Example #1
void Echotron::init_params()

    float hSR = fSAMPLE_RATE*0.5f;
    float tpanl, tpanr;
    float tmptempo;
    int tfcnt = 0;

    depth = ((float) (Pdepth - 64))/64.0f;
    dlyrange = 0.008*f_pow2(4.5f*depth);
    width = ((float) Pwidth)/127.0f;

    tmptempo = (float) Ptempo;
    lfo.Pfreq = lrintf(subdiv_fmod*tmptempo);
    dlfo.Pfreq = lrintf(subdiv_dmod*tmptempo);

    for(int i=0; i<Plength; i++) {
// tmp_time=lrintf(fTime[i]*tempo_coeff*fSAMPLE_RATE);
// if(tmp_time<maxx_size) rtime[i]=tmp_time; else rtime[i]=maxx_size;

        ltime[i] = rtime[i] = fTime[i]*tempo_coeff;

        if(fPan[i]>=0.0f) {
            tpanr = 1.0;
            tpanl = 1.0f - fPan[i];
        } else {
            tpanl = 1.0;
            tpanr = 1.0f + fPan[i];


        if((tfcnt<ECHOTRON_MAXFILTERS)&&(iStages[i]>=0)) {
            int Freq=fFreq[i]*f_pow2(depth*4.5f);
            if (Freq<20.0) Freq=20.0f;
            if (Freq>hSR) Freq=hSR;
            filterbank[tfcnt].l->setmix (1, fLP[i] , fBP[i], fHP[i]);
            filterbank[tfcnt].r->setmix (1, fLP[i] , fBP[i], fHP[i]);

Example #2
Echotron::sethidamp (int Phidamp)
    this->Phidamp = Phidamp;
    hidamp = 1.0f - (float)Phidamp / 127.1f;
    float fr = 20.0f*f_pow2(hidamp*10.0f);
    lpfl->setfreq (fr);
    lpfr->setfreq (fr);
Example #3
void Echotron::modulate_delay()

    float lfmod, rfmod, lfol, lfor, dlfol, dlfor;
    float fperiod = 1.0f/param->fPERIOD;

    lfo.effectlfoout (&lfol, &lfor);
    dlfo.effectlfoout (&dlfol, &dlfor);
    if(Pmodfilts) {
        lfmod = f_pow2((lfol*width + 0.25f + depth)*4.5f);
        rfmod = f_pow2((lfor*width + 0.25f + depth)*4.5f);
        for(int i=0; i<ECHOTRON_MAXFILTERS; i++) {




    if(Pmoddly) {
        oldldmod = ldmod;
        oldrdmod = rdmod;
        ldmod = width*dlfol;
        rdmod = width*dlfor;

// ldmod=lrintf(dlyrange*tempo_coeff*fSAMPLE_RATE*ldmod);
// rdmod=lrintf(dlyrange*tempo_coeff*fSAMPLE_RATE*rdmod);
        interpl = (ldmod - oldldmod)*fperiod;
        interpr = (rdmod - oldrdmod)*fperiod;
    } else {
        oldldmod = 0.0f;
        oldrdmod = 0.0f;
        ldmod = 0.0f;
        rdmod = 0.0f;
        interpl = 0.0f;
        interpr = 0.0f;

Example #4
 * Apply the effect
RyanWah::out (float * smpsl, float * smpsr)
    int i;
    float lmod, rmod;
    float lfol, lfor;
    float rms = 0.0f;
    lfo.effectlfoout (&lfol, &lfor);
    if (Pamode) {
        lfol *= depth;
        lfor *= depth;
    } else {
        lfol *= depth * 5.0f;
        lfor *= depth * 5.0f;

    for (i = 0; i < PERIOD; i++) {
        efxoutl[i] = smpsl[i];
        efxoutr[i] = smpsr[i];

        float x = (fabsf ( sidechain_filter->filterout_s(smpsl[i] + smpsr[i]))) * 0.5f;
        ms1 = ms1 * ampsmooth + x * (1.0f - ampsmooth) + 1e-10f;

        //oldfbias -= 0.001 * oldfbias2;
        oldfbias = oldfbias * (1.0f - wahsmooth) + fbias * wahsmooth + 1e-10f;  //smooth MIDI control
        oldfbias1 = oldfbias1 * (1.0f - wahsmooth) + oldfbias * wahsmooth + 1e-10f;
        oldfbias2 = oldfbias2 * (1.0f - wahsmooth) + oldfbias1 * wahsmooth + 1e-10f;

        if (Pamode) {
            rms = ms1 * ampsns + oldfbias2;
            if (rms<0.0f) rms = 0.0f;
            lmod = (minfreq + lfol + rms)*maxfreq;
            rmod = (minfreq + lfor + rms)*maxfreq;
            if(variq) q = f_pow2((2.0f*(1.0f-rms)+1.0f));
            efxoutl[i] = filterl->filterout_s (smpsl[i]);
            efxoutr[i] = filterr->filterout_s (smpsr[i]);


    if (!Pamode) {
        rms = ms1 * ampsns + oldfbias2;

        if(rms>0.0f) { //apply some smooth limiting
            rms = 1.0f - 1.0f/(rms*rms + 1.0f);
        } else {
            rms = -1.0f + 1.0f/(rms*rms + 1.0f);

        if(variq) q = f_pow2((2.0f*(1.0f-rms)+1.0f));

        lmod =(lfol + rms);
        rmod = (lfor + rms);
        if(lmod>1.0f) lmod = 1.0f;
        if(lmod<0.0f) lmod = 0.0f;
        if(rmod>1.0f) rmod = 1.0f;
        if(rmod<0.0f) rmod = 0.0f;

        float frl = minfreq + maxfreq*(powf(base, lmod) - 1.0f)*ibase;
        float frr = minfreq + maxfreq*(powf(base, rmod) - 1.0f)*ibase;

        centfreq = frl; //testing variable

        filterl->setfreq_and_q (frl, q);
        filterr->setfreq_and_q (frr, q);

        filterl->filterout (efxoutl);
        filterr->filterout (efxoutr);

Example #5
 * Effect output
Dflange::out (float * smpsl, float * smpsr)
    int i;
    //deal with LFO's
    int tmp0, tmp1;

    float lfol, lfor, lmod, rmod, lmodfreq, rmodfreq, rx0, rx1, lx0, lx1;
    float ldif0, ldif1, rdif0, rdif1;  //Difference between fractional delay and floor(fractional delay)
    float drA, drB, dlA, dlB;	//LFO inside the loop.

    lfo.effectlfoout (&lfol, &lfor);
    lmod = lfol;
    if(Pzero && Pintense) rmod = 1.0f - lfol;  //using lfol is intentional
    else rmod = lfor;

    if(Pintense) {
//do intense stuff
        lmodfreq = (f_pow2(lmod*lmod*logmax)) * fdepth;  //2^x type sweep for musical interpretation of moving delay line.
        rmodfreq = (f_pow2(rmod*rmod*logmax)) * fdepth;  //logmax depends on depth
        rflange0 = 0.5f/rmodfreq;		//Turn the notch frequency into 1/2 period delay
        rflange1 = rflange0 + (1.0f - foffset)/fdepth;				//Set relationship of second delay line
        lflange0 = 0.5f/lmodfreq;
        lflange1 = lflange0 + (1.0f - foffset)/fdepth;

        rx0 = (rflange0 - oldrflange0) * period_const;  //amount to add each time around the loop.  Less processing of linear LFO interp inside the loop.
        rx1 =  (rflange1 - oldrflange1) * period_const;
        lx0 = (lflange0 - oldlflange0) * period_const;
        lx1  = (lflange1 - oldlflange1) * period_const;

// Now there is a fractional amount to add
        drA = oldrflange0;
        drB = oldrflange1;
        dlA = oldlflange0;
        dlB = oldlflange1;

        oldrflange0 = rflange0;
        oldrflange1 = rflange1;
        oldlflange0 = lflange0;
        oldlflange1 = lflange1;
        //lfo ready...

        if(Pzero) {
            for (i = 0; i < PERIOD; i++) {

                ldl = smpsl[i] * lpan + ldl * ffb;
                rdl = smpsr[i] * rpan + rdl * ffb;

                //LowPass Filter
                ldl = ldl * (1.0f - fhidamp) + oldl * fhidamp;
                rdl = rdl * (1.0f - fhidamp) + oldr * fhidamp;
                oldl = ldl + DENORMAL_GUARD;
                oldr = rdl + DENORMAL_GUARD;
                Here do the delay line stuff
                ^^This runs two flangers in series so you can get a double notch

                ldl = ldelayline0->delay(ldl,dlA, 0, 1, 0)  + ldelayline1->delay(ldl,drA, 0, 1, 0);
                rdl = rdelayline0->delay(rdl,dlB, 0, 1, 0) + rdelayline1->delay(rdl,drB, 0, 1, 0);

                efxoutl[i] = ldl = ldl * flrcross + rdl * frlcross;
                efxoutr[i] = rdl = rdl * flrcross + ldl * frlcross;

// Increment LFO
                drA += rx0;
                drB += rx1;
                dlA += lx0;
                dlB += lx1;
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < PERIOD; i++) {

                ldl = smpsl[i] * lpan + ldl * ffb;
                rdl = smpsr[i] * rpan + rdl * ffb;

                //LowPass Filter
                ldl = ldl * (1.0f - fhidamp) + oldl * fhidamp;
                rdl = rdl * (1.0f - fhidamp) + oldr * fhidamp;
                oldl = ldl + DENORMAL_GUARD;
                oldr = rdl + DENORMAL_GUARD;
                Here do the delay line stuff
                ^^This runs two flangers in series so you can get a double notch

                ldl = ldelayline0->delay(ldl,dlA, 0, 1, 0);
                ldl = ldelayline1->delay(ldl,dlB, 0, 1, 0);

                rdl = rdelayline0->delay(rdl,drA, 0, 1, 0);
                rdl = rdelayline1->delay(rdl,drB, 0, 1, 0);

                efxoutl[i] = ldl = ldl * flrcross + rdl * frlcross;
                efxoutr[i] = rdl = rdl * flrcross + ldl * frlcross;

// Increment LFO
                drA += rx0;
                drB += rx1;
                dlA += lx0;
                dlB += lx1;

    } else {

        lmodfreq = fdepth + fwidth*(powf(base, lmod) - 1.0f)*ibase;	//sets frequency of lowest notch. // 20 <= fdepth <= 4000 // 20 <= width <= 16000 //
        rmodfreq = fdepth + fwidth*(powf(base, rmod) - 1.0f)*ibase;

        if (lmodfreq > 10000.0f)
            lmodfreq = 10000.0f;
        else if (lmodfreq < 10.0f)
            lmodfreq = 10.0f;
        if (rmodfreq > 10000.0)
            rmodfreq = 10000.0f;
        else if (rmodfreq < 10.0f)
            rmodfreq = 10.0f;

        rflange0 = fSAMPLE_RATE * 0.5f/rmodfreq;		//Turn the notch frequency into a number for delay
        rflange1 = rflange0 * foffset;				//Set relationship of second delay line
        lflange0 = fSAMPLE_RATE * 0.5f/lmodfreq;
        lflange1 = lflange0 * foffset;

//now is a delay expressed in number of samples.  Number here
//will be fractional, but will use linear interpolation inside the loop to make a decent guess at
//the numbers between samples.

        rx0 = (rflange0 - oldrflange0) * period_const;  //amount to add each time around the loop.  Less processing of linear LFO interp inside the loop.
        rx1 =  (rflange1 - oldrflange1) * period_const;
        lx0 = (lflange0 - oldlflange0) * period_const;
        lx1  = (lflange1 - oldlflange1) * period_const;
// Now there is a fractional amount to add

        drA = oldrflange0;
        drB = oldrflange1;
        dlA = oldlflange0;
        dlB = oldlflange1;
        // dr, dl variables are the LFO inside the loop.

        oldrflange0 = rflange0;
        oldrflange1 = rflange1;
        oldlflange0 = lflange0;
        oldlflange1 = lflange1;
        //lfo ready...

        for (i = 0; i < PERIOD; i++) {

            //Delay line utility
            ldl = ldelay[kl];
            rdl = rdelay[kr];
            l = ldl * flrcross + rdl * frlcross;
            r = rdl * flrcross + ldl * frlcross;
            ldl = l;
            rdl = r;
            ldl = smpsl[i] * lpan - ldl * ffb;
            rdl = smpsr[i] * rpan - rdl * ffb;

            //LowPass Filter
            ldelay[kl] = ldl = ldl * (1.0f - fhidamp) + oldl * fhidamp;
            rdelay[kr] = rdl = rdl * (1.0f - fhidamp) + oldr * fhidamp;
            oldl = ldl + DENORMAL_GUARD;
            oldr = rdl + DENORMAL_GUARD;

            if(Pzero) {
                //Offset zero reference delay
                zdl = zldelay[zl];
                zdr = zrdelay[zr];
                zldelay[zl] = smpsl[i];
                zrdelay[zr] = smpsr[i];
                if (--zl < 0)   //Cycle delay buffer in reverse so delay time can be indexed directly with addition
                    zl =  zcenter;
                if (--zr < 0)
                    zr =  zcenter;

            //End delay line management, start flanging:

            //Right Channel, delay A
            rdif0 = drA - floor(drA);
            tmp0 = (kr + (int) floor(drA)) %  maxx_delay;
            tmp1 = tmp0 + 1;
            if (tmp1 >= maxx_delay) tmp1 =  0;
            //rsA = rdelay[tmp0] + rdif0 * (rdelay[tmp1] - rdelay[tmp0] );	//here is the first right channel delay
            rsA = rdelay[tmp1] + rdif0 * (rdelay[tmp0] - rsA );	//All-pass interpolator

            //Right Channel, delay B
            rdif1 = drB - floor(drB);
            tmp0 = (kr + (int) floor(drB)) %  maxx_delay;
            tmp1 = tmp0 + 1;
            if (tmp1 >= maxx_delay) tmp1 =  0;
            //rsB = rdelay[tmp0] + rdif1 * (rdelay[tmp1] - rdelay[tmp0]);	//here is the second right channel delay
            rsB = rdelay[tmp1] + rdif1 * (rdelay[tmp0] - rsB );

            //Left Channel, delay A
            ldif0 = dlA - floor(dlA);
            tmp0 = (kl + (int) floor(dlA)) %  maxx_delay;
            tmp1 = tmp0 + 1;
            if (tmp1 >= maxx_delay) tmp1 =  0;
            //lsA = ldelay[tmp0] + ldif0 * (ldelay[tmp1] - ldelay[tmp0]);	//here is the first left channel delay
            lsA = ldelay[tmp1] + ldif0 * (ldelay[tmp0] - lsA );

            //Left Channel, delay B
            ldif1 = dlB - floor(dlB);
            tmp0 = (kl + (int) floor(dlB)) %  maxx_delay;
            tmp1 = tmp0 + 1;
            if (tmp1 >= maxx_delay) tmp1 =  0;
            //lsB = ldelay[tmp0] + ldif1 * (ldelay[tmp1] - ldelay[tmp0]);	//here is the second left channel delay
            lsB = ldelay[tmp1] + ldif1 * (ldelay[tmp0] - lsB );
            //End flanging, next process outputs

            if(Pzero) {
                efxoutl[i]= dry * smpsl[i] +  fsubtract * wet * (fsubtract * (lsA + lsB)  + zdl);    // Make final FX out mix
                efxoutr[i]= dry * smpsr[i] +  fsubtract * wet * (fsubtract * (rsA + rsB)  + zdr);
            } else {
                efxoutl[i]= dry * smpsl[i] +  wet * fsubtract * (lsA + lsB);    // Make final FX out mix
                efxoutr[i]= dry * smpsr[i] +  wet * fsubtract * (rsA + rsB);

            if (--kl < 0)   //Cycle delay buffer in reverse so delay time can be indexed directly with addition
                kl =  maxx_delay;
            if (--kr < 0)
                kr =  maxx_delay;

// Increment LFO
            drA += rx0;
            drB += rx1;
            dlA += lx0;
            dlB += lx1;

        };  //end for loop

    }  //end intense if statement
