Example #1
static void flash_write(FlashIO* io, FlashWrite* fc)
    FlashWritten info;

    info.cmd = FLASH_WRITTEN;
    info.req_id = fc->req_id;
    info.addr = fc->addr;
    info.bytes = 0;

    // Do the write
    info.bytes = flash_save(io, fc->addr, fc->bytes, fc->data);

#if defined(ALLOW_VERBOSE)
    if (debug_fn) {
        char buff[24];
        snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), 
                (int) info.req_id,

    // CRC the EEPROM that we've just written
    info.crc = get_crc(io, fc->addr, fc->bytes);            

    send_flash_message(& info, sizeof(info));
Example #2
static void flash_slot(FlashIO* io, FlashSlot* fc)
#if defined(ALLOW_VERBOSE)
    if (debug_fn) {
        char buff[32];
        snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), 
                (int) fc->req_id,
    // Write Record
    const uint16_t size = sizeof(fc->entry);
    const uint32_t offset = fc->slot * size;
    FlashWritten info;

    info.cmd = FLASH_WRITTEN;
    info.req_id = fc->req_id;
    info.addr = offset;
    info.bytes = 0;

    // Do the write
    if (fc->slot <= MAX_SLOTS) {
        info.bytes = flash_save(io, offset, size, (uint8_t*) & fc->entry);
        // CRC the EEPROM that we've just written
        info.crc = get_crc(io, offset, size);            
    send_flash_message(& info, sizeof(info));
Example #3
File: asic.c Project: zyh329/CEmu
bool asic_save(emu_image *s) {
    s->deviceType = asic.deviceType;

    return backlight_save(s)
           && control_save(s)
           && cpu_save(s)
           && flash_save(s)
           && intrpt_save(s)
           && keypad_save(s)
           && lcd_save(s)
           && mem_save(s)
           && watchdog_save(s)
           && protect_save(s)
           && rtc_save(s)
           && sha256_save(s)
           && gpt_save(s)
           && usb_save(s)
           && cxxx_save(s)
           && dxxx_save(s)
           && exxx_save(s)
           && sched_save(s);
Example #4
static void i2c_rx_irq(enum sys_message msg)
    uint8_t *flash_addr = FLASH_ADDR;

    uint8_t cmd = i2c_rx_buff[0];
    uint8_t arg = i2c_rx_buff[1];
    uint8_t mute_st = i2c_rx_buff[2];
    uint8_t vol_r = i2c_rx_buff[3];
    uint8_t vol_l = i2c_rx_buff[4];

    switch (cmd) {

        case M_CMD_WRITE:
            if (arg == 2) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_C;
            } else if (arg == 3) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_D;
            } else {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_B;
            flash_save(flash_addr, (void *)&s, sizeof(s));

        case M_CMD_READ:
            if (arg == 2) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_C;
            } else if (arg == 3) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_D;
            } else {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_B;

        case M_CMD_VOL:
            if ((0 < arg) && (arg < 7) && ((mute_st == MUTE) || (mute_st == UNMUTE))) {
                pga_set_volume(arg, vol_r, vol_l, 1, 1);
                if (mute_st != mixer_get_mute_struct(arg)) {
                    if (mute_st == MUTE) {
                        pga_set_mute_st(arg, MUTE, 1);
                    } else { 
                        pga_set_mute_st(arg, UNMUTE, 1);

        case M_CMD_MUTE:
            if ((0 < arg) && (arg < 7)) {
                pga_set_mute_st(arg, MUTE, 1);

        case M_CMD_UNMUTE:
            if ((0 < arg) && (arg < 7)) {
                pga_set_mute_st(arg, UNMUTE, 1);

    i2c_rx_rdy = 1;
Example #5
static void uart1_rx_irq(enum sys_message msg)
    uint16_t u16;
    uint8_t p;
    uint8_t pga, ch, left = 0, right = 0;
    uint8_t *flash_addr = FLASH_ADDR;
    char *input;
    uint8_t *ptr;
    uint8_t allfine = 0;

    input = (char *)uart1_rx_buf;

    p = input[0];
    if (p > 97) {
        p -= 32;

    if ((p == 63) || (p == M_CMD_HELP)) {       // [h?]
    } else if (p == M_CMD_SHOW) {        // [s]how settings
        uart1_tx_str("ok\r\n", 4);
    } else if (p == M_CMD_WRITE) {       // [w]rite to flash
        if (str_to_uint16(input, &u16, 1, 1, 1, 3)) {
            if (u16 == 1) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_B;
            } else if (u16 == 2) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_C;
            } else if (u16 == 3) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_D;
            flash_save(flash_addr, (void *)&s, sizeof(s));
            uart1_tx_str("ok\r\n", 4);
    } else if (p == M_CMD_READ) {       // [r]ead from flash
        if (str_to_uint16(input, &u16, 1, 1, 1, 3)) {
            if (u16 == 1) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_B;
            } else if (u16 == 2) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_C;
            } else if (u16 == 3) {
                flash_addr = SEGMENT_D;
            uart1_tx_str("ok\r\n", 4);
    } else if (p == M_CMD_MUTE) {       // [m]ute pga
        if (str_to_uint16(input, &u16, 1, 1, 1, 6)) {
            pga = u16;
            pga_set_mute_st(pga, MUTE, 1);
            uart1_tx_str("ok\r\n", 4);
    } else if (p == M_CMD_UNMUTE) {     // [u]nmute pga
        if (str_to_uint16(input, &u16, 1, 1, 1, 6)) {
            pga = u16;
            pga_set_mute_st(pga, UNMUTE, 1);
            uart1_tx_str("ok\r\n", 4);
    } else if (p == M_CMD_VOL) {       // [v]olume set
        if (str_to_uint16(input, &u16, 1, 1, 1, 6)) {
            pga = u16;
            ch = input[2];
            if (str_to_uint16(input, &u16, 3, strlen(input) - 3, 0, 255)) {
                ptr = (uint8_t *) & s.v1_r;
                if (ch == 98) {
                    // 'b' - change both channels
                    right = u16;
                    left = u16;
                    allfine = 1;
                } else if (ch == 114) {
                    // 'r' - only change the right channel
                    right = u16;
                    left = *(ptr + (pga * 2 - 2) + 1);
                    allfine = 1;
                } else if (ch == 108) {
                    // 'l' - only change the left channel
                    right = *(ptr + (pga * 2 - 2));
                    left = u16;
                    allfine = 1;
                if (allfine) {
                    pga_set_volume(pga, right, left, 1, 1);
                    uart1_tx_str("ok\r\n", 4);
    //snprintf(str_temp, TEMP_LEN, "D 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\r\n", input[0], input[1], input[2]);
    //uart1_tx_str(str_temp, strlen(str_temp));

    uart1_p = 0;
    uart1_rx_enable = 1;