Example #1
bool WaHook::_unhook(HANDLE process, void *hookedFunction, void *originalFunction, DWORD size)
  bool ret = false;
  DWORD oldProtect;
  DWORD_PTR avalibeBytes = checkAvalibleBytes(process, hookedFunction);

  //Даем все права затрагиваемым страницам.
  if(avalibeBytes >= OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2 && CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, hookedFunction, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) != 0)
    if(CWA(kernel32, WriteProcessMemory)(process, hookedFunction, originalFunction, size - JMP_ADDR_SIZE, NULL) != 0)ret = true;
    //Восстаналиваем права.
    CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, hookedFunction, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, oldProtect, &oldProtect);

  return ret;
Example #2
bool WaHook::_unhook(HANDLE process, void *hookedFunction, void *originalFunction, DWORD size)
  bool ret = false;
  DWORD oldProtect;
  DWORD_PTR avalibeBytes = checkAvalibleBytes(process, hookedFunction);

  //Give all the rights of the affected pages.
  if(avalibeBytes >= OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2 && CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, hookedFunction, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) != 0)
    if(CWA(kernel32, WriteProcessMemory)(process, hookedFunction, originalFunction, size - JMP_ADDR_SIZE, NULL) != 0)ret = true;
    //Vosstanalivaem law.
    CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, hookedFunction, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, oldProtect, &oldProtect);

  return ret;
Example #3
DWORD WaHook::_hook(HANDLE process, void *functionForHook, void *hookerFunction, void *originalFunction, HOTPATCHCALLBACK hotPatchCallback)
  DWORD retVal = 0;

  DWORD oldProtect;
  DWORD_PTR avalibeBytes = checkAvalibleBytes(process, functionForHook);

  //Даем все права затрагиваемым страницам.
  if(avalibeBytes >= OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2 && CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, functionForHook, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) != 0)
    //Считываем старый код.
    Mem::_set(buf, (char)0x90, sizeof(buf));/*параноя*/

    if(CWA(kernel32, ReadProcessMemory)(process, functionForHook, buf, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, NULL) == 0)goto END;

    //Читаем опкоды, пока их суммарная длина не достигнит INJECT_SIZE.
    DWORD_PTR opcodeOffset = 0;
      LPBYTE currentOpcode = buf + opcodeOffset;
      DWORD currentOpcodeLen = Disasm::_getOpcodeLength(currentOpcode);

      //Неизвестный опкод.
      if(currentOpcodeLen == (DWORD)-1)
        #if defined(WDEBUG2)
        WDEBUG2(WDDT_ERROR, "Bad opcode detected at offset %u for function 0x%p", opcodeOffset, functionForHook);

        goto END; 

      opcodeOffset += currentOpcodeLen;

      if(opcodeOffset > sizeof(buf) - JMP_ADDR_SIZE)
        #if defined(WDEBUG2)
        WDEBUG2(WDDT_ERROR, "Very long opcode detected at offset %u for function 0x%p", opcodeOffset - currentOpcodeLen, functionForHook);
        goto END; 
      //Отностиельные call и jmp.
      if((currentOpcode[0] == 0xE9 || currentOpcode[0] == 0xE8) && currentOpcodeLen == 1 + sizeof(DWORD)) //FIXME: не уверен для x64.
#       if defined(WDEBUG0)
        WDEBUG1(WDDT_INFO, "Relative JMP/CALL(%02X) detected.", currentOpcode[0]);
#       endif

        DWORD *relAddrSet = (DWORD *)(currentOpcode + 1);
        DWORD_PTR to = (*relAddrSet) + ((DWORD_PTR)functionForHook + opcodeOffset);
        *relAddrSet = (DWORD)(to - ((DWORD_PTR)originalFunction + opcodeOffset));
      if(opcodeOffset >= INJECT_SIZE)break;

    //Сохраняем оригинальные опкоды в originalFunction.
      //Дописываем в конец буфера, jump на продолжение functionForHook.
      LPBYTE pjmp = buf + opcodeOffset;
      WRITE_JMP(pjmp, originalFunction/* + opcodeOffset*/, functionForHook/* + opcodeOffset*/);
      if(CWA(kernel32, WriteProcessMemory)(process, originalFunction, buf, opcodeOffset + JMP_ADDR_SIZE, NULL) == 0)goto END;

    //Пишим инжект в функцию.
      WRITE_JMP(buf, functionForHook, hookerFunction);
      hotPatchCallback(functionForHook, originalFunction);
      if(CWA(kernel32, WriteProcessMemory)(process, functionForHook, buf, INJECT_SIZE, NULL) == 0)goto END;

    retVal = opcodeOffset + JMP_ADDR_SIZE; //Размер вырезаного фрагмента.

    //Восстаналиваем права.
    CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, functionForHook, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, oldProtect, &oldProtect);
  return retVal;
Example #4
DWORD WaHook::_hook(HANDLE process, void *functionForHook, void *hookerFunction, void *originalFunction, HOTPATCHCALLBACK hotPatchCallback)
  DWORD retVal = 0;

  DWORD oldProtect;
  DWORD_PTR avalibeBytes = checkAvalibleBytes(process, functionForHook);

  //Give all the rights of the affected pages.
  if(avalibeBytes >= OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2 && CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, functionForHook, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect) != 0)
    //Read the old code.
    Mem::_set(buf, (char)0x90, sizeof(buf));/*парано¤*/

    if(CWA(kernel32, ReadProcessMemory)(process, functionForHook, buf, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, NULL) == 0)goto END;

    //Read opcodes, while their total length does not reach INJECT_SIZE.
    DWORD_PTR opcodeOffset = 0;
      LPBYTE currentOpcode = bufB + OpcodeOffset;
      DWORD currentOpcodeLen = Disasm::_getOpcodeLength(currentOpcode);

      //Unknown opcode.
      if(currentOpcodeLen == (DWORD)-1)
        #if defined(WDEBUG2)
        WDEBUG2(WDDT_ERROR, "Bad opcode detected at offset %u for function 0x%p", opcodeOffset, functionForHook);

        goto END; 

      opcodeOffset += currentOpcodeLen;

      if(opcodeOffset > sizeof(buf) - JMP_ADDR_SIZE)
        #if defined(WDEBUG2)
        WDEBUG2(WDDT_ERROR, "Very long opcode detected at offset %u for function 0x%p", opcodeOffset - currentOpcodeLen, functionForHook);
        goto END; 
      //Otnostielnye call and jmp.
      if((currentOpcode[0] == 0xE9 || currentOpcode[0] == 0xE8) && currentOpcodeLen == 1 + sizeof(DWORD)) //FIXME: not sure for x64.
#       if defined(WDEBUG0)
        WDEBUG1(WDDT_INFO, "Relative JMP/CALL(%02X) detected.", currentOpcode[0]);
#       endif

        DWORD *relAddrSet = (DWORD *)(currentOpcode + 1);
        DWORD_PTR to = (*relAddrSet) + ((DWORD_PTR)functionForHookB + OpcodeOffset);
        *relAddrSet = (DWORD)(to - ((DWORD_PTR)originalFunctionB + OpcodeOffset));
      if(opcodeOffset >= INJECT_SIZE)break;

    //Save the original opcodes in originalFunction.
      //Appends buffer, jump to the continuation functionForHook.
      LPBYTE pjmp = bufB + OpcodeOffset;
      WRITE_JMP(pjmp, originalFunction/*B + OpcodeOffset*/, functionForHook/*B + OpcodeOffset*/);
      if(CWA(kernel32, WriteProcessMemory)(process, originalFunction, buf, opcodeOffset + JMP_ADDR_SIZE, NULL) == 0)goto END;

    //Pishim inject into the function.
      WRITE_JMP(buf, functionForHook, hookerFunction);
      hotPatchCallback(functionForHook, originalFunction);
      if(CWA(kernel32, WriteProcessMemory)(process, functionForHook, buf, INJECT_SIZE, NULL) == 0)goto END;

    retVal = opcodeOffset + JMP_ADDR_SIZE; //The size of fragment excision.

    //Vosstanalivaem law.
    CWA(kernel32, VirtualProtectEx)(process, functionForHook, OPCODE_MAX_SIZE * 2, oldProtect, &oldProtect);
  return retVal;