Example #1
 * Extract the diagonal entries from *triangular* Csparse matrix  __or__ a
 * cholmod_sparse factor (LDL = TRUE).
 * @param pslot  'p' (column pointer)   slot of Csparse matrix/factor
 * @param xslot  'x' (non-zero entries) slot of Csparse matrix/factor
 * @param perm_slot  'perm' (= permutation vector) slot of corresponding CHMfactor;
 *		     only used for "diagBack"
 * @param resultKind a (SEXP) string indicating which kind of result is desired.
 * @return  a SEXP, either a (double) number or a length n-vector of diagonal entries
SEXP diag_tC(SEXP pslot, SEXP xslot, SEXP perm_slot, SEXP resultKind)
    int n = length(pslot) - 1, /* n = ncol(.) = nrow(.) */
	*x_p  = INTEGER(pslot),
	*perm = INTEGER(perm_slot);
    double *x_x = REAL(xslot);
/*  ^^^^^^        ^^^^ FIXME[Generalize] to INTEGER(.) / LOGICAL(.) / ... xslot !*/

    return diag_tC_ptr(n, x_p, x_x, perm, resultKind);
Example #2
 * Fast version of getting at the diagonal matrix D of the
 * (generalized) simplicial Cholesky LDL' decomposition of a
 * (sparse symmetric) dsCMatrix.
 * @param Ap  symmetric CsparseMatrix
 * @param permP  logical indicating if permutation is allowed
 * @param resultKind an (SEXP) string indicating which kind of result
 *        is desired.
 * @return SEXP containing either the vector diagonal entries of D,
 *         or just  sum_i D[i], prod_i D[i] or  sum_i log(D[i]).
SEXP dsCMatrix_LDL_D(SEXP Ap, SEXP permP, SEXP resultKind)
    CHM_FR L;
    SEXP ans;
    int c_pr = c.print;
    c.print = 0;/* stop CHOLMOD printing; we cannot suppress it (in R), and
		   have error handler already */
    L = internal_chm_factor(Ap, asLogical(permP),
			    /*LDL*/ 1, /*super*/0, /*Imult*/0.);
    c.print = c_pr;
    ans = PROTECT(diag_tC_ptr(L->n,
    cholmod_l_free_factor(&L, &c);