Example #1
    compute the error at the network output
	(usually, after forward propagation of a certain input vector, fann_run)
	the error is a sum of squares for all the output units
	also increments a counter because MSE is an average of such errors

	After this train_errors in the output layer will be set to:
	neuron_value_derived * (desired_output - neuron_value)
void fann_compute_MSE(struct fann *ann, fann_type * desired_output)
	fann_type neuron_value, neuron_diff, *error_it = 0, *error_begin = 0;
	struct fann_neuron *last_layer_begin = (ann->last_layer - 1)->first_neuron;
	const struct fann_neuron *last_layer_end = last_layer_begin + ann->num_output;
	const struct fann_neuron *first_neuron = ann->first_layer->first_neuron;

	/* if no room allocated for the error variabels, allocate it now */
	if(ann->train_errors == NULL)
		ann->train_errors = (fann_type *) calloc(ann->total_neurons, sizeof(fann_type));
		if(ann->train_errors == NULL)
			fann_error((struct fann_error *) ann, FANN_E_CANT_ALLOCATE_MEM);
		/* clear the error variabels */
		memset(ann->train_errors, 0, (ann->total_neurons) * sizeof(fann_type));
	error_begin = ann->train_errors;

	printf("\ncalculate errors\n");
	/* calculate the error and place it in the output layer */
	error_it = error_begin + (last_layer_begin - first_neuron);

	for(; last_layer_begin != last_layer_end; last_layer_begin++)
		neuron_value = last_layer_begin->value;
		neuron_diff = *desired_output - neuron_value;

		neuron_diff = fann_update_MSE(ann, last_layer_begin, neuron_diff);

		{						/* TODO make switch when more functions */
			if(neuron_diff < -.9999999)
				neuron_diff = -17.0;
			else if(neuron_diff > .9999999)
				neuron_diff = 17.0;
				neuron_diff = (fann_type) log((1.0 + neuron_diff) / (1.0 - neuron_diff));

		*error_it = fann_activation_derived(last_layer_begin->activation_function,
											last_layer_begin->activation_steepness, neuron_value,
											last_layer_begin->sum) * neuron_diff;


Example #2
   Propagate the error backwards from the output layer.

   After this the train_errors in the hidden layers will be:
   neuron_value_derived * sum(outgoing_weights * connected_neuron)
void fann_backpropagate_MSE(struct fann *ann)
	fann_type tmp_error, max;
	unsigned int i;
	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
	struct fann_neuron *neuron_it, *last_neuron;
	struct fann_neuron **connections;

	fann_type *error_begin = ann->train_errors;
	fann_type *error_prev_layer;
	fann_type *weights;
  unsigned int *connections_to_weights;
	const struct fann_neuron *first_neuron = ann->first_layer->first_neuron;
	const struct fann_layer *second_layer = ann->first_layer + 1;
	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer;

	/* go through all the layers, from last to first.
	 * And propagate the error backwards */
	for(layer_it = last_layer - 1; layer_it > second_layer; --layer_it)
		last_neuron = layer_it->last_neuron;

		/* for each connection in this layer, propagate the error backwards */
		if(ann->connection_rate >= 1)
			if(ann->network_type == FANN_NETTYPE_LAYER)
				error_prev_layer = error_begin + ((layer_it - 1)->first_neuron - first_neuron);
				error_prev_layer = error_begin;

			for(neuron_it = layer_it->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)

				tmp_error = error_begin[neuron_it - first_neuron];
				weights = ann->weights;
        connections_to_weights = ann->connections_to_weights + neuron_it->first_con;
				for(i = neuron_it->last_con - neuron_it->first_con; i--;)
					/*printf("i = %d\n", i);
					 * printf("error_prev_layer[%d] = %f\n", i, error_prev_layer[i]);
					 * printf("weights[%d] = %f\n", i, weights[i]); */
					error_prev_layer[i] += tmp_error * weights[connections_to_weights[i]];
			for(neuron_it = layer_it->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
				tmp_error = error_begin[neuron_it - first_neuron];
				weights = ann->weights;
				connections_to_weights = ann->connections_to_weights + neuron_it->first_con;
				connections = ann->connections + neuron_it->first_con;
				if (neuron_it->activation_function != FANN_MAXPOOLING){
					for(i = neuron_it->last_con - neuron_it->first_con; i--;)
						error_begin[connections[i] - first_neuron] += tmp_error * weights[connections_to_weights[i]];
					tmp_error = error_begin[neuron_it - first_neuron];
					weights = ann->weights;
					connections_to_weights = ann->connections_to_weights + neuron_it->first_con;
					connections = ann->connections + neuron_it->first_con;
					max = connections[neuron_it->last_con - neuron_it->first_con]->value;
					//find the maximum value from the previous layers
					for(i = neuron_it->last_con - neuron_it->first_con; i--;)
						max = fann_max(max, connections[i]->value);
					for(i = neuron_it->last_con - neuron_it->first_con; i--;)
						if (connections[i]->value == max){
							error_begin[connections[i] - first_neuron] += tmp_error;

		/* then calculate the actual errors in the previous layer */
		error_prev_layer = error_begin + ((layer_it - 1)->first_neuron - first_neuron);
		last_neuron = (layer_it - 1)->last_neuron;

		for(neuron_it = (layer_it - 1)->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
			*error_prev_layer *= fann_activation_derived(neuron_it->activation_function,
				neuron_it->activation_steepness, neuron_it->value, neuron_it->sum);

Example #3
void fann_update_candidate_slopes(struct fann *ann)
	struct fann_neuron *neurons = ann->first_layer->first_neuron;
	struct fann_neuron *first_cand = neurons + ann->total_neurons + 1;
	struct fann_neuron *last_cand = first_cand + fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(ann);
	struct fann_neuron *cand_it;
	unsigned int i, j, num_connections;
	unsigned int num_output = ann->num_output;
	fann_type max_sum, cand_sum, activation, derived, error_value, diff, cand_score;
	fann_type *weights, *cand_out_weights, *cand_slopes, *cand_out_slopes;
	fann_type *output_train_errors = ann->train_errors + (ann->total_neurons - ann->num_output);

	for(cand_it = first_cand; cand_it < last_cand; cand_it++)
		cand_score = ann->cascade_candidate_scores[cand_it - first_cand];
		error_value = 0.0;

		/* code more or less stolen from fann_run to fast forward pass
		cand_sum = 0.0;
		num_connections = cand_it->last_con - cand_it->first_con;
		weights = ann->weights + cand_it->first_con;

		/* unrolled loop start */
		i = num_connections & 3;	/* same as modulo 4 */
		switch (i)
			case 3:
				cand_sum += weights[2] * neurons[2].value;
			case 2:
				cand_sum += weights[1] * neurons[1].value;
			case 1:
				cand_sum += weights[0] * neurons[0].value;
			case 0:

		for(; i != num_connections; i += 4)
			cand_sum +=
				weights[i] * neurons[i].value +
				weights[i + 1] * neurons[i + 1].value +
				weights[i + 2] * neurons[i + 2].value + weights[i + 3] * neurons[i + 3].value;
		 * for(i = 0; i < num_connections; i++){
		 * cand_sum += weights[i] * neurons[i].value;
		 * }
		/* unrolled loop end */

		max_sum = 150/cand_it->activation_steepness;
		if(cand_sum > max_sum)
			cand_sum = max_sum;
		else if(cand_sum < -max_sum)
			cand_sum = -max_sum;
		activation =
			fann_activation(ann, cand_it->activation_function, cand_it->activation_steepness,
		/* printf("%f = sigmoid(%f);\n", activation, cand_sum); */

		cand_it->sum = cand_sum;
		cand_it->value = activation;

		derived = fann_activation_derived(cand_it->activation_function,
										  cand_it->activation_steepness, activation, cand_sum);

		/* The output weights is located right after the input weights in
		 * the weight array.
		cand_out_weights = weights + num_connections;

		cand_out_slopes = ann->train_slopes + cand_it->first_con + num_connections;
		for(j = 0; j < num_output; j++)
			diff = (activation * cand_out_weights[j]) - output_train_errors[j];
			/* printf("diff = %f = (%f * %f) - %f;\n", diff, activation, cand_out_weights[j], output_train_errors[j]); */
			cand_out_slopes[j] -= 2.0f * diff * activation;
			/* printf("cand_out_slopes[%d] <= %f += %f * %f;\n", j, cand_out_slopes[j], diff, activation); */
			error_value += diff * cand_out_weights[j];
			cand_score -= (diff * diff);
			/* printf("cand_score[%d][%d] = %f -= (%f * %f)\n", cand_it - first_cand, j, cand_score, diff, diff); */

			printf("cand[%d]: error=%f, activation=%f, diff=%f, slope=%f\n", cand_it - first_cand,
				   output_train_errors[j], (activation * cand_out_weights[j]), diff,
				   -2.0 * diff * activation);

		ann->cascade_candidate_scores[cand_it - first_cand] = cand_score;
		error_value *= derived;

		cand_slopes = ann->train_slopes + cand_it->first_con;
		for(i = 0; i < num_connections; i++)
			cand_slopes[i] -= error_value * neurons[i].value;