Example #1
void main(){

  int C = 40;
  int size = 4;
  int V[] = {1,5,10,25,50};
  int O[] = {0,0,0,0};

  for (int C = 2000; C<=2300; C++){
   	changedp(O,V,C, size);
Example #2
//for each block of input in the argv[1] file, calls the change function for the values listed. Results are printed in filename+change.txt
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	FILE* f_in;//the file read
	FILE* f_out;//the file written to
	char* fn_in = argv[1];//the name of the file to be read
	char* fn_out;//the name of the file to be written to
	char* f_text;//the text from the file
	long f_size;//size of file

	int V[1000];//array of coin values, max size 1000
	int v_count = 0;//number of coins
	int A;//the amount that needs to be made into change
	char* token;//section of input file from strtok
	char* token2;//section of input file from strtok
	char* token_ptr;//used for strtok_r
	int** DP_table;//table to hold values for dpChange
	int i, j;
	clock_t begin, end;
	double run;//used to measure time
	//checking if user has provided filename
	if(argc != 2){
		printf("Error: incorrect number of arguments\n");
		printf("Usage: changedp [filename]\n\n");
	//opening input file
	f_in = fopen(fn_in, "r");
	if(f_in == NULL) {
		printf("Error: cannot open input file\n");
	//stripping .txt from input filename and adding change.txt, then open output file
	fn_out = argv[1];
	strtok(fn_out, ".");
	strcat(fn_out, "change.txt");
	f_out = fopen(fn_out, "w+");
	if(f_out == NULL) {
		printf("Error: cannot open output file\n");

	//getting text from file
	fseek(f_in, 0, SEEK_END);
	f_size = ftell(f_in);

	f_text = malloc(f_size + 1);
	fread(f_text, f_size, 1, f_in);
	begin = clock();//starting timer
	fprintf(f_out, "Changedp:\n");

	token = strtok_r(f_text, "\n\r", &token_ptr);
	//run while there are blocks to be read
	while( token != NULL ) 
		//getting V
		v_count = 0;
		token2 = strtok(token, ", []\n\r");
		while(token2!= NULL) {//adding all values to V
			V[v_count] = atoi(token2);
			token2 = strtok(NULL, ", []\n\r");
		token = strtok_r(NULL, "\n\r", &token_ptr);//getting A
		A = atoi(token);
		//malloc for DP table
		DP_table = (int**)malloc((1+A)*sizeof(int*));
		for(i = 0; i < A+1; i++) {
			DP_table[i] = (int*)malloc(v_count*sizeof(int));
			for(j = 0; j < v_count; j++) {
				DP_table[i][j] = 0;
		//printf("RESULT SUM: %i\n", sumarray(changedp(V, v_count, A, DP_table), v_count));//remove later LAUREN
		Ctofile(f_out, changedp(V, v_count, A, DP_table), v_count);
		//free DP_table
		for(i = 0; i < A+1; i++) {
	    token = strtok_r(NULL, "\n\r", &token_ptr);
	end = clock();//ending timer
	run = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf("Running Time: %.2f\n", run);
	return 0;
Example #3
//takes an array of values V, and returns the number for each of these to use to make A in corresponding array C
int* changedp(int* V, int V_size, int A, int* DP_table[V_size]) {
	int i, j;
	int newA;//A with value in V subtracted
	int* newC = malloc(V_size*sizeof(int));//values calculated using newA + 1 coin
	int* minC = malloc(V_size*sizeof(int));//the C with the fewest number of coins

	if(sumarray(DP_table[A], V_size) != 0) {//if DP_table has already been set for this A, return it
		return DP_table[A];
	for(i = 0; i < V_size; i++) {
		if(V[i] == A) {//if A is one of the values in V, return minC with that as the only coin
			//setting all values in minC to 0, excluding minC[i]
			for(j = 0; j < V_size; j++) {
				minC[j] = 0;
			minC[i] = 1;
			DP_table[A][i] = 1;//copying to DP table
			printf("Setting Base Table for %i \n", A);
			for(j = 0; j < V_size;j++) {
				printf("DP_table[%i][%i] = %i\n", A, j, DP_table[A][j]);
			return minC;

	for(i = 0; i < V_size; i++) {
		if(V[i] > A) {//if the coin is larger than the amount we're checking, return minC
			memcpy(DP_table[A], minC, V_size*sizeof(int));//copying minC to DP_table
			printf("Setting Table for %i when V[i] > A\n", A);
			for(j = 0; j < V_size;j++) {
				printf("DP_table[%i][%i] = %i\n", A, j, DP_table[A][j]);
			return minC;

		newA = A - V[i];
		memcpy(newC, changedp(V, V_size, newA, DP_table), V_size*sizeof(int));//getting change for sub amount new A
		newC[i] += 1;//adding coin to C
		if(i == 0) {//if this is the first newC found, it's automatically minC
			memcpy(minC, newC, V_size*sizeof(int));
		else {//comparing previous best C to new one
			if(sumarray(newC, V_size) < sumarray(minC, V_size)) {//if the new C has fewer coins than minC, it becomes minC
				memcpy(minC, newC, V_size*sizeof(int));
	memcpy(DP_table[A], minC, V_size*sizeof(int));
	printf("nSetting Table for %i \n", A);
	for(j = 0; j < V_size;j++) {
		printf("DP_table[%i][%i] = %i\n", A, j, DP_table[A][j]);
	return DP_table[A];
Example #4
int main(){

	FILE *fp, *fp2;
	char discard;
	char str[100]; //assume each line has less than 100 characters
	int number_lines;
	int i, j;
	int *V = malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); //assume each line has less than 100 numbers
	int *C = malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); //assume each line has less than 100 numbers
	int A;
	int size;
	int minimum;
	fp = fopen ("Coin.txt", "r");
	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++){
		if (feof(fp)) //end of file
		fgets(str, 100, fp);
	number_lines = i;
	fp2 = fopen ("Coinchange.txt", "w");
	for (i = 0; i < number_lines / 2; i++){
		discard = fgetc(fp); //discard [
		for (j = 0; j < 100; j++){
			fscanf(fp, "%d%c ", &V[j], &discard);
			if (discard != ',') //end of line
		size = j + 1;
		fscanf(fp, "%d", &A);
		discard = fgetc(fp); //discard newline character

		//start changeslow
		int* array = malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
		array = changeslow(V, size, A);
		int summ = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < size; j++){
			//printf("%d ", array[j]);
			summ += array[j];
		fprintf(fp2, "[");
		for (j = 0; j < size - 1; j++){
			fprintf(fp2, "%d, ", array[j]);
		fprintf(fp2, "%d]\n", array[size - 1]);
		fprintf(fp2, "%d\n", summ);
		//end changeslow
		//start changechangegreedy
		for (j = 0; j < 100; j++){
			C[j] = 0; //initiate to zero
		minimum = changegreedy(V, C, size, A);
		fprintf(fp2, "[");
		for (j = 0; j < size - 1; j++){
			fprintf(fp2, "%d, ", C[j]);
		fprintf(fp2, "%d]\n", C[size - 1]);
		fprintf(fp2, "%d\n", minimum);
		//end changechangegreedy
		//start changedp
		for (j = 0; j < 100; j++){
			C[j] = 0; //initiate to zero
		minimum = changedp(V, C, size, A);
		fprintf(fp2, "[");
		for (j = 0; j < size - 1; j++){
			fprintf(fp2, "%d, ", C[j]);
		fprintf(fp2, "%d]\n", C[size - 1]);
		fprintf(fp2, "%d\n", minimum);
		//end changedp
		fprintf(fp2, "\n");
	printf("See Coinchange.txt for results.\n");
	return 0;