static int internal_content_load (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { int n; const char *blobref; uint8_t *data; int size; flux_t *h; flux_rpc_t *rpc; const char *topic; n = optparse_optind (p); if (n != ac - 1) { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } blobref = av[n]; if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); if (optparse_hasopt (p, "bypass-cache")) topic = "content-backing.load"; else topic = "content.load"; if (!(rpc = flux_rpc_raw (h, topic, blobref, strlen (blobref) + 1, 0, 0))) log_err_exit ("%s", topic); if (flux_rpc_get_raw (rpc, &data, &size) < 0) log_err_exit ("%s", topic); if (write_all (STDOUT_FILENO, data, size) < 0) log_err_exit ("write"); flux_rpc_destroy (rpc); flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int cmd_setattr (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { int n; const char *name = NULL, *val = NULL; flux_t h; log_init ("flux-setattr"); n = optparse_optind (p); if (optparse_hasopt (p, "expunge") && n == ac - 1) { name = av[n]; } else if (!optparse_hasopt (p, "expunge") && n == ac - 2) { name = av[n]; val = av[n + 1]; } else { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p); if (flux_attr_set (h, name, val) < 0) log_err_exit ("%s", av[1]); flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int internal_content_store (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { const uint32_t blob_size_limit = 1048576; /* RFC 10 */ uint8_t *data; int size; flux_t *h; flux_rpc_t *rpc; const char *topic; if (optparse_optind (p) != ac) { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } if ((size = read_all (STDIN_FILENO, &data)) < 0) log_err_exit ("read"); if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); if (optparse_hasopt (p, "dry-run")) { int flags; const char *hashfun; if (size > blob_size_limit) log_errn_exit (EFBIG, "content-store"); if (!(hashfun = flux_attr_get (h, "content-hash", &flags))) log_err_exit ("flux_attr_get content-hash"); if (!strcmp (hashfun, "sha1")) { uint8_t hash[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]; char hashstr[SHA1_STRING_SIZE]; SHA1_CTX sha1_ctx; SHA1_Init (&sha1_ctx); SHA1_Update (&sha1_ctx, (uint8_t *)data, size); SHA1_Final (&sha1_ctx, hash); sha1_hashtostr (hash, hashstr); printf ("%s\n", hashstr); } else log_msg_exit ("content-store: unsupported hash function: %s", hashfun); } else { const char *blobref; int blobref_size; if (optparse_hasopt (p, "bypass-cache")) topic = ""; else topic = ""; if (!(rpc = flux_rpc_raw (h, topic, data, size, 0, 0))) log_err_exit ("%s", topic); if (flux_rpc_get_raw (rpc, &blobref, &blobref_size) < 0) log_err_exit ("%s", topic); if (!blobref || blobref[blobref_size - 1] != '\0') log_msg_exit ("%s: protocol error", topic); printf ("%s\n", blobref); flux_rpc_destroy (rpc); } flux_close (h); free (data); return (0); }
/* * Gather concatenated hwloc xml topo file with resource-hwloc.topo RPC * and save results until destroyed by hwloc_topo_destroy (). */ static struct hwloc_topo * hwloc_topo_create (optparse_t *p) { const char *json_str; struct hwloc_topo *t = xzmalloc (sizeof (*t)); if (!(t->h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); t->rpc = flux_rpc (t->h, "resource-hwloc.topo", NULL, 0, 0); if (!t->rpc || (flux_rpc_get (t->rpc, NULL, &json_str) < 0)) log_err_exit ("flux_rpc"); if (!(t->o = Jfromstr (json_str)) || !Jget_str (t->o, "topology", &t->topo)) log_msg_exit ("failed to parse json topology"); return (t); }
static int cmd_getattr (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { flux_t h = NULL; const char *val; int n, flags; n = optparse_optind (p); if (n != ac - 1) optparse_fatal_usage (p, 1, NULL); h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p); if (!(val = flux_attr_get (h, av[n], &flags))) err_exit ("%s", av[n]); printf ("%s\n", val); flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int internal_heaptrace_stop (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { flux_t *h; flux_rpc_t *rpc; if (optparse_optind (p) != ac) { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); if (!(rpc = flux_rpc (h, "cmb.heaptrace.stop", NULL, FLUX_NODEID_ANY, 0)) || flux_rpc_get (rpc, NULL) < 0) log_err_exit ("cmb.heaptrace.stop"); flux_rpc_destroy (rpc); flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int cmd_lsattr (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { const char *name, *val; flux_t h; if (optparse_optind (p) != ac) optparse_fatal_usage (p, 1, NULL); h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p); name = flux_attr_first (h); while (name) { if (optparse_hasopt (p, "values")) { val = flux_attr_get (h, name, NULL); printf ("%-40s%s\n", name, val ? val : "-"); } else { printf ("%s\n", name); } name = flux_attr_next (h); } flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int internal_content_dropcache (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { flux_t *h; flux_rpc_t *rpc = NULL; const char *topic = "content.dropcache"; if (optparse_optind (p) != ac) { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); if (!(rpc = flux_rpc (h, topic, NULL, FLUX_NODEID_ANY, 0))) log_err_exit ("%s", topic); if (flux_rpc_get (rpc, NULL) < 0) log_err_exit ("%s", topic); flux_rpc_destroy (rpc); flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int internal_hwloc_reload (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { int n = optparse_optind (p); const char *default_nodeset = "all"; const char *nodeset = optparse_get_str (p, "rank", default_nodeset); char *dirpath = NULL; flux_t h; if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) err_exit ("flux_open"); if (av[n] && !(dirpath = realpath (av[n], NULL))) err_exit ("%s", av[n]); config_hwloc_paths (h, dirpath); request_hwloc_reload (h, nodeset); free (dirpath); flux_close (h); return (0); }
static int internal_content_spam (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { int i, count; flux_rpc_t *rpc; flux_t *h; flux_reactor_t *r; char data[256]; int size = 256; if (ac != 2 && ac != 3) { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } count = strtoul (av[1], NULL, 10); if (ac == 3) spam_max_inflight = strtoul (av[2], NULL, 10); else spam_max_inflight = 1; if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); if (!(r = flux_get_reactor (h))) log_err_exit ("flux_get_reactor"); spam_cur_inflight = 0; i = 0; while (i < count || spam_cur_inflight > 0) { while (i < count && spam_cur_inflight < spam_max_inflight) { snprintf (data, size, "spam-o-matic pid=%d seq=%d", getpid(), i); if (!(rpc = flux_rpc_raw (h, "", data, size, 0, 0))) log_err_exit ("", i); if (flux_rpc_then (rpc, store_completion, r) < 0) log_err_exit ("flux_rpc_then(%d)", i); spam_cur_inflight++; i++; } if (flux_reactor_run (r, 0) < 0) log_err ("flux_reactor_run"); } return (0); }
static int internal_heaptrace_dump (optparse_t *p, int ac, char *av[]) { flux_t *h; flux_rpc_t *rpc; json_object *in = Jnew (); if (optparse_optind (p) != ac - 1) { optparse_print_usage (p); exit (1); } Jadd_str (in, "reason", av[ac - 1]); if (!(h = builtin_get_flux_handle (p))) log_err_exit ("flux_open"); if (!(rpc = flux_rpc (h, "cmb.heaptrace.dump", Jtostr (in), FLUX_NODEID_ANY, 0)) || flux_rpc_get (rpc, NULL) < 0) log_err_exit ("cmb.heaptrace.dump"); flux_rpc_destroy (rpc); flux_close (h); return (0); }