOTCONN )
                printf("scif_unregister failed %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;


Example #18
void cmd_aes(int argc, char** argv)
	AESKeyType keyType;

	uint8_t* data = NULL;
	uint8_t* key = NULL;
	uint8_t* iv = NULL;

	int dataLength;
	int keyLength;
	int ivLength;

	if(argc < 4)
		bufferPrintf("Usage: %s <enc/dec> <gid/uid/key> [data] [iv]\r\n", argv[0]);

	if(strcmp(argv[2], "gid") == 0)
		keyType = AESGID;
	else if(strcmp(argv[2], "uid") == 0)
		keyType = AESUID;
		hexToBytes(argv[2], &key, &keyLength);
		keyType = AESCustom;

	hexToBytes(argv[3], &data, &dataLength);

	if(argc > 4)
		hexToBytes(argv[4], &iv, &ivLength);

	if(strcmp(argv[1], "enc") == 0)
		aes_encrypt(data, dataLength, keyType, key, iv);
		bytesToHex(data, dataLength);
	else if(strcmp(argv[1], "dec") == 0)
		aes_decrypt(data, dataLength, keyType, key, iv);
		bytesToHex(data, dataLength);
		bufferPrintf("Usage: %s <enc/dec> <GID/UID/key> [data] [iv]\r\n", argv[0]);



Example #19
void aes_128_encrypt(unsigned char blk[BLK_SIZE], unsigned long expanded_key[EXPANDED_KEY_SIZE]){
	unsigned char tmp_blk[BLK_SIZE];
	memcpy(tmp_blk, blk, BLK_SIZE);
	aes_encrypt(tmp_blk, blk, expanded_key, 128);
Example #20
File: test.c Project: ilart/Yarrow
/* Key and message values given by FIPS-192 Appendix B. */
	unsigned char out[16];
	unsigned char iout[16];
	/* Reference message subject to encryption. */
	unsigned char msg[] = {
		0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77,
		0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff };
	/* Encryption/decryption keys. */
	unsigned char key128[] = {
		0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
		0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f };
	unsigned char key192[] = {
		0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
		0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
		0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17 };
	unsigned char key256[] = { 
		0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
		0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
		0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
		0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b,	0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f };
	/* Reference encrypted msg output for 128, 192 and 256 bit keys. */
	unsigned char out128[] = {
		0x69, 0xc4, 0xe0, 0xd8, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0x04, 0x30,
		0xd8, 0xcd, 0xb7, 0x80, 0x70, 0xb4, 0xc5, 0x5a };
	unsigned char out192[] = {
		0xdd, 0xa9, 0x7c, 0xa4, 0x86, 0x4c, 0xdf, 0xe0,
		0x6e, 0xaf, 0x70, 0xa0, 0xec, 0x0d, 0x71, 0x91 };
	unsigned char out256[] = {
		0x8e, 0xa2, 0xb7, 0xca, 0x51, 0x67, 0x45, 0xbf,
		0xea, 0xfc, 0x49, 0x90, 0x4b, 0x49, 0x60, 0x89 };
	unsigned char *key[] = { key128, key192, key256 };
	unsigned char *encmsg[] = { out128, out192, out256 };
	char *key_str[] = { "key128", "key192", "key256" };
	unsigned int key_type[] = { AES_KEY_128, AES_KEY_192, AES_KEY_256 };
	struct aes_context *ctx;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		printf("State: %s\n", key_str[i]);

		ctx = aes_context_new();
		aes_set_key(ctx, key[i], key_type[i]);

		printf("CIPHER (ENCRYPT): ");
		aes_encrypt(ctx, msg, out);

		if (memcmp(out, encmsg[i], sizeof(msg)) != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Warning!!! encrypt test failed for %s\n", key_str[i]);
			goto next;
		} else

		aes_decrypt(ctx, out, iout);

		if (memcmp(msg, iout, sizeof(msg)) != 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "Warning!!! decrypt test failed for %s\n", key_str[i]);