static char *camqp_strerror (camqp_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */ char *buffer, size_t buffer_size) { amqp_rpc_reply_t r; r = amqp_get_rpc_reply (conf->connection); switch (r.reply_type) { case AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL: sstrncpy (buffer, "Success", sizeof (buffer)); break; case AMQP_RESPONSE_NONE: sstrncpy (buffer, "Missing RPC reply type", sizeof (buffer)); break; case AMQP_RESPONSE_LIBRARY_EXCEPTION: #if HAVE_AMQP_RPC_REPLY_T_LIBRARY_ERRNO if (r.library_errno) return (sstrerror (r.library_errno, buffer, buffer_size)); #else if (r.library_error) return (sstrerror (r.library_error, buffer, buffer_size)); #endif else sstrncpy (buffer, "End of stream", sizeof (buffer)); break; case AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION: if ( == AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD) { amqp_connection_close_t *m = r.reply.decoded; char *tmp = camqp_bytes_cstring (&m->reply_text); ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server connection error %d: %s", m->reply_code, tmp); sfree (tmp); } else if ( == AMQP_CHANNEL_CLOSE_METHOD) { amqp_channel_close_t *m = r.reply.decoded; char *tmp = camqp_bytes_cstring (&m->reply_text); ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server channel error %d: %s", m->reply_code, tmp); sfree (tmp); } else { ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server error method %#"PRIx32,; } break; default: ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Unknown reply type %i", (int) r.reply_type); } return (buffer); } /* }}} char *camqp_strerror */
static int camqp_read_header(camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */ { int status; amqp_frame_t frame; amqp_basic_properties_t *properties; char *content_type; status = amqp_simple_wait_frame(conf->connection, &frame); if (status < 0) { status = (-1) * status; ERROR("amqp plugin: amqp_simple_wait_frame failed: %s", STRERROR(status)); camqp_close_connection(conf); return status; } if (frame.frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_HEADER) { NOTICE("amqp plugin: Unexpected frame type: %#" PRIx8, frame.frame_type); return -1; } properties =; content_type = camqp_bytes_cstring(&properties->content_type); if (content_type == NULL) { ERROR("amqp plugin: Unable to determine content type."); return -1; } status = camqp_read_body(conf, (size_t), content_type); sfree(content_type); return status; } /* }}} int camqp_read_header */
static int camqp_setup_queue (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */ { amqp_queue_declare_ok_t *qd_ret; amqp_basic_consume_ok_t *cm_ret; qd_ret = amqp_queue_declare (conf->connection, /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL, /* queue = */ (conf->queue != NULL) ? amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->queue) : AMQP_EMPTY_BYTES, /* passive = */ 0, /* durable = */ 0, /* exclusive = */ 0, /* auto_delete = */ 1, /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE); if (qd_ret == NULL) { ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_queue_declare failed."); camqp_close_connection (conf); return (-1); } if (conf->queue == NULL) { conf->queue = camqp_bytes_cstring (&qd_ret->queue); if (conf->queue == NULL) { ERROR ("amqp plugin: camqp_bytes_cstring failed."); camqp_close_connection (conf); return (-1); } INFO ("amqp plugin: Created queue \"%s\".", conf->queue); } DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Successfully created queue \"%s\".", conf->queue); /* bind to an exchange */ if (conf->exchange != NULL) { amqp_queue_bind_ok_t *qb_ret; assert (conf->queue != NULL); qb_ret = amqp_queue_bind (conf->connection, /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL, /* queue = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->queue), /* exchange = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->exchange), /* routing_key = */ (conf->routing_key != NULL) ? amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->routing_key) : AMQP_EMPTY_BYTES, /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE); if ((qb_ret == NULL) && camqp_is_error (conf)) { char errbuf[1024]; ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_queue_bind failed: %s", camqp_strerror (conf, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); camqp_close_connection (conf); return (-1); } DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Successfully bound queue \"%s\" to exchange \"%s\".", conf->queue, conf->exchange); } /* if (conf->exchange != NULL) */ cm_ret = amqp_basic_consume (conf->connection, /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL, /* queue = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->queue), /* consumer_tag = */ AMQP_EMPTY_BYTES, /* no_local = */ 0, /* no_ack = */ 1, /* exclusive = */ 0, /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE ); if ((cm_ret == NULL) && camqp_is_error (conf)) { char errbuf[1024]; ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_basic_consume failed: %s", camqp_strerror (conf, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf))); camqp_close_connection (conf); return (-1); } return (0); } /* }}} int camqp_setup_queue */