Example #1
 * Report a detected deadlock, with available details.
	StringInfoData clientbuf;	/* errdetail for client */
	StringInfoData logbuf;		/* errdetail for server log */
	StringInfoData locktagbuf;
	int			i;


	/* Generate the "waits for" lines sent to the client */
	for (i = 0; i < nDeadlockDetails; i++)
		DEADLOCK_INFO *info = &deadlockDetails[i];
		int			nextpid;

		/* The last proc waits for the first one... */
		if (i < nDeadlockDetails - 1)
			nextpid = info[1].pid;
			nextpid = deadlockDetails[0].pid;

		/* reset locktagbuf to hold next object description */

		DescribeLockTag(&locktagbuf, &info->locktag);

		if (i > 0)
			appendStringInfoChar(&clientbuf, '\n');

				  _("Process %d waits for %s on %s; blocked by process %d."),

	/* Duplicate all the above for the server ... */
	appendStringInfoString(&logbuf, clientbuf.data);

	/* ... and add info about query strings */
	for (i = 0; i < nDeadlockDetails; i++)
		DEADLOCK_INFO *info = &deadlockDetails[i];

		appendStringInfoChar(&logbuf, '\n');

						 _("Process %d: %s"),
					  pgstat_get_backend_current_activity(info->pid, false));

			 errmsg("deadlock detected"),
			 errdetail_internal("%s", clientbuf.data),
			 errdetail_log("%s", logbuf.data),
			 errhint("See server log for query details.")));
Example #2
 * ExecRefreshMatView -- execute a REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command
 * This refreshes the materialized view by creating a new table and swapping
 * the relfilenodes of the new table and the old materialized view, so the OID
 * of the original materialized view is preserved. Thus we do not lose GRANT
 * nor references to this materialized view.
 * If WITH NO DATA was specified, this is effectively like a TRUNCATE;
 * otherwise it is like a TRUNCATE followed by an INSERT using the SELECT
 * statement associated with the materialized view.  The statement node's
 * skipData field shows whether the clause was used.
 * Indexes are rebuilt too, via REINDEX. Since we are effectively bulk-loading
 * the new heap, it's better to create the indexes afterwards than to fill them
 * incrementally while we load.
 * The matview's "populated" state is changed based on whether the contents
 * reflect the result set of the materialized view's query.
ExecRefreshMatView(RefreshMatViewStmt *stmt, const char *queryString,
				   ParamListInfo params, char *completionTag)
	Oid			matviewOid;
	Relation	matviewRel;
	RewriteRule *rule;
	List	   *actions;
	Query	   *dataQuery;
	Oid			tableSpace;
	Oid			relowner;
	Oid			OIDNewHeap;
	DestReceiver *dest;
	uint64		processed = 0;
	bool		concurrent;
	LOCKMODE	lockmode;
	char		relpersistence;
	Oid			save_userid;
	int			save_sec_context;
	int			save_nestlevel;
	ObjectAddress address;

	/* Determine strength of lock needed. */
	concurrent = stmt->concurrent;
	lockmode = concurrent ? ExclusiveLock : AccessExclusiveLock;

	 * Get a lock until end of transaction.
	matviewOid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(stmt->relation,
										  lockmode, 0,
										  RangeVarCallbackOwnsTable, NULL);
	matviewRel = table_open(matviewOid, NoLock);

	/* Make sure it is a materialized view. */
	if (matviewRel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW)
				 errmsg("\"%s\" is not a materialized view",

	/* Check that CONCURRENTLY is not specified if not populated. */
	if (concurrent && !RelationIsPopulated(matviewRel))
				 errmsg("CONCURRENTLY cannot be used when the materialized view is not populated")));

	/* Check that conflicting options have not been specified. */
	if (concurrent && stmt->skipData)
				 errmsg("CONCURRENTLY and WITH NO DATA options cannot be used together")));

	 * Check that everything is correct for a refresh. Problems at this point
	 * are internal errors, so elog is sufficient.
	if (matviewRel->rd_rel->relhasrules == false ||
		matviewRel->rd_rules->numLocks < 1)
			 "materialized view \"%s\" is missing rewrite information",

	if (matviewRel->rd_rules->numLocks > 1)
			 "materialized view \"%s\" has too many rules",

	rule = matviewRel->rd_rules->rules[0];
	if (rule->event != CMD_SELECT || !(rule->isInstead))
			 "the rule for materialized view \"%s\" is not a SELECT INSTEAD OF rule",

	actions = rule->actions;
	if (list_length(actions) != 1)
			 "the rule for materialized view \"%s\" is not a single action",

	 * Check that there is a unique index with no WHERE clause on one or more
	 * columns of the materialized view if CONCURRENTLY is specified.
	if (concurrent)
		List	   *indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(matviewRel);
		ListCell   *indexoidscan;
		bool		hasUniqueIndex = false;

		foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
			Oid			indexoid = lfirst_oid(indexoidscan);
			Relation	indexRel;

			indexRel = index_open(indexoid, AccessShareLock);
			hasUniqueIndex = is_usable_unique_index(indexRel);
			index_close(indexRel, AccessShareLock);
			if (hasUniqueIndex)


		if (!hasUniqueIndex)
					 errmsg("cannot refresh materialized view \"%s\" concurrently",
					 errhint("Create a unique index with no WHERE clause on one or more columns of the materialized view.")));
Example #3
 * Validate the generic options given to a FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER, SERVER,
 * USER MAPPING or FOREIGN TABLE that uses file_fdw.
 * Raise an ERROR if the option or its value is considered invalid.
	List	   *options_list = untransformRelOptions(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
	Oid			catalog = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
	char	   *filename = NULL;
	DefElem    *force_not_null = NULL;
	DefElem    *force_null = NULL;
	List	   *other_options = NIL;
	ListCell   *cell;

	 * Only superusers are allowed to set options of a file_fdw foreign table.
	 * This is because the filename is one of those options, and we don't want
	 * non-superusers to be able to determine which file gets read.
	 * Putting this sort of permissions check in a validator is a bit of a
	 * crock, but there doesn't seem to be any other place that can enforce
	 * the check more cleanly.
	 * Note that the valid_options[] array disallows setting filename at any
	 * options level other than foreign table --- otherwise there'd still be a
	 * security hole.
	if (catalog == ForeignTableRelationId && !superuser())
				 errmsg("only superuser can change options of a file_fdw foreign table")));

	 * Check that only options supported by file_fdw, and allowed for the
	 * current object type, are given.
	foreach(cell, options_list)
		DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);

		if (!is_valid_option(def->defname, catalog))
			const struct FileFdwOption *opt;
			StringInfoData buf;

			 * Unknown option specified, complain about it. Provide a hint
			 * with list of valid options for the object.
			for (opt = valid_options; opt->optname; opt++)
				if (catalog == opt->optcontext)
					appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s%s", (buf.len > 0) ? ", " : "",

					 errmsg("invalid option \"%s\"", def->defname),
					 buf.len > 0
					 ? errhint("Valid options in this context are: %s",
				  : errhint("There are no valid options in this context.")));

		 * Separate out filename and column-specific options, since
		 * ProcessCopyOptions won't accept them.

		if (strcmp(def->defname, "filename") == 0)
			if (filename)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
			filename = defGetString(def);
		 * force_not_null is a boolean option; after validation we can discard
		 * it - it will be retrieved later in get_file_fdw_attribute_options()
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "force_not_null") == 0)
			if (force_not_null)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options"),
						 errhint("option \"force_not_null\" supplied more than once for a column")));
			force_not_null = def;
			/* Don't care what the value is, as long as it's a legal boolean */
			(void) defGetBoolean(def);
		/* See comments for force_not_null above */
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "force_null") == 0)
			if (force_null)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options"),
						 errhint("option \"force_null\" supplied more than once for a column")));
			force_null = def;
			(void) defGetBoolean(def);
			other_options = lappend(other_options, def);
Example #4
static const char *
	int			i;
	char		tzname[128];
	char		localtzname[256];
	time_t		t = time(NULL);
	struct tm  *tm = localtime(&t);
	HKEY		rootKey;
	int			idx;

	if (!tm)
		  (errmsg("could not identify system time zone: localtime() failed"),
		   errdetail("The PostgreSQL time zone will be set to \"%s\".",
		errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
		return NULL;			/* go to GMT */

	memset(tzname, 0, sizeof(tzname));
	strftime(tzname, sizeof(tzname) - 1, "%Z", tm);

	for (i = 0; win32_tzmap[i].stdname != NULL; i++)
		if (strcmp(tzname, win32_tzmap[i].stdname) == 0 ||
			strcmp(tzname, win32_tzmap[i].dstname) == 0)
			elog(DEBUG4, "TZ \"%s\" matches system time zone \"%s\"",
				 win32_tzmap[i].pgtzname, tzname);
			return win32_tzmap[i].pgtzname;

	 * Localized Windows versions return localized names for the timezone.
	 * Scan the registry to find the English name, and then try matching
	 * against our table again.
	memset(localtzname, 0, sizeof(localtzname));
			   "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones",
					 &rootKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
				(errmsg("could not open registry key to identify system time zone: %i",
						(int) GetLastError()),
				 errdetail("The PostgreSQL time zone will be set to \"%s\".",
		errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
		return NULL;			/* go to GMT */

	for (idx = 0;; idx++)
		char		keyname[256];
		char		zonename[256];
		DWORD		namesize;
		FILETIME	lastwrite;
		HKEY		key;
		LONG		r;

		memset(keyname, 0, sizeof(keyname));
		namesize = sizeof(keyname);
		if ((r = RegEnumKeyEx(rootKey,
							  &lastwrite)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			if (r == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
					(errmsg_internal("could not enumerate registry subkeys to identify system time zone: %i", (int) r)));

		if ((r = RegOpenKeyEx(rootKey, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &key)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
					(errmsg_internal("could not open registry subkey to identify system time zone: %i", (int) r)));

		memset(zonename, 0, sizeof(zonename));
		namesize = sizeof(zonename);
		if ((r = RegQueryValueEx(key, "Std", NULL, NULL, zonename, &namesize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
					(errmsg_internal("could not query value for key \"std\" to identify system time zone \"%s\": %i",
									 keyname, (int) r)));
			continue;			/* Proceed to look at the next timezone */
		if (strcmp(tzname, zonename) == 0)
			/* Matched zone */
			strcpy(localtzname, keyname);
		memset(zonename, 0, sizeof(zonename));
		namesize = sizeof(zonename);
		if ((r = RegQueryValueEx(key, "Dlt", NULL, NULL, zonename, &namesize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
					(errmsg_internal("could not query value for key \"dlt\" to identify system time zone \"%s\": %i",
									 keyname, (int) r)));
			continue;			/* Proceed to look at the next timezone */
		if (strcmp(tzname, zonename) == 0)
			/* Matched DST zone */
			strcpy(localtzname, keyname);



	if (localtzname[0])
		/* Found a localized name, so scan for that one too */
		for (i = 0; win32_tzmap[i].stdname != NULL; i++)
			if (strcmp(localtzname, win32_tzmap[i].stdname) == 0 ||
				strcmp(localtzname, win32_tzmap[i].dstname) == 0)
				elog(DEBUG4, "TZ \"%s\" matches localized system time zone \"%s\" (\"%s\")",
					 win32_tzmap[i].pgtzname, tzname, localtzname);
				return win32_tzmap[i].pgtzname;

			(errmsg("could not find a match for system time zone \"%s\"",
			 errdetail("The PostgreSQL time zone will be set to \"%s\".",
	   errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
	return NULL;				/* go to GMT */
Example #5
 * Emit a PG error or notice, together with any available info about
 * the current Python error, previously set by PLy_exception_set().
 * This should be used to propagate Python errors into PG.  If fmt is
 * NULL, the Python error becomes the primary error message, otherwise
 * it becomes the detail.  If there is a Python traceback, it is put
 * in the context.
PLy_elog(int elevel, const char *fmt,...)
	char	   *xmsg;
	char	   *tbmsg;
	int			tb_depth;
	StringInfoData emsg;
	PyObject   *exc,
	const char *primary = NULL;
	int			sqlerrcode = 0;
	char	   *detail = NULL;
	char	   *hint = NULL;
	char	   *query = NULL;
	int			position = 0;

	PyErr_Fetch(&exc, &val, &tb);

	if (exc != NULL)
		PyErr_NormalizeException(&exc, &val, &tb);

		if (PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(val, PLy_exc_spi_error))
			PLy_get_spi_error_data(val, &sqlerrcode, &detail, &hint, &query, &position);
		else if (PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(val, PLy_exc_fatal))
			elevel = FATAL;

	/* this releases our refcount on tb! */
	PLy_traceback(exc, val, tb,
				  &xmsg, &tbmsg, &tb_depth);

	if (fmt)
		for (;;)
			va_list		ap;
			int			needed;

			va_start(ap, fmt);
			needed = appendStringInfoVA(&emsg, dgettext(TEXTDOMAIN, fmt), ap);
			if (needed == 0)
			enlargeStringInfo(&emsg, needed);
		primary = emsg.data;

		/* Since we have a format string, we cannot have a SPI detail. */
		Assert(detail == NULL);

		/* If there's an exception message, it goes in the detail. */
		if (xmsg)
			detail = xmsg;
		if (xmsg)
			primary = xmsg;

				(errcode(sqlerrcode ? sqlerrcode : ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION),
			  errmsg_internal("%s", primary ? primary : "no exception data"),
				 (detail) ? errdetail_internal("%s", detail) : 0,
				 (tb_depth > 0 && tbmsg) ? errcontext("%s", tbmsg) : 0,
				 (hint) ? errhint("%s", hint) : 0,
				 (query) ? internalerrquery(query) : 0,
				 (position) ? internalerrposition(position) : 0));
		if (fmt)
		if (xmsg)
		if (tbmsg)


	if (fmt)
	if (xmsg)
	if (tbmsg)
Example #6
/* --------------------------------
 * InitPostgres
 *		Initialize POSTGRES.
 * The database can be specified by name, using the in_dbname parameter, or by
 * OID, using the dboid parameter.  In the latter case, the actual database
 * name can be returned to the caller in out_dbname.  If out_dbname isn't
 * NULL, it must point to a buffer of size NAMEDATALEN.
 * Similarly, the username can be passed by name, using the username parameter,
 * or by OID using the useroid parameter.
 * In bootstrap mode no parameters are used.  The autovacuum launcher process
 * doesn't use any parameters either, because it only goes far enough to be
 * able to read pg_database; it doesn't connect to any particular database.
 * In walsender mode only username is used.
 * As of PostgreSQL 8.2, we expect InitProcess() was already called, so we
 * already have a PGPROC struct ... but it's not completely filled in yet.
 * Note:
 *		Be very careful with the order of calls in the InitPostgres function.
 * --------------------------------
InitPostgres(const char *in_dbname, Oid dboid, const char *username,
			 Oid useroid, char *out_dbname)
	bool		bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();
	bool		am_superuser;
	char	   *fullpath;
	char		dbname[NAMEDATALEN];

	elog(DEBUG3, "InitPostgres");

	 * Add my PGPROC struct to the ProcArray.
	 * Once I have done this, I am visible to other backends!

	 * Initialize my entry in the shared-invalidation manager's array of
	 * per-backend data.
	 * Sets up MyBackendId, a unique backend identifier.
	MyBackendId = InvalidBackendId;


	if (MyBackendId > MaxBackends || MyBackendId <= 0)
		elog(FATAL, "bad backend ID: %d", MyBackendId);

	/* Now that we have a BackendId, we can participate in ProcSignal */

	 * Also set up timeout handlers needed for backend operation.  We need
	 * these in every case except bootstrap.
	if (!bootstrap)
		RegisterTimeout(DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, CheckDeadLockAlert);
		RegisterTimeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, StatementTimeoutHandler);
		RegisterTimeout(LOCK_TIMEOUT, LockTimeoutHandler);

	 * bufmgr needs another initialization call too

	 * Initialize local process's access to XLOG.
	if (IsUnderPostmaster)
		 * The postmaster already started the XLOG machinery, but we need to
		 * call InitXLOGAccess(), if the system isn't in hot-standby mode.
		 * This is handled by calling RecoveryInProgress and ignoring the
		 * result.
		(void) RecoveryInProgress();
		 * We are either a bootstrap process or a standalone backend. Either
		 * way, start up the XLOG machinery, and register to have it closed
		 * down at exit.
		on_shmem_exit(ShutdownXLOG, 0);

	 * Initialize the relation cache and the system catalog caches.  Note that
	 * no catalog access happens here; we only set up the hashtable structure.
	 * We must do this before starting a transaction because transaction abort
	 * would try to touch these hashtables.

	/* Initialize portal manager */

	/* Initialize stats collection --- must happen before first xact */
	if (!bootstrap)

	 * Load relcache entries for the shared system catalogs.  This must create
	 * at least entries for pg_database and catalogs used for authentication.

	 * Set up process-exit callback to do pre-shutdown cleanup.  This is the
	 * first before_shmem_exit callback we register; thus, this will be the
	 * last thing we do before low-level modules like the buffer manager begin
	 * to close down.  We need to have this in place before we begin our first
	 * transaction --- if we fail during the initialization transaction, as is
	 * entirely possible, we need the AbortTransaction call to clean up.
	before_shmem_exit(ShutdownPostgres, 0);

	/* The autovacuum launcher is done here */
	if (IsAutoVacuumLauncherProcess() || IsClusterMonitorProcess())

	 * Start a new transaction here before first access to db, and get a
	 * snapshot.  We don't have a use for the snapshot itself, but we're
	 * interested in the secondary effect that it sets RecentGlobalXmin. (This
	 * is critical for anything that reads heap pages, because HOT may decide
	 * to prune them even if the process doesn't attempt to modify any
	 * tuples.)
	if (!bootstrap)
		/* statement_timestamp must be set for timeouts to work correctly */

		 * transaction_isolation will have been set to the default by the
		 * above.  If the default is "serializable", and we are in hot
		 * standby, we will fail if we don't change it to something lower.
		 * Fortunately, "read committed" is plenty good enough.

		(void) GetTransactionSnapshot();

	 * Perform client authentication if necessary, then figure out our
	 * postgres user ID, and see if we are a superuser.
	 * In standalone mode and in autovacuum worker processes, we use a fixed
	 * ID, otherwise we figure it out from the authenticated user name.
	if (bootstrap || IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
		am_superuser = true;
	else if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
		am_superuser = true;
		if (!ThereIsAtLeastOneRole())
					 errmsg("no roles are defined in this database system"),
					 errhint("You should immediately run CREATE USER \"%s\" SUPERUSER;.",
							 username != NULL ? username : "******")));
	else if (IsBackgroundWorker)
		if (username == NULL && !OidIsValid(useroid))
			am_superuser = true;
			InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid);
			am_superuser = superuser();
		/* normal multiuser case */
		Assert(MyProcPort != NULL);
		InitializeSessionUserId(username, useroid);
		am_superuser = superuser();

	 * If we're trying to shut down, only superusers can connect, and new
	 * replication connections are not allowed.
	if ((!am_superuser || am_walsender) &&
		MyProcPort != NULL &&
		MyProcPort->canAcceptConnections == CAC_WAITBACKUP)
		if (am_walsender)
					 errmsg("new replication connections are not allowed during database shutdown")));
			errmsg("must be superuser to connect during database shutdown")));

	 * Binary upgrades only allowed super-user connections
	if (IsBinaryUpgrade && !am_superuser)
			 errmsg("must be superuser to connect in binary upgrade mode")));

	 * The last few connections slots are reserved for superusers. Although
	 * replication connections currently require superuser privileges, we
	 * don't allow them to consume the reserved slots, which are intended for
	 * interactive use.
	if ((!am_superuser || am_walsender) &&
		ReservedBackends > 0 &&
				 errmsg("remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections")));

	/* Check replication permissions needed for walsender processes. */
	if (am_walsender)

		if (!superuser() && !has_rolreplication(GetUserId()))
					 errmsg("must be superuser or replication role to start walsender")));

	 * If this is a plain walsender only supporting physical replication, we
	 * don't want to connect to any particular database. Just finish the
	 * backend startup by processing any options from the startup packet, and
	 * we're done.
	if (am_walsender && !am_db_walsender)
		/* process any options passed in the startup packet */
		if (MyProcPort != NULL)
			process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);

		/* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
		if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
			pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);

		/* initialize client encoding */

		/* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */

		/* close the transaction we started above */


	 * Set up the global variables holding database id and default tablespace.
	 * But note we won't actually try to touch the database just yet.
	 * We take a shortcut in the bootstrap case, otherwise we have to look up
	 * the db's entry in pg_database.
	if (bootstrap)
		MyDatabaseId = TemplateDbOid;
	else if (in_dbname != NULL)
		HeapTuple	tuple;
		Form_pg_database dbform;

		tuple = GetDatabaseTuple(in_dbname);
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
					 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", in_dbname)));
		dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
		MyDatabaseId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
		MyDatabaseTableSpace = dbform->dattablespace;
		/* take database name from the caller, just for paranoia */
		strlcpy(dbname, in_dbname, sizeof(dbname));
	else if (OidIsValid(dboid))
		/* caller specified database by OID */
		HeapTuple	tuple;
		Form_pg_database dbform;

		tuple = GetDatabaseTupleByOid(dboid);
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
					 errmsg("database %u does not exist", dboid)));
		dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
		MyDatabaseId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
		MyDatabaseTableSpace = dbform->dattablespace;
		Assert(MyDatabaseId == dboid);
		strlcpy(dbname, NameStr(dbform->datname), sizeof(dbname));
		/* pass the database name back to the caller */
		if (out_dbname)
			strcpy(out_dbname, dbname);
		 * If this is a background worker not bound to any particular
		 * database, we're done now.  Everything that follows only makes
		 * sense if we are bound to a specific database.  We do need to
		 * close the transaction we started before returning.
		if (!bootstrap)

	 * Now, take a writer's lock on the database we are trying to connect to.
	 * If there is a concurrently running DROP DATABASE on that database, this
	 * will block us until it finishes (and has committed its update of
	 * pg_database).
	 * Note that the lock is not held long, only until the end of this startup
	 * transaction.  This is OK since we will advertise our use of the
	 * database in the ProcArray before dropping the lock (in fact, that's the
	 * next thing to do).  Anyone trying a DROP DATABASE after this point will
	 * see us in the array once they have the lock.  Ordering is important for
	 * this because we don't want to advertise ourselves as being in this
	 * database until we have the lock; otherwise we create what amounts to a
	 * deadlock with CountOtherDBBackends().
	 * Note: use of RowExclusiveLock here is reasonable because we envision
	 * our session as being a concurrent writer of the database.  If we had a
	 * way of declaring a session as being guaranteed-read-only, we could use
	 * AccessShareLock for such sessions and thereby not conflict against
	if (!bootstrap)
		LockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, MyDatabaseId, 0,

	 * Now we can mark our PGPROC entry with the database ID.
	 * We assume this is an atomic store so no lock is needed; though actually
	 * things would work fine even if it weren't atomic.  Anyone searching the
	 * ProcArray for this database's ID should hold the database lock, so they
	 * would not be executing concurrently with this store.  A process looking
	 * for another database's ID could in theory see a chance match if it read
	 * a partially-updated databaseId value; but as long as all such searches
	 * wait and retry, as in CountOtherDBBackends(), they will certainly see
	 * the correct value on their next try.
	MyProc->databaseId = MyDatabaseId;

	 * We established a catalog snapshot while reading pg_authid and/or
	 * pg_database; but until we have set up MyDatabaseId, we won't react to
	 * incoming sinval messages for unshared catalogs, so we won't realize it
	 * if the snapshot has been invalidated.  Assume it's no good anymore.

	 * Recheck pg_database to make sure the target database hasn't gone away.
	 * If there was a concurrent DROP DATABASE, this ensures we will die
	 * cleanly without creating a mess.
	if (!bootstrap)
		HeapTuple	tuple;

		tuple = GetDatabaseTuple(dbname);
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) ||
			MyDatabaseId != HeapTupleGetOid(tuple) ||
			MyDatabaseTableSpace != ((Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->dattablespace)
					 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", dbname),
			   errdetail("It seems to have just been dropped or renamed.")));

	 * Now we should be able to access the database directory safely. Verify
	 * it's there and looks reasonable.
	fullpath = GetDatabasePath(MyDatabaseId, MyDatabaseTableSpace);

	if (!bootstrap)
		if (access(fullpath, F_OK) == -1)
			if (errno == ENOENT)
						 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",
					errdetail("The database subdirectory \"%s\" is missing.",
						 errmsg("could not access directory \"%s\": %m",



	 * It's now possible to do real access to the system catalogs.
	 * Load relcache entries for the system catalogs.  This must create at
	 * least the minimum set of "nailed-in" cache entries.

	/* set up ACL framework (so CheckMyDatabase can check permissions) */

	 * Re-read the pg_database row for our database, check permissions and set
	 * up database-specific GUC settings.  We can't do this until all the
	 * database-access infrastructure is up.  (Also, it wants to know if the
	 * user is a superuser, so the above stuff has to happen first.)
	if (!bootstrap)
		CheckMyDatabase(dbname, am_superuser);

	 * Now process any command-line switches and any additional GUC variable
	 * settings passed in the startup packet.   We couldn't do this before
	 * because we didn't know if client is a superuser.
	if (MyProcPort != NULL)
		process_startup_options(MyProcPort, am_superuser);

	/* Process pg_db_role_setting options */
	process_settings(MyDatabaseId, GetSessionUserId());

	/* Apply PostAuthDelay as soon as we've read all options */
	if (PostAuthDelay > 0)
		pg_usleep(PostAuthDelay * 1000000L);

	 * Initialize various default states that can't be set up until we've
	 * selected the active user and gotten the right GUC settings.

	/* set default namespace search path */

	/* initialize client encoding */

	/* report this backend in the PgBackendStatus array */
	if (!bootstrap)

	/* close the transaction we started above */
	if (!bootstrap)
Example #7
 * pg_prewarm(regclass, mode text, fork text,
 *			  first_block int8, last_block int8)
 * The first argument is the relation to be prewarmed; the second controls
 * how prewarming is done; legal options are 'prefetch', 'read', and 'buffer'.
 * The third is the name of the relation fork to be prewarmed.  The fourth
 * and fifth arguments specify the first and last block to be prewarmed.
 * If the fourth argument is NULL, it will be taken as 0; if the fifth argument
 * is NULL, it will be taken as the number of blocks in the relation.  The
 * return value is the number of blocks successfully prewarmed.
	Oid			relOid;
	text	   *forkName;
	text	   *type;
	int64		first_block;
	int64		last_block;
	int64		nblocks;
	int64		blocks_done = 0;
	int64		block;
	Relation	rel;
	ForkNumber	forkNumber;
	char	   *forkString;
	char	   *ttype;
	PrewarmType ptype;
	AclResult	aclresult;

	/* Basic sanity checking. */
				 errmsg("relation cannot be null")));
	relOid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
				 (errmsg("prewarm type cannot be null"))));
	type = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
	ttype = text_to_cstring(type);
	if (strcmp(ttype, "prefetch") == 0)
	else if (strcmp(ttype, "read") == 0)
		ptype = PREWARM_READ;
	else if (strcmp(ttype, "buffer") == 0)
				 errmsg("invalid prewarm type"),
				 errhint("Valid prewarm types are \"prefetch\", \"read\", and \"buffer\".")));
		PG_RETURN_INT64(0);		/* Placate compiler. */
				 (errmsg("relation fork cannot be null"))));
	forkName = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);
	forkString = text_to_cstring(forkName);
	forkNumber = forkname_to_number(forkString);

	/* Open relation and check privileges. */
	rel = relation_open(relOid, AccessShareLock);
	aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(relOid, GetUserId(), ACL_SELECT);
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_CLASS, get_rel_name(relOid));

	/* Check that the fork exists. */
	if (!smgrexists(rel->rd_smgr, forkNumber))
				 errmsg("fork \"%s\" does not exist for this relation",

	/* Validate block numbers, or handle nulls. */
	nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(rel, forkNumber);
		first_block = 0;
		first_block = PG_GETARG_INT64(3);
		if (first_block < 0 || first_block >= nblocks)
					 errmsg("starting block number must be between 0 and " INT64_FORMAT,
							nblocks - 1)));
		last_block = nblocks - 1;
		last_block = PG_GETARG_INT64(4);
		if (last_block < 0 || last_block >= nblocks)
			errmsg("ending block number must be between 0 and " INT64_FORMAT,
				   nblocks - 1)));

	/* Now we're ready to do the real work. */
	if (ptype == PREWARM_PREFETCH)

		 * In prefetch mode, we just hint the OS to read the blocks, but we
		 * don't know whether it really does it, and we don't wait for it to
		 * finish.
		 * It would probably be better to pass our prefetch requests in chunks
		 * of a megabyte or maybe even a whole segment at a time, but there's
		 * no practical way to do that at present without a gross modularity
		 * violation, so we just do this.
		for (block = first_block; block <= last_block; ++block)
			PrefetchBuffer(rel, forkNumber, block);
				 errmsg("prefetch is not supported by this build")));
	else if (ptype == PREWARM_READ)
		 * In read mode, we actually read the blocks, but not into shared
		 * buffers.  This is more portable than prefetch mode (it works
		 * everywhere) and is synchronous.
		for (block = first_block; block <= last_block; ++block)
			smgrread(rel->rd_smgr, forkNumber, block, blockbuffer);
	else if (ptype == PREWARM_BUFFER)
		 * In buffer mode, we actually pull the data into shared_buffers.
		for (block = first_block; block <= last_block; ++block)
			Buffer		buf;

			buf = ReadBufferExtended(rel, forkNumber, block, RBM_NORMAL, NULL);

	/* Close relation, release lock. */
	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);

Example #8
 * Validate the generic options given to a FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER, SERVER,
 * USER MAPPING or FOREIGN TABLE that uses file_fdw.
 * Raise an ERROR if the option or its value is considered invalid.
	List		*options_list = untransformRelOptions(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
	Oid		catalog = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
	char		*svr_address = NULL;
	int		svr_port = 0;
	char		*svr_username = NULL;
	char		*svr_password = NULL;
	char		*svr_database = NULL;
	char		*svr_query = NULL;
	char		*svr_table = NULL;
	ListCell	*cell;

	 * Check that only options supported by mysql_fdw,
	 * and allowed for the current object type, are given.
	foreach(cell, options_list)
		DefElem	   *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);

		if (!mysqlIsValidOption(def->defname, catalog))
			struct MySQLFdwOption *opt;
			StringInfoData buf;

			 * Unknown option specified, complain about it. Provide a hint
			 * with list of valid options for the object.
			for (opt = valid_options; opt->optname; opt++)
				if (catalog == opt->optcontext)
					appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s%s", (buf.len > 0) ? ", " : "",

				errmsg("invalid option \"%s\"", def->defname), 
				errhint("Valid options in this context are: %s", buf.len ? buf.data : "<none>")

		if (strcmp(def->defname, "address") == 0)
			if (svr_address)
				ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), 
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: address (%s)", defGetString(def))

			svr_address = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "port") == 0)
			if (svr_port)
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: port (%s)", defGetString(def))

			svr_port = atoi(defGetString(def));
		if (strcmp(def->defname, "username") == 0)
			if (svr_username)
				ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: username (%s)", defGetString(def))

			svr_username = defGetString(def);
		if (strcmp(def->defname, "password") == 0)
			if (svr_password)
				ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: password")

			svr_password = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "database") == 0)
			if (svr_database)
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: database (%s)", defGetString(def))

			svr_database = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "query") == 0)
			if (svr_table)
					errmsg("conflicting options: query cannot be used with table")

			if (svr_query)
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: query (%s)", defGetString(def))

			svr_query = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "table") == 0)
			if (svr_query)
					errmsg("conflicting options: table cannot be used with query")

			if (svr_table)
					errmsg("conflicting or redundant options: table (%s)", defGetString(def))

			svr_table = defGetString(def);
Example #9
 * PGSharedMemoryCreate
 * Create a shared memory segment of the given size and initialize its
 * standard header.  Also, register an on_shmem_exit callback to release
 * the storage.
 * Dead Postgres segments are recycled if found, but we do not fail upon
 * collision with non-Postgres shmem segments.	The idea here is to detect and
 * re-use keys that may have been assigned by a crashed postmaster or backend.
 * makePrivate means to always create a new segment, rather than attach to
 * or recycle any existing segment.
 * The port number is passed for possible use as a key (for SysV, we use
 * it to generate the starting shmem key).	In a standalone backend,
 * zero will be passed.
PGShmemHeader *
PGSharedMemoryCreate(Size size, bool makePrivate, int port)
	IpcMemoryKey NextShmemSegID;
	void	   *memAddress;
	PGShmemHeader *hdr;
	IpcMemoryId shmid;
	struct stat statbuf;
	Size		sysvsize = size;

	/* Room for a header? */
	Assert(size > MAXALIGN(sizeof(PGShmemHeader)));

	 * As of PostgreSQL 9.3, we normally allocate only a very small amount of
	 * System V shared memory, and only for the purposes of providing an
	 * interlock to protect the data directory.  The real shared memory block
	 * is allocated using mmap().  This works around the problem that many
	 * systems have very low limits on the amount of System V shared memory
	 * that can be allocated.  Even a limit of a few megabytes will be enough
	 * to run many copies of PostgreSQL without needing to adjust system
	 * settings.
	 * However, we disable this logic in the EXEC_BACKEND case, and fall back
	 * to the old method of allocating the entire segment using System V shared
	 * memory, because there's no way to attach an mmap'd segment to a process
	 * after exec().  Since EXEC_BACKEND is intended only for developer use,
	 * this shouldn't be a big problem.
		long	pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);

		 * Ensure request size is a multiple of pagesize.
		 * pagesize will, for practical purposes, always be a power of two.
		 * But just in case it isn't, we do it this way instead of using
		if (pagesize > 0 && size % pagesize != 0)
			size += pagesize - (size % pagesize);

		 * We assume that no one will attempt to run PostgreSQL 9.3 or later
		 * on systems that are ancient enough that anonymous shared memory is
		 * not supported, such as pre-2.4 versions of Linux.  If that turns out
		 * to be false, we might need to add a run-time test here and do this
		 * only if the running kernel supports it.
		AnonymousShmem = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, PG_MMAP_FLAGS,
							  -1, 0);
		if (AnonymousShmem == MAP_FAILED)
			 (errmsg("could not map anonymous shared memory: %m"),
			  (errno == ENOMEM) ?
			   errhint("This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request "
					   "for a shared memory segment exceeded available memory "
					   "or swap space. To reduce the request size (currently "
					   "%lu bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared memory usage, "
					   "perhaps by reducing shared_buffers or "
					   (unsigned long) size) : 0));
		AnonymousShmemSize = size;

		/* Now we need only allocate a minimal-sized SysV shmem block. */
		sysvsize = sizeof(PGShmemHeader);

	/* Make sure PGSharedMemoryAttach doesn't fail without need */
	UsedShmemSegAddr = NULL;

	/* Loop till we find a free IPC key */
	NextShmemSegID = port * 1000;

	for (NextShmemSegID++;; NextShmemSegID++)
		/* Try to create new segment */
		memAddress = InternalIpcMemoryCreate(NextShmemSegID, sysvsize);
		if (memAddress)
			break;				/* successful create and attach */

		/* Check shared memory and possibly remove and recreate */

		if (makePrivate)		/* a standalone backend shouldn't do this */

		if ((memAddress = PGSharedMemoryAttach(NextShmemSegID, &shmid)) == NULL)
			continue;			/* can't attach, not one of mine */

		 * If I am not the creator and it belongs to an extant process,
		 * continue.
		hdr = (PGShmemHeader *) memAddress;
		if (hdr->creatorPID != getpid())
			if (kill(hdr->creatorPID, 0) == 0 || errno != ESRCH)
				continue;		/* segment belongs to a live process */

		 * The segment appears to be from a dead Postgres process, or from a
		 * previous cycle of life in this same process.  Zap it, if possible.
		 * This probably shouldn't fail, but if it does, assume the segment
		 * belongs to someone else after all, and continue quietly.
		if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0)

		 * Now try again to create the segment.
		memAddress = InternalIpcMemoryCreate(NextShmemSegID, sysvsize);
		if (memAddress)
			break;				/* successful create and attach */

		 * Can only get here if some other process managed to create the same
		 * shmem key before we did.  Let him have that one, loop around to try
		 * next key.

	 * OK, we created a new segment.  Mark it as created by this process. The
	 * order of assignments here is critical so that another Postgres process
	 * can't see the header as valid but belonging to an invalid PID!
	hdr = (PGShmemHeader *) memAddress;
	hdr->creatorPID = getpid();
	hdr->magic = PGShmemMagic;

	/* Fill in the data directory ID info, too */
	if (stat(DataDir, &statbuf) < 0)
				 errmsg("could not stat data directory \"%s\": %m",
	hdr->device = statbuf.st_dev;
	hdr->inode = statbuf.st_ino;

	 * Initialize space allocation status for segment.
	hdr->totalsize = size;
	hdr->freeoffset = MAXALIGN(sizeof(PGShmemHeader));

	/* Save info for possible future use */
	UsedShmemSegAddr = memAddress;
	UsedShmemSegID = (unsigned long) NextShmemSegID;

	 * If AnonymousShmem is NULL here, then we're not using anonymous shared
	 * memory, and should return a pointer to the System V shared memory block.
	 * Otherwise, the System V shared memory block is only a shim, and we must
	 * return a pointer to the real block.
	if (AnonymousShmem == NULL)
		return hdr;
	memcpy(AnonymousShmem, hdr, sizeof(PGShmemHeader));
	return (PGShmemHeader *) AnonymousShmem;
Example #10
 * Load a single slot from disk into memory.
static void
RestoreSlotFromDisk(const char *name)
	ReplicationSlotOnDisk cp;
	int			i;
	char		path[MAXPGPATH];
	int			fd;
	bool		restored = false;
	int			readBytes;
	pg_crc32c	checksum;

	/* no need to lock here, no concurrent access allowed yet */

	/* delete temp file if it exists */
	sprintf(path, "pg_replslot/%s/state.tmp", name);
	if (unlink(path) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
				 errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m", path)));

	sprintf(path, "pg_replslot/%s/state", name);

	elog(DEBUG1, "restoring replication slot from \"%s\"", path);

	fd = OpenTransientFile(path, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY, 0);

	 * We do not need to handle this as we are rename()ing the directory into
	 * place only after we fsync()ed the state file.
	if (fd < 0)
				 errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m", path)));

	 * Sync state file before we're reading from it. We might have crashed
	 * while it wasn't synced yet and we shouldn't continue on that basis.
	if (pg_fsync(fd) != 0)
				 errmsg("could not fsync file \"%s\": %m",

	/* Also sync the parent directory */
	fsync_fname(path, true);

	/* read part of statefile that's guaranteed to be version independent */
	readBytes = read(fd, &cp, ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize);
	if (readBytes != ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize)
		int			saved_errno = errno;

		errno = saved_errno;
				 errmsg("could not read file \"%s\", read %d of %u: %m",
						path, readBytes,
						(uint32) ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize)));

	/* verify magic */
	if (cp.magic != SLOT_MAGIC)
				 errmsg("replication slot file \"%s\" has wrong magic %u instead of %u",
						path, cp.magic, SLOT_MAGIC)));

	/* verify version */
	if (cp.version != SLOT_VERSION)
			errmsg("replication slot file \"%s\" has unsupported version %u",
				   path, cp.version)));

	/* boundary check on length */
	if (cp.length != ReplicationSlotOnDiskV2Size)
			   errmsg("replication slot file \"%s\" has corrupted length %u",
					  path, cp.length)));

	/* Now that we know the size, read the entire file */
	readBytes = read(fd,
					 (char *) &cp + ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize,
	if (readBytes != cp.length)
		int			saved_errno = errno;

		errno = saved_errno;
				 errmsg("could not read file \"%s\", read %d of %u: %m",
						path, readBytes, cp.length)));


	/* now verify the CRC */
				(char *) &cp + SnapBuildOnDiskNotChecksummedSize,

	if (!EQ_CRC32C(checksum, cp.checksum))
				(errmsg("replication slot file %s: checksum mismatch, is %u, should be %u",
						path, checksum, cp.checksum)));

	 * If we crashed with an ephemeral slot active, don't restore but delete
	 * it.
	if (cp.slotdata.persistency != RS_PERSISTENT)
		sprintf(path, "pg_replslot/%s", name);

		if (!rmtree(path, true))
					 errmsg("could not remove directory \"%s\"", path)));
		fsync_fname("pg_replslot", true);

	/* nothing can be active yet, don't lock anything */
	for (i = 0; i < max_replication_slots; i++)
		ReplicationSlot *slot;

		slot = &ReplicationSlotCtl->replication_slots[i];

		if (slot->in_use)

		/* restore the entire set of persistent data */
		memcpy(&slot->data, &cp.slotdata,

		/* initialize in memory state */
		slot->effective_xmin = cp.slotdata.xmin;
		slot->effective_catalog_xmin = cp.slotdata.catalog_xmin;

		slot->candidate_catalog_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
		slot->candidate_xmin_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
		slot->candidate_restart_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
		slot->candidate_restart_valid = InvalidXLogRecPtr;

		slot->in_use = true;
		slot->active = false;

		restored = true;

	if (!restored)
				(errmsg("too many replication slots active before shutdown"),
				 errhint("Increase max_replication_slots and try again.")));
Example #11
/* --------------------------------
 * InitPostgres
 *		Initialize POSTGRES.
 * Note:
 *		Be very careful with the order of calls in the InitPostgres function.
 * --------------------------------
InitPostgres(const char *dbname, const char *username)
	bool		bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();

	 * Set up the global variables holding database id and path.
	 * We take a shortcut in the bootstrap case, otherwise we have to look up
	 * the db name in pg_database.
	if (bootstrap)
		MyDatabaseId = TemplateDbOid;
		char	   *fullpath,

		 * Formerly we validated DataDir here, but now that's done
		 * earlier.

		 * Find oid and path of the database we're about to open. Since
		 * we're not yet up and running we have to use the hackish
		 * GetRawDatabaseInfo.
		GetRawDatabaseInfo(dbname, &MyDatabaseId, datpath);

		if (!OidIsValid(MyDatabaseId))
					 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",

		fullpath = GetDatabasePath(MyDatabaseId);

		/* Verify the database path */

		if (access(fullpath, F_OK) == -1)
			if (errno == ENOENT)
						 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",
				errdetail("The database subdirectory \"%s\" is missing.",
						 errmsg("could not access directory \"%s\": %m",


		if (chdir(fullpath) == -1)
					 errmsg("could not change directory to \"%s\": %m",


	 * Code after this point assumes we are in the proper directory!

	 * Set up my per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory.	(We need
	 * to know MyDatabaseId before we can do this, since it's entered into
	 * the PGPROC struct.)

	 * Initialize my entry in the shared-invalidation manager's array of
	 * per-backend data.  (Formerly this came before InitProcess, but now
	 * it must happen after, because it uses MyProc.)  Once I have done
	 * this, I am visible to other backends!
	 * Sets up MyBackendId, a unique backend identifier.
	MyBackendId = InvalidBackendId;


	if (MyBackendId > MaxBackends || MyBackendId <= 0)
		elog(FATAL, "bad backend id: %d", MyBackendId);

	 * Initialize the transaction system override state.

	 * Initialize the relation descriptor cache.  This must create at
	 * least the minimum set of "nailed-in" cache entries.	No catalog
	 * access happens here.

	 * Initialize all the system catalog caches.  Note that no catalog
	 * access happens here; we only set up the cache structure.

	/* Initialize portal manager */

	 * Initialize the deferred trigger manager --- must happen before
	 * first transaction start.

	/* start a new transaction here before access to db */
	if (!bootstrap)

	 * It's now possible to do real access to the system catalogs.
	 * Replace faked-up relcache entries with correct info.

	 * Figure out our postgres user id.  In standalone mode we use a fixed
	 * id, otherwise we figure it out from the authenticated user name.
	if (bootstrap)
	else if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
		if (!ThereIsAtLeastOneUser())
				  errmsg("no users are defined in this database system"),
					 errhint("You should immediately run CREATE USER \"%s\" WITH SYSID %d CREATEUSER;.",
							 username, BOOTSTRAP_USESYSID)));
		/* normal multiuser case */

	 * Unless we are bootstrapping, double-check that InitMyDatabaseInfo()
	 * got a correct result.  We can't do this until all the
	 * database-access infrastructure is up.
	if (!bootstrap)

	 * Final phase of relation cache startup: write a new cache file if
	 * necessary.  This is done after ReverifyMyDatabase to avoid writing
	 * a cache file into a dead database.

	 * Check a normal user hasn't connected to a superuser reserved slot.
	 * We can't do this till after we've read the user information, and we
	 * must do it inside a transaction since checking superuserness may
	 * require database access.  The superuser check is probably the most
	 * expensive part; don't do it until necessary.
	if (ReservedBackends > 0 &&
		CountEmptyBackendSlots() < ReservedBackends &&
				 errmsg("connection limit exceeded for non-superusers")));

	 * Initialize various default states that can't be set up until we've
	 * selected the active user and done ReverifyMyDatabase.

	/* set default namespace search path */

	/* initialize client encoding */

	 * Now all default states are fully set up.  Report them to client if
	 * appropriate.

	 * Set up process-exit callback to do pre-shutdown cleanup.  This
	 * should be last because we want shmem_exit to call this routine
	 * before the exit callbacks that are registered by buffer manager,
	 * lock manager, etc. We need to run this code before we close down
	 * database access!
	on_shmem_exit(ShutdownPostgres, 0);

	/* close the transaction we started above */
	if (!bootstrap)
Example #12
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ProcedureCreate
 * Note: allParameterTypes, parameterModes, parameterNames, and proconfig
 * are either arrays of the proper types or NULL.  We declare them Datum,
 * not "ArrayType *", to avoid importing array.h into pg_proc_fn.h.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ProcedureCreate(const char *procedureName,
				Oid procNamespace,
				bool replace,
				bool returnsSet,
				Oid returnType,
				Oid languageObjectId,
				Oid languageValidator,
				const char *prosrc,
				const char *probin,
				bool isAgg,
				bool isWindowFunc,
				bool security_definer,
				bool isStrict,
				char volatility,
				oidvector *parameterTypes,
				Datum allParameterTypes,
				Datum parameterModes,
				Datum parameterNames,
				List *parameterDefaults,
				Datum proconfig,
				float4 procost,
				float4 prorows)
	Oid			retval;
	int			parameterCount;
	int			allParamCount;
	Oid		   *allParams;
	bool		genericInParam = false;
	bool		genericOutParam = false;
	bool		internalInParam = false;
	bool		internalOutParam = false;
	Oid			variadicType = InvalidOid;
	Oid			proowner = GetUserId();
	Acl		   *proacl = NULL;
	Relation	rel;
	HeapTuple	tup;
	HeapTuple	oldtup;
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_proc];
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_proc];
	bool		replaces[Natts_pg_proc];
	Oid			relid;
	NameData	procname;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;
	bool		is_update;
	ObjectAddress myself,
	int			i;

	 * sanity checks

	parameterCount = parameterTypes->dim1;
	if (parameterCount < 0 || parameterCount > FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
				 errmsg_plural("functions cannot have more than %d argument",
							   "functions cannot have more than %d arguments",
	/* note: the above is correct, we do NOT count output arguments */

	if (allParameterTypes != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		 * We expect the array to be a 1-D OID array; verify that. We don't
		 * need to use deconstruct_array() since the array data is just going
		 * to look like a C array of OID values.
		ArrayType  *allParamArray = (ArrayType *) DatumGetPointer(allParameterTypes);

		allParamCount = ARR_DIMS(allParamArray)[0];
		if (ARR_NDIM(allParamArray) != 1 ||
			allParamCount <= 0 ||
			ARR_HASNULL(allParamArray) ||
			ARR_ELEMTYPE(allParamArray) != OIDOID)
			elog(ERROR, "allParameterTypes is not a 1-D Oid array");
		allParams = (Oid *) ARR_DATA_PTR(allParamArray);
		Assert(allParamCount >= parameterCount);
		/* we assume caller got the contents right */
		allParamCount = parameterCount;
		allParams = parameterTypes->values;

	 * Do not allow polymorphic return type unless at least one input argument
	 * is polymorphic.	Also, do not allow return type INTERNAL unless at
	 * least one input argument is INTERNAL.
	for (i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++)
		switch (parameterTypes->values[i])
				genericInParam = true;
				internalInParam = true;

	if (allParameterTypes != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		for (i = 0; i < allParamCount; i++)
			 * We don't bother to distinguish input and output params here, so
			 * if there is, say, just an input INTERNAL param then we will
			 * still set internalOutParam.	This is OK since we don't really
			 * care.
			switch (allParams[i])
				case ANYENUMOID:
					genericOutParam = true;
					internalOutParam = true;

	if ((IsPolymorphicType(returnType) || genericOutParam)
		&& !genericInParam)
				 errmsg("cannot determine result data type"),
				 errdetail("A function returning a polymorphic type must have at least one polymorphic argument.")));

	if ((returnType == INTERNALOID || internalOutParam) && !internalInParam)
				 errmsg("unsafe use of pseudo-type \"internal\""),
				 errdetail("A function returning \"internal\" must have at least one \"internal\" argument.")));

	 * don't allow functions of complex types that have the same name as
	 * existing attributes of the type
	if (parameterCount == 1 &&
		OidIsValid(parameterTypes->values[0]) &&
		(relid = typeidTypeRelid(parameterTypes->values[0])) != InvalidOid &&
		get_attnum(relid, procedureName) != InvalidAttrNumber)
				 errmsg("\"%s\" is already an attribute of type %s",

	if (parameterModes != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		 * We expect the array to be a 1-D CHAR array; verify that. We don't
		 * need to use deconstruct_array() since the array data is just going
		 * to look like a C array of char values.
		ArrayType  *modesArray = (ArrayType *) DatumGetPointer(parameterModes);
		char	   *modes;

		if (ARR_NDIM(modesArray) != 1 ||
			ARR_DIMS(modesArray)[0] != allParamCount ||
			ARR_HASNULL(modesArray) ||
			ARR_ELEMTYPE(modesArray) != CHAROID)
			elog(ERROR, "parameterModes is not a 1-D char array");
		modes = (char *) ARR_DATA_PTR(modesArray);

		 * Only the last input parameter can be variadic; if it is, save its
		 * element type.  Errors here are just elog since caller should have
		 * checked this already.
		for (i = 0; i < allParamCount; i++)
			switch (modes[i])
					if (OidIsValid(variadicType))
						elog(ERROR, "variadic parameter must be last");
					/* okay */
					if (OidIsValid(variadicType))
						elog(ERROR, "variadic parameter must be last");
					switch (allParams[i])
						case ANYOID:
							variadicType = ANYOID;
						case ANYARRAYOID:
							variadicType = ANYELEMENTOID;
							variadicType = get_element_type(allParams[i]);
							if (!OidIsValid(variadicType))
								elog(ERROR, "variadic parameter is not an array");
					elog(ERROR, "invalid parameter mode '%c'", modes[i]);

	 * All seems OK; prepare the data to be inserted into pg_proc.

	for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_proc; ++i)
		nulls[i] = false;
		values[i] = (Datum) 0;
		replaces[i] = true;

	namestrcpy(&procname, procedureName);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proname - 1] = NameGetDatum(&procname);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_pronamespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(procNamespace);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proowner - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(proowner);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_prolang - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(languageObjectId);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_procost - 1] = Float4GetDatum(procost);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_prorows - 1] = Float4GetDatum(prorows);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_provariadic - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(variadicType);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proisagg - 1] = BoolGetDatum(isAgg);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proiswindow - 1] = BoolGetDatum(isWindowFunc);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_prosecdef - 1] = BoolGetDatum(security_definer);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proisstrict - 1] = BoolGetDatum(isStrict);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proretset - 1] = BoolGetDatum(returnsSet);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_provolatile - 1] = CharGetDatum(volatility);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_pronargs - 1] = UInt16GetDatum(parameterCount);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_pronargdefaults - 1] = UInt16GetDatum(list_length(parameterDefaults));
	values[Anum_pg_proc_prorettype - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(returnType);
	values[Anum_pg_proc_proargtypes - 1] = PointerGetDatum(parameterTypes);
	if (allParameterTypes != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		values[Anum_pg_proc_proallargtypes - 1] = allParameterTypes;
		nulls[Anum_pg_proc_proallargtypes - 1] = true;
	if (parameterModes != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		values[Anum_pg_proc_proargmodes - 1] = parameterModes;
		nulls[Anum_pg_proc_proargmodes - 1] = true;
	if (parameterNames != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		values[Anum_pg_proc_proargnames - 1] = parameterNames;
		nulls[Anum_pg_proc_proargnames - 1] = true;
	if (parameterDefaults != NIL)
		values[Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults - 1] = CStringGetTextDatum(nodeToString(parameterDefaults));
		nulls[Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults - 1] = true;
	values[Anum_pg_proc_prosrc - 1] = CStringGetTextDatum(prosrc);
	if (probin)
		values[Anum_pg_proc_probin - 1] = CStringGetTextDatum(probin);
		nulls[Anum_pg_proc_probin - 1] = true;
	if (proconfig != PointerGetDatum(NULL))
		values[Anum_pg_proc_proconfig - 1] = proconfig;
		nulls[Anum_pg_proc_proconfig - 1] = true;
	/* proacl will be determined later */

	rel = heap_open(ProcedureRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
	tupDesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);

	/* Check for pre-existing definition */
	oldtup = SearchSysCache3(PROCNAMEARGSNSP,

	if (HeapTupleIsValid(oldtup))
		/* There is one; okay to replace it? */
		Form_pg_proc oldproc = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(oldtup);
		Datum		proargnames;
		bool		isnull;

		if (!replace)
			errmsg("function \"%s\" already exists with same argument types",
		if (!pg_proc_ownercheck(HeapTupleGetOid(oldtup), proowner))

		 * Not okay to change the return type of the existing proc, since
		 * existing rules, views, etc may depend on the return type.
		if (returnType != oldproc->prorettype ||
			returnsSet != oldproc->proretset)
					 errmsg("cannot change return type of existing function"),
					 errhint("Use DROP FUNCTION first.")));

		 * If it returns RECORD, check for possible change of record type
		 * implied by OUT parameters
		if (returnType == RECORDOID)
			TupleDesc	olddesc;
			TupleDesc	newdesc;

			olddesc = build_function_result_tupdesc_t(oldtup);
			newdesc = build_function_result_tupdesc_d(allParameterTypes,
			if (olddesc == NULL && newdesc == NULL)
				 /* ok, both are runtime-defined RECORDs */ ;
			else if (olddesc == NULL || newdesc == NULL ||
					 !equalTupleDescs(olddesc, newdesc))
					errmsg("cannot change return type of existing function"),
				errdetail("Row type defined by OUT parameters is different."),
						 errhint("Use DROP FUNCTION first.")));

		 * If there were any named input parameters, check to make sure the
		 * names have not been changed, as this could break existing calls. We
		 * allow adding names to formerly unnamed parameters, though.
		proargnames = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCNAMEARGSNSP, oldtup,
		if (!isnull)
			Datum		proargmodes;
			char	  **old_arg_names;
			char	  **new_arg_names;
			int			n_old_arg_names;
			int			n_new_arg_names;
			int			j;

			proargmodes = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCNAMEARGSNSP, oldtup,
			if (isnull)
				proargmodes = PointerGetDatum(NULL);	/* just to be sure */

			n_old_arg_names = get_func_input_arg_names(proargnames,
			n_new_arg_names = get_func_input_arg_names(parameterNames,
			for (j = 0; j < n_old_arg_names; j++)
				if (old_arg_names[j] == NULL)
				if (j >= n_new_arg_names || new_arg_names[j] == NULL ||
					strcmp(old_arg_names[j], new_arg_names[j]) != 0)
					   errmsg("cannot change name of input parameter \"%s\"",
							 errhint("Use DROP FUNCTION first.")));

		 * If there are existing defaults, check compatibility: redefinition
		 * must not remove any defaults nor change their types.  (Removing a
		 * default might cause a function to fail to satisfy an existing call.
		 * Changing type would only be possible if the associated parameter is
		 * polymorphic, and in such cases a change of default type might alter
		 * the resolved output type of existing calls.)
		if (oldproc->pronargdefaults != 0)
			Datum		proargdefaults;
			List	   *oldDefaults;
			ListCell   *oldlc;
			ListCell   *newlc;

			if (list_length(parameterDefaults) < oldproc->pronargdefaults)
						 errmsg("cannot remove parameter defaults from existing function"),
						 errhint("Use DROP FUNCTION first.")));

			proargdefaults = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCNAMEARGSNSP, oldtup,
			oldDefaults = (List *) stringToNode(TextDatumGetCString(proargdefaults));
			Assert(IsA(oldDefaults, List));
			Assert(list_length(oldDefaults) == oldproc->pronargdefaults);

			/* new list can have more defaults than old, advance over 'em */
			newlc = list_head(parameterDefaults);
			for (i = list_length(parameterDefaults) - oldproc->pronargdefaults;
				 i > 0;
				newlc = lnext(newlc);

			foreach(oldlc, oldDefaults)
				Node	   *oldDef = (Node *) lfirst(oldlc);
				Node	   *newDef = (Node *) lfirst(newlc);

				if (exprType(oldDef) != exprType(newDef))
							 errmsg("cannot change data type of existing parameter default value"),
							 errhint("Use DROP FUNCTION first.")));
				newlc = lnext(newlc);
Example #13
 * Construct an inner tuple containing the given prefix and node array
spgFormInnerTuple(SpGistState *state, bool hasPrefix, Datum prefix,
				  int nNodes, SpGistNodeTuple *nodes)
	SpGistInnerTuple tup;
	unsigned int size;
	unsigned int prefixSize;
	int			i;
	char	   *ptr;

	/* Compute size needed */
	if (hasPrefix)
		prefixSize = SpGistGetTypeSize(&state->attPrefixType, prefix);
		prefixSize = 0;

	size = SGITHDRSZ + prefixSize;

	/* Note: we rely on node tuple sizes to be maxaligned already */
	for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
		size += IndexTupleSize(nodes[i]);

	 * Ensure that we can replace the tuple with a dead tuple later.  This
	 * test is unnecessary given current tuple layouts, but let's be safe.
	if (size < SGDTSIZE)
		size = SGDTSIZE;

	 * Inner tuple should be small enough to fit on a page
	if (size > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY - sizeof(ItemIdData))
				 errmsg("SP-GiST inner tuple size %zu exceeds maximum %zu",
						(Size) size,
						SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY - sizeof(ItemIdData)),
			errhint("Values larger than a buffer page cannot be indexed.")));

	 * Check for overflow of header fields --- probably can't fail if the
	 * above succeeded, but let's be paranoid
	if (size > SGITMAXSIZE ||
		elog(ERROR, "SPGiST inner tuple header field is too small");

	/* OK, form the tuple */
	tup = (SpGistInnerTuple) palloc0(size);

	tup->nNodes = nNodes;
	tup->prefixSize = prefixSize;
	tup->size = size;

	if (hasPrefix)
		memcpyDatum(SGITDATAPTR(tup), &state->attPrefixType, prefix);

	ptr = (char *) SGITNODEPTR(tup);

	for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++)
		SpGistNodeTuple node = nodes[i];

		memcpy(ptr, node, IndexTupleSize(node));
		ptr += IndexTupleSize(node);

	return tup;
Example #14
 * CreateAcessMethod
 *		Registers a new access method.
CreateAccessMethod(CreateAmStmt *stmt)
	Relation	rel;
	ObjectAddress myself;
	ObjectAddress referenced;
	Oid			amoid;
	Oid			amhandler;
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_am];
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_am];
	HeapTuple	tup;

	rel = heap_open(AccessMethodRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* Must be super user */
	if (!superuser())
				 errmsg("permission denied to create access method \"%s\"",
				 errhint("Must be superuser to create an access method.")));

	/* Check if name is used */
	amoid = GetSysCacheOid1(AMNAME, CStringGetDatum(stmt->amname));
	if (OidIsValid(amoid))
				 errmsg("access method \"%s\" already exists",

	 * Get the handler function oid, verifying the AM type while at it.
	amhandler = lookup_index_am_handler_func(stmt->handler_name, stmt->amtype);

	 * Insert tuple into pg_am.
	memset(values, 0, sizeof(values));
	memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls));

	values[Anum_pg_am_amname - 1] =
		DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(stmt->amname));
	values[Anum_pg_am_amhandler - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(amhandler);
	values[Anum_pg_am_amtype - 1] = CharGetDatum(stmt->amtype);

	tup = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(rel), values, nulls);

	amoid = simple_heap_insert(rel, tup);
	CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, tup);

	myself.classId = AccessMethodRelationId;
	myself.objectId = amoid;
	myself.objectSubId = 0;

	/* Record dependency on handler function */
	referenced.classId = ProcedureRelationId;
	referenced.objectId = amhandler;
	referenced.objectSubId = 0;

	recordDependencyOn(&myself, &referenced, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL);

	recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(&myself, false);

	heap_close(rel, RowExclusiveLock);

	return myself;
Example #15
File: regexp.c Project: GisKook/Gis
 * similar_escape()
 * Convert a SQL:2008 regexp pattern to POSIX style, so it can be used by
 * our regexp engine.
	text	   *pat_text;
	text	   *esc_text;
	text	   *result;
	char	   *p,
	int			plen,
	bool		afterescape = false;
	bool		incharclass = false;
	int			nquotes = 0;

	/* This function is not strict, so must test explicitly */
	pat_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
	p = VARDATA_ANY(pat_text);
	plen = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(pat_text);
		/* No ESCAPE clause provided; default to backslash as escape */
		e = "\\";
		elen = 1;
		esc_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
		e = VARDATA_ANY(esc_text);
		elen = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(esc_text);
		if (elen == 0)
			e = NULL;			/* no escape character */
		else if (elen != 1)
					 errmsg("invalid escape string"),
				  errhint("Escape string must be empty or one character.")));

	 * We surround the transformed input string with
	 *			^(?: ... )$
	 * which requires some explanation.  We need "^" and "$" to force
	 * the pattern to match the entire input string as per SQL99 spec.
	 * The "(?:" and ")" are a non-capturing set of parens; we have to have
	 * parens in case the string contains "|", else the "^" and "$" will
	 * be bound into the first and last alternatives which is not what we
	 * want, and the parens must be non capturing because we don't want them
	 * to count when selecting output for SUBSTRING.

	 * We need room for the prefix/postfix plus as many as 3 output bytes per
	 * input byte; since the input is at most 1GB this can't overflow
	result = (text *) palloc(VARHDRSZ + 6 + 3 * plen);
	r = VARDATA(result);

	*r++ = '^';
	*r++ = '(';
	*r++ = '?';
	*r++ = ':';

	while (plen > 0)
		char		pchar = *p;

		if (afterescape)
			if (pchar == '"' && !incharclass)	/* for SUBSTRING patterns */
				*r++ = ((nquotes++ % 2) == 0) ? '(' : ')';
				*r++ = '\\';
				*r++ = pchar;
			afterescape = false;
		else if (e && pchar == *e)
			/* SQL99 escape character; do not send to output */
			afterescape = true;
		else if (incharclass)
			if (pchar == '\\')
				*r++ = '\\';
			*r++ = pchar;
			if (pchar == ']')
				incharclass = false;
		else if (pchar == '[')
			*r++ = pchar;
			incharclass = true;
		else if (pchar == '%')
			*r++ = '.';
			*r++ = '*';
		else if (pchar == '_')
			*r++ = '.';
		else if (pchar == '(')
			/* convert to non-capturing parenthesis */
			*r++ = '(';
			*r++ = '?';
			*r++ = ':';
		else if (pchar == '\\' || pchar == '.' ||
				 pchar == '^' || pchar == '$')
			*r++ = '\\';
			*r++ = pchar;
			*r++ = pchar;
		p++, plen--;

	*r++ = ')';
	*r++ = '$';

	SET_VARSIZE(result, r - ((char *) result));

Example #16
 *	InternalIpcMemoryCreate(memKey, size)
 * Attempt to create a new shared memory segment with the specified key.
 * Will fail (return NULL) if such a segment already exists.  If successful,
 * attach the segment to the current process and return its attached address.
 * On success, callbacks are registered with on_shmem_exit to detach and
 * delete the segment when on_shmem_exit is called.
 * If we fail with a failure code other than collision-with-existing-segment,
 * print out an error and abort.  Other types of errors are not recoverable.
static void *
InternalIpcMemoryCreate(IpcMemoryKey memKey, Size size)
	IpcMemoryId shmid;
	void	   *memAddress;

	shmid = shmget(memKey, size, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | IPCProtection);

	if (shmid < 0)
		 * Fail quietly if error indicates a collision with existing segment.
		 * One would expect EEXIST, given that we said IPC_EXCL, but perhaps
		 * we could get a permission violation instead?  Also, EIDRM might
		 * occur if an old seg is slated for destruction but not gone yet.
		if (errno == EEXIST || errno == EACCES
#ifdef EIDRM
			|| errno == EIDRM
			return NULL;

		 * Some BSD-derived kernels are known to return EINVAL, not EEXIST, if
		 * there is an existing segment but it's smaller than "size" (this is
		 * a result of poorly-thought-out ordering of error tests). To
		 * distinguish between collision and invalid size in such cases, we
		 * make a second try with size = 0.  These kernels do not test size
		 * against SHMMIN in the preexisting-segment case, so we will not get
		 * EINVAL a second time if there is such a segment.
		if (errno == EINVAL)
			int			save_errno = errno;

			shmid = shmget(memKey, 0, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | IPCProtection);

			if (shmid < 0)
				/* As above, fail quietly if we verify a collision */
				if (errno == EEXIST || errno == EACCES
#ifdef EIDRM
					|| errno == EIDRM
					return NULL;
				/* Otherwise, fall through to report the original error */
				 * On most platforms we cannot get here because SHMMIN is
				 * greater than zero.  However, if we do succeed in creating a
				 * zero-size segment, free it and then fall through to report
				 * the original error.
				if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0)
					elog(LOG, "shmctl(%d, %d, 0) failed: %m",
						 (int) shmid, IPC_RMID);

			errno = save_errno;

		 * Else complain and abort.
		 * Note: at this point EINVAL should mean that either SHMMIN or SHMMAX
		 * is violated.  SHMALL violation might be reported as either ENOMEM
		 * (BSDen) or ENOSPC (Linux); the Single Unix Spec fails to say which
		 * it should be.  SHMMNI violation is ENOSPC, per spec.  Just plain
		 * not-enough-RAM is ENOMEM.
				(errmsg("could not create shared memory segment: %m"),
		  errdetail("Failed system call was shmget(key=%lu, size=%lu, 0%o).",
					(unsigned long) memKey, (unsigned long) size,
					IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | IPCProtection),
				 (errno == EINVAL) ?
				 errhint("This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory "
		  "segment exceeded your kernel's SHMMAX parameter, or possibly that "
						 "it is less than "
						 "your kernel's SHMMIN parameter.\n"
		"The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about shared "
						 "memory configuration.") : 0,
				 (errno == ENOMEM) ?
				 errhint("This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared "
				   "memory segment exceeded your kernel's SHMALL parameter.  You may need "
						 "to reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMALL.\n"
		"The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about shared "
						 "memory configuration.") : 0,
				 (errno == ENOSPC) ?
				 errhint("This error does *not* mean that you have run out of disk space.  "
						 "It occurs either if all available shared memory IDs have been taken, "
						 "in which case you need to raise the SHMMNI parameter in your kernel, "
		  "or because the system's overall limit for shared memory has been "
		"The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about shared "
						 "memory configuration.") : 0));

	/* Register on-exit routine to delete the new segment */
	on_shmem_exit(IpcMemoryDelete, Int32GetDatum(shmid));

	/* OK, should be able to attach to the segment */
	memAddress = shmat(shmid, NULL, PG_SHMAT_FLAGS);

	if (memAddress == (void *) -1)
		elog(FATAL, "shmat(id=%d) failed: %m", shmid);

	/* Register on-exit routine to detach new segment before deleting */
	on_shmem_exit(IpcMemoryDetach, PointerGetDatum(memAddress));

	 * Store shmem key and ID in data directory lockfile.  Format to try to
	 * keep it the same length always (trailing junk in the lockfile won't
	 * hurt, but might confuse humans).
		char		line[64];

		sprintf(line, "%9lu %9lu",
				(unsigned long) memKey, (unsigned long) shmid);
		AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_SHMEM_KEY, line);

	return memAddress;
Example #17
 * CheckMyDatabase -- fetch information from the pg_database entry for our DB
static void
CheckMyDatabase(const char *name, bool am_superuser)
	HeapTuple	tup;
	Form_pg_database dbform;
	char	   *collate;
	char	   *ctype;

	/* Fetch our pg_database row normally, via syscache */
	tup = SearchSysCache1(DATABASEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(MyDatabaseId));
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for database %u", MyDatabaseId);
	dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tup);

	/* This recheck is strictly paranoia */
	if (strcmp(name, NameStr(dbform->datname)) != 0)
				 errmsg("database \"%s\" has disappeared from pg_database",
				 errdetail("Database OID %u now seems to belong to \"%s\".",
						   MyDatabaseId, NameStr(dbform->datname))));

	 * Check permissions to connect to the database.
	 * These checks are not enforced when in standalone mode, so that there is
	 * a way to recover from disabling all access to all databases, for
	 * example "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = false;".
	 * We do not enforce them for autovacuum worker processes either.
	if (IsUnderPostmaster && !IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess())
		 * Check that the database is currently allowing connections.
		if (!dbform->datallowconn)
			 errmsg("database \"%s\" is not currently accepting connections",

		 * Check privilege to connect to the database.  (The am_superuser test
		 * is redundant, but since we have the flag, might as well check it
		 * and save a few cycles.)
		if (!am_superuser &&
			pg_database_aclcheck(MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(),
					 errmsg("permission denied for database \"%s\"", name),
					 errdetail("User does not have CONNECT privilege.")));

		 * Check connection limit for this database.
		 * There is a race condition here --- we create our PGPROC before
		 * checking for other PGPROCs.  If two backends did this at about the
		 * same time, they might both think they were over the limit, while
		 * ideally one should succeed and one fail.  Getting that to work
		 * exactly seems more trouble than it is worth, however; instead we
		 * just document that the connection limit is approximate.
		if (dbform->datconnlimit >= 0 &&
#ifdef XCP
			!am_superuser &&
			CountDBBackends(MyDatabaseId) > dbform->datconnlimit)
					 errmsg("too many connections for database \"%s\"",

	 * OK, we're golden.  Next to-do item is to save the encoding info out of
	 * the pg_database tuple.
	/* Record it as a GUC internal option, too */
	SetConfigOption("server_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),
	/* If we have no other source of client_encoding, use server encoding */
	SetConfigOption("client_encoding", GetDatabaseEncodingName(),

	/* assign locale variables */
	collate = NameStr(dbform->datcollate);
	ctype = NameStr(dbform->datctype);

	if (pg_perm_setlocale(LC_COLLATE, collate) == NULL)
			(errmsg("database locale is incompatible with operating system"),
			 errdetail("The database was initialized with LC_COLLATE \"%s\", "
					   " which is not recognized by setlocale().", collate),
			 errhint("Recreate the database with another locale or install the missing locale.")));

	if (pg_perm_setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ctype) == NULL)
			(errmsg("database locale is incompatible with operating system"),
			 errdetail("The database was initialized with LC_CTYPE \"%s\", "
					   " which is not recognized by setlocale().", ctype),
			 errhint("Recreate the database with another locale or install the missing locale.")));

	/* Make the locale settings visible as GUC variables, too */
	SetConfigOption("lc_collate", collate, PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);
	SetConfigOption("lc_ctype", ctype, PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_S_OVERRIDE);

Example #18
 * Starts background worker that will create new partitions,
 * waits till it finishes the job and returns the result (new partition oid)
create_partitions_bg_worker(Oid relid, Datum value, Oid value_type, bool *crashed)
	BackgroundWorker		worker;
	BackgroundWorkerHandle *worker_handle;
	BgwHandleStatus			status;
	dsm_segment	   *segment;
	dsm_handle		segment_handle;
	pid_t 			pid;
	PartitionArgs  *args;
	Oid 			child_oid;
	TypeCacheEntry *tce;

	/* Create a dsm segment for the worker to pass arguments */
	segment = dsm_create(sizeof(PartitionArgs), 0);
	segment_handle = dsm_segment_handle(segment);

	tce = lookup_type_cache(value_type, 0);

	/* Fill arguments structure */
	args = (PartitionArgs *) dsm_segment_address(segment);
	args->dbid = MyDatabaseId;
	args->relid = relid;
	if (tce->typbyval)
		args->value = value;
		memcpy(&args->value, DatumGetPointer(value), sizeof(args->value));
	args->by_val = tce->typbyval;
	args->value_type = value_type;
	args->result = 0;

	/* Initialize worker struct */
	worker.bgw_flags = BGWORKER_SHMEM_ACCESS |
	worker.bgw_start_time = BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished;
	worker.bgw_restart_time = BGW_NEVER_RESTART;
	worker.bgw_main = bg_worker_main;
	worker.bgw_main_arg = Int32GetDatum(segment_handle);
	worker.bgw_notify_pid = MyProcPid;

	/* Start dynamic worker */
	if (!RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker(&worker, &worker_handle))
		elog(WARNING, "Unable to create background worker for pg_pathman");

	status = WaitForBackgroundWorkerStartup(worker_handle, &pid);
	if (status == BGWH_POSTMASTER_DIED)
                (errmsg("Postmaster died during the pg_pathman background worker process"),
                 errhint("More details may be available in the server log.")));

	/* Wait till the worker finishes its job */
	status = WaitForBackgroundWorkerShutdown(worker_handle);
	if (status == BGWH_POSTMASTER_DIED)
                (errmsg("Postmaster died during the pg_pathman background worker process"),
                 errhint("More details may be available in the server log.")));
	*crashed = args->crashed;
	child_oid = args->result;

	/* Free dsm segment */

	return child_oid;
Example #19
 * Compose and dispatch the MPPEXEC commands corresponding to a plan tree
 * within a complete parallel plan.  (A plan tree will correspond either
 * to an initPlan or to the main plan.)
 * If cancelOnError is true, then any dispatching error, a cancellation
 * request from the client, or an error from any of the associated QEs,
 * may cause the unfinished portion of the plan to be abandoned or canceled;
 * and in the event this occurs before all gangs have been dispatched, this
 * function does not return, but waits for all QEs to stop and exits to
 * the caller's error catcher via ereport(ERROR,...).  Otherwise this
 * function returns normally and errors are not reported until later.
 * If cancelOnError is false, the plan is to be dispatched as fully as
 * possible and the QEs allowed to proceed regardless of cancellation
 * requests, errors or connection failures from other QEs, etc.
 * The CdbDispatchResults objects allocated for the plan are returned
 * in *pPrimaryResults.  The caller, after calling
 * CdbCheckDispatchResult(), can examine the CdbDispatchResults
 * objects, can keep them as long as needed, and ultimately must free
 * them with cdbdisp_destroyDispatcherState() prior to deallocation of
 * the caller's memory context.  Callers should use PG_TRY/PG_CATCH to
 * ensure proper cleanup.
 * To wait for completion, check for errors, and clean up, it is
 * suggested that the caller use cdbdisp_finishCommand().
 * Note that the slice tree dispatched is the one specified in the EState
 * of the argument QueryDesc as es_cur__slice.
 * Note that the QueryDesc params must include PARAM_EXEC_REMOTE parameters
 * containing the values of any initplans required by the slice to be run.
 * (This is handled by calls to addRemoteExecParamsToParamList() from the
 * functions preprocess_initplans() and ExecutorRun().)
 * Each QE receives its assignment as a message of type 'M' in PostgresMain().
 * The message is deserialized and processed by exec_mpp_query() in postgres.c.
cdbdisp_dispatchPlan(struct QueryDesc *queryDesc,
					 bool planRequiresTxn,
					 bool cancelOnError, struct CdbDispatcherState *ds)
	char *splan,

	int	splan_len,

	SliceTable *sliceTbl;
	int rootIdx;
	int oldLocalSlice;
	PlannedStmt *stmt;
	bool is_SRI;

	DispatchCommandQueryParms queryParms;
	CdbComponentDatabaseInfo *qdinfo;

	ds->primaryResults = NULL;
	ds->dispatchThreads = NULL;

	Assert(Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH);
	Assert(queryDesc != NULL && queryDesc->estate != NULL);

	 * Later we'll need to operate with the slice table provided via the
	 * EState structure in the argument QueryDesc.	Cache this information
	 * locally and assert our expectations about it.
	sliceTbl = queryDesc->estate->es_sliceTable;
	rootIdx = RootSliceIndex(queryDesc->estate);

	Assert(sliceTbl != NULL);
	Assert(rootIdx == 0 ||
		   (rootIdx > sliceTbl->nMotions
			&& rootIdx <= sliceTbl->nMotions + sliceTbl->nInitPlans));

	 * Keep old value so we can restore it.  We use this field as a parameter.
	oldLocalSlice = sliceTbl->localSlice;

	 * This function is called only for planned statements.
	stmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;

	 * Let's evaluate STABLE functions now, so we get consistent values on the QEs
	 * Also, if this is a single-row INSERT statement, let's evaluate
	 * nextval() and currval() now, so that we get the QD's values, and a
	 * consistent value for everyone
	is_SRI = false;

	if (queryDesc->operation == CMD_INSERT)
		Assert(stmt->commandType == CMD_INSERT);

		 * We might look for constant input relation (instead of SRI), but I'm afraid
		 * * that wouldn't scale.
		is_SRI = IsA(stmt->planTree, Result)
			&& stmt->planTree->lefttree == NULL;

	if (!is_SRI)

	if (queryDesc->operation == CMD_INSERT ||
		queryDesc->operation == CMD_SELECT ||
		queryDesc->operation == CMD_UPDATE ||
		queryDesc->operation == CMD_DELETE)

		MemoryContext oldContext;

		oldContext = CurrentMemoryContext;
		if (stmt->qdContext)
			oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(stmt->qdContext);
		 * memory context of plan tree should not change
			MemoryContext mc = GetMemoryChunkContext(stmt->planTree);

			oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(mc);

		stmt->planTree = (Plan *) exec_make_plan_constant(stmt, is_SRI);


	 * Cursor queries and bind/execute path queries don't run on the
	 * writer-gang QEs; but they require snapshot-synchronization to
	 * get started.
	 * initPlans, and other work (see the function pre-evaluation
	 * above) may advance the snapshot "segmateSync" value, so we're
	 * best off setting the shared-snapshot-ready value here. This
	 * will dispatch to the writer gang and force it to set its
	 * snapshot; we'll then be able to serialize the same snapshot
	 * version (see qdSerializeDtxContextInfo() below).
	if (queryDesc->extended_query)


	 * serialized plan tree. Note that we're called for a single
	 * slice tree (corresponding to an initPlan or the main plan), so the
	 * parameters are fixed and we can include them in the prefix.
	splan =
		serializeNode((Node *) queryDesc->plannedstmt, &splan_len,

	 * compute the total uncompressed size of the query plan for all slices
	int	num_slices =
		queryDesc->plannedstmt->planTree->nMotionNodes + 1;
	uint64 plan_size_in_kb =
		((uint64) splan_len_uncompressed * (uint64) num_slices) / (uint64) 1024;

	elog(((gp_log_gang >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) ? LOG : DEBUG1),
		 "Query plan size to dispatch: " UINT64_FORMAT "KB", plan_size_in_kb);

	if (0 < gp_max_plan_size && plan_size_in_kb > gp_max_plan_size)
				 (errmsg("Query plan size limit exceeded, current size: "
				   UINT64_FORMAT "KB, max allowed size: %dKB",
				   plan_size_in_kb, gp_max_plan_size),
				  errhint("Size controlled by gp_max_plan_size"))));

	Assert(splan != NULL && splan_len > 0 && splan_len_uncompressed > 0);

	if (queryDesc->params != NULL && queryDesc->params->numParams > 0)
		ParamListInfoData *pli;
		ParamExternData *pxd;
		StringInfoData parambuf;
		Size		length;
		int			plioff;
		int32		iparam;

		 * Allocate buffer for params

		 * Copy ParamListInfoData header and ParamExternData array
		pli = queryDesc->params;
		length = (char *) &pli->params[pli->numParams] - (char *) pli;
		plioff = parambuf.len;
		Assert(plioff == MAXALIGN(plioff));
		appendBinaryStringInfo(&parambuf, pli, length);

		 * Copy pass-by-reference param values.
		for (iparam = 0; iparam < queryDesc->params->numParams; iparam++)
			int16		typlen;
			bool		typbyval;

			 * Recompute pli each time in case parambuf.data is repalloc'ed 
			pli = (ParamListInfoData *) (parambuf.data + plioff);
			pxd = &pli->params[iparam];

			if (pxd->ptype == InvalidOid)

			 * Does pxd->value contain the value itself, or a pointer?
			get_typlenbyval(pxd->ptype, &typlen, &typbyval);
			if (!typbyval)
				char	   *s = DatumGetPointer(pxd->value);

				if (pxd->isnull || !PointerIsValid(s))
					pxd->isnull = true;
					pxd->value = 0;
					length = datumGetSize(pxd->value, typbyval, typlen);

					 * We *must* set this before we
					 * append. Appending may realloc, which will
					 * invalidate our pxd ptr. (obviously we could
					 * append first if we recalculate pxd from the new
					 * base address)
					pxd->value = Int32GetDatum(length);

					appendBinaryStringInfo(&parambuf, &iparam, sizeof(iparam));
					appendBinaryStringInfo(&parambuf, s, length);
		sparams = parambuf.data;
		sparams_len = parambuf.len;
		sparams = NULL;
		sparams_len = 0;

	ssliceinfo =
		serializeNode((Node *) sliceTbl, &ssliceinfo_len,
					  NULL /*uncompressed_size */ );

	MemSet(&queryParms, 0, sizeof(queryParms));
	queryParms.strCommand = queryDesc->sourceText;
	queryParms.serializedQuerytree = NULL;
	queryParms.serializedQuerytreelen = 0;
	queryParms.serializedPlantree = splan;
	queryParms.serializedPlantreelen = splan_len;
	queryParms.serializedParams = sparams;
	queryParms.serializedParamslen = sparams_len;
	queryParms.serializedSliceInfo = ssliceinfo;
	queryParms.serializedSliceInfolen = ssliceinfo_len;
	queryParms.rootIdx = rootIdx;

	 * sequence server info
	qdinfo = &(getComponentDatabases()->entry_db_info[0]);
	Assert(qdinfo != NULL && qdinfo->hostip != NULL);
	queryParms.seqServerHost = pstrdup(qdinfo->hostip);
	queryParms.seqServerHostlen = strlen(qdinfo->hostip) + 1;
	queryParms.seqServerPort = seqServerCtl->seqServerPort;

	queryParms.primary_gang_id = 0;		/* We are relying on the slice table to provide gang ids */

	 * serialized a version of our snapshot
	 * Generate our transction isolations.	We generally want Plan
	 * based dispatch to be in a global transaction. The executor gets
	 * to decide if the special circumstances exist which allow us to
	 * dispatch without starting a global xact.
	queryParms.serializedDtxContextInfo =
								  true /* wantSnapshot */ ,

	Assert(sliceTbl->slices != NIL);

	cdbdisp_dispatchX(&queryParms, cancelOnError, sliceTbl, ds);

	sliceTbl->localSlice = oldLocalSlice;
Example #20
 * lo_export -
 *	  exports an (inversion) large object.
	Oid			lobjId = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
	text	   *filename = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
	int			fd;
	int			nbytes,
	char		buf[BUFSIZE];
	char		fnamebuf[MAXPGPATH];
	LargeObjectDesc *lobj;
	mode_t		oumask;

	if (!superuser())
				 errmsg("must be superuser to use server-side lo_export()"),
				 errhint("Anyone can use the client-side lo_export() provided by libpq.")));


	 * open the inversion object (no need to test for failure)
	lobj = inv_open(lobjId, INV_READ, fscxt);

	 * open the file to be written to
	 * Note: we reduce backend's normal 077 umask to the slightly friendlier
	 * 022. This code used to drop it all the way to 0, but creating
	 * world-writable export files doesn't seem wise.
	text_to_cstring_buffer(filename, fnamebuf, sizeof(fnamebuf));
	oumask = umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
	fd = OpenTransientFile(fnamebuf, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | PG_BINARY,
						   S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
	if (fd < 0)
				 errmsg("could not create server file \"%s\": %m",

	 * read in from the inversion file and write to the filesystem
	while ((nbytes = inv_read(lobj, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0)
		tmp = write(fd, buf, nbytes);
		if (tmp != nbytes)
					 errmsg("could not write server file \"%s\": %m",


Example #21
 * Connect to remote server using specified server and user mapping properties.
static Jconn *
connect_jdbc_server(ForeignServer *server, UserMapping *user)
    Jconn     *volatile conn = NULL;

     * Use PG_TRY block to ensure closing connection on error.
        const char **keywords;
        const char **values;
        int         n;

         * Construct connection params from generic options of ForeignServer
         * and UserMapping.  (Some of them might not be libpq options, in
         * which case we'll just waste a few array slots.)  Add 3 extra slots
         * for fallback_application_name, client_encoding, end marker.
        n = list_length(server->options) + list_length(user->options) + 3;
        keywords = (const char **) palloc(n * sizeof(char *));
        values = (const char **) palloc(n * sizeof(char *));

        n = 0;
        n += ExtractConnectionOptions(server->options,
                                      keywords + n, values + n);
        n += ExtractConnectionOptions(user->options,
                                      keywords + n, values + n);

        /* Use "jdbc2_fdw" as fallback_application_name. */
        keywords[n] = "fallback_application_name";
        values[n] = "jdbc2_fdw";

        /* Set client_encoding so that libpq can convert encoding properly. */
        keywords[n] = "client_encoding";
        values[n] = GetDatabaseEncodingName();

        keywords[n] = values[n] = NULL;

        /* verify connection parameters and make connection */
        check_conn_params(keywords, values);

        conn = JQconnectdbParams(server, user, keywords, values);
        if (!conn || JQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
            char       *connmessage;
            int         msglen;

            /* libpq typically appends a newline, strip that */
            connmessage = pstrdup(JQerrorMessage(conn));
            msglen = strlen(connmessage);
            if (msglen > 0 && connmessage[msglen - 1] == '\n')
                connmessage[msglen - 1] = '\0';
                errmsg("could not connect to server \"%s\"",
                errdetail_internal("%s", connmessage)));

         * Check that non-superuser has used password to establish connection;
         * otherwise, he's piggybacking on the jdbc server's user
         * identity. See also dblink_security_check() in contrib/dblink.
        if (!superuser() && !JQconnectionUsedPassword(conn))
                   errmsg("password is required"),
                   errdetail("Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a password."),
                   errhint("Target server's authentication method must be changed.")));

        /* Release Jconn data structure if we managed to create one */
        if (conn)

    return conn;
Example #22
 * Workhouse routine for doing insertion into a GiST index. Note that
 * this routine assumes it is invoked in a short-lived memory context,
 * so it does not bother releasing palloc'd allocations.
gistdoinsert(Relation r, IndexTuple itup, Size freespace,
			 GISTSTATE *giststate, Relation heapRel)
	ItemId		iid;
	IndexTuple	idxtuple;
	GISTInsertStack firststack;
	GISTInsertStack *stack;
	GISTInsertState state;
	bool		xlocked = false;

	memset(&state, 0, sizeof(GISTInsertState));
	state.freespace = freespace;
	state.r = r;
	state.heapRel = heapRel;

	/* Start from the root */
	firststack.blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
	firststack.lsn = 0;
	firststack.parent = NULL;
	firststack.downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
	state.stack = stack = &firststack;

	 * Walk down along the path of smallest penalty, updating the parent
	 * pointers with the key we're inserting as we go. If we crash in the
	 * middle, the tree is consistent, although the possible parent updates
	 * were a waste.
	for (;;)
		if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(stack->lsn))
			stack->buffer = ReadBuffer(state.r, stack->blkno);

		 * Be optimistic and grab shared lock first. Swap it for an exclusive
		 * lock later if we need to update the page.
		if (!xlocked)
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_SHARE);
			gistcheckpage(state.r, stack->buffer);

		stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
		stack->lsn = xlocked ?
			PageGetLSN(stack->page) : BufferGetLSNAtomic(stack->buffer);
		Assert(!RelationNeedsWAL(state.r) || !XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(stack->lsn));

		 * If this page was split but the downlink was never inserted to the
		 * parent because the inserting backend crashed before doing that, fix
		 * that now.
		if (GistFollowRight(stack->page))
			if (!xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
				xlocked = true;
				/* someone might've completed the split when we unlocked */
				if (!GistFollowRight(stack->page))
			gistfixsplit(&state, giststate);

			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (stack->blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO &&
			stack->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(stack->page))
			 * Concurrent split detected. There's no guarantee that the
			 * downlink for this page is consistent with the tuple we're
			 * inserting anymore, so go back to parent and rechoose the best
			 * child.
			xlocked = false;
			state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

		if (!GistPageIsLeaf(stack->page))
			 * This is an internal page so continue to walk down the tree.
			 * Find the child node that has the minimum insertion penalty.
			BlockNumber childblkno;
			IndexTuple	newtup;
			GISTInsertStack *item;
			OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum;

			/* currently, internal pages are never deleted */

			downlinkoffnum = gistchoose(state.r, stack->page, itup, giststate);
			iid = PageGetItemId(stack->page, downlinkoffnum);
			idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(stack->page, iid);
			childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));

			 * Check that it's not a leftover invalid tuple from pre-9.1
			if (GistTupleIsInvalid(idxtuple))
						(errmsg("index \"%s\" contains an inner tuple marked as invalid",
						 errdetail("This is caused by an incomplete page split at crash recovery before upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.1."),
						 errhint("Please REINDEX it.")));

			 * Check that the key representing the target child node is
			 * consistent with the key we're inserting. Update it if it's not.
			newtup = gistgetadjusted(state.r, idxtuple, itup, giststate);
			if (newtup)
				 * Swap shared lock for an exclusive one. Beware, the page may
				 * change while we unlock/lock the page...
				if (!xlocked)
					LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
					LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
					xlocked = true;
					stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);

					if (PageGetLSN(stack->page) != stack->lsn)
						/* the page was changed while we unlocked it, retry */

				 * Update the tuple.
				 * We still hold the lock after gistinserttuple(), but it
				 * might have to split the page to make the updated tuple fit.
				 * In that case the updated tuple might migrate to the other
				 * half of the split, so we have to go back to the parent and
				 * descend back to the half that's a better fit for the new
				 * tuple.
				if (gistinserttuple(&state, stack, giststate, newtup,
					 * If this was a root split, the root page continues to be
					 * the parent and the updated tuple went to one of the
					 * child pages, so we just need to retry from the root
					 * page.
					if (stack->blkno != GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
						xlocked = false;
						state.stack = stack = stack->parent;
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
			xlocked = false;

			/* descend to the chosen child */
			item = (GISTInsertStack *) palloc0(sizeof(GISTInsertStack));
			item->blkno = childblkno;
			item->parent = stack;
			item->downlinkoffnum = downlinkoffnum;
			state.stack = stack = item;
			 * Leaf page. Insert the new key. We've already updated all the
			 * parents on the way down, but we might have to split the page if
			 * it doesn't fit. gistinserthere() will take care of that.

			 * Swap shared lock for an exclusive one. Be careful, the page may
			 * change while we unlock/lock the page...
			if (!xlocked)
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
				LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
				xlocked = true;
				stack->page = (Page) BufferGetPage(stack->buffer);
				stack->lsn = PageGetLSN(stack->page);

				if (stack->blkno == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
					 * the only page that can become inner instead of leaf is
					 * the root page, so for root we should recheck it
					if (!GistPageIsLeaf(stack->page))
						 * very rare situation: during unlock/lock index with
						 * number of pages = 1 was increased
						LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);
						xlocked = false;

					 * we don't need to check root split, because checking
					 * leaf/inner is enough to recognize split for root
				else if (GistFollowRight(stack->page) ||
						 stack->parent->lsn < GistPageGetNSN(stack->page))
					 * The page was split while we momentarily unlocked the
					 * page. Go back to parent.
					xlocked = false;
					state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

			 * The page might have been deleted after we scanned the parent
			 * and saw the downlink.
			if (GistPageIsDeleted(stack->page))
				xlocked = false;
				state.stack = stack = stack->parent;

			/* now state.stack->(page, buffer and blkno) points to leaf page */

			gistinserttuple(&state, stack, giststate, itup,
			LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIST_UNLOCK);

			/* Release any pins we might still hold before exiting */
			for (; stack; stack = stack->parent)
Example #23
 * Try to identify a timezone name (in our terminology) that best matches the
 * observed behavior of the system timezone library.  We cannot assume that
 * the system TZ environment setting (if indeed there is one) matches our
 * terminology, so we ignore it and just look at what localtime() returns.
static const char *
	static char resultbuf[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1];
	time_t		tnow;
	time_t		t;
	struct tztry tt;
	struct tm  *tm;
	int			thisyear;
	int			bestscore;
	char		tmptzdir[MAXPGPATH];
	int			std_ofs;
	char		std_zone_name[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1],
				dst_zone_name[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1];
	char		cbuf[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1];

	/* Initialize OS timezone library */

	 * Set up the list of dates to be probed to see how well our timezone
	 * matches the system zone.  We first probe January and July of the
	 * current year; this serves to quickly eliminate the vast majority of the
	 * TZ database entries.  If those dates match, we probe every week for 100
	 * years backwards from the current July.  (Weekly resolution is good
	 * enough to identify DST transition rules, since everybody switches on
	 * Sundays.)  This is sufficient to cover most of the Unix time_t range,
	 * and we don't want to look further than that since many systems won't
	 * have sane TZ behavior further back anyway.  The further back the zone
	 * matches, the better we score it.  This may seem like a rather random
	 * way of doing things, but experience has shown that system-supplied
	 * timezone definitions are likely to have DST behavior that is right for
	 * the recent past and not so accurate further back. Scoring in this way
	 * allows us to recognize zones that have some commonality with the zic
	 * database, without insisting on exact match. (Note: we probe Thursdays,
	 * not Sundays, to avoid triggering DST-transition bugs in localtime
	 * itself.)
	tnow = time(NULL);
	tm = localtime(&tnow);
	if (!tm)
		return NULL;			/* give up if localtime is broken... */
	thisyear = tm->tm_year + 1900;

	t = build_time_t(thisyear, 1, 15);

	 * Round back to GMT midnight Thursday.  This depends on the knowledge
	 * that the time_t origin is Thu Jan 01 1970.  (With a different origin
	 * we'd be probing some other day of the week, but it wouldn't matter
	 * anyway unless localtime() had DST-transition bugs.)
	t -= (t % T_WEEK);

	tt.n_test_times = 0;
	tt.test_times[tt.n_test_times++] = t;

	t = build_time_t(thisyear, 7, 15);
	t -= (t % T_WEEK);

	tt.test_times[tt.n_test_times++] = t;

	while (tt.n_test_times < MAX_TEST_TIMES)
		t -= T_WEEK;
		tt.test_times[tt.n_test_times++] = t;

	/* Search for the best-matching timezone file */
	strcpy(tmptzdir, pg_TZDIR());
	bestscore = -1;
	resultbuf[0] = '\0';
	scan_available_timezones(tmptzdir, tmptzdir + strlen(tmptzdir) + 1,
							 &bestscore, resultbuf);
	if (bestscore > 0)
		/* Ignore zic's rather silly "Factory" time zone; use GMT instead */
		if (strcmp(resultbuf, "Factory") == 0)
			return NULL;
		return resultbuf;

	 * Couldn't find a match in the database, so next we try constructed zone
	 * names (like "PST8PDT").
	 * First we need to determine the names of the local standard and daylight
	 * zones.  The idea here is to scan forward from today until we have seen
	 * both zones, if both are in use.
	memset(std_zone_name, 0, sizeof(std_zone_name));
	memset(dst_zone_name, 0, sizeof(dst_zone_name));
	std_ofs = 0;

	tnow = time(NULL);

	 * Round back to a GMT midnight so results don't depend on local time of
	 * day
	tnow -= (tnow % T_DAY);

	 * We have to look a little further ahead than one year, in case today is
	 * just past a DST boundary that falls earlier in the year than the next
	 * similar boundary.  Arbitrarily scan up to 14 months.
	for (t = tnow; t <= tnow + T_MONTH * 14; t += T_MONTH)
		tm = localtime(&t);
		if (!tm)
		if (tm->tm_isdst < 0)
		if (tm->tm_isdst == 0 && std_zone_name[0] == '\0')
			/* found STD zone */
			memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));
			strftime(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf) - 1, "%Z", tm); /* zone abbr */
			strcpy(std_zone_name, cbuf);
			std_ofs = get_timezone_offset(tm);
		if (tm->tm_isdst > 0 && dst_zone_name[0] == '\0')
			/* found DST zone */
			memset(cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf));
			strftime(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf) - 1, "%Z", tm); /* zone abbr */
			strcpy(dst_zone_name, cbuf);
		/* Done if found both */
		if (std_zone_name[0] && dst_zone_name[0])

	/* We should have found a STD zone name by now... */
	if (std_zone_name[0] == '\0')
				(errmsg("could not determine system time zone"),
				 errdetail("The PostgreSQL time zone will be set to \"%s\".",
		errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
		return NULL;			/* go to GMT */

	/* If we found DST then try STD<ofs>DST */
	if (dst_zone_name[0] != '\0')
		snprintf(resultbuf, sizeof(resultbuf), "%s%d%s",
				 std_zone_name, -std_ofs / 3600, dst_zone_name);
		if (score_timezone(resultbuf, &tt) > 0)
			return resultbuf;

	/* Try just the STD timezone (works for GMT at least) */
	strcpy(resultbuf, std_zone_name);
	if (score_timezone(resultbuf, &tt) > 0)
		return resultbuf;

	/* Try STD<ofs> */
	snprintf(resultbuf, sizeof(resultbuf), "%s%d",
			 std_zone_name, -std_ofs / 3600);
	if (score_timezone(resultbuf, &tt) > 0)
		return resultbuf;

	 * Did not find the timezone.  Fallback to use a GMT zone.	Note that the
	 * zic timezone database names the GMT-offset zones in POSIX style: plus
	 * is west of Greenwich.  It's unfortunate that this is opposite of SQL
	 * conventions.  Should we therefore change the names? Probably not...
	snprintf(resultbuf, sizeof(resultbuf), "Etc/GMT%s%d",
			 (-std_ofs > 0) ? "+" : "", -std_ofs / 3600);

			(errmsg("could not recognize system time zone"),
			 errdetail("The PostgreSQL time zone will be set to \"%s\".",
	   errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
	return resultbuf;
Example #24
 * Load a single slot from disk into memory.
static void
RestoreSlotFromDisk(const char *name)
	ReplicationSlotOnDisk cp;
	int			i;
	char		slotdir[MAXPGPATH + 12];
	char		path[MAXPGPATH + 22];
	int			fd;
	bool		restored = false;
	int			readBytes;
	pg_crc32c	checksum;

	/* no need to lock here, no concurrent access allowed yet */

	/* delete temp file if it exists */
	sprintf(slotdir, "pg_replslot/%s", name);
	sprintf(path, "%s/state.tmp", slotdir);
	if (unlink(path) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
				 errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m", path)));

	sprintf(path, "%s/state", slotdir);

	elog(DEBUG1, "restoring replication slot from \"%s\"", path);

	fd = OpenTransientFile(path, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY);

	 * We do not need to handle this as we are rename()ing the directory into
	 * place only after we fsync()ed the state file.
	if (fd < 0)
				 errmsg("could not open file \"%s\": %m", path)));

	 * Sync state file before we're reading from it. We might have crashed
	 * while it wasn't synced yet and we shouldn't continue on that basis.
	if (pg_fsync(fd) != 0)
				 errmsg("could not fsync file \"%s\": %m",

	/* Also sync the parent directory */
	fsync_fname(slotdir, true);

	/* read part of statefile that's guaranteed to be version independent */
	readBytes = read(fd, &cp, ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize);
	if (readBytes != ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize)
		if (readBytes < 0)
					 errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": %m", path)));
					 errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": read %d of %zu",
							path, readBytes,
							(Size) ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize)));

	/* verify magic */
	if (cp.magic != SLOT_MAGIC)
				 errmsg("replication slot file \"%s\" has wrong magic number: %u instead of %u",
						path, cp.magic, SLOT_MAGIC)));

	/* verify version */
	if (cp.version != SLOT_VERSION)
				 errmsg("replication slot file \"%s\" has unsupported version %u",
						path, cp.version)));

	/* boundary check on length */
	if (cp.length != ReplicationSlotOnDiskV2Size)
				 errmsg("replication slot file \"%s\" has corrupted length %u",
						path, cp.length)));

	/* Now that we know the size, read the entire file */
	readBytes = read(fd,
					 (char *) &cp + ReplicationSlotOnDiskConstantSize,
	if (readBytes != cp.length)
		if (readBytes < 0)
					 errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": %m", path)));
					 errmsg("could not read file \"%s\": read %d of %zu",
							path, readBytes, (Size) cp.length)));

	if (CloseTransientFile(fd))
				 errmsg("could not close file \"%s\": %m", path)));

	/* now verify the CRC */
				(char *) &cp + SnapBuildOnDiskNotChecksummedSize,

	if (!EQ_CRC32C(checksum, cp.checksum))
				(errmsg("checksum mismatch for replication slot file \"%s\": is %u, should be %u",
						path, checksum, cp.checksum)));

	 * If we crashed with an ephemeral slot active, don't restore but delete
	 * it.
	if (cp.slotdata.persistency != RS_PERSISTENT)
		if (!rmtree(slotdir, true))
					(errmsg("could not remove directory \"%s\"",
		fsync_fname("pg_replslot", true);

	 * Verify that requirements for the specific slot type are met. That's
	 * important because if these aren't met we're not guaranteed to retain
	 * all the necessary resources for the slot.
	 * NB: We have to do so *after* the above checks for ephemeral slots,
	 * because otherwise a slot that shouldn't exist anymore could prevent
	 * restarts.
	 * NB: Changing the requirements here also requires adapting
	 * CheckSlotRequirements() and CheckLogicalDecodingRequirements().
	if (cp.slotdata.database != InvalidOid && wal_level < WAL_LEVEL_LOGICAL)
				 errmsg("logical replication slot \"%s\" exists, but wal_level < logical",
				 errhint("Change wal_level to be logical or higher.")));
	else if (wal_level < WAL_LEVEL_REPLICA)
				 errmsg("physical replication slot \"%s\" exists, but wal_level < replica",
				 errhint("Change wal_level to be replica or higher.")));

	/* nothing can be active yet, don't lock anything */
	for (i = 0; i < max_replication_slots; i++)
		ReplicationSlot *slot;

		slot = &ReplicationSlotCtl->replication_slots[i];

		if (slot->in_use)

		/* restore the entire set of persistent data */
		memcpy(&slot->data, &cp.slotdata,

		/* initialize in memory state */
		slot->effective_xmin = cp.slotdata.xmin;
		slot->effective_catalog_xmin = cp.slotdata.catalog_xmin;

		slot->candidate_catalog_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
		slot->candidate_xmin_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
		slot->candidate_restart_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
		slot->candidate_restart_valid = InvalidXLogRecPtr;

		slot->in_use = true;
		slot->active_pid = 0;

		restored = true;

	if (!restored)
				(errmsg("too many replication slots active before shutdown"),
				 errhint("Increase max_replication_slots and try again.")));
Example #25
File: file.c Project: 50wu/gpdb
 * FUNCTION UTL_FILE.FOPEN(location text,
 *			   filename text,
 *			   open_mode text,
 *			   max_linesize integer)
 * The FOPEN function opens specified file and returns file handle.
 *  open_mode: ['R', 'W', 'A']
 *  max_linesize: [1 .. 32767]
 * Exceptions:
	text	   *open_mode;
	int			max_linesize;
	int			encoding;
	const char *mode = NULL;
	FILE	   *file;
	char	   *fullname;
	int			d;


	open_mode = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);


	max_linesize = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);

	if (PG_NARGS() > 4 && !PG_ARGISNULL(4))
		const char *encname = NameStr(*PG_GETARG_NAME(4));
		encoding = pg_char_to_encoding(encname);
		if (encoding < 0)
				 errmsg("invalid encoding name \"%s\"", encname)));
		encoding = GetDatabaseEncoding();

	if (VARSIZE(open_mode) - VARHDRSZ != 1)
		CUSTOM_EXCEPTION(INVALID_MODE, "open mode is different than [R,W,A]");

	switch (*((char*)VARDATA(open_mode)))
		case 'a':
		case 'A':
			mode = "a";

		case 'r':
		case 'R':
			mode = "r";

		case 'w':
		case 'W':
			mode = "w";

			CUSTOM_EXCEPTION(INVALID_MODE, "open mode is different than [R,W,A]");

	/* open file */
	fullname = get_safe_path(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0), PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));

	 * We cannot use AllocateFile here because those files are automatically
	 * closed at the end of (sub)transactions, but we want to keep them open
	 * for oracle compatibility.
	fullname = convert_encoding_server_to_platform(fullname);
	file = fopen(fullname, mode);
	if (!file)

	d = get_descriptor(file, max_linesize, encoding);
		     errmsg("program limit exceeded"),
		     errdetail("Too much concurent opened files"),
		     errhint("You can only open a maximum of ten files for each session")));

Example #26
 * Create a new replication slot and mark it as used by this backend.
 * name: Name of the slot
 * db_specific: logical decoding is db specific; if the slot is going to
 *	   be used for that pass true, otherwise false.
ReplicationSlotCreate(const char *name, bool db_specific,
					  ReplicationSlotPersistency persistency)
	ReplicationSlot *slot = NULL;
	int			i;

	Assert(MyReplicationSlot == NULL);

	ReplicationSlotValidateName(name, ERROR);

	 * If some other backend ran this code concurrently with us, we'd likely
	 * both allocate the same slot, and that would be bad.  We'd also be at
	 * risk of missing a name collision.  Also, we don't want to try to create
	 * a new slot while somebody's busy cleaning up an old one, because we
	 * might both be monkeying with the same directory.
	LWLockAcquire(ReplicationSlotAllocationLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	 * Check for name collision, and identify an allocatable slot.  We need to
	 * hold ReplicationSlotControlLock in shared mode for this, so that nobody
	 * else can change the in_use flags while we're looking at them.
	LWLockAcquire(ReplicationSlotControlLock, LW_SHARED);
	for (i = 0; i < max_replication_slots; i++)
		ReplicationSlot *s = &ReplicationSlotCtl->replication_slots[i];

		if (s->in_use && strcmp(name, NameStr(s->data.name)) == 0)
					 errmsg("replication slot \"%s\" already exists", name)));
		if (!s->in_use && slot == NULL)
			slot = s;

	/* If all slots are in use, we're out of luck. */
	if (slot == NULL)
				 errmsg("all replication slots are in use"),
				 errhint("Free one or increase max_replication_slots.")));

	 * Since this slot is not in use, nobody should be looking at any part of
	 * it other than the in_use field unless they're trying to allocate it.
	 * And since we hold ReplicationSlotAllocationLock, nobody except us can
	 * be doing that.  So it's safe to initialize the slot.
	Assert(slot->active_pid == 0);

	/* first initialize persistent data */
	memset(&slot->data, 0, sizeof(ReplicationSlotPersistentData));
	StrNCpy(NameStr(slot->data.name), name, NAMEDATALEN);
	slot->data.database = db_specific ? MyDatabaseId : InvalidOid;
	slot->data.persistency = persistency;

	/* and then data only present in shared memory */
	slot->just_dirtied = false;
	slot->dirty = false;
	slot->effective_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
	slot->effective_catalog_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
	slot->candidate_catalog_xmin = InvalidTransactionId;
	slot->candidate_xmin_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
	slot->candidate_restart_valid = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
	slot->candidate_restart_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;

	 * Create the slot on disk.  We haven't actually marked the slot allocated
	 * yet, so no special cleanup is required if this errors out.

	 * We need to briefly prevent any other backend from iterating over the
	 * slots while we flip the in_use flag. We also need to set the active
	 * flag while holding the ControlLock as otherwise a concurrent
	 * SlotAcquire() could acquire the slot as well.
	LWLockAcquire(ReplicationSlotControlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	slot->in_use = true;

	/* We can now mark the slot active, and that makes it our slot. */
	Assert(slot->active_pid == 0);
	slot->active_pid = MyProcPid;
	MyReplicationSlot = slot;


	 * Now that the slot has been marked as in_use and active, it's safe to
	 * let somebody else try to allocate a slot.

	/* Let everybody know we've modified this slot */
Example #27
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
	int32		not_in_arg = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);
	text	   *relation_and_attr = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
	List	   *names;
	int			nnames;
	RangeVar   *relrv;
	char	   *attribute;
	Relation	relation_to_scan;
	int32		integer_value;
	HeapTuple	current_tuple;
	HeapScanDesc scan_descriptor;
	bool		isNull,
	int			attrid;
	Datum		value;

	/* Parse the argument */

	names = textToQualifiedNameList(relation_and_attr);
	nnames = list_length(names);
	if (nnames < 2)
				 errmsg("invalid name syntax"),
				 errhint("Must provide \"relationname.columnname\".")));
	attribute = strVal(llast(names));
	names = list_truncate(names, nnames - 1);
	relrv = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names);

	/* Open the relation and get a relation descriptor */
	relation_to_scan = heap_openrv(relrv, AccessShareLock);

	/* Find the column to search */
	attrid = attnameAttNum(relation_to_scan, attribute, true);
	if (attrid == InvalidAttrNumber)
				 errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist",

	scan_descriptor = heap_beginscan(relation_to_scan, SnapshotNow,
									 0, (ScanKey) NULL);

	retval = true;

	/* do a scan of the relation, and do the check */
	while ((current_tuple = heap_getnext(scan_descriptor, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
		value = heap_getattr(current_tuple,
							 (AttrNumber) attrid,
		if (isNull)
		integer_value = DatumGetInt32(value);
		if (not_in_arg == integer_value)
			retval = false;
			break;				/* can stop scanning now */

	/* close the relation */
	heap_close(relation_to_scan, AccessShareLock);

 * master_create_worker_shards creates empty shards for the given table based
 * on the specified number of initial shards. The function first gets a list of
 * candidate nodes and issues DDL commands on the nodes to create empty shard
 * placements on those nodes. The function then updates metadata on the master
 * node to make this shard (and its placements) visible. Note that the function
 * assumes the table is hash partitioned and calculates the min/max hash token
 * ranges for each shard, giving them an equal split of the hash space.
	text *tableNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
	int32 shardCount = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
	int32 replicationFactor = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);

	Oid distributedTableId = ResolveRelationId(tableNameText);
	char relationKind = get_rel_relkind(distributedTableId);
	char *tableName = text_to_cstring(tableNameText);
	char *relationOwner = NULL;
	char shardStorageType = '\0';
	List *workerNodeList = NIL;
	List *ddlCommandList = NIL;
	int32 workerNodeCount = 0;
	uint32 placementAttemptCount = 0;
	uint64 hashTokenIncrement = 0;
	List *existingShardList = NIL;
	int64 shardIndex = 0;

	/* make sure table is hash partitioned */

	 * In contrast to append/range partitioned tables it makes more sense to
	 * require ownership privileges - shards for hash-partitioned tables are
	 * only created once, not continually during ingest as for the other
	 * partitioning types.

	/* we plan to add shards: get an exclusive metadata lock */
	LockRelationDistributionMetadata(distributedTableId, ExclusiveLock);

	relationOwner = TableOwner(distributedTableId);

	/* validate that shards haven't already been created for this table */
	existingShardList = LoadShardList(distributedTableId);
	if (existingShardList != NIL)
						errmsg("table \"%s\" has already had shards created for it",

	/* make sure that at least one shard is specified */
	if (shardCount <= 0)
						errmsg("shard_count must be positive")));

	/* make sure that at least one replica is specified */
	if (replicationFactor <= 0)
						errmsg("replication_factor must be positive")));

	/* calculate the split of the hash space */
	hashTokenIncrement = HASH_TOKEN_COUNT / shardCount;

	/* load and sort the worker node list for deterministic placement */
	workerNodeList = WorkerNodeList();
	workerNodeList = SortList(workerNodeList, CompareWorkerNodes);

	/* make sure we don't process cancel signals until all shards are created */

	/* retrieve the DDL commands for the table */
	ddlCommandList = GetTableDDLEvents(distributedTableId);

	workerNodeCount = list_length(workerNodeList);
	if (replicationFactor > workerNodeCount)
						errmsg("replication_factor (%d) exceeds number of worker nodes "
							   "(%d)", replicationFactor, workerNodeCount),
						errhint("Add more worker nodes or try again with a lower "
								"replication factor.")));

	/* if we have enough nodes, add an extra placement attempt for backup */
	placementAttemptCount = (uint32) replicationFactor;
	if (workerNodeCount > replicationFactor)

	/* set shard storage type according to relation type */
	if (relationKind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
		bool cstoreTable = CStoreTable(distributedTableId);
		if (cstoreTable)
			shardStorageType = SHARD_STORAGE_COLUMNAR;
			shardStorageType = SHARD_STORAGE_FOREIGN;
		shardStorageType = SHARD_STORAGE_TABLE;

	for (shardIndex = 0; shardIndex < shardCount; shardIndex++)
		uint32 roundRobinNodeIndex = shardIndex % workerNodeCount;

		/* initialize the hash token space for this shard */
		text *minHashTokenText = NULL;
		text *maxHashTokenText = NULL;
		int32 shardMinHashToken = INT32_MIN + (shardIndex * hashTokenIncrement);
		int32 shardMaxHashToken = shardMinHashToken + (hashTokenIncrement - 1);
		Datum shardIdDatum = master_get_new_shardid(NULL);
		int64 shardId = DatumGetInt64(shardIdDatum);

		/* if we are at the last shard, make sure the max token value is INT_MAX */
		if (shardIndex == (shardCount - 1))
			shardMaxHashToken = INT32_MAX;

		/* insert the shard metadata row along with its min/max values */
		minHashTokenText = IntegerToText(shardMinHashToken);
		maxHashTokenText = IntegerToText(shardMaxHashToken);

		 * Grabbing the shard metadata lock isn't technically necessary since
		 * we already hold an exclusive lock on the partition table, but we'll
		 * acquire it for the sake of completeness. As we're adding new active
		 * placements, the mode must be exclusive.
		LockShardDistributionMetadata(shardId, ExclusiveLock);

		CreateShardPlacements(shardId, ddlCommandList, relationOwner, workerNodeList,
							  roundRobinNodeIndex, replicationFactor);

		InsertShardRow(distributedTableId, shardId, shardStorageType,
					   minHashTokenText, maxHashTokenText);

	if (QueryCancelPending)
		ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("cancel requests are ignored during shard creation")));
		QueryCancelPending = false;


Example #29
 * Create a table space
 * Only superusers can create a tablespace. This seems a reasonable restriction
 * since we're determining the system layout and, anyway, we probably have
 * root if we're doing this kind of activity
CreateTableSpace(CreateTableSpaceStmt *stmt)
	Relation	rel;
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_tablespace];
	char		nulls[Natts_pg_tablespace];
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	Oid			tablespaceoid;
	char	   *location;
	char	   *linkloc;
	Oid			ownerId;

	/* validate */

	/* don't call this in a transaction block */
	PreventTransactionChain((void *) stmt, "CREATE TABLESPACE");

	/* Must be super user */
	if (!superuser())
				 errmsg("permission denied to create tablespace \"%s\"",
				 errhint("Must be superuser to create a tablespace.")));

	/* However, the eventual owner of the tablespace need not be */
	if (stmt->owner)
		ownerId = get_roleid_checked(stmt->owner);
		ownerId = GetUserId();

	/* Unix-ify the offered path, and strip any trailing slashes */
	location = pstrdup(stmt->location);

	/* disallow quotes, else CREATE DATABASE would be at risk */
	if (strchr(location, '\''))
			   errmsg("tablespace location may not contain single quotes")));

	 * Allowing relative paths seems risky
	 * this also helps us ensure that location is not empty or whitespace
	if (!is_absolute_path(location))
				 errmsg("tablespace location must be an absolute path")));

	 * Check that location isn't too long. Remember that we're going to append
	 * '/<dboid>/<relid>.<nnn>'  (XXX but do we ever form the whole path
	 * explicitly?	This may be overly conservative.)
	if (strlen(location) >= (MAXPGPATH - 1 - 10 - 1 - 10 - 1 - 10))
				 errmsg("tablespace location \"%s\" is too long",

	 * Disallow creation of tablespaces named "pg_xxx"; we reserve this
	 * namespace for system purposes.
	if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsReservedName(stmt->tablespacename))
				 errmsg("unacceptable tablespace name \"%s\"",
		errdetail("The prefix \"pg_\" is reserved for system tablespaces.")));

	 * Check that there is no other tablespace by this name.  (The unique
	 * index would catch this anyway, but might as well give a friendlier
	 * message.)
	if (OidIsValid(get_tablespace_oid(stmt->tablespacename)))
				 errmsg("tablespace \"%s\" already exists",

	 * Insert tuple into pg_tablespace.  The purpose of doing this first is to
	 * lock the proposed tablename against other would-be creators. The
	 * insertion will roll back if we find problems below.
	rel = heap_open(TableSpaceRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	MemSet(nulls, ' ', Natts_pg_tablespace);

	values[Anum_pg_tablespace_spcname - 1] =
		DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(stmt->tablespacename));
	values[Anum_pg_tablespace_spcowner - 1] =
	values[Anum_pg_tablespace_spclocation - 1] =
		DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(location));
	nulls[Anum_pg_tablespace_spcacl - 1] = 'n';

	tuple = heap_formtuple(rel->rd_att, values, nulls);

	tablespaceoid = simple_heap_insert(rel, tuple);

	CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, tuple);


	/* Record dependency on owner */
	recordDependencyOnOwner(TableSpaceRelationId, tablespaceoid, ownerId);

	 * Attempt to coerce target directory to safe permissions.	If this fails,
	 * it doesn't exist or has the wrong owner.
	if (chmod(location, 0700) != 0)
				 errmsg("could not set permissions on directory \"%s\": %m",

	 * Check the target directory is empty.
	if (!directory_is_empty(location))
				 errmsg("directory \"%s\" is not empty",

	 * Create the PG_VERSION file in the target directory.	This has several
	 * purposes: to make sure we can write in the directory, to prevent
	 * someone from creating another tablespace pointing at the same directory
	 * (the emptiness check above will fail), and to label tablespace
	 * directories by PG version.

	 * All seems well, create the symlink
	linkloc = (char *) palloc(10 + 10 + 1);
	sprintf(linkloc, "pg_tblspc/%u", tablespaceoid);

	if (symlink(location, linkloc) < 0)
				 errmsg("could not create symbolic link \"%s\": %m",

	/* Record the filesystem change in XLOG */
		xl_tblspc_create_rec xlrec;
		XLogRecData rdata[2];

		xlrec.ts_id = tablespaceoid;
		rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
		rdata[0].len = offsetof(xl_tblspc_create_rec, ts_path);
		rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
		rdata[0].next = &(rdata[1]);

		rdata[1].data = (char *) location;
		rdata[1].len = strlen(location) + 1;
		rdata[1].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
		rdata[1].next = NULL;

		(void) XLogInsert(RM_TBLSPC_ID, XLOG_TBLSPC_CREATE, rdata);


	/* We keep the lock on pg_tablespace until commit */
	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
#else							/* !HAVE_SYMLINK */
			 errmsg("tablespaces are not supported on this platform")));
#endif   /* HAVE_SYMLINK */
Example #30
 * RequestCheckpoint
 *		Called in backend processes to request a checkpoint
 * flags is a bitwise OR of the following:
 *	CHECKPOINT_IS_SHUTDOWN: checkpoint is for database shutdown.
 *	CHECKPOINT_END_OF_RECOVERY: checkpoint is for end of WAL recovery.
 *	CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE: finish the checkpoint ASAP,
 *		ignoring checkpoint_completion_target parameter.
 *	CHECKPOINT_FORCE: force a checkpoint even if no XLOG activity has occurred
 *		since the last one (implied by CHECKPOINT_IS_SHUTDOWN or
 *	CHECKPOINT_WAIT: wait for completion before returning (otherwise,
 *		just signal checkpointer to do it, and return).
 *	CHECKPOINT_CAUSE_XLOG: checkpoint is requested due to xlog filling.
 *		(This affects logging, and in particular enables CheckPointWarning.)
RequestCheckpoint(int flags)
	int			ntries;
	int			old_failed,

	 * If in a standalone backend, just do it ourselves.
	if (!IsPostmasterEnvironment)
		 * There's no point in doing slow checkpoints in a standalone backend,
		 * because there's no other backends the checkpoint could disrupt.
		CreateCheckPoint(flags | CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE);

		 * After any checkpoint, close all smgr files.  This is so we won't
		 * hang onto smgr references to deleted files indefinitely.


	 * Atomically set the request flags, and take a snapshot of the counters.
	 * When we see ckpt_started > old_started, we know the flags we set here
	 * have been seen by checkpointer.
	 * Note that we OR the flags with any existing flags, to avoid overriding
	 * a "stronger" request by another backend.  The flag senses must be
	 * chosen to make this work!

	old_failed = CheckpointerShmem->ckpt_failed;
	old_started = CheckpointerShmem->ckpt_started;
	CheckpointerShmem->ckpt_flags |= flags;


	 * Send signal to request checkpoint.  It's possible that the checkpointer
	 * hasn't started yet, or is in process of restarting, so we will retry a
	 * few times if needed.  Also, if not told to wait for the checkpoint to
	 * occur, we consider failure to send the signal to be nonfatal and merely
	 * LOG it.
	for (ntries = 0;; ntries++)
		if (CheckpointerShmem->checkpointer_pid == 0)
			if (ntries >= 20)	/* max wait 2.0 sec */
				elog((flags & CHECKPOINT_WAIT) ? ERROR : LOG,
					 "could not request checkpoint because checkpointer not running");
		else if (kill(CheckpointerShmem->checkpointer_pid, SIGINT) != 0)
			if (ntries >= 20)	/* max wait 2.0 sec */
				elog((flags & CHECKPOINT_WAIT) ? ERROR : LOG,
					 "could not signal for checkpoint: %m");
			break;				/* signal sent successfully */

		pg_usleep(100000L);		/* wait 0.1 sec, then retry */

	 * If requested, wait for completion.  We detect completion according to
	 * the algorithm given above.
	if (flags & CHECKPOINT_WAIT)
		int			new_started,

		/* Wait for a new checkpoint to start. */
		for (;;)
			new_started = CheckpointerShmem->ckpt_started;

			if (new_started != old_started)


		 * We are waiting for ckpt_done >= new_started, in a modulo sense.
		for (;;)
			int			new_done;

			new_done = CheckpointerShmem->ckpt_done;
			new_failed = CheckpointerShmem->ckpt_failed;

			if (new_done - new_started >= 0)


		if (new_failed != old_failed)
					(errmsg("checkpoint request failed"),
					 errhint("Consult recent messages in the server log for details.")));