Example #1
result_t PKey::genEcKey(const char *curve, exlib::AsyncEvent *ac)
    if (switchToAsync(ac))
        return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_NOSYNC);

    const ecp_curve_info *curve_info;
    curve_info = ecp_curve_info_from_name(curve);
    if (curve_info == NULL)
        return CHECK_ERROR(Runtime::setError("PKey: Unknown curve"));

    int ret;


    ret = pk_init_ctx(&m_key, pk_info_from_type(POLARSSL_PK_ECKEY));
    if (ret != 0)
        return CHECK_ERROR(_ssl::setError(ret));

    ret = ecp_gen_key(curve_info->grp_id, pk_ec(m_key),
                      ctr_drbg_random, &g_ssl.ctr_drbg);

    if (ret != 0)
        return CHECK_ERROR(_ssl::setError(ret));

    return 0;
Example #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int ret = 0;
    pk_context key;
    char buf[1024];
    int i;
    char *p, *q;
    entropy_context entropy;
    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
    const char *pers = "gen_key";
#if defined(POLARSSL_ECP_C)
    const ecp_curve_info *curve_info;

     * Set to sane values
    pk_init( &key );
    memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );

    if( argc == 0 )
        ret = 1;
        printf( USAGE );
#if defined(POLARSSL_ECP_C)
        printf( " availabled ec_curve values:\n" );
        curve_info = ecp_curve_list();
        printf( "    %s (default)\n", curve_info->name );
        while( ( ++curve_info )->name != NULL )
            printf( "    %s\n", curve_info->name );
        goto exit;

    opt.type                = DFL_TYPE;
    opt.rsa_keysize         = DFL_RSA_KEYSIZE;
    opt.ec_curve            = DFL_EC_CURVE;
    opt.filename            = DFL_FILENAME;
    opt.format              = DFL_FORMAT;
    opt.use_dev_random      = DFL_USE_DEV_RANDOM;

    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        p = argv[i];
        if( ( q = strchr( p, '=' ) ) == NULL )
            goto usage;
        *q++ = '\0';

        if( strcmp( p, "type" ) == 0 )
            if( strcmp( q, "rsa" ) == 0 )
                opt.type = POLARSSL_PK_RSA;
            else if( strcmp( q, "ec" ) == 0 )
                opt.type = POLARSSL_PK_ECKEY;
                goto usage;
        else if( strcmp( p, "format" ) == 0 )
            if( strcmp( q, "pem" ) == 0 )
                opt.format = FORMAT_PEM;
            else if( strcmp( q, "der" ) == 0 )
                opt.format = FORMAT_DER;
                goto usage;
        else if( strcmp( p, "rsa_keysize" ) == 0 )
            opt.rsa_keysize = atoi( q );
            if( opt.rsa_keysize < 1024 || opt.rsa_keysize > 8192 )
                goto usage;
        else if( strcmp( p, "ec_curve" ) == 0 )
            if( ( curve_info = ecp_curve_info_from_name( q ) ) == NULL )
                goto usage;
            opt.ec_curve = curve_info->grp_id;
        else if( strcmp( p, "filename" ) == 0 )
            opt.filename = q;
        else if( strcmp( p, "use_dev_random" ) == 0 )
            opt.use_dev_random = atoi( q );
            if( opt.use_dev_random < 0 || opt.use_dev_random > 1 )
                goto usage;
            goto usage;

    printf( "\n  . Seeding the random number generator..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    entropy_init( &entropy );
#if !defined(_WIN32) && defined(POLARSSL_FS_IO)
    if( opt.use_dev_random )
        if( ( ret = entropy_add_source( &entropy, dev_random_entropy_poll,
                                        NULL, DEV_RANDOM_THRESHOLD ) ) != 0 )
            printf( " failed\n  ! entropy_add_source returned -0x%04x\n", -ret );
            goto exit;

        printf("\n    Using /dev/random, so can take a long time! " );
        fflush( stdout );
#endif /* !_WIN32 && POLARSSL_FS_IO */

    if( ( ret = ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,
                               (const unsigned char *) pers,
                               strlen( pers ) ) ) != 0 )
        printf( " failed\n  ! ctr_drbg_init returned -0x%04x\n", -ret );
        goto exit;

     * 1.1. Generate the key
    printf( "\n  . Generating the private key ..." );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = pk_init_ctx( &key, pk_info_from_type( opt.type ) ) ) != 0 )
        printf( " failed\n  !  pk_init_ctx returned -0x%04x", -ret );
        goto exit;

#if defined(POLARSSL_RSA_C) && defined(POLARSSL_GENPRIME)
    if( opt.type == POLARSSL_PK_RSA )
        ret = rsa_gen_key( pk_rsa( key ), ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg,
                           opt.rsa_keysize, 65537 );
        if( ret != 0 )
            printf( " failed\n  !  rsa_gen_key returned -0x%04x", -ret );
            goto exit;
#endif /* POLARSSL_RSA_C */
#if defined(POLARSSL_ECP_C)
    if( opt.type == POLARSSL_PK_ECKEY )
        ret = ecp_gen_key( opt.ec_curve, pk_ec( key ),
                          ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg );
        if( ret != 0 )
            printf( " failed\n  !  rsa_gen_key returned -0x%04x", -ret );
            goto exit;
#endif /* POLARSSL_ECP_C */
        printf( " failed\n  !  key type not supported\n" );
        goto exit;

     * 1.2 Print the key
    printf( " ok\n  . Key information:\n" );

#if defined(POLARSSL_RSA_C)
    if( pk_get_type( &key ) == POLARSSL_PK_RSA )
        rsa_context *rsa = pk_rsa( key );
        mpi_write_file( "N:  ",  &rsa->N,  16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "E:  ",  &rsa->E,  16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "D:  ",  &rsa->D,  16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "P:  ",  &rsa->P,  16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "Q:  ",  &rsa->Q,  16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "DP: ",  &rsa->DP, 16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "DQ:  ", &rsa->DQ, 16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "QP:  ", &rsa->QP, 16, NULL );
#if defined(POLARSSL_ECP_C)
    if( pk_get_type( &key ) == POLARSSL_PK_ECKEY )
        ecp_keypair *ecp = pk_ec( key );
        printf( "curve: %s\n",
                ecp_curve_info_from_grp_id( ecp->grp.id )->name );
        mpi_write_file( "X_Q:   ", &ecp->Q.X, 16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "Y_Q:   ", &ecp->Q.Y, 16, NULL );
        mpi_write_file( "D:     ", &ecp->d  , 16, NULL );
        printf("  ! key type not supported\n");

    write_private_key( &key, opt.filename );


    if( ret != 0 && ret != 1)
        polarssl_strerror( ret, buf, sizeof( buf ) );
        printf( " - %s\n", buf );

    pk_free( &key );
    ctr_drbg_free( &ctr_drbg );
    entropy_free( &entropy );

#if defined(_WIN32)
    printf( "  + Press Enter to exit this program.\n" );
    fflush( stdout ); getchar();

    return( ret );