Example #1
int TileManager::get_neighbor_index(int index, int neighbor)
	static const int dx[] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0}, dy[] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0};

	int resolution = state.resolution_divider;
	int image_w = max(1, params.width/resolution);
	int image_h = max(1, params.height/resolution);
	int tile_w = (tile_size.x >= image_w)? 1: divide_up(image_w, tile_size.x);
	int tile_h = (tile_size.y >= image_h)? 1: divide_up(image_h, tile_size.y);

	int nx = state.tiles[index].x/tile_size.x + dx[neighbor], ny = state.tiles[index].y/tile_size.y + dy[neighbor];
	if(nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= tile_w || ny >= tile_h)
		return -1;

	return ny*state.tile_stride + nx;
void DenoisingTask::setup_denoising_buffer()
	/* Expand filter_area by radius pixels and clamp the result to the extent of the neighboring tiles */
	rect = rect_from_shape(filter_area.x, filter_area.y, filter_area.z, filter_area.w);
	rect = rect_expand(rect, radius);
	rect = rect_clip(rect, make_int4(tile_info->x[0], tile_info->y[0], tile_info->x[3], tile_info->y[3]));

	buffer.passes = 14;
	buffer.width = rect.z - rect.x;
	buffer.stride = align_up(buffer.width, 4);
	buffer.h = rect.w - rect.y;
	int alignment_floats = divide_up(device->mem_sub_ptr_alignment(), sizeof(float));
	buffer.pass_stride = align_up(buffer.stride * buffer.h, alignment_floats);
	/* Pad the total size by four floats since the SIMD kernels might go a bit over the end. */
	int mem_size = align_up(buffer.pass_stride * buffer.passes + 4, alignment_floats);
	buffer.mem.alloc_to_device(mem_size, false);

	/* CPUs process shifts sequentially while GPUs process them in parallel. */
	int num_layers;
	if(buffer.gpu_temporary_mem) {
		/* Shadowing prefiltering uses a radius of 6, so allocate at least that much. */
		int max_radius = max(radius, 6);
		int num_shifts = (2*max_radius + 1) * (2*max_radius + 1);
		num_layers = 2*num_shifts + 1;
	else {
		num_layers = 3;
	/* Allocate two layers per shift as well as one for the weight accumulation. */
	buffer.temporary_mem.alloc_to_device(num_layers * buffer.pass_stride);
Example #3
/** @brief Compute the number of hash blocks needed
 * Does not include empty branches in computation
 * @param data_blocks Number of data blocks
 * @param fanout Tree fanout
 * @param levels[out] Number of tree levels (not including data level)
 * @param hash_blocks[out] Number of necessary hash blocks
 * @return Non zero value means error, else 0
int compute_hash_blocks(uint64_t data_blocks, uint32_t fanout,
	uint32_t *levels, uint32_t *hash_blocks, uint32_t *blocks_per_level){
	*levels = 0;
	*hash_blocks = 0;
	uint32_t i = divide_up(data_blocks, fanout);
	while (i != 1) {
		blocks_per_level[*levels] = i;
		*hash_blocks += i;
		*levels += 1;
		i = divide_up(i, fanout);
	// Top level
	blocks_per_level[*levels] = 1;
	*levels += 1;
	*hash_blocks += 1;
	if (i == 0) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		return 0;
Example #4
/* If sliced is false, splits image into tiles and assigns equal amount of tiles to every render device.
 * If sliced is true, slice image into as much pieces as how many devices are rendering this image. */
int TileManager::gen_tiles(bool sliced)
	int resolution = state.resolution_divider;
	int image_w = max(1, params.width/resolution);
	int image_h = max(1, params.height/resolution);
	int2 center = make_int2(image_w/2, image_h/2);

	int num_logical_devices = preserve_tile_device? num_devices: 1;
	int num = min(image_h, num_logical_devices);
	int slice_num = sliced? num: 1;
	int tile_w = (tile_size.x >= image_w) ? 1 : divide_up(image_w, tile_size.x);

	state.tile_stride = tile_w;
	vector<list<int> >::iterator tile_list;
	tile_list = state.render_tiles.begin();

	if(tile_order == TILE_HILBERT_SPIRAL) {

		int tile_h = (tile_size.y >= image_h) ? 1 : divide_up(image_h, tile_size.y);

		/* Size of blocks in tiles, must be a power of 2 */
		const int hilbert_size = (max(tile_size.x, tile_size.y) <= 12)? 8: 4;

		int tiles_per_device = divide_up(tile_w * tile_h, num);
		int cur_device = 0, cur_tiles = 0;

		int2 block_size = tile_size * make_int2(hilbert_size, hilbert_size);
		/* Number of blocks to fill the image */
		int blocks_x = (block_size.x >= image_w)? 1: divide_up(image_w, block_size.x);
		int blocks_y = (block_size.y >= image_h)? 1: divide_up(image_h, block_size.y);
		int n = max(blocks_x, blocks_y) | 0x1; /* Side length of the spiral (must be odd) */
		/* Offset of spiral (to keep it centered) */
		int2 offset = make_int2((image_w - n*block_size.x)/2, (image_h - n*block_size.y)/2);
		offset = (offset / tile_size) * tile_size; /* Round to tile border. */

		int2 block = make_int2(0, 0); /* Current block */
		SpiralDirection prev_dir = DIRECTION_UP, dir = DIRECTION_UP;
		for(int i = 0;;) {
			/* Generate the tiles in the current block. */
			for(int hilbert_index = 0; hilbert_index < hilbert_size*hilbert_size; hilbert_index++) {
				int2 tile, hilbert_pos = hilbert_index_to_pos(hilbert_size, hilbert_index);
				/* Rotate block according to spiral direction. */
				if(prev_dir == DIRECTION_UP && dir == DIRECTION_UP) {
					tile = make_int2(hilbert_pos.y, hilbert_pos.x);
				else if(dir == DIRECTION_LEFT || prev_dir == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
					tile = hilbert_pos;
				else if(dir == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
					tile = make_int2(hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.y, hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.x);
				else {
					tile = make_int2(hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.x, hilbert_size-1-hilbert_pos.y);

				int2 pos = block*block_size + tile*tile_size + offset;
				/* Only add tiles which are in the image (tiles outside of the image can be generated since the spiral is always square). */
				if(pos.x >= 0 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.x < image_w && pos.y < image_h) {
					int w = min(tile_size.x, image_w - pos.x);
					int h = min(tile_size.y, image_h - pos.y);
					int2 ipos = pos / tile_size;
					int idx = ipos.y*tile_w + ipos.x;
					state.tiles[idx] = Tile(idx, pos.x, pos.y, w, h, cur_device, Tile::RENDER);

					if(cur_tiles == tiles_per_device) {
						cur_tiles = 0;

			/* Stop as soon as the spiral has reached the center block. */
			if(block.x == (n-1)/2 && block.y == (n-1)/2)

			/* Advance to next block. */
			prev_dir = dir;
			switch(dir) {
				case DIRECTION_UP:
					if(block.y == (n-i-1)) {
						dir = DIRECTION_LEFT;
					if(block.x == (n-i-1)) {
						dir = DIRECTION_DOWN;
					if(block.y == i) {
						dir = DIRECTION_RIGHT;
					if(block.x == i+1) {
						dir = DIRECTION_UP;
		return tile_w*tile_h;

	int idx = 0;
	for(int slice = 0; slice < slice_num; slice++) {
		int slice_y = (image_h/slice_num)*slice;
		int slice_h = (slice == slice_num-1)? image_h - slice*(image_h/slice_num): image_h/slice_num;

		int tile_h = (tile_size.y >= slice_h)? 1: divide_up(slice_h, tile_size.y);

		int tiles_per_device = divide_up(tile_w * tile_h, num);
		int cur_device = 0, cur_tiles = 0;

		for(int tile_y = 0; tile_y < tile_h; tile_y++) {
			for(int tile_x = 0; tile_x < tile_w; tile_x++, idx++) {
				int x = tile_x * tile_size.x;
				int y = tile_y * tile_size.y;
				int w = (tile_x == tile_w-1)? image_w - x: tile_size.x;
				int h = (tile_y == tile_h-1)? slice_h - y: tile_size.y;

				state.tiles.push_back(Tile(idx, x, y + slice_y, w, h, sliced? slice: cur_device, Tile::RENDER));

				if(!sliced) {

					if(cur_tiles == tiles_per_device) {
						/* Tiles are already generated in Bottom-to-Top order, so no sort is necessary in that case. */
						if(tile_order != TILE_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) {
							tile_list->sort(TileComparator(tile_order, center, &state.tiles[0]));
						cur_tiles = 0;
		if(sliced) {

	return idx;
Example #5
/** @brief Compute the optimal number of data blocks to fill disk
 * @param blocks Total number of blocks to work with
 * @param fanout Number of hashes that fit in a hash block
 * @param data_blocks[out] Number of data blocks writeable
 * @param hash_blocks[out] Number of blocks needed for hashes
 * @param jb_blocks[out] Number of blocks needed for journal
 * @param pad_blocks[out] Number of blocks wasted
 * @param levels[out] Number of hash block levels (not including data level)
 * @return 0 if ok else error
int compute_block_numbers(uint64_t blocks, uint32_t block_size, uint32_t fanout,
	uint32_t journal_blocks, uint64_t *data_blocks, uint32_t *hash_blocks,
	uint32_t *jb_blocks, uint32_t *pad_blocks, uint32_t *levels,
	uint32_t *blocks_per_level, uint32_t hash_bytes){

	if (blocks < 6) {
		exit_error_f("Not enough space! Need at least 6 blocks!");
		return -1;
	// Remove one for superblocks
	blocks = blocks - 1;
	*pad_blocks = blocks;

	uint64_t low = 0;
	uint64_t high = blocks;
	uint32_t *bpl = (uint32_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * DM_MINTEGRITY_MAX_LEVELS);

	while (high >= low && high != 0) {
		uint64_t mid = low + divide_up((high - low), 2);  // Non overflow method
		uint64_t db = mid, used = 0;
		uint32_t hb = 0, jb = 0, pb = 0;
		uint32_t lev;
		// Number of hash blocks, levels needed for this many data blocks
		if (compute_hash_blocks(db, fanout, &lev, &hb, bpl) != 0) {
			break; // Barf

		// Number of jb blocks needed
		jb = journal_blocks;
		used = db + jb + hb;
		pb = blocks - used;

		// Result is better
		if (used <= blocks && pb < *pad_blocks) {
			*data_blocks = db;
			*hash_blocks = hb;
			*jb_blocks = jb;
			*pad_blocks = pb;
			*levels = lev;
			for (int i = 0; i < *levels; i++) {
				blocks_per_level[i] = bpl[i];

		if (used > blocks) { // Too many - go down
			high = mid - 1;
		} else if (used < blocks) { // Not enough - go up
			low = mid + 1;
		} else { // Optimal! Wow!
	// Failed at first try
	if (*pad_blocks == blocks) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		return 0;