void Checks_Versification::verses (string bible, int book, int chapter, vector <int> verses)
  // Get verses in this chapter according to the versification system for the Bible.
  Database_Versifications database_versifications;
  string versification = Database_Config_Bible::getVersificationSystem (bible);
  if (versification.empty ()) versification = english ();
  vector <int> standardVerses = database_versifications.getVerses (versification, book, chapter);
  // Look for missing and extra verses.
  vector <int> absentVerses = filter_string_array_diff (standardVerses, verses);
  vector <int> extraVerses = filter_string_array_diff (verses, standardVerses);
  Database_Check database_check;
  for (auto verse : absentVerses) {
    database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, chapter, verse, "This verse is missing according to the versification system");
  for (auto verse : extraVerses) {
    //if ((chapter == 0) && (verse == 0)) continue;
    database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, chapter, verse, "This verse is extra according to the versification system");
  // Look for verses out of order.
  int previousVerse = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < verses.size(); i++) {
    int verse = verses[i];
    if (i > 0) {
      if (verse != (previousVerse + 1)) {
        database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, chapter, verse, "The verse is out of sequence");
    previousVerse = verse;
void Checks_Versification::chapters (string bible, int book, vector <int> chapters)
  Database_Versifications database_versifications;
  string versification = Database_Config_Bible::getVersificationSystem (bible);
  if (versification.empty ()) versification = english ();
  vector <int> standardChapters = database_versifications.getChapters (versification, book, true);
  vector <int> absentChapters = filter_string_array_diff (standardChapters, chapters);
  vector <int> extraChapters = filter_string_array_diff (chapters, standardChapters);
  Database_Check database_check;
  for (auto chapter : absentChapters) {
    database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, chapter, 1, "This chapter is missing");
  for (auto chapter : extraChapters) {
    database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, chapter, 1, "This chapter is extra");
Example #3
// Helper function.
// $user: The user whose changes are being processed.
// $recipients: The users who opted to receive online notifications of any contributors.
void changes_process_identifiers (Webserver_Request * request,
                                  string user,
                                  vector <string> recipients,
                                  string bible,
                                  int book, int chapter,
                                  int oldId, int newId,
                                  string & email)
  if (oldId != 0) {
    recipients = filter_string_array_diff (recipients, {user});
    Database_Modifications database_modifications;
    string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);
    Database_Modifications_Text old_chapter_text = database_modifications.getUserChapter (user, bible, book, chapter, oldId);
    string old_chapter_usfm = old_chapter_text.oldtext;
    Database_Modifications_Text new_chapter_text = database_modifications.getUserChapter (user, bible, book, chapter, newId);
    string new_chapter_usfm = new_chapter_text.newtext;
    //int timestamp = database_modifications.getUserTimestamp (user, bible, book, chapter, newId);
    vector <int> old_verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (old_chapter_usfm);
    vector <int> new_verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (new_chapter_usfm);
    vector <int> verses = old_verse_numbers;
    verses.insert (verses.end (), new_verse_numbers.begin (), new_verse_numbers.end ());
    verses = array_unique (verses);
    sort (verses.begin(), verses.end());
    for (auto verse : verses) {
      string old_verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (old_chapter_usfm, verse);
      string new_verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (new_chapter_usfm, verse);
      if (old_verse_usfm != new_verse_usfm) {
        Filter_Text filter_text_old = Filter_Text (bible);
        Filter_Text filter_text_new = Filter_Text (bible);
        filter_text_old.html_text_standard = new Html_Text (translate("Bible"));
        filter_text_new.html_text_standard = new Html_Text (translate("Bible"));
        filter_text_old.text_text = new Text_Text ();
        filter_text_new.text_text = new Text_Text ();
        filter_text_old.addUsfmCode (old_verse_usfm);
        filter_text_new.addUsfmCode (new_verse_usfm);
        filter_text_old.run (stylesheet);
        filter_text_new.run (stylesheet);
        string old_html = filter_text_old.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
        string new_html = filter_text_new.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
        string old_text = filter_text_old.text_text->get ();
        string new_text = filter_text_new.text_text->get ();
        if (old_text != new_text) {
          string modification = filter_diff_diff (old_text, new_text);
          email += "<div>";
          email += filter_passage_display (book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse));
          email += " ";
          email += modification;
          email += "</div>";
          if (request->database_config_user()->getUserUserChangesNotificationsOnline (user)) {
            database_modifications.recordNotification ({user}, changes_personal_category (), bible, book, chapter, verse, old_html, modification, new_html);
          for (auto recipient : recipients) {
            if (recipient == user) continue;
            database_modifications.recordNotification ({recipient}, user, bible, book, chapter, verse, old_html, modification, new_html);
void Checks_Versification::books (string bible, vector <int> books)
  Database_Versifications database_versifications;
  string versification = Database_Config_Bible::getVersificationSystem (bible);
  if (versification.empty ()) versification = english ();
  vector <int> standardBooks = database_versifications.getBooks (versification);
  vector <int> absentBooks = filter_string_array_diff (standardBooks, books);
  vector <int> extraBooks = filter_string_array_diff (books, standardBooks);
  Database_Check database_check;
  for (auto book : absentBooks) {
    database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, 1, 1, "This book is absent from the Bible");
  for (auto book : extraBooks) {
    database_check.recordOutput (bible, book, 1, 1, "This book is extra in the Bible");
Example #5
string xrefs_translate (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string sourceBible = request->database_config_user()->getSourceXrefBible ();
  string targetBible = request->database_config_user()->getTargetXrefBible ();
  // Save book / abbreviation pair.
  if (request->post.count ("save")) {
    string fullname = request->post ["fullname"];
    string abbreviation = request->post ["abbreviation"];
    string abbreviations = Database_Config_Bible::getBookAbbreviations (targetBible);
    abbreviations = filter_abbreviations_add (abbreviations, fullname, abbreviation);
    Database_Config_Bible::setBookAbbreviations (targetBible, abbreviations);
  string abbrevs = Database_Config_Bible::getBookAbbreviations (sourceBible);
  vector <pair <int, string> > sourceAbbreviations = filter_abbreviations_read (abbrevs);
  vector <int> sourceBooks;
  for (auto element : sourceAbbreviations) sourceBooks.push_back (element.first);

  abbrevs = Database_Config_Bible::getBookAbbreviations (targetBible);
  vector <pair <int, string> > targetAbbreviations = filter_abbreviations_read (abbrevs);
  vector <int> targetBooks;
  for (auto element : targetAbbreviations) targetBooks.push_back (element.first);
  vector <int> unknown_books = filter_string_array_diff (sourceBooks, targetBooks);
  unknown_books = array_unique (unknown_books);
  if (unknown_books.empty ()) {
    redirect_browser (request, xrefs_clear_url ());
    return "";

  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Cross references"), webserver_request);
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;
  view.set_variable ("remaining", convert_to_string (unknown_books.size () - 1));
  string bookname = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (unknown_books [0]);
  view.set_variable ("bookname", bookname);
  page += view.render ("xrefs", "translate");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Example #6
void Editor_Export::closeElementNode (xmlNodePtr node)
  // The tag and class names of this element node.
  string tagName ((char *) node->name);
  string className;
  xmlChar * property = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "class");
  if (property) {
    className = (char *) property;
    xmlFree (property);
  if (tagName == "p")
    // While editing it happens that the p element does not have a class.
    // Use the 'p' class in such cases.
    if (className == "") className = "p";
    if (noteOpeners.find (className) != noteOpeners.end()) {
      // Deal with note closers.
      currentLine += usfm_get_closing_usfm (className);
    } else {
      // Normally a p element closes the USFM line.
      flushLine ();
      mono = false;
      // Clear active character styles.
  if (tagName == "span")
    // Do nothing for monospace elements, because the USFM would be the text nodes only.
    if (mono) return;
    // Do nothing without a class.
    if (className.empty()) return;
    // Do nothing if no endmarkers are supposed to be produced.
    if (suppressEndMarkers.find (className) != suppressEndMarkers.end()) return;
    // Add closing USFM, optionally closing embedded tags in reverse order.
    vector <string> classes = filter_string_explode (className, ' ');
    characterStyles = filter_string_array_diff (characterStyles, classes);
    reverse (classes.begin(), classes.end());
    for (unsigned int offset = 0; offset < classes.size(); offset++) {
      bool embedded = (classes.size () > 1) && (offset == 0);
      if (!characterStyles.empty ()) embedded = true;
      currentLine += usfm_get_closing_usfm (classes [offset], embedded);
  if (tagName == "a")
    // Do nothing for note citations in the text.
Example #7
// Returns the verse numbers in the string of $usfm code at line number $line_number.
vector <int> usfm_linenumber_to_versenumber (string usfm, unsigned int line_number)
  vector <int> verse_number = {0}; // Initial verse number.
  vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (usfm, '\n');
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
    if (i <= line_number) {
      vector <int> verse_numbers = usfm_get_verse_numbers (lines[i]);
      if (verse_numbers.size() >= 2) {
        verse_number = filter_string_array_diff (verse_numbers, {0});
  return verse_number;
Example #8
string search_search2 (void * webserver_request)
    Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

    Database_Volatile database_volatile = Database_Volatile ();

    string siteUrl = config_logic_site_url ();

    string bible = request->database_config_user()->getBible ();
    if (request->query.count ("bible")) bible = request->query ["bible"];

    bool hit_is_set = request->query.count ("h");
    bool query_is_set = request->query.count ("q");
    int identifier = convert_to_int (request->query ["i"]);
    string query = request->query ["q"];
    string hit = request->query ["h"];

    // Get one search hit.
    if (hit_is_set) {

        // Retrieve the search parameters from the volatile database.
        string query = database_volatile.getValue (identifier, "query");
        //bool casesensitive = convert_to_bool (database_volatile.getValue (identifier, "casesensitive"));
        bool plaintext = convert_to_bool (database_volatile.getValue (identifier, "plaintext"));

        // Get the Bible and passage for this identifier.
        Passage details = Passage::from_text (hit);
        string bible = details.bible;
        int book = details.book;
        int chapter = details.chapter;
        string verse = details.verse;

        // Get the plain text or USFM.
        string text;
        if (plaintext) {
            text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_text (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse));
        } else {
            text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_usfm (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse));

        // Format it.
        string link = filter_passage_link_for_opening_editor_at (book, chapter, verse);
        text =  filter_string_markup_words ({query}, text);
        string output = "<div>" + link + " " + text + "</div>";

        // Output to browser.
        return output;

    // Perform the initial search.
    if (query_is_set) {

        // Get extra search parameters and store them all in the volatile database.
        bool casesensitive = (request->query ["c"] == "true");
        bool plaintext = (request->query ["p"] == "true");
        bool currentbook = (request->query ["b"] == "true");
        string sharing = request->query ["s"];
        database_volatile.setValue (identifier, "query", query);
        database_volatile.setValue (identifier, "casesensitive", convert_to_string (casesensitive));
        database_volatile.setValue (identifier, "plaintext", convert_to_string (plaintext));

        // Deal with case sensitivity.
        // Deal with whether to search the plain text, or the raw USFM.
        // Fetch the initial set of hits.
        vector <Passage> passages;
        if (plaintext) {
            if (casesensitive) {
                passages = search_logic_search_bible_text_case_sensitive (bible, query);
            } else {
                passages = search_logic_search_bible_text (bible, query);
        } else {
            if (casesensitive) {
                passages = search_logic_search_bible_usfm_case_sensitive (bible, query);
            } else {
                passages = search_logic_search_bible_usfm (bible, query);

        // Deal with possible searching in the current book only.
        if (currentbook) {
            int book = Ipc_Focus::getBook (request);
            vector <Passage> bookpassages;
            for (auto & passage : passages) {
                if (book == passage.book) {
                    bookpassages.push_back (passage);
            passages = bookpassages;

        // Deal with how to share the results.
        vector <string> hits;
        for (auto & passage : passages) {
            hits.push_back (passage.to_text ());
        if (sharing != "load") {
            vector <string> loaded_hits = filter_string_explode (database_volatile.getValue (identifier, "hits"), '\n');
            if (sharing == "add") {
                hits.insert (hits.end(), loaded_hits.begin(), loaded_hits.end());
            if (sharing == "remove") {
                hits = filter_string_array_diff (loaded_hits, hits);
            if (sharing == "intersect") {
                hits = array_intersect (loaded_hits, hits);
            hits = array_unique (hits);

        // Generate one string from the hits.
        string output = filter_string_implode (hits, "\n");

        // Store search hits in the volatile database.
        database_volatile.setValue (identifier, "hits", output);

        // Output results.
        return output;

    // Build the advanced search page.
    string page;
    Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Search"), request);
    header.setNavigator ();
    header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_search_menu (), menu_logic_search_text ());
    page = header.run ();
    Assets_View view;
    view.set_variable ("bible", bible);
    string script = "var searchBible = \"" + bible + "\";";
    view.set_variable ("script", script);
    page += view.render ("search", "search2");
    page += Assets_Page::footer ();
    return page;
Example #9
void sendreceive_changes ()
  if (sendreceive_changes_watchdog) {
    int time = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ();
    if (time < (sendreceive_changes_watchdog + 900)) {
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Still busy"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Watchdog timeout"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
  sendreceive_changes_kick_watchdog ();
  config_globals_syncing_changes = true;

  Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_sendreceive_text (), Filter_Roles::translator ());

  Webserver_Request request;
  Sync_Logic sync_logic = Sync_Logic (&request);
  Database_Modifications database_modifications;
  if (!database_modifications.healthy ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Recreate damaged modifications database"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    database_modifications.erase ();
    database_modifications.create ();
  string response = client_logic_connection_setup ();
  int iresponse = convert_to_int (response);
  if (iresponse < Filter_Roles::guest () || iresponse > Filter_Roles::admin ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Failure to initiate connection"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  // Set the correct user in the session: The sole user on the Client.
  vector <string> users = request.database_users ()->getUsers ();
  if (users.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (translate("No user found"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  string user = users [0];
  request.session_logic ()->setUsername (user);
  string password = request.database_users ()->getmd5 (user);
  // The basic request to be POSTed to the server.
  // It contains the user's credentials.
  map <string, string> post;
  post ["u"] = bin2hex (user);
  post ["p"] = password;
  post ["l"] = convert_to_string (request.database_users ()->getUserLevel (user));
  // Error variables.
  string error;
  bool communication_errors = false;
  // Server URL to call.
  string address = Database_Config_General::getServerAddress ();
  int port = Database_Config_General::getServerPort ();
  string url = client_logic_url (address, port, sync_changes_url ());
  // Send the removed change notifications to the server.
  vector <int> ids = request.database_config_user ()->getRemovedChanges ();
  if (!ids.empty ()) Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Sending removed notifications: " + convert_to_string (ids.size()), Filter_Roles::translator ());
  for (auto & id : ids) {
    post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_delete_modification);
    post ["i"] = convert_to_string (id);
    response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
    if (!error.empty ()) {
      communication_errors = true;
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure sending removed notification: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    else {
      request.database_config_user ()->removeRemovedChange (id);
  if (communication_errors) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + translate("Not downloading change notifications due to communication error"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  // Compare the total checksum for the change notifications for the active user on client and server.
  // Checksum is cached for future re-use.
  // Take actions based on that.
  string client_checksum = request.database_config_user ()->getChangeNotificationsChecksum ();
  if (client_checksum.empty ()) {
    client_checksum = Sync_Logic::changes_checksum (user);
    request.database_config_user ()->setChangeNotificationsChecksum (client_checksum);
  string server_checksum;
  post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_get_checksum);
  response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure receiving checksum: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  server_checksum = response;
  if (client_checksum == server_checksum) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_up_to_date_text (), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
  // Get all identifiers for the notifications on the server for the user.
  // Get the identifiers on the client.
  vector <int> client_identifiers = database_modifications.getNotificationIdentifiers (user, false);
  vector <int> server_identifiers;
  post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_get_identifiers);
  response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure receiving identifiers: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    send_receive_changes_done ();
    vector <string> ids = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
    for (auto & id : ids) server_identifiers.push_back (convert_to_int (id));

  // Any identifiers on the client, but not on the server, remove them from the client.
  vector <int> remove_identifiers = filter_string_array_diff (client_identifiers, server_identifiers);
  for (auto & id : remove_identifiers) {
    database_modifications.deleteNotification (id);
    request.database_config_user ()->setChangeNotificationsChecksum ("");
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Removing notification: " + convert_to_string (id), Filter_Roles::translator ());

  // Any identifiers on the server, but not on the client, download them from the server.
  vector <int> download_identifiers = filter_string_array_diff (server_identifiers, client_identifiers);
  for (auto & id : download_identifiers) {
    sendreceive_changes_kick_watchdog ();
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Downloading notification: " + convert_to_string (id), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::changes_get_modification);
    post ["i"] = convert_to_string (id);
    response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
    if (!error.empty ()) {
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Failure downloading notification: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    else {
      // The server has put all bits together, one bit per line.
      vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
      string category;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        category = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string bible;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        bible = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      int book = 0;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        book = convert_to_int (lines [0]);
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      int chapter = 0;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        chapter = convert_to_int (lines [0]);
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      int verse = 0;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        verse = convert_to_int (lines [0]);
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string oldtext;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        oldtext = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string modification;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        modification = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      string newtext;
      if (!lines.empty ()) {
        newtext = lines [0];
        lines.erase (lines.begin ());
      database_modifications.storeClientNotification (id, user, category, bible, book, chapter, verse, oldtext, modification, newtext);
      request.database_config_user ()->setChangeNotificationsChecksum ("");

  // Done.
  Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_changes_text () + "Ready", Filter_Roles::translator ());
  send_receive_changes_done ();
Example #10
void sendreceive_resources ()
  if (sendreceive_resources_watchdog) {
    int time = filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ();
    if (time < (sendreceive_resources_watchdog + 900)) {
    Database_Logs::log ("Resources: " + translate("Watchdog timeout"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    sendreceive_resources_done ();

  // If any of the prioritized synchronization tasks run, postpone the current task and do not start it.
  if (sendreceive_logic_prioritized_task_is_active ()) {
    sendreceive_resources_done ();
    this_thread::sleep_for (chrono::seconds (5));
    tasks_logic_queue (SYNCRESOURCES);

  sendreceive_resources_interrupt = false;

  // If there's nothing to cache, bail out.
  vector <string> resources = Database_Config_General::getResourcesToCache ();
  if (resources.empty ()) return;
  sendreceive_resources_kick_watchdog ();

  // Error counter.
  int error_count = 0;
  // Resource to cache.
  string resource = resources [0];
  // Erase the two older storage locations that were used to cache resources in earlier versions of Bibledit.
    Database_OfflineResources database_offlineresources;
    Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
    database_offlineresources.erase (resource);
    database_usfmresources.deleteResource (resource);

  Database_Logs::log ("Starting to install resource:" " " + resource, Filter_Roles::consultant ());
  Database_Versifications database_versifications;
  vector <int> books = database_versifications.getMaximumBooks ();
  for (auto & book : books) {
    sendreceive_resources_delay_during_prioritized_tasks ();
    if (sendreceive_resources_interrupt) continue;
    // Database layout is per book: Create a database for this book.
    Database_Cache::create (resource, book);

    // Last downloaded passage in a previous download operation.
    int last_downloaded_passage = 0;
      pair <int, int> progress = Database_Cache::progress (resource, book);
      int chapter = progress.first;
      int verse = progress.second;
      Passage passage ("", book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse));
      last_downloaded_passage = filter_passage_to_integer (passage);
    // List of passages recorded in the database that had errors on a previous download operation.
    vector <int> previous_errors;
      vector <pair <int, int> > errors = Database_Cache::errors (resource, book);
      for (auto & element : errors) {
        int chapter = element.first;
        int verse = element.second;
        Passage passage ("", book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse));
        int numeric_error = filter_passage_to_integer (passage);
        previous_errors.push_back (numeric_error);
    string bookName = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book);
    vector <int> chapters = database_versifications.getMaximumChapters (book);
    for (auto & chapter : chapters) {
      sendreceive_resources_delay_during_prioritized_tasks ();
      if (sendreceive_resources_interrupt) continue;
      bool downloaded = false;
      string message = resource + ": " + bookName + " chapter " + convert_to_string (chapter);
      vector <int> verses = database_versifications.getMaximumVerses (book, chapter);
      for (auto & verse : verses) {
        sendreceive_resources_delay_during_prioritized_tasks ();
        if (sendreceive_resources_interrupt) continue;
        // Numeric representation of passage to deal with.
        Passage passage ("", book, chapter, convert_to_string (verse));
        int numeric_passage = filter_passage_to_integer (passage);
        // Conditions to download this verse:
        // 1. The passage is past the last downloaded passage.
        bool download_verse_past = numeric_passage > last_downloaded_passage;
        // 2. The passage was recorded as an error in a previous download operation.
        bool download_verse_error = in_array (numeric_passage, previous_errors);
        // Whether to download the verse.
        if (download_verse_past || download_verse_error) {
          // Fetch the text for the passage.
          bool server_is_installing_module = false;
          int wait_iterations = 0;
          string html, error;
          do {
            // Fetch this resource from the server.
            string address = Database_Config_General::getServerAddress ();
            int port = Database_Config_General::getServerPort ();
            // If the client has not been connected to a cloud instance,
            // fetch the resource from the Bibledit Cloud demo.
            if (!client_logic_client_enabled ()) {
              address = demo_address ();
              port = demo_port ();
            string url = client_logic_url (address, port, sync_resources_url ());
            url = filter_url_build_http_query (url, "r", filter_url_urlencode (resource));
            url = filter_url_build_http_query (url, "b", convert_to_string (book));
            url = filter_url_build_http_query (url, "c", convert_to_string (chapter));
            url = filter_url_build_http_query (url, "v", convert_to_string (verse));
            error.clear ();
            html = filter_url_http_get (url, error);
            server_is_installing_module = (html == sword_logic_installing_module_text ());
            if (server_is_installing_module) {
              Database_Logs::log ("Waiting while Bibledit Cloud installs the requested SWORD module");
              this_thread::sleep_for (chrono::seconds (60));
          } while (server_is_installing_module && (wait_iterations < 5));
          // Record the passage as having been done in case it was a regular download,
          // rather than one to retry a previous download error.
          if (download_verse_past) Database_Cache::progress (resource, book, chapter, verse);
          // Clear the registered error in case the verse download corrects it.
          if (download_verse_error) Database_Cache::error (resource, book, chapter, verse, false);
          if (error.empty ()) {
            // Cache the verse data.
            if (!Database_Cache::exists (resource, book)) Database_Cache::create (resource, book);
            Database_Cache::cache (resource, book, chapter, verse, html);
          } else {
            // Record an error.
            Database_Cache::error (resource, book, chapter, verse, true);
            if (message.find (error) == string::npos) {
              message.append ("; " + error);
            this_thread::sleep_for (chrono::seconds (1));
          downloaded = true;
        sendreceive_resources_kick_watchdog ();
      message += "; done";
      if (downloaded) Database_Logs::log (message, Filter_Roles::manager ());
  // Done.
  if (error_count) {
    string msg = "Error count while downloading resource: " + convert_to_string (error_count);
    Database_Logs::log (msg, Filter_Roles::consultant ());
  Database_Logs::log ("Completed installing resource:" " " + resource, Filter_Roles::consultant ());
  // In case of too many errors, schedule the resource download again.
  bool re_schedule_download = false;
  if (error_count) {
    if (!sendreceive_resources_interrupt) {
      re_schedule_download = true;
      Database_Logs::log ("Errors: Re-scheduling resource installation", Filter_Roles::consultant ());
  // Store new download schedule.
  resources = Database_Config_General::getResourcesToCache ();
  resources = filter_string_array_diff (resources, {resource});
  if (re_schedule_download) {
    resources.push_back (resource);
  Database_Config_General::setResourcesToCache (resources);

  sendreceive_resources_done ();
  sendreceive_resources_interrupt = false;

  // If there's another resource waiting to be cached, schedule it for caching.
  if (!resources.empty ()) tasks_logic_queue (SYNCRESOURCES);
Example #11
void sendreceive_usfmresources ()
  mutex_sendreceive_usfmresources.lock ();
  bool bail_out = sendreceive_usfmresources_running;
  mutex_sendreceive_usfmresources.unlock ();
  if (bail_out) return;
  mutex_sendreceive_usfmresources.lock ();
  sendreceive_usfmresources_running = true;
  mutex_sendreceive_usfmresources.unlock ();
  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources = Database_UsfmResources ();
  Webserver_Request request;
  Sync_Logic sync_logic = Sync_Logic (&request);

  Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_sendreceive_text (), Filter_Roles::translator ());
  string address = Database_Config_General::getServerAddress ();
  int port = Database_Config_General::getServerPort ();
  string url = client_logic_url (address, port, sync_usfmresources_url ());

  map <string, string> post;
  string error;
  string response;
  // Request the checksum of all USFM resources from the server.
  // Compare it with the local checksum.
  // If the two match: Ready.
  post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_total_checksum);
  response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting total checksum: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
  string checksum = Sync_Logic::usfm_resources_checksum ();
  if (response == checksum) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_up_to_date_text (), Filter_Roles::translator ());
    sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
  // Request a list of all USFM resources available on the server.
  post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_resources);
  response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting resources: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
  vector <string> server_resources = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
  // Delete any resource on the local client but not on the server.
  vector <string> client_resources = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  vector <string> resources = filter_string_array_diff (client_resources, server_resources);
  for (auto & resource : resources) {
    database_usfmresources.deleteResource (resource);
  // Deal with each USFM resource individually.
  for (auto & resource : server_resources) {
    // Request the checksum of the resources from the server.
    // Compare it with the checksum of the local resource.
    // If they match: Go to the next resource.
    post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_resource_checksum);
    post ["r"] = resource;
    response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
    if (!error.empty ()) {
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting checksum of resource: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
      sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
    checksum = Sync_Logic::usfm_resource_checksum (resource);
    if (response == checksum) {

    // Request a list of all books in the resource on the server.
    post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_books);
    post ["r"] = resource;
    response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
    if (!error.empty ()) {
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting books of resource: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
      sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
    vector <int> server_books;
    vector <string> sbooks = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
    for (auto & book : sbooks) server_books.push_back (convert_to_int (book));

    // Delete any books from the client that are not on the server.
    vector <int> client_books = database_usfmresources.getBooks (resource);
    vector <int> books = filter_string_array_diff (client_books, server_books);
    for (auto & book : books) {
      database_usfmresources.deleteBook (resource, book);
    // Deal with each book individually.
    for (auto & book : server_books) {
      // Request checksum of this book,
      // compare it with the local checksum,
      // and skip the book if the checksums match.
      post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_book_checksum);
      post ["r"] = resource;
      post ["b"] = convert_to_string (book);
      response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
      if (!error.empty ()) {
        Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting checksum of resource book: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
        sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
      checksum = Sync_Logic::usfm_resource_book_checksum (resource, book);
      if (response == checksum) {
      string bookname = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book);
      Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Synchronizing " + resource + " " + bookname, Filter_Roles::translator ());
      // Retrieve a list of chapters in the $book from the server.
      post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_chapters);
      post ["r"] = resource,
      post ["b"] = convert_to_string (book);
      response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
      if (!error.empty ()) {
        Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting chapters of resource book: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
        sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
      vector <int> server_chapters;
      vector <string> schapters = filter_string_explode (response, '\n');
      for (auto & chapter : schapters) server_chapters.push_back (convert_to_int (chapter));
      // Delete local chapters not found on the server.
      vector <int> client_chapters = database_usfmresources.getChapters (resource, book);
      vector <int> chapters = filter_string_array_diff (client_chapters, server_chapters);
      for (auto & chapter : chapters) {
        database_usfmresources.deleteChapter (resource, book, chapter);
      // Go through each chapter individually.
      for (auto & chapter : server_chapters) {

        // Get the checksum of the chapter as it is on the server.
        post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_chapter_checksum);
        post ["r"] = resource;
        post ["b"] = convert_to_string (book);
        post ["c"] = convert_to_string (chapter);
        response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
        if (!error.empty ()) {
          Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure getting checksum of resource chapter: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
          sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
        checksum = Sync_Logic::usfm_resource_chapter_checksum (resource, book, chapter);
        if (response == checksum) {
        // Download the chapter from the server, and store it locally on the client.
        post ["a"] = convert_to_string (Sync_Logic::usfmresources_get_chapter);
        post ["r"] = resource;
        post ["b"] = convert_to_string (book);
        post ["c"] = convert_to_string (chapter);
        response = sync_logic.post (post, url, error);
        if (!error.empty ()) {
          Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Failure downloading resource chapter: " + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
          sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();
        database_usfmresources.storeChapter (resource, book, chapter, response);

  // Done.
  Database_Logs::log (sendreceive_usfmresources_text () + "Now up to date", Filter_Roles::translator ());
  sendreceive_usfmresources_done ();