inline void BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::init(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                                 Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
                                                 int number_of_cells,
                                                 const int* global_cell,
                                                 const int* cart_dims,
                                                 const CentroidIterator& begin_cell_centroids,
                                                 int dimension,
                                                 bool init_rock)
        // retrieve the cell specific PVT table index from the deck
        // and using the grid...
        extractPvtTableIndex(cellPvtRegionIdx_, deck, number_of_cells, global_cell);

        if (init_rock){
           rock_.init(eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cart_dims);
        pvt_.init(deck, /*numSamples=*/0);
        SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncSimpleNonuniform>* ptr
            = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncSimpleNonuniform>();
        ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids, dimension,

        if (pvt_.numPhases() != satprops_->numPhases()) {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck() - Inconsistent number of phases in pvt data ("
                  << pvt_.numPhases() << ") and saturation-dependent function data (" << satprops_->numPhases() << ").");
    inline void BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::init(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                                 Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
                                                 std::shared_ptr<MaterialLawManager> materialLawManager,
                                                 int number_of_cells,
                                                 const int* global_cell,
                                                 const int* cart_dims,
                                                 bool init_rock)
        // retrieve the cell specific PVT table index from the deck
        // and using the grid...
        extractPvtTableIndex(cellPvtRegionIdx_, eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell);

        if (init_rock){
           rock_.init(eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cart_dims);
        pvt_.init(deck, eclState, /*numSamples=*/0);
        SaturationPropsFromDeck* ptr
            = new SaturationPropsFromDeck();
        ptr->init(phaseUsageFromDeck(deck), materialLawManager);

        if (pvt_.numPhases() != satprops_->numPhases()) {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck() - Inconsistent number of phases in pvt data ("
                  << pvt_.numPhases() << ") and saturation-dependent function data (" << satprops_->numPhases() << ").");
    inline void BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::init(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                                 Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
                                                 std::shared_ptr<MaterialLawManager> materialLawManager,
                                                 int number_of_cells,
                                                 const int* global_cell,
                                                 const int* cart_dims,
                                                 const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
                                                 bool init_rock)
        // retrieve the cell specific PVT table index from the deck
        // and using the grid...
        extractPvtTableIndex(cellPvtRegionIdx_, eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell);

            rock_.init(eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cart_dims);

        const int pvt_samples = param.getDefault("pvt_tab_size", -1);
        pvt_.init(deck, eclState, pvt_samples);

        // Unfortunate lack of pointer smartness here...
        std::string threephase_model = param.getDefault<std::string>("threephase_model", "gwseg");
        if (deck->hasKeyword("ENDSCALE") && threephase_model != "gwseg") {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Sorry, end point scaling currently available for the 'gwseg' model only.");

        SaturationPropsFromDeck* ptr
            = new SaturationPropsFromDeck();
        ptr->init(phaseUsageFromDeck(deck), materialLawManager);

        if (pvt_.numPhases() != satprops_->numPhases()) {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck() - Inconsistent number of phases in pvt data ("
                  << pvt_.numPhases() << ") and saturation-dependent function data (" << satprops_->numPhases() << ").");
SolventPropsAdFromDeck::SolventPropsAdFromDeck(DeckConstPtr deck,
                                                     EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
                                                     const int number_of_cells,
                                                     const int* global_cell)
    if (deck->hasKeyword("SOLVENT")) {
        // retrieve the cell specific PVT table index from the deck
        // and using the grid...
        extractPvtTableIndex(cellPvtRegionIdx_, eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell);
        extractTableIndex("SATNUM", eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cellSatNumRegionIdx_);

        // surface densities
        if (deck->hasKeyword("SDENSITY")) {
            const auto& densityKeyword = deck->getKeyword("SDENSITY");
            int numRegions = densityKeyword.size();
            for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                        = densityKeyword.getRecord(regionIdx).getItem("SOLVENT_DENSITY").getSIDouble(0);
        } else {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SDENSITY must be specified in SOLVENT runs\n");

        auto tables = eclState->getTableManager();
        // pvt
        const TableContainer& pvdsTables = tables->getPvdsTables();
        if (!pvdsTables.empty()) {

            int numRegions = pvdsTables.size();
            // resize the attributes of the object

            for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                const Opm::PvdsTable& pvdsTable = pvdsTables.getTable<PvdsTable>(regionIdx);

                const auto& press = pvdsTable.getPressureColumn();
                const auto& b = pvdsTable.getFormationFactorColumn();
                const auto& visc = pvdsTable.getViscosityColumn();

                const int sz = b.size();
                std::vector<double> inverseBmu(sz);
                std::vector<double> inverseB(sz);
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
                    inverseB[i] = 1.0 / b[i];
                    inverseBmu[i] = 1.0 / (b[i] * visc[i]);

                b_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(press, inverseB);
                viscosity_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(press, visc);
                inverseBmu_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(press, inverseBmu);
        } else {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "PVDS must be specified in SOLVENT runs\n");

        const TableContainer& ssfnTables = tables->getSsfnTables();
        // relative permeabilty multiplier
        if (!ssfnTables.empty()) {

            int numRegions = ssfnTables.size();

            // resize the attributes of the object
            for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                const Opm::SsfnTable& ssfnTable = ssfnTables.getTable<SsfnTable>(regionIdx);

                // Copy data
                const auto& solventFraction = ssfnTable.getSolventFractionColumn();
                const auto& krg = ssfnTable.getGasRelPermMultiplierColumn();
                const auto& krs = ssfnTable.getSolventRelPermMultiplierColumn();

                krg_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(solventFraction, krg);
                krs_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(solventFraction, krs);

        } else {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SSFN must be specified in SOLVENT runs\n");

        if (deck->hasKeyword("MISCIBLE") ) {

            // retrieve the cell specific Misc table index from the deck
            // and using the grid...
            extractTableIndex("MISCNUM", eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cellMiscRegionIdx_);

            // misicible hydrocabon relative permeability wrt water
            const TableContainer& sof2Tables = tables->getSof2Tables();
            if (!sof2Tables.empty()) {

                int numRegions = sof2Tables.size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const Opm::Sof2Table& sof2Table = sof2Tables.getTable<Sof2Table>(regionIdx);

                    // Copy data
                    // Sn = So + Sg + Ss;
                    const auto& sn = sof2Table.getSoColumn();
                    const auto& krn = sof2Table.getKroColumn();

                    krn_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(sn, krn);

            } else {
                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SOF2 must be specified in MISCIBLE (SOLVENT) runs\n");

            const TableContainer& miscTables = tables->getMiscTables();
            if (!miscTables.empty()) {

                int numRegions = miscTables.size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const Opm::MiscTable& miscTable = miscTables.getTable<MiscTable>(regionIdx);

                    // Copy data
                    // solventFraction = Ss / (Ss + Sg);
                    const auto& solventFraction = miscTable.getSolventFractionColumn();
                    const auto& misc = miscTable.getMiscibilityColumn();

                    misc_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(solventFraction, misc);

            } else {
                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "MISC must be specified in MISCIBLE (SOLVENT) runs\n");

            const TableContainer& pmiscTables = tables->getPmiscTables();
            if (!pmiscTables.empty()) {

                int numRegions = pmiscTables.size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const Opm::PmiscTable& pmiscTable = pmiscTables.getTable<PmiscTable>(regionIdx);

                    // Copy data
                    const auto& po = pmiscTable.getOilPhasePressureColumn();
                    const auto& pmisc = pmiscTable.getMiscibilityColumn();

                    pmisc_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(po, pmisc);


            // miscible relative permeability multipleiers
            const TableContainer& msfnTables = tables->getMsfnTables();
            if (!msfnTables.empty()) {

                int numRegions = msfnTables.size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const Opm::MsfnTable& msfnTable = msfnTables.getTable<MsfnTable>(regionIdx);

                    // Copy data
                    // Ssg = Ss + Sg;
                    const auto& Ssg = msfnTable.getGasPhaseFractionColumn();
                    const auto& krsg = msfnTable.getGasSolventRelpermMultiplierColumn();
                    const auto& kro = msfnTable.getOilRelpermMultiplierColumn();

                    mkrsg_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(Ssg, krsg);
                    mkro_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(Ssg, kro);


            const TableContainer& sorwmisTables = tables->getSorwmisTables();
            if (!sorwmisTables.empty()) {

                int numRegions = sorwmisTables.size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const Opm::SorwmisTable& sorwmisTable = sorwmisTables.getTable<SorwmisTable>(regionIdx);

                    // Copy data
                    const auto& sw = sorwmisTable.getWaterSaturationColumn();
                    const auto& sorwmis = sorwmisTable.getMiscibleResidualOilColumn();

                    sorwmis_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(sw, sorwmis);

            const TableContainer& sgcwmisTables = tables->getSgcwmisTables();
            if (!sgcwmisTables.empty()) {

                int numRegions = sgcwmisTables.size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const Opm::SgcwmisTable& sgcwmisTable = sgcwmisTables.getTable<SgcwmisTable>(regionIdx);

                    // Copy data
                    const auto& sw = sgcwmisTable.getWaterSaturationColumn();
                    const auto& sgcwmis = sgcwmisTable.getMiscibleResidualGasColumn();

                    sgcwmis_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(sw, sgcwmis);

            if (deck->hasKeyword("TLMIXPAR")) {
                const int numRegions = deck->getKeyword("TLMIXPAR").size();

                // resize the attributes of the object
                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    const auto& tlmixparRecord = deck->getKeyword("TLMIXPAR").getRecord(regionIdx);
                    const auto& mix_params_viscosity = tlmixparRecord.getItem("TL_VISCOSITY_PARAMETER").getSIDoubleData();
                    mix_param_viscosity_[regionIdx] = mix_params_viscosity[0];
                    const auto& mix_params_density = tlmixparRecord.getItem("TL_DENSITY_PARAMETER").getSIDoubleData();
                    const int numDensityItems = mix_params_density.size();
                    if (numDensityItems == 0) {
                        mix_param_density_[regionIdx] = mix_param_viscosity_[regionIdx];
                    } else if (numDensityItems == 1) {
                        mix_param_density_[regionIdx] = mix_params_density[0];
                    } else {
                        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Only one value can be entered for the TL parameter pr MISC region.");


    inline void BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::init(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                                 Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
                                                 int number_of_cells,
                                                 const int* global_cell,
                                                 const int* cart_dims,
                                                 const CentroidIterator& begin_cell_centroids,
                                                 int dimension,
                                                 const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
                                                 bool init_rock)
        // retrieve the cell specific PVT table index from the deck
        // and using the grid...
        extractPvtTableIndex(cellPvtRegionIdx_, deck, number_of_cells, global_cell);

            rock_.init(eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cart_dims);

        const int pvt_samples = param.getDefault("pvt_tab_size", 200);
        pvt_.init(deck, pvt_samples);

        // Unfortunate lack of pointer smartness here...
        const int sat_samples = param.getDefault("sat_tab_size", 200);
        std::string threephase_model = param.getDefault<std::string>("threephase_model", "simple");
        if (deck->hasKeyword("ENDSCALE") && threephase_model != "gwseg") {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Sorry, end point scaling currently available for the 'gwseg' model only.");
        if (sat_samples > 1) {
            if (threephase_model == "stone2") {
                SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncStone2Uniform>* ptr
                    = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncStone2Uniform>();
                ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids,
                          dimension, sat_samples);
            } else if (threephase_model == "simple") {
                SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncSimpleUniform>* ptr
                    = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncSimpleUniform>();
                ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids,
                          dimension, sat_samples);
            } else if (threephase_model == "gwseg") {
                SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncGwsegUniform>* ptr
                    = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncGwsegUniform>();
                ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids,
                          dimension, sat_samples);
            } else {
                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown threephase_model: " << threephase_model);
        } else {
            if (threephase_model == "stone2") {
                SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncStone2Nonuniform>* ptr
                    = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncStone2Nonuniform>();
                ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids,
                          dimension, sat_samples);
            } else if (threephase_model == "simple") {
                SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncSimpleNonuniform>* ptr
                    = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncSimpleNonuniform>();
                ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids,
                          dimension, sat_samples);
            } else if (threephase_model == "gwseg") {
                SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncGwsegNonuniform>* ptr
                    = new SaturationPropsFromDeck<SatFuncGwsegNonuniform>();
                ptr->init(deck, number_of_cells, global_cell, begin_cell_centroids,
                          dimension, sat_samples);
            } else {
                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown threephase_model: " << threephase_model);

        if (pvt_.numPhases() != satprops_->numPhases()) {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck() - Inconsistent number of phases in pvt data ("
                  << pvt_.numPhases() << ") and saturation-dependent function data (" << satprops_->numPhases() << ").");