Example #1
int resize(hashtable *h, unsigned int capacity){
	if (h == NULL) {												//if there was an error allocating memory
	   fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: resize failed:");
	   return 0;													//return error 0

	//Assume success
	hashtable *hTmp = create_hashtable(capacity);
	if (hTmp == NULL) return 0;
	node** ptr = NULL;
	node* innerPtr = NULL;
	for(ptr = hTmp->list; ptr != NULL; ptr++) {
		for(innerPtr = ptr[0]; innerPtr != NULL ;innerPtr = innerPtr->next){
			if(put(innerPtr->value, hTmp) == 0) {
				return 0;

	h = hTmp;
	return 1;
Example #2
int main(void) {
    f = fopen("input", "r");
    const int SIZE_TABLE = (int)1e5;
    hash_table * hashtable = create(SIZE_TABLE);
    if (hashtable == NULL) {
        printf("Memory allocation error\n");
        return 0;
    char str[80];
    while (input_next_word(str)) {
        set(hashtable, str, get(hashtable, str, hash37) + 1, hash37);
        strcpy(str, "");
    printf("%d\n", get(hashtable, "he", hash37));
    delete_element(hashtable, "and", hash37);
    return 0;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[] ) {
/* 													//left over from completing the lab1
    hashtable h1;
    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++) { h1.list[i] = NULL;}
    unsigned long test = 0;
    int x = 0;
    x = hash("cat",&test);
    printf("%ld \n",test);
    x = hash("dogasdf",&test);
    printf("%ld \n",test);
    x = put("dogaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",&h1);
    printf("%d \n",x);
    x = put("dog",&h1);
    printf("%d \n", x);
    x = get("cat",&h1);
    printf("%d \n", x);
    x = put("cat",&h1);
    printf("%d \n", x);
    x = get("cat",&h1);
    printf("%d \n", x);
    x = get("dog",&h1);
    printf("%d \n", x);
    return 0;
 // if (argc != 3){
 //   printf("please input 2 file names as command line arguments for this program.\n");
 // }else {
    unsigned int length = 3;                        //set the initial length of the hashtable array
	char userinput1[250];										//for the first file name
	char userinput2[250];										//for the second file name
	char file_word[257];
    FILE *src_file1;											//pointer for link to first file
	printf("Please enter the name of the first file\n");
	scanf("%s", userinput1);
	printf("Please enter the name of the second file\n");
	scanf("%s", userinput2);									//get input for second file

	src_file1 = fopen(userinput1, "rb");				//link first file
	if(src_file1 == NULL) { return 1; }								//if file doesn't link, return error 1

	//create a hashtable
	hashtable* h1 = create_hashtable(length);

    while (fscanf(src_file1, "%s", file_word) != EOF){			//get next word and continue until end of file
        put(file_word,h1);										//call put on hashtable 1
    fclose(src_file1);  //close opened files

    src_file1 = fopen(userinput2,"rb");
	if(src_file1 == NULL) return 1;								//if file doesn't link, return error 1

    //create hashtable 2
    hashtable* h2 = create_hashtable(length);
    while (fscanf(src_file1, "%s", file_word) != EOF){			//get next word and continue until end of file
        put(file_word,h2);										//call put on hashtable 2

	int matches = 0;											//int to determine matches between file 1 and 2
	node* one = NULL;											//for iterating through hashtable 1
    int i = 0;
	for(i=0; i < h1->length; i++){									//for all buckets in the hashtable
		one = h1->list[i];										//one is the first node in that bucket
		while (one != NULL) {									//while there exists another node
          matches += get(one->value, h2);		//if there is a value at that node, and that value is in hashtable 2, increment
          one = one->next;															//move to next node

	printf("The number of matches is %d",matches);				


    scanf("%s", userinput2);
    return 0;