Example #1
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _sdyALPushMakeFree - kick a sound to make room for a new one
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
sdyBool SDYAPI _sdyALPushMakeFree(SDY_SOUND* pSoundPush)
	SDY_SOUND* pSound;
	if(ccount(g_cAudLines) >= g_wMaxAudLines)
		/* find a sound to kick out */ 
		i = cfirst(g_cAudLines);
			pSound = (SDY_SOUND*)cidata(i);
			i = cinext(i);
			if(pSound->nPriority <= pSoundPush->nPriority)
				return sdyTrue;
		return sdyFalse; /* not playable at the moment */ 
	return sdyTrue;
Example #2
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	char *str="hellobrishtiiloveulol";
    printf("counted character = %d \n", ccount(str,'m'));
    return 0;
Example #3
strsize_t String::ccount(const char *clist) const
        return 0;

    return ccount(str->text, clist);
Example #4
/* return number of values in n'th occurence of parameter name */
int countnparval (int n, char *name)
	int i;

	if (xargc == 1) return 0;
	if (!tabled) getparinit();
	i = getparindex(n,name);
	if (i>=0) 
		return ccount(',',argtbl[i].asciival) + 1;
		return 0;
int main(){
    const int N = 26;

    std::string a; getline(std::cin, a);
    std::string b; getline(std::cin, b);
    std::string c; getline(std::cin, c);

    std::vector<size_t> acount(N, 0);
    for(size_t p = 0; p < a.size(); p++){++acount[a[p] - 'a'];}

    std::vector<size_t> bcount(N, 0);
    for(size_t p = 0; p < b.size(); p++){++bcount[b[p] - 'a'];}

    std::vector<size_t> ccount(N, 0);
    for(size_t p = 0; p < c.size(); p++){++ccount[c[p] - 'a'];}

    long maxB(a.size());
    for(size_t p = 0; p < N; p++){if(bcount[p] > 0 && (acount[p] / bcount[p]) < maxB){maxB = (acount[p] / bcount[p]);}}

    long maxSum(maxB), optB(maxB), optC(0);
    for(size_t b = 0; b <= maxB; b++){
        size_t candC(a.size());
        for(size_t p = 0; p < N; p++){if(ccount[p] > 0 && ((acount[p] - b * bcount[p])/ ccount[p]) < candC){candC = (acount[p] - b * bcount[p])/ccount[p];}}
        if(b + candC > maxSum){maxSum = b + candC; optB = b; optC = candC;}

    for(int p = 0; p < optB; p++){std::cout << b;}
    for(int p = 0; p < optC; p++){std::cout << c;}
    for(int p = 0; p < N; p++){
        size_t rem = acount[p] - optB * bcount[p] - optC * ccount[p];
        while(rem--){std::cout << char('a' + p);}
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;
Float evaluate_sequences(vector<vector<int> > &goldS,
			 vector<vector<int> > &predicted,
			 vector<string> &LIS ,
			 int num_labels,
			 int verbose,
			 ofstream &out){
  int numtag,numctag,numbtag;
  int num_class =  ( num_labels / 2 ) + 1;
  vector<int> ccount(num_class,0),pcount(num_class,0),ncorrect(num_class,0),
  int match,bmatch;
  int num_seq = goldS.size();

  for (int i = 0; i < num_seq ; ++i){
  // For each sequence
       unsigned int N = goldS[i].size();
       if ( N != predicted[i].size() ) {
	  cerr << "Unmatching length of labels for sentence" << i << "\n";
       for ( unsigned int n = 0 ; n < N ; ++n, ++numtag )   {
          int clabel = goldS[i][n];
          int cclass = class_type( clabel );
          int cbraket = braket_type( n, goldS[i] );
          if ( cbraket == SBrac || cbraket == BBrac ) {

	  int plabel = predicted[i][n];
          int pclass = class_type( plabel );
          int pbraket = braket_type( n, predicted[i] );
          if ( pbraket == SBrac || pbraket == BBrac ) {

          if ( cbraket == pbraket ) numbtag++;
          if ( clabel == plabel && cbraket == pbraket ) numctag++;
          if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == SBrac ) {
                 nbcorrect[pclass]++; nbleft[pclass]++; nbright[pclass]++;
		 if( pclass == cclass ) { 
		     ncorrect[pclass]++; nleft[pclass]++; nright[pclass]++; 
	  else if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == EBrac ) { 
		 if( pclass == cclass ) { nright[pclass]++; }
	  else if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == BBrac ) { 
		 if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; }
	  else if ( pbraket == BBrac  &&  cbraket == SBrac ) { 
		 if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; }
	  else if ( pbraket == BBrac  &&  cbraket == BBrac ) { 
		 nbleft[pclass]++;   bmatch=1;
		 if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; match=1;}
          if ( pbraket != cbraket ) bmatch = 0;
	  if (!(clabel == plabel && cbraket == pbraket ) ) match = 0;
	  if ( pbraket == none || cbraket == none )  match=bmatch=0;
          if ( pbraket != cbraket || pbraket == none )  bmatch = 0;
          if ( cclass != pclass || !bmatch )            match = 0;

	  if ( pbraket == EBrac && cbraket == SBrac )  {
		 if( pclass == cclass ) { nright[pclass]++; }
          if ( pbraket == EBrac && cbraket == EBrac ) {
		if( bmatch )  nbcorrect[pclass]++;
		if( pclass == cclass ) {
		     if ( match && ncorrect[pclass] <= pcount[pclass]) 

  Float score;
  int numans = getsum( pcount );
  int numref = getsum( ccount );
  if (verbose) {
    out << "\n[Tagging Performance]\n";
    out << "# of tags: " << numtag << ",\t correct tags: " << numctag
	<< ",\t correct IOBs: " << numbtag << "\n";
    out << "precision with class info: " << (float)numctag/numtag;
    out << ",\t w/o class info: " <<  (float)numbtag/numtag << "\n";
    out << "\n[Object Identification Performance]\n";
    out << "# of OBJECTs: " << numref << "\t ANSWERs: " << numans << ".\n";
    out << "\n# (recall / precision / f-score) of ...\n";
  if ( !numref ) cerr << "\n\nNo names in reference!\n";
  if ( !numans ) cerr << "\n\nNo names in answers!\n";

  Float ret_val = compute_score( getsum(ncorrect), numans, numref , 
				 "FULLY CORRECT answer", verbose, out);
/* There is a bug on the right
  score = compute_score( getsum(nleft), numans, numref , 
			 "correct LEFT boundary", verbose, out );
  score = compute_score( getsum(nright), numans, numref , 
			 "correct RIGHT boundary", verbose, out );
  if (num_class > 2 && verbose )
  for( unsigned int cl = 1 ; cl < pcount.size() ; ++cl ) {
    string cl_str = LIS[reverse_class_type(cl)];
    out << "\n[" << cl << "/" << string(cl_str,2,int(cl_str.size()-2)) << "\tIdentification Performance]\n";
    out << "# of OBJECTs: " << ccount[cl] << ",\t ANSWERs: " << pcount[cl];
    out << "\n# (recall / precision / f-score) of ...\n";
    score = compute_score( ncorrect[cl], pcount[cl], ccount[cl] , 
			   "FULLY CORRECT answer", verbose, out );
    score = compute_score( nleft[cl], pcount[cl], ccount[cl] , 
			   "correct LEFT boundary", verbose, out );
    score = compute_score( nright[cl], pcount[cl], ccount[cl] , 
			   "correct RIGHT boundary", verbose, out );

  else if ( !verbose ) 
      for( unsigned int cl = 1 ; cl < pcount.size() ; ++cl ) {
           score = compute_score( ncorrect[cl], pcount[cl], ccount[cl] , 
			          "FULLY CORRECT answer", verbose, out );
	   cerr << "Cl:" << cl << " " << score << " ";

  if (ret_val>1.0) ret_val=1.0;
  return ret_val;
Float evaluate_sequences(vector<vector<int> > &goldS,vector<vector<int> > &predicted,vector<string> &LIS ,int num_labels,vector<verbose_res> &VR){
  int numtag,numctag,numbtag;
  int num_class =  ( num_labels / 2 ) + 1;
  vector<int> ccount(num_class,0),pcount(num_class,0),ncorrect(num_class,0),
  int match,bmatch;
  int num_seq = goldS.size();

  for (int i = 0; i < num_seq ; ++i){                                 // For each sequence
    unsigned int N = goldS[i].size();
    if ( N != predicted[i].size() ) {
      cerr << "Unmatching length of labels for sentence" << i << "\n"; abort();
    for ( unsigned int n = 0 ; n < N ; ++n, ++numtag )   {
      int clabel = goldS[i][n];
      int cclass = class_type( clabel );
      int cbraket = braket_type( n, goldS[i] );
      if ( cbraket == SBrac || cbraket == BBrac ) {

      int plabel = predicted[i][n];
      int pclass = class_type( plabel );
      int pbraket = braket_type( n, predicted[i] );
      if ( pbraket == SBrac || pbraket == BBrac ) {
      if ( cbraket == pbraket ) numbtag++;
      if ( clabel == plabel && cbraket == pbraket ) numctag++;
      if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == SBrac ) {
	nbcorrect[pclass]++; nbleft[pclass]++; nbright[pclass]++;
	if( pclass == cclass ) { 
	  ncorrect[pclass]++; nleft[pclass]++; nright[pclass]++; 
      else if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == EBrac ) { 
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nright[pclass]++; }
      else if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == BBrac ) { 
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; }
      else if ( pbraket == BBrac  &&  cbraket == SBrac ) { 
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; }
      else if ( pbraket == BBrac  &&  cbraket == BBrac ) { 
	nbleft[pclass]++;   bmatch=1;
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; match=1;}
      if ( pbraket != cbraket || pbraket == none )  bmatch = 0;
      if ( cclass != pclass || !bmatch )            match = 0;
      if ( pbraket == EBrac && cbraket == SBrac )  {
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nright[pclass]++; }
      if ( pbraket == EBrac && cbraket == EBrac ) {
	if( bmatch )  nbcorrect[pclass]++;
	if( pclass == cclass ) {
	  if ( match && ncorrect[pclass] <= pcount[pclass]) 

  Float score;
  int numans = getsum(pcount), numref = getsum(ccount);
  verbose_res vr("ALL",int(numref),int(numans));
  if ( !numref ) cerr << "\n\nNo names in reference!\n";
  if ( !numans ) cerr << "\n\nNo names in answers!\n";
  Float ret_val = compute_score(getsum(ncorrect),numans,numref,"FULLY CORRECT answer",vr);

  if (num_class > 2)
    for( unsigned int cl = 1 ; cl < pcount.size() ; ++cl ) {
      string cl_str = LIS[reverse_class_type(cl)];
      verbose_res vr_cl(string(cl_str,2,int(cl_str.size()-2)),ccount[cl],pcount[cl]);
      score = compute_score(ncorrect[cl],pcount[cl],ccount[cl],"FULLY CORRECT answer",vr_cl);
  if (ret_val>1.0) ret_val=1.0;
  return ret_val;