 * CCM_STRING_TYPE                       CCM_INTEGER_TYPE
 * |<--------  4   ----->|               |<--------  4   ----->|                          
 * +----------+            <-- msg  -->  +----------+                                 
 * |type      |                          |type      |           
 * +----------+                          +----------+           
 * |msgLen=24 |                          |msgLen=16 |           
 * +----------+----------+               +----------+----------+
 * | cfgId               |               | cfgId               |  
 * +---------------------+               +---------------------+
 * | length=11           |               | length=4            |  
 * +---------------------+               +---------------------+
 * |                     |               | value               |  
 * |                     |               +---------------------+  
 * |                     |
 * |                +----+
 * |                |////| <- padding to 4-byte boundary
 * +----------------+----+
static eHalStatus sendCfg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tCfgReq *req, tANI_BOOLEAN fRsp)
    tSirMbMsg *msg;
    eHalStatus status;
    tANI_S16 msgLen = (tANI_U16)(4 +    /* 4 bytes for msg header */
                                 CFGOBJ_ID_SIZE +
                                 CFGOBJ_LEN_SIZE +
                                 CFGOBJ_ALIGN(req->length)) ;

    msg = vos_mem_malloc(msgLen);
    if ( NULL != msg )
        if( fRsp )
            msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ);
            msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ_NO_RSP);
        msg->msgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
        (void)encodeCfgReq(hHdd, msg->data, req->cfgId, req->length, req->ccmPtr, req->ccmValue, req->type) ;

        status = palSendMBMessage(hHdd, msg) ;
        if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("palSendMBMessage() failed"));
            //No need to free msg. palSendMBMessage frees it.
            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE ;
        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("failed to allocate memory(len=%d)"), msgLen );
        status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;

    return status ;
Example #2
static eHalStatus sendCfg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tCfgReq *req, tANI_BOOLEAN fRsp)
    tSirMbMsg *msg;
    eHalStatus status;
    tANI_S16 msgLen = (tANI_U16)(4 +    
                                 CFGOBJ_ID_SIZE +
                                 CFGOBJ_LEN_SIZE +
                                 CFGOBJ_ALIGN(req->length)) ;

    status = palAllocateMemory(hHdd, (void **)&msg, msgLen);
    if (status == eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        if( fRsp )
            msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ);
            msg->type = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ_NO_RSP);
        msg->msgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
        (void)encodeCfgReq(hHdd, msg->data, req->cfgId, req->length, req->ccmPtr, req->ccmValue, req->type) ;

        status = palSendMBMessage(hHdd, msg) ;
        if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("palSendMBMessage() failed"));
            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE ;
        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("palAllocateMemory(len=%d)"), msgLen );

    return status ;
 * Loop thru comp[] and form an ANI message which contains all completed cfgIds.
 * The message begins with an INTEGER parameter (cfgId=CFG_UPDATE_MAGIC_DWORD)     
 * to mark the start of the message.
static eHalStatus cfgUpdate(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback)
    tANI_U32 i, *pl ;
    tCfgReq *req ;
    tSirMbMsg *msg ;
    eHalStatus status ;
    tANI_S16 msgLen = 4 +       /* 4 bytes for msg header */ 
                                /* for CFG_UPDATE_MAGIC_DWORD */ 
        CFGOBJ_ID_SIZE +

    if (pMac->ccm.state == eCCM_STOPPED || pMac->ccm.replay.started)
        status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE ;
        goto end ;

    palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);

    pMac->ccm.replay.started    = 1 ;
    pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param   = 0 ;

    palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);

    /* Calculate message length */
    for (i = 0 ; i < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM ; ++i)
        if ((req = pMac->ccm.comp[i]) != NULL)
            msgLen += (tANI_S16)(CFGOBJ_ID_SIZE + CFGOBJ_LEN_SIZE + CFGOBJ_ALIGN(req->length)) ;
            pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param += 1 ;
#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("cfgId=%d"), req->cfgId);

    if (pMac->ccm.replay.nr_param == 0)
        if (callback)
            callback((tHalHandle)pMac, WNI_CFG_SUCCESS) ;
        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS ;
        goto end ;

    pMac->ccm.replay.in_progress = 0 ;
    pMac->ccm.replay.result      = WNI_CFG_SUCCESS ;
    pMac->ccm.replay.callback    = callback ;
    pMac->ccm.replay.done        = NULL ;

    msg = vos_mem_malloc(msgLen);
    if ( NULL == msg )
        pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
        status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
        goto end; 

    msg->type   = pal_cpu_to_be16(WNI_CFG_SET_REQ);
    msg->msgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);

    /* Encode the starting cfgId */
    pl = encodeCfgReq(hHdd, msg->data, CFG_UPDATE_MAGIC_DWORD, 4, NULL, 0, CCM_INTEGER_TYPE) ;

    /* Encode the saved cfg requests */
    for (i = 0 ; i < CFG_PARAM_MAX_NUM ; ++i)
        if ((req = pMac->ccm.comp[i]) != NULL)
            pl = encodeCfgReq(hHdd, pl, req->cfgId, req->length, req->ccmPtr, req->ccmValue, req->type) ;

    status = palSendMBMessage(hHdd, msg) ;
    if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("palSendMBMessage() failed. status=%d"), status);
        pMac->ccm.replay.started = 0 ;
        //No need to free msg. palSendMBMessage frees it.
        goto end ;

    return status ;