Example #1
File: Player.cpp Project: ofx/dr
void Player::Update(float dt)
    if (this->m_Dead)

    // Fix the velocity
    this->m_Body->v = cpvmult(this->m_Body->v, this->m_Speed / cpvdist(cpVect(), this->m_Body->v));

    // Force the player in the upward direction 
    if (this->m_Body->v.y > 0.0f)
        this->m_Body->v = cpvneg(this->m_Body->v);

    // Update the position
    cpVect bv(cpBodyGetPos(this->m_Body));
    this->m_Position.x = bv.x;
    this->m_Position.y = bv.y;

    // Set the steering value
    this->m_Body->v.x = -this->m_SteeringValue * 5.0f * dt;

//#ifdef true
        int KEY_MAP[5][3] = {
            {HGEK_LEFT, HGEK_RIGHT, HGEK_O},
            {HGEK_A,    HGEK_S,     HGEK_D}

        // Process keys
        if (this->m_Hge->Input_GetKeyState(HGEK_ESCAPE)) 
        if (this->m_Hge->Input_GetKeyState(KEY_MAP[this->m_PlayerIndex][0])) 
            this->m_Body->v.x -= SPEED * dt;
        if (this->m_Hge->Input_GetKeyState(KEY_MAP[this->m_PlayerIndex][1]))
            this->m_Body->v.x += SPEED * dt;
        if (this->m_Hge->Input_GetKeyState(KEY_MAP[this->m_PlayerIndex][2]))

	// Do some movement calculations and collision detection	
	this->m_Body->v.x *= FRICTION;
    this->m_Body->v.y *= FRICTION;

	// Update particle system
    float a = abs(this->m_Body->v.x) * 50.0f;
    float b = abs(this->m_Body->v.y) * 50.0f;
	this->m_ParticleSystem->info.nEmission = (int) (a * a + b * b);
    this->m_ParticleSystem->MoveTo(this->m_Position.x, this->m_Position.y);
Example #2
static void
cpPolyShapeNearestPointQuery(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpNearestPointQueryInfo *info) {
    int count = poly->numVerts;
    cpSplittingPlane *planes = poly->tPlanes;
    cpVect *verts = poly->tVerts;

    cpVect v0 = verts[count - 1];
    cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;
    cpVect closestPoint = cpvzero;
    cpBool outside = cpFalse;

    for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
        if(cpSplittingPlaneCompare(planes[i], p) > 0.0f) outside = cpTrue;

        cpVect v1 = verts[i];
        cpVect closest = cpClosetPointOnSegment(p, v0, v1);

        cpFloat dist = cpvdist(p, closest);
        if(dist < minDist) {
            minDist = dist;
            closestPoint = closest;

        v0 = v1;

    info->shape = (cpShape *)poly;
    info->p = closestPoint; // TODO div/0
    info->d = (outside ? minDist : -minDist);
Example #3
cpMomentForSegment(cpFloat m, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r)
	cpVect offset = cpvlerp(a, b, 0.5f);
	// This approximates the shape as a box for rounded segments, but it's quite close.
	cpFloat length = cpvdist(b, a) + 2.0f*r;
	return m*((length*length + 4.0f*r*r)/12.0f + cpvlengthsq(offset));
Example #4
// determines mass of freestyle shape
// does this by assigning mass to each segment... 
static double core_freestyle_mass ( cpVect * verts, const int num_verts, const double density ) {
    double mass = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_verts - 1; i++ ) {
        cpFloat seg_length = cpvdist ( verts[i], verts[i + 1] );
        mass += seg_length * density;
    return mass;
Example #5
// Check if a cpPolyline is longer than a certain length
// Takes a range which can wrap around if the polyline is looped.
static cpBool
cpPolylineIsShort(cpVect *points, int count, int start, int end, cpFloat min)
  cpFloat length = 0.0f;
	for(int i=start; i!=end; i=Next(i, count)){
		length += cpvdist(points[i], points[Next(i, count)]);
		if(length > min) return cpFalse;
  return cpTrue;
Example #6
// determines moment of freestyle shape
// dos this by determining individual moments of segments, 
//offsetting by distance to center squared
static double core_freestyle_moment ( cpVect * verts, const int num_verts, cpVect center, const double density ) {
    double moment = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_verts - 1; i++ ) {
        cpFloat seg_length = cpvdist ( verts[i], verts[i + 1] );
        double seg_mass = seg_length * density;
        double moment_seg = seg_mass * seg_length * seg_length / 12.0;   // moment around center of segment
        // moment around center of object
        cpVect seg_center = cpvadd ( verts[i], cpvmult ( cpvsub ( verts[i + 1], verts[i] ) ,seg_length / 2.0 ) ); // center of mass of segment
        cpFloat seg_disp = cpvdist ( seg_center, center ); // distance of center of mass from center 
        double moment_disp = seg_mass * seg_disp * seg_disp;
        moment += moment_seg + moment_disp;  // add the two moments to total moment
    return moment;
Example #7
static struct cpShapeMassInfo
cpSegmentShapeMassInfo(cpFloat mass, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r)
	struct cpShapeMassInfo info = {
		mass, cpMomentForBox(1.0f, cpvdist(a, b) + 2.0f*r, 2.0f*r), // TODO is an approximation.
		cpvlerp(a, b, 0.5f),
		cpAreaForSegment(a, b, r),
	return info;
Example #8
static void
	cpVect start = QUERY_START;
	cpVect end = ChipmunkDemoMouse;
	ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(start, end, RGBAColor(0,1,0,1));
	ChipmunkDemoPrintString("Query: Dist(%f) Point%s, ", cpvdist(start, end), cpvstr(end));
	cpSegmentQueryInfo segInfo = {};
	if(cpSpaceSegmentQueryFirst(space, start, end, CP_ALL_LAYERS, CP_NO_GROUP, &segInfo)){
		cpVect point = cpSegmentQueryHitPoint(start, end, segInfo);
		// Draw red over the occluded part of the query
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(point, end, RGBAColor(1,0,0,1));
		// Draw a little blue surface normal
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(point, cpvadd(point, cpvmult(segInfo.n, 16)), RGBAColor(0,0,1,1));
		// Draw a little red dot on the hit point.
		ChipmunkDebugDrawPoints(3, 1, &point, RGBAColor(1,0,0,1));

		ChipmunkDemoPrintString("Segment Query: Dist(%f) Normal%s", cpSegmentQueryHitDist(start, end, segInfo), cpvstr(segInfo.n));
	} else {
		ChipmunkDemoPrintString("Segment Query (None)");
	cpNearestPointQueryInfo nearestInfo = {};
	cpSpaceNearestPointQueryNearest(space, ChipmunkDemoMouse, 100.0, CP_ALL_LAYERS, CP_NO_GROUP, &nearestInfo);
		// Draw a grey line to the closest shape.
		ChipmunkDebugDrawPoints(3, 1, &ChipmunkDemoMouse, RGBAColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0));
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(ChipmunkDemoMouse, nearestInfo.p, 	RGBAColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0));
		// Draw a red bounding box around the shape under the mouse.
		if(nearestInfo.d < 0) ChipmunkDebugDrawBB(cpShapeGetBB(nearestInfo.shape), RGBAColor(1,0,0,1));
Example #9
void Renderer::drawBar(const cpShape* shape) {
  const auto p1 = cpSegmentShapeGetA(shape);
  const auto p2 = cpSegmentShapeGetB(shape);
  const auto radius = static_cast<float>(cpSegmentShapeGetRadius(shape));
  auto rect = RoundedBar(radius);
  const auto sfp1 = Utils::toSfv(p1, mTargetSize);
  const auto sfp2 = Utils::toSfv(p2, mTargetSize);
  const auto len = static_cast<float>(cpvdist(p1, p2));

  if (p1.x == p2.x) {
    auto y = std::min(sfp1.y, sfp2.y);
    rect.setPosition(sfp1.x, y + len / 2 - radius);
  } else if (p1.y == p2.y) {
    auto x = std::min(sfp1.x, sfp2.x);
    rect.setPosition(x + len / 2 - radius, sfp1.y);
    for (auto& target : mTargets) {
      auto view = target->getView();
      auto center = view.getCenter();
      auto pieceW = view.getSize().x * 1.0f;
      auto pieceH = view.getSize().y * 1.0f;
      auto x = center.x - pieceW / 2.0f;
      auto y = center.y - pieceH / 2.0f;
      auto vRect = sf::FloatRect(x, y, pieceW, pieceH);
      if (vRect.intersects(rect.getGlobalBounds())) {
static void
cpPolyShapeNearestPointQuery(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpNearestPointQueryInfo *info){
	int count = poly->numVerts;
	cpSplittingPlane *planes = poly->tPlanes;
	cpVect *verts = poly->tVerts;
	cpFloat r = poly->r;
	cpVect v0 = verts[count - 1];
	cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;
	cpVect closestPoint = cpvzero;
	cpVect closestNormal = cpvzero;
	cpBool outside = cpFalse;
	for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
		if(cpSplittingPlaneCompare(planes[i], p) > 0.0f) outside = cpTrue;
		cpVect v1 = verts[i];
		cpVect closest = cpClosetPointOnSegment(p, v0, v1);
		cpFloat dist = cpvdist(p, closest);
		if(dist < minDist){
			minDist = dist;
			closestPoint = closest;
			closestNormal = planes[i].n;
		v0 = v1;
	cpFloat dist = (outside ? minDist : -minDist);
	cpVect g = cpvmult(cpvsub(p, closestPoint), 1.0f/dist);
	info->shape = (cpShape *)poly;
	info->p = cpvadd(closestPoint, cpvmult(g, r));
	info->d = dist - r;
	// Use the normal of the closest segment if the distance is small.
	info->g = (minDist > MAGIC_EPSILON ? g : closestNormal);
Example #11
static void
update(int ticks)
	messageString[0] = '\0';
	cpVect start = cpvzero;
	cpVect end = /*cpv(0, 85);//*/mousePoint;
	cpVect lineEnd = end;
		char infoString[1024];
		sprintf(infoString, "Query: Dist(%f) Point%s, ", cpvdist(start, end), cpvstr(end));
		strcat(messageString, infoString);
	cpSegmentQueryInfo info = {};
	if(cpSpaceSegmentQueryFirst(space, start, end, CP_ALL_LAYERS, CP_NO_GROUP, &info)){
		cpVect point = cpSegmentQueryHitPoint(start, end, info);
		lineEnd = cpvadd(point, cpvzero);//cpvmult(info.n, 4.0f));
		char infoString[1024];
		sprintf(infoString, "Segment Query: Dist(%f) Normal%s", cpSegmentQueryHitDist(start, end, info), cpvstr(info.n));
		strcat(messageString, infoString);
	} else {
		strcat(messageString, "Segment Query (None)");
	cpSegmentShapeSetEndpoints(querySeg, start, lineEnd);
	cpShapeCacheBB(querySeg); // force it to update it's collision detection data so it will draw
	// normal other stuff.
	int steps = 1;
	cpFloat dt = 1.0f/60.0f/(cpFloat)steps;
	for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
		cpSpaceStep(space, dt);
static void
cpPolyShapePointQuery(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpPointQueryInfo *info){
	int count = poly->count;
	struct cpSplittingPlane *planes = poly->planes;
	cpFloat r = poly->r;
	cpVect v0 = planes[count - 1].v0;
	cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;
	cpVect closestPoint = cpvzero;
	cpVect closestNormal = cpvzero;
	cpBool outside = cpFalse;
	for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
		cpVect v1 = planes[i].v0;
		outside = outside || (cpvdot(planes[i].n, cpvsub(p,v1)) > 0.0f);
		cpVect closest = cpClosetPointOnSegment(p, v0, v1);
		cpFloat dist = cpvdist(p, closest);
		if(dist < minDist){
			minDist = dist;
			closestPoint = closest;
			closestNormal = planes[i].n;
		v0 = v1;
	cpFloat dist = (outside ? minDist : -minDist);
	cpVect g = cpvmult(cpvsub(p, closestPoint), 1.0f/dist);
	info->shape = (cpShape *)poly;
	info->point = cpvadd(closestPoint, cpvmult(g, r));
	info->distance = dist - r;
	// Use the normal of the closest segment if the distance is small.
	info->gradient = (minDist > MAGIC_EPSILON ? g : closestNormal);
Example #13
// takes array of vertices, returns center x and y coordinates in address of x and y
// algorithm: take average x value average y value
static void core_freestyle_center ( cpVect * verts, const int num_verts, cpVect * center ) {
    cpFloat tot_length = 0.0;
    // assume uniform mass, so length can be substitued as mass
    cpVect center_of_mass = cpvzero;
    for ( int i = 0; i< num_verts - 1; i++ ) {
        cpFloat length = cpvdist ( verts[i], verts[i+1] );
        cpVect to_cent = cpvmult ( cpvsub ( verts[i+1], verts[i] ), 0.5 );
        cpVect loc_center = cpvadd ( verts[i], to_cent );
        center_of_mass = cpvadd ( center_of_mass, cpvmult ( loc_center, length ) );
        tot_length += length;
    center_of_mass = cpvmult ( center_of_mass, 1/tot_length );
    center->x = center_of_mass.x;
    center->y = center_of_mass.y;
Size PhysicsShapeBox::getSize() const
    cpShape* shape = _cpShapes.front();
    return PhysicsHelper::cpv2size(cpv(cpvdist(cpPolyShapeGetVert(shape, 1), cpPolyShapeGetVert(shape, 2)),
                                       cpvdist(cpPolyShapeGetVert(shape, 0), cpPolyShapeGetVert(shape, 1))));
Example #15
cpAreaForSegment(cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat r)
	return 2.0f*r*((cpFloat)M_PI*r + cpvdist(a, b));