Example #1
double graph_prior_prob(SEXP prior, SEXP target, SEXP cache, SEXP beta,
    int debuglevel) {

double *b = NULL, prob = 0;
const char *pr = NULL;
SEXP parents, children;

  /* check which prior should be computed, and use the uniform one
   * if none is specified.*/
  if (prior ==  R_NilValue)
    return 0;
    pr = CHAR(STRING_ELT(prior, 0));

  /* match the label of the prior. */
  if (strcmp(pr, "uniform") == 0) {

    /* constant prior, log(1) = 0 for backward compatibility. */
    prob = 0;

  else if (strcmp(pr, "vsp") == 0) {

    parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");

    /* variable selection prior, each arc has independent beta probability
     * fo inclusion. */
    b = REAL(beta);
    prob = length(parents) * log(*b / (1 - *b));

  else if (strcmp(pr, "cs") == 0) {

    parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");
    children = getListElement(cache, "children");

    /* completed prior from Castelo and Siebes. */
    if (beta == R_NilValue)
      prob = 0;
      prob = castelo_prior(beta, target, parents, children, debuglevel);


  return prob;

Example #2
SEXP graph_prior_prob(SEXP prior, SEXP target, SEXP cache, SEXP beta,
                      SEXP debug) {

    double *b = NULL;
    const char *pr = CHAR(STRING_ELT(prior, 0));
    SEXP prob, parents, children;

    /* allocate the return value. */
    PROTECT(prob = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));

    /* match the label of the prior. */
    if (strcmp(pr, "uniform") == 0) {

        /* constant prior, log(1) = 0 for backward compatibility. */
        NUM(prob) = 0;

    else if (strcmp(pr, "vsp") == 0) {

        parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");

        /* variable selection prior, each arc has independent beta probability
         * fo inclusion. */
        b = REAL(beta);
        NUM(prob) = LENGTH(parents) * log(*b / (1 - *b));

    else if (strcmp(pr, "cs") == 0) {

        parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");
        children = getListElement(cache, "children");

        /* completed prior from Castelo and Siebes. */
        if (beta == R_NilValue)
            NUM(prob) = 0;
            NUM(prob) = castelo_prior(beta, target, parents, children, debug);



    return prob;