Example #1
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
 * DCHRCN								*
 *									*
 * This program decodes the WTNT23, WTNT24 and WTPZ23 tropical storm    *
 * and hurricane forecast/advisory reports and writes the output to an  *
 * ASCII file.    							*
 *									*
 *  Command line:							*
 *  dcwtch [options] filename						*
 *	filename	output file name/template			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * A. Hardy/GSC		 9/99						*
 * A. Hardy/GSC		 1/01	Added full prototype			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 2/01	Removed all references to ulog		*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 07/05   Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt       *
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		08/05	Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/08   Added circflg parameter to dc_gopt      *

**	Change the values of these default variables for the
**	specific decoder.
**	These variables are the number of expected command line
**	parameters; the program name; the packing and station tables;
**	values for the the number of additional stations and the
**	number of times; and the number of hours, prior to the
**	"current" time, to decode.
#define NUMEXP 1
	int	nexp    = NUMEXP;
	char	*prgnam = "DCHRCN";

  	char	*defprm = " ";
	char	*defstn = " ";
	char	*dfstn2 = " ";
	int	idfadd  = 25;
	int	idfmax  = 24;
	int	ndfhr1  =  5;
	int	ndfhr2  = 24;
        int     idfwdh  =  0;

**	Do not change these variables. These variables are used by all
**	decoders for getting the command line parameters.
	char	parms[NUMEXP][DCMXLN], curtim[DCMXLN];
	int	num, iret;

	char	gemfil[DCMXLN], stntbl[DCMXLN], stntb2[DCMXLN],
	int	iadstn, maxtim, nhours, txtflg, circflg, iwndht;


**	Initialize the output logs, set the time out and 
**	parse the command line parameters.
	dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, nexp, parms, &num, &iret );

**	Check for an initialization error.
**	On an error, exit gracefully.
	if  ( iret < 0 )  {
	    dc_exit ( &iret );

**	Set the decoder parameters to the command line entries or
**	default values.
	dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2,
                  idfwdh, prmfil, stntbl, stntb2, &iadstn, &maxtim, curtim,
                  &nhours, &txtflg, &circflg, &iwndht, &iret );

**	The output file name must be present.
**	Change this section for the specific decoder.
	strcpy ( gemfil, parms[0] );

**	Call the decoding routine.
**	Change this function call, and the define command,
**	for the specific decoder.

	hc_dcod ( curtim, gemfil, stntbl, prmfil, 
		  &iadstn, &maxtim, &nhours, &iret, strlen(curtim), 
		  strlen(gemfil), strlen(stntbl), strlen(prmfil) );
**	Send a shut down message to the logs and close the log files.
	dc_exit ( &iret );
	return 0;
Example #2
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
 * DCMSFC								*
 *									*
 * This program decodes ship, buoy, C-MAN, and Coast Guard reports and	*
 * writes the output to a GEMPAK surface file.				*
 *									*
 *  Command line:							*
 *  dcmsfc [options] filename						*
 *	filename	output file name/template			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Tyle/GSC		 4/97	Based on DCMETR				*
 * D. Kidwell/NCEP	10/97	Eliminated bufr references 		*
 * I. Durham/GSC	 5/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include	*
 * A. Hardy/GSC		 1/01   Added full prototype			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 2/01	Removed all references to ulog		*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 4/01	Added Coast Guard reports to prolog	*
 * D. Kidwell/NCEP	 1/03	Increased idfmax to MMHDRS - 1          *
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 07/05   Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt       *
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		08/05	Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/08   Added circflg parameter to dc_gopt      *

**	Change the values of these default variables for the
**	specific decoder.
**	These variables are the number of expected command line
**	parameters; the program name; the packing and station tables;
**	values for the the number of additional stations and the
**	number of times; and the number of hours, prior to the
**	"current" time, to decode.
#define NUMEXP 1
	int	nexp    = NUMEXP;
	char	*prgnam = "DCMSFC";

	char	*defprm = "msfc.pack";
	char	*defstn = "msfstns.tbl";
	char	*dfstn2 = " ";
	int	idfadd  = 25;
	int	idfmax  =  MMHDRS - 1;
	int	ndfhr1  =  5;
	int	ndfhr2  = 24;
        int     idfwdh  =  0;

**	Do not change these variables. These variables are used by all
**	decoders for getting the command line parameters.
	char	parms[NUMEXP][DCMXLN], curtim[DCMXLN];
	int	num, iret;

	char	gemfil[DCMXLN], stntbl[DCMXLN], stntb2[DCMXLN], 
	int	iadstn, maxtim, nhours, txtflg, circflg, iwndht;


**	Initialize the output logs, set the time out and 
**	parse the command line parameters.
	dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, nexp, parms, &num, &iret );

**	Check for an initialization error.
**	On an error, exit gracefully.
	if  ( iret < 0 )  {
	    dc_exit ( &iret );

**	Set the decoder parameters to the command line entries or
**	default values.
	dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2,
                  idfwdh, prmfil, stntbl, stntb2, &iadstn, &maxtim, curtim,
                  &nhours, &txtflg, &circflg, &iwndht, &iret );

**	The output file name must be present.
**	Change this section for the specific decoder.
	strcpy ( gemfil, parms[0] );

**	Call the decoding routine.
**	Change this function call, and the define command,
**	for the specific decoder.

	ma_dcod ( curtim, gemfil, stntbl, prmfil, 
		  &iadstn, &maxtim, &nhours, &iret, strlen(curtim), 
		  strlen(gemfil), strlen(stntbl), strlen(prmfil) );
**	Send a shut down message to the logs and close the log files.
	dc_exit ( &iret );
Example #3
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
 * DCREDBOOK								*
 *									*
 * This program decodes REDBOOK graphics files and outputs them as 	*
 * standard graphics format files from GEMPAK device drivers.		*
 *									*
 *  Command line:							*
 *  dcgrib [options] device						*
 *      device		output file device                       	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * Chiz/Unidata		 8/00						*
**      Change the values of these default variables for the
**      specific decoder.
**      These variables are the number of expected command line
**      parameters; the program name; the packing and station tables;
**      values for the the number of additional stations and the
**      number of times; and the number of hours, prior to the
**      "current" time, to decode.
#define NUMEXP	1
	int	nexp    = NUMEXP;
	char	*prgnam = "DCREDBOOK";

	char	*defprm = " ";
	char	*defstn = " ";
	char	*dfstn2 = " ";
	int	idfadd  = 0;
	int	idfmax  = 1;
	int	ndfhr1  = 0;
	int	ndfhr2  = 0;
	int     idfwdh  = 0;

**	Do not change these variables. These variables are used by all
**	decoders for getting the command line parameters.
	char	parms[NUMEXP][DCMXLN], curtim[DCMXLN];
	int	num, iret, ier;

	char	gemdev[DCMXLN], stntbl[DCMXLN], stntb2[DCMXLN],
	int	iadstn, maxtim, nhours, txtflg, crcflg, iwndht;

	char    errstr[DCMXLN];


**	Initialize the output logs, set the time out and 
**	parse the command line parameters. dc_init calls in_bdta in 5.4.3+. 
	dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, nexp, parms, &num, &iret );

**	Check for an initialization error.
**	On an error, exit gracefully.
	if  (( iret < 0 )&&(iret != -11))  {
	    sprintf ( errstr, "Error initializing\0" );
	    dc_wclg ( 0, "DC", iret, errstr, &ier );
	    dc_exit ( &iret );

**	Set the decoder parameters to the command line entries or
**	default values.
	dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2,
		  idfwdh, prmfil, stntbl, stntb2, &iadstn, &maxtim, curtim, &nhours,
		  &txtflg, &crcflg, &iwndht, &iret );

**	The if the output file name is not present, use gribkey table
**	Change this section for the specific decoder.
	strcpy ( gemdev, parms[0] );

**	Call the decoding routine.
**	Change this function call, and the define command,
**	for the specific decoder.
	decode_redbook (gemdev, stntbl, &iret);

**	Send shut down message and close the log files.
	dc_exit ( &iret );

Example #4
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
 * DCTAF 								*
 *									*
 * This program decodes TAF reports and writes the output to a GEMPAK	*
 * surface forecast file.						*
 *									*
 *  Command line:							*
 *  dctaf [options] filename						*
 *	filename	output file name/template			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D. Kidwell/NCEP 	 9/02	Based on DCMETR                         *
 * A. Hardy/NCEP        12/02   Changed stn tbl sfstns.tbl->tafstn.tbl  *
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 07/05   Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt       *
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		08/05	Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt	*
 * L. Lin/NCEP 		04/08	Modified fcst times from 24 to 30	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/08   Added circflg to dc_gopt and call to    *
 *                              tf_dcod                                 *
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 3/14	Added black list station table		*

**	Change the values of these default variables for the
**	specific decoder.
**	These variables are the number of expected command line
**	parameters; the program name; the packing and station tables;
**	values for the the number of additional stations and the
**	number of times; and the number of hours, prior to the
**	"current" time, to decode.
#define NUMEXP 1
	int	nexp    = NUMEXP;
	char	*prgnam = "DCTAF";

	char	*defprm = "taf.pack";
	char	*defstn = "tafstn.tbl";
	char	*dfstn2 = "tafblacklist.tbl";
	int	idfadd  = 25;
/*      idfmax was set to 24 - default number of forecast time
**      now it has been changed to 30
	int	idfmax  = 30;
	int	ndfhr1  =  5;
	int	ndfhr2  = 24;
        int     idfwdh  =  0;

**	Do not change these variables. These variables are used by all
**	decoders for getting the command line parameters.
	char	parms[NUMEXP][DCMXLN], curtim[DCMXLN];
	int	num, iret;

	char	gemfil[DCMXLN], stntbl[DCMXLN], stntb2[DCMXLN], 
	int	iadstn, maxtim, nhours, txtflg, circflg, iwndht;


**	Initialize the output logs, set the time out and 
**	parse the command line parameters.
	dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, nexp, parms, &num, &iret );

**	Check for an initialization error.
**	On an error, exit gracefully.
	if  ( iret < 0 )  {
	    dc_exit ( &iret );

**	Set the decoder parameters to the command line entries or
**	default values.
	dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2,
                  idfwdh, prmfil, stntbl, stntb2, &iadstn, &maxtim, curtim,
                  &nhours, &txtflg, &circflg, &iwndht, &iret );

**	The output file name must be present.
**	Change this section for the specific decoder.
	strcpy ( gemfil, parms[0] );

**	Call the decoding routine.
**	Change this function call, and the define command,
**	for the specific decoder.

	tf_dcod ( curtim, gemfil, stntbl, stntb2, prmfil, 
		  &iadstn, &maxtim, &nhours, &circflg, &iret, 
                  strlen(curtim), strlen(gemfil), strlen(stntbl), 
                  strlen(stntb2), strlen(prmfil) );
**	Send a shut down message to the logs and close the log files.
	dc_exit ( &iret );
Example #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
    char clength[4];
    char *block = (char *)malloc(8192), *oblock = (char *)malloc(262144);
    unsigned isize = 8192, osize=262144, olength;
    int length, go;
    int compress = 0;
    char *logfname = "";
    int bzip2 = 1;
    int filter = 0;
    int fd;
    char stid[5]={0};

#define NUMEXP  1
        int     nexp    = NUMEXP;
        char    *prgnam = "DCNEXR2";
	char	*defprm = " ";
	char	*defstn = " ";
	char	*dfstn2 = " ";
	int	idfadd=0;
	int	idfmax=0;
	int	ndfhr1=0;
	int	ndfhr2=0;
	int     idfwdh  = 0;

**      Do not change these variables. These variables are used by all
**      decoders for getting the command line parameters.
        char    parms[NUMEXP][DCMXLN], newfil[DCMXLN], curtim[DCMXLN];
        int     i, j, num, iret, ier;

	char    stntbl[DCMXLN], stntb2[DCMXLN], prmfil[DCMXLN];
        int     iadstn, maxtim, nhours, txtflg, crcflg, iwndht;

        char    errstr[DCMXLN];
	extern int optind, opterr;
	extern char *optarg;
	int ch;
	long flen;

	if(atexit(cleanup) != 0)
	   printf("could not register exit routine\n");
**      Initialize the output logs, set the time out and
**      parse the command line parameters. dc_init calls in_bdta in 5.4.3+.

	 * process some extra arguments "fC:" for this routine

	num = argc;
	i = 1;
	while ( i < num )
	   if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 )
	      filter = 1;
	      for ( j = i+1; j < argc; j++ )
		 argv[j-1] = argv[j];
	   if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-C") == 0 )
	      /* optional compression specification for future use */
	      for ( j = i+2; j < argc; j++ )
		 argv[j-2] = argv[j];

	argc = num;

        dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, nexp, parms, &num, &iret );

**      Check for an initialization error.
**      On an error, exit gracefully.
	if  ( iret == -11 ) {
	   fd = 1;
        else if  ( iret < 0 ) {
            sprintf ( errstr, "Error initializing\0" );
            dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
            dc_exit ( &iret );
	else {
	    char *cpos = strrchr(parms[0],'/');

	    if ( cpos == NULL )
	    else {
		strncpy(filnam,parms[0],cpos - parms[0]+1);

	    cfl_inqr ( parms[0], NULL, &flen, newfil, &iret );
	    if(iret != 0)
		filptr = parms[0];
		sprintf ( errstr, "new output file %s\0",newfil);
                dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );

	    if ((fd=mkdirs_open(newfil,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0664)) == -1) {
	            sprintf ( errstr, "Cannot open %s\0", newfil);
	            iret = -10;
	            dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
	            dc_exit( &iret );

	    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);

**      Set the decoder parameters to the command line entries or
**      default values.
        dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2,
                  idfwdh, prmfil, stntbl, stntb2, &iadstn, &maxtim, curtim, &nhours,
                  &txtflg, &crcflg, &iwndht, &iret );

        if(stntbl[0] != '\0')
	   sprintf ( errstr, "STID set to %s\0", stid );
	   dc_wclg ( 2, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );

     * set up signal handlers
    go = 1;
    while (go) {

	/*bufread(0, (char *)(&length), 4, &i);*/
	bufread(0, clength, 4, &i);
	if (i != 4) {
	    if (i > 0) {
		sprintf ( errstr, "Short block length\0");
		iret = -5;
		dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
		iret = 0;

	if ( (memcmp(clength, "ARCH", 4)==0) ||
	     (memcmp(clength, "AR2V", 4)==0) ) {
	    memcpy(block, clength, 4);
	    bufread(0, block+4, 20, &i);
	    if (i != 20) {
		sprintf ( errstr, "Missing header\0");
		iret = -5;
		dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
		dc_exit( &iret);

	    if ( stid[0] != 0 ) memcpy(block+20,stid,4);
	    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
	    write(fd, block, 24);

	length = 0;
	   length = ( length << 8 ) + (unsigned char)clength[i];

	if(length < 0) {
	    sprintf ( errstr, "EOF %ld\0",length);
	    iret = -9;
	    dc_wclg ( 2, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
	    length = -length;
	    go = 0;
	if (length > isize) {
	    isize = length;
	    sprintf ( errstr, "Expanding input buffer to %d\0", isize);
	    iret = -7;
	    dc_wclg ( 2, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
	    if ((block = (char *)realloc(block, isize)) == NULL) {
	        sprintf ( errstr, "Cannot allocate input buffer\0");
		iret = -4;
	        dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
		dc_exit( &iret );
        sprintf(errstr, "read block size %d\0",length);
	dc_wclg ( 4, "DCNEXR2", 0, errstr, &ier );
	bufread(0, block, length, &i);
	if (i != length) {
	    sprintf ( errstr, "Short block read\0");
	    iret = -5;
	    dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
	    dc_exit( &iret );
	if (length > 10) {
	    int error;

	    olength = osize;
	    if (bzip2 == 1)
		error = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(oblock, &olength,
		/*error = bzBuffToBuffDecompress(oblock, &olength,*/
		error = bzBuffToBuffDecompress(oblock, &olength,
					       block, length, 0, 0);
	    if (error) {
		if (error == BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL) {
		    osize += 262144;
		    sprintf(errstr, "Expanding output buffer to %d\0", osize);
		    iret = -7;
	            dc_wclg ( 2, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
		    if ((oblock=(char*) realloc(oblock, osize)) == NULL) {
			sprintf(errstr, "Cannot allocate output buffer\0");
			iret = -4;
	                dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
		    goto tryagain;
		sprintf(errstr, "decompress error - %d\0", error);
		iret = -5;
	        dc_wclg ( 0, "DCNEXR2", iret, errstr, &ier );
		dc_exit( &iret);
	    if (filter) {
	        int i;

		for (i=0; i < olength; i += 2432) {
		    struct packet *packet=(struct packet *) (oblock+i);

		    if (packet->type != 2 || packet->rad_status != 28)
			write(fd, oblock+i, 2432);
	    else write(fd, oblock, olength);
Example #6
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
 * DCFFG 								*
 *									*
 * This program decodes flash flood guidance data and writes the output *
 * to a GEMPAK file.							*
 *									*
 *  Command line:							*
 *  dcffgu [options] filename						*
 *	filename	output file name/template			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * L. Sager/NCEP	 5/96	Copied from DCNMOS			*
 * S. Maxwell/GSC	 6/96	Changed ffguid.pack to ffg.pack;	*
 *				Updated documentation			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/96	Changed atoi to cst_numb		*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 7/96	Changed call to DC_INIT; Added DC_GOPT;	*
 *				Reorganized the code			*
 * K. Tyle/GSC		 3/97	Changed iadstn to 25			*
 * I. Durham/GSC	 5/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include	*
 * A. Hardy/GSC          1/01   Added full prototype			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 2/01	Removed all references to ulog		*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 07/05   Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt       *
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		08/05	Added parameters to CS of dc_gopt	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/08   Added circflg parameter to dc_gopt      *

**	Change the values of these default variables for the
**	specific decoder.
**	These variables are the number of expected command line
**	parameters; the program name; the packing and station tables;
**	values for the the number of additional stations and the
**	number of times; and the number of hours, prior to the
**	"current" time, to decode.
#define NUMEXP	1
	int	nexp    = NUMEXP;
	char	*prgnam = "DCFFG";

	char	*defprm = "ffg.pack";
	char	*defstn = "ffgzon.stn";
	char	*dfstn2 = " ";
	int	idfadd  = 25;
	int	idfmax  = 24;
	int	ndfhr1  = 24;
	int	ndfhr2  = 24;
        int     idfwdh  = 0;

**	Do not change these variables. These variables are used by all
**	decoders for getting the command line parameters.
	char	parms[NUMEXP][DCMXLN], curtim[DCMXLN];
	int	num, iret;

	char	gemfil[DCMXLN], stntbl[DCMXLN], stntb2[DCMXLN], 
	int	iadstn, maxtim, nhours, txtflg, circflg, iwndht;


**	Initialize the output logs, set the time out and 
**	parse the command line parameters.
	dc_init ( prgnam, argc, argv, nexp, parms, &num, &iret );

**	Check for an initialization error.
**	On an error, exit gracefully.
	if  ( iret < 0 )  {
	    dc_exit ( &iret );

**	Set the decoder parameters to the command line entries or
**	default values.
	dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2,
		  idfwdh, prmfil, stntbl, stntb2, &iadstn, &maxtim, curtim,
		  &nhours, &txtflg, &circflg, &iwndht, &iret );

**	The output file name must be present.
**	Change this section for the specific decoder.
	strcpy ( gemfil, parms[0] );

**	Call the decoding routine.
**	Change this function call, and the define command,
**	for the specific decoder.
	dcffcd ( curtim, gemfil, prmfil, stntbl, &iadstn, &maxtim,
		 &nhours, &txtflg, &iret, strlen(curtim),
		 strlen(gemfil), strlen(prmfil), strlen(stntbl) );

**	Send a shut down message to the logs and close the log files.
	dc_exit ( &iret );
	return 0;